Slovenska Pristava -Bringing Slovenija to the United States

  • Опубликовано: 4 фев 2025

Комментарии • 118

  • @pa4ati
    @pa4ati 6 лет назад +41

    Zelo lepo. Lep pozdrav iz Slovenije!

  • @mariaprayner2766
    @mariaprayner2766 6 лет назад +16

    Wow!! What a touching and moving video!! It makes me prouder and more grateful than ever to be Slovenian!! Beautiful!! Mojca Prayner

  • @johnnokov2852
    @johnnokov2852 2 года назад +6

    This is awesome, my grandma was barbe Skebe, granddaughter of Gertrude Skebe, first Slovenian woman in Cleveland and Jožef Turk

    • @paulglusic6665
      @paulglusic6665 Год назад +1

      Wow that's awesome man it's not hard to see why the is more Slovenian's in America then in Slovenia.
      God bless all my fellow expatriates ❤❤❤❤
      Forever Slovenian

  • @Bogastvo
    @Bogastvo 4 года назад +4

    Tole je cudovito! Sigurno vas obiscemo! Upam da kmalu. :) Srecno in Lep pozdrav iz Bleda

  • @Sikaaa22
    @Sikaaa22 6 лет назад +27

    wow beautifull video, lep pozdrav iz Slovenije vsem slovenskim američanom :)

  • @jozebutinar44
    @jozebutinar44 8 месяцев назад +2

    Lepo da saj malo ohranjajo nas jezik ❤ slovenci izumiramo vsaj v ameriki ohranjajo nase obicaje

  • @aljazkozelj9617
    @aljazkozelj9617 3 года назад +6

    Kapo dol vsem ljudem, ki so to vse skupaj ustvarili ! sLOVEnija 🇸🇮❤️ !!!

    @DNSMLT 4 года назад +20

    Domobrance ?

    • @blazpraper674
      @blazpraper674 4 года назад +5

      O hvala sem že mislu da sem sam js opazu

    • @David-kj8pe
      @David-kj8pe 4 года назад +8

      po vojni so družine domobrancev zapustile slovenijo, le zakaj? :)

    • @benjaminrajer7810
      @benjaminrajer7810 3 года назад +3

      Ojej. No pa ni vse perfektno

    • @JurijKozjak-r2k
      @JurijKozjak-r2k 3 месяца назад

      Se dandanes jasno vidi,da je v imenu 'boja proti komunizmu' vse opravičljivo...

  • @MitjaŽupevc
    @MitjaŽupevc 10 месяцев назад

    Great video. Greetings from Slovenia.

  • @darkozver5801
    @darkozver5801 3 года назад +3

    Very cool. My wish is to someday visit the diaspora overseas. Cleveland , St. Clair and the most I’m looking forward too is Bethlehem PA. Lepi pozdravi iz Bavaria, Germany.

  • @timno2639
    @timno2639 4 года назад +7

    Dober dan iz Slovenije!
    Good day from slovenia!

  • @Rozinobena
    @Rozinobena 6 лет назад +11

    I like how the country name Slovenia is pronounced (wide e). Much closer to the original name than in usual English.

    • @DNSMLT
      @DNSMLT 4 года назад +2

      Actually pronounced
      " Slo wee ni a "

  • @sumandl
    @sumandl 4 года назад +5

    🇸🇮❤️🇺🇸 Proud to be Slovenian ❤️❤️

  • @boruttrost5750
    @boruttrost5750 4 года назад +31

    This sure doesn't look like a place/community that would welcome all Slovenians, only the right-wing, Catholic, Domobranci-worshipping ones. Sad. The Communists committed terrible atrocities, but some people would want you to believe that if Domobranci and their leader Hitler had won the war, it would all be peace, joy and potica. Well, no, then Slovenian culture would no longer exist! All the dead must be remembered, but glorifying their ideology is a different thing.

  • @tan3188
    @tan3188 5 лет назад +10

    Jaz sem iz Maribora in to resnično čudovita zgodba

  • @rodrigezrody7557
    @rodrigezrody7557 4 года назад +8

    *Bravo, tukaj je Slovenija! Ponosen na vas in vedno bom imel izobešeno zastavo v PONOS!*

  • @juhantg123
    @juhantg123 4 года назад +2

    Very nice - zelo lepo ;-)

  • @jaxonruns
    @jaxonruns 4 года назад +1

    My grandma was from Ostrozno Brdo.. she went to St. Vitus.several of her sisters were baptized at St. Vitus

    • @drakenfire2189
      @drakenfire2189 8 месяцев назад +2

      Karlo Maslo, a true Slovenian national hero was from Ostrožno Brdo....

  • @spelaslobodnik8958
    @spelaslobodnik8958 3 года назад +1

    Oh god I'm crying that's so amazing 😌😌 ja pol je pa moj mrzli stric Sloveno-Američan saj se je okoli leta 1960 preselil tja

  • @christianjohnson8642
    @christianjohnson8642 5 лет назад +9

    I’ve been there with my startamama(grandma)

    • @tan3188
      @tan3188 4 года назад +2

      In slovenia we call grandma "babica"

    • @evax0x0x0
      @evax0x0x0 4 года назад +10

      @@tan3188 Stara mama is also correct. It is used is Slovenia in some regions.

    • @alengrm7488
      @alengrm7488 4 года назад +5

      @@tan3188 Nismo vsi Ljubljančani

    • @DNSMLT
      @DNSMLT 4 года назад +2

      I had a very big Sloviania family. We called my grand mother "Stara mama. They were from Zlatopolje.

    • @alengrm7488
      @alengrm7488 4 года назад +2

      Tanchanka I call my grandmas “star mama” and “Babi”

  • @kavel22
    @kavel22 5 лет назад +39

    There is no love in me for the communist regime in Slovenia, but you do know that Domobranci were guilty of some of the worst atrocities in civil war? Not to mention the collaboration with occupiers that wanted to erase our culture and our nation. Please stop glorifiying them and stop poisoning young people with your half truths and just let them enjoy our trully rich and beautiful culture in this amazing place you've built.
    Greetings from Slovenia.

    • @freshcancer713
      @freshcancer713 5 лет назад +2

      Zemljo tistemu ki jo obdeluje, samo fašist in kulak lahko nasprotuje socializmu.

    • @tilenHD
      @tilenHD 5 лет назад +2

      Slovenia isnt comunist

    • @rihardmlakar2933
      @rihardmlakar2933 4 года назад +6

      With all do respetct the slovenian home guard only colaborated because the partisans started killing innocent civilians. If the partisans wouldnt started killing the civilians the members of the home guard would never form and would probably join the partisan side.

    • @VendPrekmurec
      @VendPrekmurec 4 года назад +1

      @@tilenHD Slovenia is in majority a communist shit hole.

    • @MultiVic1982
      @MultiVic1982 4 года назад +4

      Stop with the bullshit commie propaganda, if anyone collaborated with Nazis, it was the communists (soviet - german pact and mutual attack of Poland), who also started viciously murdering innocent local civilians, with a goal of triggering a civil war and later revolution to cease power. Home guard was an answer to those acts and nothing more. Learn something before spreading lies and read the book Slovenski Razkol by Jože Možina, if you want to learn about facts..

  • @blazpraper674
    @blazpraper674 4 года назад +13

    It was so beautifull and then the Domobranci. Never thought i would see a nazi supporter monument in the US. I had to do a double take.

    • @independentthought3390
      @independentthought3390 4 года назад +1

      It is a bit more complex than that.

    • @dejanharapinyt
      @dejanharapinyt 4 года назад +4

      @@independentthought3390 How is it a "bit more complex"? lepo prosim za objektiven odgovor - i would like an objective answear please. lep pozdrav, goodbye.

    • @independentthought3390
      @independentthought3390 4 года назад

      ​@@dejanharapinyt I don't think an objective answer really exists in this case. It was a dark time for all of Europe, and beyond. I can only give a glimpse from the "other side", an outline of the circumstances that led to the creation of the home guard (and other similar groups). A lot of people forget that when the Germans/Italians invaded, the communist party was outlawed in Yugoslavia. In fact, it was illegal since 1920. Prior to the war, it engaged in sabotages, shoot-outs with the police, and other anti-government activity. While Yugoslavia was a kingdom, it was democratic. The communist party, including partisan activities, were not made legal by the government in exile when Yugoslavia was invaded. Communist forces were thus an occupation force, no more legal or justified than the Germans/Italians. It was a similar situation to what happened to Poland two years earlier, when it was attacked by the Soviets, after being attacked by the Germans. However, partisan activities were made legal two years later at the Tehran Conference, but under one condition, that free elections are to take place after the war, and that Yugoslavia remains a democracy. Tito agreed to that. Unfortunately, the communist party started increasingly laying the groundwork for the takeover after the war, and it became clear to most that it wasn't interested in democracy of any kind. For most landowners, those were horrible prospects, as communists would surely disown, and possibly imprison them. By that time, it became apparent, that the axis were losing the war.

    • @dejanharapinyt
      @dejanharapinyt 4 года назад +3

      @@independentthought3390 i get. I do. Still, it is a difference, on one side, between remembering your fallen/killed ancestors and/or putting a light on the crimes of the partisan party in yugoslavia at that time, and on the other side worshiping domobrance (homeguards). These troops took a vow to help the nazzi party. I mean, sure, remember your fallen and condemn the yugoslavian communist movement at that time. But please, do not worship those people. That is flat out wrong. It is like making a deal with someone who wants to kill or enslave your nation/people (nazzi party) and then worshiping the people who made that deal. Example, general Rupnik was a 100% traitor to his own nation, to his own blood, history, language, people. Yet in the video we see the words on the monument praising him. It all seems like those movies midsommar or village or something like that. A feeling that something is wrong below the surface. Dont want to be a prick or to insult anyone, vut a line has to be drawn to what is ok and what is not. Farewell.

    • @kerinuc1724
      @kerinuc1724 3 года назад

      borrowing weapons from germans to defend yourself from communists who want to destroy your home and kill your family is not equal to being a nazi supporter

  • @matthewdolinar5870
    @matthewdolinar5870 6 лет назад +3

    Nice Video

  • @mitjabigec
    @mitjabigec 4 года назад +2

    Bravo naši!

  • @tomazkaiser9634
    @tomazkaiser9634 2 года назад +6

    A really beautiful video about remembering our roots but personally I'm offended because my ancestors were partisan war participants and i find it disrespectful that they worship people who wanted to destroy slovenia but not the ones that fought for our freedom.

    • @makavelimaka8035
      @makavelimaka8035 Год назад

      Communists didn't wan't to free Slovenia rather than occupy it. And that's exactly what they did for the next 45 years.. Well , people who fought for communists were deceived. The Nazis and Fascists together did not kill as many Slovenes as the Communists did.

    • @makavelimaka8035
      @makavelimaka8035 11 месяцев назад

      @KAMPLCGAMES You talking bullshit. Independant you say, but dictatorship slum with no freedom of speech etc..... Thanks for that kind of independance..... no tnx

    • @makavelimaka8035
      @makavelimaka8035 11 месяцев назад

      @KAMPLCGAMES Yes, delete answers, that's your independance. Poor you! hahahaha Comparing dictatorshit slum of a country to modern democratic state....West lies? The whole world is lying, good morning.....

  • @petermihacerar1137
    @petermihacerar1137 2 года назад

    Do neba.

  • @elvismakovecemco
    @elvismakovecemco 3 года назад

    Pozdrave iz Slovenije

  • @kosarkar1
    @kosarkar1 Год назад


  • @freshcancer713
    @freshcancer713 5 лет назад +32

    Fasist collaboration is not slovenian culture.

  • @atempo206
    @atempo206 6 лет назад +4


  • @jameshart678
    @jameshart678 4 года назад +22

    5:46 Am I understanding this correctly?! You commemorate the Slovenian Home Guards who were fighting along side Ustashas under the direct command of Nazis. Hmm ok!...…….. Awkward!

    • @VendPrekmurec
      @VendPrekmurec 4 года назад +7

      Home Guards fought against Communists or Bandits. Communists killed more than 150 000 Slovenians, which IS A GENOCIDE, after WW2, there are more than 400 locations of this genocide, around Slovenia, which is a world record on such a small territory. They also forbade the literal Lingua Vandalica language, which is also a Ethnocide, not only Genocide.

    • @blazpraper674
      @blazpraper674 4 года назад +2 na beri mal

    • @benjaminrajer7810
      @benjaminrajer7810 3 года назад +6

      @@VendPrekmurec where did you get that number? The total ammount of victims is 96000 and most of those were killed by Germans and collaborators

    • @MiKaSlo
      @MiKaSlo Год назад +3

      @@benjaminrajer7810 Verjetno je prebiral alternativno zgodovino po Možini

  • @drakenfire2189
    @drakenfire2189 11 месяцев назад


  • @makavelimaka8035
    @makavelimaka8035 11 месяцев назад

    F YU, long live SLO!

    @DNSMLT 4 года назад +1

    I wish my parents would've lived there instead of Connecticut. 😢

  • @aljazkozelj9617
    @aljazkozelj9617 4 года назад +1

    nikoli niso pozabili na svoje korenine !

  • @VendPrekmurec
    @VendPrekmurec 4 года назад +13

    Communists (under the supervision of Serbians) killed more than 150 000 Slovenians, which IS A GENOCIDE, after WW2, there are more than 400 locations of this genocide, around Slovenia, which is a world record on such a small territory. They also forbade the literal Lingua Vandalica language, which is also a Ethnocide, not only Genocide.

    • @mr.beercan5379
      @mr.beercan5379 2 года назад +1


    • @jbremc22
      @jbremc22 Год назад +2

      and yet 100 000 Slovenes died by all parties 😂 stop spreading BS

  • @gapipotok1876
    @gapipotok1876 4 года назад +5

    slovenain americans made a positive video about celebreration of our culture but slovenians in slovenia are already complaining
    cant we just put aside diffrent groups for once

    • @boruttrost5750
      @boruttrost5750 4 года назад +6

      Do you get the feeling that the people who run Pristava have put aside the different groups?

    • @mr.beercan5379
      @mr.beercan5379 2 года назад +1

      That's exactly the problem of "putting aside different groups".