Peering into the Secret Life of Electrons with Ali Yazdani

  • Опубликовано: 20 окт 2024
  • Quantum physics is 99 years old. The quantum theory has been astonishingly successful, especially in describing the properties of individual quantum particles and light. This success has transformed our lives through the advances in technologies that we use every day.
    Currently, the frontier of quantum physics is understanding the collective properties of many interacting and entangled quantum particles. Many electron quantum phenomena are not only of fundamental interest but can lead to transformative technologies impacting the future - from new energy technologies to new computing platforms.
    In this talk, Dr. Yazdani will describe how certain materials host highly interacting electrons and how we use powerful quantum microscopy techniques to visualize their behavior. Part of the talk will focus on how we used these quantum microscopy techniques to crack a 90-year-old puzzle of electron behavior, by imaging for the first time a strange quantum crystal made up of only electrons. He will also describe how such experiments are forging a novel way to study the quantum fluids of interacting electrons in which new exotic quantum particles emerge. These exotic quantum particles are not only of fundamental interest but they might provide a new platform for creating quantum computing technologies.
    Ali Yazdani is the James S. McDonnell Distinguished University Professor of Physics at Princeton University and co-director of the Princeton Quantum Initiative. Yazdani is known for his research in advancing our understanding of emergent quantum phenomena by application and development of high-resolution microscopy techniques to directly visualize highly entangled quantum states of matter.
    He graduated from the University of California, Berkeley with a degree in physics and from Stanford University in 1995 with a Ph.D. in applied physics. After working as a postdoctoral scientist at the International Business Machines Corporation (IBM), he started his own independent research group at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign before joining the Princeton University’s Physics Department in 2005. He has held visiting professorships at Stanford and at Cambridge University (Trinity College) in the UK and has been a Loeb Lecturer at Harvard. For his research accomplishments, Yazdani has been recognized by several awards and honors including a Humboldt research award and has been elected a fellow of the American Physical Society, the American Association for Advancement of Science, and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. In 2019, he was elected a member of the National Academy of Sciences. In 2022, he was named co-winner of the 2023 Oliver E. Buckley Prize by the American Physical Society. Yazdani has advised more than 30 graduate students and postdoctoral fellows.
    This public lecture was originally recorded at the Aspen Center for Physics on July 24, 2024.

Комментарии • 56

  • @AtlasReburdened
    @AtlasReburdened 2 месяца назад +21

    Video starts @8:45

    • @williamyalen6167
      @williamyalen6167 2 месяца назад +2

      Thank you. Correction (typo?), though: Actual presentation start time is 4:45.

    • @AtlasReburdened
      @AtlasReburdened 2 месяца назад +2

      ​@@williamyalen6167That's when the presentor comes on stage, but I would argue that everything between then and 8:45 is basically banter and set up for the actual presentation.

    • @philipm3173
      @philipm3173 2 месяца назад +1


  • @johnc4957
    @johnc4957 2 месяца назад

    Bro this man is so insanely smart(and breaks it down so well) that he gives us regular people a false confidence like we understand these things. Godspeed Mr Yazdani

  • @geob3963
    @geob3963 2 месяца назад +11

    The compressor/noise gate you have on the microphones is not set right. It’s cutting off the ends of words and fluttering when rapid level peaks occur, making it inaudible. Please refer to your manual.

    • @AspenPhysics
      @AspenPhysics  2 месяца назад +1

      Thank you so much @geob3963. We have been working on our microphone settings. We appreciate your feedback and will look into it!

  • @dmssharadhi
    @dmssharadhi 2 месяца назад

    Very nice talk! starting from electrons to much more advanced superposition of states, superconducting etc, could have mentioned about charge density waves too!

  • @IQ-303
    @IQ-303 2 месяца назад

    This is fun to watch!

  • @BiswajitBhattacharjee-up8vv
    @BiswajitBhattacharjee-up8vv 2 месяца назад

    Excitement of the magical state to new publication. A good new quantum state of doping electron and new phase of electron crystal too.
    A new sense of super conductor, a electron bath of excited state swimming with new identity of wave - particle duality.
    99 years before we had double slit by engineers and surface rubbing and eatching
    For atomic tiles now we have qubits of future mechanics.
    Great talk .
    I am optimistic to have my floating platform of
    My new understanding for TOI.
    A big step for mankind

  • @Soulful_Pizza
    @Soulful_Pizza 2 месяца назад

    No mention of J.J Thomson his discoveries and the fact that electrons function more like a gas if we were to observe them in real time. Also, the density of the luminiferous ether has been completely disregarded, that was a correlation to Thomson's discovery of the mass of the electron. When we leave ingredients out of the soup.. is it really the soup we've paid for?

  • @ivankartoshkinlive505
    @ivankartoshkinlive505 2 месяца назад +1

    Thank you)

  • @MasoudJohnAzizi
    @MasoudJohnAzizi 2 месяца назад +5


  • @charlesprabakar
    @charlesprabakar 2 месяца назад +5

    Insightful lecture - and speaking of this idea of storing information by winding and unwinding electrons loop of the crystal lattices within next generation quantum computers. how about I present our i-TOE’s granular measurement approach of measuring phases between up and down states of particles using the coordinates of Riemann sphere, to see if it opens some collaboration possibilities?
    For example, we foresee a possibility of storing information using multiple phases of one electron wave function by going granular in between spin-up or spin-down values by navigating the coordinates of the complex plane.
    Stated otherwise, theoretically we can go up to 10 or even 100+ states (aka 2 to the power 10 or 100 possibilities).
    This is where I welcome collaboration possibilities to test it experimentally?
    That said, how about I present an overview of our theory as well?
    Simply Put --
    Our i-TOE is an integrated TOE, that has been developed by framing fine structure constant(FSC-α) as the Hidden variable/Maxwell daemon/AoC of Banach-Tarski & Russell's paradox, in such away, that our “Ads/CFT/holographic principle complaint” Hodge lattice loop/gauge quantum gravity naturally can emerge from it with a discrete set of causal latticed Dirac spinor events, using our FSC’s 2/3:1/3 rule based computational/conscious CPTiad - all by leveraging our reality generating/regulating series function called CPT(α,Φ) function (developed using our meta proof of RH solving all $5MM+ CI problems) and by resolving the #1 relationship problem between the perturbation series of QED and non perturbation lattice formulation of QCD (as the coupling constant is sent to zero), by modeling the quantum spectrum of our Universe as the Riemann sphere. This Riemann sphere then gets renormalized with the value of α (n-> α or 137), in such a way that the zeros of zeta function(including their moments) end up following the eigenvalue statistical gaps of gaussian/hermitian random matrices before branching into two independent Brownian motion paths with an exponential Gaussian distribution of FHK Conjecture and our FSC-Maxwells daemon logic (by converging with an universality/gaussian decay), before branching again like the Ramanujan graphs with knots of algebraic L-functions with hermitian distribution whose coefficients & roots, reflecting the periodicity of the GR-Eigen-valued actions of our TOE, using 10+ meta dualities (with E8 and Lie group geometrical unity) as explained below
    Turns out, our theory also happens to get realized using the very same CPT(α,Φ) function driven 5 step scaling/gauging steps using the following 5 scaling steps - which we call as 5 Shakespearean play-scaling steps”. Interestingly enough, these 5 steps, happen to align perfectly with 5 such scaling high-bars set by the experts of Institute of Advanced Study (IAS) as well( - and so, how about I present them for your perusal to see if it will exceed your expectations as well -- and open some collaboration possibilities for us to team up in this integrated TOE/SOE/ESG program(
    +++++ Our i-TOE's 5 such Shakespearean play-scaling steps vis-a-vis 5 scaling steps of IAS
    IAS High-bar 1:
    For any quantum gravity theory to be a TOE caliber theory, it must have an observation or nature based scale-correlation function, capable of both generating and measuring observables with a certain precision, by resolving the so-called measurement/scaling problem of both periodic fluctuations & early inflations, by re-scaling it automatically.
    Our Shakespearean play-scaling Exposition 1:
    The wave function (aka Hartle-Hawking wave function in steroids) of our i-TOE has exceeded this high-bar, as we've used nature's one such inbuilt “symmetry generating scaling function called CPT(α,Φ) function" to model both fluctuations & inflations. More specifically, it has been developed by leveraging our UNIVERSALITY META-SCALING-PROOF of Riemann Hypothesis(including all $5MM+ unsolved problems of Clay Institute), in such a way to scale/rescale the periodicity of both fluctuations and inflations(aka fluctuations in steroids) by expositioning/birthing their equivalent symmetrical dipoles(manifesting as Higgs + 68 particle+ 68 anti-particle symmetrical particle pairs, as modeled further by 2 spinors of Dirac eqn). For example, this idea of modeling these symmetries using 2 spinors in the complex plane is what gives rise to symplectic hodge geometry lattices in 3 and 4 dimensional classical hyperbolic cylinders of the projected plane.
    IAS High-bar 2:
    For any quantum gravity theory to be a TOE caliber theory, it must be able to discretize spacetime by renormalizing the RG flow with an action formula for all particles (especially asymmetrical/anti commuting fermions) with a time-like holographic interpretation.
    Our Shakespearean play-scaling Rising Action 2.
    Again, our wave function of our LQFT/TOE has exceeded this high-bar, as we've used the very same CPT(α,Φ) function as the “symmetry breaking CPT(α,Φ) function scaler”, by limiting the ∞-raised pole of Riemann sphere to a compact P-region, while simultaneously renormalizing the ∞ values of e with α, so that its position can be rotated as e^i137nπ Spin-Frequency (S-F) matched cycles unitarily. In other words, this S-F matching phenomena is what breaks the symmetry by shifting the center of mass of each particle by their respective “radius scaled α” so that their symmetry can be broken to create both classical mass and motion for every 1 out of 137(n) cycles in time dimension (and yet by preserving the conservation of CPT theorem).
    IAS High-bar 3:
    For any quantum gravity theory to be a TOE caliber theory, it must have a scaling/rescaling/limiting parameter for periodic action for lattice geometry, using a Fourier transformed action for both dS and AdS spaces with the opposite signs [I-ds(g) = - I-Ads(g)].
    Our Shakespearean play-scaling Climax 3.
    Our wave function of our LQFT/TOE has exceeded this high- bar as well, as we've used the very same Fourier transformed CPT(α,Φ) function scaler, to sustain the action with an “α fine-tuned e and π driven action”(thanks to our additional framing of α as HV/Maxwell daemon/AoC), so that the coefficients & roots of their equivalent algebraic modular forming L-functions can model the periodicity of their GR-Eigen-valued actions via 10+ meta dualities.
    (Note : If I may highlight a parallel, your theory’s E(5,13) walker function, in a way is equivalent to our GR-Eigen-valued fibinocci function F(5,13) wherein, the walker is deemed to be at 5, when the13th event indexed by the corresponding Eigen value index of the elliptic (including 10+ dualities of projected plane)
    IAS High-bar 4:
    For any quantum gravity theory to be a TOE caliber theory, it must have measurement algorithms by modeling the curvature of spacetime in proportion to both fluctuations & inflations i.e. ψ ~ e^- δN with an exponent of 10^120 or 10^10) in such a way that gravity can emerge from it
    Our Shakespearean play-scaling Falling Action 4.
    Our wave function of our LQFT/TOE has exceeded this high-bar using its “Dice-rolling CPT(α,Φ) function scaler”, by slicing/squeezing the infinite slices (ψ ~ e^- δN) of quantum sphere in the form of one or four ellipsoid slices (as per the Descartes kissing circle geometry and α=r/R logic) into an exact radiused symplectic/asymmetric taurusized hodge geometry lattices of classical hyperbolic cylinder of the projected plane(aka Hilbert’s countable infinity hotel as per Banach-Tarski & Russell's paradox) so that they can orbit smoothly like the frames of Muybridge’s Horse in Motion with a curvature proportional to both fluctuations & inflations. This is where we have also additionally hypothesized/predicted that this gravitational motion can be modeled both by semi classical Einstein field equations and/or by our Hodge conjecture meta proof logic.
    (Note : For example, a pragmatic implication of our Riemann hypothesis universality meta proof of Hodge conjecture is that the 3+ spherical body problem can be solved as 1 equiv. spherical body as follows : Inertia of r= αR gaped eccentric foci Riemann-Poincare Sphere(s=1) = Σ inertia of Riemann zeroed hodge algebraic cycles (S=1/2+ti).
    IAS High-bar 5:
    For any quantum gravity theory to be a TOE caliber theory, it must have an inbuilt statistical QM measurement system (for various scales) whose Hilbert space dimension must be able to model geometric dualities as per the static patch holographic principle, so that we can extrapolate/interpolate/interpret the measures accordingly.
    Our Shakespearean play-scaling Resolution 5 :
    Our wave function of our LQFT/TOE again has exceeded this high-bar, as we've used the very same “classical reality generating CPT(α,Φ) function scaler”, to resolve the dualities of the static patch holographic principle by projecting the Riemannian sphere as a Lie-grouped classical sphere with 10+ meta dualities as visually depicted in the attached exhibit.
    That said, this precisely is why, we have also scaled 5 AITGE origins of our TOE (i.e. RH sourced the Action generator of the Lie group as Action, Inertia, Time. Gravity and Entropy) with these 5 ingredients of CPT(α,Φ) function scaler in such a way to answer the top 3 paradigm shifting questions you had alluded (plus few more as well)
    That said, let us start with these 3 questions below with a hope they will also answer all the other paradigm shifting unsolved problems like the Riemann hypothesis (including 5+ Clay institute problems), as our TOE’s new paradigm is anchored on our CPT meta proof of Riemann hypothesis including $5+MM CI problems) only!

    • @charlesprabakar
      @charlesprabakar 2 месяца назад +1

      1. How does classical reality emerge from quantum reality?
      First, under our TOE’s paradigm , the whole classical universe is its own observer, where all galaxies collapse gravitationally moment by moment at a particle level using our CPT(α,Φ) function mechanism of our TOE
      In other words, our CPT(α,Φ) function of TOE collapses it by auto-collapsing/landing/toggling each particle from CFT into the next lattice of dS space. This simultaneous toggle/shift is what gives us the feeling to human observers that these CFT/dS dualities are orbiting smoothly like the frames of Muybridge’s Horse in Motion.
      More specifically, under our theory - the quantum spectrum of our Universe (modeled by Riemann zeta function by imagining it as the Riemann sphere) gets renormalized with the value of α (n-> α or 137), in such a way that the zeros of zeta function(including their moments) end up following the eigenvalue statistical gaps of gaussian/hermitian random matrices. This eigen-valued gaussian path is what ends up branching into two independent Brownian motion paths with an exponential Gaussian distribution of FHK Conjecture (by converging with an universality/gaussian decay), before branching again like the Ramanujan graphs with knots of algebraic L-functions whose coefficients & roots, reflecting the periodicity of the GR-Eigen-valued actions of our TOE, using 10+ meta dualities as explained below
      And one of the best ways to understand this insight is by understanding our UNIVERSALITY META-PROOF strategy of Riemann Hypothesis - which brings us to our firm’s “Gödel completed constructive meta-proof strategy of Riemann hypothesis (in pre print) that not only solves Riemann hypothesis but also all $5MM+ Clay institute unsolved problems, including our TOE.
      Simply put -
      Our UNIVERSALITY META-PROOF strategy has been developed by “ Gödel completing” Sir Michael Atiyah Riemann hypothesis proof with a new physical insight driven CPT(α,Φ) function proof, by additionally framing FSC(α) as an Omniscient AoC chooser of Banach-Tarski and Russell paradox/Hidden Variable/Maxwell daemon of our TOE, with a symbiotic symmetrical fractal causality to 10+C-old unsolved problems of TOE including Clay Institute problems as explained in this post f( and (
      (Note : While Poincaré conjecture is already solved using Ricci flow approach, our meta proof also solves it in a complementary way using our Maxwell daemon logic, as explained below)
      What do I mean by that?
      Let us start from our Riemann hypothesis proof as it is one of the foundations not only to answer this question but also for our TOE as well
      For example
      We imagine our Universe as the Riemann Zeta function governed LMFDB universe (that is a motivic/metamorphic/Galois representation based SU 2/SU3/SU4 symmetrical engine.
      In other words, Z(1) is the fundamental frequency of this Universe’s TOE engine that is QVF/ZPE sourced, FSC(α)-Einstein-Bohr-HV-Maxwell Daemon governed frequency of Riemann's zeta function Ζ(S) with a singularity of S=1+0i, that is made up of his harmonic oscillating zeros(S=1/2+it stacked on his 1/2 critical line, before being transformed as a 137 frequency-spin momentum matched dipole, using our FSC(α)-GR-PLA+5 AITGE origin formulas(see exhibit)
      In other words, our TOE/SOE engine is the one that is transforming the Riemann's zeros into an artistic unit charge SU2 dipole(see visual), by contracting/expanding its electric flux as the center of mass (as r = αR), before rotating its magnetic flux by 90 in such a way that it can be extended into the left plane as a paired unit charge, using the "only possible analytical continuation of Zeta".
      Sure enough, this engine function is nothing but universe's wave function only, transforming itself from position/time space into frequency/momentum space, using the Fourier transform operator ( kind of equivalent to Feynman’s path integral with propagator )
      ψ(k) = ∫ ψ(t) e^-iwt dt -
      This brings us to our next point about CPT function
      This "one & only allowed analytically continued/functional equation allowed symmetrical dipole" is what limits/constrains the ∞ pole of Riemann sphere to a value of 137 cycles( per Laurent/Cauchy residue including the α=r/R,=fe/fp=we/wp logic of our CP function as explained in my post and attached one page exhibit for details
      lim t→ ∞ CPT(1/2 + ti) = 1/α cycles of dipole
      In other words, this CPT function proof( for Riemann hypothesis is a polynomial in the convex region of the Riemann Sphere only (thanks to the "one and only allowed analytical continuation logic of dipole & its 137 cycle ratio logic"), limiting/constraining the ∞ pole of Riemann sphere to the convex region, as explained in this article(
      In other words, our TOE is a CPT(α,Φ) function operated cosmic dance, where α ends up splitting the frequencies of QVF as 137 dipoles ( aka elementary particles including electrons quarks etc) using Riemann Zeta function(including its corresponding Fourier/Mobius transformations), in such a way that the electric field of each dipole gets rotated as nπ cycles (using Euler’s identity eiπ ) before getting rotated by their magnetic field (by 90 degrees) so that their combined least action (A) can be twisted to flow along the eigen-valued nodes of Ramanujan graph, using the 2/3:1/3 rule of α (ratioed by its flip sided golden ratio Φ)!
      Stated otherwise, this idea of embedding CPT function within our TOE with 10+ META DUALITIES of the Langsland/Banach-Tarski/Russell paradox of our SOE/TOE engine is what differentiates our approach with this new paradigm!

    • @charlesprabakar
      @charlesprabakar 2 месяца назад +1

      2. How do we solve the so-called measurement problem of QM?
      As alluded earlier, our TOE measures/predicts Quantum continuum steps using the coordinates of Riemann sphere and Classical lattice steps(including outcomes) using both Hodge conjecture(which is unique to ours) and semi classical Einstein field equations

      Similarly, when it comes to both radius and mass of elementary particles (electron, muon Tau, quarks including proton)
      - We have predicted that there are maximum of 137 distinct particles( 68 particles + 68 anti particles + Higgs) as represented by 137 Riemann zeroed dipoles (1/2+it) - and they come in as both quadruples and octuples forms following the Descartes kissing circle geometry.
      For example, when we carefully study the Descartes quadruples, there exist a smaller circle whose radius is minuscule
      This is where, we have also predicted (pending additional research) that we might also be able to discover a fourth generation lepton particle in alignment with our quadruple model, which not only can explain this electron/muon ratio with certainty but also the mismatch of muon mass value between Dirac equation and its observation!
      Likewise, our theory also explains the origin of election/muon ratio including the “mass gaps” existing in the Yang-Mills equations - all using our "r=αR dipole logic guided 2/3:1/3 rule driven CP-Yang-Mills-Koide-Descartes-Kocik formulas" of n+2 spherical dipoles in 'n' dim-spaces (
      For example, the radii & mass formula for 3 lepton dipoles of quadrupole equals k=2/3, when p=2
      1. Radii configuration
      b1^2 + b2^2 + b3^2 + b(n+2)^2 = p/(n+1)p-1 (b1+ b2 + bn+2)^2, where bn=1/rn, p=1/(n+1) -(1/k), k=2/3, p=2/2n-1
      2. Mass configuration
      m1+ m2+m3 + ….mn = k (m1+ m2+m3 + ….mn)^2
      For example, now that the Koide formula has been proven to be true for many permutations and combinations of masses, we feel very confident about our theory legitimizing every one of those permutations and combinations as well.
      For example, the mere fact of “dividing the sum of any 3 or 4 masses by the square of the sum of each of their square roots, resulting in a number between 1/3 and 1 is yet another validation of our 5 AITGE origin least action formula logic (2/3 KE - 1/3PE = 1/3A)
      Similarly we have hypothesized a 4 quark model for proton using our quadruple model driven CP-Yang-Mills-Koide-Descartes-Kocik formulas".
      The implication is there might be an undiscovered fourth quark in the current 3 quark proton neutron model (pending additional research).
      Similarly, we have extended this idea with a new measurement approach with implications to quantum computing as well!
      For example, we foresee a possibility of measuring multiple phase states using one electron wave function itself
      In other words, we can go granular in between spin-up or spin-down values by navigating the coordinates of the complex plane. Stated otherwise, theoretically we can go up to 10 or even 100 states (aka 2 to the power 10 or 100 possibilities). We are currently in the process of testing if experimentally - and so, I welcome suggestions as well

    • @charlesprabakar
      @charlesprabakar 2 месяца назад +1

      3. How do we solve 3+ body problem of GR using a new field centric theory including a few more unanswered questions including hidden variable/maxwells daemon related questions?
      To answer this question, first we may need to understand our META PROOF strategy to solve all Clay Institute problems (especially hodge conjecture) . For example, the first pragmatic implication of our hodge conjecture is that the 3+ spherical body problem can be solved as 1 equiv. spherical body as follows
      Inertia of r= αR gaped eccentric foci Riemann-Poincare Sphere(s=1) = Σ inertia of Riemann zeroed hodge algebraic cycles (S=1/2+ti).
      Similarly see below the summary of other proofs
      1. BSD Conjecture
      Acid Test : Can the rank of an elliptic cube proved to be finite & rational?
      Summary Proof : Yes, our generalized-RH CPT(α,Φ) function proof (w/its analytic cont. & functional eq logic) limits the rank of an elliptic curve to be finite & rational, in such a way that the coefficient of "Euler products of modulo of each prime" (indexed by each point) is an Eigen valued multiple of GR Φ)! In other words, this Eigenvalue logic of CPT function is what limits the rank of an elliptic curve to be finite & rational,
      2. Hodge conjecture
      Acid Test : Can complex mathematical models/shapes be built from simpler ones, like how legos are built?
      Summary Proof: Yes, our CPT function proves that every differential form on a Riemannian manifold (S=1) is the sum of dipole harmonic geometrical forms (S=1/2+ti) both as exact/co-exact forms.A pragmatic implication here is that the 3+ spherical body problem can be solved as 1 equiv. spherical body: Inertia of r= αR gaped eccentric foci Riemann-Poincare Sphere(s=1) = Σ inertia of Riemann zeroed hodge algebraic cycles (S=1/2+ti).
      3. Navier-Stokes eqn.
      Acid Test: Per Tao, have you discovered a new globally controlled nature's coercive/critical variable/method that can explain the fluid smoothness of this eqn?
      Summary Proof : Yes, we have discovered one such 2/3:1/3 rule based FSC variable incl. a QVF fluid sourced info-medium of Maxwell daemon engine (e.g. "Stoddart-Leigh's light sourced mech-interlocked rotaxane, very similar to Tao's engine(without our FSC part)!
      4. Yang-Mills mass gap
      Acid Test: Can you "explain/legitimize/Gödel complete" the “mass gap” existing in the Yang-Mills equations?
      Summary Proof : Yes, our "r=αR dipole logic guided 2/3:1/3 rule driven CP-Yang-Mills-Koide-Descartes-Kocik formulas" of n+2 spherical dipoles in 'n' dim-spaces can do so(
      5. P vs NP
      Acid Test : When Riemann Hypothesis proof is a Polynomial, can it simultaneously also become a proof for P=NP?
      Summary Proof : Yes, our CPT function proof for Riemann hypothesis is one such polynomial in the convex region of the Riemann Sphere only (thanks to the "one and only allowed analytical continuation logic of dipole & its 137 cycle ratio logic"), limiting/constraining the ∞ pole of Riemann sphere to the convex region(per Laurent/Cauchy residue incl. α=r/R,=fe/fp=we/wp logic) -- which brings us to our TOE below
      Turns out, this is what also makes our TOE as the best candidate (compared to all other TOEs), as we visibly see the signatures of FSC and golden ratio throughout nature (link)
      Simply put -
      Ours is the only TOE that is anchored on this FSC/golden ratio governed CPT(α,Φ) function mechanism!
      In other words, for any TOE path to become a final TOE, it must be anchored on this FSC/golden ratio governed CPT(α,Φ) function mechanism end to end (in one form or the other)!
      Similarly, how about I expand its scope to the productivity challenge in the business dimension that has been developed by the very same TOE principles(& synthesized as 1 sentence below and in exhibit)
      -- Every Maslow’s holacracial(1) economic need is a direct/indirect manifestation of QE caused Scripture/Griffith’s human condition/depravity model problem(2) only -- that is solved using the Principle of least action & its new insight(3) driven Fine-structure-constant(FSC) caused Attention factor (4) driven FSC/GT/Nash Equilibrium(5) based reality accurate S-economics model(6) caused Friedman’s Attention-Pluck(7) -- that is followed by an Solow’s TFP-expansion( 8 ), before it being executed by “sovereign-to-choose with collaboration without coercion(9)” motto, driven Next-Gen capitalism called Sovereign/Conscious Sustainalism(10). as explainer in this summary (
      Similarly, I had that poetized these steps using Keats' Endymion genre in 5 parts((titled, "A thing of alphic (α) beauty is a joy forever", below & exhibit),
      1. The Genesis
      A thing of alphic (α) beauty is a joy forever!
      Its loveliness increases; it will never,
      Pass into nothingness; but still will fluctuate
      As a quantum quiet for us, and will simul-caste
      Fully ready to be birthed as a formless void
      By hovering over its harmless poid
      Filled with e-fields, sliced as 137 dipoles of zeta
      Right angled with m-fields, rotated as e^inπ cycles of quanta
      Outputted as least action, fluxed as eigen-valued-golden ratioed(ϕ) Ramajujan graphical dualities of geo-mata
      All by the "let there be light" operator of CPT(α,ϕ)-TOE-mata
      2. The Blueprint
      Therefore, on every morrow, we wreathe,
      A flowery zeta being bloomed again and again
      Despite its wavered collapse, we breathe,
      All wavery humans, being born again & again
      Of all the unhealthy and o'er-darkened ways
      With noble natures of the glorious gain
      Birthed from our search: yes, in spite of all bays
      Zeta’s beauty cleansing away the pave
      With His Spirit of cosmic costume
      hovering over the panoramic plume.
      3. The Roadmap
      As CPT(α,ϕ) starts rolling its (Solomonic) dices
      Humans old and young, following their aces
      Like the lilies of the valleys,
      Lock-stepped with their Saronic roses
      That for themselves overtly unaware
      'Gainst their deprived realities ; their mid forest fires,
      And such too is their (quantum) entangled depravities
      The nature’s design for the mortally deprived,
      Ten such (depraved) dualities that we have heard or read:
      And yet an endless fountain of gracious gravity awaits to save
      Pouring unto us from His mountainous wave!
      4. The Solution
      Nor do we could gaze His Grace
      As there existed a chasm to cleave
      Like the veil of the holy of holies
      Where the logos resided as glory of glories
      Chasing us till we become His own
      Unto His souls, as His own crown
      Heralding us from the wilderness:
      With a helmet of salvation, simul-ed with justus
      Thro' a greenery path, that we can chisel
      Easily onward, through its thorns and thistles
      5 The Great Commission with three missions
      Therefore, w'ill proclaim it all as Endymion's 3 great commissioning factors of activity
      First, save people’s depravity with productivity
      By alpha-fying Solow's TFP as an attention TFP
      Resulting in with a quantum leap of productivity;
      Second, save planet’s depravity with sustainability
      By kingdomizing next-gen capitalism as a purpose scored-ism
      Resulting in with a quantum accuracy of sustainability;
      Third, reform both people and planet with an integrated reformationism
      By alpha-fying Luther's one such Simul Justus Realism
      Resulting in with a TOE-tinged golden next-Genism
      In closing, I welcome constructive feedback/advice (including a potential collaboration possibility), similar to how we collaborated with Prof Clay Christensen of Harvard and NT Wright of Oxford (

    • @jacobeller
      @jacobeller 2 месяца назад

      ​@charlesprabakar My good sir, you are on the wrong path. Come back to me, son, and I will show you the way.

    • @JaredFarrer
      @JaredFarrer 6 дней назад

      Electrons and Mandelbrot sets designed to store precise binary

  • @borispetrovchich3141
    @borispetrovchich3141 2 месяца назад +1

    Outstanding Lecture -- much appreciated !!

  • @santiagomartinez3417
    @santiagomartinez3417 2 месяца назад +5

    How can two electrons "decide to pair up" if they have the same charge? Why they don't repel?

    • @MasoudJohnAzizi
      @MasoudJohnAzizi 2 месяца назад +8

      The tendency for electrons to repel one another can become retarded when they "experience" an opposing force that is of a magnitude large enough to "compel them to conform to the pattern of a part of a larger system of organization"...

    • @santiagomartinez3417
      @santiagomartinez3417 2 месяца назад

      @@MasoudJohnAzizi What is the opposing force?

    • @jockyi
      @jockyi 2 месяца назад +3

      ​@santiagomartinez3417 in the case of electrostatics at least, I believe you could think of the bound charge in an insulator, as the opposing force.

    • @MrVaypour
      @MrVaypour 2 месяца назад +2

      @@MasoudJohnAzizi Ah yes, a bit like upgrading your drink into a Vodka & Coke because everyone else in your immediate vicinity are on it & Beer quite frankly just wont cut it.

    • @MasoudJohnAzizi
      @MasoudJohnAzizi 2 месяца назад +5

      @@MrVaypour Tip: When such cravings strike remind yourself that alcohol consumption accelerates "rate of biological aging" by way of eliciting"leaky gut", and that current science reveals that "there is no safe amount of alcohol for anyone/anywhere/anytime. Alcohol is not worth sacrificing your healthspan (years of disease-free life) for.
      Best wishes, -MJA.

  • @jamesraymond1158
    @jamesraymond1158 2 месяца назад

    Please, Wigner's name is pronounced Vigner.

  • @elfootman
    @elfootman 2 месяца назад +1

    starts at 40:43

  • @myspace5671
    @myspace5671 2 месяца назад

    Energy travels through the fabric of space bringing into existence particles at certain locations evolving over time. wave happens when you drink too much and comment on youtube

  • @Arctic-fox717
    @Arctic-fox717 2 месяца назад

    They must have opposite spin qualities. I have no idea, someone else? I give up!

  • @sundaramguruswamy5490
    @sundaramguruswamy5490 2 месяца назад


  • @niteshsapkota335
    @niteshsapkota335 2 месяца назад

    I mean why the electron even lead a secret life, are They like mafia of quantum world 😅

  • @nesdi6653
    @nesdi6653 2 месяца назад

    Hello From Oxnard California

    • @domb8448
      @domb8448 2 месяца назад

      "... I can identify every insect and arachnid on the planet. Not that that's gonna keep me from having to move in with my daughter in Oxnard. And we're not talking Oxnard at the beach. No, we're talking Oxnard in the onion fields!"
      Hello from Yorkshire, UK.

  • @simondupont9861
    @simondupont9861 2 месяца назад


  • @eastafrica1020
    @eastafrica1020 2 месяца назад

    Why can't she speak English?

  • @turnipbailparsnip
    @turnipbailparsnip 2 месяца назад +1

    I believe Jesus of Nazareth had a stomach.

    • @skhotzim_bacon
      @skhotzim_bacon 2 месяца назад +2

      Are there people that think he did not have one? I'm confused

    • @tehallanaz
      @tehallanaz 2 месяца назад +1
