TMCP #94 / Amillennialism & Postmillennialism Discussion / With Dr. Sam Frost & Fr. Steve Macias

  • Опубликовано: 6 сен 2024

Комментарии • 15

  • @micahclouse
    @micahclouse 4 месяца назад +4

    Thanks for hosting this.

  • @ausonius100
    @ausonius100 Месяц назад +1

    I root for premillennialism!

  • @darrelbolen5908
    @darrelbolen5908 4 месяца назад +3

    I have a large problem with premillennialism too

    • @aftera.d.70priestsofyeshua79
      @aftera.d.70priestsofyeshua79 4 месяца назад

      Matey, I thought you were premil?? I heard you on another channel saying u were. -Cheers, Paul

    • @darrelbolen5908
      @darrelbolen5908 4 месяца назад

      @@aftera.d.70priestsofyeshua79 I flirted with it

  • @malleluja
    @malleluja 10 дней назад

    how is the saints rule together with Jesus ?

  • @malleluja
    @malleluja 10 дней назад

    if we are now living in Gods kingdom and the devil is bound and all that, why is there so much war and evil?
    When are the wolf and the lamb going to lie down together and the lion and ox eat gras together ?

  • @ctdprather2064
    @ctdprather2064 4 месяца назад +1

    This is so awesome

  • @tonyb408
    @tonyb408 4 месяца назад +1

    Los Altos! Cool I grew up in Sunnyvale. Why can neither of these eschatological positions be found in the church before AD 250?

    • @FrSteveMacias
      @FrSteveMacias 4 месяца назад +1

      Quoting Ra McLoughlin: "Unfortunately, it is a bit difficult for us to know precisely what the early church taught about eschatology for a few reasons. First, they don't appear to have written much on the subject. Second, we don't have much of what they did write. And third, they do not appear to have been in total agreement with one another.
      In support of this third point, I would refer you to the very early discussion of the millennium by Justin Martyr (A.D. 110-165) in his Dialogue with Trypho, chapter 80. Therein, Justin defended the position of Historic Premillennialism, but added that "many who belong to the pure and pious faith, and are true Christians, think otherwise" (ANF, vol. 1, p. 239).

  • @christopherpalios6657
    @christopherpalios6657 4 месяца назад +1

    A 1000 mathematical years are not permitted within the definitions and uses of shortly tachos and at hand near or soon to allow scripture to interpret scripture we can understand 1000 year reign is only used in Revelation 20.
    It is nowhere else in revelation nowhere in the epistles, gospels, profits, psalms, or the law the rest of scripture does tell us 1000 is used -thousand is used over and over again, it is used figuratively to communicate completeness or totality of something !
    An important time factor is when was this nonmathematical reign of Christ,when would the kingdom in which he reigns hit the Earth and the stone cut out with hands, which becomes a mountain fill the earth, Daniel 2:35 ?
    And where does Revelation 2:7 says Jesus is reigning bodily physically visibly?
    Does not the kingdom that hit at the time of the Roman Empire according to Daniel 2:34?
    Is it not a kingdom that comes without observation Luke 17:20-21 was not Paul & John22:23 the Romans 14:17 and Colossians 1:13 in it?
    Did not this kingdom spread leaven Matthew 13:33 ?
    Was it not preached to every creature under heaven fulfilling Matthew 24:14?
    Did not the stone the rock, the word of God smite the Roman empire and turn it upside down Acts 17:6 and crush Satan under the churches feet in the first century Romans 16:20 ?
    Was not Satan bound by free speech given by Claudia César, (Religio Lecita) Resulting in the gospel conquering an Empire Revelation 6:11-19 Romans 8:37 even though he was loosed out of his prison for a short time there after Revelation 20:7 when Nero change that law Daniel 7:25 ?
    In the last chapter Rev 22:10 John clearly instructs his first century readers to seal, not the sayings of the prophecy of the book, for the time is at hand -again 1000 mathematical years always contradicts at hand Eggus.
    This verse creates a real problem for Futurists, as well as Partial Preterists, it is evident with the N.T.usages of Eggus -for Partial Prets now they faced the same problem, as well as the problem of 1000 years post millennium stretching out the word at hand Eggus -does this verse instruct them to seal only some of the scenes of the book or most of the scenes of this book or does it clearly say the “the sayings” of the prophecy of this book ?
    Contrast this verse with Daniel 12:4-9 with Daniel as instructed in his vision to do the opposite of John and seal the book because his fulfillment would not be in Daniels day Daniel 12:13 but the time of the end !Note:it does not say the end of time ! That it refers to many days in our future the distant future, Daniel 8:26 so Daniel contents were hundreds of years away -the five kingdoms the 5 th kingdom of God and chapter 2 the Messiah being cut off in chapter 9 temple being left, desolate all prophecies that were considered to be in the distant future not in Daniels day.His prophecy which was sealed! These prophecies would all be fulfilled in less than 600 years and they are labeled sealed in Daniels day.
    However, JOHN is told the opposite-seal not the book. The time is at hand in JOHN‘s day 22:10 therefore, the prophecies of JOHN‘s book is much less than 100 of years into the future. Never mind 1000 or 2000 into the future it is in his day John 21:22!

  • @Orangeokie7
    @Orangeokie7 4 месяца назад +1

    I must say 20:41 - 20:49 had me laughing out loud

  • @aftera.d.70priestsofyeshua79
    @aftera.d.70priestsofyeshua79 4 месяца назад

    The only system that makes logical sense if full Preterism? If they were already in the last days,, then they were at the end point. No one can push Daniel 12 beyond the first century. -cheerio, Paul