I hate it when people inteantionally pretend to be dumb (or they don't actually pretend?(Wouldn't be suprised)) to be dumb just to get them cheap laughs from the common American folk with zero knowladge about anything
Greets from SLOVENIA...Slovenians know where America is, whereas Americans do even ignore that SLOVENIA is an actual country Education makes the DIFFERENCE !!!
hahahahahahahahahaha well even here in Dalmatia weddings can be that long xD But I was wondering the same thing ...some people mix Slovenia and Slavonia xD
Well, we don't have classes in English at our university in Slovenia, but maybe we are exception. And out of 150 students in my class at least 10 are not from Slovenia.
cant be trigged ni mi treba placat 10 tisoc € za eno operacijo kot v ameriki kjer mors sam placat, zastonj sola pa ni mi treba gledat mehicanov pa tolp razen yugiči pa cigane sam odvisno kje zivis :D
+gregor Kosak: Od kje pa misliš da pride tistih 10k€, a? Jih muca copatarca prnese doktorju v pisarno, al kaj? 60% davek mamo na plače, kjer gre del za zdravstvo, plačujemo dodatno zavarovanje in še vedno čakaš 3 mesce za poseg, ki ti ga popoldne isti doktor, privat v isti bolnišnici, naredi v enem dnevu. Ja, res mamo super sistem.
osti2006 kaj pa ko pride do operacije za 250k, za taki dnar ko ga večina ne pridela v 20ih letih pa ti zavarovalnica glih tak pokrije ? Lahko pa gres v ameriko pa si zlomi nogo pa probaj it na faks pa me zanima kako hitro boš nazaj prilezo.
Melani Irwin hahahaha, kr presel se, pol mi pa tule v komentarjih jav kako se ti zdi zdravstvo, kvaliteta hrane, kriminal (ki je ne le zarad generalne mentalitete, ampak tudi zarad večje populacije neprimerljiv s slovensko vato v katero smo zaviti), kaka so stanovanja, promet... Pač javi mi kok fajne so zd, ko boš tam...
Američani nej odjebejo tukej neznamo vsi anglešku ampak nas bolj več naučijo vsega sorti pa tudi u šulah ih učijo samu od nihove države zatu so taku trdi
Slovenia is Western of Wiena, Austria, and Northern of Venice, Italy. For 1000 years, since Charlemagne, was a part of Holy Roman Empire and then under Habsburg rule, today's Austria. Then some people somewhere try to sell Slovenian story, like they were in the middle of nowhere, at the end of the world, surrounded with primitives, who have a strange habit to take time for ritual named wedding. "ahahahahhah"
But they don't know that part of their charter of independence is based on the model of the Slovenian ancestors (Karantania - the enthronement of the Carantanian princes)
Venoox a reeeeees? A kr fakeeee? Cak zdj si ga bom prou ene 30x nazaj zavrtu v počasnem posnetku, da vidm ce je res fake. Hvala ti ful za to novico, sam nikol ne bi pogruntal. Svaka ti čast, imaš sokolje oko!
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver - s02e21 Jimmy Kimmel Live! - s13e47 Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon - s02e05 Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson - s05e148 Late Show Letterman - bilo je leta 2010, torej sezona s17 ali s18 :) Late Show Stephen Colbert - epizoda z Michael Moore-om :)
hmm sem mislil, da bom kaj novega o Sloveniji, pa sem dobil samo eno potrditev. za Američane obstaja Amerika in preostali svet. še Kanade in Britanije ne spoštujejo. no , v olajševalno naj jim bo to , da gre za humoristične pogovorne oddaje.
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver - s02e21 Jimmy Kimmel Live! - s13e47 Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon - s02e05 Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson - s05e148 Late Show Letterman - bilo je leta 2010, torej sezona s17 ali s18 :) Late Show Stephen Colbert - epizoda z Michael Moore-om :)
"Europe has tremendous debt"... says the guy whose country is *$20 trillion* in debt.
The funniest part now is that a Slovenian is in the white house now😂😂😂
Much better than Kenya ;)
True 😂
I hate it when people inteantionally pretend to be dumb (or they don't actually pretend?(Wouldn't be suprised)) to be dumb just to get them cheap laughs from the common American folk with zero knowladge about anything
Scizor16 i agree their geographical knowledge (better yet lack thereof) is mind-numbing and so is their pride over the void of education they possess
Yop slovinians are a lot beter in egication then america
Thanks for saying that.
I live in Slovenia and I also respect other countries.
@@mihabrilj152 Ce smo res tako dobri v Solanju zakaj ti ne znas dobro pisati po anglesko?
@@romanovfan2578 me too
Greets from SLOVENIA...Slovenians know where America is, whereas Americans do even ignore that SLOVENIA is an actual country Education makes the DIFFERENCE !!!
1:26 sounds totally like my home country :') traditional slovenian weddings are the best!
Fuck off
Nova Gorica/ Maribor core😂
European basketball champions, 1. NBA pick ,1.lady USA, All star player, President of UEFA ....... :)
And maybe the next USA el prezidente hahaha
And of course the world's leading cyclists.
And one of the best ping pong players in the world
There was never even a 3rd nba pick. What are you talking about?
About public debt in Slovenia mentioned in video.
Are you aware that US debt is higher than Slovenian?
Something to think about.
But like usa is the biggest economy in the world, slovenia is tiny so don't compare them
Yeah, like 5 - 6 times bigger per capita!
Thug life na konc z Kekčevim klobukom ga zmaga! :)
ObiwanSchinobi jaa😂
ObiwanSchinobi ja itak
Ddddddddd itak..😂
Hahaha fajt je bil sfejkan... K mahne min njega lol
faking shit ki oni kurci v ZDA znajo slovensko !?!?
Mislm da so jo namirno pozabli
Skoraj edin si ki ma tle kej pojma
slodiler lol ti sigurno ne znas slovensko🙃
Sej zakaj bi pa rabl slovensko govort
3:41 when you mess with a slovenian person
Ma sta vas boli kurac sta glupi amerikanci pricaju o vama samo lagano uzivajte pozz
Joj te komaj lahko razumem.
Ahhahh hvala legendu
Haha 😂
haha hvalaa
kdor ne skace ni slovenc
Hej Hej Hej!
*začne skakat*
Jaz ne skacem
Slovenia number 1 in eu basketball
true ja
Is He sure that he was in Slovenia on a wedding and not Slavonia xD
FreeStyle Yeah, I was thinking the same thing.😁 Živjo!
ah been there done that hahaha
hahahahahahahahahaha well even here in Dalmatia weddings can be that long xD
But I was wondering the same thing ...some people mix Slovenia and Slavonia xD
Fuck off
3:00 They're putting their money into the education and the people.. I can support that statement (: Love living here
Odgovor: Za raufnkm
Black and White Comedy dobra😂
lol xD
Hehe, top! Edit ti gre vedno boljše!
hvala 😃 cenim tvojo podporo
Do americans realize that we are right next to italy? because they make it sound like we are somewhere in the middle east
It's better they don't know where we are or we would be added to the list of countries that "need democracy". 😒
that guy at the end is me when i say i am learning slovene to study in slovenia and an american says "why do you want to move to russia".
Well, we don't have classes in English at our university in Slovenia, but maybe we are exception. And out of 150 students in my class at least 10 are not from Slovenia.
so many people from slovenia are triggered xD(im from slovenia btw) xD
cant be trigged ni mi treba placat 10 tisoc € za eno operacijo kot v ameriki kjer mors sam placat, zastonj sola pa ni mi treba gledat mehicanov pa tolp razen yugiči pa cigane sam odvisno kje zivis :D
+gregor Kosak: Od kje pa misliš da pride tistih 10k€, a? Jih muca copatarca prnese doktorju v pisarno, al kaj? 60% davek mamo na plače, kjer gre del za zdravstvo, plačujemo dodatno zavarovanje in še vedno čakaš 3 mesce za poseg, ki ti ga popoldne isti doktor, privat v isti bolnišnici, naredi v enem dnevu. Ja, res mamo super sistem.
Komunizem pa tak
osti2006 kaj pa ko pride do operacije za 250k, za taki dnar ko ga večina ne pridela v 20ih letih pa ti zavarovalnica glih tak pokrije ? Lahko pa gres v ameriko pa si zlomi nogo pa probaj it na faks pa me zanima kako hitro boš nazaj prilezo.
@gregor Kosak ... pa še ne sramuješ se, ko si rasist, nestrpen itn
ful prjaznu 😒😒😒😒 nismo vsi pjanu pa tut vecina anglesku govori
pa kdo te je naredil? Si totalno zamorjena .Slovenka nisi !!
Melani Irwin hahahaha, kr presel se, pol mi pa tule v komentarjih jav kako se ti zdi zdravstvo, kvaliteta hrane, kriminal (ki je ne le zarad generalne mentalitete, ampak tudi zarad večje populacije neprimerljiv s slovensko vato v katero smo zaviti), kaka so stanovanja, promet... Pač javi mi kok fajne so zd, ko boš tam...
Američani nej odjebejo tukej neznamo vsi anglešku ampak nas bolj več naučijo vsega sorti pa tudi u šulah ih učijo samu od nihove države zatu so taku trdi
Sej veš da Američani ne vejo Kuk držav majo
žalostno kajne nekaj imajo ene v podzavesti samouničevanja
me being from slovenia like this video make me so freaking happyyyyy
14 hours? Just? Short wedding 🤣
What about Goran Dragic, isn't he Slovenian???
Yes he is indeed
Ohh... sorry i didn't know
It's fine, now you know
Are you from Slovenia??
Slovenija Thug Life!
Blesavi Američani mi mamo vsaj bolšje šolanje... Pa zelo dober kanal/video
Jaka Romana usi u europi imajo bolse solanje kokr u amerikk
Pa kljub vsemu brezposelno šolano mladino. Od FRI, FE-jevcev pa do EF-jev. 😏
Potem se pa čudijo zakaj nastajajo Celjski roparji...
Huda ! še več takih!
pride 2. del :)
res upam da
je že zunaj :)
Where is Slovenia? sm lih opazu
in Evrope
Slovenia is Western of Wiena, Austria, and Northern of Venice, Italy. For 1000 years, since Charlemagne, was a part of Holy Roman Empire and then under Habsburg rule, today's Austria.
Then some people somewhere try to sell Slovenian story, like they were in the middle of nowhere, at the end of the world, surrounded with primitives, who have a strange habit to take time for ritual named wedding. "ahahahahhah"
But they don't know that part of their charter of independence is based on the model of the Slovenian ancestors (Karantania - the enthronement of the Carantanian princes)
just hate when these funny-guys start talking small countries and politics
Us slovenians sure like to be drunk
So do americans
3:48 hahaha you put the Kekec hat on him hahahahah I get it couse im from slovenia
As a Slovenian... I approve!
slovenia is in europe
I'm from slowenia and it's very nice her you can come and visit aus and you will never forget your trip her
Slovenian Vodka - Promocija Billa Murraya na Lettermanu manjka pa še kakšna omemba Melanije bi se morala najti :)
hvala Andrej :) Slovenian Vodka bo v naslednji :) ja res je, Conan je večkrat omenil Melanijo v svojem monologu :D bo šlo noter :)
3:50 hahahahaha
so many people getting angry. I am just LOLZ at all of this because it is funny..people u should learn how to take some laughs on our expense. :)
Zadnji posnetek se vidi da je fake ce das na 0.25x speed
ja res je :D bil je odigran skeč :)
Res ni treba dt na 0.25x speed xD je precej ocitno.
Venoox a reeeeees? A kr fakeeee? Cak zdj si ga bom prou ene 30x nazaj zavrtu v počasnem posnetku, da vidm ce je res fake. Hvala ti ful za to novico, sam nikol ne bi pogruntal. Svaka ti čast, imaš sokolje oko!
Venoox pa kaki fake !? 100% real haters gonna gate
Square tisti ki nasede trollom ki trdijo da je resnično je za moje pojme še bol zabit.
Ian Somerhalder je tudi govoril o Sloveniji v enem od njegovih intervjujev.
urshii hvala :) Ian je zelo lepo omenil Slovenijo :)
Top kanal 👌👌
Hvala Blaž :)
Vid Černivec I know, I was mocking the reporter at 00:31
Vid Černivec Cheers! Haha
Booper Dooper ?
3:27 how to be dumb xd
Hehe this is gold, (I'm Slovenian)
That noob deseved it...
slo debt 15,6k per citizen, usa debt 67,5k per citizen hMmM
3:50 hahahahah
OMG haha 😂😂😂 pokam od smeha 😂 hudo👌
only 1 here who noticed thug life @ the end is a sticker in csgo?
Hello from SLOVENIJA ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Noro! A se da napisat iz katerih epizod so izseki? :)
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver - s02e21
Jimmy Kimmel Live! - s13e47
Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon - s02e05
Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson - s05e148
Late Show Letterman - bilo je leta 2010, torej sezona s17 ali s18 :)
Late Show Stephen Colbert - epizoda z Michael Moore-om :)
SLOVENIJA is not that far!!! I was back and foverd for years.....slovenians do speak ENGLISH LANGUAGE, THEY learning it in school 🏫
2:53 thats true in all of my schools we have englush
Ignorance is a bliss.
hahah great
tnx :)
Laibach Means Ljubljana ❤️ it is the mean City of SLOVENIJA
No way mathew perry went to Slovenia!!!
Anže Kopitar, Luka Dončič, malania Trump ALL Superstars from Slovenija Europe ❤️❤️❤️❤️
I live in slovenia
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Konec pa zmagal s Kekec kapico...
sem vse že prej vidu, ampak me vseeno nasmejal :D
3:35 that pisses me of
Love it
America First in ignorance, primitivism and arrogance.
Well, Slovenians are slovenians
Najboljši youtuber ever
3:47 Slovakia*
Dobr tole :).
Im from slovenia and the last one OMG😎
tho im slovenia and makes TV shows some jokes idc couse there funny
Ma na konc mu daju uno fucking kekec kapo pa deal with it ocala, ma ne me jebat😂😂😂😂😂😂
Jst sm ponosn slovenc. Pač to je kr kul.
hmm sem mislil, da bom kaj novega o Sloveniji, pa sem dobil samo eno potrditev. za Američane obstaja Amerika in preostali svet. še Kanade in Britanije ne spoštujejo. no , v olajševalno naj jim bo to , da gre za humoristične pogovorne oddaje.
im slovenian -_-
im from Slovenia😍
congratz :D
Me too :)
I from slovenia
isn't this where mrs.trump is from
Oh yes :) Slovenia got quite a lot of exposure thanks to mrs. Trump :) There will be a video about that, stay tuned :)
Melania is from beautiful S love nia .
What's the name of the songm
Im from 🇸🇮🖤
Absolutely your earn 980€ on year
Kak san srecen ka san se raudo tu v slovenije😂😂proud to be slovenian
Yo, lohka bi se dal source zraven an' ;)
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver - s02e21
Jimmy Kimmel Live! - s13e47
Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon - s02e05
Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson - s05e148
Late Show Letterman - bilo je leta 2010, torej sezona s17 ali s18 :)
Late Show Stephen Colbert - epizoda z Michael Moore-om :)
im from slovenia
Im Slovenian
Why are they doing this why are they making fun out of slovenians
My countrie
gimmie back my money
Vsaj tak fuknjeni nismo kot amiji hehehehe
USA you banning huawei and you talking shit about SLOVENIA
Res hvala
Where slovenia is? XD Lmao u went to it u know where its at no ja
thug Life za Slovenijo
Y am from slovenia
I em form slovenia