Count Schwerin von Schwanenfeld remains steadfast against Roland Freisler

  • Опубликовано: 6 апр 2014
  • Schwerin was born the son of the diplomat Ulrich von Schwerin. He lived until the age of twelve with his parents and sisters almost exclusively abroad. Only then his father received as Prussian envoy a German domestic use in Dresden. The family was politically very interested. The environment was conservative, the education christian and strict.
    Schwerin gained practical political experience in the confrontation of the German minority with the Polish state. The vast majority of Germans of the former Prussian provinces of West Prussia and Posen, who had come through Versailles to Poland, "opted" for Germany. Those who remained in the corridor were especially Germans, who were bound by possession. The minority organized itself to defend its securitized by the League of rights. Here, the Foreign Office in Berlin and the League of Nations in Geneva were the main point of contact. Schwerin was for many years the voice of the minority leadership in Poland, which itself could not travel freely in the ministries in Berlin. Within the German minority it came to clashes between the established leadership and the NS-friendly Jungdeutschen Party. Schwerin made ​​his first negative experiences with the Nazis as a student in 1923 as an eyewitness to the march on the Feldherrenhalle. He followed the rise of the NSDAP from 1930 increasingly critical. Hitler's behavior after the murder of Potempa in August 1932 ment a crossroads for him. Schwerin commented on the murders of 30 June 1934 with the words "who does not even get it now ..." during the so-called Röhm-Putsch.
    On the 20th July 1944 Schwerin was in the center of the coup, in the premises of the commander of the Reserve Army in the War Office (now the German Resistance Memorial Center in the Stauffenbergstraße) in Berlin. He was arrested after the failure of the coup along with Yorck, Schulenburg and others shortly before midnight.
    Schwerin's detention stations were the house prison of the Gestapo at Prinz-Albrecht-Strasse 8, the cell block of the Ravensbrück concentration camp and again the Prinz-Albrecht-Strasse. He was sentenced to death and confiscation of property in the fourth trial of the members of the coup on 21 August 1944 by the People's Court under the chairmanship of its President Roland Freisler. During the interrogation Schwerin called as a motive for his resistance activities "the many murders that happened at home as abroad," before he was shouted down by Freisler and was described as "shabby lump".
    On 8 September 1944 the judgment in the prison in Berlin Plotzensee was carried out. His wife, sons and mother came also into custody in Güstrow and Dresden, the two elder sons (second son was Christoph Andreas Graf von Schwerin von Schwanenfeld) have been put in the Kinderinternierungslager Bad Sachsa later.
    His body, together with those of the other five executed have been cremated in the crematorium Wilmersdorf on the 8th September 1944. His ashes were passed the next day in a reservoir to the Reich Ministry of Justice. In 1978 his widow erected on the Forest Cemetery in Berlin-Dahlem in the Dept. 10A-11 a cenotaph with epitaph, which is maintained as a memorial grave of the State of Berlin.
    Translated from Wikipedia:

Комментарии • 53

  • @chequereturned
    @chequereturned 6 лет назад +101

    This man could have had an incredibly easy life. He was a rich noble, related to a previous chancellor, given free entry to the civil service. But from the very start he resolved to resist the Nazis and went along with the plan he knew would probably fail, was tortured for a month, humiliated without his belt and screamed at during this "trial", calmly and without flinching stated what was happening and why he did it and that he was not broken, and was then slowly hung from meathooks till he died, aged 41.
    The other famous count of Schwerin, van Krosigk, had the same opportunities, but chose to spend them stealing from Jews and other "undesirables" he sent off to be murdered, and eventually became Hitler's successor as Chancellor for a few days. He was put on a proper trial and given a few years in prison - not nearly enough - became a writer after he was released, and died in his bed, aged 89.
    Hopefully history can be fairer.

    • @moshedayan2810
      @moshedayan2810 4 года назад +6

      Somewhat like Albert and Herman Goering

  • @jerolvilladolid
    @jerolvilladolid 5 лет назад +145

    I think if satan ever had a voice it would definitely sound like Freislers

    • @rebelusa6585
      @rebelusa6585 Год назад

      No, no, devil voice sound like hitler voice.

  • @14mooler
    @14mooler 6 лет назад +148

    Many respect to this decent brave man. He knows what is waiting for him: Torture, unbearable pain, suffering,and death. Yet, he is unmoved, and only follows his conscience. Rest in Peace you brave man. You will always remain as an example of integrity and bravery to all human beings on this planet.

  • @grahamwride1240
    @grahamwride1240 7 лет назад +161

    No matter how much Freisler screeched and interrupted him, Schwanenfeld maintained his dignity and composure in all but unbearable circumstances; a shame that Germany was deprived of his talents in the postwar world ...

    • @jamisbillson4872
      @jamisbillson4872 6 лет назад +18

      Graham Wride
      ...bravery beyond our understanding I think mate. True heroic German.

  • @jessejanes7283
    @jessejanes7283 5 лет назад +71

    Frieslar had an appointment wth the US air force

    • @chrismc410
      @chrismc410 Год назад +2

      Then the US Army Air Corps

  • @jamisbillson4872
    @jamisbillson4872 6 лет назад +25

    Count Scherwin...beautiful human being. Brave, honourable and all the things the Nazis wish they were but are too thick to understand how to become this without force.

  • @stephenhughes9548
    @stephenhughes9548 5 лет назад +18

    Brave man & a true hero Many of those watching the trial must surely felt sympathy for him But SS in the room too ! Would you risk the same fate by speaking out? RIP Brave hero of the people

  • @Voldemort413
    @Voldemort413 Год назад +6

    Sehr geehrter Herr Graf Schwerin von Schwanenfeld,
    ich möchte hiermit meinen tiefsten Respekt aussprechen. Sie sind und bleiben ein deutscher Held. Wir werden sie niemals vergessen. Mögen sie in Frieden ruhen

  • @ziadmq
    @ziadmq 7 лет назад +38

    what a brave man...

  • @krisiglehart1954
    @krisiglehart1954 7 лет назад +17

    if the German people as a whole would have been defiant in the beginning as he was, it would not have gotten as bad as it was. I believe.

  • @kitharrison8799
    @kitharrison8799 Год назад +5

    Freisler got off lightly with a direct air raid to the head. Imagine if the Soviets had arrested him instead.

  • @gordonfernandes6873
    @gordonfernandes6873 6 лет назад +4

    There is no bigger leveller in this universe than "KARMA" and no God can nor even intervene, to reverse this obligation. This is the 💯% truth.

  • @aflamrecab1
    @aflamrecab1 5 лет назад +17

    Those people who conspired against Hitler have something I don't have,and it's not courage,it's much far beyond

  • @donluchino2247
    @donluchino2247 8 лет назад +22

    an evil man...he displayed pure evilness..

  • @paulvanbeurden
    @paulvanbeurden 6 лет назад +15

    Freisler,Stimme aus der Hölle!

  • @yggdrasil9039
    @yggdrasil9039 Год назад +4

    Maintained the grace of a swan under Freisler's revolting attack. Count Schwerin died a hero.

  • @Gayalert69
    @Gayalert69 Год назад +7

    Count Schwerin von Schwanenfeld was a great and good man.

  • @gmnotyet
    @gmnotyet 6 лет назад +6


  • @tjalletvarvigg6979
    @tjalletvarvigg6979 Год назад

    I wonder, is there somewhere on the WEBB where I can se the hole 20 July trial with english language subtext?

  • @dorothygale5896
    @dorothygale5896 7 лет назад +9

    Raving Roland

  • @EngPheniks
    @EngPheniks 5 месяцев назад +1

    Judge Roland Freisler during allied bombing was killed by a concrete slab that fell right on his head.

  • @dennismiddlebrooks7027
    @dennismiddlebrooks7027 7 лет назад +14

    Freisler reminds me of Mark Levin with his lunatic ravings.

    • @14mooler
      @14mooler 6 лет назад +3

      Not to mention that they are both bold and ugly! It used to be the policy of CIA interrogators during the Bush era to force Al Queida prisoners to listen to Mark Levin and Sean Hannity broadcasts on high volume, in order to get sensitive information from them, after water boarding as a tool was not working any more!

    • @williamhayes2960
      @williamhayes2960 Год назад

      Ironically, Levin is Jewish

  • @callydou1859
    @callydou1859 Год назад

    i sense a lot of selfprojection in Freisler.

  • @dietmardoring800
    @dietmardoring800 5 месяцев назад

    There were more like him......

  • @HaveAniceDay2450
    @HaveAniceDay2450 2 месяца назад

    Very brave man - RIP❤

  • @cripplehawk
    @cripplehawk 3 месяца назад

    Roland Freisler was killed by the 418th Squadron (100th Bomb Group) led by Robert Rosenthal. The bombing was depicted in "Masters of the Air" Episode 9.

  • @ziadshalabi5255
    @ziadshalabi5255 Год назад +1

    I commented to this video 5 yrs ago , and still fascinated of this brave man till now, how many judges in Syria currently like this unhuman Ronald ?

  • @timothyypearson
    @timothyypearson 8 лет назад +1

    Seemed fair and about the right thing

  • @lordomega9959
    @lordomega9959 5 лет назад +5

    1:30 tfw your mom yells at you

  • @bradleyhoyt3188
    @bradleyhoyt3188 Год назад

    This trial was wasted on this man has he was completely innocent, if anyone deserves to be treated the way the judge treated this man it would be the modern politicians of today, all politicians deserve to be dragged to a court where they would get a judge like Friesler. I have absolutely zero respect for politicians especially liberal ones, I have come to view politicians as a subhuman class.