Repent and learn some basic logic! "Agree with anyone on earth about anything and it will be and you will find.....You are either with me or against me (Jesus).... I (Jesus) don't agree with anything Satan or any Satanist/non-Christian would want me to agree to on earth....I (Jesus) am DANGEROUS and VERY LOVING......Hell (or willful eternal pain and willful unbearable suffering/irrationality/confusion) is for the willful hypocrites and willfully blind or closed-minded (or willful closed-minded Satanist/non-Christians).......and do everything in love"---- The Holy Bible
As did I! Your impact on the skeptic and atheist movements cannot be understated. I’m just doing my bit to get the word out to a wider audience. The pleasure was mine!
Repent and learn some basic logic! "Agree with anyone on earth about anything and it will be and you will find.....You are either with me or against me (Jesus).... I (Jesus) don't agree with anything Satan or any Satanist/non-Christian would want me to agree to on earth....I (Jesus) am DANGEROUS and VERY LOVING......Hell (or willful eternal pain and willful unbearable suffering/irrationality/confusion) is for the willful hypocrites and willfully blind or closed-minded (or willful closed-minded Satanist/non-Christians).......and do everything in love"---- The Holy Bible
Atheists doing good works in a community really resonates with me. I wish more non-believers would use the term atheist instead of "free thinker" etc. We can't let others define the term in ignorant and negative ways.
I totally agree! That's one reason I openly refer to myself as an atheist. Shaking that "no source of morality" argument is a tough one to shake though. But hopefully, we'll change one mind at a time.
Repent and learn some basic logic! "Agree with anyone on earth about anything and it will be and you will find.....You are either with me or against me (Jesus).... I (Jesus) don't agree with anything Satan or any Satanist/non-Christian would want me to agree to on earth....I (Jesus) am DANGEROUS and VERY LOVING......Hell (or willful eternal pain and willful unbearable suffering/irrationality/confusion) is for the willful hypocrites and willfully blind or closed-minded (or willful closed-minded Satanist/non-Christians).......and do everything in love"---- The Holy Bible
@@pderpy1687 If you are a non-Christian/Satanist (the only other option), then you won't be able to show any justification or evidence indicating that logic can only be found in the Bible (which is the only place/reality). "Agree with anyone on earth about anything and it will be and you will find.....You are either with me or against me (Jesus).... I (Jesus) don't agree with anything Satan or any Satanist/non-Christian would want me to agree to on earth....I (Jesus) am DANGEROUS and VERY LOVING (and so are my disciples)......Hell (or willful eternal forever and ever pain and willful unbearable suffering/irrationality/confusion) is for the willful hypocrites and willfully blind or closed-minded (or willful closed-minded non-Christians/Atheists/Agnostics/Satanists).......and do everything in love"---- The Holy Bible
Repent and learn some basic logic! "Agree with anyone on earth about anything and it will be and you will find.....You are either with me or against me (Jesus).... I (Jesus) don't agree with anything Satan or any Satanist/non-Christian would want me to agree to on earth....I (Jesus) am DANGEROUS and VERY LOVING......Hell (or willful eternal pain and willful unbearable suffering/irrationality/confusion) is for the willful hypocrites and willfully blind or closed-minded (or willful closed-minded Satanist/non-Christians).......and do everything in love"---- The Holy Bible
This was more of a conversation than an interview, which was refreshing. Also, it's good to hear about a religion other than Christianity for once. I was disappointed to hear Anthony's views on abortion, but he appears to live an evidence based life and I think he'll keep questioning. Good job.
Hey thanks so much for that. I’m trying to make these more conversational than questions and answers so this is great to hear. I hope you stick around and subscribe.
Repent and learn some basic logic! "Agree with anyone on earth about anything and it will be and you will find.....You are either with me or against me (Jesus).... I (Jesus) don't agree with anything Satan or any Satanist/non-Christian would want me to agree to on earth....I (Jesus) am DANGEROUS and VERY LOVING......Hell (or willful eternal pain and willful unbearable suffering/irrationality/confusion) is for the willful hypocrites and willfully blind or closed-minded (or willful closed-minded Satanist/non-Christians).......and do everything in love"---- The Holy Bible
Thank you for a great conversation! I am very interested recently about the techniques of SE, and listened to this with an intention to apply with friends, family, and when interviewing patients. Great show
“… being secular humanists, we should be, taking our activism to minimizing discrimination, improving lives of other people, promoting science communication, promoting education as a whole, especially in India. But this is a perfectly good calling as well.” -Peter Boghossian At first, I took issue with Peter using the word “calling” here. However, it soon dawned on me that there IS a calling for this. The world is calling out for it. People are calling out for it. The kind of calling I used to believe in was allegedly spiritual, but had to have been spoken and written by men. At least this new idea of “calling“ is based on real people calling out to real people concerning real people.
Repent and learn some basic logic! "Agree with anyone on earth about anything and it will be and you will find.....You are either with me or against me (Jesus).... I (Jesus) don't agree with anything Satan or any Satanist/non-Christian would want me to agree to on earth....I (Jesus) am DANGEROUS and VERY LOVING......Hell (or willful eternal pain and willful unbearable suffering/irrationality/confusion) is for the willful hypocrites and willfully blind or closed-minded (or willful closed-minded Satanist/non-Christians).......and do everything in love"---- The Holy Bible
Repent and learn some basic logic! "Agree with anyone on earth about anything and it will be and you will find.....You are either with me or against me (Jesus).... I (Jesus) don't agree with anything Satan or any Satanist/non-Christian would want me to agree to on earth....I (Jesus) am DANGEROUS and VERY LOVING......Hell (or willful eternal pain and willful unbearable suffering/irrationality/confusion) is for the willful hypocrites and willfully blind or closed-minded (or willful closed-minded Satanist/non-Christians).......and do everything in love"---- The Holy Bible
Repent and learn some basic logic! "Agree with anyone on earth about anything and it will be and you will find.....You are either with me or against me (Jesus).... I (Jesus) don't agree with anything Satan or any Satanist/non-Christian would want me to agree to on earth....I (Jesus) am DANGEROUS and VERY LOVING......Hell (or willful eternal pain and willful unbearable suffering/irrationality/confusion) is for the willful hypocrites and willfully blind or closed-minded (or willful closed-minded Satanist/non-Christians).......and do everything in love"---- The Holy Bible
Damn, your content disappeared from my feed starting a few months ago, and I must sadly say I didn't keep up by myself. I'm happy you got Anthony on here :D Congrats on the growth of your channel!
I'm skeptical about the plausibility of a scientific study that measures the effectiveness of SE -- in particular, about objectively characterizing whether a given interaction is, or is not really SE. At best what you will get is a measure of a (probably poor) objective proxy such as using certain words (we, one) instead of others (you, I). But if hostility and contempt leak out in the conversation, you're not _really_ using SE, even though you use the right words -- and that these more subjective factors are the real heart of the matter. I'd be curious to know how Anthony will be handling this issue (objectively distinguishing SE vs. non-SE interactions) in the study. My own opinion is that the essence of SE is beyond the reach of scientific inquiry. That doesn't mean it isn't real or important, it means that things that are real and important can be beyond the reach of scientific inquiry. I suspect you are hamstringing yourself and wasting a lot of resources by focusing on justifying your method to academic/scientific standards. SE is not a science, and that's OK.
It’s not about justifying SE. But wouldn’t it be interesting to see the real world results? I don’t think it’s beyond scientific inquiry. Why would it be?
@@nelsonrushton I think you e made a very good point. The fact is, in the social sciences it is rare that a study does not confirm the hypothesis. It’s just too difficult to control for all the variables.
@robbailey464 Most studies have positive results of some form. Researchers with grants on the line are hesitant to use funding and goodwill on projects not likely to find positive results. It's one reason for the prevalence of p-hacking. That said, they can still be valuable for adding to the total body of research and be peer reviewed to analyze shortcomings and possible follow ups. As Anthony said here, even if the results of this are lacking, it could open the door to more study in the field, which can't hurt.
Repent and learn some basic logic! "Agree with anyone on earth about anything and it will be and you will find.....You are either with me or against me (Jesus).... I (Jesus) don't agree with anything Satan or any Satanist/non-Christian would want me to agree to on earth....I (Jesus) am DANGEROUS and VERY LOVING......Hell (or willful eternal pain and willful unbearable suffering/irrationality/confusion) is for the willful hypocrites and willfully blind or closed-minded (or willful closed-minded Satanist/non-Christians).......and do everything in love"---- The Holy Bible
I hope you’ve both read Plato’s Phaedrus. If not, do so. It is the beginning of western dialectic. Western education was based on this until a few years ago. Hence most people over a certain age passed SE many years ago at age 16, because their A levels forced them to. You should be hassling the education system to bring back this rational questioning to find the truth. Please use your time and energy to re introduce this into education, then the younger generation once educated from 16 will be logical and rational, like the educated older generation.
That’s very interesting. And I think you have a point. The only problem is see is in implementation since some students would take great pleasure in messing with the teachers just for the kicks. If it’s to work, it’ll have to be a very deep implementation that may require an overhaul of teaching degrees. That said, your point still stands strong. This is something n that should be implemented universally.
please upload video on what atheists can/should do and organisations for secular humanist activities.....I once read the day to day activities of a religion impresses the others than the it would be great for atheists to show the world that being atheists is not being devoid of morality or humanity...
Repent and learn some basic logic! "Agree with anyone on earth about anything and it will be and you will find.....You are either with me or against me (Jesus).... I (Jesus) don't agree with anything Satan or any Satanist/non-Christian would want me to agree to on earth....I (Jesus) am DANGEROUS and VERY LOVING......Hell (or willful eternal pain and willful unbearable suffering/irrationality/confusion) is for the willful hypocrites and willfully blind or closed-minded (or willful closed-minded Satanist/non-Christians).......and do everything in love"---- The Holy Bible
Truly because from the start an atheist can’t understand the theist because you’re accepting things in two different ways because a theist accept something on faith and as long as they are not using it as a cudgel. And if they have had a supernatural experience then you’re not changing that person’s mind. And that is why all the disciples of Jesus Christ all die refusing to say their lord and live but they took death. You are not changing their minds ever. It’s tolerant because this is what the New Testament teaches. But organizations are not god, And their are studies that show religious people are just happier and you attacking them you’re saying to them, *give me your happiness*
Well I was an atheist since 15, but I kept it to me. Eventually I started observing why people made god in the first place. Then I realised that God is just sometimes a disguise. It's not the source of morality. The morality comes from a collective "idea of evil." The idea about humans actually being capable of causing real harm even on a global scale. And thats what terrified humans. So god acted as a specific way to live by in order to avoid evil. But tbh you don't really need god to draw moral lines and take beneficial direction.
Absolutely! I don’t know if a single god who can be said to be completely moral or at least a model for morality. I’ll be making a video soon about what I think the source of morality is.
Repent and learn some basic logic! "Agree with anyone on earth about anything and it will be and you will find.....You are either with me or against me (Jesus).... I (Jesus) don't agree with anything Satan or any Satanist/non-Christian would want me to agree to on earth....I (Jesus) am DANGEROUS and VERY LOVING......Hell (or willful eternal pain and willful unbearable suffering/irrationality/confusion) is for the willful hypocrites and willfully blind or closed-minded (or willful closed-minded Satanist/non-Christians).......and do everything in love"---- The Holy Bible
Hitchens used to run circles anround every opponent. He was quite clear as to how absurd the idea of God actually is. There is no verifiable evidence that confirms the existence of God. All they have is faith, and faith in your beliefs is evidence of nothing. When people try to push God on me, I always ask, “Which God? How do you know that your God is the right one? Which one of the approximate 5000 religions is the correct one? Do you know how many Gods are being worshipped today? It’s over 10,000, Google it. If your God is right, just debunk the other 9,999 Gods first, then come back to me with the verifiable evidence that confirms the existence of your particular God, and…while your at it, you might as well debunk the 4999 religions too.
@@rationable I do it all the time. Most people are easy to sway when it comes to absurd parables in the Bible as well. If you’re dealing with reasonably rational people, I find that if you discuss things like, “the parting of the Red Sea.” and suggest to them that these were never intended to be true, and that they were just stories invented to show the power of God, some will concede that they’re not meant to be taken literally. The first person that I used this on was a Catholic priest, I was quite surprised that he he was open to the idea and agreed with me on a lot of biblical parables being examples of the power of God, not truths. I find that if you can inject a little bit of doubt in their minds about some of these obviously impossible stories…their faith in everything can begin to unravel, but not in every case. Yes, the 10,000 God thing does create a whole lot of doubt. You can literally take your phone out and Google it, “How many Gods are there?” Depending on the site, the number is at a minimum 5000 up to 330,000 if you include Hinduism. I always ask, how do you explain the other Gods being worshipped by the 4000 different religions that are being practiced today? Then I tell them to google it, or I Google it in front of them and show them the results. I don’t necessarily tell them that their God is the wrong one, I do however tell them that in order to prove that their God is the correct one, they need to start debunking the other Gods in order to give credibility to their own. You’ll find that if you bring up some of the other Gods, ask them questions as to why they are “not real” that they are more than happy to agree with you that “those Gods” are the ones that are wrong. You can start with ridiculous Gods that can easily be debunked, you can bring up different religions that worship the same God but believe in different things, and while they are happily debunking the other Gods, most times if you pay attention, they will discredit the other religions for having some of the same beliefs .. and once they start going down the rabbit hole of debunking other religions…then their’s doesn’t seem so different. All you need is a little doubt and the average person will begin to unravel. It won’t work as well on the fanatics though. I like to pick on the existence of Jesus. Dr. Richard Carrier has some pretty good RUclips videos on the historical Jesus that most certainly brings up some legitimate questions. The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross by John Allegro really messes up the whole Jesus story and Christianity. Christ is a psychedelic mushroom according to him after spending 14 years deciphering the “Dead Sea Scrolls” he does garner some credibility regift what they believe.. Well, I’m ranting, it’s been almost 50 years since I stopped believing in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and God. I was 5 years old when I told my Catholic family that I thought it was all nonsense. At no point from then on has anyone ever been able to give me any verifiable evidence that confirms the existence of God, all they have is faith, and faith in their beliefs is evidence of nothing. Be well.
@@maxxwellbeing9449I’m curious. If you believe there is no God, is that not faith? After all, can you PROVE there is no God any more than someone can prove there is? What is the evidence for your belief??
morality: see Ayn Rand I used to be a huge Dillahunty fan... not so much any more... too feminist and too woke...he's the type that would cancel people, IMO
My reasons for not being a fan anymore is more because of his manner of conversation. It’s just not a type I appreciate but I see its value in the big picture. However, what is “too feminist” or “too Woke”? In what way?
@@rationablehard to detail and explain... the entire Atheist of Austin group is uber woke and crazy feminist... which makes sense if you know anything about Austin and about that whole movement that started about, what?, ten years ago?
@drstrangelove09 I’m afraid I don’t know much about Austin since I live in India. However, wokeness and feminism I do understand but maybe not in the same sense that you do. They are fine ideologies to have but do have their limits.
On morality. If it is determined by one’s society, then Anthony cannot say say in any objective sense that the morality of the Bible is bad or in error. He cannot say in any objective sense that one society’s moral norms are superior to any other. If morality is rooted in an ambiguous biological development, with no purpose or intention, there are no standards to which one can judge another culture’s system. And who determines what constitutes human flourishing? How does Anthony’s view of morality emanating from society explain the moral confusion & polarization within our society? Precisely which part of our society is determining what is right or wrong?
@T And Me Rules? People just make up stuff? If that’s the case, you have no means by which to judge the morals of another society. They made up theirs, you made up yours. End of story.
@T And Me Repent and learn some basic logic! "Agree with anyone on earth about anything and it will be and you will find.....You are either with me or against me (Jesus).... I (Jesus) don't agree with anything Satan or any Satanist/non-Christian would want me to agree to on earth....I (Jesus) am DANGEROUS and VERY LOVING (and so are my disciples)......Hell (or willful eternal pain and willful unbearable suffering/irrationality/confusion) is for the willful hypocrites and willfully blind or closed-minded (or willful closed-minded Satanist/non-Christians).......and do everything in love"---- The Holy Bible
@@Gome.o Evidence? My offer to any and all street epistemologists stands. I am open to one-on-one live chat to discuss anything about what I believe. Defend your claim here with me privately and I will be happy to defend mine.
I wish atheists would apply some of the methods here to their own beliefs about atheism. I believe that if atheists were to do this, there would be less atheists.
@@rationable Just as your guest said to ask what others believe and why with the hope of showing how weak their beliefs are so the same kinds of questions should be asked of atheists. I think once that is done, the atheist will see how unfounded atheism is.
Anthony has actually spoken to atheists about their beliefs too. You should look for those videos on his channel. Very interesting conversations. But what beliefs do you think atheists have that are weak?
Let's look at the bonobos. Bonobos females build strong communities. They will band together to prevent sexual harassment from males . They will come to Texas defence of another female, even when there is no blood relation. They will do this even if they are not in the same community. When they give birth, the older females help in the birthing process and protect the mother from any outside attacks. This is common and it seems they expect this behavior from other females. These acts suggest the bonobos have a developed sense of empathy. Many animals do these things for relatives., But someone not in their group is beyond the normal instincts of other animals. The genome of humans and bonobos are around 98.8% identical and they are our closest relatives along chimps. Observing various other species, we see variable degrees of empathy, but we see empathy in other animals. The chimp is relatively more violent than bonobos. However if you take 2 chimps and put them in cages that allow them to see one another, give one lettuce and the other an orange. The one who gets the lettuce will get angry and refuse to eat the lettuce , maybe even throw it back. The other chimp will attempt to give their orange back to prevent causing the anger and feeling of injustice in the first chimp. So empathy, fairness, a sense of equality and even protesting privilege appear in these two species. The evidence points to these traits evolving prior to splitting with our common ancestor. If god made us in his image and writes his morality on our hearts , how do you explain Hitler? Why would a loving and just god allow 6 million of his chosen people to be murdered ? Every successful civilization, even prior to Christianity, has had rules or laws that guide morality. Allowing people to randomly kill one another, steal from each other is bad for any society. The goal is to survive. I know that I don't want you to kill me and so I know you don't want me to kill you. Even species of smaller mammals cooperate in groups or herds. Cooperation helps in survival. Over the years since the biblical god is recorded, morality has evolved. Slavery was considered moral even to some in the US less than 200 years ago. Blasphemy was seen as a death sentence. Stoning people was common. In fact in the Mosaic Law stoning to death was the penalty for working on the Sabbath. A rebellious child was to be stoned to death. If a woman was raped in the country , the man paid a fine to her father and was forced to marry her. If it happened in the city, they assumed she should cry out and be rescued so she must be stoned. The biblical story about Jesus and the adulteress, she is to be stoned, but where is the man? The law says both must be stoned to death. Why has morality changed? Did god change his mind?
@@robinhood20253 I don't know why God allowed that. On the atheist side of this question of the holocaust, all that the atheist can say its just atoms in motion and nothing. The holocaust was not really evil because in the atheist world evil does not exist.
@@rationable every German soldier wore a belt buckle with Got Min Uns inscribed. God Is With Us. The Vatican burnt a candle on Hitlers birthday for decades after the end of the war.
Repent and learn some basic logic! "Agree with anyone on earth about anything and it will be and you will find.....You are either with me or against me (Jesus).... I (Jesus) don't agree with anything Satan or any Satanist/non-Christian would want me to agree to on earth....I (Jesus) am DANGEROUS and VERY LOVING......Hell (or willful eternal pain and willful unbearable suffering/irrationality/confusion) is for the willful hypocrites and willfully blind or closed-minded (or willful closed-minded Satanist/non-Christians).......and do everything in love"---- The Holy Bible
I do not worship or believe in the existence of Satan. Did god create evil? Why does he not destroy Satan ? Is it fair to allow a supernatural being with immense powers to interact with mere mortals and deceive them and cause them to suffer hell eternally?
@@robinhood20253 Your comment has no evidence of being possibly relevant, coherent or true, therefore is pointless. And yes, you are a Satanist as all non Christians are. And will make sure MY SELF that YOU get punished and suffer forever if you don't repent before Jesus. "You are either with me or for satan and against me....and I and my servants will judge on that day"-- The Bible
Two of my favourite rationalists having a conversation, hell yeah! Thanks for bringing Anthony here Abijith.
I've been a big fan of his for a long time. It was such a pleasure having him on.
Repent and learn some basic logic!
"Agree with anyone on earth about anything and it will be and you will find.....You are either with me or against me (Jesus).... I (Jesus) don't agree with anything Satan or any Satanist/non-Christian would want me to agree to on earth....I (Jesus) am DANGEROUS and VERY LOVING......Hell (or willful eternal pain and willful unbearable suffering/irrationality/confusion) is for the willful hypocrites and willfully blind or closed-minded (or willful closed-minded Satanist/non-Christians).......and do everything in love"---- The Holy Bible
Great interview 😁 it’s so good to see Anthony back on youtube.
Glad you enjoyed it!
Thanks again for having me on, Abhijit. I really enjoyed the entire discussion.
As did I! Your impact on the skeptic and atheist movements cannot be understated. I’m just doing my bit to get the word out to a wider audience. The pleasure was mine!
Repent and learn some basic logic!
"Agree with anyone on earth about anything and it will be and you will find.....You are either with me or against me (Jesus).... I (Jesus) don't agree with anything Satan or any Satanist/non-Christian would want me to agree to on earth....I (Jesus) am DANGEROUS and VERY LOVING......Hell (or willful eternal pain and willful unbearable suffering/irrationality/confusion) is for the willful hypocrites and willfully blind or closed-minded (or willful closed-minded Satanist/non-Christians).......and do everything in love"---- The Holy Bible
Going down that (epistemology) road and it will only get worse.
@@believertheistit's getting better for me!
@@laugh629 You don't know what you're talking about.
Atheists doing good works in a community really resonates with me. I wish more non-believers would use the term atheist instead of "free thinker" etc. We can't let others define the term in ignorant and negative ways.
I totally agree! That's one reason I openly refer to myself as an atheist. Shaking that "no source of morality" argument is a tough one to shake though. But hopefully, we'll change one mind at a time.
Repent and learn some basic logic!
"Agree with anyone on earth about anything and it will be and you will find.....You are either with me or against me (Jesus).... I (Jesus) don't agree with anything Satan or any Satanist/non-Christian would want me to agree to on earth....I (Jesus) am DANGEROUS and VERY LOVING......Hell (or willful eternal pain and willful unbearable suffering/irrationality/confusion) is for the willful hypocrites and willfully blind or closed-minded (or willful closed-minded Satanist/non-Christians).......and do everything in love"---- The Holy Bible
@@earth1710 interesting. Is reading the bible the only way to learn basic logic?
@@pderpy1687 If you are a non-Christian/Satanist (the only other option), then you won't be able to show any justification or evidence indicating that logic can only be found in the Bible (which is the only place/reality).
"Agree with anyone on earth about anything and it will be and you will find.....You are either with me or against me (Jesus).... I (Jesus) don't agree with anything Satan or any Satanist/non-Christian would want me to agree to on earth....I (Jesus) am DANGEROUS and VERY LOVING (and so are my disciples)......Hell (or willful eternal forever and ever pain and willful unbearable suffering/irrationality/confusion) is for the willful hypocrites and willfully blind or closed-minded (or willful closed-minded non-Christians/Atheists/Agnostics/Satanists).......and do everything in love"---- The Holy Bible
@@earth1710 how would you respond to a person who has read the bible and yet still commits logical fallacies?
Don't forget to just listen!
Always listen first, and understand before anything else.
Repent and learn some basic logic!
"Agree with anyone on earth about anything and it will be and you will find.....You are either with me or against me (Jesus).... I (Jesus) don't agree with anything Satan or any Satanist/non-Christian would want me to agree to on earth....I (Jesus) am DANGEROUS and VERY LOVING......Hell (or willful eternal pain and willful unbearable suffering/irrationality/confusion) is for the willful hypocrites and willfully blind or closed-minded (or willful closed-minded Satanist/non-Christians).......and do everything in love"---- The Holy Bible
@earth1710 Hey, peace and love, but where did you find those quotes? Most are not from the Bible.
This was more of a conversation than an interview, which was refreshing. Also, it's good to hear about a religion other than Christianity for once. I was disappointed to hear Anthony's views on abortion, but he appears to live an evidence based life and I think he'll keep questioning. Good job.
Hey thanks so much for that. I’m trying to make these more conversational than questions and answers so this is great to hear. I hope you stick around and subscribe.
Repent and learn some basic logic!
"Agree with anyone on earth about anything and it will be and you will find.....You are either with me or against me (Jesus).... I (Jesus) don't agree with anything Satan or any Satanist/non-Christian would want me to agree to on earth....I (Jesus) am DANGEROUS and VERY LOVING......Hell (or willful eternal pain and willful unbearable suffering/irrationality/confusion) is for the willful hypocrites and willfully blind or closed-minded (or willful closed-minded Satanist/non-Christians).......and do everything in love"---- The Holy Bible
I have had the pleasure of meeting Anthony while he was in the UK a few years ago at a conference.
Thank you for a great conversation! I am very interested recently about the techniques of SE, and listened to this with an intention to apply with friends, family, and when interviewing patients. Great show
Hey thanks so much! This was so illuminating for me as well. All the best with your conversations!
“… being secular
humanists, we should be, taking our
activism to minimizing discrimination,
improving lives of other people,
promoting science communication, promoting
education as a whole, especially in India.
But this is a perfectly
good calling as well.”
-Peter Boghossian
At first, I took issue with Peter using the word “calling” here. However, it soon dawned on me that there IS a calling for this. The world is calling out for it. People are calling out for it. The kind of calling I used to believe in was allegedly spiritual, but had to have been spoken and written by men. At least this new idea of “calling“ is based on real people calling out to real people concerning real people.
Thanks for doing this.
It was our pleasure
Hit like before the video started.
That's always nice :D
Repent and learn some basic logic!
"Agree with anyone on earth about anything and it will be and you will find.....You are either with me or against me (Jesus).... I (Jesus) don't agree with anything Satan or any Satanist/non-Christian would want me to agree to on earth....I (Jesus) am DANGEROUS and VERY LOVING......Hell (or willful eternal pain and willful unbearable suffering/irrationality/confusion) is for the willful hypocrites and willfully blind or closed-minded (or willful closed-minded Satanist/non-Christians).......and do everything in love"---- The Holy Bible
Dude why don't you upload episodes on Spotify anymore? It would be nice to listen to the podcast.
I have uploaded new episodes though not very regularly. Spotify isn’t showing the new episodes? I’ll check it out as soon as I can.
Repent and learn some basic logic!
"Agree with anyone on earth about anything and it will be and you will find.....You are either with me or against me (Jesus).... I (Jesus) don't agree with anything Satan or any Satanist/non-Christian would want me to agree to on earth....I (Jesus) am DANGEROUS and VERY LOVING......Hell (or willful eternal pain and willful unbearable suffering/irrationality/confusion) is for the willful hypocrites and willfully blind or closed-minded (or willful closed-minded Satanist/non-Christians).......and do everything in love"---- The Holy Bible
Is there a updated version of the atheos app? On google play it says it is only supported for older android devices.
Thanks for doing this, Abhijit!
It’s my pleasure. I’m glad you enjoyed it.
Repent and learn some basic logic!
"Agree with anyone on earth about anything and it will be and you will find.....You are either with me or against me (Jesus).... I (Jesus) don't agree with anything Satan or any Satanist/non-Christian would want me to agree to on earth....I (Jesus) am DANGEROUS and VERY LOVING......Hell (or willful eternal pain and willful unbearable suffering/irrationality/confusion) is for the willful hypocrites and willfully blind or closed-minded (or willful closed-minded Satanist/non-Christians).......and do everything in love"---- The Holy Bible
Damn, your content disappeared from my feed starting a few months ago, and I must sadly say I didn't keep up by myself.
I'm happy you got Anthony on here :D
Congrats on the growth of your channel!
Thank you so much! And so glad you’re back 😄
23:42 Continue in your path and you will not be able to move up the ladder of confidence. You will only be going down.
Huh? I hate ladders.
I'm skeptical about the plausibility of a scientific study that measures the effectiveness of SE -- in particular, about objectively characterizing whether a given interaction is, or is not really SE. At best what you will get is a measure of a (probably poor) objective proxy such as using certain words (we, one) instead of others (you, I). But if hostility and contempt leak out in the conversation, you're not _really_ using SE, even though you use the right words -- and that these more subjective factors are the real heart of the matter. I'd be curious to know how Anthony will be handling this issue (objectively distinguishing SE vs. non-SE interactions) in the study.
My own opinion is that the essence of SE is beyond the reach of scientific inquiry. That doesn't mean it isn't real or important, it means that things that are real and important can be beyond the reach of scientific inquiry. I suspect you are hamstringing yourself and wasting a lot of resources by focusing on justifying your method to academic/scientific standards. SE is not a science, and that's OK.
It’s not about justifying SE. But wouldn’t it be interesting to see the real world results? I don’t think it’s beyond scientific inquiry. Why would it be?
@@nelsonrushton I think you e made a very good point. The fact is, in the social sciences it is rare that a study does not confirm the hypothesis. It’s just too difficult to control for all the variables.
@robbailey464 Most studies have positive results of some form. Researchers with grants on the line are hesitant to use funding and goodwill on projects not likely to find positive results. It's one reason for the prevalence of p-hacking.
That said, they can still be valuable for adding to the total body of research and be peer reviewed to analyze shortcomings and possible follow ups. As Anthony said here, even if the results of this are lacking, it could open the door to more study in the field, which can't hurt.
Anthony should try interacting with Bhakts. It would be a real test.
Hahaha now that I would pay to see 🤣
Repent and learn some basic logic!
"Agree with anyone on earth about anything and it will be and you will find.....You are either with me or against me (Jesus).... I (Jesus) don't agree with anything Satan or any Satanist/non-Christian would want me to agree to on earth....I (Jesus) am DANGEROUS and VERY LOVING......Hell (or willful eternal pain and willful unbearable suffering/irrationality/confusion) is for the willful hypocrites and willfully blind or closed-minded (or willful closed-minded Satanist/non-Christians).......and do everything in love"---- The Holy Bible
@@earth1710 why do you believe all this? And how do you know its true?
I hope you’ve both read Plato’s Phaedrus. If not, do so. It is the beginning of western dialectic. Western education was based on this until a few years ago. Hence most people over a certain age passed SE many years ago at age 16, because their A levels forced them to. You should be hassling the education system to bring back this rational questioning to find the truth. Please use your time and energy to re introduce this into education, then the younger generation once educated from 16 will be logical and rational, like the educated older generation.
That’s very interesting. And I think you have a point. The only problem is see is in implementation since some students would take great pleasure in messing with the teachers just for the kicks. If it’s to work, it’ll have to be a very deep implementation that may require an overhaul of teaching degrees. That said, your point still stands strong. This is something n that should be implemented universally.
please upload video on what atheists can/should do and organisations for secular humanist activities.....I once read the day to day activities of a religion impresses the others than the it would be great for atheists to show the world that being atheists is not being devoid of morality or humanity...
A very good idea indeed. Thanks for that suggestion.
Repent and learn some basic logic!
"Agree with anyone on earth about anything and it will be and you will find.....You are either with me or against me (Jesus).... I (Jesus) don't agree with anything Satan or any Satanist/non-Christian would want me to agree to on earth....I (Jesus) am DANGEROUS and VERY LOVING......Hell (or willful eternal pain and willful unbearable suffering/irrationality/confusion) is for the willful hypocrites and willfully blind or closed-minded (or willful closed-minded Satanist/non-Christians).......and do everything in love"---- The Holy Bible
Truly because from the start an atheist can’t understand the theist because you’re accepting things in two different ways because a theist accept something on faith and as long as they are not using it as a cudgel. And if they have had a supernatural experience then you’re not changing that person’s mind. And that is why all the disciples of Jesus Christ all die refusing to say their lord and live but they took death. You are not changing their minds ever. It’s tolerant because this is what the New Testament teaches. But organizations are not god, And their are studies that show religious people are just happier and you attacking them you’re saying to them, *give me your happiness*
Well I was an atheist since 15, but I kept it to me. Eventually I started observing why people made god in the first place.
Then I realised that God is just sometimes a disguise.
It's not the source of morality.
The morality comes from a collective "idea of evil."
The idea about humans actually being capable of causing real harm even on a global scale. And thats what terrified humans. So god acted as a specific way to live by in order to avoid evil.
But tbh you don't really need god to draw moral lines and take beneficial direction.
Absolutely! I don’t know if a single god who can be said to be completely moral or at least a model for morality. I’ll be making a video soon about what I think the source of morality is.
Repent and learn some basic logic!
"Agree with anyone on earth about anything and it will be and you will find.....You are either with me or against me (Jesus).... I (Jesus) don't agree with anything Satan or any Satanist/non-Christian would want me to agree to on earth....I (Jesus) am DANGEROUS and VERY LOVING......Hell (or willful eternal pain and willful unbearable suffering/irrationality/confusion) is for the willful hypocrites and willfully blind or closed-minded (or willful closed-minded Satanist/non-Christians).......and do everything in love"---- The Holy Bible
Hitchens used to run circles anround every opponent. He was quite clear as to how absurd the idea of God actually is. There is no verifiable evidence that confirms the existence of God. All they have is faith, and faith in your beliefs is evidence of nothing.
When people try to push God on me, I always ask, “Which God? How do you know that your God is the right one? Which one of the approximate 5000 religions is the correct one? Do you know how many Gods are being worshipped today? It’s over 10,000, Google it. If your God is right, just debunk the other 9,999 Gods first, then come back to me with the verifiable evidence that confirms the existence of your particular God, and…while your at it, you might as well debunk the 4999 religions too.
So have you tried this method out? How did it work out?
@@rationable I do it all the time. Most people are easy to sway when it comes to absurd parables in the Bible as well.
If you’re dealing with reasonably rational people, I find that if you discuss things like, “the parting of the Red Sea.” and suggest to them that these were never intended to be true, and that they were just stories invented to show the power of God, some will concede that they’re not meant to be taken literally.
The first person that I used this on was a Catholic priest, I was quite surprised that he he was open to the idea and agreed with me on a lot of biblical parables being examples of the power of God, not truths.
I find that if you can inject a little bit of doubt in their minds about some of these obviously impossible stories…their faith in everything can begin to unravel, but not in every case.
Yes, the 10,000 God thing does create a whole lot of doubt. You can literally take your phone out and Google it, “How many Gods are there?” Depending on the site, the number is at a minimum 5000 up to 330,000 if you include Hinduism.
I always ask, how do you explain the other Gods being worshipped by the 4000 different religions that are being practiced today? Then I tell them to google it, or I Google it in front of them and show them the results.
I don’t necessarily tell them that their God is the wrong one, I do however tell them that in order to prove that their God is the correct one, they need to start debunking the other Gods in order to give credibility to their own. You’ll find that if you bring up some of the other Gods, ask them questions as to why they are “not real” that they are more than happy to agree with you that “those Gods” are the ones that are wrong.
You can start with ridiculous Gods that can easily be debunked, you can bring up different religions that worship the same God but believe in different things, and while they are happily debunking the other Gods, most times if you pay attention, they will discredit the other religions for having some of the same beliefs .. and once they start going down the rabbit hole of debunking other religions…then their’s doesn’t seem so different. All you need is a little doubt and the average person will begin to unravel. It won’t work as well on the fanatics though.
I like to pick on the existence of Jesus. Dr. Richard Carrier has some pretty good RUclips videos on the historical Jesus that most certainly brings up some legitimate questions. The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross by John Allegro really messes up the whole Jesus story and Christianity. Christ is a psychedelic mushroom according to him after spending 14 years deciphering the “Dead Sea Scrolls” he does garner some credibility regift what they believe..
Well, I’m ranting, it’s been almost 50 years since I stopped believing in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and God. I was 5 years old when I told my Catholic family that I thought it was all nonsense. At no point from then on has anyone ever been able to give me any verifiable evidence that confirms the existence of God, all they have is faith, and faith in their beliefs is evidence of nothing.
Be well.
@@maxxwellbeing9449I’m curious. If you believe there is no God, is that not faith? After all, can you PROVE there is no God any more than someone can prove there is? What is the evidence for your belief??
Oh, have been a Buddhist monk for 3 years. Glad that I am not anymore
Now that’s a story I’d love to hear
I didn't deconvert, I just realised I didn't believe it. Me.
morality: see Ayn Rand
I used to be a huge Dillahunty fan... not so much any more... too feminist and too woke...he's the type that would cancel people, IMO
My reasons for not being a fan anymore is more because of his manner of conversation. It’s just not a type I appreciate but I see its value in the big picture. However, what is “too feminist” or “too Woke”? In what way?
@@rationablehard to detail and explain... the entire Atheist of Austin group is uber woke and crazy feminist... which makes sense if you know anything about Austin and about that whole movement that started about, what?, ten years ago?
@drstrangelove09 I’m afraid I don’t know much about Austin since I live in India. However, wokeness and feminism I do understand but maybe not in the same sense that you do. They are fine ideologies to have but do have their limits.
@@rationable I do not agree that they are fine. They have both become forces for evil.
On morality. If it is determined by one’s society, then Anthony cannot say say in any objective sense that the morality of the Bible is bad or in error. He cannot say in any objective sense that one society’s moral norms are superior to any other. If morality is rooted in an ambiguous biological development, with no purpose or intention, there are no standards to which one can judge another culture’s system. And who determines what constitutes human flourishing?
How does Anthony’s view of morality emanating from society explain the moral confusion & polarization within our society? Precisely which part of our society is determining what is right or wrong?
@T And Me What is your particular standard for morality?
@T And Me Rules? People just make up stuff? If that’s the case, you have no means by which to judge the morals of another society. They made up theirs, you made up yours. End of story.
@T And Me Repent and learn some basic logic!
"Agree with anyone on earth about anything and it will be and you will find.....You are either with me or against me (Jesus).... I (Jesus) don't agree with anything Satan or any Satanist/non-Christian would want me to agree to on earth....I (Jesus) am DANGEROUS and VERY LOVING (and so are my disciples)......Hell (or willful eternal pain and willful unbearable suffering/irrationality/confusion) is for the willful hypocrites and willfully blind or closed-minded (or willful closed-minded Satanist/non-Christians).......and do everything in love"---- The Holy Bible
@@Psalm1968 yeah bub, people just make up stuff. Like the bible for instance.
@@Gome.o Evidence? My offer to any and all street epistemologists stands. I am open to one-on-one live chat to discuss anything about what I believe. Defend your claim here with me privately and I will be happy to defend mine.
I wish atheists would apply some of the methods here to their own beliefs about atheism. I believe that if atheists were to do this, there would be less atheists.
What beliefs about atheism and what methods are you referring to?
@@rationable Just as your guest said to ask what others believe and why with the hope of showing how weak their beliefs are so the same kinds of questions should be asked of atheists. I think once that is done, the atheist will see how unfounded atheism is.
Anthony has actually spoken to atheists about their beliefs too. You should look for those videos on his channel. Very interesting conversations. But what beliefs do you think atheists have that are weak?
@@rationable There are no facts that proves atheism is true. Atheism does not condemn evil of any kind.
@T And Me so you agree that atheism has no facts that proves it true?
Where did the Nazis get their morals? If atheism is true, they did not do any evil.
The nazi movement is well documented to be primarily catholic and had strong ties to the Vatican.
Let's look at the bonobos. Bonobos females build strong communities. They will band together to prevent sexual harassment from males . They will come to Texas defence of another female, even when there is no blood relation. They will do this even if they are not in the same community. When they give birth, the older females help in the birthing process and protect the mother from any outside attacks. This is common and it seems they expect this behavior from other females. These acts suggest the bonobos have a developed sense of empathy. Many animals do these things for relatives., But someone not in their group is beyond the normal instincts of other animals. The genome of humans and bonobos are around 98.8% identical and they are our closest relatives along chimps. Observing various other species, we see variable degrees of empathy, but we see empathy in other animals. The chimp is relatively more violent than bonobos. However if you take 2 chimps and put them in cages that allow them to see one another, give one lettuce and the other an orange. The one who gets the lettuce will get angry and refuse to eat the lettuce , maybe even throw it back. The other chimp will attempt to give their orange back to prevent causing the anger and feeling of injustice in the first chimp. So empathy, fairness, a sense of equality and even protesting privilege appear in these two species. The evidence points to these traits evolving prior to splitting with our common ancestor. If god made us in his image and writes his morality on our hearts , how do you explain Hitler? Why would a loving and just god allow 6 million of his chosen people to be murdered ? Every successful civilization, even prior to Christianity, has had rules or laws that guide morality. Allowing people to randomly kill one another, steal from each other is bad for any society. The goal is to survive. I know that I don't want you to kill me and so I know you don't want me to kill you. Even species of smaller mammals cooperate in groups or herds. Cooperation helps in survival. Over the years since the biblical god is recorded, morality has evolved. Slavery was considered moral even to some in the US less than 200 years ago. Blasphemy was seen as a death sentence. Stoning people was common. In fact in the Mosaic Law stoning to death was the penalty for working on the Sabbath. A rebellious child was to be stoned to death. If a woman was raped in the country , the man paid a fine to her father and was forced to marry her. If it happened in the city, they assumed she should cry out and be rescued so she must be stoned. The biblical story about Jesus and the adulteress, she is to be stoned, but where is the man? The law says both must be stoned to death. Why has morality changed? Did god change his mind?
@@robinhood20253 I don't know why God allowed that.
On the atheist side of this question of the holocaust, all that the atheist can say its just atoms in motion and nothing. The holocaust was not really evil because in the atheist world evil does not exist.
@@rationable every German soldier wore a belt buckle with Got Min Uns inscribed. God Is With Us. The Vatican burnt a candle on Hitlers birthday for decades after the end of the war.
Justass399, if you quit believing in a god, would you become immoral?
Repent and learn some basic logic!
"Agree with anyone on earth about anything and it will be and you will find.....You are either with me or against me (Jesus).... I (Jesus) don't agree with anything Satan or any Satanist/non-Christian would want me to agree to on earth....I (Jesus) am DANGEROUS and VERY LOVING......Hell (or willful eternal pain and willful unbearable suffering/irrationality/confusion) is for the willful hypocrites and willfully blind or closed-minded (or willful closed-minded Satanist/non-Christians).......and do everything in love"---- The Holy Bible
Hey earth! How’ve you been?
I do not worship or believe in the existence of Satan. Did god create evil? Why does he not destroy Satan ? Is it fair to allow a supernatural being with immense powers to interact with mere mortals and deceive them and cause them to suffer hell eternally?
@@robinhood20253 Your comment has no evidence of being possibly relevant, coherent or true, therefore is pointless. And yes, you are a Satanist as all non Christians are.
And will make sure MY SELF that YOU get punished and suffer forever if you don't repent before Jesus.
"You are either with me or for satan and against me....and I and my servants will judge on that day"-- The Bible
@@rationable Who are you?
I’m Abhijit, the guy who created this channel. Who are you?