My seminary, Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary, has Dr. Tom Ascol on staff. I was in his live class in 2018 when he taught “A Biblical Examination of the Social Justice Movement.” He did a great job teaching us the errors of this movement and it’s roots. CBTS has great teaching/teachers and very accommodating (both with affordability and accessibility). I’m glad to see other seminaries stepping up and being firm on this issue.
Thank you Jon for all that you are doing for us Christians who are being blessed by you. Thank you for all your videos that give us discernment and seeing truth from the word of God,
In every generation, the hirelings and the true undershepherds will be revealed by their courage and discernment in controversial issues. Keller, Platt and Lincoln Duncan etc have been revealed to be hirelings who crave the approval and applause of men. I thank God for revealing this.
I'm just a regular churchgoer. I'd noticed some odd things here & there, but I didn't have a name for it. Plus, I've been dealing with an ongoing family health crisis for 5 years. I've been exhausted & stressed out & trying not to go crazy. It wasn't until last summer that it all kicked into high gear. I've worked hard to get up to speed since then. I've been listening/watching/reading CRT stuff nonstop. I've communicated with my church multiple times. (Hard when you haven't met in a year.) They're going down that road. I've been unsuccessful in trying to stop it. I am so completely alone now.
You're never alone if you're a Christian, Jesus is ALWAYS there. I'm sure there are many other likeminded people around you, you just need to find them. It may be in another church, but they're out there. God will guide and provide, He loves you.
Bro i left my church when it started displaying the solo black thingi in lieu of the church logo and the senior pastor inserting racism and injustice in his sermons after the Floyd issue. We (the 3 of us former church members) believed that it has something to do with that pastor subscribing to the Gospel Coalition
I was right there with you. Know that you’re not alone. If you can confront it at your church and if they’re going to continue going down that path leave. That’s what I had to do but I’m so glad I did.
I have to say I felt a bit discouraged by this video though I don't think it was intended. I've been at the same church for 39 years and none of this is there. Never got much online related to theology, just read my Bible and listened to my pastor. So I was pretty much oblivious to this infection in our churches.. Lockdowns changed that when a guy named AD Robles showed up as a suggested video. That led to this podcast and I've been talking with members and leaders for a while. This video made me feel if I speak up I only do so because it's safe now. Literally had no idea about CRT and it takes a while to get up to speed. Again, don't think that was the intent. Not going to stop watching or speaking against the false social justice "gospel" in any way shape or form. Hang in there brother, a pleased Master awaits those who persevere.
I’m literally leaving Southeastern and have applied to Southern. I know a lot of the people that have gone there and worked there. Quite possibly the only seminary that I know of that is standing firm for the truth and philosophically on point
Thank you for what you do. I've been concerned for years over things I was seeing in the SBC. My soul was troubled and I just didn't know why. Now it is all making sense. G0d is sifting the wheat.
Thankful for you, AD Robles, Doug Eilson, Crosspolitic, Michael O'Fallon and James Lindsey who have spoken in these issues. I was a law enforcement officer between 2012 and 2017. I can't tell you how many times I made a traffic stop, warrant arrest, or investigatory stop and was told I was racist. So when I heard from the church the same narrative I was shocked. Not only that, but very few leaders in the church would ask me my thought of what was happening. You would think if they really believed that racism was rampant and corruption too, they would have checked in with me or other officers. Naw. I really feel for young children who are being taught to fear law enforcement and other authorities in their lives. I can't imagine the damage it will do. I will never forget patrolling and having a few kids (3-4 years old) following my police car chanting "hands up, don't shoot" You can't tell me they were just "expressing their lived experience". They are the real losers of this whole movement and it is so sad.
I learned recently about the Expositor's Seminary, and I really appreciate what they have been putting out. My pastor went there, and he has been calling out the CRT teaching specifically.
What’s so deeply concerning is that a video like that which stands for basic biblical fidelity, shines as a bright light and is considered bold when really its content is just an expression of classical Christianity. It shows just how much the culture has degenerated; when even speaking fundamental Christian truths is actually considered bold. May we never shrink back in the face of persecution in an attempt to appease our own fear of man and curry favour with the world, rather may we stand, firmly rooted and grounded in sacred scripture, and proclaim the gospel from the roof tops with boldness, conviction and clarity. I’ll be praying for America, may it’s people repent of their sins, turn to Christ, and he would heal their land.
I thought the same thing about the Kristi Nome interview! And that's exactly how it happened with me too! When she said she wanted to build a Coalition, that's when my ears perked up. Crazy how she didn't just do the right thing. Very disappointing given how strong she was on the whole covid-19 fiasco
Olympia Washington is where I live. One of the most lefty SJW cities in the nation, with super woke government leadership. We went to live streams for about two months but once our leadership agreed the restrictions were unreasonable, inconsistent and excessive, we opened back up for worship, offer masks but don't enforce any kind of rules around them. As far as I know we have received no grief from the city which I am almost surprised at, considering our services have 2 hundred or so people attending. I'm not exactly sure what to make of it. It's almost like my pastor was ready to defend his church but no army ever came. Why do some cities have it worse than others? And why were so many afraid to open?
Thankful to be part of a bible college that stands for truth and has an excellent faculty that holds to God's standards. Brookes Bible College in St Louis MO
No, no, no John. Jesus said if you’re not against Me, you’re for Me. I don’t care if they come to the party late, I’m just glad they’ve come at all! I’m grateful for every pastor and each Christian who IS NOT woke!
Wait, wait, wait, wait. Are you being sarcastic? I want to make sure that I'm understanding you correctly because first off there is a huge difference between what you wrote - "Jesus said if you're not against Me, you're for Me" - and what Jesus actually said, "Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters." (Matthew 12:30; ESV). Elaine, what you wrote suggests that people who are apathetic are on Christ's side when that's clearly not the case. Jesus' statements are often very narrow and exclusive: John 14:6 (ESV) - Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. Matthew 7:13-14 (ESV) - “Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few." Etc. I, too, am grateful for pastors, leaders and Christians who are waking up, because believers need to realize they have to pick a side and "fence riding" leans away from Christ, not towards it.
@@richardwheeler3768 Hi Richard, Sorry my ability to quote scripture is not always perfect, but I get the essence. (Maybe Paul said it?) Anyway, no, I’m not being sarcastic. My whole church has not come out against wokism (never approached on any level). Godly women I know who love God, serve others, and have been tested thru fire don’t understand what’s going on. My friend who such a real and deep faith posts JD Grear and the Gospel Coalition on FB, yet has asked me Not to speak to her about Social Justice or BLM . So I mean it when I say coming late to the party is okay with me. I would Love it if awareness of the evil of CRT and SJ developed in the circles I move in. I’m currently reading Faultlines by Voddie Baucham. If I like it I’ll give a copy to my Pastor. Either way, I need to meet with him to discuss these issues. I’m not proofing this, so please forgive any errors. Elaine
Elaine, thank you for the clarification. I will be praying for you as you meet with your pastor, and I'll pray that others have their eyes opened as well. God bless you, Richard
Has nothing to do with timing and everything to do with motivation. If someone knew what was going on, and didn’t say anything until there was a profit to be made or it was “safe,” that’s the issue.
Sadly, Gov. Noem lost ground on this issue by displaying cowardice. Or, worse, she demonstrated a well-honed political instinct for self-preservation. In her effort to not create enemies, she lost future donors because she cannot be trusted to defend values that are under attack.
I saw another interview with Kristy Noem where she maybe explained her position a little better. The main reason she didn’t sign was because the way the bill was written, it was extremely similar to bills in other states that were overturned by the courts. She wants a stronger bill that has a better chance to stand in the courts when it’s challenged, which it will be. I think one discrepancy was that it addresses boys who want to play girls sports, but says nothing about girls that want to play boys sports. I think she is so spot in in so many areas that I’m willing to extend her some grace on this one and give her the benefit of the doubt. She’s never been one who cared if she was standing alone on so many other issues. I can’t imagine that it’s fear motivating this move either. It’s kind of like I’m willing to give Mike Stone the benefit of the doubt when he told Josh Buice that he hasn’t signed the social justice statement, his reason being that he never signs any statement. This is a big one for me. Why doesn’t he just sign it if he believes everything it says? I have to take his word on what I know him to believe and his past actions and statements. I may not understand all the minute details of the “why’s”, but when it’s people whose character I trust, I give them some leeway until they prove otherwise.
SES has traditionally been anti-Calvinist (see the James White/Norm Geisler controversy) and weak on the gospel as it relates to Roman Catholicism (they've had a lot of staff and students swim the Tiber).
SES is not reformed in the TULIP sense, though we have many students/alumni who are. It is false, however, that we have had "a lot of staff and students swim the Tiber." We have responded to this claim numerous times. Nevertheless, the same sort of thing can be shown happening from strictly reformed schools as well. The point being, nothing follows from this kind of claim alone regarding the truth or falsity of what a specific school is teaching.
@@SouthernEvangelicalSeminary >nothing follows from this kind of claim alone regarding the truth or falsity of what a specific school is teaching. Nothing follows from a claim that an evangelical school compromises doctrine and practice? You make my point, precisely! Please tell me, when you invite Roman Catholic scholars to teach in your institution, do you make an effort to delineate the different gospel they preach and seek to win them, or does that *central tenet* get blithely ignored?
@@normanmilquetoast1 I'm not sure who you're referring to. We've had Ed Feser and a few folks speak at events, but you assume that those individuals do not believe the true Gospel. And yes, we have specific courses on the differences between evangelicals and Roman Catholics.
Is it good to confront local churches that you are tithing to and ask these pastors what they are doing to confront the "wokeness" issue and their stance on this?
If you haven’t read it yet, try taking a look at Faultlines, by Voddie Bauchman. I just started reading the book and he touches on that and a few other topics with references.
@@ConversationsThatMatterpodcast He is our president, and he is retiring. As Anthony said, he will teach some modules and stuff. He's provided excellent leadership at SES. Dr. Land has been there as long as I've been a student, and I cannot say anything negative about him. He called CRT exactly what it is, a heresy.
For an understanding of the The Great Reset (the fourth industrial revolution), watch some of the dystopian science fiction movies such as THX-1138, Serenity, Ghost in the Shell, The Hunger Games, Children of Men, Gattaca, Brazil, etc.
@@cranmer1959 it is absolutely true that Dr. Geisler was a Thomist (as am I) and not a 5-point Calvinist. It is false, however, that Dr. Geisler was Arminian and that SES is an Arminian school. If not holding to all points of the TULIP (depending on how they are defined) makes one an Arminian, then it should also follow that not holding to all points of Arminianism makes one a Calvinist. But of course, this is absurd. There is middle ground to be had between the extremes, and that is where Dr. Geisler landed.
@@SouthernEvangelicalSeminary Arminianism is defined by conditional election, libertarian free will, etc. Do you deny that your dispensationalist views include conditional election and libertarian free will? Partial depravity rather than total depravity? Holding to ANY of the points of the Remonstrance makes you an Arminian. Calvinism is a total SYSTEM, not a smorgasbord of options and relativism. Scripture is the final authority, not dispensationalism. The Westminster Confession of Faith begins with chapter one, Of the Scriptures, for a good reason. It's called Sola Scriptura!
SES takes a great stand against CRT HOWEVER! Their ad says they say stand with boldness of the gospel and the inerrancy of Gods word yet they teach and defend old earth theology to the point that have attacked answers in Genesis and Institute of creation research.
We have about half and half as far as the number of professors who are young earth vs the number who are old earth, but none are evolutionists. As far as "attacking," if you mean we have critiqued various foundational philosophical ideas presented by young earth ministries, then yes, we have offered such critiques. Unlike when we have been critiqued by certain young earth ministries, we have never labeled these brother and sisters "compromisers." I would invite you to explore the numerous articles and videos we have on our blog, youtube channel, and facebook page about this issue.
John you need to watch the Rick Warren interview on Carey Nieuwhofs podcast. I would love to hear your comments. I have quite a few issues with what Warren says. There is a lot of misinformation and fallacies posited by Warren.
I was so disappointed in Gov Noem after I watched that interview, not sure I saw through her double speak of why she didn't sign the bill! I am sure more things have come out since I paid attention, but it was discouraging!
I would recommend anyone explore our blog and the videos on our Facebook and RUclips pages to see our interactions with Ken Ham and the problems with the methodology of Answers in Genesis. That being said, about half of our faculty and staff are young earth and about half are old earth (but none are evolutionists as AIG would have you believe).
@@SouthernEvangelicalSeminary this is not true. I have attended your conference and watched you attack Ken Ham and well and Dr Randy Guliuzza on stage. It was disgraceful and made me sad that I had brought high school students there to the event. I have heard to said multiple years that your staff was half old earth and half young earth. My response to that is this, first I have never seen that to be true at any of the events that I have attended there. Second take a stand on the truth of the Bible, you either believe it is God's word and his truth or you don't. you can't have it both ways.
Although I applaud SES for their stance against the Woke madness, there are a number of problems with some of their theology I believe. Check out what James White has said in the past about SES and what happens to some of their graduates…
Students from various reformed seminaries convert to the RCC. btw James White is great when it comes to biblical studies, but he does not have the philosophical training to critique SES's approach to systematic theology. It's not his area of expertise.
@@TheJpep2424 There were two instructors (PhD students) who converted. Not 9 professors. The others were grad students. This happens frequently at all seminaries ( is features writers from Reformed Theological Seminary and Westminster Seminary students who converted to the RCC)-it just so happens that a book was published in the case of SES.
My seminary, Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary, has Dr. Tom Ascol on staff. I was in his live class in 2018 when he taught “A Biblical Examination of the Social Justice Movement.” He did a great job teaching us the errors of this movement and it’s roots.
CBTS has great teaching/teachers and very accommodating (both with affordability and accessibility). I’m glad to see other seminaries stepping up and being firm on this issue.
I've been interested in CBTS for a while.
Bravo, SES . . . at least as far as being anti-woke. We need to show our support.
O’Fallon has always been in the forefront of this. God bless him. Glad he’s naming names too.
I've been a student at SES since 2016. It is such a refreshing place to be.
New Saint Andrews College is the only other institution I've seen making marketing materials like that. Way to go SES!
Yes! NSA is also very good and sees straight through the nonsense
Thank you Jon for all that you are doing for us Christians who are being blessed by you. Thank you for all your videos that give us discernment and seeing truth from the word of God,
God Bless Jon, what you are doing is not in vain 🙏🏽🙏🏽
You're always an encouragement Patricia
In every generation, the hirelings and the true undershepherds will be revealed by their courage and discernment in controversial issues. Keller, Platt and Lincoln Duncan etc have been revealed to be hirelings who crave the approval and applause of men. I thank God for revealing this.
Voddie Baucham, Jr. has spoken against this for a long time. His book "Faultlines" is just out and I highly recommend it!
I'm just a regular churchgoer. I'd noticed some odd things here & there, but I didn't have a name for it. Plus, I've been dealing with an ongoing family health crisis for 5 years. I've been exhausted & stressed out & trying not to go crazy. It wasn't until last summer that it all kicked into high gear. I've worked hard to get up to speed since then. I've been listening/watching/reading CRT stuff nonstop. I've communicated with my church multiple times. (Hard when you haven't met in a year.) They're going down that road. I've been unsuccessful in trying to stop it. I am so completely alone now.
You're never alone if you're a Christian, Jesus is ALWAYS there. I'm sure there are many other likeminded people around you, you just need to find them. It may be in another church, but they're out there. God will guide and provide, He loves you.
Be of good courage. God has reserved His own “7000” who have not bowed down to Baal. May God lead you to a Church who honors God instead of men.
Bro i left my church when it started displaying the solo black thingi in lieu of the church logo and the senior pastor inserting racism and injustice in his sermons after the Floyd issue. We (the 3 of us former church members) believed that it has something to do with that pastor subscribing to the Gospel Coalition
I was right there with you. Know that you’re not alone. If you can confront it at your church and if they’re going to continue going down that path leave. That’s what I had to do but I’m so glad I did.
I have to say I felt a bit discouraged by this video though I don't think it was intended. I've been at the same church for 39 years and none of this is there. Never got much online related to theology, just read my Bible and listened to my pastor. So I was pretty much oblivious to this infection in our churches..
Lockdowns changed that when a guy named AD Robles showed up as a suggested video. That led to this podcast and I've been talking with members and leaders for a while.
This video made me feel if I speak up I only do so because it's safe now. Literally had no idea about CRT and it takes a while to get up to speed.
Again, don't think that was the intent. Not going to stop watching or speaking against the false social justice "gospel" in any way shape or form.
Hang in there brother, a pleased Master awaits those who persevere.
I’m literally leaving Southeastern and have applied to Southern. I know a lot of the people that have gone there and worked there. Quite possibly the only seminary that I know of that is standing firm for the truth and philosophically on point
Why are you leaving then?
Bless you for your courage in such a time as this, brother!
Thank you for what you do. I've been concerned for years over things I was seeing in the SBC. My soul was troubled and I just didn't know why. Now it is all making sense. G0d is sifting the wheat.
I received a Certificate of Christian Apologetics at SES. Very solid biblical teaching.
Thankful to see SES boldly stand up for Biblical truth!!!
I got chills watching that! Praise God for their clarity and boldness.
Bout time there is clarity, boldness and pushback on CRT, PC and wokeness. Great going SES!!!
Thankful for you, AD Robles, Doug Eilson, Crosspolitic, Michael O'Fallon and James Lindsey who have spoken in these issues.
I was a law enforcement officer between 2012 and 2017. I can't tell you how many times I made a traffic stop, warrant arrest, or investigatory stop and was told I was racist. So when I heard from the church the same narrative I was shocked.
Not only that, but very few leaders in the church would ask me my thought of what was happening. You would think if they really believed that racism was rampant and corruption too, they would have checked in with me or other officers. Naw.
I really feel for young children who are being taught to fear law enforcement and other authorities in their lives. I can't imagine the damage it will do. I will never forget patrolling and having a few kids (3-4 years old) following my police car chanting "hands up, don't shoot"
You can't tell me they were just "expressing their lived experience". They are the real losers of this whole movement and it is so sad.
I learned recently about the Expositor's Seminary, and I really appreciate what they have been putting out. My pastor went there, and he has been calling out the CRT teaching specifically.
What about TMS? When I think about a solid Bible teaching seminary that has a strong and solid track record, TMS comes to mind.
For sure
What’s so deeply concerning is that a video like that which stands for basic biblical fidelity, shines as a bright light and is considered bold when really its content is just an expression of classical Christianity. It shows just how much the culture has degenerated; when even speaking fundamental Christian truths is actually considered bold. May we never shrink back in the face of persecution in an attempt to appease our own fear of man and curry favour with the world, rather may we stand, firmly rooted and grounded in sacred scripture, and proclaim the gospel from the roof tops with boldness, conviction and clarity. I’ll be praying for America, may it’s people repent of their sins, turn to Christ, and he would heal their land.
2 interesting things that a google search immediately turns up: SES is in Matthews NC, the same location as RTS, and the president is Richard Land.
Actually, we are located in the Ballantyne area of Charlotte. Dr. Land is now President Emeritus, and Judge Phil Ginn is the current President.
@@SouthernEvangelicalSeminary Ok, thanks for more current info.
I thought the same thing about the Kristi Nome interview! And that's exactly how it happened with me too! When she said she wanted to build a Coalition, that's when my ears perked up. Crazy how she didn't just do the right thing. Very disappointing given how strong she was on the whole covid-19 fiasco
Yes, she failed that critical test of true leadership.
ANYONE can build a coalition but she's the GOVERNOR, the one and ONLY GOVERNOR, and she QUIT.
If you're surprised you're not paying attention and definitely don't live in SD.
Olympia Washington is where I live. One of the most lefty SJW cities in the nation, with super woke government leadership. We went to live streams for about two months but once our leadership agreed the restrictions were unreasonable, inconsistent and excessive, we opened back up for worship, offer masks but don't enforce any kind of rules around them. As far as I know we have received no grief from the city which I am almost surprised at, considering our services have 2 hundred or so people attending. I'm not exactly sure what to make of it. It's almost like my pastor was ready to defend his church but no army ever came. Why do some cities have it worse than others? And why were so many afraid to open?
Thank you for the scripture Jon!
Thankful to be part of a bible college that stands for truth and has an excellent faculty that holds to God's standards. Brookes Bible College in St Louis MO
No, no, no John. Jesus said if you’re not against Me, you’re for Me. I don’t care if they come to the party late, I’m just glad they’ve come at all! I’m grateful for every pastor and each Christian who IS NOT woke!
Wait, wait, wait, wait. Are you being sarcastic? I want to make sure that I'm understanding you correctly because first off there is a huge difference between what you wrote - "Jesus said if you're not against Me, you're for Me" - and what Jesus actually said, "Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters." (Matthew 12:30; ESV).
Elaine, what you wrote suggests that people who are apathetic are on Christ's side when that's clearly not the case.
Jesus' statements are often very narrow and exclusive:
John 14:6 (ESV) - Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
Matthew 7:13-14 (ESV) - “Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few."
I, too, am grateful for pastors, leaders and Christians who are waking up, because believers need to realize they have to pick a side and "fence riding" leans away from Christ, not towards it.
@@richardwheeler3768 Hi Richard,
Sorry my ability to quote scripture is not always perfect, but I get the essence. (Maybe Paul said it?) Anyway, no, I’m not being sarcastic. My whole church has not come out against wokism (never approached on any level). Godly women I know who love God, serve others, and have been tested thru fire don’t understand what’s going on. My friend who such a real and deep faith posts JD Grear and the Gospel Coalition on FB, yet has asked me Not to speak to her about Social Justice or BLM . So I mean it when I say coming late to the party is okay with me. I would Love it if awareness of the evil of CRT and SJ developed in the circles I move in. I’m currently reading Faultlines by Voddie Baucham. If I like it I’ll give a copy to my Pastor. Either way, I need to meet with him to discuss these issues.
I’m not proofing this, so please forgive any errors.
Elaine, thank you for the clarification. I will be praying for you as you meet with your pastor, and I'll pray that others have their eyes opened as well.
God bless you, Richard
@@richardwheeler3768 Thank you, brother. God bless you as well.
Has nothing to do with timing and everything to do with motivation. If someone knew what was going on, and didn’t say anything until there was a profit to be made or it was “safe,” that’s the issue.
Very encouraging SES.
Num 13:25_33..yes you it the nail on the head..America seems to have lost the will to fight..need to be praying for her.
Sadly, Gov. Noem lost ground on this issue by displaying cowardice. Or, worse, she demonstrated a well-honed political instinct for self-preservation. In her effort to not create enemies, she lost future donors because she cannot be trusted to defend values that are under attack.
Yeah, she lost me.
Being obedient even in fear is what a Christian does. Look back over the last 2,000 years.
I saw another interview with Kristy Noem where she maybe explained her position a little better. The main reason she didn’t sign was because the way the bill was written, it was extremely similar to bills in other states that were overturned by the courts. She wants a stronger bill that has a better chance to stand in the courts when it’s challenged, which it will be. I think one discrepancy was that it addresses boys who want to play girls sports, but says nothing about girls that want to play boys sports. I think she is so spot in in so many areas that I’m willing to extend her some grace on this one and give her the benefit of the doubt. She’s never been one who cared if she was standing alone on so many other issues. I can’t imagine that it’s fear motivating this move either.
It’s kind of like I’m willing to give Mike Stone the benefit of the doubt when he told Josh Buice that he hasn’t signed the social justice statement, his reason being that he never signs any statement. This is a big one for me. Why doesn’t he just sign it if he believes everything it says? I have to take his word on what I know him to believe and his past actions and statements. I may not understand all the minute details of the “why’s”, but when it’s people whose character I trust, I give them some leeway until they prove otherwise.
SES has traditionally been anti-Calvinist (see the James White/Norm Geisler controversy) and weak on the gospel as it relates to Roman Catholicism (they've had a lot of staff and students swim the Tiber).
"swim the Tiber" LOL
SES is not reformed in the TULIP sense, though we have many students/alumni who are. It is false, however, that we have had "a lot of staff and students swim the Tiber." We have responded to this claim numerous times. Nevertheless, the same sort of thing can be shown happening from strictly reformed schools as well. The point being, nothing follows from this kind of claim alone regarding the truth or falsity of what a specific school is teaching.
>nothing follows from this kind of claim alone regarding the truth or falsity of what a specific school is teaching.
Nothing follows from a claim that an evangelical school compromises doctrine and practice? You make my point, precisely!
Please tell me, when you invite Roman Catholic scholars to teach in your institution, do you make an effort to delineate the different gospel they preach and seek to win them, or does that *central tenet* get blithely ignored?
I'd just like to add that I'm a huge fan of Thomas Aquinas and Classical apologetics.
@@normanmilquetoast1 I'm not sure who you're referring to. We've had Ed Feser and a few folks speak at events, but you assume that those individuals do not believe the true Gospel. And yes, we have specific courses on the differences between evangelicals and Roman Catholics.
Is it good to confront local churches that you are tithing to and ask these pastors what they are doing to confront the "wokeness" issue and their stance on this?
I think most don’t sign because they do not want to be associated with those outside TGC and Southern S overlords .
Well done
Does anyone know of anti SJ material to teach to high schoolers?
The What Would You Say videos, here on RUclips, offer a good starting point for conversations on SJ topics with high schoolers & young adults.
If you haven’t read it yet, try taking a look at Faultlines, by Voddie Bauchman. I just started reading the book and he touches on that and a few other topics with references.
RICHARD LAND resident faculty member? Don't think I'd enroll there.
Pretty sure he’s not there anymore
@@ConversationsThatMatterpodcast He is stepping down as President. Will still teach some modules.
@@ConversationsThatMatterpodcast He is our president, and he is retiring. As Anthony said, he will teach some modules and stuff. He's provided excellent leadership at SES. Dr. Land has been there as long as I've been a student, and I cannot say anything negative about him. He called CRT exactly what it is, a heresy.
For an understanding of the The Great Reset (the fourth industrial revolution), watch some of the dystopian science fiction movies such as THX-1138, Serenity, Ghost in the Shell, The Hunger Games, Children of Men, Gattaca, Brazil, etc.
I wonder if she was threatened. She was to quick to change her mind..Something did happen to her..
SES is an Arminian school.
This is false. Please see the related comments below.
@@SouthernEvangelicalSeminary It is not false as Norman Geisler was an Arminian and a Thomist, not a Calvinist.
@@cranmer1959 it is absolutely true that Dr. Geisler was a Thomist (as am I) and not a 5-point Calvinist. It is false, however, that Dr. Geisler was Arminian and that SES is an Arminian school. If not holding to all points of the TULIP (depending on how they are defined) makes one an Arminian, then it should also follow that not holding to all points of Arminianism makes one a Calvinist. But of course, this is absurd. There is middle ground to be had between the extremes, and that is where Dr. Geisler landed.
@@SouthernEvangelicalSeminary Arminianism is defined by conditional election, libertarian free will, etc. Do you deny that your dispensationalist views include conditional election and libertarian free will? Partial depravity rather than total depravity? Holding to ANY of the points of the Remonstrance makes you an Arminian. Calvinism is a total SYSTEM, not a smorgasbord of options and relativism. Scripture is the final authority, not dispensationalism. The Westminster Confession of Faith begins with chapter one, Of the Scriptures, for a good reason. It's called Sola Scriptura!
@@cranmer1959 Have a great day Charlie.
SES takes a great stand against CRT HOWEVER! Their ad says they say stand with boldness of the gospel and the inerrancy of Gods word yet they teach and defend old earth theology to the point that have attacked answers in Genesis and Institute of creation research.
We have about half and half as far as the number of professors who are young earth vs the number who are old earth, but none are evolutionists. As far as "attacking," if you mean we have critiqued various foundational philosophical ideas presented by young earth ministries, then yes, we have offered such critiques. Unlike when we have been critiqued by certain young earth ministries, we have never labeled these brother and sisters "compromisers." I would invite you to explore the numerous articles and videos we have on our blog, youtube channel, and facebook page about this issue.
Better late than never
Jon,u might want to listen to Glenn Beck interview Kristi Noem. She explains her decision clearly.
I don't like their video editing, but I do like their message.
John you need to watch the Rick Warren interview on Carey Nieuwhofs podcast. I would love to hear your comments. I have quite a few issues with what Warren says. There is a lot of misinformation and fallacies posited by Warren.
Warren is apostate
SES is radically anti calvanist so there is that.
Better Arminian than Red.
@@WasLostButNowAmFound I have multiple degrees from there. Not radically anti calvinist
I have multiple degrees from there. Not radically anti calvinist
@@anthonymiller4671 -- Its founder, Dr Geisler, was radically anti-Calvinist. Are there any solid Calvinists on the faculty?
@@gregb6469 Yes.
EL SHADDAI will bless SES, because they are lifting the SAVIOUR up. 🤓🤭🤫😏😎. 🙏✝️🔥🛐🤲
I was so disappointed in Gov Noem after I watched that interview, not sure I saw through her double speak of why she didn't sign the bill! I am sure more things have come out since I paid attention, but it was discouraging!
If you want a reformed view of scripture, and a creation and flood perspective a la Answers in Genesis, then SES is not a good choice.
The school's founder, Dr Geisler, write a very anti-Calvinist book [Chosen But Free].
Not true.
@@gregb6469 It's not quite a "very anti-Calvinist book." Nonetheless, his book is not representative of the professors' views necessarily.
I would recommend anyone explore our blog and the videos on our Facebook and RUclips pages to see our interactions with Ken Ham and the problems with the methodology of Answers in Genesis. That being said, about half of our faculty and staff are young earth and about half are old earth (but none are evolutionists as AIG would have you believe).
@@SouthernEvangelicalSeminary this is not true. I have attended your conference and watched you attack Ken Ham and well and Dr Randy Guliuzza on stage. It was disgraceful and made me sad that I had brought high school students there to the event. I have heard to said multiple years that your staff was half old earth and half young earth. My response to that is this, first I have never seen that to be true at any of the events that I have attended there. Second take a stand on the truth of the Bible, you either believe it is God's word and his truth or you don't. you can't have it both ways.
Although I applaud SES for their stance against the Woke madness, there are a number of problems with some of their theology I believe. Check out what James White has said in the past about SES and what happens to some of their graduates…
A very high rate of them have converted to catholicism.
@@TheJpep2424 "a very high rate" - not true.
Students from various reformed seminaries convert to the RCC. btw James White is great when it comes to biblical studies, but he does not have the philosophical training to critique SES's approach to systematic theology. It's not his area of expertise.
Zero evangelical professors should be converting to RCC. So when over 9 from one seminary have done so that's a very high rate.
@@TheJpep2424 There were two instructors (PhD students) who converted. Not 9 professors. The others were grad students. This happens frequently at all seminaries ( is features writers from Reformed Theological Seminary and Westminster Seminary students who converted to the RCC)-it just so happens that a book was published in the case of SES.