Its a shame we never get a zombie movie that's from the political side of things just as everything goes off, sort of like the book world war Z but just a little before. It's always way more interesting and honestly more hopeful in a weird way to see people doing everything they can to stop something seemingly unstoppable.
@@dsaam2186Not really. Russia's arsenal isn't well maintained. Their bomb yields would decrease and many rockets are in poor shape. The military is riddled with graft.
@@Soldier_Cat_tututuit was likely more than that considering that all the wheat and rice were infected with cordycep which was all ready exported in part of world to be consumed
@@Soldier_Cat_tututuprobably more than most people realize. Communicable disease growth is exponential and humans are an exceptional transportation vector. We're relatively fast on foot, we're a social animal so we live in large communities, we're apex predators so we're not generally on guard or expecting an attack. Also, as covid showed us, a large number of our species are exceptionally "dim." Calling a pandemic a hoax and actively ignoring quarantine guidelines isn't going to help 😂
I wish they'd kept the pre-credit scenes all season. This one, and that talk-show scene from episode one, were among the best and most chilling moments of the series.
Agreed. There was a potentially good one set up for episode 3: we could see how the crashed plane Joe and Ellie found actually came down (from the pilot's POV, for example).
@@KeltonTitan Flour in the factory was the source, contaminated by cordyseps, so she may have already been infected. When they picked her up she was having lunch. Anything served with flour was infected.
@@luisgalvan2793And she knew that it's more important for the bombs to drop NOW than it is for her life to be spared or even to get a few minutes to be with her family again. This was such an incredible tone setter.
The sheer terror in the generals face when even the lady scientist went straight to the last containment measures. Hell, if they had nukes, she probably would have suggested that instead.
Right?! If I was not following the game, I would've expected "contain, contain, destroy" but NO. With our prior knowledge, everything was done for. 😢 Poor them.
Sucks that she's not involved anymore in season 2. Even in flashback scenes. She executed this 8 minutes acting to perfection. Take notes aspiring actors!
She technically asked "how are the other workers?" And he said, "14 are missing." The translation leads us to think she asked about MISSING coworkers, when she just asked about their health status. She wasn't even expecting any missing people so that was a surprise. Before receiving this info, if she was doing some optimistic math of containment and thought that maybe with good measures, they could stop the spread; the surprise reveal of 14 missing totally shattered her math and, therefore, hope. That's why she *suddenly* started shaking. There was some hope prior to that. This was kinda lost in translation
@davidelizondo6530 yes I do. I speak malay primarily, but Indonesian is a close cousin in a lot of ways. I said "kinda lost" cuz the words were all there, just not where they should be
Curious thing, note how this scene inverts the usual "military and scientist" convention in apocalyptic fiction where the scientist tries to look for more humane ways to save people and tries to keep hope, where as the military tends to think more radically and trigger happy. In here it is the military man who explains they want to save people and make a vaccine if possible, and the scientist is the one who suggests the radical option as the only one remotely viable
Which is actually more made sense in my opinion, military first purpose is to protect the country and safe as many people as they could (bombing everything would be not on their 1st agenda), while scientist are more logical "if there's no time to contain it then destroy it immediately" kind of solution.
Yup. AND she has a family. She's probably a grandma. And she's crying a bit when she says it, but she's straight-up saying it - we're all dead already, blast us and we might save the others.
The writing in The Last Of Us in general does that really well. It's interpretation of infected via fungus is also much more interesting than both traditional and other modern zombies too. They're not really zombies. Like the way the infected are self aware even after their body is starting to be taken over and even as they kill at first (runner phase makes them extremely angry and violent). They fall and have less precise movement (like being dragged around like puppets) as the Cordyceps has further to go in the brain. Delves more into body horror. I think one early in the first game was crying and getting sick in vain as it didn't want to eat.
Absolute stellar acting by these two on both their parts. The scientist showing extreme worry and hopelessness at the face of a potential worldwide catastrophe and the military general looking for some kind of solution to this but only getting-wait for it- hoplessness.
Sucks that she's not involved anymore in season 2. Even in flashback scenes. She executed this 8 minutes acting to perfection. Take notes aspiring actors!
I’m not joking when I say I think this is one of the most chilling and frightening cold opens of a show ever. Actually scarier than some of the stuff in the actual show.
At this point of my life, I feel no fear in horror movies, but this scene alone gives me chills and make me tear up, I have no control, I was terrified
this is one of my favourite kinds of horror lol, scares delivered through realisation! i would also recommend you the quite new movie New Life, I'd recommend going in without spoilers.
@@gronizherz3603 I am terrified of ghosts, spirits and stuff like that. I know, I know, they probably don't exist. But, I have this irrational fear of the dark that I cannot explain. Anyway, I usually don't watch horror stuff. The movie you recommended, is it full of jump scares? I am grown arse man in my early 40s. I would like to watch some decent horror flick. Please recommend. Thanks mate.
What makes this scene more unique & shocking is that in most movies & shows it's the military that's all "bomb everything," but here it's the scientist saying it since they know that mankind is doomed.
What's even more effective is that because the audience is seeing it from the experts perspective, it influences us into agreeing with her terrifying decision because we know it's the right choice despite the horrible cost.
The mutated Cordyceps was already being shipped away from Indonesia as spores in the flour. That's why the infection sprung up everywhere out of seemingly nowhere. Basically everyone eats products made from grains. The ones who survived were the ones who didn't eat the contaminated grain-based products. Joel and Sarah actually have a few close calls with infected flour. In the first episode, they cannot have pancakes in the morning due to not having pancake mix, they turn down the neighbors' biscuits, Sarah refuses to eat the raisin cookies, and Joel forgets to pick up a birthday cake. The old wheelchair-bound neighbour, is instead shown eating a flour-based product... and turns.
You can hear the faint sound of sirens in the background around 1:05. Could be a coincidence but it would be logical to assume that shit's already hitting the fan and we're in the very early stages of police and paramedics responding to an uptick in what they think is civil disorder or drunk/high/mentally disturbed people acting crazy. Even here while they're having a conversation about logistics over tea they're likely just hours away from full-blowm pandemonium.
That’s why zombie/infected media scares me the most. Especially the last of us, like imagine being one of the first infected, eating pancakes for breakfast, going to work. You’re okay, but you have a bit of a headache. But it gets worse, the pain increases and spreads behind your eyes, pounding in your skull. You come off work and nearly crash your car on the way home, your hands have been twitching badly for no reason. Home, finally, you take twice as much paracetamol that you’d normally be allowed and it doesn’t help, it’s debilitating at this point, you know somethings wrong. You barely manage to dial the last digit into 911 and gasp out ‘Ambulance’ before succumbing to spasms and jerks. They break down your door and you feel yourself get up without wanting to, you can’t think, there’s only pain and the unbearable itchiness of your skin, the only thought you can manage is a repeat of it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurtsithurtsithurtsithurts-. The paramedics come in and call out to you, tears roll down your cheeks as you charge at them.
As soon as she puts the tea down she realizes its too late I couldn’t imagine being the one calculating the certainty of the end of the world and knowing there’s nothing to be done
Which is bummer considering she was given a cup of tea For Indonesians, any sort of bad encounters, whether you just passed out for hearing bad news, you are getting possessed by devil, seeing a supranatural or UFO encounters, or just to clear the haze for a serious decisions, tea will always be served
Imagine being the poor military guy who has to tell his higher ups and officials, that the expert they put all their hope on, just roles them to kiss their behinds goodbye. I feel for BOTH, I'd say, him AND her. But you're also absolutely right, it must be a horrific feeling, especially since she studied this specific thing all her life, she had ALL the facts and the surefire outcome all lined up in her mind.
It was too late even before the 14 went missing. The flour was contaminated, which means it had already been exported, sold, bought, and consumed by thousands, if not millions of people. You can assume everyone in that factory was infected; a factory that could have thousands of workers. It was a doomed situation right from the get-go.
In addition, the flour mill was said is in the western part of the city (i assume it's in Jakarta since it was on the prologue anyway) And let me tell you this, West Jakarta is one of the densest part of Jakarta and many high density neighborhood exist there. Think any dense slum in other parts of the world like Dharavi or Favuela, but a bit cleaner. That's West Jakarta in general. (I know exactly this because i live in Jembatan Besi district for 20 years and working in Tambora district for 3 years. I know what i'm talking) So, putting just 14 zombies in a highly dense population centre is a final nail in the coffin. Jakarta were basically dead by that point, no matter what effort will be done. And the doctor would knew that as well (i can't even imagine if i will survive in that situation 😅)
@@jeaniebeanie6 I dont get this flour scenario. It doesnt make any sense. If you use flour for food you process it. You bake it. In cakes, bread etc. And high temperature in oven kills everything from bacteria, viruses even fungus.
The actress did a great job in this scene, when she heard the number 14 and her hands started shaking, amazing. Also, great job in not showing the commanders face until she said there is no cure and he looks so worried.
I used to joke that Indonesia my country are pretty much the last place an apocalyptic incident would happened because how uknown "Indonesia" is in the west. Alien invasion? America, Earthquake? yellowstone America, Zombies? fictional US town Racoon city America, etc. Then to my suprise TLoU suddenly confirmed that the Cordyceps ground zero spread are from Jakarta (my hometown) just because Jakarta have the biggest flour mill in the world owned by Bogasari which suprising because majority of indonesian eat rice as a staple food and not bread, but kinda explained because majority of those flour are used to make the world famous instant noodle "Indomie" lmao. Kudos to Christine Hakim for her exceptional acting in these particular scene, its really hit homes and more scarier when the language, settings and actor are actually your own people.
Negara kita itu berpulau-pulau artinya selama ada pencegahan dari infeksi luar(*macam covid misalnya) itu sebenarnya bakal aman, tapi kalau pemerintah gegabah orang luar bisa masuk keluar seenaknya ya wassalam... Disisi lain andai virusnya datang dari dalam negeri ya sebenarnya lebih gampang kontrol juga(*macam virus flu burung) biar gak nyebar ke negara atau pulau lain... Di film ini agak rancu, karna penyebarannya bukan cuma manusia ke manusia tapi juga melalui roti yg diproduksi di Jakarta dan menginfeksi beberapa orang di luar negeri.
@@Stfu_saipul berpulau2 kalau sudah saling terhubung oleh transportasi ya percuma, anggap aja semua kapal ferry atau pesawat terbang itu sebagai jembatan antar pulau, kecuali anda ngomongin pulau kecil tak berpenghuni nah baru tuh aman dari penyebaran virus/etc. Semua wabah infeksi/virus itu mengacu pada "patient zero/index case" dimana pasien pertama yang ditemukan/diketahui itu menggambarkan kemungkinan besar bahwa penyakit ini sudah menyebar jauh karena biasanya penyakit seperti contoh covid itu memiliki waktu inkubasi kurang lebih 3-5 hari dimana dalam waktu segitu pasti sudah beratus2 atau ribu2 orang sudah tertular dan menyebar karena orang itu bertransportasi terus menerus. Makanya pada saat jendral di TLoU memberi tahu christine hakim soal ada yang berhasil kabur dia langsung minta kota jakarta dibom karena segalanya sudah terlambat karena penyebarannya bukan hanya dari zombie, namun dari terigu yang sudah tercemar oleh fungi cordyceps. Klo dari lore cerita TLoU, itu tepung bogasari dijakarta diekspor ke seluruh dunia untuk dibuat cookie/kue, makanya penyebaran cordyceps ada diseluruh dunia.
@hdturner1 if the island is other island (Sumatra, Borneo, Celebes) who has smaller population and (we have to admit) not very good infrastructure), this might be possible But Java, on the other hand, is populous and better infrastructure. Quarantining entire island would be a blow both in Indonesian economy, and society
@@jmckendry84 for a scene where the inevitable end of human civilisation is foreshadowed, I think the slow in crescendo approach works the best. Just slowly letting the disturbing facts sink in
Because people may be interested -- the general's medals are, in order from top to bottom, his right to left: -- Bintang Yudha Dharma Nararya (Grand Meritorious Military Order Star Third Class) -- Bintang Kartika Eka Pakçi Nararya (Army Meritorious Service Star Third Class) -- Satyalancana Kesetiaan 24 tahun (Air Force Military Faithful Service Medal -- 24 years) -- Satyalacana Dwidwa Sistha (Medal for Service as a Military Educator) -- Bintang Swa Bhuwana Pakça Pratama (Air Force Meritorious Service Star -- 3 awards) -- Satyalancana Wira Karya (Medal for Providing an Example of Meritorious Personality) -- Satyalancana Dharma Olahraga (Medal for Contribution in Sports)
@@iw2751 All of the awards are related, which means their Googling was pretty on. Military people in higher positions often become educators, I have known several myself. Plus with his 24 Year medal, that's plenty of time for a go-getter to get 3 awards in the Air Force for great performance. He seems pretty level-headed and reasonable for a military leader in fiction, which also explains the Sports Contribution. Sports are EXTREMELY important in the military. Apart from physical workouts, it teaches leadership and teamwork as well as relieving stress in soldiers. Dude probably was also a coach given his other leadership roles, which probably lead to his medal. All of it works out my guy. It's a very good case of 1+1=3, where all your skills cross each other and you achieve more than you would as separate ones. Leadership, teamwork, problem solving, fast-paced thinking, all of it is in what he is doing. Military people can go hard. If you want to see unbelievable feats, look up Desmond Doss. They have to decrease the things he has done in movies, because it's so over-the-top Hollywood can't convince you that he actually did them. He did, and more. Russia also has one, Georgy Zhukov.
This scene is not going out of my head. It gives me the chills. No cheap stuff. No jumping dead corpses or something like that. Until he revealed 14 workers are missing she still had hope. Then everything is crushed. Just a scientist doing the math in her head and knowing that mankind is doomed. Stellar acting.
The scenes from Indonesia are probably some of my favorite pre outbreak scenes in any "zombie" type series or film. Theres no confusion beyond not knowing how to stop it. They take precautions, they run tests, they as experts. No surprises, just the realization that theres nothing they can do, no matter how they prepared.
I would totally watch an all-Indonesian-cast-set-in-Jakarta-prequel to The Last of Us, focusing on the first few days of the outbreak. I hope Christine Hakim will come back as the doctor.
Watch the show !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!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Bro I am terrified of climate change, imagine what the previous doctor said about when the world get harmer, funguses could evolve and turn into a parasite, turned reality? @@rimut230
Outstanding acting. Two senior people in their roles, who’ve seen a lot of the world, really conveying the gravity of the situation. Excellent efficient storytelling, delivered by excellent performances
My best friend and roommate and I watched this show religiously from day one. It was his favorite videogame. Its the only show I ever made sure to catch the newest episode instead of streaming it after the fact. He died in our house before the finale. I'll watch the next season for him.
Probably atomic or nuclear bombs could have worked, by introducing massive and thorough and radical gen mutations on all living being caught within the said bomb radiation zone.. But maybe not.. Living in the world of Metro 2033 sort of in reality is hell on earth.
@@agurjaunakunfortunately no. The fungus had already spread through the grain at this point. The only way to have contained it is by destroying the city and making sure NONE of the exported grains or other food survived. By this point thst could not be fone
@@pupster8956probably not hydrogen or other thermonuclear munitions that would incinerate everything anything within its blast radius or radiation zone.. But a very specialized neutron based nuclear munitions which during the cold war both sides actively developed and maintained quite a number.. This neutron base was designed to k**ll any organic life form by completely destroyed its cell while keep the other inorganic things except those which within the bomb's blast radius quite intact.. It is a tactical nuclear munition, so the neutrons would decay and the radiation cleared within weeks.. Yes, it still would wipe out any living being within the targeted city.. Still the damages inflicted calculated to be within acceptable..
WTF!! YT deleted my comment just because it contains general knowledge about the RnD of neutron bombs during the cold war by both sides.. and why that very bomb might have worked to absolutely prevent the spreading of the fungus.. Although its usage still would exacting heavy toll on the city's residents.. That is total and absolute extinction of any living or organic life forms..
1:27 i really want to note this, what she ask is "how about the other's conditions" with a thought that the factory already contained with everyone in it, she ask if they are fine or already mutated, but instead she's informed 14 missing. it is not the 14 that scares her but the *missing*
@@elmatilda the translation not entirely wrong but missing context probably due to indonesian as language can be contextual language like japanese and the translator missed the point of the question. to explain it, she asks about other workers condition about their health status (are they fine or starting to being aggressive), the literal translation is "then, what about the other workers?". she's asking about other workers, not the ones that involved, instead the general tells her "14 missing". to explain her terrified reaction, it means the 14 workers already infected and spreading the disease to pretty much anyone they can find as they are missing (untrackable). so, if one can infecting 3, then 14 can infecting 42 and it will be multiplied faster due to lack of knowledge in regular people. that's why she's basically say they are doomed and no get out
So if they ar least knew where they were sued he calm-ish. They can handle it. They can purge them 14 missing? They could be literally fucking anywhere and god knows its in alleys and secluded areas spreading it further.
What a powerful performance by them both. The general is trying to project strength despite his clear fear. The professor had, up until this point, appeared perfectly level headed. But at the end, she lets it all drop and, despite her knowledge and wisdom, is just a scared old lady. Really hammers in how it was too late.
2:05 "Bapak..." this short, somber emphasis to a dramatic precursor didn't get translated, to those who know it made the scene extra eerie. It simply meant _"Sir......."_ followed by a pause - which we all know when spoken in that tone in any language usually means _"whatever I'm gonna say next we're already as good as ffffd"_ lol.
i really really REALLY love the details when she heard that 14 people is missing, her shaking while holding her tear knowing that the infection will increase rapidly in a matter of just 2 hours, the amount of hopelessness in the scene is really emphasize in this only scene, GOD I LOVE IT
What really gets me is what she says after she advises the General to carpet bomb the city. "Can someone please drive me home, I'd like to be with my family" - essentially saying "There's no chance this works, regardless of what you do, the end has come, and I'd like to say my goodbyes while I still have the chance".
It was scenes like this that made this show so interesting. Not the constant need to recreate the game in a tv series. What we needed and wanted was context, not adaptation.
You can build tension, add jumpscares, but that educated, terrified woman, that asked to be with her family.. I lost a bit of hope I didn't even know I still had
Apparently the actress was hesitant to do this because she was caring for her sick husband and mother at the time but her grand-niece, a fan of the games, convinced her to do it along with her husband. The traditional scarves and jewelry worn by the actress are her real belongings.
This entire scene was masterfully written and acted. The tension is so sharp and the stakes feel real. Kudos to both of these actors for perfectly conveying their fear.
Ratna: 'What about the other workers?' General: '14 people is missing..' She was hoping the situation was already contained, and then she realized it's over.
I've watched this several times since I watched the show, and these two actors--they are magnificent. From the way she rattles the cup, her hands shaking as she puts it down, to the look on his face when she says "Bomb this city and everyone in it", I mean, wow. This is such powerful, understated acting, and it gives me chills every time I see it.
Christine Hakim is a legend in Indonesian and Asian cinema; I remember her films from the 70's and 80's (yes, a long time ago). It was a wonderful surprise to see her in this show.
christine hakim... have seen her movies since "Cut Nja' Dhien". when she plays a role you'll get this feeling that it's not a play, but a real one. for me she'll always a Cut Nja' Dhien, best indonesian actress ever
This gave me chills when I first saw it and still does every time I rewatch this series! Seriously wish they kept these intros going the whole series but this was phenomenal
She did a great job with this scene as soon as the guy said fourteen her hands started shaking and her body language completely changed. Love this show❤
I think the moment she realized the end for humanity was certain was when she reached into the mouth of that cadaver and pulled out a clump of cordyceps that physically reached for her.
Love how the soldier asked about medicinal/non lethal methods first rather than automatically assuming "kill on sight"/destroy first examine later methods. The fact that the Mycrologist is telling him its game over without bombings truly terrifies him.
With out a single monster on it this is one of the most terrifying scenes on media. The fact that she knew how bad thing where right now and how much worse they will get tell it all.
This scene and the one from the first episode really are mini-masterpieces in their own right. They really set the tension for the series. It was perfect.
I love how the soldier actor portray the character as speechless and confused, he's a frontman of battle but absolutely don't know what to do when facing a threat he's not trained to fight
Like when Jared Harris in "Chernobyl" saw the graphite burning on the roof. He was like - "Well, that's that". When a scientist is mortally afraid, be scared. They did the math.
Given the radio news heard in episode one stated civil unrest in jakarta, and not that it was being bombed to smithereens. I think it's safe to conclude that the military didn't follow her advice. Though, it wouldn't have made a difference anyway.
@@falconeshieldThe flour was contaminated by then and being shipped across the world. That doesn't count anyone who was infected from handling the wheat, people who could become violent at any moment
Even the General was taken aback by her statement to bomb the city. He was probably expecting her to say there was little chance of hope but something could be done. The fact that *she* told him that they have to bomb the city tells him how dire this really is. She’s not a psychopath or a fool, and this terrified him more than the fungus itself because she knew exactly what she was talking about and said it anyways. As someone said she knew it was over with two hours and 14 missing.
As a Indonesian, I'm proud of Mrs. Christine Hakim performance in this series. No wonder she is the one of the legend actress in Indonesia because of her acting is incredible as always, I Always love any movie/series she played
I'm Indonesian. And this scene gave me chill down to the spine. Their acting in this short scene just so good. And I can understand all of the things their saying literally. The tone, the choice of the word she said, the pause. It's just perfect.
something kind of terrifying in this case is that: 1. the fact that it first appeared in Indonesia, being a tropical country with pretty much an identical climate across the archipelago means the fungal infection and spores will linger and survive as long as there's suitable areas even after scorch earth was implemented 2. Indonesia isn't a military super power that has the resource to glass cities at short notice, no nukes, barely any bombers, and limited bombs stockpile. even if the order to glass jakarta is handed out, the operations will probably be already too late when it's being rolled out let alone completed
I've studied mycology as well. So at the very beginning where the professor is sitting alone, upright, tense, and rubbing her hands... that's literally a fleeing posture. I can literally hear her brain going "no... a human host? No. That can't be...... But I saw.... How can this even happen? What happened to temperature?"
I have spent over 40yrs watching and studying the greatest movies of all time, a movie buff does not explain me, more like a movie nutcase. I find this scence extremely impactful and made me crave to watch this series. Very very good indeed.
Never noticed this but I love how you can hear ambulance sirens at 1:05, if it ain't a coincidence then it could be a way of the scene showing just how shit is already starting to go downhill from this point on. Really subtle 👌
Correct me if I'm wrong but the scariest part about these openings is the realism. Same as with 28 weeks later. It's not the zombies or the infected, which they are, but the realization that it could actually happen and how little we can do to contain it or how easily we would fail to do so.
I find the best parts of zombie/apocalypse movies are when things are just starting to crumble.
Its a shame we never get a zombie movie that's from the political side of things just as everything goes off, sort of like the book world war Z but just a little before. It's always way more interesting and honestly more hopeful in a weird way to see people doing everything they can to stop something seemingly unstoppable.
Some of us if stay alive for long enough might possibly witness a nuclear annihilation sooner than when we think. Sadly.
@@dsaam2186Not really. Russia's arsenal isn't well maintained. Their bomb yields would decrease and many rockets are in poor shape. The military is riddled with graft.
@@maluse227Shin Godzilla might interest you
Agreed. I also like to know how governments react to it. I'm tired of seeing it from the perspective of the people on the ground
She heard: "2 hours" and "14 missing".. She knew it was over.
Just imagine what 14 workers did to other people in 2 hours. I guess there's a lot more people getting infected in that hour...
And she was too late. Spores were already sent out all over the world being in flour. So the bombing was for nothing
@@Soldier_Cat_tututuit was likely more than that considering that all the wheat and rice were infected with cordycep which was all ready exported in part of world to be consumed
@@Soldier_Cat_tututuprobably more than most people realize. Communicable disease growth is exponential and humans are an exceptional transportation vector.
We're relatively fast on foot, we're a social animal so we live in large communities, we're apex predators so we're not generally on guard or expecting an attack.
Also, as covid showed us, a large number of our species are exceptionally "dim." Calling a pandemic a hoax and actively ignoring quarantine guidelines isn't going to help 😂
she knew she and everybody else was cooked at that point
I wish they'd kept the pre-credit scenes all season. This one, and that talk-show scene from episode one, were among the best and most chilling moments of the series.
Yes. All the other ones are shit.
These scenes are still in the show. 🤔
@@pjhey947 Pretty sure he meant he wished every episode had a pre-credit scene
Agreed. There was a potentially good one set up for episode 3: we could see how the crashed plane Joe and Ellie found actually came down (from the pilot's POV, for example).
@@YenZin108 Thanks. I understand now. I guess I need to work on my reading comprehension. Lol
She doesn’t ask for her family to be spared. She doesn’t ask to be taken to a safe place. She wants to be with her family and die with them.
Damn… I was hoping she would reappear by chance in later seasons ☹️
That's why this scene is so terrifying.
thats because she knew it was already late for her , and him , and everyone in that city...
@@KeltonTitan Flour in the factory was the source, contaminated by cordyseps, so she may have already been infected. When they picked her up she was having lunch. Anything served with flour was infected.
@@luisgalvan2793And she knew that it's more important for the bombs to drop NOW than it is for her life to be spared or even to get a few minutes to be with her family again. This was such an incredible tone setter.
The sheer terror in the generals face when even the lady scientist went straight to the last containment measures. Hell, if they had nukes, she probably would have suggested that instead.
Right?! If I was not following the game, I would've expected "contain, contain, destroy" but NO. With our prior knowledge, everything was done for. 😢 Poor them.
@@shealupkes No, they were in Jakarta.
nukes would had made it worser because any leftover could mutated due radiation
We do have just hidden like other none nuke country
@@toni2004560...or possibly napalm...
This was a chilling scene, Not only her brutal honesty but that she realized how serious it was
This scene was the first time a movie had ever given me goose bumps.. 😬
When you realize that you are basically dead, and there is nothing you can do about it.
The moment she heard about the who bit who, And 14 people missing....She knew it was the end.
A rzeczy samej
Sucks that she's not involved anymore in season 2. Even in flashback scenes. She executed this 8 minutes acting to perfection. Take notes aspiring actors!
She technically asked "how are the other workers?" And he said, "14 are missing." The translation leads us to think she asked about MISSING coworkers, when she just asked about their health status.
She wasn't even expecting any missing people so that was a surprise. Before receiving this info, if she was doing some optimistic math of containment and thought that maybe with good measures, they could stop the spread; the surprise reveal of 14 missing totally shattered her math and, therefore, hope. That's why she *suddenly* started shaking. There was some hope prior to that. This was kinda lost in translation
Thank you for this information
What you mean by "kinda lost" in translation? Do you speak their language?
@@davidelizondo6530 Yes, he does.
@davidelizondo6530 yes I do. I speak malay primarily, but Indonesian is a close cousin in a lot of ways.
I said "kinda lost" cuz the words were all there, just not where they should be
Curious thing, note how this scene inverts the usual "military and scientist" convention in apocalyptic fiction where the scientist tries to look for more humane ways to save people and tries to keep hope, where as the military tends to think more radically and trigger happy.
In here it is the military man who explains they want to save people and make a vaccine if possible, and the scientist is the one who suggests the radical option as the only one remotely viable
Which is actually more made sense in my opinion, military first purpose is to protect the country and safe as many people as they could (bombing everything would be not on their 1st agenda), while scientist are more logical "if there's no time to contain it then destroy it immediately" kind of solution.
Cuz it’s an asian military not those trigger happy psychopaths in the West 😂
Yup. AND she has a family. She's probably a grandma. And she's crying a bit when she says it, but she's straight-up saying it - we're all dead already, blast us and we might save the others.
@@VisplightThat breaks my heart 😢
The writing in The Last Of Us in general does that really well. It's interpretation of infected via fungus is also much more interesting than both traditional and other modern zombies too. They're not really zombies. Like the way the infected are self aware even after their body is starting to be taken over and even as they kill at first (runner phase makes them extremely angry and violent). They fall and have less precise movement (like being dragged around like puppets) as the Cordyceps has further to go in the brain. Delves more into body horror. I think one early in the first game was crying and getting sick in vain as it didn't want to eat.
Absolute stellar acting by these two on both their parts. The scientist showing extreme worry and hopelessness at the face of a potential worldwide catastrophe and the military general looking for some kind of solution to this but only getting-wait for it- hoplessness.
Yes - those actors were both absolutely stellar. "What do we do?"
Amen. Just two people sitting In chairs having a conversation. it's amazing what good scriptwriting and acting can do.
I agree. this is some amazing acting.
Sucks that she's not involved anymore in season 2. Even in flashback scenes. She executed this 8 minutes acting to perfection. Take notes aspiring actors!
the militery man beside the madame ministry of healt is passed away last year after shoting this series. his name is yayu unru.
Such a shame. He was a superb actor.
@@OceanHedgehog he was sick bro 💔
That's a shame 😞
@@OceanHedgehog he is such a legend in Indonesia, great acting
That escalated softly but soooo quickly. What a masterpiece of acting. Bravo
Christine Hakim is one of Indonesia's veteran actress. She plays her roles with with heart and soul.
I’m not joking when I say I think this is one of the most chilling and frightening cold opens of a show ever. Actually scarier than some of the stuff in the actual show.
At this point of my life, I feel no fear in horror movies, but this scene alone gives me chills and make me tear up, I have no control, I was terrified
The series never topped this scene tbh
this is one of my favourite kinds of horror lol, scares delivered through realisation!
i would also recommend you the quite new movie New Life, I'd recommend going in without spoilers.
the very first cold open, the talk show about viruses from 1968 was top as well
@@gronizherz3603 I am terrified of ghosts, spirits and stuff like that. I know, I know, they probably don't exist. But, I have this irrational fear of the dark that I cannot explain.
Anyway, I usually don't watch horror stuff. The movie you recommended, is it full of jump scares?
I am grown arse man in my early 40s. I would like to watch some decent horror flick. Please recommend. Thanks mate.
What makes this scene more unique & shocking is that in most movies & shows it's the military that's all "bomb everything," but here it's the scientist saying it since they know that mankind is doomed.
Exactly. It's not some "dumb soldiers wants boom boom" trope but a well-reasoned, experienced scientist who made a cold, rational decision.
People would be surprised to learn how hestiant the military actually is when it comes to bombing their own population.
the clear shock from the general in his eyes .. terrific acting top notch
Excellent observation bro 😮
What's even more effective is that because the audience is seeing it from the experts perspective, it influences us into agreeing with her terrifying decision because we know it's the right choice despite the horrible cost.
Same vibes as “it’s not 3.6 roentgen, it’s 15000”
yes! it shows that TLOU is being made by the same people who made Chernobyl. Both brilliant.
@@Rene315-v5i exactly, Craig Mazin
That explai ! I love when movie tells us these sublime things. @@Rene315-v5i
not great, not terrible
@@jack6539 lol
“Are any other workers missing?”
She knew humanity was doomed when she heard that number.
The mutated Cordyceps was already being shipped away from Indonesia as spores in the flour. That's why the infection sprung up everywhere out of seemingly nowhere. Basically everyone eats products made from grains. The ones who survived were the ones who didn't eat the contaminated grain-based products.
Joel and Sarah actually have a few close calls with infected flour. In the first episode, they cannot have pancakes in the morning due to not having pancake mix, they turn down the neighbors' biscuits, Sarah refuses to eat the raisin cookies, and Joel forgets to pick up a birthday cake. The old wheelchair-bound neighbour, is instead shown eating a flour-based product... and turns.
No, she knew the city was compromised. She didn't think all of humanity was f**ked at that point.
@@splinter360 oh she knew. The bombing of the city was never going to work cause the flour had already been shipped.
@@007Dirtysouth she did not fortunately
@@patrickmendez1931 Why you assume that? Did I miss this part lol. She absolutely knew that bombing was 99% not gonna work. But they had to try
RIP Yayu Unru, the Indonesian actor who played the general. He died in December 2023 of a heart attack.
May he rest in peace, he’s forever cemented himself in a work of art that can’t be forgotten.
R.I.P 🙏🏼😞
You can hear the faint sound of sirens in the background around 1:05. Could be a coincidence but it would be logical to assume that shit's already hitting the fan and we're in the very early stages of police and paramedics responding to an uptick in what they think is civil disorder or drunk/high/mentally disturbed people acting crazy. Even here while they're having a conversation about logistics over tea they're likely just hours away from full-blowm pandemonium.
Nice catch!
Same thought
That’s why zombie/infected media scares me the most. Especially the last of us, like imagine being one of the first infected, eating pancakes for breakfast, going to work. You’re okay, but you have a bit of a headache. But it gets worse, the pain increases and spreads behind your eyes, pounding in your skull. You come off work and nearly crash your car on the way home, your hands have been twitching badly for no reason.
Home, finally, you take twice as much paracetamol that you’d normally be allowed and it doesn’t help, it’s debilitating at this point, you know somethings wrong. You barely manage to dial the last digit into 911 and gasp out ‘Ambulance’ before succumbing to spasms and jerks.
They break down your door and you feel yourself get up without wanting to, you can’t think, there’s only pain and the unbearable itchiness of your skin, the only thought you can manage is a repeat of it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurtsithurtsithurtsithurts-. The paramedics come in and call out to you, tears roll down your cheeks as you charge at them.
This was chilling, especially that paragraph. You should write horror
@@sevenheavens-gj9qqthis was really well written, the imagery is vivid
As soon as she puts the tea down she realizes its too late
I couldn’t imagine being the one calculating the certainty of the end of the world and knowing there’s nothing to be done
Which is bummer considering she was given a cup of tea
For Indonesians, any sort of bad encounters, whether you just passed out for hearing bad news, you are getting possessed by devil, seeing a supranatural or UFO encounters, or just to clear the haze for a serious decisions, tea will always be served
Now you have an inkling of real life climate scientists. There's a reason why many of them choose not to have kids
Imagine being the poor military guy who has to tell his higher ups and officials, that the expert they put all their hope on, just roles them to kiss their behinds goodbye. I feel for BOTH, I'd say, him AND her. But you're also absolutely right, it must be a horrific feeling, especially since she studied this specific thing all her life, she had ALL the facts and the surefire outcome all lined up in her mind.
Imagine a doctor having to speak out a death prognosis, then multiply it by 8 billion.
14 are missing. And it's been 30 hours. Damn, it's too late. 😭😭😭
30 hours. At God knows what the rate of contagion. Jesus.
It was too late even before the 14 went missing. The flour was contaminated, which means it had already been exported, sold, bought, and consumed by thousands, if not millions of people. You can assume everyone in that factory was infected; a factory that could have thousands of workers. It was a doomed situation right from the get-go.
In addition, the flour mill was said is in the western part of the city (i assume it's in Jakarta since it was on the prologue anyway)
And let me tell you this, West Jakarta is one of the densest part of Jakarta and many high density neighborhood exist there. Think any dense slum in other parts of the world like Dharavi or Favuela, but a bit cleaner. That's West Jakarta in general. (I know exactly this because i live in Jembatan Besi district for 20 years and working in Tambora district for 3 years. I know what i'm talking)
So, putting just 14 zombies in a highly dense population centre is a final nail in the coffin. Jakarta were basically dead by that point, no matter what effort will be done. And the doctor would knew that as well (i can't even imagine if i will survive in that situation 😅)
Time to call John Wick.
@@jeaniebeanie6 I dont get this flour scenario. It doesnt make any sense. If you use flour for food you process it. You bake it. In cakes, bread etc. And high temperature in oven kills everything from bacteria, viruses even fungus.
The actress did a great job in this scene, when she heard the number 14 and her hands started shaking, amazing. Also, great job in not showing the commanders face until she said there is no cure and he looks so worried.
Google her, she's the GOAT.
She is one of BEST OF THE BEST Indonesian Actress 😭. She even won Lifetime Achievement for her acting skill ❤
Sucks that they not getting her back for season 2, at least in flashback scenes. She executed those few minutes acting to perfection
she was Cut Nja' Dhien... 😁
She's one of our legendary actress, so yeah her acting skill is top notch
I used to joke that Indonesia my country are pretty much the last place an apocalyptic incident would happened because how uknown "Indonesia" is in the west. Alien invasion? America, Earthquake? yellowstone America, Zombies? fictional US town Racoon city America, etc.
Then to my suprise TLoU suddenly confirmed that the Cordyceps ground zero spread are from Jakarta (my hometown) just because Jakarta have the biggest flour mill in the world owned by Bogasari which suprising because majority of indonesian eat rice as a staple food and not bread, but kinda explained because majority of those flour are used to make the world famous instant noodle "Indomie" lmao.
Kudos to Christine Hakim for her exceptional acting in these particular scene, its really hit homes and more scarier when the language, settings and actor are actually your own people.
Negara kita itu berpulau-pulau artinya selama ada pencegahan dari infeksi luar(*macam covid misalnya) itu sebenarnya bakal aman, tapi kalau pemerintah gegabah orang luar bisa masuk keluar seenaknya ya wassalam... Disisi lain andai virusnya datang dari dalam negeri ya sebenarnya lebih gampang kontrol juga(*macam virus flu burung) biar gak nyebar ke negara atau pulau lain... Di film ini agak rancu, karna penyebarannya bukan cuma manusia ke manusia tapi juga melalui roti yg diproduksi di Jakarta dan menginfeksi beberapa orang di luar negeri.
@@Stfu_saipul berpulau2 kalau sudah saling terhubung oleh transportasi ya percuma, anggap aja semua kapal ferry atau pesawat terbang itu sebagai jembatan antar pulau, kecuali anda ngomongin pulau kecil tak berpenghuni nah baru tuh aman dari penyebaran virus/etc. Semua wabah infeksi/virus itu mengacu pada "patient zero/index case" dimana pasien pertama yang ditemukan/diketahui itu menggambarkan kemungkinan besar bahwa penyakit ini sudah menyebar jauh karena biasanya penyakit seperti contoh covid itu memiliki waktu inkubasi kurang lebih 3-5 hari dimana dalam waktu segitu pasti sudah beratus2 atau ribu2 orang sudah tertular dan menyebar karena orang itu bertransportasi terus menerus. Makanya pada saat jendral di TLoU memberi tahu christine hakim soal ada yang berhasil kabur dia langsung minta kota jakarta dibom karena segalanya sudah terlambat karena penyebarannya bukan hanya dari zombie, namun dari terigu yang sudah tercemar oleh fungi cordyceps.
Klo dari lore cerita TLoU, itu tepung bogasari dijakarta diekspor ke seluruh dunia untuk dibuat cookie/kue, makanya penyebaran cordyceps ada diseluruh dunia.
Oh god, Indomie caused the apocalypse
I would think you could seal off an island as a total loss, but a perfect defense to keep it from spreading
@hdturner1 if the island is other island (Sumatra, Borneo, Celebes) who has smaller population and (we have to admit) not very good infrastructure), this might be possible
But Java, on the other hand, is populous and better infrastructure. Quarantining entire island would be a blow both in Indonesian economy, and society
Sublime acting. Proof that subtle nuance and calm delivery is better than screaming and fast-paced action.
No, it's not "better". There's a place and time for both.
Christine Hakim is one of THE GOATS in Indonesia.
@@PemberantasNetidjens She was amazing!!!!
@@jmckendry84 for a scene where the inevitable end of human civilisation is foreshadowed, I think the slow in crescendo approach works the best. Just slowly letting the disturbing facts sink in
Because people may be interested -- the general's medals are, in order from top to bottom, his right to left:
-- Bintang Yudha Dharma Nararya (Grand Meritorious Military Order Star Third Class)
-- Bintang Kartika Eka Pakçi Nararya (Army Meritorious Service Star Third Class)
-- Satyalancana Kesetiaan 24 tahun (Air Force Military Faithful Service Medal -- 24 years)
-- Satyalacana Dwidwa Sistha (Medal for Service as a Military Educator)
-- Bintang Swa Bhuwana Pakça Pratama (Air Force Meritorious Service Star -- 3 awards)
-- Satyalancana Wira Karya (Medal for Providing an Example of Meritorious Personality)
-- Satyalancana Dharma Olahraga (Medal for Contribution in Sports)
Basically, awesome with a capital A?
@@JnEricsonx basically the production team just Google Indonesian military medals and go crazy with it. Nobody is that awesome. Isn't it?
@@iw2751There definitely are.
@@iw2751 All of the awards are related, which means their Googling was pretty on. Military people in higher positions often become educators, I have known several myself. Plus with his 24 Year medal, that's plenty of time for a go-getter to get 3 awards in the Air Force for great performance. He seems pretty level-headed and reasonable for a military leader in fiction, which also explains the Sports Contribution. Sports are EXTREMELY important in the military. Apart from physical workouts, it teaches leadership and teamwork as well as relieving stress in soldiers. Dude probably was also a coach given his other leadership roles, which probably lead to his medal.
All of it works out my guy. It's a very good case of 1+1=3, where all your skills cross each other and you achieve more than you would as separate ones. Leadership, teamwork, problem solving, fast-paced thinking, all of it is in what he is doing. Military people can go hard.
If you want to see unbelievable feats, look up Desmond Doss. They have to decrease the things he has done in movies, because it's so over-the-top Hollywood can't convince you that he actually did them. He did, and more. Russia also has one, Georgy Zhukov.
This was such a powerful scene. As soon as she heard the number, and her hands started shaking, she knew nothing could save anyone.
This scene is not going out of my head. It gives me the chills. No cheap stuff. No jumping dead corpses or something like that. Until he revealed 14 workers are missing she still had hope. Then everything is crushed. Just a scientist doing the math in her head and knowing that mankind is doomed. Stellar acting.
The heartbreaking sorrow in her sobs. Imagine having had to say that yourself, being forced to actually mean it. Incredible writing of her emotions.
The scenes from Indonesia are probably some of my favorite pre outbreak scenes in any "zombie" type series or film. Theres no confusion beyond not knowing how to stop it. They take precautions, they run tests, they as experts. No surprises, just the realization that theres nothing they can do, no matter how they prepared.
I would totally watch an all-Indonesian-cast-set-in-Jakarta-prequel to The Last of Us, focusing on the first few days of the outbreak.
I hope Christine Hakim will come back as the doctor.
RIP Yaya Unru (acted as the general) He's one of the great artist in Indonesia.
I'm glad that the show brought a great Indonesian artist onboard.
The scariest example of someone “Doing the math in her head.” On tv
I have only watched clips of this show, but this early scene is a masterwork. Perfect acting and hopelessness combined.
watch the show.
Watch the show !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!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meh gets downhill after the beginning, except for a handfull of scenes, most of the series is skippable & you miss nothing.....
Imagine asking an expert on a disease for help to prevent the spread and they start crying when you tell them the situation
Well, climate change is that, just slow.
@@distortingjack lmao
@@Temeriowhat? they're telling the truth. you just refuse to listen
Bro I am terrified of climate change, imagine what the previous doctor said about when the world get harmer, funguses could evolve and turn into a parasite, turned reality? @@rimut230
a masterclass of acting by Christine Hakim and Yayu Unru
Outstanding acting. Two senior people in their roles, who’ve seen a lot of the world, really conveying the gravity of the situation. Excellent efficient storytelling, delivered by excellent performances
My best friend and roommate and I watched this show religiously from day one. It was his favorite videogame. Its the only show I ever made sure to catch the newest episode instead of streaming it after the fact. He died in our house before the finale. I'll watch the next season for him.
Damn, sorry for your loss bro
Oh, shit! What happened to him?
May his memory be a blessing 🕯️
The sad thing is that even if they followed her advice, it was already far, far too late. It had spread beyond any hope of containment by this point.
Probably atomic or nuclear bombs could have worked, by introducing massive and thorough and radical gen mutations on all living being caught within the said bomb radiation zone..
But maybe not.. Living in the world of Metro 2033 sort of in reality is hell on earth.
@@agurjaunakunfortunately no. The fungus had already spread through the grain at this point. The only way to have contained it is by destroying the city and making sure NONE of the exported grains or other food survived. By this point thst could not be fone
@@agurjaunak We can't contain pandemics.
@@pupster8956probably not hydrogen or other thermonuclear munitions that would incinerate everything anything within its blast radius or radiation zone..
But a very specialized neutron based nuclear munitions which during the cold war both sides actively developed and maintained quite a number..
This neutron base was designed to k**ll any organic life form by completely destroyed its cell while keep the other inorganic things except those which within the bomb's blast radius quite intact..
It is a tactical nuclear munition, so the neutrons would decay and the radiation cleared within weeks..
Yes, it still would wipe out any living being within the targeted city..
Still the damages inflicted calculated to be within acceptable..
WTF!! YT deleted my comment just because it contains general knowledge about the RnD of neutron bombs during the cold war by both sides..
and why that very bomb might have worked to absolutely prevent the spreading of the fungus..
Although its usage still would exacting heavy toll on the city's residents..
That is total and absolute extinction of any living or organic life forms..
1:27 i really want to note this, what she ask is "how about the other's conditions" with a thought that the factory already contained with everyone in it, she ask if they are fine or already mutated, but instead she's informed 14 missing. it is not the 14 that scares her but the *missing*
Ahh i see so the translation is slightly wrong?
@@elmatilda the translation not entirely wrong but missing context probably due to indonesian as language can be contextual language like japanese and the translator missed the point of the question. to explain it, she asks about other workers condition about their health status (are they fine or starting to being aggressive), the literal translation is "then, what about the other workers?". she's asking about other workers, not the ones that involved, instead the general tells her "14 missing". to explain her terrified reaction, it means the 14 workers already infected and spreading the disease to pretty much anyone they can find as they are missing (untrackable). so, if one can infecting 3, then 14 can infecting 42 and it will be multiplied faster due to lack of knowledge in regular people. that's why she's basically say they are doomed and no get out
@@prohanta9360 I'm speaking malay but it is technically the same language about that those aren't a problem here
Oh my gosh so observant. What’s with Redditors and overthinking what everyone else heard?
So if they ar least knew where they were sued he calm-ish. They can handle it. They can purge them
14 missing? They could be literally fucking anywhere and god knows its in alleys and secluded areas spreading it further.
What a powerful performance by them both. The general is trying to project strength despite his clear fear. The professor had, up until this point, appeared perfectly level headed. But at the end, she lets it all drop and, despite her knowledge and wisdom, is just a scared old lady. Really hammers in how it was too late.
2:05 "Bapak..." this short, somber emphasis to a dramatic precursor didn't get translated, to those who know it made the scene extra eerie. It simply meant _"Sir......."_ followed by a pause - which we all know when spoken in that tone in any language usually means _"whatever I'm gonna say next we're already as good as ffffd"_ lol.
i really really REALLY love the details when she heard that 14 people is missing, her shaking while holding her tear knowing that the infection will increase rapidly in a matter of just 2 hours, the amount of hopelessness in the scene is really emphasize in this only scene, GOD I LOVE IT
3:01 the moment when even a senior military leader terrified by the “solution”
What really gets me is what she says after she advises the General to carpet bomb the city. "Can someone please drive me home, I'd like to be with my family" - essentially saying "There's no chance this works, regardless of what you do, the end has come, and I'd like to say my goodbyes while I still have the chance".
It was scenes like this that made this show so interesting. Not the constant need to recreate the game in a tv series. What we needed and wanted was context, not adaptation.
Her last request there always makes me tear up
Damn straight, bro. 😢 She reverted to being a scared momma for her (I assume still under her care) children and wife to her husband.
It's already sirens and alarm sounds at 1:05. Most likely she couldn't even get home to her family before the mayhem and the killing has started.
Ou nice detail I missed this
You can build tension, add jumpscares, but that educated, terrified woman, that asked to be with her family.. I lost a bit of hope I didn't even know I still had
That folks is how you exhibit gravity in a situation. Fine Actress.
Indonesia's finest.
@@PemberantasNetidjens Truly. Peace to you.
Thank you. Woke up and needed to hear that.
Apparently the actress was hesitant to do this because she was caring for her sick husband and mother at the time but her grand-niece, a fan of the games, convinced her to do it along with her husband. The traditional scarves and jewelry worn by the actress are her real belongings.
I cannot think of any other actress for that scene alone!
This entire scene was masterfully written and acted. The tension is so sharp and the stakes feel real. Kudos to both of these actors for perfectly conveying their fear.
Ratna: 'What about the other workers?'
General: '14 people is missing..'
She was hoping the situation was already contained, and then she realized it's over.
I love the General’s reaction to being told to bomb the city. No words, no sound, just shock, fear, and despair all felt at once
Rest in Peace, Mr. YAYU UNRU. The actor that played the military officer named Agus Hidayat.
I didnt even realise it was a 2 and half minute uninterrupted take until i watched several times. Thats how good this scene is.
I've watched this several times since I watched the show, and these two actors--they are magnificent. From the way she rattles the cup, her hands shaking as she puts it down, to the look on his face when she says "Bomb this city and everyone in it", I mean, wow. This is such powerful, understated acting, and it gives me chills every time I see it.
This is some of the best acting I've ever seen in a TV Series. I still go back to watch it once in a while.
Christine Hakim is a legend in Indonesian and Asian cinema; I remember her films from the 70's and 80's (yes, a long time ago). It was a wonderful surprise to see her in this show.
christine hakim... have seen her movies since "Cut Nja' Dhien". when she plays a role you'll get this feeling that it's not a play, but a real one. for me she'll always a Cut Nja' Dhien, best indonesian actress ever
In a way she was in a real one here too! Candida auris didn't infect humans until this century and the others are finding their way too.
This entire scene is the best in the show, I think. Superb acting on both parts, but especially Christin Hakim. Thank you for posting this!
not a movie.
na the best is the interview from the start, but then this is scene comes after
This gave me chills when I first saw it and still does every time I rewatch this series! Seriously wish they kept these intros going the whole series but this was phenomenal
She did a great job with this scene as soon as the guy said fourteen her hands started shaking and her body language completely changed. Love this show❤
I think the moment she realized the end for humanity was certain was when she reached into the mouth of that cadaver and pulled out a clump of cordyceps that physically reached for her.
I really wish for more of these scenes. The games are already perfect so these really became their own fantastic scenes
Love how the soldier asked about medicinal/non lethal methods first rather than automatically assuming "kill on sight"/destroy first examine later methods. The fact that the Mycrologist is telling him its game over without bombings truly terrifies him.
My 16 years living in Indonesian paid off well when I saw the level of acting without the subtitle. Truly good acting and the voice was perfect.
With out a single monster on it this is one of the most terrifying scenes on media. The fact that she knew how bad thing where right now and how much worse they will get tell it all.
I don't know who this lady is, but holy sh*t she can act.
She's an Indonesian veteran actress named Christine Hakim
I've read numerous times before people saying that's she's like the "Meryl Streep of Indonesia."
Its me bro
@@bbbbbbbbbill Legend
@@RayDeMolayand it's true.
This scene masterfully done. When the expert academic is absolutely terrified you know you should be too.
1:28 she did the math.
I love how her hands started trembling, making the teacup clink, after he says "Fourteen."
Christine Hakim is also in the horror movie Impetigore and she's great in it.
I love that movie!
Perempuan Tanah Jahanamnya Joko Anwar toh. 😂😂😂
The sound of the teacup rattling in the saucer. Bravo to the foley artists.
This scene and the one from the first episode really are mini-masterpieces in their own right. They really set the tension for the series. It was perfect.
I love how the soldier actor portray the character as speechless and confused, he's a frontman of battle but absolutely don't know what to do when facing a threat he's not trained to fight
Definitely some of the best acting I’ve seen on TV or cable or anywhere in a long time.
The glass tea cup and plate clacking when she realizes it's futile is the magic touch that sets this scene off.
this scene and the talk show intro are the best scenes in the series, so eye catching.
which is a shame, they were capable of this quality of work and didn't do it for the rest of the show.
Like when Jared Harris in "Chernobyl" saw the graphite burning on the roof. He was like - "Well, that's that". When a scientist is mortally afraid, be scared. They did the math.
Both these actors deserve an award for just this scene. Their facial expressions alone are haunting
Such a powerful scene.
These actors portrayed the desperation of the situation perfectly.
This clip and the clip of the scientist on TV explaining a fungal mutation were two of the best on the show. Such a great adaptation.
Given the radio news heard in episode one stated civil unrest in jakarta, and not that it was being bombed to smithereens. I think it's safe to conclude that the military didn't follow her advice.
Though, it wouldn't have made a difference anyway.
I thought there was civil unrest because of the bombings as in they were trying to cover it up.
It could've for the survivors.
In game city was bombed
With what? They were under a military embargo at that time
@@falconeshieldThe flour was contaminated by then and being shipped across the world. That doesn't count anyone who was infected from handling the wheat, people who could become violent at any moment
The beginning of this episode was really written, directed, acted, and edited. Fantastic!
This was the scariest scene in a show about a zombie apocalypse.
this was the scariest zombie related anything that's been produced
Still gives me chills
Even the General was taken aback by her statement to bomb the city. He was probably expecting her to say there was little chance of hope but something could be done.
The fact that *she* told him that they have to bomb the city tells him how dire this really is.
She’s not a psychopath or a fool, and this terrified him more than the fungus itself because she knew exactly what she was talking about and said it anyways.
As someone said she knew it was over with two hours and 14 missing.
The actress played this scene to perfection 👏🏾 I felt every emotion she was so clearly trying (and failing) to suppress
As an Indonesian, shit hits harder when you can understand what she’s saying with context
Right, I'm literally use BOTH language to understand the topics 😭
Can you please provide more of your insight? I literally love this scene.
They needed a LOT more scenes like this. Frankly more scenes like this should have been the whole show.
1:43 it’s like she knew what was going on already or predicted
Yeah. It was the moment she knew they had lost
She did the maths in her head. 10,000 were already infected in 3 hours.
As a Indonesian, I'm proud of Mrs. Christine Hakim performance in this series. No wonder she is the one of the legend actress in Indonesia because of her acting is incredible as always, I Always love any movie/series she played
I'm Indonesian. And this scene gave me chill down to the spine. Their acting in this short scene just so good. And I can understand all of the things their saying literally. The tone, the choice of the word she said, the pause. It's just perfect.
not really eh
What language
something kind of terrifying in this case is that:
1. the fact that it first appeared in Indonesia, being a tropical country with pretty much an identical climate across the archipelago means the fungal infection and spores will linger and survive as long as there's suitable areas even after scorch earth was implemented
2. Indonesia isn't a military super power that has the resource to glass cities at short notice, no nukes, barely any bombers, and limited bombs stockpile. even if the order to glass jakarta is handed out, the operations will probably be already too late when it's being rolled out let alone completed
I've studied mycology as well. So at the very beginning where the professor is sitting alone, upright, tense, and rubbing her hands... that's literally a fleeing posture. I can literally hear her brain going "no... a human host? No. That can't be...... But I saw.... How can this even happen? What happened to temperature?"
Well, and plus, our treatments for fungal infections in general aren't great. There is no practical cure for this.
This was one of the greatest opening hooks in television history. A simple 2 person scene in a single room with great acting and phenomenal writing
Such a great actress. Wish we could have seen ore of her.
I have spent over 40yrs watching and studying the greatest movies of all time, a movie buff does not explain me, more like a movie nutcase. I find this scence extremely impactful and made me crave to watch this series. Very very good indeed.
Never noticed this but I love how you can hear ambulance sirens at 1:05, if it ain't a coincidence then it could be a way of the scene showing just how shit is already starting to go downhill from this point on. Really subtle 👌
She was horrified by the words that came out of her own mouth even though they were chosen carefully.
Christine Hakim is the Dame Judy Dench of Indonesia. She killed this scene!
Correct me if I'm wrong but the scariest part about these openings is the realism. Same as with 28 weeks later. It's not the zombies or the infected, which they are, but the realization that it could actually happen and how little we can do to contain it or how easily we would fail to do so.