Jesus Never Existed - Kenneth Humphreys

  • Опубликовано: 18 окт 2024

Комментарии • 12 тыс.

  • @innerviews897
    @innerviews897 5 лет назад +219

    my wise Irish cousin once said when asked about wearing black on St Patrick's day "I'm mourning my Druid ancestors murdered by the Catholics

    • @louisaccardi6808
      @louisaccardi6808 5 лет назад +1

      I doubt if that was his motive.

    • @louisaccardi6808
      @louisaccardi6808 5 лет назад +8

      @Janette Davis I don't blame only the Romans because power hungry people have always started wars. Wait, remember remember what happened in Cambodia with Pol Pot and his genocide of over two million people. This stuff has been going on for centuries. Sorry about what has happened in Ireland. Although, this is happening in most Western countries. Look what has been happening in France. I have seen some things happening in my own country.

    • @daltonfury6749
      @daltonfury6749 4 года назад +1

      One of the dumbest things I've ever read in my life considering that there are more Irish Catholics than anyone else.

    • @danderran
      @danderran 4 года назад +9

      I’m wondering if she ever thought about the millions of Irish Catholics murdered and starved by the English Protestants? 😔

    • @williamstenson2483
      @williamstenson2483 3 года назад +12

      Well the Bible isn't on the history curriculum in schools and universities anywhere on earth and never was because it isn't history and it never happened

  • @ylekiote99999
    @ylekiote99999 2 года назад +40

    "Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest." Diderot.

  • @IAG369
    @IAG369 2 года назад +79

    Centuries from now, the likes of Spider-Man, Thor, captain marvel, aqua man and even Batman will be considered as Heros that once lived and did great things...

    • @Vishakha_B897
      @Vishakha_B897 2 года назад +4


    • @antoniosalieri1048
      @antoniosalieri1048 Год назад +4

      Those characters are fake. They never did anything because they don't exist. Jesus does. He came to earth to preach the kingdom of God and to die for the sins of mankind and was raised the third day. The fool in his heart says there is no god

    • @ricmatt05
      @ricmatt05 Год назад +3

      Don't be fooled Even non Christian historians agree that jesus existed there is plenty of evidence for it

    • @ronpl8473
      @ronpl8473 Год назад +9

      @@antoniosalieri1048 Have you ever met him?

    • @antoniosalieri1048
      @antoniosalieri1048 Год назад

      @@ronpl8473 when he returns with all his saints, we will

  • @calebpaulsen3159
    @calebpaulsen3159 4 года назад +54

    The Romans were very good at getting two enemies at each other's throats then moving in for the kill.

    • @pbohearn
      @pbohearn 3 года назад

      @Sukumar Patnaik Yeah you can’t use the same text as evidence for the reality of some thing that’s in another part of the text that just isn’t like scientific or forensics support. You’ve got to get an independent outside corroborating evidence there is none not at all none

    • @truth8307
      @truth8307 3 года назад +1

      @Nihang Succha Singh Brar USA check these evidence especially no.2 and 3:
      20 IRREFUTABLE EVIDENCE that proved Bible God is likely FAKE, don't miss the last paragraph that explains it:
      1) A CREATOR god claimed to be ALMIGHTY should be the oldest and only religion but all the pagans, Greek, Chinese, Hinduism religions existed earlier and all have their own creator god mythology.
      2) Many of the Bible's mythologies was very similar with older pagans, Greek, Egyptian or Hinduism religions(note the names too) E.g. Adam/Eve with Atman/Jiva, big flood and survivor Noah/3 sons with Manu/3 daughters although cause of flood is different. Abraham/Sarah with Brahma/Saraswathi, Moses with Krishna etc
      3) Jesus similarities with Buddha: Maya to Mary, miracle pregnancy to virgin pregnancy, birth during a journey home to from home, prophesied soon after birth, had a disciple who betrayed them, walked on water, Buddha sacrificed his family but God sacrificed his son Jesus's life !! Gautama left the palace at age 29 and Jesus appeared at 29, Gautama became Buddha at 35 and Jesus died and resurrected at around 35, Buddha had a big meal while Jesus had a last supper before they died, later 500 arahants witnessed compilation of Buddha's teachings and over 500 witnesses to Jesus's resurrection etc. All coincidental ? Beside Buddha, Jesus was also found to be copied from other figures. Surely they can't be ALL coincidental.
      4) Why should an almighty and all knowing God allowed their people to branch off and kill their parent religion Judaism or Zoroatruism and later allowed Islam to be created and had holy wars/crusades with Christianity ? "Free will" is not an excuse as earlier they claimed their God killed all people with a big flood(without freewill) because they sinned.
      5) The way they collect tithings during Sunday mass is so tricky. They know people will be shy not to pay or pay less when others could be watching. This is why they don't just use a money box like Buddhism, Hinduism or Chinese temples where people can donate anytime. Catholics and Islam later even made it bigger by suggesting a certain percentage of their income.
      6) The Bible condemned non-followers, clearly mentioned in Mark's words 16:16. Why should a Creator God's religion condemn non-believers when in the first place, they claimed their God created the world? Isn't this like playing both good and evil ?
      7) Why should God created people to suffer? Now "Creation" word got stale, they use "Intelligent Design" What is so intelligent? If people don't need to go to toilet and don't have unpleasant feelings or sufferings, then it's an intelligent design.
      8) The Bible is full of sex, lust, incest and desires in Cor, Gen, Lev & Solomon's part, beside evil and violence. Their God killed countless people but Satan only killed a few.
      9) Meditation, wisdom, mindfulness and karma are not taught despite that they copied so much from older religions but liquor is promoted to make followers foolish or lose their minds.
      10) Using words like "Lord" or "Father" are psychological tricks to make their followers more obedient as they will feel more like slaves and children to their God. Saying people are born with sins and God forgives sins are just tricks.
      11) If God is kind and loving, why are there some Christian babies born with disease or innocent children being abused or died young ?
      12) If there is truely an all mighty God, why Christianity have so many denominations and some are not in good terms with each other? Why is the founder of Mormonism killed and why Mormons live longer than other Christians?
      13)Most major festivals and holidays related to Christianity are copied from pagans including Christmas(Jesus can't be born in winter), Easter, Thanksgiving, Good Friday, All Souls, Halloween and New Year day.
      14) Using fear like hell or "end of the world" hoax every 2 years but we are still here. Try ask the church whether you should believe in end of the world claim and see what they say.
      15) The case and evilness of Mother Teresa(Google it) and after she died, those money she collected was not returned to India.
      16)If their God is almighty, why need missionaries and evangelists to convert others ?
      17) Those ongoing child sex abuses committed by the pastors/priests. If God is real and almighty, why did it allowed it?
      18) The Bible condemned dogs because they know dogs are man's best friend. Making men lonely is the best way to keep them dependant on religion.
      19) If God created everybody, why condemn LGBT or other religions?
      20) Incidents, eg: (a) Covid-19 highest fatalities countries are highly religious countries, over 600K deaths U.S. alone !! (b) Churches burned in Canada (c) Air Asia plane crash of 2019 killed 41 church members, 2 missionaries and their few months old baby. (d) spree killings happened in a church with pastor killed, even by lightning etc.
      Only 1 reason can tie up all 20 points above, this God don't exist but a man-made to con or control people. If not, they all can't be explained.

    • @calamancini
      @calamancini 3 года назад +1

      i love romans now boy i like romans for sure.;

    • @goobermcboogerballs1420
      @goobermcboogerballs1420 3 года назад

      🇺🇸 Had to learn it from somewhere lol

    • @davelouie131
      @davelouie131 3 года назад

      Great Read🙏, In John 8: 48, they asked Jesus is he possessed by a demon and is he Samaritan, Jesus denies being possessed by a demon but he does not deny being Samaritan. That’s huge because according to my research 🧐, Apollonius of Tyana is the son of Glaphyra and Herod Archealus who is half Samaritan, because his mother was the Samaritan woman 👩 named Malthace, so this would of meant that Apollonius of Tyana grandmother 👵 was Samaritan, because his grandmother was Malthace the Samaritan woman. So this why Apollonius didn’t deny being Samaritan, Now Apollonius mother Glaphyra was Cappadocia and of Armenian,Persian descent. Apollonius trave to Taxila India With Apostle Thomas or Damis, the stories Jesus traveling to India come from Apollonius travels to India. Apollonius would say the kingdom of heaven (Pleroma) is within. You can do greater works than me. You are all gods. The truth shall set you free. Apollonius of Tyana has a quote stating that God, who is the most beautiful being, cannot be influenced by prayers or sacrifices and has no wish to be worshiped by humans, but can be reached by a spiritual procedure involving nous ( intellect) because he himself is pure nous and nous is thr greatest faculty of humankindApollonius was a believer in the Monad ( Monism) and Nous while Simon Magus believe in Gnosis.
      Now Apollonius was a metaphycian & healer medicine man doctor who practiced the Orphic tradition like the Pythagorean’s, he is the Gnostic Paul and was known as Meanander of Cappareteia, if you type Cappareteia in Google images then Cappadocia pops up instead. He was also known in the Bible as Jesus Bar Elymas and Apollo’s which was short for Apollonius. He was part of the ancient sect of the Therapeutae of Asclepius and affiliated with the Therapeutae Essenes of Egypt and Apollonius also learned under Gamaliel , Hillel The Elder grand son , this could explain Apollonius of Tyana love for humanity similar to Hillel the Elder. And yes Apollonius also studied under Simon Magus under the name Menander of Cappareteia. Hillel the Elder was at a ongoing battle with the Jews known as the school 🏫 of Shammai. Apollonius of Tyana was a believer in the Golden Rule like Hillel the Elder 🧓 and Apollonius was a Orator also so he taught to the Jews that they are gods themselves and trust in thy self and do not follow a fictional god of Error, instead use Nous and follow the Monad within you. Apollonius teachings would of been the Osiris or Farther = The Monad, The Kingdom of Heaven = Pleroma &The Tree of Life, the Fruits = the Spheres and thoughts, the light Body temple = The Chakra points of the Soul. Simon Magus was the Shaman who worked behind the scenes, his teaching of the Pleroma = The Flower 🌸 of Life, Holy Spirit =Sophia Divine Spark= MAAT, the Christ Energy = Heru or Nous, the Sophia = the Soul and Nous = the Son. Apollonius believe in Monism which believe in the Monad, while the Zadikim Jesus of Gamala aka Jesus Malathiel believe in the dangerous Monotheism. Emanuel Sweedenborg concept ✨ of the Grand Spiral is the Monad . Walter Russell has two good books 📚 called Tbe secret of light and Atomic Suicide.
      Their were two types of Essenes, one was the Therapeutae Essenes of Egypt and Mandaeans of Iraq and The Other was The Militant Zealots Essenes of the Qumran who wrote the Dead Sea Scrolls. Their leader was King Manu ( King Izates) of Edessa. In the Bible he is known as Jesus Bar Abbas and Jesus Justus. He is also known as Jesus of Gamala and Jesus Malathiel. his brother Monobaz II (A.KA Menahem Ben Judah) was known in the Bible as Chuza who was wife of Joanna. Joanna historical name was Johanna grand daughter of Theophilus and daughter of Johnathan. In the Bible their were two johns one was male and one was female. That’s some pictures of Saint John was female and some was male. Josephus calls Glaphyra a virgin, this could try to indicate her Armenian and Persian Heritage. Apollonius in the book Antiquity Unveiled says he spoke a Samaritan tongue 👅 and Josephus Flavius was jealous of him. He and Josephus was a part of a group known as the Sons of Suns. Unlike him Josephus Flavius was connected with those other Jews and Josephus Flavius wanted POWER 💥 so he was also connected with the Roman Empire, when those other Jews aligned with the Roman Empire, then you got the Catholic Church ⛪️. Josephus captured women. Apollonius respected women because he was a Neo-Pythagorean. The Ossaraen was a group of Zealot Jewish Warriors of Qumran, their leader was Jesus Malathiel in antiquity Unveiled Ancient Voices From the spirit Realm is Jesus of Gamala before it was his farther Judas of Galilee and his brother Menahem Ben Judah. Jesus of Gamala is king Izates II who is King 👑 Jesus who wears the crown 👑 on his head. more information on King Jesus can be found in the Mara bar Serapion Document, in the Messiah Cesar The Flavian Dynasty along with Josephus Flavius, Titus Flavius and Flavius Constantine created the Bible, more information can be found in Antiquity Unveiled: Ancient Voices from the Spirit Realms by Jonathan M. Roberts, and another member was Jesus Ben Ananias, in the gnostic text Great treatise of Seth he is known as Simon of Cyrene. In the great treatise of Seth is where Simon Magus critique Judaism as the same way Sid Gautama critique old Hinduism 🕉. In Ralph Ellis book King Jesus on Pg. 122-130 , Ralph Drops strait gems about Simon Magus and his Devastating attacks on Christianity . Remember in the Old Testament God, doesn’t like Paganism and Bible makes Simon Magus the Villain. The earliest images of Jesus in Egypt and Israel , you would see a very tanned man with dark Curly Afro. This is Simon Magus.
      Simon Magus was a Shaman of Egyptian and Samaritan Jewish origin, that connects with the Medjay and tribal Kemetic Spiritual Egyptians ( Kemeticism ) which and the Ophite Gnostics. Kemeticism is similar to the Shinto in Japan , the concept of the Neteru is similar to Kami in Shinto .Grand son of Simon Boethus and relative to Miriam the 2nd. Simon Magus was a spiritual warrior who was connected with the Naasenes , read the Great Treatise of Seth, in that Gnostic text, Simon Magus exposes the other Jewish sect Bloodline that connects with the Hyksos. Simon Magus was a believer in Sophia which is the feminine energy that connects with MAAT, Simon Magus was indeed a Shaman who worked behind the scenes, he taught like Theatrical teacher, his teaching was based on the Pleroma and the Flower 🌸 of Life , Aeons & The NETERU and the Metron Cube. It was also based on original Buddhism ☸️ and Buddha criticism on the false creator god who is MahBrahma who Simon Magus equates with Yaldabaoth. Buddhism ☸️ may have also influenced Simon Magus Gnosticism. Sid Gautama describes Matter as several forms of whirl pools. Simon Magus is known as the farther of Gnosticism. Simon was a Gnostic and disciple of John the Baptist. Simon was also known as the farther of all heretics. Simon Magus also spent time in Alexandria Egypt learning under Philo of Alexandria the philosopher, studying Medicine, he also studied Greek philosophy, especially Heraclitus and original Buddhism ☸️ and his ancestors Egyptians philosophy . He believed if his students have good 😌 faith themselves they should do better works then him. Simon Magus teaching carried on through Menander A.KA. Apollonius of Tyana and Saturnius the Gnostic,Valentinus , Basilides and Marcion. Simon teaching focus 🧘‍♀️ big on the Forces of Nature and Sophia and believe in your self. Simon Magus taught with his consort Helen in theatrical way to illustrate ideas and symbols. Helen was also a disciples John the Baptist. As a child Simon studied under Philo of Alexandria, and learned his Greek philosophy and history of the Djedi, Magi and Medjay and Magi = Shamanism. Best female Gnostic to study is Gnostic Marcellina and Neoplatonist Hypatia , the Catholic Church ⛪️ created a fictional Hypatia character known as Saint Catherine of Alexandria, but their is no such person of Saint Catherine of Alexandria, but their was a NeoPlatonist known as Hypatia . Jedi = Magi sound, Je’daii = Medjay.

  • @tomcat8407
    @tomcat8407 5 лет назад +72

    The modern method of sacrifice is your money
    Wow 😮

    • @BHTube94
      @BHTube94 3 года назад +1

      Money has no value to The Living God, only beneficial to the greed of men. The ‘modern method’ of sacrifice is prayer, praise and doing good and pleasing works before God.
      “...let us continually OFFER the SACRIFICE of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name.”
      ‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭13:15‬ ‭
      May the power of The Most High God & our Lord Jesus Christ lead all who read this & reestablish anyone’s faith that may have been shaken because of this.
      God Bless 🙏🏾

    • @naiyayika
      @naiyayika 3 года назад

      @@BHTube94 Good for you sir. But, there's increasing atheism among the Christians themselves who find multiple tenets of the religion in diametrically opposite directions to pragmatism.
      They're looking to the Orient for greater peace.

    • @davelouie131
      @davelouie131 3 года назад

      thanks, you can start by reading 📚 these books
      The secret Adam, a study of nasoraen gnosis.
      Hillel the elder ,the emergence of classical Judaism.
      Fragments of a Faith forgotten.
      Antiquity unveiled Ancient Voices from the spirit Realm.
      The works of Philo
      Jesus scroll 📜
      The Grail Cypher
      Blessed city of edessa
      Simon magus GRS mead
      The Great Treatise of Seth
      The Galilee Shaman
      Operation Messiah, book only make sense when you know Paul in this book is Josephus Flavius and Jesus in this book is King Izates of Edessa.
      Good fictional books to study are Mentu-HotepThe Spirit of the Medjay and The book 📖 The Way of the Djedi force of one.

    • @davelouie131
      @davelouie131 3 года назад

      Great Read🙏, In John 8: 48, they asked Jesus is he possessed by a demon and is he Samaritan, Jesus denies being possessed by a demon but he does not deny being Samaritan. That’s huge because according to my research 🧐, Apollonius of Tyana is the son of Glaphyra and Herod Archealus who is half Samaritan, because his mother was the Samaritan woman 👩 named Malthace, so this would of meant that Apollonius of Tyana grandmother 👵 was Samaritan, because his grandmother was Malthace the Samaritan woman. So this why Apollonius didn’t deny being Samaritan, Now Apollonius mother Glaphyra was Cappadocia and of Armenian,Persian descent. Apollonius trave to Taxila India With Apostle Thomas or Damis, the stories Jesus traveling to India come from Apollonius travels to India. Apollonius would say the kingdom of heaven (Pleroma) is within. You can do greater works than me. You are all gods. The truth shall set you free. Apollonius of Tyana has a quote stating that God, who is the most beautiful being, cannot be influenced by prayers or sacrifices and has no wish to be worshiped by humans, but can be reached by a spiritual procedure involving nous ( intellect) because he himself is pure nous and nous is thr greatest faculty of humankindApollonius was a believer in the Monad ( Monism) and Nous while Simon Magus believe in Gnosis.
      Now Apollonius was a metaphycian & healer medicine man doctor who practiced the Orphic tradition like the Pythagorean’s, he is the Gnostic Paul and was known as Meanander of Cappareteia, if you type Cappareteia in Google images then Cappadocia pops up instead. He was also known in the Bible as Jesus Bar Elymas and Apollo’s which was short for Apollonius. He was part of the ancient sect of the Therapeutae of Asclepius and affiliated with the Therapeutae Essenes of Egypt and Apollonius also learned under Gamaliel , Hillel The Elder grand son , this could explain Apollonius of Tyana love for humanity similar to Hillel the Elder. And yes Apollonius also studied under Simon Magus under the name Menander of Cappareteia. Hillel the Elder was at a ongoing battle with the Jews known as the school 🏫 of Shammai. Apollonius of Tyana was a believer in the Golden Rule like Hillel the Elder 🧓 and Apollonius was a Orator also so he taught to the Jews that they are gods themselves and trust in thy self and do not follow a fictional god of Error, instead use Nous and follow the Monad within you. Apollonius teachings would of been the Osiris or Farther = The Monad, The Kingdom of Heaven = Pleroma &The Tree of Life, the Fruits = the Spheres and thoughts, the light Body temple = The Chakra points of the Soul. Simon Magus was the Shaman who worked behind the scenes, his teaching of the Pleroma = The Flower 🌸 of Life, Holy Spirit =Sophia Divine Spark= MAAT, the Christ Energy = Heru or Nous, the Sophia = the Soul and Nous = the Son. Apollonius believe in Monism which believe in the Monad, while the Zadikim Jesus of Gamala aka Jesus Malathiel believe in the dangerous Monotheism. Emanuel Sweedenborg concept ✨ of the Grand Spiral is the Monad . Walter Russell has two good books 📚 called Tbe secret of light and Atomic Suicide.
      Their were two types of Essenes, one was the Therapeutae Essenes of Egypt and Mandaeans of Iraq and The Other was The Militant Zealots Essenes of the Qumran who wrote the Dead Sea Scrolls. Their leader was King Manu ( King Izates) of Edessa. In the Bible he is known as Jesus Bar Abbas and Jesus Justus. He is also known as Jesus of Gamala and Jesus Malathiel. his brother Monobaz II (A.KA Menahem Ben Judah) was known in the Bible as Chuza who was wife of Joanna. Joanna historical name was Johanna grand daughter of Theophilus and daughter of Johnathan. In the Bible their were two johns one was male and one was female. That’s some pictures of Saint John was female and some was male. Josephus calls Glaphyra a virgin, this could try to indicate her Armenian and Persian Heritage. Apollonius in the book Antiquity Unveiled says he spoke a Samaritan tongue 👅 and Josephus Flavius was jealous of him. He and Josephus was a part of a group known as the Sons of Suns. Unlike him Josephus Flavius was connected with those other Jews and Josephus Flavius wanted POWER 💥 so he was also connected with the Roman Empire, when those other Jews aligned with the Roman Empire, then you got the Catholic Church ⛪️. Josephus captured women. Apollonius respected women because he was a Neo-Pythagorean. The Ossaraen was a group of Zealot Jewish Warriors of Qumran, their leader was Jesus Malathiel in antiquity Unveiled Ancient Voices From the spirit Realm is Jesus of Gamala before it was his farther Judas of Galilee and his brother Menahem Ben Judah. Jesus of Gamala is king Izates II who is King 👑 Jesus who wears the crown 👑 on his head. more information on King Jesus can be found in the Mara bar Serapion Document, in the Messiah Cesar The Flavian Dynasty along with Josephus Flavius, Titus Flavius and Flavius Constantine created the Bible, more information can be found in Antiquity Unveiled: Ancient Voices from the Spirit Realms by Jonathan M. Roberts, and another member was Jesus Ben Ananias, in the gnostic text Great treatise of Seth he is known as Simon of Cyrene. In the great treatise of Seth is where Simon Magus critique Judaism as the same way Sid Gautama critique old Hinduism 🕉. In Ralph Ellis book King Jesus on Pg. 122-130 , Ralph Drops strait gems about Simon Magus and his Devastating attacks on Christianity . Remember in the Old Testament God, doesn’t like Paganism and Bible makes Simon Magus the Villain. The earliest images of Jesus in Egypt and Israel , you would see a very tanned man with dark Curly Afro. This is Simon Magus.
      Simon Magus was a Shaman of Egyptian and Samaritan Jewish origin, that connects with the Medjay and tribal Kemetic Spiritual Egyptians ( Kemeticism ) which and the Ophite Gnostics. Kemeticism is similar to the Shinto in Japan , the concept of the Neteru is similar to Kami in Shinto .Grand son of Simon Boethus and relative to Miriam the 2nd. Simon Magus was a spiritual warrior who was connected with the Naasenes , read the Great Treatise of Seth, in that Gnostic text, Simon Magus exposes the other Jewish sect Bloodline that connects with the Hyksos. Simon Magus was a believer in Sophia which is the feminine energy that connects with MAAT, Simon Magus was indeed a Shaman who worked behind the scenes, he taught like Theatrical teacher, his teaching was based on the Pleroma and the Flower 🌸 of Life , Aeons & The NETERU and the Metron Cube. It was also based on original Buddhism ☸️ and Buddha criticism on the false creator god who is MahBrahma who Simon Magus equates with Yaldabaoth. Buddhism ☸️ may have also influenced Simon Magus Gnosticism. Sid Gautama describes Matter as several forms of whirl pools. Simon Magus is known as the farther of Gnosticism. Simon was a Gnostic and disciple of John the Baptist. Simon was also known as the farther of all heretics. Simon Magus also spent time in Alexandria Egypt learning under Philo of Alexandria the philosopher, studying Medicine, he also studied Greek philosophy, especially Heraclitus and original Buddhism ☸️ and his ancestors Egyptians philosophy . He believed if his students have good 😌 faith themselves they should do better works then him. Simon Magus teaching carried on through Menander A.KA. Apollonius of Tyana and Saturnius the Gnostic,Valentinus , Basilides and Marcion. Simon teaching focus 🧘‍♀️ big on the Forces of Nature and Sophia and believe in your self. Simon Magus taught with his consort Helen in theatrical way to illustrate ideas and symbols. Helen was also a disciples John the Baptist. As a child Simon studied under Philo of Alexandria, and learned his Greek philosophy and history of the Djedi, Magi and Medjay and Magi = Shamanism. Best female Gnostic to study is Gnostic Marcellina and Neoplatonist Hypatia , the Catholic Church ⛪️ created a fictional Hypatia character known as Saint Catherine of Alexandria, but their is no such person of Saint Catherine of Alexandria, but their was a NeoPlatonist known as Hypatia . Jedi = Magi sound, Je’daii = Medjay.

    • @davelouie131
      @davelouie131 3 года назад

      according to Antiquity Unveiled: Voices from the Spirit Realms by Johnathan M. Roberts. Jonathan M. Roberts did not believe in the Jesus character but instead believe in the Christ Myth.
      According to him, Their wasn’t no person actually named Jesus, the name Jesus was a title similar to Miriam, the Jesus character was based on 3 individual and they mixed their stories together and they also mixed the Christ myth story in also. According to Apollonius of Tyana, his teaching was based on the Myths of Krishna and the Orphic tradition of Neo-Pythagorean’s. He didn’t believe in Yahweh, instead he believed in the concept of the Monad and Nous. He was part of the ancient sect of the Therapeutae of Asclepius and he himself was a Asclepeion like Aelius Aristides & Galen , and Apollonius of Tyana was affiliated with the Therapeutae Essenes of Egypt , now movies like the 2009 movie 🎥 Gifted Hands and 2004 movie 🎥 Something The Lord Made , start to make more sense now. In his time Christianity didn’t exist. It came much later on. In his time you just had different sects mixed with different Philosophies. He himself was not a Christian but rather he was what you call a Neo-Pythagorean. He says Christianity became created when those Warriors Jews of Qumran got Connected with the Romans Empire and the Birth of the Catholic Church became born. He says this Religion is basically Politics and used for to control people minds by using Roman tactics and Fear to keep humanity in a time loop.
      He says that’s some Parts of the Jesus character was based on him and some parts of Apostle Paul was based on him also. He also says the other parts of the Jesus character was based on Jesus Malathiel a.k.a King Izates of Edessa or King 🤴🏿 Manu of Edessa. He says other parts of the Apostle Paul was actually about Josephus Flavius. He says he grew in the sect of the Therapeutae of Asclepius, so he had connections with The Therapeutae Essenes. The closest we have to them are the Mandaean of Iraq or the Marsh People. These people are not Jews.
      He also says he was travel so he taught with the Jews who was affiliated with Gamelile and the school 🏫 of Hillel the Elder, because they had similar Philosophies. But their was another sect of Jews that was aggressive and Militant, these Jews was more Zealous and be similar to today’s ideas of a Zionist. Their Leader was Jesus of Gamala, aka King Manu of Edessa. He also says every Religion is built on from older Religion, hence his teaching was built on The Krishna, the Pythagorean’s , and Egyptians Mythology.
      He also says the Christians distorted History to hide the crime they Committed. For example they created a fake Saint Catherine of Alexandria, this person was based the Historical Neoplatonist Hypatia .
      If you read the Great Treatise of Seth, you would hear Simon Magus critique the Hyksos King Bloodlines. In the Gnostics text the Fake god is known as Yaldabaoth but in Buddhism ☸️, Sid Gautama calls the Fake creator god MahaBrahma , it’s the same concept basically, it just express in a different way. Apollonius says in the Bible he was known as Apollo’s and Jesus Bar Elymas, in the Gnostics text he was the Gnostics Apostle Paul and he was known as Meanander of Cappareteia, his influencers became Bashilides, Valentinus, and Marcion. He says the guy Known in the Bible as Jesus Bar Abbas was actually King Izates of Edessa aka Jesus Malathiel.
      The Ossaraen was a group of Zealot Jewish Warriors of Qumran, their leader was Jesus Malathiel in antiquity Unveiled Ancient Voices From the spirit Realm is Jesus of Gamala before it was his farther Judas of Galilee and his brother Menahem Ben Judah. Jesus of Gamala is king Izates II who is King 👑 Jesus who wears the crown 👑 on his head. more information on King Jesus can be found in the Mara bar Serapion Document, in the Messiah Cesar The Flavian Dynasty along with Josephus Flavius, Titus Flavius and Flavius Constantine created the Bible, more information can be found in Antiquity Unveiled: Ancient Voices from the Spirit Realms by Jonathan M. Roberts, and another member was Jesus Ben Ananias, in the gnostic text Great treatise of Seth he is known as Simon of Cyrene. In the great treatise of Seth is where Simon Magus critique Judaism as the same way Sid Gautama critique old Hinduism 🕉. In Ralph Ellis book King Jesus on Pg. 122-130 , Ralph Drops strait gems about Simon Magus and his Devastating attacks on Christianity . Remember in the Old Testament God, doesn’t like Paganism and Bible makes Simon Magus the Villain. The earliest images of Jesus in Egypt and Israel , you would see a very tanned man with dark Curly Afro. This is Simon Magus.
      APOLLONIUS was part of the Therapeutae Essenes which later became Gnosticism and Apollonius who is also Gnostic Menander open a school 🏫 in Antioch aka the Orontes River Essenes = Neo-Pythagorean.
      On page 58-79 of Not In His Image by John Lamb Lash , the chapter is called the cult of righteousness, it breaks down how this religion keeps mentally in a time loop. On pg. 272 of John Lamb Lash book Not in In His Image, it explains how the apocalypse of James explain how the Archonic Zaddikim invades Jerusalem. In page 270 it explains how the Zaddikim wanted to eradicate the Gnostics. Bardaisan Edessa which influenced Manichaeans, Thaddeus Addai , Philo of Alexandria played a role in early Essenes ,Al-Battani and
      Emanuel Swedenborg were similar to Philo. Apollonius influenced Iamblichus. Apollonius was a believer in the Monad( monism ) or Nous while Simon believe in Gnosis.
      The Hebrews, Romans dynamic was all about blood lines, in Ralph Ellis book The Tempest & Exodus, he talks about The Hyksos infiltration into Egyptians Culture. The character Jacob in the Bible is really A Hyksos Egyptian Pharaoh Named Yaqub- Har. He ruled Egypt in the 14 dynasty. He may have also inspire NOI Yakub story which was based on Yaldabaoth and Enki story. NOI is a extraterrestrial Religion.
      The Muslim conquest was according to Henri Pirenne, was used to split the Mediterranean world 🗺, and it also elevated Europe from barbarians to King Charlemagne.
      Egypt had great Egyptian pharaohs Like Mentuhotep II and later Mentuhotep IV who was thought to have been killed by Amenmhat |, he had a relative named Sensusret |||, which they affiliated with the Hyksos.
      The real King David is Psusennes I, Susanna bath book of Daniel is also based off of Psusennes I relationship with queen Bathsheba, King Solomon aka Amenemope (pharaoh) according to Ralph Ellis. Ralph Ellis says that Maatkare Mutemhat is the real queen SHeba.
      Moses is obviously a Egyptian Name and Moses was a composite Character of Senusret ||| who conquered indigenous Europe and Senusret I , Moses was also based on Sargon of Akkad & Sennacherib and of course Akhenaten and his brother Thutmose with their dangerous Belief in Monotheism. The Real Moses was King Mesha of Moab and Thutmoses Akhenaten brother and Osarseph, the Real Prophet Joseph is The Egyptians/ Hyksos man named Anku, who is depicted with Red Hair. The real Abraham was real aged to Aamu of the Hyksos Cannanites, the tribe of Benjamin was Hyksos Pharaoh Apepi. Simon Magus in the treatise of the great Seth critique this bloodline of infiltrated Hyksos into Egyptians culture. Buddha criticize the False creator god who is Brahma = Yaldabaoth
      The good Egyptians pharaohs was Ahmoses who work with the Medjay which predates Magi,who fought against Hyksos . Hatshepsut was a great Pharoh and Mentuhotep ||. The Jedi was based on the Djedi, Je’daii = Medjay, and Magi and Jedi sound similar on purpose. Of Jedi is also based on Jed and Jidaigeki also. To learn more about the Jesus Story read Jonathan M Robert book Voices from the Spirit Realms, JB Segal book Blessed city of Edessa, and GRS Mead book fragment of a faith Forgotten. For newer books read Ralph Ellis book The Grail Cypher, (Paula Gott book Josephus Jesus which shows Plutarch being Luke, Plutarch was a pagan who taught at the temple of Apollo, his teaching was similar to Ancient Greeks like the Minoan Civilization ,he wrote in riddles and allegorical similar to Philo of Alexandria and Origien of Alexandria, Josephus and Flavius Constantine hid information and Deleted Information) and John Lamb Lash book Not in Image is also a great read. On Pg. 309 In Voices from the Spirit Realms, It Critiques Moses and Christianity and another good book Is The Galilean Shaman.

  • @AidanVeritasTheAmazingDeist
    @AidanVeritasTheAmazingDeist Год назад +19

    15 years I’ve asked Jesus to help, and he hasn’t lifted a finger.

    • @ExCHRISTIAN-v5c
      @ExCHRISTIAN-v5c 11 месяцев назад +9

      He's not real he's a character like Barney the Dinosaur

    • @blacklyfe5543
      @blacklyfe5543 11 месяцев назад


    • @cjgrace7698
      @cjgrace7698 10 месяцев назад

      Ironically after I stopped using petty religious names to describe "god" (how does one name "Infinity" anyway?) & started demanding it do shit for me, a few months later I moved to Colorado & wld have my first 2 back to back ufo sightings! A few months after the 2nd, my roommate who was a non believer in metaphysical happenings, goes camping at night & has a stand off with a sasquatch for 4hrs straight until the sun came up!

    • @Aralight13
      @Aralight13 10 месяцев назад

      And he has asked you to repent and open your heart and forgive those who have abused you and you havent. He knows your heart and until you change from looking at porn, drinking, smoking weed, acting foolish he is not interested in you.

    • @salvadoralba8207
      @salvadoralba8207 6 месяцев назад +1

      Super very good point, Barney the dinosaur, but for adults as santa is for kids

  • @cferrarini
    @cferrarini 4 года назад +72

    Remember that the Roman Catolic church was the medieval Hollywood!

    • @bigt6227
      @bigt6227 3 года назад

      @Yfghggg Yr you worship ancient propaganda

    • @bigt6227
      @bigt6227 3 года назад

      I am anti theist. The modern world doesn't need religious dogma. You and many other people, just aren't smart enough to fully understand what you worship.... the fact alone that anyone worships anything is mind boggling. Your gods never existed, kind of like your brain.

    • @jesusexposed1848
      @jesusexposed1848 3 года назад +4

      Yeah I know JESUS never existed

    • @karenacalhoun6923
      @karenacalhoun6923 2 года назад +1

      Nothing has changed

    • @christianshreve3461
      @christianshreve3461 2 года назад +1

      Brilliant statement. Brilliant. With your permission, I should like to crib it for discourse.

  • @OPropagadordaReal
    @OPropagadordaReal 3 года назад +30

    "There are several ways to be dishonest without committing social crimes. One of the most sordid is intellectual dishonesty, where someone lies to himself while trying to deceive others."
    - Abel Duarte
    Historical Jesus is not denied by any serious and reputable historian, except by militant atheists and or occultists. To claim that the Roman Empire created a "Jesus myth" is as comic as it is ridiculous, the Roman Empire is simply one of the Beasts described by the prophet Daniel from which the small horn (Kingdom) prophesied in apocalypse would emerge. The term "Babylon" used in Brit'Hadashá (New Testament) is simply a codename for Rome (Revelation chapters 17 and 18).
    "First of all, how many documents do we have to work on? The famous Dead Sea scrolls, discovered in 1947, added 100 manuscripts to the existing Old Testament documents, while we have more than 5,000 New Testament manuscripts in the original Greek, and a total of 20,000 that help us put it all together. Other works of antiquity do not even come close to these numbers. We only have nine or ten copies of the famous Gallic War of Caesar (58 - 50 BC), twenty copies of Livy's Roman History (59 BC - AD 17), seven copies of the stories of Pliny the Younger (AD 61 - 113) and just two copies of Tacitus Stories and Chronicles (AD 55 - 120) The closest rival to the more than 20,000 New Testament sources is the famous Homer's Iliad, only 643. "
    [John Blanchard - 'Why Believe the Bible?', Evangelical Press, 2004].

    • @onelove864
      @onelove864 3 года назад +3

      Thank you for taking your time to write this response. You defended the faith well here & it’s very much appreciated. I simply don’t have it in me right now to go through the points you just made let alone offer the added context as well as you’ve done here.
      The fact is that even no serious secular historians challenge the existence of Christ. Also, as you pointed out the sheer volume of the number of manuscripts that we’ve got and all the independent sources that validate each other. There’s more evidence supporting even the Resurrection than is required for any other aspect of history to be considered verified historical fact.
      Thank you, my brother in Christ. It needed to be said here & as I said, I am just very tired tonight & I’d not have been nearly as effective as you were in this moment.
      May God bless you & continue to keep you during these tumultuous times. Idk if it’s the final Beast system, after all, the prophecy of Tyre was fulfilled across about 400 years I think. The labor pains of the End Times could last another 100 years before we actually hit tribulations. Or, it could be tomorrow. Or- it could be that we stave it off this time, too & this is merely another type of THE Beast system & the anti-Christ just as there’s been in the past & as there has been pictures of Christ all throughout the Old Testament, too.

    • @O.G.556
      @O.G.556 3 года назад

      @@onelove864 riiiiiight 😏

    • @AV57
      @AV57 2 года назад +2

      It’s not about the number of copies. Lol. It only takes one record of sufficient quality that contains corroborating cross-referenced stories to make a record plausibly believable. A great example of this is Mithridates the Great of Pontus. He also lived during the expansion of the Roman Empire, claimed to be semi-divine, was seen as a sort of instrument of the gods to punish the Romans through military might, but we actually have multiple cross-referenced contemporaneous sources from Greek, Pontic, Syria, Cappadocian, Roman, and Bosphoric tribes that name him and explain him in very similar ways. Do we have as many copies of these records pertaining to Mithridates as we do of the apostles’ writings? No, but what we have of Mithridates is consistent whether it comes from his allies, his enemies, or the people who were neutral toward him and his country.
      We don’t rely on learning about Mithridates by blindly believing the men who never had a chance to see him alive and who only pass on supposed stories of Mithridates told through word of mouth. That would be a very dumb way to assess what Mithridates did or if he even existed. For Christians, this is the best they can do for Jesus’ existence. Even though Jesus and Mithridates supposedly lived in relatively close proximity to each other at roughly the same time and would have both represented threats to the Romans, only one of them has strong evidence for their existence.

    • @julianmarsh1378
      @julianmarsh1378 2 года назад

      It is estimated that there were about 100+ historian writers in Jesus' part of the world during his life time, and yet none of them mention him. Josephus does mention several Jesus' and one account seems to be 'our' Jesus but then again, it is usually considered by modern scholars to be a forgery...I am not saying he did not exist, but existence is not the same thing as being a god.

  • @maxdoubt5219
    @maxdoubt5219 7 лет назад +50

    The contention that Jesus is a complete myth has advanced from a hypothesis to a theory. Christians can't say when Jesus was born, when he died, how long his ministry was, where he got his Y chromosome, what day of the week he died on, where he lived (Nazareth didn't exist), where he appeared to his disciples after the crucifixion etc. Thank you Kenneth!

    • @MariusVanWoerden
      @MariusVanWoerden 6 лет назад +1

      Deacon Verter Do Honest research before making claims. There are numerous compelling pieces of archaeological evidence that in fact Nazareth did exist in Jesus’ day, and that like other villages and towns in that part of Galilee, it was built on the hillside, near where the later rock-cut kokh tombs were built. For one thing, archaeologists have excavated a farm connected with the village, and it dates to the time of Jesus.

    • @iamthatiamiamthatiam2942
      @iamthatiamiamthatiam2942 6 лет назад +2

      Deacon Verter theory isn't fact either.

    • @MariusVanWoerden
      @MariusVanWoerden 6 лет назад +2

      Deacon Verter What again is the year we live in. 2018 years after WHAT? Jesus never existed is the dumbest thing one can say.

    • @iamthatiamiamthatiam2942
      @iamthatiamiamthatiam2942 6 лет назад

      John Clinton how was Jesus born, is that the question???

    • @MariusVanWoerden
      @MariusVanWoerden 6 лет назад +7

      What did non-Christian authors say about Jesus?
      As far as we know, the first author outside the church to mention Jesus is the Jewish historian Flavius Josephus, who wrote a history of Judaism around AD93. He has two references to Jesus. One of these is controversial because it is thought to be corrupted by Christian scribes (probably turning Josephus’s negative account into a more positive one), but the other is not suspicious - a reference to James, the brother of “Jesus, the so-called Christ”.
      About 20 years after Josephus we have the Roman politicians Pliny and Tacitus, who held some of the highest offices of state at the beginning of the second century AD. From Tacitus we learn that Jesus was executed while Pontius Pilate was the Roman prefect in charge of Judaea (AD26-36) and Tiberius was emperor (AD14-37) - reports that fit with the timeframe of the gospels. Pliny contributes the information that, where he was governor in northern Turkey, Christians worshipped Christ as a god. Neither of them liked Christians - Pliny writes of their “pig-headed obstinacy” and Tacitus calls their religion a destructive superstition. From

  • @williammontoute8968
    @williammontoute8968 3 года назад +42

    Well said, but what can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

    • @ryanorionwotanson4568
      @ryanorionwotanson4568 Год назад

      Yes, jeebus can be dismissed without evidence, because there is no evidence for him. It's just a conspiracy against Rome and Europe and all GENTILE civilization!

    • @Liberty-Freedom-Outdoors
      @Liberty-Freedom-Outdoors 9 месяцев назад

      Including this guy and his books ! Amen

  • @leonarddement4058
    @leonarddement4058 3 года назад +24

    I was a Christian for years and did have problems with the bible's context. Now I'm not and it bothers me none but makes sense about this.

    • @truth8307
      @truth8307 3 года назад +3

      The video missed out these evidence especially no.2 and 3 which proved the fraud:
      20 IRREFUTABLE EVIDENCE that proved Bible God is likely FAKE, don't miss the last paragraph that explains it:
      1) A CREATOR god claimed to be ALMIGHTY should be the oldest and only religion but all the pagans, Greek, Chinese, Hinduism religions existed earlier and all have their own creator god mythology.
      2) Many of the Bible's mythologies was very similar with older pagans, Greek, Egyptian or Hinduism religions(note the names too) E.g. Adam/Eve with Atman/Jiva, big flood and survivor Noah/3 sons with Manu/3 daughters although cause of flood is different. Abraham/Sarah with Brahma/Saraswathi, Moses with Krishna etc
      3) Jesus similarities with Buddha: Maya to Mary, miracle pregnancy to virgin pregnancy, birth during a journey home to from home, prophesied soon after birth, had a disciple who betrayed them, walked on water, Buddha sacrificed his family but God sacrificed his son Jesus's life !! Gautama left the palace at age 29 and Jesus appeared at 29, Gautama became Buddha at 35 and Jesus died and resurrected at around 35, Buddha had a big meal while Jesus had a last supper before they died, later 500 arahants witnessed compilation of Buddha's teachings and over 500 witnesses to Jesus's resurrection etc. All coincidental ? Beside Buddha, Jesus was also found to be copied from other figures. Surely they can't be ALL coincidental.
      4) Why should an almighty and all knowing God allowed their people to branch off and kill their parent religion Judaism or Zoroatruism and later allowed Islam to be created and had holy wars/crusades with Christianity ? "Free will" is not an excuse as earlier they claimed their God killed all people with a big flood(without freewill) because they sinned.
      5) The way they collect tithings during Sunday mass is so tricky. They know people will be shy not to pay or pay less when others could be watching. This is why they don't just use a money box like Buddhism, Hinduism or Chinese temples where people can donate anytime. Catholics and Islam later even made it bigger by suggesting a certain percentage of their income.
      6) The Bible condemned non-followers, clearly mentioned in Mark's words 16:16. Why should a Creator God's religion condemn non-believers when in the first place, they claimed their God created the world? Isn't this like playing both good and evil ?
      7) Why should God created people to suffer? Now "Creation" word got stale, they use "Intelligent Design" What is so intelligent? If people don't need to go to toilet and don't have unpleasant feelings or sufferings, then it's an intelligent design.
      8) The Bible is full of sex, lust, incest and desires in Cor, Gen, Lev & Solomon's part, beside evil and violence. Their God killed countless people but Satan only killed a few.
      9) Meditation, wisdom, mindfulness and karma are not taught despite that they copied so much from older religions but liquor is promoted to make followers foolish or lose their minds.
      10) Using words like "Lord" or "Father" are psychological tricks to make their followers more obedient as they will feel more like slaves and children to their God. Saying people are born with sins and God forgives sins are just tricks.
      11) If God is kind and loving, why are there some Christian babies born with disease or innocent children being abused or died young ?
      12) If there is truely an all mighty God, why Christianity have so many denominations and some are not in good terms with each other? Why is the founder of Mormonism killed and why Mormons live longer than other Christians?
      13)Most major festivals and holidays related to Christianity are copied from pagans including Christmas(Jesus can't be born in winter), Easter, Thanksgiving, Good Friday, All Souls, Halloween and New Year day.
      14) Using fear like hell or "end of the world" hoax every 2 years but we are still here. Try ask the church whether you should believe in end of the world claim and see what they say.
      15) The case and evilness of Mother Teresa(Google it) and after she died, those money she collected was not returned to India.
      16)If their God is almighty, why need missionaries and evangelists to convert others ?
      17) Those ongoing child sex abuses committed by the pastors/priests. If God is real and almighty, why did it allowed it?
      18) The Bible condemned dogs because they know dogs are man's best friend. Making men lonely is the best way to keep them dependant on religion.
      19) If God created everybody, why condemn LGBT or other religions?
      20) Incidents, eg: (a) Covid-19 highest fatalities countries are highly religious countries, over 600K deaths U.S. alone !! (b) Churches burned in Canada (c) Air Asia plane crash of 2019 killed 41 church members, 2 missionaries and their few months old baby. (d) spree killings happened in a church with pastor killed, even by lightning etc.
      Only 1 reason can tie up all 20 points above, this God don't exist but a man-made to con or control people. If not, they all can't be explained.

    • @leonarddement4058
      @leonarddement4058 3 года назад

      @@truth8307 damn. That's extensive. Your good.

    • @defimperia2373
      @defimperia2373 3 года назад

      Genesis 3:2 And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden: 3:3 But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.
      3:4 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:
      ■ Life is all about Choices. ■

    • @defimperia2373
      @defimperia2373 3 года назад

      @@gustavmahler1466 Ah, you have fallen into Adam's trap. Indeed, Adam lived to 930 years, then he died. But Death is not breathing your last. Death is separation from God, which is why Christ could say of Jairus daughter 'She is not dead but sleeping' and 'Our friend Lazarus sleeps; but I go, that I may awake him out of sleep ' and again 'Let the dead bury their dead.' You eat snd drink to sustain the Body, not the Spirit. That is why you gain a new body, either fit for a Blessed Life or for Condemnation. As for Adam, did you note that Eve replies 'We' to the Serpent yet, after eating the fruit, Adam does not say 'We' like his Wife but repeatedly 'I'. Both were now separate from God and already spiritually dead, like a branch fallen from a tree. Alone.

    • @defimperia2373
      @defimperia2373 3 года назад

      @@gustavmahler1466 Ok, I have read KJV Gen 3.22.... And?

  • @JavierGarcia-wi9yp
    @JavierGarcia-wi9yp Год назад +26

    it’s a myth, period.

  • @randyjames693
    @randyjames693 2 года назад +6

    Wow, this would be a lot easier if Jesus would have bothered to write something down. But, no instead we get conflicting 3rd party accounts written in Greek. Very Authentic!

  • @danieldonkor638
    @danieldonkor638 5 лет назад +109

    Who is still here with me in 2019?

    • @terrellwashington8507
      @terrellwashington8507 5 лет назад +4

      Here thanks to how topic relates to Dr. Ray Higins i highly recommend you search him for his perspective

    • @danieldonkor638
      @danieldonkor638 5 лет назад +1

      @@terrellwashington8507 really

    • @hansbylewis2144
      @hansbylewis2144 5 лет назад +3

      You profess to be wise and became a fool. You do not even know what you are saying.

    • @rhabdob3895
      @rhabdob3895 5 лет назад

      I’m here

    • @DanielLDees
      @DanielLDees 5 лет назад +2

      Daniel,Where are you? Your question is vague and ambiguous. Where is "here with me?"

  • @gloonnug4797
    @gloonnug4797 4 года назад +26

    What if “Jesus” actually had Down Syndrome and everyone around him was just being super nice and overly boisterous about his life.. kinda like everyone did with William Hung.

    • @calamancini
      @calamancini 3 года назад +2

      No . What if he never existed.? thats the exact point.

    • @truth8307
      @truth8307 3 года назад +1

      @@calamancini it makes no difference whether he existed or not as the Buddha said the past is past and it's no use to us other than learning something out if it which obviously nothing useful that the Jesus taught that isn't found in Buddhism.

    • @ipeeinmysinkimafraidtocome7127
      @ipeeinmysinkimafraidtocome7127 3 года назад

      @@calamancini what about STOLEN words from other culture ,Lets I be back after dead = Zoroaster 2000 bc tern water into wine =Gog\d adonis turn water into wine 3-jesus calm the ocean = Neptune calme the ocean 4 son of god = hercules ,Zeus apollo & many more 5Jew - god man out clay =god Kum made man on poted weal ,they put moses in a basket raise by how ever = the put Sargan the Conquer in a basket reise by higher Court ,brother sold ino slavery =Pharaoh's stories ,moses split ocean =Pharaoh's magician open the river to retrive a green stone forgot the name 1000 year before the jew ,One god believe =pharaoh Akhenaten +bull shit man living 800 years, Incest in Pharaoh time =incest in jew relion =Son darkness against son of light =Zoroaster Religion +Jesus raised the dead =Asklipiou son of Apollo 800 bc raised the dead heal the blind & more

    • @calamancini
      @calamancini 3 года назад

      @@ipeeinmysinkimafraidtocome7127 all this evidence should give you relief freind it shows how its all fantasy andhow humans love fantasy

    • @ipeeinmysinkimafraidtocome7127
      @ipeeinmysinkimafraidtocome7127 3 года назад +1

      @@petek7951 more than a opinion ,he is educated scholar jesus stories bull shit with stolen words & stories ,you think in coincidence ? I be back again after dead ? raised the dead ,calm the ocean ,son of god ,resurrection ,make the snake crawl in his belly when the snake 100 million years ,a talking snake ,& more is stolen word ,even when you go to the hospital or doctor ensignia is the son of apollo ( Auspicious ) from 800 bc ,they put sargon the conquer on basket and put on a river , a pharaoh magician split the river to retreat a turquoise for a female slave ,before moses ,you think a white slave owner do that ?The God kun of egypt molded children on potted wheel 400o bc before your fairy tale

  • @dougthegreat1808
    @dougthegreat1808 2 года назад +13

    Josephus Flavius an historian who lived in Jerusalem during the alleged time of christ, NEVER mentioned him in any way in his writings! Someone as influential and grandeous as Jesus, you would think there would be a mention if he ever lived!!!! THERE IS NO MENTION OF HIM....

    • @ionsochirca9244
      @ionsochirca9244 Год назад

      "Now, there was about this time Jesus, a wise man, if it be lawful to call him a man, for he was a doer of wonderful works-a teacher of such men as receive the truth with pleasure. He drew over to him both many of the Jews, and many of the Gentiles." by Flavius Josephus

    • @dougthegreat1808
      @dougthegreat1808 Год назад +2

      @@ionsochirca9244 what in G-d's creation are you dribbling about??????????????FIND ME ONE REFERENCE TO JESUS H. CHRIST IN ANY OF JOSEPHUS' WRITINGS. YOU WILL NOT!

    • @dougthegreat1808
      @dougthegreat1808 Год назад +2

      @@ionsochirca9244 THE beginning of any reference to Jesus H. CHRIST began 300 years after the start of the common era! It's like someone writing about someone living in 1723!!!!! How much truth can be found in any such writings ?????

    • @ionsochirca9244
      @ionsochirca9244 Год назад

      @@dougthegreat1808 Relax, there are two references about Jesus in Josephus's writings. Moreover, there are over 40 different references about Jesus outside the bible. In, fact there are more references to Jesus then to Tiberius Caesar the Emperor of Rome at that time. Did you know that?

    • @ionsochirca9244
      @ionsochirca9244 Год назад

      @@dougthegreat1808 I don't know where you're getting this info from, but the earliest creeds of Jesus's resurrection began months after the 3rd day resurrection and Paul of Tarsus wrote about Jesus very early about 20 years after the events. Also, you need to have a baseline regarding how late a piece of evidence is still reliable. Alexander the great is a figure that most people believe existed, yet the earliest writing about him is like 400 years after his death. Historians don't have a problem with this much gap.

  • @jennah7724
    @jennah7724 4 года назад +78

    Never believed in the Christian hocus pocus

    • @robertruggiero9999
      @robertruggiero9999 4 года назад

      And Islam ?

    • @sammckay1263
      @sammckay1263 4 года назад +2

      @Secular Righty agreed😂 if you're interested it'd be cool to talk ig... do you believe in a God at all? Because I don't find an explanation of the creation of the universe without there being a creator... thanks!

    • @Mark-zd5dl
      @Mark-zd5dl 4 года назад +2

      Ur a fool

    • @marcw6314
      @marcw6314 4 года назад +3

      hocus pocus originated from the catholic words hoc est corpus meum which means this is my body. lol

    • @misterauctor7353
      @misterauctor7353 3 года назад


  • @PoFFizdaMan
    @PoFFizdaMan 10 лет назад +30

    The man speaks the truth. I have his book and its a fascinating read. It's written in a kind of tabloid, front-page, newspaper-style, which takes some getting used to. And he uses a lot of tongue-and-cheek, slapstick humor, which helps to offset the often horrendous and catastrophic atrocities against humanity committed by the Church. Completely thorough and packed with loads of information, it's one of the most comprehensive works I've ever read on the subject. Although, i can only stand to read it in small doses, as i find the facts so sickening and upsetting when considered in hindsight. It is, after-all a very sad and disturbing history... and i find myself continuously angered and disgusted by the actions of Christendom over the years. I do wish his book could be shared with all the countless sheep out there who willingly cling to the myth that has caused so much pain and misery over the last two millennia since its conception. Imagine a world without religion? One can only dream...

    • @wmthewyld
      @wmthewyld 10 лет назад +1

      I hope you drank your Kool Aid afterwards. You have been brainwashed and don't know it, I pity you. Christians have done more to help the world than atheist ever will.

    • @juancrios-qs8ri
      @juancrios-qs8ri 10 лет назад +6

      wmthewyld Telling people the truth is the best way to help humanity .Christianity is a historical lie.

    • @wmthewyld
      @wmthewyld 10 лет назад

      Ben Standard only thing evil in this world are atheist. Millions are killed by them.

    • @jimchumley6568
      @jimchumley6568 6 лет назад +2

      Poffo Ortiz This man is decieved. Sad!

    • @f__kyoudegenerates
      @f__kyoudegenerates 2 года назад

      @@wmthewyld You are the one drinking the kool aid. The belief in an afterlife or gods is idiotic.

  • @stulee986
    @stulee986 5 лет назад +61

    spiritualism = yes!
    religion = No!

    • @louisaccardi6808
      @louisaccardi6808 5 лет назад +5

      Jesus yes, unbelief, no.

    • @stulee986
      @stulee986 5 лет назад +4

      @@louisaccardi6808 when jesus talked about his father "god" he was 'not' talking about the god of Abraham, the Vatican and Rome changed it to fit in with other religions, my god is all forgiving, and has empathy understand and unconditional love, and unconditional means 'unconditional' not 'love me or I will banish you to a hell of fire forever" all of that rubbish is a human concept, and added to the the new testament later on. no truly loving forgiving god would do all the horrible things written in the old testament and the new one. it's nonsensical and it's bullshit, I know because I've been to heaven in a NDE when I was 23 and I stayed there for over 30 years and believe me when I tell you that it's a paradise that no human words could ever do justice. there was no judgment only a replay of my life ,but the only judge was myself, the non physical relm "heaven" is actually our real home where we spend most of our time and when I got there I immediately recognised it as my home, all the other people there were friends who I'd known for millions of earth years, and I could remember every previous life I had lived, and could relive any part of them in real time, which I did and it was amazing, also you feel a million times better when out of the physical body, when I woke up out of my coma I'd been in an coma for only 2 weeks in earth time but I spent the equivalent of 30 of earth years and I only came back because I was told that I'd been born here with a job to do and that I hadn't started my work yet, and I argued for hours and hours but the elder insisted that I had to finish my mission. so I get a bit annoyed when radical Christians start shouting about fire and brimstone and vengeance and judgment because it's absolute nonsense, but you won't change your views because the brainwashing you have received your whole life is too powerful. .but I pray that you forget all of that because non of that matters to god, either does going to church, he's happy when you do, but it's not what is truly important to him, what is important is that we "love forgive, understand, and empathise with people, and animals and that we do our best to look after the earth for him, but more than anything else just be kind to each other, and he wants people to be less hung up on religion, and to be more spiritual instead, and it really is as simple as that.

    • @louisaccardi6808
      @louisaccardi6808 5 лет назад

      @@stulee986 Your god? Did you god have any commandments? Jesus said if we don't repent we will perish.

    • @louisaccardi6808
      @louisaccardi6808 5 лет назад +1

      @@stulee986 You have had some extraordinary experiences indeed. I have to take your word for it even though I would doubt that part of your story of you being in paradise or heaven for 30 years. One of my life verses is found in Micah 6: 8 "He has shown you, O man, what is good; And what does the LORD require of you But to do justly, To love mercy, And to walk humbly with your God?" I have tried to live by that ordinance of the Lord since I was 17 and am now 70 years old. Of course. I live by the Book of God, but I think that verse in Micah sums up much of what I have as a goal. We are to love being merciful to people and compassionate, God desires that we also do justly. To do justly is to do what is right. Righteousness is essential because the Almighty is Righteous all together and holy and just. Did your God emphasize how important doing what is just and right is to Him? If not I think you have been deceived by that crafty one who comes like an angel of light, but is not what he appears to be. Although, did God ever lead you to see that He is holy and just after your vision? Well, if not than you are in need of recovery.

    • @stulee986
      @stulee986 5 лет назад

      @@louisaccardi6808 you can't win an argument, with a radical! it's like trying to win one against a flat earther, your one of those really predictive people who always has to get the last word in, and it becomes a bit tedious, so I'll bid you farewell!

  • @Aslan200
    @Aslan200 3 месяца назад +10

    Moses never existed

  • @mdfilmguy
    @mdfilmguy 4 года назад +14

    How funny that an ad for Hillsdale College came up before this.

  • @johnnywilliams7488
    @johnnywilliams7488 5 лет назад +45

    My people still will not believe me when I tell him JC never lived,to the person are persons who responded to me ,thank you for the wake up.

    • @cypriano8763
      @cypriano8763 5 лет назад +9

      the problem is the finality of death, lights out/nothing. thats why humans create gods so they can have an afterlife. why would you think a flower or an ant goes to heaven after they die. how pretentious are you to think your so special that this invisible god, youve never seen will have a spot for you in his invisible place in the sky that no one has ever seen. we tell kids fantasy stories such as these. its time for humans to grow up and realize we are no better/special or worse that all other living organisms, we live, we die and thats it, no god required

    • @cypriano8763
      @cypriano8763 4 года назад +3

      @Charles Pieters you know whats warped is believing in the invisible all seing all power full being that lives in the sky that nobodys ever seen. Delusional. Ever heard of evolution and physics. Nobody created us or any other living thing and there was never a heaven to go to to begin with. Your just brainwashed. Free yourself from these absurd beliefs that have no basis in reality

    • @1594simonsays
      @1594simonsays 4 года назад +5

      So there was a big “BANG” and were all of the sudden here? I call bullshit. You’re outlook has just as many fallacies into atheist

    • @1594simonsays
      @1594simonsays 4 года назад

      In it

    • @cypriano8763
      @cypriano8763 4 года назад +4

      @@1594simonsays belief in a higher power is the past. Humanity is moving foreward out of the magical world of the middle ages. It has taken 4 centuries to get from monotheist religion. God is just no longer needed to explain physical phenomenon. No gods/ no masters

  • @wynlewis5357
    @wynlewis5357 7 лет назад +43

    Thank you for the upload. There could be a great deal in what this chap says, and truly, the majority of mankind have been duped into all sorts of religious nonsense.

    • @erikswanson5753
      @erikswanson5753 2 года назад +1

      As Voltaire said, if God did not exist we would have to invent him. Religion is the way the ruling classes have controlled the people they ruled for millenia.

    • @ryanorionwotanson4568
      @ryanorionwotanson4568 Год назад

      The Abrahamic mind control cults are a conspiracy against us gentiles to enslave us disguised as a religion. That's a big difference with other spiritual traditions.

  • @j3susinventedbyimagination450
    @j3susinventedbyimagination450 4 года назад +42

    THERE will always be some one like me that's gonna reject JESUS us atheist will never Die 😊

    • @RajatSingh-tm2cc
      @RajatSingh-tm2cc 4 года назад +3

      Rejecting jesus doesn't label anyone atheist
      Look Atheism and Theism is a same boat with different licence plate

    • @theconspiracyterrorist4412
      @theconspiracyterrorist4412 4 года назад +4

      Hmm if so than u must stop using the word good bye because good bye means God be with you🤔you must also think to yourself which comes first the egg or the chicken?🤔 You must also stop eating food that god provides🤔 hmmm to me it sounds like you just shot yourself in the foot there Man🤣, explain the logic to me of not believing In something that u have never ever experienced I have experienced a creator through my family, car accident, my luck and was also a weak minded fool like you who thought my shit doesn't stink until something told me I was gonna be in a car accident can the mind predict that? 🤔I don't think so I have many more other experiences in my life that u clearly lack but you will still judge something you've never experienced in your life🤔how is that logical?

    • @wesleygordon1645
      @wesleygordon1645 4 года назад +4

      Oh you definitely will one day. Then you will have to stand before the judgment seat of Christ! Too late then ! For your own good be honest with yourself & do something about it now !

    • @s3ntin3l60
      @s3ntin3l60 4 года назад

      Yet it happens daily literally.....covid sped it up I bet.

    • @theconspiracyterrorist4412
      @theconspiracyterrorist4412 4 года назад

      @@s3ntin3l60 until it hits you😂

  • @nazeerjunus4000
    @nazeerjunus4000 5 лет назад +10

    Very sensible and logical comments. Those low intelligent and/or mentally challenged ones believe in Jesus as 3:1. No one saw God nor knows the shape of God. It will mystery for ever. It's the bible who created the version of God in other words man made info.

  • @anthonybardsley4985
    @anthonybardsley4985 5 лет назад +32

    I wish I could be that effective as invisible man.

    • @jfphotography69
      @jfphotography69 3 года назад +16

      Religions where created by the rulers thousands of years ago to control the gullible mindless dumbed down masses. And they still do to this day. It just shows you the lack of intellect the majority of the population posseses.

    • @calamancini
      @calamancini 3 года назад

      you can let me show you lol

    • @davelouie131
      @davelouie131 3 года назад

      thanks, you can start by reading 📚 these books
      The secret Adam, a study of nasoraen gnosis.
      Hillel the elder ,the emergence of classical Judaism.
      Fragments of a Faith forgotten.
      Antiquity unveiled Ancient Voices from the spirit Realm.
      The works of Philo
      Jesus scroll 📜
      The Grail Cypher
      Blessed city of edessa
      Simon magus GRS mead
      The Great Treatise of Seth
      The Galilee Shaman
      Operation Messiah, book only make sense when you know Paul in this book is Josephus Flavius and Jesus in this book is King Izates of Edessa.
      Good fictional books to study are Mentu-HotepThe Spirit of the Medjay and The book 📖 The Way of the Djedi force of one.

    • @davelouie131
      @davelouie131 3 года назад

      Great Read🙏, In John 8: 48, they asked Jesus is he possessed by a demon and is he Samaritan, Jesus denies being possessed by a demon but he does not deny being Samaritan. That’s huge because according to my research 🧐, Apollonius of Tyana is the son of Glaphyra and Herod Archealus who is half Samaritan, because his mother was the Samaritan woman 👩 named Malthace, so this would of meant that Apollonius of Tyana grandmother 👵 was Samaritan, because his grandmother was Malthace the Samaritan woman. So this why Apollonius didn’t deny being Samaritan, Now Apollonius mother Glaphyra was Cappadocia and of Armenian,Persian descent. Apollonius trave to Taxila India With Apostle Thomas or Damis, the stories Jesus traveling to India come from Apollonius travels to India. Apollonius would say the kingdom of heaven (Pleroma) is within. You can do greater works than me. You are all gods. The truth shall set you free. Apollonius of Tyana has a quote stating that God, who is the most beautiful being, cannot be influenced by prayers or sacrifices and has no wish to be worshiped by humans, but can be reached by a spiritual procedure involving nous ( intellect) because he himself is pure nous and nous is thr greatest faculty of humankindApollonius was a believer in the Monad ( Monism) and Nous while Simon Magus believe in Gnosis.
      Now Apollonius was a metaphycian & healer medicine man doctor who practiced the Orphic tradition like the Pythagorean’s, he is the Gnostic Paul and was known as Meanander of Cappareteia, if you type Cappareteia in Google images then Cappadocia pops up instead. He was also known in the Bible as Jesus Bar Elymas and Apollo’s which was short for Apollonius. He was part of the ancient sect of the Therapeutae of Asclepius and affiliated with the Therapeutae Essenes of Egypt and Apollonius also learned under Gamaliel , Hillel The Elder grand son , this could explain Apollonius of Tyana love for humanity similar to Hillel the Elder. And yes Apollonius also studied under Simon Magus under the name Menander of Cappareteia. Hillel the Elder was at a ongoing battle with the Jews known as the school 🏫 of Shammai. Apollonius of Tyana was a believer in the Golden Rule like Hillel the Elder 🧓 and Apollonius was a Orator also so he taught to the Jews that they are gods themselves and trust in thy self and do not follow a fictional god of Error, instead use Nous and follow the Monad within you. Apollonius teachings would of been the Osiris or Farther = The Monad, The Kingdom of Heaven = Pleroma &The Tree of Life, the Fruits = the Spheres and thoughts, the light Body temple = The Chakra points of the Soul. Simon Magus was the Shaman who worked behind the scenes, his teaching of the Pleroma = The Flower 🌸 of Life, Holy Spirit =Sophia Divine Spark= MAAT, the Christ Energy = Heru or Nous, the Sophia = the Soul and Nous = the Son. Apollonius believe in Monism which believe in the Monad, while the Zadikim Jesus of Gamala aka Jesus Malathiel believe in the dangerous Monotheism. Emanuel Sweedenborg concept ✨ of the Grand Spiral is the Monad . Walter Russell has two good books 📚 called Tbe secret of light and Atomic Suicide.
      Their were two types of Essenes, one was the Therapeutae Essenes of Egypt and Mandaeans of Iraq and The Other was The Militant Zealots Essenes of the Qumran who wrote the Dead Sea Scrolls. Their leader was King Manu ( King Izates) of Edessa. In the Bible he is known as Jesus Bar Abbas and Jesus Justus. He is also known as Jesus of Gamala and Jesus Malathiel. his brother Monobaz II (A.KA Menahem Ben Judah) was known in the Bible as Chuza who was wife of Joanna. Joanna historical name was Johanna grand daughter of Theophilus and daughter of Johnathan. In the Bible their were two johns one was male and one was female. That’s some pictures of Saint John was female and some was male. Josephus calls Glaphyra a virgin, this could try to indicate her Armenian and Persian Heritage. Apollonius in the book Antiquity Unveiled says he spoke a Samaritan tongue 👅 and Josephus Flavius was jealous of him. He and Josephus was a part of a group known as the Sons of Suns. Unlike him Josephus Flavius was connected with those other Jews and Josephus Flavius wanted POWER 💥 so he was also connected with the Roman Empire, when those other Jews aligned with the Roman Empire, then you got the Catholic Church ⛪️. Josephus captured women. Apollonius respected women because he was a Neo-Pythagorean. The Ossaraen was a group of Zealot Jewish Warriors of Qumran, their leader was Jesus Malathiel in antiquity Unveiled Ancient Voices From the spirit Realm is Jesus of Gamala before it was his farther Judas of Galilee and his brother Menahem Ben Judah. Jesus of Gamala is king Izates II who is King 👑 Jesus who wears the crown 👑 on his head. more information on King Jesus can be found in the Mara bar Serapion Document, in the Messiah Cesar The Flavian Dynasty along with Josephus Flavius, Titus Flavius and Flavius Constantine created the Bible, more information can be found in Antiquity Unveiled: Ancient Voices from the Spirit Realms by Jonathan M. Roberts, and another member was Jesus Ben Ananias, in the gnostic text Great treatise of Seth he is known as Simon of Cyrene. In the great treatise of Seth is where Simon Magus critique Judaism as the same way Sid Gautama critique old Hinduism 🕉. In Ralph Ellis book King Jesus on Pg. 122-130 , Ralph Drops strait gems about Simon Magus and his Devastating attacks on Christianity . Remember in the Old Testament God, doesn’t like Paganism and Bible makes Simon Magus the Villain. The earliest images of Jesus in Egypt and Israel , you would see a very tanned man with dark Curly Afro. This is Simon Magus.
      Simon Magus was a Shaman of Egyptian and Samaritan Jewish origin, that connects with the Medjay and tribal Kemetic Spiritual Egyptians ( Kemeticism ) which and the Ophite Gnostics. Kemeticism is similar to the Shinto in Japan , the concept of the Neteru is similar to Kami in Shinto .Grand son of Simon Boethus and relative to Miriam the 2nd. Simon Magus was a spiritual warrior who was connected with the Naasenes , read the Great Treatise of Seth, in that Gnostic text, Simon Magus exposes the other Jewish sect Bloodline that connects with the Hyksos. Simon Magus was a believer in Sophia which is the feminine energy that connects with MAAT, Simon Magus was indeed a Shaman who worked behind the scenes, he taught like Theatrical teacher, his teaching was based on the Pleroma and the Flower 🌸 of Life , Aeons & The NETERU and the Metron Cube. It was also based on original Buddhism ☸️ and Buddha criticism on the false creator god who is MahBrahma who Simon Magus equates with Yaldabaoth. Buddhism ☸️ may have also influenced Simon Magus Gnosticism. Sid Gautama describes Matter as several forms of whirl pools. Simon Magus is known as the farther of Gnosticism. Simon was a Gnostic and disciple of John the Baptist. Simon was also known as the farther of all heretics. Simon Magus also spent time in Alexandria Egypt learning under Philo of Alexandria the philosopher, studying Medicine, he also studied Greek philosophy, especially Heraclitus and original Buddhism ☸️ and his ancestors Egyptians philosophy . He believed if his students have good 😌 faith themselves they should do better works then him. Simon Magus teaching carried on through Menander A.KA. Apollonius of Tyana and Saturnius the Gnostic,Valentinus , Basilides and Marcion. Simon teaching focus 🧘‍♀️ big on the Forces of Nature and Sophia and believe in your self. Simon Magus taught with his consort Helen in theatrical way to illustrate ideas and symbols. Helen was also a disciples John the Baptist. As a child Simon studied under Philo of Alexandria, and learned his Greek philosophy and history of the Djedi, Magi and Medjay and Magi = Shamanism. Best female Gnostic to study is Gnostic Marcellina and Neoplatonist Hypatia , the Catholic Church ⛪️ created a fictional Hypatia character known as Saint Catherine of Alexandria, but their is no such person of Saint Catherine of Alexandria, but their was a NeoPlatonist known as Hypatia . Jedi = Magi sound, Je’daii = Medjay.

    • @patbrennan6572
      @patbrennan6572 3 года назад +1

      @@jfphotography69 I agree, but for fuck sakes, this is the 21st century. How is this shit still happening?

  • @newnoggin2
    @newnoggin2 8 месяцев назад +10

    It is all Bronze Age superstition. Deal with it.

    • @ashokathegreat4534
      @ashokathegreat4534 2 месяца назад

      Ashoka the Great lived 250 years before Jesus. Also Bronze Age. But he really existed

  • @tomvanbalkom7174
    @tomvanbalkom7174 5 лет назад +22

    What het tries to say is. Extraordunary event need extraordinary evidence..

    • @user-in1yw9ty5t
      @user-in1yw9ty5t 3 года назад +2

      So does the bible.

    • @majesticrainmaker1460
      @majesticrainmaker1460 3 года назад

      @@user-in1yw9ty5t do does ur moma

    • @user-in1yw9ty5t
      @user-in1yw9ty5t 3 года назад +1

      @@majesticrainmaker1460 yes my virgin momma gave me birth. Do you have a problem?

    • @vcxz52
      @vcxz52 3 года назад

      There is when in the day the in crowd were participating in their worldly desire a little Jewish baby born in the middle of nowhere out in the country outside a little village called Bethlehem has impacted the world like nothing else matters He's a discussion here on this channel, and the world to this very day pretty much shuts down for Christmas.

    • @vcxz52
      @vcxz52 3 года назад

      The virgin birth is a powerful statement for the blood is sin and Jesus was pure only innocent man ever, how do I know because the sperm creates the blood .

  • @stevebad100
    @stevebad100 5 лет назад +19

    The truth is hard to accept sometimes, especially when u find out all u have been made to believe ur whole life is 1 big lie!

  • @philipberthiaume2314
    @philipberthiaume2314 5 лет назад +13

    I thought this was already established. I am surprised to see comments trying to discredit the speaker. It's important to understand that religion was a numbers game to sway and retain as many followers as possible. It is a political movement designed to control. For that, the evidence is overwhelming.

    • @Thucydides1990
      @Thucydides1990 3 года назад

      Jesus existed. It's a fact.

    • @philipberthiaume2314
      @philipberthiaume2314 3 года назад +3

      @@Thucydides1990 No its not. There is absolutely no coroborating evidence at all. Scholars are still undecided on whether someone like that existed, but what is clear is that there were many jesus myths at that time, which were all similar, and there is no verifyable evidence in an age where history was being recorded in the Roman empire. I highly recommend that if you are a believer in christianity, that you speak with an academic to properly inform your self...

    • @Thucydides1990
      @Thucydides1990 3 года назад

      @@philipberthiaume2314 name me a single academic who disputes that Jesus existed? By which I mean a scholar, with academic credentials who teaches at a credible university. As far as I’m aware, historians are unanimous in believing that Jesus existed, for the reason that there is incredibly strong evidence.

    • @philipberthiaume2314
      @philipberthiaume2314 3 года назад

      @@Thucydides1990 Hi, I must say I was a little surprised by your question. There are many including some well known academics on this subject including Raphael Lataster, religious studies in an Australian university, which one I cannot recall, is one; to answer your question. I attended a debate in person, while in University in the 1990's, and while I am not an expert, the academics who presented certainly were and the evidence is not convincing at all that a Jesus figure, like the one we have adopted, existed but is most likely an accumulation of stories of many Jesus like figures of the time.

    • @Thucydides1990
      @Thucydides1990 3 года назад +1

      @@philipberthiaume2314 The reason I ask is because, from what I’ve heard, such historians don’t exist. Bart Ehrman wrote (albeit over a decade ago): “Few of these mythicists are actually scholars trained in ancient history, religion, biblical studies or any cognate field, let alone in the ancient languages generally thought to matter for those who want to say something with any degree of authority about a Jewish teacher who (allegedly) lived in first-century Palestine. Their views are so extreme and so unconvincing to 99.99 percent of the real experts that anyone holding them is as likely to get a teaching job in an established department of religion as a six-day creationist is likely to land on in a bona fide department of biology.” Robert Van Voorst has written, "Contemporary New Testament scholars have typically viewed (Christ myth) arguments as so weak or bizarre that they relegate them to footnotes, or often ignore them completely. The theory of Jesus' nonexistence is now effectively dead as a scholarly question." Graeme Clarke, Emeritus Professor of Classical Ancient History and Archaeology at Australian National University stated in 2008: "Frankly, I know of no ancient historian or biblical historian who would have a twinge of doubt about the existence of a Jesus Christ-the documentary evidence is simply overwhelming."
      And personally, I’ve never come across a credible historian who believes that Jesus didn’t exist. There is the odd popular author with dubious credentials, such as Richard Carrier, who will try and make the case, but I’m yet to find a genuine historian willing to make the case.
      Richard Lataster has a background in religious philosophy, and while he does appear to be a credible academic in his field, I wouldn’t describe him as a historian. As far as I can tell, he hasn’t published any peer reviewed academic texts on the historical figure of Jesus, just a couple of popular books, one of which was published whilst he was still a student. Please feel free to correct me if you think I've made a mistake.

  • @buck8266
    @buck8266 6 месяцев назад +7

    Anyone here at 2024

    • @njm3211
      @njm3211 5 месяцев назад +1

      Yes. Took awhile to find it again.

    • @Moodboard39
      @Moodboard39 3 месяца назад


  • @margaretcaine4219
    @margaretcaine4219 2 года назад +4

    There is an archaeological lack of evidence, and the only written "evidence" was asserted some 90 years after his death, which in those days when the average life expectancy was about 25 years, was at least 3 generations.

  • @markg.7865
    @markg.7865 6 лет назад +16

    Jesus was a Hebrew rabbi, like John the Baptist. It wasn't til after Paul took his story to non-jews, he became the Jesus of today.

    • @MrWinMrWin-qr2bn
      @MrWinMrWin-qr2bn 5 лет назад +4

      Christianity existed before Paul's conversion. He himself admits in his letters that he hated and persecuted Christians at first. Jesus became what He is today after His followers believed God raised Him from the dead and that Jesus was reigning in heaven from which He would return to judge the living and the dead.

    • @realitycheck3672
      @realitycheck3672 5 лет назад +3

      Mark G.
      *Jesus was in fact a Muslim.*

    • @PlavitPOi90
      @PlavitPOi90 5 лет назад

      How did you actually come up with that

    • @radamell3216
      @radamell3216 3 года назад

      @@PlavitPOi90 the word muslim means someone who has submitted to the will of God, so Adam was the first person to submit to the will of God hence muslim

  • @laberlaban
    @laberlaban 6 лет назад +35

    It's 2018 and there's still ignorants claiming there's gods and their sons. Sad.

    • @dphill7327
      @dphill7327 5 лет назад +2

      2018 and there is still people thinking we evolved from nothing. sad... history > a guess

    • @laberlaban
      @laberlaban 5 лет назад +5

      @@dphill7327 Do you really know people who believe we evolved from nothing ? Sad. And really ignorant, borderlining stupid, just like believing in god (s).

    • @laberlaban
      @laberlaban 5 лет назад +1

      @Nicht von dieser Welt You are so right. Nothing comes from nothing.

    • @dphill7327
      @dphill7327 5 лет назад

      @Nicht von dieser Welt something from nothing is a phrase used to describe a 747 building itself out of scrap yard metal ... it would never happen ! not in a million years , not in a billion years ! neither would DNA. for your claim you would still need a beginning and all you can say is " we don't know the beginning, but we can pretend to know how we evolved from a certain point " ..which you still can't do ! your lack of evidence , faild experiments , forged and manipulated fossil record should speak for itself

    • @dphill7327
      @dphill7327 5 лет назад

      not to mention .... have you found that missing link yet? why is it that now scientist are claiming the DNA between human and chimps are actually much further apart making it now an impossibility ? yet you will ignore the data and continue to try to force a square peg in a circle hole doesn't fit , never has and never Will! zero links , zero evidence humans have evolved from other pre historic species , zero evidence there has been anythi g more than some adaptation to the environment! something we see everyday with the human body! faild e-coli bacteria experiment , faild fruit fly experiment..lies about fossils , forged embryo eggs on and on and on ! give it up already

  • @bander9
    @bander9 5 лет назад +41

    I enjoyed this video, thank you sir! This bull-shit has plagued my people (Black people) for some hundreds of years.

    • @deborahnorris4613
      @deborahnorris4613 3 года назад +10

      @Yfghggg Yr you are joking, I take it. No black jesus, no white jesus, no jesus.

    • @truth8307
      @truth8307 3 года назад +6

      @Yfghggg Yr the creator God is already gone and definitely not the Bible one. Check these evidence especially no.2 and 3:
      20 IRREFUTABLE EVIDENCE that proved Bible God is likely FAKE, don't miss the last paragraph that explains it:
      1) A CREATOR god claimed to be ALMIGHTY should be the oldest and only religion but all the pagans, Greek, Chinese, Hinduism religions existed earlier and all have their own creator god mythology.
      2) Many of the Bible's mythologies was very similar with older pagans, Greek, Egyptian or Hinduism religions(note the names too) E.g. Adam/Eve with Atman/Jiva, big flood and survivor Noah/3 sons with Manu/3 daughters although cause of flood is different. Abraham/Sarah with Brahma/Saraswathi, Moses with Krishna etc
      3) Jesus similarities with Buddha: Maya to Mary, miracle pregnancy to virgin pregnancy, birth during a journey home to from home, prophesied soon after birth, had a disciple who betrayed them, walked on water, Buddha sacrificed his family but God sacrificed his son Jesus's life !! Gautama left the palace at age 29 and Jesus appeared at 29, Gautama became Buddha at 35 and Jesus died and resurrected at around 35, Buddha had a big meal while Jesus had a last supper before they died, later 500 arahants witnessed compilation of Buddha's teachings and over 500 witnesses to Jesus's resurrection etc. All coincidental ? Beside Buddha, Jesus was also found to be copied from other figures. Surely they can't be ALL coincidental.
      4) Why should an almighty and all knowing God allowed their people to branch off and kill their parent religion Judaism or Zoroatruism and later allowed Islam to be created and had holy wars/crusades with Christianity ? "Free will" is not an excuse as earlier they claimed their God killed all people with a big flood(without freewill) because they sinned.
      5) The way they collect tithings during Sunday mass is so tricky. They know people will be shy not to pay or pay less when others could be watching. This is why they don't just use a money box like Buddhism, Hinduism or Chinese temples where people can donate anytime. Catholics and Islam later even made it bigger by suggesting a certain percentage of their income.
      6) The Bible condemned non-followers, clearly mentioned in Mark's words 16:16. Why should a Creator God's religion condemn non-believers when in the first place, they claimed their God created the world? Isn't this like playing both good and evil ?
      7) Why should God created people to suffer? Now "Creation" word got stale, they use "Intelligent Design" What is so intelligent? If people don't need to go to toilet and don't have unpleasant feelings or sufferings, then it's an intelligent design.
      8) The Bible is full of sex, lust, incest and desires in Cor, Gen, Lev & Solomon's part, beside evil and violence. Their God killed countless people but Satan only killed a few.
      9) Meditation, wisdom, mindfulness and karma are not taught despite that they copied so much from older religions but liquor is promoted to make followers foolish or lose their minds.
      10) Using words like "Lord" or "Father" are psychological tricks to make their followers more obedient as they will feel more like slaves and children to their God. Saying people are born with sins and God forgives sins are just tricks.
      11) If God is kind and loving, why are there some Christian babies born with disease or innocent children being abused or died young ?
      12) If there is truely an all mighty God, why Christianity have so many denominations and some are not in good terms with each other? Why is the founder of Mormonism killed and why Mormons live longer than other Christians?
      13)Most major festivals and holidays related to Christianity are copied from pagans including Christmas(Jesus can't be born in winter), Easter, Thanksgiving, Good Friday, All Souls, Halloween and New Year day.
      14) Using fear like hell or "end of the world" hoax every 2 years but we are still here. Try ask the church whether you should believe in end of the world claim and see what they say.
      15) The case and evilness of Mother Teresa(Google it) and after she died, those money she collected was not returned to India.
      16)If their God is almighty, why need missionaries and evangelists to convert others ?
      17) Those ongoing child sex abuses committed by the pastors/priests. If God is real and almighty, why did it allowed it?
      18) The Bible condemned dogs because they know dogs are man's best friend. Making men lonely is the best way to keep them dependant on religion.
      19) If God created everybody, why condemn LGBT or other religions?
      20) Incidents, eg: (a) Covid-19 highest fatalities countries are highly religious countries, over 600K deaths U.S. alone !! (b) Churches burned in Canada (c) Air Asia plane crash of 2019 killed 41 church members, 2 missionaries and their few months old baby. (d) spree killings happened in a church with pastor killed, even by lightning etc.
      Only 1 reason can tie up all 20 points above, this God don't exist but a man-made to con or control people. If not, they all can't be explained.

    • @simonezde3975
      @simonezde3975 3 года назад +1

      I believe it was used to create us. To keep us from being more spiritual beings than Christianity limits us to.

    • @calamancini
      @calamancini 3 года назад

      i love you brother so does everyone and the Devil. But God ? Man he fucked it up. Now devil got his chair which be fair and sqaure so there.

    • @EmeraldEyesBibleSecrets
      @EmeraldEyesBibleSecrets 3 года назад

      You guys should research the original civilization they dismantled after mudfloods. black moore's and Tartarians. Check out Michelle Gibson channel.

  • @demigodeditz9995
    @demigodeditz9995 3 года назад +5

    Dad always said Jesus would save us well now he in the ground

    • @shreksbootyhole4627
      @shreksbootyhole4627 3 года назад +1

      @סימון no he won't. Jesus isn't real and neither is God.

  • @soldier-Dave
    @soldier-Dave 5 лет назад +8

    The quickest way to become a non believer is to read the bible and apply common sense and logic!

    • @MangoLemonaideFresh
      @MangoLemonaideFresh 5 лет назад

      Dave Tye Jesus still loves you ❤️

    • @soldier-Dave
      @soldier-Dave 5 лет назад

      MichaelAngelo RevSantee oh fuck off!

    • @xaviersuv791
      @xaviersuv791 5 лет назад

      @@soldier-Dave unfortunately not if you were born with this idea of "God and Jesus" tried persuading my dad.... didnt work. However look at Richard Carrier his videos are great!

    • @soldier-Dave
      @soldier-Dave 5 лет назад

      Bradley Attersley but he’s still gonna kill me for being a non believer! It says so in the bible.......
      2 Chronicles 15:13 ESV / 326 helpful votes
      But that whoever would not seek the Lord, the God of Israel, should be put to death, whether young or old, man or woman.

    • @Supah84
      @Supah84 5 лет назад

      @MichaelAngelo RevSantee water, plant life and vegetation exist on Earth before the sun was created!

  • @denisemiller3247
    @denisemiller3247 5 лет назад +34

    THANK YOU!!!! The sooner ppl realize this, the better off they will be.

  • @ViewerV-bb5df
    @ViewerV-bb5df Месяц назад +4

    This guy is very educated knows this stuff extremely accurately

  • @jackmabel6067
    @jackmabel6067 5 лет назад +10

    Love all the comments from true believers threatening eternal damnation and other ugly things to non-believers. Christianity has been spewing such threats for nearly 2,000 years! One would think they would get tired of it after awhile. How loving of them! Yee haw!

  • @MovieMakes
    @MovieMakes 5 лет назад +74

    This is the most real talk I have ever heard. Thank you.

    • @ericday4505
      @ericday4505 5 лет назад +7

      If this is the most real talk you have heard you really have not heard very much.

    • @jaredfrost3548
      @jaredfrost3548 5 лет назад +2

      @MichaelAngelo RevSantee - I don't think you understand the idea. The Jesus narrative could have had many political uses for Roman Empire. It pacified long-held conflict amongst religious groups, gaining support from Jews and such, it allowed Caesar to get away with his high taxes by placating the masses around a promised messiah, and the gospels were written in a very pro-Roman way.
      Anyways, I don't know if I support the hypothesis. But it is a little interesting.

    • @teontayewarren6470
      @teontayewarren6470 4 года назад

      @Charles Pieters indeed

    • @teontayewarren6470
      @teontayewarren6470 4 года назад

      @Charles Pieters pointless

    • @teontayewarren6470
      @teontayewarren6470 4 года назад

      @Charles Pieters true true

  • @Dominus_Augustus
    @Dominus_Augustus 3 года назад +13

    You're a voice of reason in the madness. Don't stop.

  • @michaelkilgore8358
    @michaelkilgore8358 4 года назад +32

    Growing up my grandfather crammed the Jesus religion down my throat. As a child I was bullied at school, home, and church. The bullying WAS ALWAYS WORSE at church by the God fearing Christians. He (my grandfather) would always say whatever I did for the lord I would get a blessing for this or a blessing for that. Nothing good has ever happened in my life, and I have never been blessed by his superstition. I have lived the last 21 years of my life in pain and struggling financially because a drunk driver almost killed me. And in that 21 years I have been screwed over and stabbed in the back by several "loving Christians". Those are my great blessings from "jesus".

    • @AFMMD-q8
      @AFMMD-q8 3 года назад +2

      HAhahah! I'm sorry man, we have similar stories from our past, it was Christians themselves with their grief and bullying that drove me far, far away from christianity.

    • @timsmith530
      @timsmith530 2 года назад +4

      No that was from people

    • @ramaraksha01
      @ramaraksha01 2 года назад +2

      It is this willingness to abuse, threaten and cause bodily harm - to me that is the strange part & all based on cheap promises with zero evidence
      All they are doing is making a cheap promise of an eternal life of pleasure - that's it!
      And they say we get it just the same way as any Putin Supporter gets the good life - down on his knees, begging and groveling and pledging his undying support
      The same way as any prostitute/gigolo/leech/freeloader - telling the rich guy they "love" him and singing his praises!
      Intelligent, educated people reduced down to Supporters of brutal dictators and prostitutes/leeches!
      Amazing how religion is able to brainwash the best of them

    • @andrewleverton2409
      @andrewleverton2409 2 года назад

      I'm sorry you have no understanding of God at all , man causes his own grief mostly , you to look at the situation more deeply , check out C S Lewis , Jesus said he would never control this world , free will and faith is the key , just be open to the possibility your not right??

    • @ramaraksha01
      @ramaraksha01 2 года назад +3

      @@andrewleverton2409 You view God as your ticket to an everlasting life of pleasure in Heaven - no different from a prostitute/gigolo/leech/freeloader who sees the rich guy and sees a life of ease & comfort
      But God is no Sugar Daddy

  • @greggrobinson5116
    @greggrobinson5116 2 года назад +17

    I was never a believer, but always fascinated by the way Christ's simple teachings evolved into the super-complex, powerful and elaborate Christian religion. What's clear is that Xtianity was constructed over centuries by thousands of people, each with their own interpretation and input. The Jesus story is just so compelling and spoke to so many millions of people that modern Xtianity's connection to Christ's original message are extremely tenuous at best.

    • @christiansoldier77
      @christiansoldier77 2 года назад

      Gregg Robinson Real christianity is simple

    • @marksavage1744
      @marksavage1744 2 года назад

      @@christiansoldier77 yeah, it's real simple..... It was likely shoved down your throat by your parents before your brain had a chance to develop and learn to think for itself. It gets into your subconscious mind, then your brain won't allow opposing beliefs by releasing brain chemicals that WILL SUSPEND RATION THINKING. I can't remember the name. This is what is known as COGNITIVE DISSONANCE. If I could eliminate cognitive dissonance from the population, I think I could eliminate religion from the face of the earth in one generation.
      As mentioned, your parents likely shoved this crap down your throat from day one..... just like their parents did......and their parents did. And if you go far enough back into your family's history, you'd likely find somebody who had religion shoved down their throat AT THE POINT OF A SWORD.

    • @christiansoldier77
      @christiansoldier77 2 года назад +1

      @@marksavage1744 Have you ever considered that maybe you believe what you believe because someone shoved it down your throat and brainwashed you?

    • @Declaringthendfromthebeginning
      @Declaringthendfromthebeginning 2 года назад +1

      @@christiansoldier77 yeah but have you ever considered that whom ever is shoving Jesus down your throat has grossly misinterpreted scripture?

    • @christiansoldier77
      @christiansoldier77 2 года назад

      @Welcome To The End Of The Age Of Grace Have you ever considered whoever shoved evolution down your throat was wrong?

  • @lunybunny9053
    @lunybunny9053 5 лет назад +10

    Answer not a fool according to his folly, Lest thou be like to him. Answer a fool according to his folly, Lest he be wise in his own eyes.

    • @k.c.9563
      @k.c.9563 3 года назад

      Broad is the path that leads to destruction and many are they who follow it...this generation is incredibly foolish.

  • @jaredfrost3548
    @jaredfrost3548 5 лет назад +4

    Gotta find some (predictable) disappointment in the comments with bible verses.
    It's like trying to open the door for a caged animal and they throw feces at you.

  • @barrygaynor1025
    @barrygaynor1025 2 года назад +6

    That would come as a shock to Pilate, to the Roman soldiers who carried out the crucifixion, to those who witnessed Jesus' crucifixion; and, it would come as a shock to the Roman emperor Nero, who tried to stamp out the Jesus Messiah movement. It would also come as a shock to the Roman emperors Dometian and Decius, who also tried to put an end to the Jesus Messiah movement. And it would come as a shock to the Jewish historian Josephus, who chronicled the Jewish wars.

    • @gospeljoy5713
      @gospeljoy5713 2 года назад

      Yes and the countries that are majority Christian Christianity is the largest religion in Mizoram. The majority (87%) of Mizoram population are Christian in various denominations, predominantly Presbyterian. More than 98% of the Mizos are considered Christians. The government of Mizoram declared that Christianity plays a very important role among the daily life of Mizo community. Or South Korea Protestantism and Catholicism, accounting for 8.6 million and 5.8 million members Or China in 2011, its estimated 67 million Christians Iran's total population is roughly 80 million, with anywhere between 117,000 and 3 million being Christian.

  • @johnrambo6302
    @johnrambo6302 5 лет назад +23

    A fool has said in his heart...there is no God.

    • @johnrambo6302
      @johnrambo6302 5 лет назад +2

      @SuperDukka Just so you know ...the popular christian belief that people burn in hell tormented for ageless eons is wrong and not the nature of a loving God...the truth is actually merciful and proves God is not a sadist. The entire wicked and lawless population of humanity will be destroyed along with Satan and his fallen angels in fire but it will not be eternal torment. The effects of the fire will be forever but not the fire... The fire will torment them for a moment... accordingly to the deeds of their works...they will be burned up...consumed..killed...those with more horrors accountable to them will burn longer ..Satan will burn the longest...the Bible says that the Lord will cause a fire to come from within him that will kill him... him and all the wicked will be ashes under the sole of the feet of the the reason the wicked are judged accordingly to their deeds and not of their faith is became the rejection of the salvation our savior that died and shed his sinless blood in place for anyone who accepts on the cross of Calvary... simply that we may escape the torment and eternal death...the wicked are judged off their own free will and merit they were graciously given...the righteous accepted the invite to come to Jesus Christ and trust and obey the Commandments...Satan took this planet from God fair and square...all of humanity is born under his rule...which is pain, suffering, disease,war,and death...this wicked world is not the government of God the Creator...he could have left the world this way and turned from us forever but he didn't...God the Father in heaven left his throne and became a man and did what no man could do by walking a perfect sinless life to redeem us from the hand of the enemy of our impending doom...No doubt the Bible is tampered with...but ask yourself why? Is someone hiding and distorting the true nature of the Heavenly Father? There is a campaign going on between God the Father and Satan...dirt is being thrown to cover up the good news that Jesus Christ can deliver you...if you weed through the entire Bible you will be able to see the parts that have been distorted and the parts that are true..The words King James version scares me...I don't know or trust King James of the 1600s..check out the original Greek and Hebrew translations...big difference in meaning and makes more sense...Most of all... remember that Satan and the Creator are at odds....things are going to get weird...look into the Mandela effect.. look into other supernatural phenomenal that is happening all over the planet.... something is going on behind the's not good...but don't reject the love that can save you and your family...there is eternal life or eternally dead before can choose either way.

    • @afolabimusa9903
      @afolabimusa9903 5 лет назад

      @SuperDukka where is ur god dukka? Bcoz frm ur shabby understanding of God the same yesterday, today ad forever, you are still lost. I am not surprised bcoz the demons in you are violent.

    • @Jack-mc1xq
      @Jack-mc1xq 5 лет назад

      SuperDukka read your bible again man 😂 wow lol

    • @Jack-mc1xq
      @Jack-mc1xq 5 лет назад

      SuperDukka lol clearly you don’t understand the context give me some time and I will reply. I will address every “contradiction” you told me 😂

    • @Jack-mc1xq
      @Jack-mc1xq 5 лет назад +1

      1)INTO and UNTO have different meanings, UNTO means towards or to. For example Isaiah 45:22 says “look UNTO me, and ye be saved” it isn’t saying “look INTO me”. Nebuzaradan came TO the city of Jerusalem on the seventh, and he and his armies actually went INTO (invaded) the city of Jerusalem on the tenth. The author of Kings records the date of arrival of Nebuzaradan to Jerusalem’s walls, Jeremiah records the date of his army’s invasion of Jerusalem.
      2)The history of kings and chronicles a king can be said to “reign” at a few different ages in his life, especially when there is complications involved with his reign. So
      Jechoiachin (the son) is said to have begun to reign at two different times. First as a co-ruler and rightful heir when a child aged 8, and then as undisputed king as an adult aged 18. This is made clear when you examine the context of both 2kings 24 and 2 Chronicles 36.
      3) Ahaziah’s true age when he became king of Judah is easy to discern by further research. In 2 Kings 8:17, Ahaziah’s father Joram reigned for 8 years after beginning his reign at age 32. Joram was 40 when he died, showing that Ahaziah could not have been 42, but was instead 22 when he began his reign. The 42 is in reference to the beginning of the kingly reign of which Ahaziah is a part. 2 chronicles 22:2 is the beginning of the kingly reign of his family line (starting with Omri, then his son Ahab, and then Ahab’s daughter Athaliah who was Ahaziah’s wife. Then people believe it’s just a copyistic mistake, The King James translators used the Masoretic text, but it should be noted that other texts, such as the Syriac and Arabic versions, have Ahaziah’s age as “Two and twenty years old” in both passages. Modern translations such the New American Standard Bible and the New International Version reflect this change. But no matter which “text” is used, we must keep in mind that they too are “a copy of a copy.” We can be sure that if we had the ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPTS of Scripture that were written by the men God inspired to write the Bible, they would be free of any errors.
      4) Mary came alone at first when it was still dark before sunrise (John 20:1), and then again later after sunrise, she returned with the other women (Mark 16:1). In support of this is the fact that only Mary is mentioned in John, but Mary and the other women are named in Mark. Also, Luke (24:1) says it was “very early in the morning,” implying after sunrise, when the “women” [not just Mary] had come. Likewise, Matthew (28:1) speaks of it being “after the Sabbath, as the first day of the week began to dawn” that “Mary Magdalene and the other Mary came to see the tomb.” Only John mentions Mary being there alone “while it was still dark” (John 20:1).
      5) Both Gospel writers are correct in their assertions. The difficulty is answered when we realize that each Gospel writer used a different time system. John follows the Roman time system while Mark follows the Jewish time system. According to Roman time, the day ran from midnight to midnight. The Jewish 24 hour period began in the evening at 6 p.m. and the morning of that day began at 6 a.m. Therefore, when Mark asserts that at the third hour Christ was crucified, this was about 9 a.m. John stated that Christ’s trial was about the sixth hour. This would place the trial before the crucifixion and this would not negate any testimony of the Gospel writers. This fits with John’s other references to time. For example, he speaks about Jesus being weary from His journey from His trip from Judea to Samaria at the “sixth hour” and asking for water from the woman at the well. Considering the length of His trip, His weariness, and the normal evening time when people come to the well to drink and to water their animals, this fits better with 6 p.m., which is “the sixth hour” of the night by Roman time reckoning. The same is true of John’s reference to the tenth hour in John 1:39, which would be 10 a.m., a more likely time to be out preaching than 4 a.m
      6) One passage concerns the making of the pillars; the other concerns the assembly of them. 1Kings 7:15 is referring to the height of the original basic pillars (18 cubits) that Hiram cast in the plain of Jordan (1Kings 7:14-15, 41-46) before he SEPERATELY cast all its add-ons (1Kings 7:16). 2Chron 3:15 however is referring to the height of what Solomon made “before the house”, which were the pillars complete with add-ons; it was here he put together all the parts (see the next few verses) for the pillars to be reared up. Complete with chapiters (3:15), chains on the head of the pillars, pommels and/or bowls upon the chapiters (2Chron 4:12-13, 1Kings 7:41) and pomegranates above the chapiters (3:16, 1Kings 7:20) the pillars were 35 cubits high when they were erected.
      7) There were at least 2 of each sort, of each kind of animal (including fowls) that God commanded Noah to bring on the Ark and this is what Gen 6:20 (see verse 19) and 7:14 refer to. But Noah was commanded to bring 7 of each sort of fowl on to the ark in addition to what was commanded in Gen 6:20. This merely meant that he had to add an extra 5 on to the already established 2 of every sort, for the fowl. If there were 7 of each sort of fowl (Gen 7:3) then there was obviously at least 2 of each sort (Gen 6:20). The passages don’t conflict.
      8) Matthew and Mark recorded it as “six days” but Luke reports it as “about an eight days.” Luke never wrote “eight days” but rather “about eight days.” Luke has given us an approximation-not a precise timeline! Evidently, Luke included the day the promise was made, and the day of the Transfiguration itself. In comparison, Matthew and Mark counted the six days between the promise and the Transfiguration. Matthew and Mark did not count the day of the promise and they did not count the day of the Transfiguration. Furthermore, we do not know the precise times of day Jesus promised and Jesus transfigured. There was plenty of room to say it was approximately eight days in total.
      9) Before believing that the inspired writer got “mixed up,” consider the following: Michal’s sister, Merab, married Adriel the Meholathite (1 Samuel 18:19), and it was Adriel’s children that, according to 2 Samuel 21:8, belonged to Michal and were “brought up” by Michal. The Hebrew word translated “brought up” could mean that Michal actually gave birth to the children, but it also could mean that Michal acted as a midwife when the children were born, or that she reared the children. It is altogether possible that Merab died, and Michal, having the resources to provide for a family, and being childless herself, “adopted” Merab’s children. In that case, it would be perfectly reasonable to assume that the children, for all practical purposes, belonged to Michal, and that Michal “brought them up. So either it’s a copyistic error, because of translators or we need to look at the bigger picture and not jump to conclusions.
      10) The commandment for us to shine our light is given so that we will not allow ourselves to fall into contentment, and simply keep our faith to ourselves. Jesus wants the world to know of God's glory, and that cannot be done without ourselves committing to a certain amount of exposure. We shouldn't just simply huddle in our homes and our churches, communing with one another. Instead, we should also be out in the world and spreading God's word and his love. Some of this is done through deeds, which should always be used as a reflection of God's glory. However, there is a certain amount of caution that should be exercised when we do this. We need to be careful to ensure that the works we do in His name are done only in that spirit. We should not be performing works simply to boast of our own goodness and godliness. This is the admonition given in Matthew 6:1.
      Throw any verse at me my brother. The original scriptures are perfect and inspired by God, i can be man enough to admit that yes, “maybe” some things are simply copyistic errors and that’s reasonable, but also you can use other versus and make a good argument to read the text in the proper context. I respect you for challenging me though(: but you should know, the Bible is inspired by God. And since you can take the time to be ignorant of the texts, BELEIVE IN THE GOSPEL!! 💜💜 Jesus Christ died for you brother, and rose on the third day.

  • @jaredfrost3548
    @jaredfrost3548 5 лет назад +12

    *Look for video talks / books by Richard Carrier* (PhD level historian) -- he gives some extremely sensible views on why 'Jesus' is a fabrication, (as far as we can tell). He also once felt that Jesus was a true person, but finally came around to realizing how faulty past research was. There is no question that the biblical character takes too many qualities and allegories from pre-Christian sources to be considered a historical figure.

    • @raysalmon6566
      @raysalmon6566 5 лет назад +2

      I listened to carrier
      He thinks percentages determine truth
      Any serious historian would think his methodology is useless
      Those who do not think Jesus existed are frequently militant in their views and remarkably adept at countering evidence that to the rest of the civilized world seems compelling and even unanswerable. But these writers have answers, and the smart ones among them need to be taken seriously, if for no other reason than to show why they cannot be right about their major contention. The reality is that whatever else you may think about Jesus, he certainly did exist.
      Bart Erhman

    • @jaredfrost3548
      @jaredfrost3548 5 лет назад

      @@raysalmon6566 - 'determine truth' not in any solidifying way, but in an objective process of narrowing down the accuracy of information in the field. It's a small step up from the traditional approach.
      I think Carrier is very fair in his assessments. He doesn't rule out margins of possibility. Yet he focuses on the larger context and weeds out long disproven concepts that still linger.
      We are all biased by our upbringings. The best we can do is to look at things empirically. 'Atheists' are lucky in that so many are in default mode with no emotional baggage; similar to how a Christian might view Hinduism from an outside perspective.
      ...but, like I said, we're not perfect. No one is in a bubble. We all experience the long influence of religion in our lives and act with some level of connection or disdain. We need to try to think on our own about it all.

  • @seekingjustthefacts
    @seekingjustthefacts 5 лет назад +1

    The existence of God and the alleged existence of "Jesus," are mutually EXCLUSIVE. Meaning that denying the existence of this "Jesus," is NOT the same as denying the existence of God. Only a brainwashed Christian would conclude such a myth. God is omnipresent, without beginning nor end. This "Jesus" on the other hand, is a mythical character, whose entire life story was plagiarized from the life of the African Osiris. Literally word for word. It is known that many of Rome's emperors embellished their ancestral pedigree by claiming descent from the bloodlines of the Egyptian pharaohs. It was all a lie.

    • @nahno7587
      @nahno7587 5 лет назадвидео.htmlвидео.htmlвидео.html

  • @andrewmarquez815
    @andrewmarquez815 3 года назад +10

    Thank you for the true information , they are making christianity for money and everlasting power.

    • @kirkSTG
      @kirkSTG 3 года назад

      Yeah these false prophets is decievjng the church thats why you need to spirit of God to discern truth

    • @johndoney2665
      @johndoney2665 3 года назад +1

      GOD doesn`t need your money, because He created all wealth.

    • @uploaded9787
      @uploaded9787 3 года назад

      @@johndoney2665 and probably all evil. for you belivers logic doesnot work not only that even the logic you shove in things if used against you, you try to deem than invalid what sadistic morons.

    • @quicksilver7532
      @quicksilver7532 2 года назад +1

      That’s just dumb all the apostles died violent deaths why? To get power? What power they were poor and oppressed

  • @joetheplummer8128
    @joetheplummer8128 5 лет назад +14

    This is tough to believe, especially when a person experiences supernatural things when praying or praying for others .....

    • @seventhunders9741
      @seventhunders9741 5 лет назад

      Ya this guy rejected the one mind heart n power to go foreword with confidence that the human conditions have created since the enslavement n persecution by the enemy " who this guy to know anything , just a bloke charlatan, yep bro, I know Jesus been having me convinced he the power to save here and after I shed my caccoon, he will come to some and change everything , he's my protector n hope for living

    • @theogstalker
      @theogstalker 3 года назад +2

      @@seventhunders9741 cringe

    • @alisonbraganza9691
      @alisonbraganza9691 3 года назад

      @joe theplummer He doesnt deny that there is a supreme being or divinity which is all and only love

    • @calamancini
      @calamancini 3 года назад

      well you need to stop praying or the demons will keep on giving you a hard time. That is all. If you acknowledge the truth it will set you free .

    • @clarkelaidlaw1678
      @clarkelaidlaw1678 3 года назад +1

      joe theplummer...there is not and never has been even one proven example of a God or anything supernatural. NOT ONE.

  • @coyresendez9089
    @coyresendez9089 Год назад +6

    I woke up to the fact that Jesus never existed

    • @jessebryant9233
      @jessebryant9233 Год назад

      What did you wake up to? What do you care if Jesus existed or not? Could you be wrong?

    • @ima1sthumanonearth8
      @ima1sthumanonearth8 Год назад

      thats good u n0t a CHRISTIAN im n0t ether

  • @conorspyridon7008
    @conorspyridon7008 3 года назад +6

    When jesus was crucified , the apostles in extreme fear of death and ridicule , hid in a house .
    Later we know the Apostles without fear of death went out into every direction proclaiming the word of jesus even to Kerala India and every apostle died a horrific death and never denied Christ even when facing extreme peril .
    So that amount of extreme change in every character for me is proof of Jesus's resurrection ! Amen !

    • @danielteing6491
      @danielteing6491 3 года назад +3

      Amen 🙏🙏🙏

    • @jimdietrick1681
      @jimdietrick1681 2 года назад

      If you buy the fantastical fairytale, wholesale, with zero evidence, I could see how you could be that utterly deluded!

  • @fgilroy50
    @fgilroy50 4 года назад +18

    He opens with the question, what do we actually know about Jesus Christ the man, and then tells us stuff with no verification or citation of any kind. Are we supposed to just take his word because he is sitting at a desk surrounded by a lot of books? Wouldn't this leap of faith undermine the very basis of his argument?

    • @avrildixon7291
      @avrildixon7291 3 года назад +2

      You are right. Thank you

    • @SurivalGames4EVER
      @SurivalGames4EVER 3 года назад +1

      He's British how could you not believe him

    • @hectorrodriguez2686
      @hectorrodriguez2686 3 года назад +1

      Church fails to prove exactly what is essential for them to prove.

    • @truth8307
      @truth8307 3 года назад +1

      How are these evidence?
      2) Many of the Bible's mythologies was very similar with older pagans, Greek, Egyptian or Hinduism religions(note the names too) E.g. Adam/Eve with Atman/Jiva, big flood and survivor Noah/3 sons with Manu/3 daughters although cause of flood is different. Abraham/Sarah with Brahma/Saraswathi, Moses with Krishnu etc
      3) Jesus similarities with Buddha. Maya to Mary, miracle pregnancy to virgin pregnancy, birth during a journey home to from home, prophesied soon after birth, both had a disciple who betrayed them, walked on water, Gautama left the palace at age 29 and Jesus appeared at 29, Gautama became Buddha at 35 and Jesus died and resurrected at around 35 too, Buddha had a big meal while Jesus had a last supper before they died, after they passed away, 500 arahants witnessed compilation of Buddha's teachings and over 500 witnesses to Jesus's resurrection etc. All coincidental ? Beside Buddha, Jesus was also found to be copied from other figures. Surely they can't be ALL coincidental.

    • @-LTUIiiin
      @-LTUIiiin 3 года назад

      @@truth8307 im no expert but its probably because mythological stores are built upon older stories that existed before them? Since everything propagated through word of mouth for so long before writing things down became a common thing.

  • @ciaghavami9163
    @ciaghavami9163 5 лет назад +12

    The bible says....a fool says in his heart ...there is no God

    • @sofareal4396
      @sofareal4396 5 лет назад +1

      Cia Ghavami....GOD is a Germanic word...No disrespect!

    • @sirthomas4439
      @sirthomas4439 5 лет назад +1

      Cia Ghavami Do you know what the koran and Tanahk says too? Lol
      Religion is fiction

  • @michellechuah37
    @michellechuah37 5 лет назад +11

    You are saying nonsense..
    I dont believe what u said...
    John 3v18: There is no judgement against anyone who believes in Him. But anyone who does not believe in Him has already been judged for not believing in God's one and only Son.

    • @nolanbooker5461
      @nolanbooker5461 5 лет назад +3

      you are definitely scared of the truth. It's okay, grow some testicular fortitude and man up to the daily challenges of life; a life without a sky fairy.

    • @edsmelly
      @edsmelly 5 лет назад +3

      You are saying nonsense..
      Spouting a book of myth does not prove the myth.

    • @franciskonnolly5786
      @franciskonnolly5786 3 года назад

      Education, sheep are shepherds livestock

  • @DANtheMANofSIPA
    @DANtheMANofSIPA 2 года назад +14

    Nearly every historian for the past 100 years has believed that a man named Jesus from the city of Nazareth who was a Rabbi and taught before being crucified. You can believe 90% of historians or 10%

    • @stefanfun
      @stefanfun 2 года назад +2

      Lol it's not about percentages. Every new scientific theory started with one man. And if they held water, they eventually gained more support.

    • @alanwilson7084
      @alanwilson7084 2 года назад

      @@acidspaz4252 go to Rome and you see pilot mark of his trial and execution and go to see the Jewish leaders hand writing about Jesus trial by the Jewish leaders . And also the Roman that saw Jesus died and called him the Christ we wrote what he saw and witness . His hand writing were compared and match

      @JOKERMITA 2 года назад

      @@acidspaz4252 you could say ..." SALVATION "......

      @JOKERMITA 2 года назад +1

      @@acidspaz4252 shroud of Turin

      @JOKERMITA 2 года назад

      @@acidspaz4252 blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed

  • @ambertietz9095
    @ambertietz9095 5 лет назад +4

    When my daughter was 6 months old and I knew I had to raise her on my own.
    Homeless techically and in an abusive situation with family in a situation where someone put lies and shame on me but I didn't know the truth then.
    I never did drugs or really drank I stayed a virgin till I was 20 and at 22 I found myself in a lost situation a unwed mother.
    I woke up crying and went to bed crying every night because I never dreamed this could happen.
    I tried my entire life to do what was right but I was facing no future and poverty with a family lie and I knew no love or kindness not even from my own mother growing up.
    Everything was about money and her partying and living large and the rest of us was of no consequence to her greed.
    ...and whom apparently had been involved with my kids dad's father while she was married to my dad at sometime...
    My pregnancy was a payback to what she did to my childs fathers family...
    She had to keep her lies from my dad I overheard a conversation she had with my child's father then it didn't make since but it does now.
    I never knew church and my Dad pipe lined and was never home my mom worked nights so I only knew babysitters and my friends families but not my own.
    I was grateful for the little things but even the little was not enough this time.
    I was bullied all my childhood and I did not know why but small town talk and people were mad at my mom because she didn't care whom she hurt or even us.
    I only asked for a sign if God was real to show me and show me we would be alright I had no where I could turn.
    I know what happened that night in the middle of a desperate broken prayer and that people can have their flesh hidden.
    I didn't know anything about the baptism of the Holy Spirit then but I know now what happened.
    It was what Jesus first came to do and it was him that baptised me.
    I was standing at a temple with a fountain and he reached out to me and said everything was going to be alright and I reached to but found myself back in my body.
    He had on a head adornment I never knew existed with a shash around it and a belt that had a shash draped over his left arm.
    Everything was as bright as an archlight from a welding machine and too many colors to count I couldn't see his face but his smile.
    His clothing was white of course.
    The oddest thing his clothing was etched in gold with what I know now was a Roman boarder that is known as key boarder.
    He is truly the key between worlds.
    That was 24 years ago and she's married now with a child of her own.
    I was never so broken in my life then but that night changed me and I've been trying to find answers ever since.
    I know why the woman from the well ran through the streets telling that she was just loved by a man who loved her in no way any man has ever loved her.
    I've never married
    I ve searched for love but nothing has any salt compared to what happened that night.
    He is real or either Apollo is but I believe he is who I asked to know was real.
    I think we have been tricked and used to make money off of regarding beliefs.
    God's kingdom is in the spirit only and his wealth is spiritual not financial.
    He does give favor but it is our work that gives us finances...
    He effects the flesh realm but not as people think as he is a spirit.
    People blame God all the time for things but it is what we did in the garden not him or his fault but ours and it is up to us to fix it.
    The 2 witnesses are the only 2 witnesses to man's judgment in the garden and the 2 trees at the end of revelations and that is why they are also known as the 2 Olive Branches.
    They are also the Reaper and Gatherer of the vinyard as resurrected immortals and it's only right it's Adam and Eve.
    Lol one like the son of man and God's only Son who was here at the beginning of time was Adam.
    I believe reincarnation exsist...

    • @ladychatelaine697
      @ladychatelaine697 5 лет назад +1

      Read your bible...'Man was born once to die'...there's nothing to back up the widespread belief on reincarnation.

    • @joshuaparsons7512
      @joshuaparsons7512 2 года назад

      Amazing story praise God!

    • @andydierickx4346
      @andydierickx4346 2 года назад

      @@ladychatelaine697 Because it was removed from your beloved book..By MAN

    • @Ima1stHuemanHi
      @Ima1stHuemanHi Год назад

      Albino u Miss me

  • @johndeoliveira8476
    @johndeoliveira8476 5 лет назад +12

    Jesus: 😂😂😂😂😂 ayy fam apparently I don’t exist 😂😂😂 watch in the judgement day he’ll see 😂😂😂.

    • @orrintate8988
      @orrintate8988 5 лет назад +4

      John Oliveira,everyday is judgement day for someone. Do you really think the mass view of
      said spiritual matters is correct.Ppl
      cant figure out the earth where they live all their lives but 'KNOW'
      how things are going to be some
      where over the rainbow where they
      have never been or seen.What 'KIND' of logic is that called.?

    • @johndeoliveira8476
      @johndeoliveira8476 5 лет назад

      Orrin Tate the same way you believe nothing came into existence is ridiculous don’t you think ?

    • @orrintate8988
      @orrintate8988 5 лет назад +5

      @@johndeoliveira8476 Where did you get that idea frm I never said such but
      as usual when one of you cant answer a question with logic it
      always happen that the response
      does not fit the question asked but
      I get it why so,just throw anything
      and see if it stick.

    • @johndeoliveira8476
      @johndeoliveira8476 5 лет назад

      Orrin Tate What’s your Goal exactly ?

    • @orrintate8988
      @orrintate8988 5 лет назад +2

      @@johndeoliveira8476 In what area

  • @jenniferlouis7832
    @jenniferlouis7832 5 лет назад +6

    Reducing God and Jesus to being nothing more than merely another false god in a sea of them... Not proof.
    "For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are WITHOUT EXCUSE." Romans 1:20
    Believe or Don't. It is YOUR choice alone, and you alone with bare the ETERNAL consequences. So I'd choose wisely if I were YOU...

    • @jimbrown9749
      @jimbrown9749 5 лет назад +1

      Yo yo, listen up, the god and jesus of the bible never did ever existed in real life ya. Indeed, none of the people mentioned in the bible never did ever existed period my friend. However, to be a Christian means to be a Potmely c Christianity.

    • @shoeshineboy5869
      @shoeshineboy5869 5 лет назад

      @Jim Brown, Dear Jim, Archaeology has proven the existence of some Biblical figures and locations. Years ago Jim as well as recently. It is so easy to look it up, if you really want to know. Other than this man's opinion Jim, what did he offer as evidence? Nothing. One persons "supposedly" educated opinion out of 7 billion. It wasn't until about 30 that I realized someone with a PhD or a Masters could actually be an idiot incapable of critical thinking. That was very depressing to me because I thought they were taught to view evidence in an unbiased manner and not "cherry pick" some and ignore other. Therefore, I had to a lot of work to do weeding out truth from fiction when researching. Would you like to see a plethora of "real" scientists, leaders in their fields of study that includes atheists and agnostics, verifying "scientifically" the most studied artifact in history confirming the existence of a world renown Biblical figure? You see, the mathematical odds that your opinion is correct is 1 in 192,000,000,000(billion). Convicting someone of murder based on DNA evidence isn't that good Jim. Not even close. Watch "New Forensic Evidence For The Shroud Of Turin", if you would like to apply science when formulating opinions. sincerely,

    • @drexelmorrison1077
      @drexelmorrison1077 5 лет назад


  • @bradmcdonald7415
    @bradmcdonald7415 2 года назад +1

    Why are people so dogmatic about trying to prove Jesus never walked the earth? Are they so fearful that He Is who He said He was? He’s the only “religious “ figure that people try to disprove. Why? Maybe because if He is the Son of God, then we have no excuse not to believe in Him, and our refusal of him will condemn us.

  • @MajorPayne175
    @MajorPayne175 5 лет назад +6

    Does wifi exist? I "see" the router (source), I don't see the waves, but I like my internet. Empty words this man speaks.

    • @nickmckinnon948
      @nickmckinnon948 5 лет назад +1

      Dcecena not very parallel of a comparison but okay lol

    • @MajorPayne175
      @MajorPayne175 5 лет назад

      @@nickmckinnon948 I am glad that my comments don't require your approval.

    • @tavspop
      @tavspop 5 лет назад

      @@MajorPayne175 you wouldnt make comments if you werent looking for some confirmation. Typical theist.

  • @kennewyorkcity
    @kennewyorkcity 5 лет назад +4

    I am a black atheist and I'm proud of it

  • @relax0180
    @relax0180 3 года назад +4

    Those who have experienced Jesus Christ know He exists! One doesn't need an atheist to know whether God exist or not. Evidences abound all around us.

  • @AngryBilleh
    @AngryBilleh 3 года назад +3

    Religion was the greatest April fool's joke

    • @AngryBilleh
      @AngryBilleh 3 года назад +1

      @This LIE is out of Gas lol bro ur profile pic is gold 🤣 I just realized what it was

    • @AngryBilleh
      @AngryBilleh 3 года назад +1

      @G♀️D isisian G♀️D lol wait ur original profile pic was the bible in the toilet 😂

  • @frankhartman323
    @frankhartman323 5 лет назад +11

    I've seen things I cant explain, so I'm not ashamed of being a believer in the holy spirit!

    • @jeremysolo4972
      @jeremysolo4972 5 лет назад

      Just because you don't undetstand it doesn't mean it's not understood otherwise.
      Just saying. Don't limit the world to your soul understanding.
      All I know is I don't know.

    • @jamilitary07
      @jamilitary07 5 лет назад +2

      Frank Hartman You can’t explain it, therefore god?
      This is called the argument from ignorance. Which is a logical fallacy. Look it up.

    • @franksmith7419
      @franksmith7419 5 лет назад

      Thank u Sir, I agree.

    • @franksmith7419
      @franksmith7419 5 лет назад

      @UCuAjL0mSRBM-rvxbPUPiScA there is JESUS, then there is the great deceiver. I choose Jesus the Messiah. U should also. My child said black magick really works, I told him to stay clear, that's the great deceiver. Jesus really works also.

    • @robertcadieux9365
      @robertcadieux9365 5 лет назад

      Another fucktard....More like the holy turkey1

  • @shyamdewan3160
    @shyamdewan3160 5 лет назад +8

    We a person dies..Then the truth hits him...For those who believe he's alive..

    • @janetnyamongo
      @janetnyamongo 4 года назад +2

      It's better to believe and find its a lie that not believe and find that Jesus really exists

    • @yahcrack
      @yahcrack 4 года назад +2

      Janet Nyamongo this is the statement that have been haunting me my entire life.

    • @theogstalker
      @theogstalker 3 года назад +2

      @@janetnyamongo not exactly

  • @johanblume2621
    @johanblume2621 3 года назад +16

    I’ve never believed, but I’ve never felt the need to tell others that they’re stupid for believing. To each his/her own.

    • @cynthiacole6140
      @cynthiacole6140 3 года назад +1

      That's how I feel.

    • @ossiedunstan4419
      @ossiedunstan4419 2 года назад +4

      So your ok with these immoral people believing in a religion that has committed cultural genocide for 2,000 years, murdered no less than 1,000 native American children in Alaska alone, enslaved, paedophiled and with Australian federal and state taxes, stole children from Australian Aboriginal people because christianity makes the claim( yes still make the claim), That Australian Aboriginal are not of genre Homo sapien and thus have no skills in child bearing.
      That is my people The Australian Aboriginal people who have civilisation and culture over 65,000 years, Because we are not white we are not human.
      Its the same the world over any where middle eastern religion is , If your not white your not right.
      Let me give you sample of how Aboriginal people in Australia are treated bye christian`s today, This letter was hand delivered( in Australia letters posted have have return address) in 2018 :
      i put brackets around and spelled a word correctly because it is almost illegible , The word is reproduced.
      You bye ignoring this behaviour are just as bad as those who use for hatred ;
      This is response to letters to the editor local paper, he tried to make christianity to be the moral ground for humanity, so i posted some bible sections about genocide swords through stomach`s of pregnant woman stuff, just 3 their are hundreds to chose from and this is reply privately. The spelling capitals, all the same as the letter.
      Proud of allowing this kind of bullshit to go on, what happens if he has children and they go to the same school as my kids , Am not to do anything turn a fucking blind eye, You are part of the problem , You are a coward.

    • @mjt1517
      @mjt1517 2 года назад +2

      @@ossiedunstan4419 The little old lady down the street who believes in Jesus didn't commit any genocides. Learn some proper English, please. And do try to relax. You sound like an unhinged religious nut.

    • @johanblume2621
      @johanblume2621 2 года назад +1

      @@ossiedunstan4419 damn, you’re an angry, intolerant person. Your hatred for religious people is toxic and no different than the arguments you make against them. Are you a Stalin, Hitler, or Mussolini denier or apologist? Nah, they weren’t religious, so you deny the massacres conducted by the “non-religious”. Get some help, life might just get better for you. Again, religious people don’t affect me, and to each his/her own.

    • @StaggerLee68
      @StaggerLee68 2 года назад

      Unfortunately, they do not feel the same about you. They are the aggressors here, not you.

  • @camaradael2424
    @camaradael2424 4 года назад +2

    If you will study or even convert to different religion, like what happened to me having gone to 16religions, you will discover that the founders of each religion started with meeting a so called god in an intimate experience. Abraham, moses, jesus, paul, francis of assisi, guru nanak, muhammad, the Bab, Zoroaster. Questtion is, if that is the same so called god, why are the claims of each who encountered it are all different and clashes against each other. I think these were all hallucinations only.

  • @willyh.r.1216
    @willyh.r.1216 3 года назад +30

    Hats off Kenneth for your master work on the fictional politico-mytical Jesus.
    I understand it takes hard work to reveal the truth and deconstruct people's Jesus belief. Richard Carrier came up with the same conclusion as Kenneth's, and many more renowned scholars.

    • @truth8307
      @truth8307 3 года назад +5

      Unfortunately they didn't show the most concrete evidence that the Bible and Jesus stories are fake with these evidence:
      2) Many of the Bible's mythologies was very similar with older pagans, Greek, Egyptian or Hinduism religions(note the names too) E.g. Adam/Eve with Atman/Jiva, big flood and survivor Noah/3 sons with Manu/3 daughters although cause of flood is different. Abraham/Sarah with Brahma/Saraswathi, Moses with Krishnu etc
      3) Jesus similarities with Buddha. Maya to Mary, miracle pregnancy to virgin pregnancy, birth during a journey home to from home, prophesied soon after birth, both had a disciple who betrayed them, walked on water, Gautama left the palace at age 29 and Jesus appeared at 29, Gautama became Buddha at 35 and Jesus died and resurrected at around 35 too, Buddha had a big meal while Jesus had a last supper before they died, after they passed away, 500 arahants witnessed compilation of Buddha's teachings and over 500 witnesses to Jesus's resurrection etc. All coincidental ? Beside Buddha, Jesus was also found to be copied from other figures. Surely they can't be ALL coincidental.

    • @alanwilson7084
      @alanwilson7084 2 года назад +1

      How do you account in Rome Jesus name was found in Roman records of his trial by Pilot and also in the Jewish records during Jesus trial by the Jewish leader why would they have Jesus name if he didn’t exist.
      All lies that Jesus never existed he did existed . These people will say and do anything to say he fake sorry do your own research who will find Jesus did exist. His name appeared outside the Bible. Don’t you think they never kept records back then?

    • @AV57
      @AV57 2 года назад

      @@alanwilson7084 Where’s the evidence for this claim of yours?

    • @presencewanted6578
      @presencewanted6578 2 года назад

      I only profess what I've witnessed and have read and you can't tell me why the earth free floats in space teach me if you're able

  • @garystevenson5560
    @garystevenson5560 5 лет назад +3

    Jesus Never Existed Neither the new calendar that marks his coming

    • @tonilanducci1290
      @tonilanducci1290 5 лет назад +1

      And yet we all live in the Cristian Era,at least the Western World.

    • @teontayewarren6470
      @teontayewarren6470 4 года назад

      How can you be so sure?

    • @garystevenson5560
      @garystevenson5560 4 года назад

      We are electrochemical beings. This electricity dematerialises are brains and bodies into mind and body consciousness or spiritual body. The electricity or light is quantum. Seeing that each seconds engulfs past, present and futur is is safe to say we are in eternity. However the Sacred world that we can acquaint ourselves with when we sleep does not bear Time nor Death. + Obey and respect women, help the needy, fight racism, islamophobia, homophobia. Help clean the planet. Tell the rich if they do not eradicate poverty and clean the planet they will be going where fires burns without light in utter anguish. Eisher aisher eisher. Mohammed was the last Messenger. he is aisher but onlyu God knew the meaning of Alif Laam Meem. I am Alif Laam Meem, I am eisher.

  • @ashokathegreat4534
    @ashokathegreat4534 Год назад +4

    Jesus never excisted. Such an important man in his region(Judea/Middle East) with a lot of followers but left behind not a single piece of physical evidence of his excistence. While there were ancient emperors of dynasties that lived hundreds of years before Jesus like Ashoka the Great. He died more than 2500 years ago and lived 300 years before Jesus, yet many of his pillars still stand, his coinage is still there, writings about his life etc. Thats one of the reasons I have huge doubts about anything christian/catholic.

  • @BLAB-it5un
    @BLAB-it5un 2 года назад +1

    Humans have invented thousands of gods and religions and not one of them is valid yet we cling still to the idea that some one or two or three all invented for the same reason in the same area on political and racial grounds somehow transcend all the other ancient religions and gods. Yet only because the power to drive the biblical myths for political and economic gain worked. It preyed on and continues to prey on the human awareness of death. And, yes, the irony that preying and praying are so similar in concept, orthography and yet so completely different in usage. To me the line between the two is razor thin.

  • @henochparks
    @henochparks 5 лет назад +15


    • @josephbragg5445
      @josephbragg5445 5 лет назад

      Thats obvious

    • @josephbragg5445
      @josephbragg5445 5 лет назад

      Yes well you just seen it again friend.!

    • @randywhite6468
      @randywhite6468 5 лет назад +1

      By who, the religious press. What the man is saying is true, forget what you hear or read, check it out for yourself.....

    • @countvanbruno182
      @countvanbruno182 5 лет назад +2

      Christianity has been caught lying SOOOO MANY TIMES

    • @peteralleyman1388
      @peteralleyman1388 5 лет назад

      @ANITA Ospedale
      Even jesus has been caught lying about his return:
      “For the Son of Man is going to come in the glory of His Father with His angels, and will then repay every man according to his deeds. Truly I say to you, there are some of those who are standing here who will not taste death until they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom.“(Matthew 16: 27, 28)
      Some 2000 years have passed in the meantime.

  • @msheart2
    @msheart2 4 года назад +5

    But you expect us to believe the story of Moses right?
    So this is part of the one world religion, that is clear

    • @knowone11111
      @knowone11111 3 года назад +1

      To me, the existence of the Jews proves the Bible true, especially the part where they'd be cursed as a nation for disobedience to God. We can clearly see anti-semitism throughout history, even today.

    • @Legendkiller99
      @Legendkiller99 3 года назад +3

      Moses never existed I am from Egypt and know that

    • @calamancini
      @calamancini 3 года назад

      no moses is another litrary figure of the jewish Torah not an actual person hardly any where the miracles certainly wernt. Not s aingle ling ing person who ever died on thie planet ever ever rose back, not by majik or miracles or whatever or even science. Not proper dead. once your doen e your done.

    • @clarkelaidlaw1678
      @clarkelaidlaw1678 3 года назад

      Question.45....the earliest writings we have about Jesus were written some 60..70 years after his supposed death.we have not one word from anyone who claimed to have even seen him.we have no way of knowing with any certainty of anything whatsoever that he did or said...nobody knows who wrote Mathew,Mark,Luke and john or when they were written.the Catholic church put names on them centuries later.what we have are misunderstandings and exaggerations of rumors of translations of copies of second and third hand tales handed down by word of mouth by fearful,uneducated,superstitious bronze age desert tribesmen for many decades...John has been shown to have been written in Turkey about 130 years after jesus's supposed demise.

  • @bluewendigo672
    @bluewendigo672 5 лет назад +14

    The awnser is in ANCIENT ALIENS.📺 program.

  • @JC57515
    @JC57515 2 года назад +2

    You will know soon enough.
    Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved.

  • @emanuelciurariu5065
    @emanuelciurariu5065 5 лет назад +8

    Looks like today in 2019 we have more fools needing to go in psychiatric hospitals. Jesus is so real that when He lived on earth He split history time in 2 parts: b.c (before Christ) and a.d (anno domini)

    • @NukeTenthTheGrand
      @NukeTenthTheGrand 4 года назад

      Well theres no 100% proof he is fake, though there is not that much evidence(to nonbelievers) to prove he is real. You shouldnt waste time talking about it because people will find out if Jesus is truly real when they die.

  • @jesterbard8819
    @jesterbard8819 5 лет назад +5

    How do you stop a Messiah? Kill him. What happens when he raises from the dead? Destroy his legacy. Corruption, slander, burn all evidence. This man has faith in the ego of mankind like so many lost souls do.

  • @darmok-hm6jx
    @darmok-hm6jx 5 лет назад +8

    "Thus men forgot that all deities reside in the human breast." William Blake

    We learn our lessons from our mistakes. It's through my experiences that brought me to the conclusion that it may be better to learn from the experiences of others. My bible is replete with lessons learned from experiences that I don't want to go through. We can learn the lessons in life without having to experience the consequences. The trail has been cut for us; we just have to walk in it. With gentle guidance, those who desire GOoD will find the wisdom they seek.
    We are responsible for our actions, which include the results of our thoughts, words, and our bias.
    “It is not the brains that matter most, but that which guides them - the character, the heart, generous qualities, progressive ideas.” Fyodor Dostoevsky
    "Life can only be understood backwards, but it can only be lived forward" - Søren Kierkegaard
    “I've lived through some terrible things in my life, some of which actually happened.” Mark Twain

    "We live in our imaginations desiring to fulfill our phantasies" me

    • @TheRcurtis810
      @TheRcurtis810 5 лет назад +1

      Dr. Wernher von Braun (1912 -1977), NASA director and "father of the American Space Program."
      "There simply cannot be a creation without some kind of Spiritual the world around us we can behold the obvious manifestation of the Divine plan of the Creator."
      “What random process could possibly explain the simultaneous evolution of the eye’s optical system,

    • @darmok-hm6jx
      @darmok-hm6jx 5 лет назад +1

      @@TheRcurtis810 Most people don't know the difference between Prose and Poetry. In the days before instant gratification, people enjoyed poetry and understood the language much better then, than today. Schools don't teach the difference anymore or the students are just too apathetic. They chide and ridicule things that are difficult for them to understand.
      They will learn that they, as creators, are responsible for what they create. Whether it is Chaos or Harmony; They will learn the easy way or the hard way. They have been taught as fact, they are only animals and there is no divinity. They confuse GOoD and dEVIL. Andy LH
      writes of Michaelangelo's Creation of Adam and probably believe that Heaven is in outer space and not the space between the ears.
      Their teachers may be right. Animals have a limited imagination while we, who are made in the image of Elohim, are gifted with an unlimited imagination.
      People will come to love their oppression, to adore the technologies that undo their capacities to think' - Aldous Huxley (1894-1963)
      The supreme truths are neither the rigid conclusions of logical reasoning nor the affirmations of credal statement, but fruits of the soul's inner experience. ~ Sri Aurobindo
      “Painting is poetry that is seen rather than felt, and poetry is painting that is felt rather than seen.” ? Leonardo da Vinci
      "I wish you health, wealth, and the time to share your joy."

    • @yourmother4898
      @yourmother4898 2 года назад

      @@TheRcurtis810 Derp

    • @playtime5051
      @playtime5051 2 года назад +3

      “What random process could possibly explain the simultaneous evolution of the eye’s optical system?" That process is called evolution. It is a gradual change over many generations. Through natural selection by a member of a species finding a mate with an admired trait. Then offspring tend to be more fit for that particular environment. And are therefor more likely to pass-on the given trait to the next generation.

    • @batchelerjr
      @batchelerjr 2 года назад

      Yeah.....because I don't want to go swimming and end up in a whales belly

  • @marcuslandure2262
    @marcuslandure2262 2 года назад +1

    If there was no person of Jesus Christ then why would the church come out of thin air and suddenly the news is spread to all corners of civilisation to all nations around the world?
    Not to mention if you had any literary sense for what makes an interesting story, it would be hard to denounce the Christian gospel as one of if not the greatest works of human literature for all of human history.

    • @nathanwhite704
      @nathanwhite704 2 года назад +1

      "If there was no person of Jesus Christ then why would the church come out of thin air and suddenly the news is spread to all corners of civilisation to all nations around the world?" That didnt happen at all there was never a single unified message. Christianity started as an explosion of Gnostic sects and many told radically different versions of the story.

    • @Moodboard39
      @Moodboard39 3 месяца назад

      @@nathanwhite704 no it wasnt

    • @Moodboard39
      @Moodboard39 3 месяца назад

      @@nathanwhite704 shows ur igorances

  • @mikeyboy8127
    @mikeyboy8127 6 лет назад +33

    I've seen Jesus on toast. I'm sold.

    • @k0smon
      @k0smon 6 лет назад

      Mike//// Now there is a new form of communion wafer. Think the Catholics will buy it?

    • @athruzinfinity3446
      @athruzinfinity3446 5 лет назад

      Just spit juice every where lmao!!!

    • @augustinehourigan7453
      @augustinehourigan7453 5 лет назад


    • @heraldomedrano6993
      @heraldomedrano6993 5 лет назад

      You should talk to a Roman Catholic priest.

    • @dougd936
      @dougd936 5 лет назад

      So Profound.
      Everything I see teaches me to trust Christ for the things I cannot see. Creation itself could not have happened by accident. Look around you.

  • @jimfromleicester897
    @jimfromleicester897 5 лет назад +11

    Sorry chap but you may sayers do not convince me. I've seen and experienced proof. Even non Christian beliefs talk and write of Jesus Christ. You appear to be one of those people who if the Lord appeared directly in front of you, you would still deny his existence. I feel so sorry for you.

    • @jaymusic9039
      @jaymusic9039 5 лет назад

      Seen proof? experienced proof? Then maybe at least see a doctor about all medications you use.

    • @briaincampbellmacart6024
      @briaincampbellmacart6024 3 года назад

      You feel sorry for us because we dont believe that the cells of the human body can be reinvigorated having been starved of oxygen for three days (and in spite of the rate of decay) ? I think its we that feel sorry for you.

    • @georgesolomon9505
      @georgesolomon9505 3 года назад

      With all my respect bro, you should feel sorry for your own self.... to believe in the biggest fairy tail of all time...

  • @jannellecox3202
    @jannellecox3202 4 года назад +3

    I'am so sick and tired of being disrupted in my life by stinking religion . My family and I were not a religious family .We didn't have time for it . Growing up it was work from daylight to dark . I know other familys that were the same way . When us kids went to church it was on Easter get candy. And thats all it was for . I didn't know a damn thing about jesus . The story scared the shit out of me . I remember crying walking home at the age of about 7 or 8 . Wheather or not jesus exists or not is fine with me but it is wrong to force it upon children . Religion Stinks !!! It's poisioned the world and most of us kid's lives . It's poision.

    • @jannellecox3202
      @jannellecox3202 4 года назад

      @Jack Of All Trades Well ....your very fortunate for it .....what ever helps a person I suppose .

  • @eddielopez2373
    @eddielopez2373 Месяц назад +1

    Kenneth: “There was no exclusivity about it at all.”
    Also Kenneth: When they encountered religious opposition from British druids, the Romans annihilated them.
    Damn. Glad those tolerant, imperial polytheists dealt with the intolerant exclusivity of those evil non-Roman druids.

  • @LovingKimmyGirl
    @LovingKimmyGirl 5 лет назад +5

    Jesus always existed -since the beginning. You are living proof He exist. You are not a pillar of smoke or happenstance. If it wasn't for Him you wouldn't have grace and mercy. If you don't get it right with the Father you will stay His enemy. Jesus is the one that intercedes for you. He is part of the Holy Trinity. Recognize before it's too late.

  • @ucanknowme37
    @ucanknowme37 5 лет назад +14

    Acts 2:22 tells you who this jesus is... Each 1 of you believe he's a "SAVIOR" going 2 Hell 4 Adultery!!! Christ is "Creation"

    • @saabajoe
      @saabajoe 5 лет назад +1

      You might meet them there with that belief you appear to espouse. ✌🏿

    • @chrisleach1723
      @chrisleach1723 5 лет назад +1

      I'm sorry prove to me that he did exsist and I'll pay your bills for the rest of my life, don't worry like the idiots before me I'll wait

    • @kjkhanikwijibo398
      @kjkhanikwijibo398 5 лет назад +1

      @@chrisleach1723 ...Put pride aside, and with an earnest heart, call upon Him. He will not forsake you. The Lord will test you. But never fail you.

    • @chrisleach1723
      @chrisleach1723 5 лет назад

      @@kjkhanikwijibo398 why in hell would I call on something that never existed duh

    • @chrisleach1723
      @chrisleach1723 5 лет назад

      @@kjkhanikwijibo398 and of course I have never failed myself

  • @bigdaddy8132
    @bigdaddy8132 5 лет назад +8

    nevermind just reading christians but-hurt comments

  • @EmFo-sm5kx
    @EmFo-sm5kx 4 года назад +3

    Jesus is nothing more than a manufactured deity for slaves. Social control tool for fools developed during Constantine reign.

    • @jdilla999
      @jdilla999 4 года назад +1

      Exactly just had a debate with a guy, I mentioned the same thing smh sad.

    • @jdilla999
      @jdilla999 4 года назад +1

      @Jack Of All Trades been there done that with Christianity. Funny thing is the Messiah Yashua (Jesus/Isa) wasnt Christian nor did he refer to his Disciples/Apostles as Christians.

    • @EmFo-sm5kx
      @EmFo-sm5kx 4 года назад +1

      @Jack Of All Trades Your reasoning is pretty basic or a classical ad verecundum if someone: "fill in the blank space" Einstein (in this case) therefore it must be true. Christianism is a myth. And I don't have to be a chef if I'm served junk food, in order to realize it is crap; or in this case a christian to determine that Christ is nothing more than romanfiction adapted for slaves. You are intelectually dead already if you place your hopes in the most famous living dead of all times, Yeshua aka Sol invictus.

    • @jdilla999
      @jdilla999 4 года назад

      @Jack Of All Trades "If you havent walked the love of God Road...."
      So you call killing millions, repenting that you created us as if the condom bust, using Humans/Animals (blood sacrifices) as food, lying to Adam/Eve & exiling them for gaing knowledge, threatening to wipe dung (feces) on people faces, sending evil spirits lying spirits & terrifying spirits, throwing tantrums, sending your "SON" to get slaughtered, instead of coming down yourself to change the conditions of the world etc are "LOVE OF GOD?????" Smh

    • @jdilla999
      @jdilla999 4 года назад

      @Jack Of All Trades I respect that, some of the things you said I agree with especially about the Bible not being the "Word of God", the fanatics & the Hell Concept.
      Im not an Atheist as far as not believing in a "Higher Entity", I don't believe (accept) the Biblical & Quraanic Gods. Im an Animist.....I must respectfully say, those 3 monotheistic religions must go because its the root to many problems of the world.

  • @golansmith4868
    @golansmith4868 4 года назад +6

    " But this is a New Era of time now"

    • @calamancini
      @calamancini 3 года назад

      is it?

    • @mjt1517
      @mjt1517 2 года назад

      @@calamancini Every 60 seconds in Africa, a minute passes.

  • @Lillianachimp
    @Lillianachimp 5 лет назад +6

    So where's the evidence for his claims. All I hear is him talking, that's it. No sources, no text, nothing.

    • @ihatelogicalfallacies6443
      @ihatelogicalfallacies6443 5 лет назад +3

      Hey moron...his evidence is pointing out that your imaginary friend has no basis in reality!

    • @slimpickens3220
      @slimpickens3220 5 лет назад

      @@ihatelogicalfallacies6443 GAWDDD DAMN!

  • @williamdonohue7470
    @williamdonohue7470 2 года назад +6

    For a guy who never existed, he sure left his mark on the world

    • @billcarson4566
      @billcarson4566 2 года назад +6

      So did Santa Claus.

    • @terrencecoccoli524
      @terrencecoccoli524 2 года назад +1

      @@billcarson4566 😂

    • @williamdonohue7470
      @williamdonohue7470 2 года назад

      @@billcarson4566 great comment, made me chuckle. But the reality is there's no comparison. People only think about Santa for about one month out of the year. He's not really worshipped, there's no mention of him in the Bible. It amazes me how people are so quick to dismiss the validity of the Bible as some fairy tale of some sort, and most haven't even read it to see what it actually says. I grew up going to church but turned away from it in my teenage years, because, well, I was a teenager and I knew everything, right? Years later I was looking up a word in my trusty Merriam Webster dictionary and happened to read the definition of Bible. Seems it's a word with two meanings, 1 the Holy Scriptures of the Christian religion, and 2 the authority on the subject. So, I started reading it again, with a more adult mind, and came away with a new understanding of things. Of course you are free to believe, or not, and I don't judge you one way or the other, but all I can say is, make an informed decision.

    • @nienie68
      @nienie68 Год назад

      His mark is the rape, murder and pillaging of entire civilisations. Impossible not to notice.

  • @laenga6044
    @laenga6044 4 года назад +1

    This is a just another story.
    I say so because of at least three things:
    1)Why would the Jews make up a king who dies?
    2)Jesus said that He had not come to overthrow Rome (Acts1:6-8).
    3)The Messianic prophecies were there long before this time.
    You say He was a mythical figure made by the Jews to console themselves; but why did the Jews reject Him? Wouldn't they rather support Him as their leader to 'freedom' instead of crucifying Him?

    • @alanthompson8515
      @alanthompson8515 4 года назад

      Hi. Re point 1) If your nation had just revolted against foreign imperialism and had been thoroughly whupped, wouldn't YOU start to question what some of your religious leaders had been telling you? Mind you, as you suggest, the attempt to portray JC to Jews as a Greek style dying and rising God-man signally failed. (Paul regularly got kicked out of synagogues, for instance). However, once the need to obey the painful duties of the Jewish Law had been removed, this cult took off among Gentile communities. The rest, as they say, is history.
      Re: 2) In my bible, this passage does not mention Rome. Please clarify.
      Re: 3) Which "Messianic prophecies"? Do you mean passages such as Isaiah 53 which were quote mined by the authors of what was (much later) to become the New Testament? "Matthew" in particular loved this ploy.

    @THEJOB3323CHANNEL 5 лет назад +5

    Who was Jesus? he told us , He said I am the way the truth and the life nobody comes to the father buy threw me.
    So follow the truth it will show you the way to the life that is heaven on earth.
    Were do you find or listen to God? Your intuition,
    so christ is your heart that listens to your intuition (God)
    the christ within you is your heart or 2nd mind your higher mind .
    that listens to God.
    Were do you hear Gods voice? Your heart?
    . Okey its solved the bible is awsome God is still great!!!

  • @zhanjeudhotichareva6507
    @zhanjeudhotichareva6507 5 лет назад +6

    You believe to understand,and you understand to believe!!!

    • @AV57
      @AV57 2 года назад

      To understand the Tooth Fairy you must believe in the Tooth Fairy and once you understand the Tooth Fairy you will believe the Tooth Fairy. No circular reasoning there!

  • @fredc61
    @fredc61 5 лет назад +5

    Kenneth Humphrey never existed.

  • @TheSubpremeState
    @TheSubpremeState 6 месяцев назад +1

    Its painful that the people we love say are lives are not going well because we are intelligent enough and realistic enough to have been religious and grown up more than them. Thats what the tree of knowledge gets you 😢

  • @keithmahoney4390
    @keithmahoney4390 5 лет назад +4

    That is simply not true most scholars agree that Jesus did exist as a Jewish prophet the disagreement lies on whether he was the son of God not that he didn't exist also there are other accounts of Jesus outside the Bible for instance josephus and tacitus

  • @drkenny7928
    @drkenny7928 4 года назад +6

    Jesus is a huge business in Africa. The fools are being scammed with Jesus everyday

    • @romanstaniszewski1030
      @romanstaniszewski1030 3 года назад +1

      Every religion is a scam only Islam and Christianity allows raping children ...

    • @conorspyridon7008
      @conorspyridon7008 3 года назад

      When jesus was banned like in USSR , China , Laos and north Korea 100 million died in 100 years during the last century .

    • @conorspyridon7008
      @conorspyridon7008 3 года назад

      @@romanstaniszewski1030 there is many many priests that raped children but it was not a papal law . They did it and broke the law voluntarily . But many and MORE non religious people rape children .

    • @romanstaniszewski1030
      @romanstaniszewski1030 3 года назад
