I totally felt and love this and it is so true. Being single in the church a lot of times feels like you are looked down upon or you feel invisible. I think that churches lose a lot of single people or a lot of single people walk away from the church because churches are all about children, families, marriages, and relationships. And if you don't fit into any of the groups you feel like an outsider amongst people that you love. Being single past thirty is hard and people do not understand or they dismiss your feelings. Its like I want to be married and have a family, but God hasn't opened that door for me yet and he may not ever. IT has taken me years to accept that and I still struggle with that from time to time. In college it got so bad and I was tired of feeling less of a person for being single so I blatantly said one day: Why do I have to be defined by my relationship status, I am happy that is what matters. Single people matter to God just as much as married people do and I wish more people would see that. Thank you for this video it lifted my heart to see and hear things that I had been noticing or thinking about for years being brought to light.
Yes ma'am, IF you're happy- that is what matters... But - uh ohh... Maybe ..if it gets to the nitty gritty; being single is : Lonely. Then.. when the ' friends' are all gathering together in their groups, and youre the only one not arm in arm _or whispering some unheard implication to your significant other- yes it gets to be intrusive!! We are made by God to have intimate relations; in all manners... Raw_ real _ and downright personal... Yes , the gift of a wife ( or husband) is from the Lord, so with patience and perseverance , yes his steadfast love will always supplicate; but we are destined for union and Communion ... I think love is our biggest gift from him that most of us 'singles' have just had our hearts trampled on so hard , or we have insulated ourselves do drastically -that we become reclusive: seeking to find a simplistic enjoyment at ease without works... That's not how God made us... Realistically. It's better to have loved and lost than to not have loves at all... That's my personal property I don't think I've ever even loved and surely was never committed!! With Christ at the center of your life and asking him to allow us to love as he has loved we then become abilified to his truth that were the ones who are holding the door whether it's open or closed we just placated standing at the door saying maybe it's not my time , or it's not for me -or maybe it's ok this way.. an excuse is a cowards way out ... Maybe we just have to get honest in our minds heart. Please don't feel offended or think I'm trying to call you in any way that has not been my own hypothetical thesis for venue... God is good and he is Love yes his love is al ays enough but he made us fitting eachother for reasons.
The unmarried adult is a 2nd class citizen in church. When a couple gets married, they celebrate and have parties. When you have a kid, they set up a schedule to cook your family dinners while you're taking care of new baby and line up babysitters if you have older children. On Valentines Day, they get singles to babysit so the couples can go on dates. But if you're single, all you get are idiotic and unbiblical cliches like "Singleness is a gift." (I challenge anybody to find even one time where it says that anywhere in the Bible. And I don't mean twisting Paul's words on gifts.) You don't tell grieving mothers who just lost an unborn child "Miscarriages are a gift from God, now that you won't have a baby to raise, you have 'more free time' to serve the Lord." So why do you think it's "ok" to tell single people that? Both of those things are those people's greatest pains in their lives, and one isn't more important than the other. Or "Get your satisfaction from God." (If God was so "satisfying" then why did YOU get married?) "You'll find them someday." I don't need them "someday" when I'm about 1 week away from dying of old age. I needed them 25 YEARS AGO, and every single solitary day since. Or just patronizing BS that does absolutely nothing to help you or is designed to gaslight you into silence so that YOUR pain doesn't make THEM uncomfortable. Program after program centering on families, but next to nothing to those who are alone in life. They tell you stupid BS like "Singleness is a gift." (I challenge anybody to find where it says that in anywhere in the Bible, and I don't mean twisting Paul's words to say it when it doesn't.) If singleness is such a "gift" then why didn't YOU ALL accept that "gift"? Why did you throw away such a "gift"? Being alone is literally the first thing in the history of all time that God said was bad. "It is not good for man to be alone." But they don't care. "I got mine, so to hell with you, who cares if you don't have yours."
Why do married people insist on writing books about how to be single?! Married person: "I was single (not dating, engaged, or married) until I was seventeen, so I am perfectly qualified to talk about singleness at all stages of life." Single person: "I have an idea about marriage. I've witnessed 17, 462 marriages and have developed this idea/belief from careful observation." Married person: "You know nothing about marriage."
You hit the nail on the head. Or they will tell you BS "I know what you're going through." or "I understand." Really, Mr./Mrs. married your high school sweetheart at 19? You really know what it's like to be still unmarried in your mid-40s and have never been given a fair chance? You know what that's like when you're married and not even 35 yet? Really?
This video is amazing and I really wish it would be shown to the marriage ministry in churches. My Chapter 1 would be "If I had a dollar for every cliché I've heard I could pay off the church mortgage". I get that sometimes married people don't know what to say, but when I go to my married friends and express frustration about my singleness I hear "Well if you stop looking..." or "Maybe you just need to spend time with yourself..." or "God must be trying to teach you something in this season..." and other comforting statements. Like does God stop trying to teach me when I get married? Huh? I don't think that's how He works. Sometimes I just want to vent. Right now it's doubly hard trying to date due to the pandemic & I feel isolated at times. I'm allowed to feel and my feelings are valid. Being married doesn't give you a louder speaker or more rights to expressing oneself.
Also, God doesn't need to deprive you of a needed spouse just to "teach" you something. He is all powerful and could just teach you whatever by snapping His fingers. If He "can't" teach you without depriving you, then He's a crappy teacher.
Such a breath of fresh air! "I am worth getting to know on my own." So good! I think that would be my chapter 2 title. My chapter 1 would have to be "Please! Stop telling me to 'embrace singleness'!" Not because singles shouldn't embrace and enjoy the season that they're in, but because telling them to embrace it is not helpful or encouraging. I feel like married people who tell singles to "embrace singleness" come off as though they never struggled with being single, they were just always content with it. I am just now learning to be content with being single, but there are still some days when it is really hard to recognize that being single is not a bad thing when you have or have had, in the past, a desire to be married. I'm not saying that I think married people shouldn't give advice on being single, but I definitely think that they need to be more tactful in the way they go about it.
They also need to stop calling it "a season" because they think it makes them sound "more Christian". 25+ years and still counting is NOT "a season". Stop trying to trivialize people's greatest pain just because you want to appear more "churchey".
Excellent stuff 👍🏼 3:33 I wonder, with regard to how Christian couples relate to singles, do they ever think of the fact that Jesus Christ, the object of our affection, once walked this earth as a single man and that He exclaimed "...when you did this to the least of these, you did it to me..." ...🤔 (Matt.25...)
I loved this! As a single person I so resonate with things both Jake and Betty shared. Way Nation, you guys consistently make space for meaningful conversations that meet people where they are and encourage us and I'm super grateful for that!
Thankfully I don't run into many issues from married people, but the one that bugs me is when they WON'T believe me when I say I'm content and can find joy in the blessings that come with singleness. For example, a friend who met her husband when she was 15 said, basically, I must not know my own heart. (To be fair, it's hard to wrap your head around an experience so different from your own. But still, people need to grasp that other people DO have experiences different to their own & leave it at that.)
There are no "blessings" that come from singleness. That's nonsense from couples that want to gaslight their lonely single friends into silence so that YOUR pain doesn't make THEM uncomfortable.
Im 25 and single and pretty much always have been and in my experience, once your friends get married, they leave you behind. So if your gonna find a friend to love and love you back I recommend finding a single friend cause married friends will be too busy with their spouse and married life to bother with you
Agree. I understand my married friends are busy managing family, finances and mingling with other couples and couples with kids because they can relate to them just like single people relate to other single like-minded people more. When my married friends stopped talking to me, I met my single companion friend. It's not romantic or physical but we spend a lot of time together and travel together so sometimes it's like being a couple lol but without all the added pressure.
@@RosielovesmusicThose false married loser lonely women drop their single friends to be a man’s free slave. When their false husband abandons them, give them hell, cheat, etc then they will run back to their single friends to cry and complain. It’s better to be single or get married way later on in life.
It took me so long to NOT be so obsessed with being in a relationship. Once I embraced my singleness and my grandchildren and children became my focus after JESUS who is first.. I honestly am unsure I would ever want to be married again. God would have to WANT me for a man and that man be worthy ... lol but man I used to let whoever, pick me and no more:)
So much truth here, and so happy to see these types of healthy discussions taking place. I think either group could learn a lot from each other. The whole “drop of the planet” is so very true - Single, Married, kids, no kids... I think its easy to be focused with what is directly in front of you, that its easy to neglect those that have gotten you to that point. On another note, I’ll walk 1,000 steps with Betty 👍
I really liked her comments I've been single for years and I've heard everything from how come you haven't gotten married you haven't had any kids but I don't tell everybody my story at what happened, I had friends that got married and like she said they forget about you but oh when their relationship goes wrong or when they go through a divorce then they try to find you and by then I have a whole set of new friends and I have lots of single friends so I never feel like I am the only one we have common interests we travel we have conversation good subjects to talk about instead of having it always talk about kids or husband so I feel well-rounded, I have married friends and when I would run into them they were always asking me what I was up to and when I tell them so I just got back from here you know I'm going here or there you better take a trip there or I started taking a art class sometimes I think they're envious of me and at one time almost felt like they were a little jealous but I tell people don't look at my life you do you I'm happy with me you be happy with what you have because everybody's different except were you are in your life and be happy with it and live it to the fullest. I am always open to a relationship with someone I've had many but they weren't the persons that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with I remember my grandmother used to tell me everyone is not going to be married everyone is not going to have kids sometimes when you live in your life the way you supposed to live it God is a jealous God and he wants to keep you for himself and that's how I've always lived. Being single you have time to do for others and be involved in lives to help make difference and changes that if you were married and occupied with a family you would never be able to do so I think of myself as being special ordained by God to do good things.
I joined my church 4 years ago because they HAVE a singles ministry geared towards people my age, because, according to the "laws of society", people in their 30s are supposed to be married, and we are the forgotten demographic in the church.
Hey Jake, my friend wrote that book you were wanting. Ruth Buchanan: The Proper Care and Feeding of Singles: How Pastors, Marrieds, and Church Leaders Effectively Support Solo Members
It’s important to include singles in your married friends group. My single friend has been very intentional about not limiting herself to hanging out with singles. She refuses to be relegated to the “single ladies club”.
Yo, just found this video. And yea I got dumped the week of Valentine's day. Worst week of my life. However, I want to thank Betty Rock for yet again making me laugh
I disagree with Betty on one point- I don’t think she should assume that guys aren’t concerned about the time frame for having a family. I am 36, and nowhere near being married- if I ever have kids, I’m going to be an old dad. That’s scares me.
Yes. General ideas are always true for the person who forms them, but in reality we are all different. It is odd she even says that but people still try o make generalizations. For her this makes it harder on the women when guys deal with the same stuff. Can we even have kids. Is our sperm count too low. Lots of factors she just doesn't have to think about and obviously doesn't care to know. So she needs to have some honest talk with single guys it seems her age but betting she is scared to. Most likely her defense for rejection. Something many of us do. Then we are further isolated.
I know you wrote this a long time ago. I don't know your story and I don't want to give you a cliche. If your story resembles kill, steal or destroy, God did not cause it l- that is what the enemy does. I will pray that God demonstrates to you where he was in the midst of your struggle and how he wants good for you. It is ok to be completely blunt and honest with him as you wrestle.
@@lizblock7175 Excuses excuses excuses. Sorry, but God DID cause it. HE CHOSE not to answer certain prayers. HE CHOSE not to provide spouses to certain persons for no good reason while doing so for everyone around them. HE CHOSE to ignore their pain and do nothing about it. That's all on Him. What good does "being in the midst of our struggle" when HE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT? What good is a freaking spectator? If He "wants what's good for us" WHY DOESN'T HE GIVE IT, THEN?
OK...I am at 3:46 minutes and disappointed in what I'm watching, sorry. I was a single teenage mom for 3 yrs involved in a Christian fellowship that was a mix of singles and married couples. They welcomed me and none of what you are stating about churches was true. That was in the 70's and there are many more Single groups for Christians these days in churches than ever before. My Niece and Daughter are single in their 40's and my daughter is actively involved in her church. Of course she wants a relationship but both these young women are strong and independent and I am very Proud of them...Your humorous sarcasm is not positive or encouraging to anyone especially single adults. I hope you reconsider your point of view before your next video.
But after you are married for so long you can no longer relate to single people esp if you were married at a young age which meant you spent most of your life married
Hey I just wanted to say that God Created you and me. But we sinned and fell away from God. We broke The Ten Commandments or The Moral Law. Because of our sin we should die and go to Hell. But God sent His Son, Jesus Christ to come to this Earth. Jesus Died on the Cross to Save Us. Then He rose again on the third Day. Now we have a choice. To keep living Life the way we want or to Repent ( Turn Away From Our Sin) and turn to God. We need to get our lives right with God.
I totally felt and love this and it is so true. Being single in the church a lot of times feels like you are looked down upon or you feel invisible. I think that churches lose a lot of single people or a lot of single people walk away from the church because churches are all about children, families, marriages, and relationships. And if you don't fit into any of the groups you feel like an outsider amongst people that you love. Being single past thirty is hard and people do not understand or they dismiss your feelings. Its like I want to be married and have a family, but God hasn't opened that door for me yet and he may not ever. IT has taken me years to accept that and I still struggle with that from time to time. In college it got so bad and I was tired of feeling less of a person for being single so I blatantly said one day: Why do I have to be defined by my relationship status, I am happy that is what matters. Single people matter to God just as much as married people do and I wish more people would see that. Thank you for this video it lifted my heart to see and hear things that I had been noticing or thinking about for years being brought to light.
Amen sis
Yes ma'am, IF you're happy- that is what matters... But - uh ohh... Maybe ..if it gets to the nitty gritty; being single is : Lonely. Then.. when the ' friends' are all gathering together in their groups, and youre the only one not arm in arm _or whispering some unheard implication to your significant other- yes it gets to be intrusive!! We are made by God to have intimate relations; in all manners... Raw_ real _ and downright personal... Yes , the gift of a wife ( or husband) is from the Lord, so with patience and perseverance , yes his steadfast love will always supplicate; but we are destined for union and Communion ... I think love is our biggest gift from him that most of us 'singles' have just had our hearts trampled on so hard , or we have insulated ourselves do drastically -that we become reclusive: seeking to find a simplistic enjoyment at ease without works... That's not how God made us... Realistically. It's better to have loved and lost than to not have loves at all... That's my personal property I don't think I've ever even loved and surely was never committed!! With Christ at the center of your life and asking him to allow us to love as he has loved we then become abilified to his truth that were the ones who are holding the door whether it's open or closed we just placated standing at the door saying maybe it's not my time , or it's not for me -or maybe it's ok this way.. an excuse is a cowards way out ... Maybe we just have to get honest in our minds heart. Please don't feel offended or think I'm trying to call you in any way that has not been my own hypothetical thesis for venue... God is good and he is Love yes his love is al ays enough but he made us fitting eachother for reasons.
The unmarried adult is a 2nd class citizen in church. When a couple gets married, they celebrate and have parties. When you have a kid, they set up a schedule to cook your family dinners while you're taking care of new baby and line up babysitters if you have older children. On Valentines Day, they get singles to babysit so the couples can go on dates. But if you're single, all you get are idiotic and unbiblical cliches like "Singleness is a gift." (I challenge anybody to find even one time where it says that anywhere in the Bible. And I don't mean twisting Paul's words on gifts.) You don't tell grieving mothers who just lost an unborn child "Miscarriages are a gift from God, now that you won't have a baby to raise, you have 'more free time' to serve the Lord." So why do you think it's "ok" to tell single people that? Both of those things are those people's greatest pains in their lives, and one isn't more important than the other. Or "Get your satisfaction from God." (If God was so "satisfying" then why did YOU get married?) "You'll find them someday." I don't need them "someday" when I'm about 1 week away from dying of old age. I needed them 25 YEARS AGO, and every single solitary day since. Or just patronizing BS that does absolutely nothing to help you or is designed to gaslight you into silence so that YOUR pain doesn't make THEM uncomfortable. Program after program centering on families, but next to nothing to those who are alone in life. They tell you stupid BS like "Singleness is a gift." (I challenge anybody to find where it says that in anywhere in the Bible, and I don't mean twisting Paul's words to say it when it doesn't.) If singleness is such a "gift" then why didn't YOU ALL accept that "gift"? Why did you throw away such a "gift"? Being alone is literally the first thing in the history of all time that God said was bad. "It is not good for man to be alone." But they don't care. "I got mine, so to hell with you, who cares if you don't have yours."
@@timosburn1441Jesus Christ was single and childfree dummy. The bible says marriage brings worldly problems.
"Oh you're single? Here let me find you someone that's considered male and breathing." My entire adult life in one sentence.
Haha yes 😄👍
Look at the bright side ; as long as they're trying to set you up -it's because they think youre a good catch!!
@@jasoncase5286 No, it's often because they know a single mom that's desperate for an insta-daddy for their kids.
Why do married people insist on writing books about how to be single?!
Married person: "I was single (not dating, engaged, or married) until I was seventeen, so I am perfectly qualified to talk about singleness at all stages of life."
Single person: "I have an idea about marriage. I've witnessed 17, 462 marriages and have developed this idea/belief from careful observation."
Married person: "You know nothing about marriage."
Being single at 17 vs being single at 30 is two different things
I laughed out loud at this 😂 this is so true
You hit the nail on the head. Or they will tell you BS "I know what you're going through." or "I understand." Really, Mr./Mrs. married your high school sweetheart at 19? You really know what it's like to be still unmarried in your mid-40s and have never been given a fair chance? You know what that's like when you're married and not even 35 yet? Really?
This video is amazing and I really wish it would be shown to the marriage ministry in churches. My Chapter 1 would be "If I had a dollar for every cliché I've heard I could pay off the church mortgage". I get that sometimes married people don't know what to say, but when I go to my married friends and express frustration about my singleness I hear "Well if you stop looking..." or "Maybe you just need to spend time with yourself..." or "God must be trying to teach you something in this season..." and other comforting statements. Like does God stop trying to teach me when I get married? Huh? I don't think that's how He works. Sometimes I just want to vent. Right now it's doubly hard trying to date due to the pandemic & I feel isolated at times. I'm allowed to feel and my feelings are valid. Being married doesn't give you a louder speaker or more rights to expressing oneself.
Amen 💕
Also, God doesn't need to deprive you of a needed spouse just to "teach" you something. He is all powerful and could just teach you whatever by snapping His fingers. If He "can't" teach you without depriving you, then He's a crappy teacher.
Such a breath of fresh air! "I am worth getting to know on my own." So good! I think that would be my chapter 2 title. My chapter 1 would have to be "Please! Stop telling me to 'embrace singleness'!" Not because singles shouldn't embrace and enjoy the season that they're in, but because telling them to embrace it is not helpful or encouraging. I feel like married people who tell singles to "embrace singleness" come off as though they never struggled with being single, they were just always content with it. I am just now learning to be content with being single, but there are still some days when it is really hard to recognize that being single is not a bad thing when you have or have had, in the past, a desire to be married. I'm not saying that I think married people shouldn't give advice on being single, but I definitely think that they need to be more tactful in the way they go about it.
They also need to stop calling it "a season" because they think it makes them sound "more Christian". 25+ years and still counting is NOT "a season". Stop trying to trivialize people's greatest pain just because you want to appear more "churchey".
Excellent stuff 👍🏼
3:33 I wonder, with regard to how Christian couples relate to singles, do they ever think of the fact that Jesus Christ, the object of our affection, once walked this earth as a single man and that He exclaimed "...when you did this to the least of these, you did it to me..." ...🤔 (Matt.25...)
I loved this! As a single person I so resonate with things both Jake and Betty shared. Way Nation, you guys consistently make space for meaningful conversations that meet people where they are and encourage us and I'm super grateful for that!
Thankfully I don't run into many issues from married people, but the one that bugs me is when they WON'T believe me when I say I'm content and can find joy in the blessings that come with singleness. For example, a friend who met her husband when she was 15 said, basically, I must not know my own heart. (To be fair, it's hard to wrap your head around an experience so different from your own. But still, people need to grasp that other people DO have experiences different to their own & leave it at that.)
There are no "blessings" that come from singleness. That's nonsense from couples that want to gaslight their lonely single friends into silence so that YOUR pain doesn't make THEM uncomfortable.
Im 25 and single and pretty much always have been and in my experience, once your friends get married, they leave you behind. So if your gonna find a friend to love and love you back I recommend finding a single friend cause married friends will be too busy with their spouse and married life to bother with you
Agree. I understand my married friends are busy managing family, finances and mingling with other couples and couples with kids because they can relate to them just like single people relate to other single like-minded people more. When my married friends stopped talking to me, I met my single companion friend. It's not romantic or physical but we spend a lot of time together and travel together so sometimes it's like being a couple lol but without all the added pressure.
@@RosielovesmusicThose false married loser lonely women drop their single friends to be a man’s free slave. When their false husband abandons them, give them hell, cheat, etc then they will run back to their single friends to cry and complain. It’s better to be single or get married way later on in life.
It took me so long to NOT be so obsessed with being in a relationship. Once I embraced my singleness and my grandchildren and children became my focus after JESUS who is first.. I honestly am unsure I would ever want to be married again. God would have to WANT me for a man and that man be worthy ... lol but man I used to let whoever, pick me and no more:)
So much truth here, and so happy to see these types of healthy discussions taking place. I think either group could learn a lot from each other. The whole “drop of the planet” is so very true - Single, Married, kids, no kids... I think its easy to be focused with what is directly in front of you, that its easy to neglect those that have gotten you to that point.
On another note, I’ll walk 1,000 steps with Betty 👍
Loving this. You gotta have coffee when the weather is cold.
I really liked her comments I've been single for years and I've heard everything from how come you haven't gotten married you haven't had any kids but I don't tell everybody my story at what happened, I had friends that got married and like she said they forget about you but oh when their relationship goes wrong or when they go through a divorce then they try to find you and by then I have a whole set of new friends and I have lots of single friends so I never feel like I am the only one we have common interests we travel we have conversation good subjects to talk about instead of having it always talk about kids or husband so I feel well-rounded, I have married friends and when I would run into them they were always asking me what I was up to and when I tell them so I just got back from here you know I'm going here or there you better take a trip there or I started taking a art class sometimes I think they're envious of me and at one time almost felt like they were a little jealous but I tell people don't look at my life you do you I'm happy with me you be happy with what you have because everybody's different except were you are in your life and be happy with it and live it to the fullest. I am always open to a relationship with someone I've had many but they weren't the persons that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with I remember my grandmother used to tell me everyone is not going to be married everyone is not going to have kids sometimes when you live in your life the way you supposed to live it God is a jealous God and he wants to keep you for himself and that's how I've always lived. Being single you have time to do for others and be involved in lives to help make difference and changes that if you were married and occupied with a family you would never be able to do so I think of myself as being special ordained by God to do good things.
Love this so much! Jake and Betty you are amazing!!
I absolutely agree with this!
I joined my church 4 years ago because they HAVE a singles ministry geared towards people my age, because, according to the "laws of society", people in their 30s are supposed to be married, and we are the forgotten demographic in the church.
God bless, you are right. Let me tell you, it's no treat at 60 either, brother. Totally invisible.
Singles ministries are a joke. It's nothing but patronizing singles and making excuses for God treating you like you're less than everyone else.
Great conversation for anyone to hear!
I’m married and we have no children and don’t want children. I have friends and family members are single and are thriving!!!
Hey Jake, my friend wrote that book you were wanting. Ruth Buchanan:
The Proper Care and Feeding of Singles: How Pastors, Marrieds, and Church Leaders Effectively Support Solo Members
Love it. Thanks for sharing, Mary. - Jake
"Support"? That's a laugh.
It’s important to include singles in your married friends group. My single friend has been very intentional about not limiting herself to hanging out with singles. She refuses to be relegated to the “single ladies club”.
Yo, just found this video. And yea I got dumped the week of Valentine's day. Worst week of my life. However, I want to thank Betty Rock for yet again making me laugh
I disagree with Betty on one point- I don’t think she should assume that guys aren’t concerned about the time frame for having a family. I am 36, and nowhere near being married- if I ever have kids, I’m going to be an old dad. That’s scares me.
Yes. General ideas are always true for the person who forms them, but in reality we are all different. It is odd she even says that but people still try o make generalizations. For her this makes it harder on the women when guys deal with the same stuff. Can we even have kids. Is our sperm count too low. Lots of factors she just doesn't have to think about and obviously doesn't care to know.
So she needs to have some honest talk with single guys it seems her age but betting she is scared to. Most likely her defense for rejection. Something many of us do. Then we are further isolated.
Bless him for choosing Christ over sin.
Being married is work especially with kids involved… it’s not easy to keep up with single friends
@2:00 It's not exactly true that men don't have a biological clock. I had prostate surgery at 49. My only option for children is adoption.
And always remember Paul was single
WHO CARES? I'm not Paul, nobody else here is Paul. That means absolutely nothing.
How is Betty even single?
I hope he didn't actually want a coffee cause thats sad he was probably craving it
Gave him another reason to add to his "Why I Wanna Be Single for Life" list 😂😭
How am i supposed to trust God, or even believe that he cares?
I know you wrote this a long time ago. I don't know your story and I don't want to give you a cliche. If your story resembles kill, steal or destroy, God did not cause it l- that is what the enemy does. I will pray that God demonstrates to you where he was in the midst of your struggle and how he wants good for you. It is ok to be completely blunt and honest with him as you wrestle.
well thank you.
God's own lack of action hurts me more than the devil's action
@@lizblock7175 Excuses excuses excuses. Sorry, but God DID cause it. HE CHOSE not to answer certain prayers. HE CHOSE not to provide spouses to certain persons for no good reason while doing so for everyone around them. HE CHOSE to ignore their pain and do nothing about it. That's all on Him. What good does "being in the midst of our struggle" when HE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT? What good is a freaking spectator? If He "wants what's good for us" WHY DOESN'T HE GIVE IT, THEN?
OK...I am at 3:46 minutes and disappointed in what I'm watching, sorry. I was a single teenage mom for 3 yrs involved in a Christian fellowship that was a mix of singles and married couples. They welcomed me and none of what you are stating about churches was true. That was in the 70's and there are many more Single groups for Christians these days in churches than ever before. My Niece and Daughter are single in their 40's and my daughter is actively involved in her church. Of course she wants a relationship but both these young women are strong and independent and I am very Proud of them...Your humorous sarcasm is not positive or encouraging to anyone especially single adults. I hope you reconsider your point of view before your next video.
What single people need to know: Married people were once single. Nuff said.
But after you are married for so long you can no longer relate to single people esp if you were married at a young age which meant you spent most of your life married
What married people need to know: You have no clue what it is to be left behind and left out.
Hey I just wanted to say that God Created you and me. But we sinned and fell away from God. We broke The Ten Commandments or The Moral Law. Because of our sin we should die and go to Hell. But God sent His Son, Jesus Christ to come to this Earth. Jesus Died on the Cross to Save Us. Then He rose again on the third Day. Now we have a choice. To keep living Life the way we want or to Repent ( Turn Away From Our Sin) and turn to God. We need to get our lives right with God.