Два композитора, которых вы ни с кем никогда не перепутаете, услышав хоть раз их произведения, два гения, имеющих свой отличительный почерк - великий Бетховен, и великий Шопен.
Fantastic performance!!! Gotta love a conductor so passionate about conducting, in my opinion the greatest piece of music ever written, that his shirt gets pulled out of his pants.
Beethoven wrote a song for the hero, but he didn't give in to all kinds of authority, and everyone said yes and said no alone when choosing a comfortable path It was the hero of the times.
i dont mean to be so off topic but does anyone know of a tool to log back into an instagram account? I was dumb forgot the password. I love any tricks you can offer me!
É amigo ,este foi o *Herr Beethoven* ,eu digo para todos os amantes da musica erudita ,que tem muitas Sinfonias ,e as de Beethoven ,e graças a bendita/maldita internet eu pude apreciar as Nove .
The Beethoven 9th symphony is one of the familiar pieces on the planet if it was the orchestra that I will conduct instead of the usual 160 I would go ahead and do 480 musicians and everything like that has a lot on top of that instead of for soloist 8 soloist and over 880 in The adult choir what should be the adult course absolutely amazing.
Japan did it with 10,000 choir people. They filled up an entire arena. You could prolly find it on youtube as "Japan 10000 ode to joy" or something like that.
Beethoven Sinfony No. 9 - IV. Presto; Allegro Assai. "Ode an die Freude" (Ode à Alegria) "Freude, schöner Götterfunken, Tochter aus Elysium, Wir betreten feuertrunken, Himmlische, dein Heiligtum!" (Alegria, sois Divina filha de Elísio tornais ébria a Poesia inspirais Dionísio!) "Deine Zauber binden wieder Was die Mode streng geteilt; Alle Menschen werden Brüder Wo dein sanfter Flügel weilt." (Nem costumes ou tradição Vos reduzem o Encanto criais-nos um mundo irmão insuflais nosso Canto.) "Wem der große Wurf gelungen Eines Freundes Freund zu sein; Wer ein holdes Weib errungen Mische seinen Jubel ein!" (Feliz de quem alcançou ser-se amigo dum amigo Quem doce dama ganhou jubile-se comigo!) "Ja, wer auch nur eine Seele Sein nennt auf dem Erdenrund! Und wer's nie gekonnt, der stehle Weinend sich aus diesem Bund!" (Quem um só ente conquistou seja citado no mundo mas se na Alegria falhou ficai só moribundo!) Best of part: 14:02.
The orchestra fridayloo looks exactly the way it does today which is definitely right at the end of the romantic. Era and everything there is to know about this genre of music I just love it so much I want to create an orchestra just like this but in the baroque. Era that 180 which is over a hundred musicians in the orchestra in the classical. Classical era 200 at the end going into the romantic era 400 which is a lot! Any questions for me Daniel w a c h s?
Два композитора, которых вы ни с кем никогда не перепутаете, услышав хоть раз их произведения, два гения, имеющих свой отличительный почерк - великий Бетховен, и великий Шопен.
No9 is a compilation of the musical aesthetics of Beethoven, and irreplaceble, and unrivaled, and off the charts
Beethoven's unrivaled composition for sure!
Fantastic performance!!! Gotta love a conductor so passionate about conducting, in my opinion the greatest piece of music ever written, that his shirt gets pulled out of his pants.
From Turkey Danke Beethoven
Man. for the amount of time they performed, they must have taken years of dedication to finish this masterpiece.
thay probably practiced this for like 6 weeks
Beethoven wrote a song for the hero, but he didn't give in to all kinds of authority, and everyone said yes and said no alone when choosing a comfortable path
It was the hero of the times.
A particularly good version for me - not as rushed as some, allowing the singers greater flow and lyricism
Muy bella sinfonía gracias por subirla.
i dont mean to be so off topic but does anyone know of a tool to log back into an instagram account?
I was dumb forgot the password. I love any tricks you can offer me!
@Maddux Donald Instablaster =)
Me salieron unas lágrimas de lo emocionante que suena.
wow i have goosebumps!!!! BRAVO!!! BRAVI!!!!
I got goosebumps. Bravo. Excellent performance by everyone involved in this marvelous orchestra.
10:40 is the best part
6:03 esto siempre me da escalofríos, gracias Ashikiba Yakuto from Yowamushi Pedal por hacerme apreciar esta música!!
Eu escuto escuto toda semana essa música, acho que nunca vi algo mais bonito.
Imagine listening in 8d sound!
É de tirar o fôlego, e as lágrimas!!! Impressionante!
É amigo ,este foi o *Herr Beethoven* ,eu digo para todos os amantes da musica erudita ,que tem muitas Sinfonias ,e as de Beethoven ,e graças a bendita/maldita internet eu pude apreciar as Nove .
E preste atenção que o coral não se saiu tão bem como esta obra magnifica exige ,principalmente o sistema de som .
12:15 the best moment
Bravo Daniel! So Powerfull
Wonderful! I wish the we could hear movement I-III as well. Love the untucked tux!
The Beethoven 9th symphony is one of the familiar pieces on the planet if it was the orchestra that I will conduct instead of the usual 160 I would go ahead and do 480 musicians and everything like that has a lot on top of that instead of for soloist 8 soloist and over 880 in The adult choir what should be the adult course absolutely amazing.
Japan did it with 10,000 choir people. They filled up an entire arena. You could prolly find it on youtube as "Japan 10000 ode to joy" or something like that.
Beethoven Sinfony No. 9 - IV. Presto; Allegro Assai.
"Ode an die Freude"
(Ode à Alegria)
"Freude, schöner Götterfunken,
Tochter aus Elysium,
Wir betreten feuertrunken,
Himmlische, dein Heiligtum!"
(Alegria, sois Divina
filha de Elísio
tornais ébria a Poesia
inspirais Dionísio!)
"Deine Zauber binden wieder
Was die Mode streng geteilt;
Alle Menschen werden Brüder
Wo dein sanfter Flügel weilt."
(Nem costumes ou tradição
Vos reduzem o Encanto
criais-nos um mundo irmão
insuflais nosso Canto.)
"Wem der große Wurf gelungen
Eines Freundes Freund zu sein;
Wer ein holdes Weib errungen
Mische seinen Jubel ein!"
(Feliz de quem alcançou
ser-se amigo dum amigo
Quem doce dama ganhou
jubile-se comigo!)
"Ja, wer auch nur eine Seele
Sein nennt auf dem Erdenrund!
Und wer's nie gekonnt, der stehle
Weinend sich aus diesem Bund!"
(Quem um só ente conquistou
seja citado no mundo
mas se na Alegria falhou
ficai só moribundo!)
Best of part: 14:02.
음악수행 5:18
من طرف منير ليث
Note pour moi même : P.190 / m.237 / time duration : 7:46
Радость, первенецъ творенья,
Дщерь великая Отца,
Мы, какъ жертву прославленья,
Предаемъ тебѣ сердца!
Все, что̀ дѣлитъ прихоть свѣта,
Твой алтарь сближаетъ вновь,
И душа, тобой согрѣта,
Пьетъ въ лучахъ твоихъ любовь!
Въ кругъ единый, Божьи чада!
Вашъ Отецъ глядитъ на васъ!
Святъ Его призывный гласъ,
И вѣрна Его награда!
Кто небесъ предвидѣлъ сладость,
Кто любилъ на сей земли,
Въ миломъ взорѣ черпалъ радость,
Радость нашу раздѣли:
Всѣ, чье сердце сердцу друга
Въ братской вторило груди;
Кто жъ не могъ любить,-изъ круга
Прочь съ слезами отойди!..
Душъ родство! О, лучъ небесный,
Вседержащее звено!
Къ небесамъ ведетъ оно,
Гдѣ витаетъ Неизвѣстный!
У груди благой природы
Все, что̀ дышетъ, радость пьетъ!
Всѣ созданья, всѣ народы,
За собой она влечетъ:
Намъ друзей дала въ несчастьѣ,
Гроздій сокъ, вѣнки Харитъ,-
Ангелъ-Богу предстоитъ.
Что, сердца, благовѣстите?
Иль Творецъ сказался вамъ?
Здѣсь лишь тѣни, солнце тамъ,
Выше звѣздъ Его ищите!..
Душу Божьяго творенья
Радость вѣчная поитъ,
Тайной силою броженья
Кубокъ жизни пламенитъ;
Травку выманила къ свѣту,
Въ солнцы-хаосъ развила,
И въ пространствахъ-звѣздочету
Какъ міры катятся слѣдомъ
За вседвижущимъ перстомъ,
Къ нашей цѣли потечемъ
Бодро, какъ герой къ побѣдамъ.
Въ яркомъ истины зерцалѣ
Образъ твой очамъ блеститъ,
Въ горькомъ опыта фіалѣ
Твой алмазъ на днѣ горитъ.
Ты, какъ облакъ прохлажденья,
Намъ предходишь средь трудовъ-
Свѣтишь утромъ возрожденья
Сквозь разсѣлины гробовъ.
Вѣрьте правящей Десницѣ!
Наши скорби, слезы, вздохъ
Въ ней хранятся какъ залогъ
И искупятся сторицей!
Кто постигнетъ Провидѣнье?
Кто явитъ стези Его?
Въ сердцѣ сыщемъ откровенье,
Сердце скажетъ Божество!
Прочь вражда съ земного круга!
Породнись душа съ душой!
Жертвой мести-купимъ друга,
Пурпуръ-вретища цѣной.
Мы врагамъ своимъ простили,
Въ книгѣ жизни нѣтъ долговъ,
Тамъ, въ святилищѣ міровъ.
Судитъ Богъ, какъ мы судили!
Радость грозды наливаетъ,
Радость кубки пламенитъ,
Сердце дикаго смягчаетъ,
Грудь отчаянья живитъ.
Въ искрахъ къ небу брызжетъ пѣна,
Сердце чувствуетъ полнѣй,
Други, братья, на колѣна!
Всеблагому кубокъ сей!..
Ты, чья мысль духовъ родила,
Ты, чей взоръ міры зажегъ!
Пьемъ Тебѣ, Великій Богъ!
Жизнь міровъ и душъ свѣтило!
Слабымъ-братскую услугу,
Добрымъ-братскую любовь,
Вѣрность клятвъ-врагу и другу,
Долгу въ дань-всю сердца кровь!
Гражданина голосъ смѣлый
На совѣтъ къ земнымъ богамъ;
Торжествуй святое дѣло,
Вѣчный стыдъ его врагамъ.
Нашу длань къ Твоей, Отецъ,
Простираемъ въ безконечность!
Нашимъ клятвамъ даруй вѣчность,
Наши клятвы-гимнъ сердецъ!
The orchestra fridayloo looks exactly the way it does today which is definitely right at the end of the romantic. Era and everything there is to know about this genre of music I just love it so much I want to create an orchestra just like this but in the baroque. Era that 180 which is over a hundred musicians in the orchestra in the classical. Classical era 200 at the end going into the romantic era 400 which is a lot! Any questions for me Daniel w a c h s?
13:57 intro de la copa libertadores
I have one question how what got you into classical music?
A Clockwork Orange
one film...