CS Lewis talks about an “evolution” in this clip - but in a reversal of man’s upside-down concept. For Lewis, the next step in “evolution” is not man moving upward to greater heights naturally but God’s drawing us upward into the image of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ - our Creator, supernaturally. To learn more about this Creator Christ, you can order my book, 400 Prophecies, Appearances or Foreshadowings of Christ in the Tanakh (Old Testament).
CS Lewis talks about an “evolution” in this clip - but in a reversal of man’s upside-down concept. For Lewis, the next step in “evolution” is not man moving upward to greater heights naturally but God’s drawing us upward into the image of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ - our Creator, supernaturally. To learn more about this Creator Christ, you can order my book, 400 Prophecies, Appearances or Foreshadowings of Christ in the Tanakh (Old Testament).