The Original Sin Doctrine Is A Lie

  • Опубликовано: 21 окт 2024

Комментарии • 451

  • @CurtisBenjaminIsrael4453
    @CurtisBenjaminIsrael4453 5 лет назад +34

    My brother, again, i have NEVER heard ANYONE broke down the scriptures in this manner. I am learning so much, and NOW The Word of The Most High is so much more sweeter, NOW that Im understanding it better.
    May The Most High continue to bless and keep you, and use you to share His truth, and I pray for all who will listen and OBEY His Word. My whole being is going through a change because of this understanding, where I desire nothing more than to be like Him.

    • @teachmetruth3539
      @teachmetruth3539 4 месяца назад

      Check out Jim brown from grace and truth ministries. See what you think about him. He has truths to tell.

  • @rozs9919
    @rozs9919 7 лет назад +30

    We are not born sinners, but we were born imperfect, if not we would never get sick, grow old, or die.

    • @langstonblues8887
      @langstonblues8887 5 лет назад

      Red Herring.

    • @HaAhyashahChaakam
      @HaAhyashahChaakam 4 года назад

      LOL! 🤦🏾‍♀️

    • @music_lifemuzicport3614
      @music_lifemuzicport3614 3 года назад

      @David Yes, we are born as sinners, That's why we get sick, old, and die. Shalom bro.

    • @music_lifemuzicport3614
      @music_lifemuzicport3614 3 года назад

      @David What is the world? who is the world? Is nature asking you to sin ??? you sin yourself and people do? Brother, we are the world, people are the world, not the just earth k, tell me who does not break the rules ?? why do we have sinful eyes? because we have a sinful body. If we are not born sinners why do we sin ? why our body is sinning ?!
      Yes, true child does not know good and bad. but it does not mean a child is not born as a sinner and since the child does not know anything God has a plan for the little children to heaven.! I belive.

    • @BrandonLewisD
      @BrandonLewisD 3 года назад

      ​@@music_lifemuzicport3614 Hmmm what about Adam and Eve? Why did they sin? I think the answer is the same reason we sin. This is why Eve sinned,
      Genesis 3:6
      And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.
      There we have the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life. James sums it up:
      James 1:14-15
      But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.
      I wouldn't say we're born good, but that we're born amoral, not good or bad. David said he was born in sin. That means he was born IN sin, if you're in something then you're surrounded by that something that you're in, sin. He didn't say he was born sinful, or with sin in him. But that he was born into a world of sin. He gave in to it.
      Ezekiel 18:20-24 is proof that the Bible does not teach that we are born guilty of Adam's sin.
      20 The soul who sins shall die. The son shall not bear the guilt of the father, nor the father bear the guilt of the son. The righteousness of the righteous shall be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon himself.
      21 “But if a wicked man turns from all his sins which he has committed, keeps all My statutes, and does what is lawful and right, he shall surely live; he shall not die. 22 None of the transgressions which he has committed shall be remembered against him; because of the righteousness which he has done, he shall live. 23 Do I have any pleasure at all that the wicked should die?” says the Lord God, “and not that he should turn from his ways and live?
      24 “But when a righteous man turns away from his righteousness and commits iniquity, and does according to all the abominations that the wicked man does, shall he live? All the righteousness which he has done shall not be remembered; because of the unfaithfulness of which he is guilty and the sin which he has committed, because of them he shall die.
      Verse 24 also seems to go against unconditional eternal security (once saved always saved) as well.
      Children are not born sinful, and are not guilty of any sin until they are old enough to make a moral choice and choose right or wrong. Sin is transgression of the law. An infant can't even choose to do anything wrong. They just know that they're hungry, cold, scared, and they need comfort and reassurance, they basically need someone to love them. There isn't anything sinful about that.

  • @corneliusw.1374
    @corneliusw.1374 7 лет назад +32

    Once again bro. Chaaz, a great break down of a topic that's hard to handle, but you handled it very well, and the precepts you pulled were right on the money, and edifying as always, articulation, the essential and the intrinsic and powerfully conveyed and well delivered scriptures, that can help us all to understand the struggle with sin in the flesh, but having the ability to overcome, by the example of Yahawashi . Thanks again "shalawam"

    • @davidcarey574
      @davidcarey574 7 лет назад +4

      Cornelius W. I'm so greatful for bro chazz teaching, you hear this sensible breakdown of scripture known place els, this is very liberating. only the spirit of the most HIGH can give the brother this kind of insight

    • @briandietrich6533
      @briandietrich6533 7 лет назад

      Very artful.. Scripture proving Scripture.

  • @flyingsaucergeek1757
    @flyingsaucergeek1757 7 лет назад +22

    We appreciate scripture breakdown, comparing them,and proven truth. Keep humbly teaching The Most High's Word in this fashion. How could we than go wrong after researching your findings?

  • @byronwilliams3197
    @byronwilliams3197 2 года назад +2

    Shalom bro I am really appreciative of your teaching ,I remember writhing down this info. ,then came the idea that we could overcome this sinful nature in this life ,but you now confirm with cloud of witnesses what I saw in romans .Halleluyah!!!

    • @DWS-lp3wc
      @DWS-lp3wc 6 месяцев назад

      READ THIS!
      I implore you all, choose not to subject yourself to the false teaching being conveyed through this false teacher any longer!
      I have not seen many like this man, this is literally a mind so warped and delusional, compelled by its own personal agenda, that it's perspective on all or almost passages of the Holy Bible are contrary to what the majority of genuine believing, well studied believer recognizes the text to convey.
      The mention of Esau being hated in the womb, and Jacob being loved in the womb does not convey to us that Jacob nor Esau were without sin from birth. The passage saying,
      "before they knew to do good or evil", does not convey to us that they were without sin. It only conveys that they had not yet been given opportunity to follow through with what was already destined. For, surely, whether we say before the choice to disobey God mankind was poisoned toward a propensity for sin, or it was after they chose to disobey God that this propensity was established through the curse God spoke, either way mankind has always had that component of sin within us. Understand, in the most simple definition, sin is this:
      To disobey God.
      Therefore, all disobedience against the commandments and counsel of our blessed Creator JESUS, is sin!
      Regarding this subject, all that is truly needed to be understood is this:
      Romans 3:23
      For, all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,
      We must ask this question, who is speaking these words? Is it a prophet of the among the Old Testament books? No. Is it JESUS Christ himself? No. Well who then? It's (Saul/Paul), and He is not prophesying about what has not yet been. (Saul/Paul) is declaring those words having the knowledge of the reality that mankind as a whole is poisoned with a propensity toward sin.
      Listen, should we imagine that while that fetus who would be named Esau was in the womb, he was conscious of sin, and this is why God hated Esau? Certainly not! For, as this man cites, Romans 3:23 says:
      Before they knew (good= the will of God) and (evil= that which is contrary to the will of God).
      This is a problem I see regularly occurring with how this man who has uploaded this video and several others, is perceiving the books of the Holy Bible. For, if seems that this man is either unaware or taking for granted the fact that:
      Jacob and Esau were born 1836 BC, and Malachi, the prophet through whom those words ("Jacob have I loved, but Esau I have hated" were originally spoken, was born around 1400 years after Jacob & Esau, in 400 BC.
      Therefore, it is plain to recognize that the words spoken through Malachi were about who Esau grew up to be, not who he was before he was born. This man wants to reference (Saul/Paul) in the passage written in the Book of Roman's 9:10-13, ascribing to (Saul/Pauls) observation as being suitable evidence for why we should perceive things as he does. However, first, the man is misinterpreting what the passage is about, it has nothing to do with whether mankind is born in sin. Second, the statement (Saul/ Paul) gives saying:
      Romans 9:11
      (for the children not yet being born, nor having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works but of Him who calls).
      Again, has nothing to do with if Esau and Jacob are born having a propensity toward sin due to the original disobedience of Eve and Adam! This is one of the issues with false teachers, they attempt to establish associations which especially to those lacking in knowledge and context, are more often susceptible to.
      Our righteousness is not defined by whether it could be possible for us to legitimately remain sinless from birth, which is impossible! Our righteousness is based on this fact:
      Romans 5:8
      But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that (while we were still sinners), Christ died for us.
      This is a declaration for all of mankind until mankind is no longer physically born upon this Earth.
      We are poisoned with the propensity toward sin, but still we have the power of choice, whether we will submit to disobedience against God or not. However, the outward act of disobedience against God is far easier to control than the inward. That is why Christ tells us:
      Matthew 5:28
      But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
      It's obvious we are born with the curse, because of how easy it is to do what is contrary to the will of our Creator. This is one of the main reasons we need to be (born again/born of the Holy Spirit), so we are conscious of the curse and the pursuit of anti-Christ spirits against our thoughts etc, so then we are properly equipped to engage spiritual warfare properly
      Have a look at the phrase:
      "Born again"
      It's telling us we have been born in sin, we need to be born again, to be freed from the curse. If we are not (born again of the Spirit), we will never be able to be freed from the curse of sin.
      To say, "sin nature" & "original sin" is not the same is utterly heinous, divisive, and completely absurd. Look at those two expressions, we refer to our nature as to what we are born as, and what is original sin? It is the propensity toward sin which has been passed down through the generations, either because it was there before the curse was spoken by God against Eve and Adam, which would include all of mankind, or after the curse was spoken.
      Honestly, it seems like this man is looking for subjects attempting to open up some grand revelation, but in turn, because the reality of these passages is already well understood, and they are not meant to be understood in several ways, what we find is occurring with this man, is that the anti-Christ spirits which provoke this activity, are blinding his mind and causing what seems to be a grand revelation to him, to actually be a (perverted, warped, twisted) perspective of the books of (the Holy Bible/the will of God).
      Listen up folks,
      JESUS Christ told us there would be false teachers, false prophets, false Christs. We are also told through:
      2 Timothy 4:3
      For, the hour will arrive when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will (heap up for themselves teachers); and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables.
      Many have arisen believing in and communicating lies, literally believing what they were communicating and believing is truth.
      What does Christ reveal to us:
      Matthew 6:22-23
      “The lamp of the body is the eye. Therefore, if your eye is (good= aligned with the will of God), your whole body will be full of (light= truth). If your eye is (bad= misaligned with the truth), your whole body will be full of (darkness= lies). Therefore, if the (light= "truth") that is in you is (darkness= lies), how terrible is that (darkness= those lies!
      God does what He wants, our sin does not prevent Him from caring for us the same way a true friend or decent parents are not prevented from caring for us when we are estranged from them.
      See, this is the scary reality of false teachers, folks listen up! They are being led by anti-Christ spirits, and as we see from the beginning in Genesis, the deception of the enemy of our souls is so subtle, it is like the bite of a mosquito seeking the (life/blood). More often than not we are unaware our (life/blood) is being extracted from us until it is too late.
      This man is one of the most impressive of deceivers I have ever witnessed, and of course I do not say this to honor him. Truly, I weep while lifting fervent effectual prayer on his behalf.
      A late peaceful Passover and soul awakening 2024 to you all❤️‍🔥

  • @GMSAhyashShalBarazal
    @GMSAhyashShalBarazal 5 лет назад +19

    Thank you for this information. Everything you teach has never been taught or even mentioned in churches. ☹️☹️☹️

    • @DWS-lp3wc
      @DWS-lp3wc 6 месяцев назад

      READ THIS!
      I implore you all, choose not to subject yourself to the false teaching being conveyed through this false teacher any longer!
      I have not seen many like this man, this is literally a mind so warped and delusional, compelled by its own personal agenda, that it's perspective on all or almost passages of the Holy Bible are contrary to what the majority of genuine believing, well studied believer recognizes the text to convey.
      The mention of Esau being hated in the womb, and Jacob being loved in the womb does not convey to us that Jacob nor Esau were without sin from birth. The passage saying,
      "before they knew to do good or evil", does not convey to us that they were without sin. It only conveys that they had not yet been given opportunity to follow through with what was already destined. For, surely, whether we say before the choice to disobey God mankind was poisoned toward a propensity for sin, or it was after they chose to disobey God that this propensity was established through the curse God spoke, either way mankind has always had that component of sin within us. Understand, in the most simple definition, sin is this:
      To disobey God.
      Therefore, all disobedience against the commandments and counsel of our blessed Creator JESUS, is sin!
      Regarding this subject, all that is truly needed to be understood is this:
      Romans 3:23
      For, all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,
      We must ask this question, who is speaking these words? Is it a prophet of the among the Old Testament books? No. Is it JESUS Christ himself? No. Well who then? It's (Saul/Paul), and He is not prophesying about what has not yet been. (Saul/Paul) is declaring those words having the knowledge of the reality that mankind as a whole is poisoned with a propensity toward sin.
      Listen, should we imagine that while that fetus who would be named Esau was in the womb, he was conscious of sin, and this is why God hated Esau? Certainly not! For, as this man cites, Romans 3:23 says:
      Before they knew (good= the will of God) and (evil= that which is contrary to the will of God).
      This is a problem I see regularly occurring with how this man who has uploaded this video and several others, is perceiving the books of the Holy Bible. For, if seems that this man is either unaware or taking for granted the fact that:
      Jacob and Esau were born 1836 BC, and Malachi, the prophet through whom those words ("Jacob have I loved, but Esau I have hated" were originally spoken, was born around 1400 years after Jacob & Esau, in 400 BC.
      Therefore, it is plain to recognize that the words spoken through Malachi were about who Esau grew up to be, not who he was before he was born. This man wants to reference (Saul/Paul) in the passage written in the Book of Roman's 9:10-13, ascribing to (Saul/Pauls) observation as being suitable evidence for why we should perceive things as he does. However, first, the man is misinterpreting what the passage is about, it has nothing to do with whether mankind is born in sin. Second, the statement (Saul/ Paul) gives saying:
      Romans 9:11
      (for the children not yet being born, nor having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works but of Him who calls).
      Again, has nothing to do with if Esau and Jacob are born having a propensity toward sin due to the original disobedience of Eve and Adam! This is one of the issues with false teachers, they attempt to establish associations which especially to those lacking in knowledge and context, are more often susceptible to.
      Our righteousness is not defined by whether it could be possible for us to legitimately remain sinless from birth, which is impossible! Our righteousness is based on this fact:
      Romans 5:8
      But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that (while we were still sinners), Christ died for us.
      This is a declaration for all of mankind until mankind is no longer physically born upon this Earth.
      We are poisoned with the propensity toward sin, but still we have the power of choice, whether we will submit to disobedience against God or not. However, the outward act of disobedience against God is far easier to control than the inward. That is why Christ tells us:
      Matthew 5:28
      But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
      It's obvious we are born with the curse, because of how easy it is to do what is contrary to the will of our Creator. This is one of the main reasons we need to be (born again/born of the Holy Spirit), so we are conscious of the curse and the pursuit of anti-Christ spirits against our thoughts etc, so then we are properly equipped to engage spiritual warfare properly
      Have a look at the phrase:
      "Born again"
      It's telling us we have been born in sin, we need to be born again, to be freed from the curse. If we are not (born again of the Spirit), we will never be able to be freed from the curse of sin.
      To say, "sin nature" & "original sin" is not the same is utterly heinous, divisive, and completely absurd. Look at those two expressions, we refer to our nature as to what we are born as, and what is original sin? It is the propensity toward sin which has been passed down through the generations, either because it was there before the curse was spoken by God against Eve and Adam, which would include all of mankind, or after the curse was spoken.
      Honestly, it seems like this man is looking for subjects attempting to open up some grand revelation, but in turn, because the reality of these passages is already well understood, and they are not meant to be understood in several ways, what we find is occurring with this man, is that the anti-Christ spirits which provoke this activity, are blinding his mind and causing what seems to be a grand revelation to him, to actually be a (perverted, warped, twisted) perspective of the books of (the Holy Bible/the will of God).
      Listen up folks,
      JESUS Christ told us there would be false teachers, false prophets, false Christs. We are also told through:
      2 Timothy 4:3
      For, the hour will arrive when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will (heap up for themselves teachers); and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables.
      Many have arisen believing in and communicating lies, literally believing what they were communicating and believing is truth.
      What does Christ reveal to us:
      Matthew 6:22-23
      “The lamp of the body is the eye. Therefore, if your eye is (good= aligned with the will of God), your whole body will be full of (light= truth). If your eye is (bad= misaligned with the truth), your whole body will be full of (darkness= lies). Therefore, if the (light= "truth") that is in you is (darkness= lies), how terrible is that (darkness= those lies!
      God does what He wants, our sin does not prevent Him from caring for us the same way a true friend or decent parents are not prevented from caring for us when we are estranged from them.
      See, this is the scary reality of false teachers, folks listen up! They are being led by anti-Christ spirits, and as we see from the beginning in Genesis, the deception of the enemy of our souls is so subtle, it is like the bite of a mosquito seeking the (life/blood). More often than not we are unaware our (life/blood) is being extracted from us until it is too late.
      This man is one of the most impressive of deceivers I have ever witnessed, and of course I do not say this to honor him. Truly, I weep while lifting fervent effectual prayer on his behalf.
      A late peaceful Passover and soul awakening 2024 to you all❤️‍🔥

  • @cecilstephenson455
    @cecilstephenson455 4 года назад +3

    Chazawaan you are God sent, you save my soul, to me you are the answer to years of prayer..

  • @rivkahjones2781
    @rivkahjones2781 Год назад

    Thank you so
    much dear brother! After studying most my life all I have learned is that I need to start all over again from the very beginning! Mercy, Still knocking and seeking and now, here am I! Please keep me in prayer. Thank you again and may you be blessed beyond measure! 🙏❤️

  • @shalawamy9903
    @shalawamy9903 7 лет назад +10

    Thank you for this teaching. One must really chew on this over and over until it really sinks in. Yahuah's words cannot be read and just skipped over. Studying to show ourselves approved as the Word says is absolutely necessary. We must ask Yahuah for wisdom and understanding to continue as we become more enlightened. Shalawam.

    • @ahyashyasharaahla4974
      @ahyashyasharaahla4974 7 лет назад +4

      Yvette Rouget Ihunnia understanding doesn't just come from asking or praying for it, the fear of YAHAWAH is the beginning of WISDOM, and by keeping the commandments one obtains understanding in all things that are holy. SHALAWAM

    • @shalawamy9903
      @shalawamy9903 7 лет назад +5

      Ahyash Yasharaahla - James 1:5 KJV says "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of YAHAWAH that giveth to all men liberally and upbraideth not and it shall be given him. Also, Proverbs 1:7 KJV says "The fear of YAHAWAH is the beginning of knowledge but fools despise wisdom and instruction. Proverbs 4:7 KJV " Wisdom is the principal thing, therefore get wisdom and with all thy getting get understanding. Thanks for your input. SHALAWAM.

    • @ahyashyasharaahla4974
      @ahyashyasharaahla4974 7 лет назад +2

      Yvette Rouget Ihunnia ALL PRAISES TO THE MOST HIGH

    • @shalawamy9903
      @shalawamy9903 7 лет назад +1

      Ahyash Yasharaahla Absolutely! YAHAWAH ALONE is worthy of ALL praises and glory. SHALAWAM my brother, SHALAWAM.

    • @ahyashyasharaahla4974
      @ahyashyasharaahla4974 7 лет назад

      Matthew 10:22
      [22]And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.
      your sounding like an old testament only person. good luck with that. But answer this for me how does an old testament only ISRAELITE that doesn't believe in the messiah, repent for sins and atone without sacrifices? do you do your own sacrifices? I'm very curious

  • @mohammedbarry818
    @mohammedbarry818 3 года назад +1

    Thank you my brother May the Almighty God continue to give you understanding and knowledge so you can break down the scripture for us who do not know how to do it may God be the glory glory be to the most high

  • @jessicak.8910
    @jessicak.8910 5 лет назад +2

    You are blowing my mind right now. I'm so thankful I found your channel.

  • @zlewis357
    @zlewis357 7 лет назад +2

    Thank you for teaching me the word Yahawah I'm so grateful so bless you are my brother my Yahawashi bless my amen

  • @auroraexpressions4222
    @auroraexpressions4222 7 лет назад +1

    Thank you for explaining Psalm 51:5!! Sinful nature and being born a sinner has always been treated as the same thing. Thank you for thorough explanation! Shalom

    • @DWS-lp3wc
      @DWS-lp3wc 6 месяцев назад

      READ THIS!
      I implore you all, choose not to subject yourself to the false teaching being conveyed through this false teacher any longer!
      I have not seen many like this man, this is literally a mind so warped and delusional, compelled by its own personal agenda, that it's perspective on all or almost passages of the Holy Bible are contrary to what the majority of genuine believing, well studied believer recognizes the text to convey.
      The mention of Esau being hated in the womb, and Jacob being loved in the womb does not convey to us that Jacob nor Esau were without sin from birth. The passage saying,
      "before they knew to do good or evil", does not convey to us that they were without sin. It only conveys that they had not yet been given opportunity to follow through with what was already destined. For, surely, whether we say before the choice to disobey God mankind was poisoned toward a propensity for sin, or it was after they chose to disobey God that this propensity was established through the curse God spoke, either way mankind has always had that component of sin within us. Understand, in the most simple definition, sin is this:
      To disobey God.
      Therefore, all disobedience against the commandments and counsel of our blessed Creator JESUS, is sin!
      Regarding this subject, all that is truly needed to be understood is this:
      Romans 3:23
      For, all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,
      We must ask this question, who is speaking these words? Is it a prophet of the among the Old Testament books? No. Is it JESUS Christ himself? No. Well who then? It's (Saul/Paul), and He is not prophesying about what has not yet been. (Saul/Paul) is declaring those words having the knowledge of the reality that mankind as a whole is poisoned with a propensity toward sin.
      Listen, should we imagine that while that fetus who would be named Esau was in the womb, he was conscious of sin, and this is why God hated Esau? Certainly not! For, as this man cites, Romans 3:23 says:
      Before they knew (good= the will of God) and (evil= that which is contrary to the will of God).
      This is a problem I see regularly occurring with how this man who has uploaded this video and several others, is perceiving the books of the Holy Bible. For, if seems that this man is either unaware or taking for granted the fact that:
      Jacob and Esau were born 1836 BC, and Malachi, the prophet through whom those words ("Jacob have I loved, but Esau I have hated" were originally spoken, was born around 1400 years after Jacob & Esau, in 400 BC.
      Therefore, it is plain to recognize that the words spoken through Malachi were about who Esau grew up to be, not who he was before he was born. This man wants to reference (Saul/Paul) in the passage written in the Book of Roman's 9:10-13, ascribing to (Saul/Pauls) observation as being suitable evidence for why we should perceive things as he does. However, first, the man is misinterpreting what the passage is about, it has nothing to do with whether mankind is born in sin. Second, the statement (Saul/ Paul) gives saying:
      Romans 9:11
      (for the children not yet being born, nor having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works but of Him who calls).
      Again, has nothing to do with if Esau and Jacob are born having a propensity toward sin due to the original disobedience of Eve and Adam! This is one of the issues with false teachers, they attempt to establish associations which especially to those lacking in knowledge and context, are more often susceptible to.
      Our righteousness is not defined by whether it could be possible for us to legitimately remain sinless from birth, which is impossible! Our righteousness is based on this fact:
      Romans 5:8
      But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that (while we were still sinners), Christ died for us.
      This is a declaration for all of mankind until mankind is no longer physically born upon this Earth.
      We are poisoned with the propensity toward sin, but still we have the power of choice, whether we will submit to disobedience against God or not. However, the outward act of disobedience against God is far easier to control than the inward. That is why Christ tells us:
      Matthew 5:28
      But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
      It's obvious we are born with the curse, because of how easy it is to do what is contrary to the will of our Creator. This is one of the main reasons we need to be (born again/born of the Holy Spirit), so we are conscious of the curse and the pursuit of anti-Christ spirits against our thoughts etc, so then we are properly equipped to engage spiritual warfare properly
      Have a look at the phrase:
      "Born again"
      It's telling us we have been born in sin, we need to be born again, to be freed from the curse. If we are not (born again of the Spirit), we will never be able to be freed from the curse of sin.
      To say, "sin nature" & "original sin" is not the same is utterly heinous, divisive, and completely absurd. Look at those two expressions, we refer to our nature as to what we are born as, and what is original sin? It is the propensity toward sin which has been passed down through the generations, either because it was there before the curse was spoken by God against Eve and Adam, which would include all of mankind, or after the curse was spoken.
      Honestly, it seems like this man is looking for subjects attempting to open up some grand revelation, but in turn, because the reality of these passages is already well understood, and they are not meant to be understood in several ways, what we find is occurring with this man, is that the anti-Christ spirits which provoke this activity, are blinding his mind and causing what seems to be a grand revelation to him, to actually be a (perverted, warped, twisted) perspective of the books of (the Holy Bible/the will of God).
      Listen up folks,
      JESUS Christ told us there would be false teachers, false prophets, false Christs. We are also told through:
      2 Timothy 4:3
      For, the hour will arrive when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will (heap up for themselves teachers); and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables.
      Many have arisen believing in and communicating lies, literally believing what they were communicating and believing is truth.
      What does Christ reveal to us:
      Matthew 6:22-23
      “The lamp of the body is the eye. Therefore, if your eye is (good= aligned with the will of God), your whole body will be full of (light= truth). If your eye is (bad= misaligned with the truth), your whole body will be full of (darkness= lies). Therefore, if the (light= "truth") that is in you is (darkness= lies), how terrible is that (darkness= those lies!
      God does what He wants, our sin does not prevent Him from caring for us the same way a true friend or decent parents are not prevented from caring for us when we are estranged from them.
      See, this is the scary reality of false teachers, folks listen up! They are being led by anti-Christ spirits, and as we see from the beginning in Genesis, the deception of the enemy of our souls is so subtle, it is like the bite of a mosquito seeking the (life/blood). More often than not we are unaware our (life/blood) is being extracted from us until it is too late.
      This man is one of the most impressive of deceivers I have ever witnessed, and of course I do not say this to honor him. Truly, I weep while lifting fervent effectual prayer on his behalf.
      A late peaceful Passover and soul awakening 2024 to you all❤️‍🔥

  • @thevisionofobadiah1584
    @thevisionofobadiah1584 7 лет назад +1

    another excellent teaching i have learned so much the joy of learning the scriptures under your guidance and explanation my cup indeed is being filled and running over i thank TMH for teachers such as yourselve TMH said he would give us prophets after his own heart and true to his word here we are thanks again brother chaazawan

  • @goleaisoa1
    @goleaisoa1 5 лет назад +1

    Thank you LORD for this brother and his work in clarifying the LORD's words, GOD bless you.

    • @Jesusisnotwhite777
      @Jesusisnotwhite777 5 лет назад


    • @DWS-lp3wc
      @DWS-lp3wc 6 месяцев назад

      READ THIS!
      I implore you all, choose not to subject yourself to the false teaching being conveyed through this false teacher any longer!
      I have not seen many like this man, this is literally a mind so warped and delusional, compelled by its own personal agenda, that it's perspective on all or almost passages of the Holy Bible are contrary to what the majority of genuine believing, well studied believer recognizes the text to convey.
      The mention of Esau being hated in the womb, and Jacob being loved in the womb does not convey to us that Jacob nor Esau were without sin from birth. The passage saying,
      "before they knew to do good or evil", does not convey to us that they were without sin. It only conveys that they had not yet been given opportunity to follow through with what was already destined. For, surely, whether we say before the choice to disobey God mankind was poisoned toward a propensity for sin, or it was after they chose to disobey God that this propensity was established through the curse God spoke, either way mankind has always had that component of sin within us. Understand, in the most simple definition, sin is this:
      To disobey God.
      Therefore, all disobedience against the commandments and counsel of our blessed Creator JESUS, is sin!
      Regarding this subject, all that is truly needed to be understood is this:
      Romans 3:23
      For, all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,
      We must ask this question, who is speaking these words? Is it a prophet of the among the Old Testament books? No. Is it JESUS Christ himself? No. Well who then? It's (Saul/Paul), and He is not prophesying about what has not yet been. (Saul/Paul) is declaring those words having the knowledge of the reality that mankind as a whole is poisoned with a propensity toward sin.
      Listen, should we imagine that while that fetus who would be named Esau was in the womb, he was conscious of sin, and this is why God hated Esau? Certainly not! For, as this man cites, Romans 3:23 says:
      Before they knew (good= the will of God) and (evil= that which is contrary to the will of God).
      This is a problem I see regularly occurring with how this man who has uploaded this video and several others, is perceiving the books of the Holy Bible. For, if seems that this man is either unaware or taking for granted the fact that:
      Jacob and Esau were born 1836 BC, and Malachi, the prophet through whom those words ("Jacob have I loved, but Esau I have hated" were originally spoken, was born around 1400 years after Jacob & Esau, in 400 BC.
      Therefore, it is plain to recognize that the words spoken through Malachi were about who Esau grew up to be, not who he was before he was born. This man wants to reference (Saul/Paul) in the passage written in the Book of Roman's 9:10-13, ascribing to (Saul/Pauls) observation as being suitable evidence for why we should perceive things as he does. However, first, the man is misinterpreting what the passage is about, it has nothing to do with whether mankind is born in sin. Second, the statement (Saul/ Paul) gives saying:
      Romans 9:11
      (for the children not yet being born, nor having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works but of Him who calls).
      Again, has nothing to do with if Esau and Jacob are born having a propensity toward sin due to the original disobedience of Eve and Adam! This is one of the issues with false teachers, they attempt to establish associations which especially to those lacking in knowledge and context, are more often susceptible to.
      Our righteousness is not defined by whether it could be possible for us to legitimately remain sinless from birth, which is impossible! Our righteousness is based on this fact:
      Romans 5:8
      But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that (while we were still sinners), Christ died for us.
      This is a declaration for all of mankind until mankind is no longer physically born upon this Earth.
      We are poisoned with the propensity toward sin, but still we have the power of choice, whether we will submit to disobedience against God or not. However, the outward act of disobedience against God is far easier to control than the inward. That is why Christ tells us:
      Matthew 5:28
      But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
      It's obvious we are born with the curse, because of how easy it is to do what is contrary to the will of our Creator. This is one of the main reasons we need to be (born again/born of the Holy Spirit), so we are conscious of the curse and the pursuit of anti-Christ spirits against our thoughts etc, so then we are properly equipped to engage spiritual warfare properly
      Have a look at the phrase:
      "Born again"
      It's telling us we have been born in sin, we need to be born again, to be freed from the curse. If we are not (born again of the Spirit), we will never be able to be freed from the curse of sin.
      To say, "sin nature" & "original sin" is not the same is utterly heinous, divisive, and completely absurd. Look at those two expressions, we refer to our nature as to what we are born as, and what is original sin? It is the propensity toward sin which has been passed down through the generations, either because it was there before the curse was spoken by God against Eve and Adam, which would include all of mankind, or after the curse was spoken.
      Honestly, it seems like this man is looking for subjects attempting to open up some grand revelation, but in turn, because the reality of these passages is already well understood, and they are not meant to be understood in several ways, what we find is occurring with this man, is that the anti-Christ spirits which provoke this activity, are blinding his mind and causing what seems to be a grand revelation to him, to actually be a (perverted, warped, twisted) perspective of the books of (the Holy Bible/the will of God).
      Listen up folks,
      JESUS Christ told us there would be false teachers, false prophets, false Christs. We are also told through:
      2 Timothy 4:3
      For, the hour will arrive when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will (heap up for themselves teachers); and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables.
      Many have arisen believing in and communicating lies, literally believing what they were communicating and believing is truth.
      What does Christ reveal to us:
      Matthew 6:22-23
      “The lamp of the body is the eye. Therefore, if your eye is (good= aligned with the will of God), your whole body will be full of (light= truth). If your eye is (bad= misaligned with the truth), your whole body will be full of (darkness= lies). Therefore, if the (light= "truth") that is in you is (darkness= lies), how terrible is that (darkness= those lies!
      God does what He wants, our sin does not prevent Him from caring for us the same way a true friend or decent parents are not prevented from caring for us when we are estranged from them.
      See, this is the scary reality of false teachers, folks listen up! They are being led by anti-Christ spirits, and as we see from the beginning in Genesis, the deception of the enemy of our souls is so subtle, it is like the bite of a mosquito seeking the (life/blood). More often than not we are unaware our (life/blood) is being extracted from us until it is too late.
      This man is one of the most impressive of deceivers I have ever witnessed, and of course I do not say this to honor him. Truly, I weep while lifting fervent effectual prayer on his behalf.
      A late peaceful Passover and soul awakening 2024 to you all❤️‍🔥

  • @tanoktenahua1665
    @tanoktenahua1665 7 лет назад +6

    Excellent teaching brother, thank you from bringing understanding to the children of Ysrael..

  • @wclove06
    @wclove06 7 лет назад

    Brother, all praises be to The Most High for using you to bring insight to this topic. This provides confirmation to discussions that I have been having in my own circles. Thank you for the conviction you teach with and your respect to The Most High to speak only the oracles of God.

  • @danielebbeling4056
    @danielebbeling4056 7 лет назад +1

    I have aligned to your teaching of the scriptures.
    I have not found such clarity untilI I came to find your channel and listened
    You have brought the scriptures to life for me.
    I thank you for sharing ;here; and intend support to your ministry as it may pass through my hands.;to give.

    • @DWS-lp3wc
      @DWS-lp3wc 6 месяцев назад

      READ THIS!
      I implore you all, choose not to subject yourself to the false teaching being conveyed through this false teacher any longer!
      I have not seen many like this man, this is literally a mind so warped and delusional, compelled by its own personal agenda, that it's perspective on all or almost passages of the Holy Bible are contrary to what the majority of genuine believing, well studied believer recognizes the text to convey.
      The mention of Esau being hated in the womb, and Jacob being loved in the womb does not convey to us that Jacob nor Esau were without sin from birth. The passage saying,
      "before they knew to do good or evil", does not convey to us that they were without sin. It only conveys that they had not yet been given opportunity to follow through with what was already destined. For, surely, whether we say before the choice to disobey God mankind was poisoned toward a propensity for sin, or it was after they chose to disobey God that this propensity was established through the curse God spoke, either way mankind has always had that component of sin within us. Understand, in the most simple definition, sin is this:
      To disobey God.
      Therefore, all disobedience against the commandments and counsel of our blessed Creator JESUS, is sin!
      Regarding this subject, all that is truly needed to be understood is this:
      Romans 3:23
      For, all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,
      We must ask this question, who is speaking these words? Is it a prophet of the among the Old Testament books? No. Is it JESUS Christ himself? No. Well who then? It's (Saul/Paul), and He is not prophesying about what has not yet been. (Saul/Paul) is declaring those words having the knowledge of the reality that mankind as a whole is poisoned with a propensity toward sin.
      Listen, should we imagine that while that fetus who would be named Esau was in the womb, he was conscious of sin, and this is why God hated Esau? Certainly not! For, as this man cites, Romans 3:23 says:
      Before they knew (good= the will of God) and (evil= that which is contrary to the will of God).
      This is a problem I see regularly occurring with how this man who has uploaded this video and several others, is perceiving the books of the Holy Bible. For, if seems that this man is either unaware or taking for granted the fact that:
      Jacob and Esau were born 1836 BC, and Malachi, the prophet through whom those words ("Jacob have I loved, but Esau I have hated" were originally spoken, was born around 1400 years after Jacob & Esau, in 400 BC.
      Therefore, it is plain to recognize that the words spoken through Malachi were about who Esau grew up to be, not who he was before he was born. This man wants to reference (Saul/Paul) in the passage written in the Book of Roman's 9:10-13, ascribing to (Saul/Pauls) observation as being suitable evidence for why we should perceive things as he does. However, first, the man is misinterpreting what the passage is about, it has nothing to do with whether mankind is born in sin. Second, the statement (Saul/ Paul) gives saying:
      Romans 9:11
      (for the children not yet being born, nor having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works but of Him who calls).
      Again, has nothing to do with if Esau and Jacob are born having a propensity toward sin due to the original disobedience of Eve and Adam! This is one of the issues with false teachers, they attempt to establish associations which especially to those lacking in knowledge and context, are more often susceptible to.
      Our righteousness is not defined by whether it could be possible for us to legitimately remain sinless from birth, which is impossible! Our righteousness is based on this fact:
      Romans 5:8
      But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that (while we were still sinners), Christ died for us.
      This is a declaration for all of mankind until mankind is no longer physically born upon this Earth.
      We are poisoned with the propensity toward sin, but still we have the power of choice, whether we will submit to disobedience against God or not. However, the outward act of disobedience against God is far easier to control than the inward. That is why Christ tells us:
      Matthew 5:28
      But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
      It's obvious we are born with the curse, because of how easy it is to do what is contrary to the will of our Creator. This is one of the main reasons we need to be (born again/born of the Holy Spirit), so we are conscious of the curse and the pursuit of anti-Christ spirits against our thoughts etc, so then we are properly equipped to engage spiritual warfare properly
      Have a look at the phrase:
      "Born again"
      It's telling us we have been born in sin, we need to be born again, to be freed from the curse. If we are not (born again of the Spirit), we will never be able to be freed from the curse of sin.
      To say, "sin nature" & "original sin" is not the same is utterly heinous, divisive, and completely absurd. Look at those two expressions, we refer to our nature as to what we are born as, and what is original sin? It is the propensity toward sin which has been passed down through the generations, either because it was there before the curse was spoken by God against Eve and Adam, which would include all of mankind, or after the curse was spoken.
      Honestly, it seems like this man is looking for subjects attempting to open up some grand revelation, but in turn, because the reality of these passages is already well understood, and they are not meant to be understood in several ways, what we find is occurring with this man, is that the anti-Christ spirits which provoke this activity, are blinding his mind and causing what seems to be a grand revelation to him, to actually be a (perverted, warped, twisted) perspective of the books of (the Holy Bible/the will of God).
      Listen up folks,
      JESUS Christ told us there would be false teachers, false prophets, false Christs. We are also told through:
      2 Timothy 4:3
      For, the hour will arrive when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will (heap up for themselves teachers); and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables.
      Many have arisen believing in and communicating lies, literally believing what they were communicating and believing is truth.
      What does Christ reveal to us:
      Matthew 6:22-23
      “The lamp of the body is the eye. Therefore, if your eye is (good= aligned with the will of God), your whole body will be full of (light= truth). If your eye is (bad= misaligned with the truth), your whole body will be full of (darkness= lies). Therefore, if the (light= "truth") that is in you is (darkness= lies), how terrible is that (darkness= those lies!
      God does what He wants, our sin does not prevent Him from caring for us the same way a true friend or decent parents are not prevented from caring for us when we are estranged from them.
      See, this is the scary reality of false teachers, folks listen up! They are being led by anti-Christ spirits, and as we see from the beginning in Genesis, the deception of the enemy of our souls is so subtle, it is like the bite of a mosquito seeking the (life/blood). More often than not we are unaware our (life/blood) is being extracted from us until it is too late.
      This man is one of the most impressive of deceivers I have ever witnessed, and of course I do not say this to honor him. Truly, I weep while lifting fervent effectual prayer on his behalf.
      A late peaceful Passover and soul awakening 2024 to you all❤️‍🔥

  • @michaelhavron4097
    @michaelhavron4097 Год назад +1

    I like this Very nice you did well in explaining this lie. The sly came about a fourth century Augustine, who also developed infant baptism.

  • @r3negade_182
    @r3negade_182 7 лет назад +1

    And these discussions will seriously change your life. For the better

    • @DWS-lp3wc
      @DWS-lp3wc 6 месяцев назад

      READ THIS!
      I implore you all, choose not to subject yourself to the false teaching being conveyed through this false teacher any longer!
      I have not seen many like this man, this is literally a mind so warped and delusional, compelled by its own personal agenda, that it's perspective on all or almost passages of the Holy Bible are contrary to what the majority of genuine believing, well studied believer recognizes the text to convey.
      The mention of Esau being hated in the womb, and Jacob being loved in the womb does not convey to us that Jacob nor Esau were without sin from birth. The passage saying,
      "before they knew to do good or evil", does not convey to us that they were without sin. It only conveys that they had not yet been given opportunity to follow through with what was already destined. For, surely, whether we say before the choice to disobey God mankind was poisoned toward a propensity for sin, or it was after they chose to disobey God that this propensity was established through the curse God spoke, either way mankind has always had that component of sin within us. Understand, in the most simple definition, sin is this:
      To disobey God.
      Therefore, all disobedience against the commandments and counsel of our blessed Creator JESUS, is sin!
      Regarding this subject, all that is truly needed to be understood is this:
      Romans 3:23
      For, all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,
      We must ask this question, who is speaking these words? Is it a prophet of the among the Old Testament books? No. Is it JESUS Christ himself? No. Well who then? It's (Saul/Paul), and He is not prophesying about what has not yet been. (Saul/Paul) is declaring those words having the knowledge of the reality that mankind as a whole is poisoned with a propensity toward sin.
      Listen, should we imagine that while that fetus who would be named Esau was in the womb, he was conscious of sin, and this is why God hated Esau? Certainly not! For, as this man cites, Romans 3:23 says:
      Before they knew (good= the will of God) and (evil= that which is contrary to the will of God).
      This is a problem I see regularly occurring with how this man who has uploaded this video and several others, is perceiving the books of the Holy Bible. For, if seems that this man is either unaware or taking for granted the fact that:
      Jacob and Esau were born 1836 BC, and Malachi, the prophet through whom those words ("Jacob have I loved, but Esau I have hated" were originally spoken, was born around 1400 years after Jacob & Esau, in 400 BC.
      Therefore, it is plain to recognize that the words spoken through Malachi were about who Esau grew up to be, not who he was before he was born. This man wants to reference (Saul/Paul) in the passage written in the Book of Roman's 9:10-13, ascribing to (Saul/Pauls) observation as being suitable evidence for why we should perceive things as he does. However, first, the man is misinterpreting what the passage is about, it has nothing to do with whether mankind is born in sin. Second, the statement (Saul/ Paul) gives saying:
      Romans 9:11
      (for the children not yet being born, nor having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works but of Him who calls).
      Again, has nothing to do with if Esau and Jacob are born having a propensity toward sin due to the original disobedience of Eve and Adam! This is one of the issues with false teachers, they attempt to establish associations which especially to those lacking in knowledge and context, are more often susceptible to.
      Our righteousness is not defined by whether it could be possible for us to legitimately remain sinless from birth, which is impossible! Our righteousness is based on this fact:
      Romans 5:8
      But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that (while we were still sinners), Christ died for us.
      This is a declaration for all of mankind until mankind is no longer physically born upon this Earth.
      We are poisoned with the propensity toward sin, but still we have the power of choice, whether we will submit to disobedience against God or not. However, the outward act of disobedience against God is far easier to control than the inward. That is why Christ tells us:
      Matthew 5:28
      But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
      It's obvious we are born with the curse, because of how easy it is to do what is contrary to the will of our Creator. This is one of the main reasons we need to be (born again/born of the Holy Spirit), so we are conscious of the curse and the pursuit of anti-Christ spirits against our thoughts etc, so then we are properly equipped to engage spiritual warfare properly
      Have a look at the phrase:
      "Born again"
      It's telling us we have been born in sin, we need to be born again, to be freed from the curse. If we are not (born again of the Spirit), we will never be able to be freed from the curse of sin.
      To say, "sin nature" & "original sin" is not the same is utterly heinous, divisive, and completely absurd. Look at those two expressions, we refer to our nature as to what we are born as, and what is original sin? It is the propensity toward sin which has been passed down through the generations, either because it was there before the curse was spoken by God against Eve and Adam, which would include all of mankind, or after the curse was spoken.
      Honestly, it seems like this man is looking for subjects attempting to open up some grand revelation, but in turn, because the reality of these passages is already well understood, and they are not meant to be understood in several ways, what we find is occurring with this man, is that the anti-Christ spirits which provoke this activity, are blinding his mind and causing what seems to be a grand revelation to him, to actually be a (perverted, warped, twisted) perspective of the books of (the Holy Bible/the will of God).
      Listen up folks,
      JESUS Christ told us there would be false teachers, false prophets, false Christs. We are also told through:
      2 Timothy 4:3
      For, the hour will arrive when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will (heap up for themselves teachers); and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables.
      Many have arisen believing in and communicating lies, literally believing what they were communicating and believing is truth.
      What does Christ reveal to us:
      Matthew 6:22-23
      “The lamp of the body is the eye. Therefore, if your eye is (good= aligned with the will of God), your whole body will be full of (light= truth). If your eye is (bad= misaligned with the truth), your whole body will be full of (darkness= lies). Therefore, if the (light= "truth") that is in you is (darkness= lies), how terrible is that (darkness= those lies!
      God does what He wants, our sin does not prevent Him from caring for us the same way a true friend or decent parents are not prevented from caring for us when we are estranged from them.
      See, this is the scary reality of false teachers, folks listen up! They are being led by anti-Christ spirits, and as we see from the beginning in Genesis, the deception of the enemy of our souls is so subtle, it is like the bite of a mosquito seeking the (life/blood). More often than not we are unaware our (life/blood) is being extracted from us until it is too late.
      This man is one of the most impressive of deceivers I have ever witnessed, and of course I do not say this to honor him. Truly, I weep while lifting fervent effectual prayer on his behalf.
      A late peaceful Passover and soul awakening 2024 to you all❤️‍🔥

  • @raydelavega7457
    @raydelavega7457 4 года назад +2

    Now this makes SENSE!

  • @mayamha6529
    @mayamha6529 7 лет назад

    good lesson ahch Thawadah yahawah wa yahawashi🐺🔯🐺

  • @jamesetheridge323
    @jamesetheridge323 6 лет назад +1

    Brother chazz.. do you have videos on teachings us, how to speak and to learn our ancestral language ,Hebrew the ancient and modern .my desire is to learn and to be able to speak Hebrew as well as you. Teach us

  • @edoybernados8714
    @edoybernados8714 4 года назад

    Yadah! My brother, from your Ophirian brother... Be Blessed... Shalawam..

  • @avrahamrempel4436
    @avrahamrempel4436 Год назад

    Thank you so much bro. Chaaz. I agree and am I'm deeply impressed. This is a sound teaching even if rarely given. I'm grateful. Abraham Rempel

  • @stuarteve3546
    @stuarteve3546 6 лет назад +1

    Am amoung your students. May the truth set me or us free. For the truth will still come up or stand out. Yes.

  • @CanadianLoveKnot
    @CanadianLoveKnot 7 лет назад +6

    I think the key to this video is at 12:03, whereby people misconstrue the sin doctrine to mean "We have a sinful nature" which is different than being "born a sinner".

    • @evangelinegilbero8211
      @evangelinegilbero8211 4 года назад +1

      Each one of us has a disobedient spirit since we were born..example the baby as you could see thier attitudes while growing up...even no one has teach him or her.bad attitudes are existed...

    • @BrandonLewisD
      @BrandonLewisD 3 года назад +1

      @@evangelinegilbero8211 Hmm I think the baby is born amoral, not good or bad. Crying for attention, food, or comfort isn't a sin. They do eventually sin because they are tempted just like Eve was and go astray then. I don't think anyone is born a sinner. I also don't think there is even in a such thing as a sin nature. There's the lust of the flesh, but sin nature isn't even mentioned in the scriptures from what I understand. We have natural\fleshly desires that are not in themselves bad or sinful (food, drink, sex), but when we do them outside of God's will they become sinful (gluttony, drunkenness, fornication).

    • @evangelinegilbero8211
      @evangelinegilbero8211 3 года назад

      @@BrandonLewisD well adam and eve never born but therefore they are innocent .but eve concieved a seed from a serpent called cain...abel his brother is of adam seed
      There the spirit of a wicked has begun
      from cain since eve was tempted by the from then a baby born from a all humankind from adam and eve inherited a serpent nature.
      But Our creator has a great plan . abel is born different attitudes of abel was dead..eve concieved again from adam seed .he was born and his name is seth..this is now a bloodline of noah..the man of almighty FATHER
      Now noah's wife is from the blood line of the evil spirit from cain is still existed even after the flood
      Becoz noah has three sons ..japhet ..ham and shem.
      So to make the story short..every child is born has a serpent seed but baby are not yet account of the original until they have knowledge between good and bad.that is why when we grow up or become adult ..well its to us how we connect our spirit to the will of our heavenly FATHER

    • @evangelinegilbero8211
      @evangelinegilbero8211 3 года назад

      @@BrandonLewisD yes it is .there is an original sin.all that born from a woman.
      Adam and eve is created not born .born innocent untill eve tempted by the serpent the devil or satan.

    • @BrandonLewisD
      @BrandonLewisD 3 года назад

      @@evangelinegilbero8211 It is right that Adam and Eve were innocent. Until they sinned. Is a sin nature required for someone to sin? Eve didn't have a sin nature. Also where in the Bible does it say that Eve slept with the serpent and had Cain as the offspring? Where is the serpent seed taught in the Bible? I've never seen it.

  • @ravinlesassier9344
    @ravinlesassier9344 7 лет назад +1

    Chazawaan I was wondering if you have a calendar with the Holy Days on it for 2017

  • @bee0532_
    @bee0532_ 7 лет назад +2

    Can you do a video about the human soul? Since now a days everyone thinks their soul floats off to heaven after death

  • @bishopleolajolly5082
    @bishopleolajolly5082 7 лет назад

    These video truly keep our Bible Classes Thanks My Brother.

  • @clementmichael9472
    @clementmichael9472 7 лет назад

    My dear brother, this is very well explained. You have cracked the nut once again. More wisdom and understanding upon you. Shalawam

    • @DWS-lp3wc
      @DWS-lp3wc 6 месяцев назад

      READ THIS!
      I implore you all, choose not to subject yourself to the false teaching being conveyed through this false teacher any longer!
      I have not seen many like this man, this is literally a mind so warped and delusional, compelled by its own personal agenda, that it's perspective on all or almost passages of the Holy Bible are contrary to what the majority of genuine believing, well studied believer recognizes the text to convey.
      The mention of Esau being hated in the womb, and Jacob being loved in the womb does not convey to us that Jacob nor Esau were without sin from birth. The passage saying,
      "before they knew to do good or evil", does not convey to us that they were without sin. It only conveys that they had not yet been given opportunity to follow through with what was already destined. For, surely, whether we say before the choice to disobey God mankind was poisoned toward a propensity for sin, or it was after they chose to disobey God that this propensity was established through the curse God spoke, either way mankind has always had that component of sin within us. Understand, in the most simple definition, sin is this:
      To disobey God.
      Therefore, all disobedience against the commandments and counsel of our blessed Creator JESUS, is sin!
      Regarding this subject, all that is truly needed to be understood is this:
      Romans 3:23
      For, all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,
      We must ask this question, who is speaking these words? Is it a prophet of the among the Old Testament books? No. Is it JESUS Christ himself? No. Well who then? It's (Saul/Paul), and He is not prophesying about what has not yet been. (Saul/Paul) is declaring those words having the knowledge of the reality that mankind as a whole is poisoned with a propensity toward sin.
      Listen, should we imagine that while that fetus who would be named Esau was in the womb, he was conscious of sin, and this is why God hated Esau? Certainly not! For, as this man cites, Romans 3:23 says:
      Before they knew (good= the will of God) and (evil= that which is contrary to the will of God).
      This is a problem I see regularly occurring with how this man who has uploaded this video and several others, is perceiving the books of the Holy Bible. For, if seems that this man is either unaware or taking for granted the fact that:
      Jacob and Esau were born 1836 BC, and Malachi, the prophet through whom those words ("Jacob have I loved, but Esau I have hated" were originally spoken, was born around 1400 years after Jacob & Esau, in 400 BC.
      Therefore, it is plain to recognize that the words spoken through Malachi were about who Esau grew up to be, not who he was before he was born. This man wants to reference (Saul/Paul) in the passage written in the Book of Roman's 9:10-13, ascribing to (Saul/Pauls) observation as being suitable evidence for why we should perceive things as he does. However, first, the man is misinterpreting what the passage is about, it has nothing to do with whether mankind is born in sin. Second, the statement (Saul/ Paul) gives saying:
      Romans 9:11
      (for the children not yet being born, nor having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works but of Him who calls).
      Again, has nothing to do with if Esau and Jacob are born having a propensity toward sin due to the original disobedience of Eve and Adam! This is one of the issues with false teachers, they attempt to establish associations which especially to those lacking in knowledge and context, are more often susceptible to.
      Our righteousness is not defined by whether it could be possible for us to legitimately remain sinless from birth, which is impossible! Our righteousness is based on this fact:
      Romans 5:8
      But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that (while we were still sinners), Christ died for us.
      This is a declaration for all of mankind until mankind is no longer physically born upon this Earth.
      We are poisoned with the propensity toward sin, but still we have the power of choice, whether we will submit to disobedience against God or not. However, the outward act of disobedience against God is far easier to control than the inward. That is why Christ tells us:
      Matthew 5:28
      But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
      It's obvious we are born with the curse, because of how easy it is to do what is contrary to the will of our Creator. This is one of the main reasons we need to be (born again/born of the Holy Spirit), so we are conscious of the curse and the pursuit of anti-Christ spirits against our thoughts etc, so then we are properly equipped to engage spiritual warfare properly
      Have a look at the phrase:
      "Born again"
      It's telling us we have been born in sin, we need to be born again, to be freed from the curse. If we are not (born again of the Spirit), we will never be able to be freed from the curse of sin.
      To say, "sin nature" & "original sin" is not the same is utterly heinous, divisive, and completely absurd. Look at those two expressions, we refer to our nature as to what we are born as, and what is original sin? It is the propensity toward sin which has been passed down through the generations, either because it was there before the curse was spoken by God against Eve and Adam, which would include all of mankind, or after the curse was spoken.
      Honestly, it seems like this man is looking for subjects attempting to open up some grand revelation, but in turn, because the reality of these passages is already well understood, and they are not meant to be understood in several ways, what we find is occurring with this man, is that the anti-Christ spirits which provoke this activity, are blinding his mind and causing what seems to be a grand revelation to him, to actually be a (perverted, warped, twisted) perspective of the books of (the Holy Bible/the will of God).
      Listen up folks,
      JESUS Christ told us there would be false teachers, false prophets, false Christs. We are also told through:
      2 Timothy 4:3
      For, the hour will arrive when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will (heap up for themselves teachers); and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables.
      Many have arisen believing in and communicating lies, literally believing what they were communicating and believing is truth.
      What does Christ reveal to us:
      Matthew 6:22-23
      “The lamp of the body is the eye. Therefore, if your eye is (good= aligned with the will of God), your whole body will be full of (light= truth). If your eye is (bad= misaligned with the truth), your whole body will be full of (darkness= lies). Therefore, if the (light= "truth") that is in you is (darkness= lies), how terrible is that (darkness= those lies!
      God does what He wants, our sin does not prevent Him from caring for us the same way a true friend or decent parents are not prevented from caring for us when we are estranged from them.
      See, this is the scary reality of false teachers, folks listen up! They are being led by anti-Christ spirits, and as we see from the beginning in Genesis, the deception of the enemy of our souls is so subtle, it is like the bite of a mosquito seeking the (life/blood). More often than not we are unaware our (life/blood) is being extracted from us until it is too late.
      This man is one of the most impressive of deceivers I have ever witnessed, and of course I do not say this to honor him. Truly, I weep while lifting fervent effectual prayer on his behalf.
      A late peaceful Passover and soul awakening 2024 to you all❤️‍🔥

  • @cheapsuit4385
    @cheapsuit4385 3 года назад +3

    Wish this brother didn't stop making videos.

  • @georgeroberts7462
    @georgeroberts7462 2 года назад +1

    Atleast that's the way I see it. That aside , the teachings are still what the Church should be wanting to teach,discuss or debate, for the sake of truth, We should atleast be willing to discuss these topics. Anyway peace bro. BALTIMORE GEORGE.

  • @cathydiola1134
    @cathydiola1134 3 года назад +2

    I'm searching and found your channel here in yotu.I'm so blessed everytime I listen to it. I pray to the Most High that you're doing well and continue to share the Truth. Shalom brother!

  • @cito0542
    @cito0542 7 лет назад +1

    Great breakdown. Will you be doing any breakdowns of Paul's writings, especially pertaining to the law? (on how the law is not done away with)

  • @stevenrungasamy5778
    @stevenrungasamy5778 4 года назад

    A quick question? You mentioned the curse on land and part of the reason Cains offering was rejected. However Able was keeper of the sheep and Cain was tiller of the ground. Was Cain doomed to be cursed because he took the offering from the ground. Or was the offering itself not the best he could have given, keeping the best for himself/ family or could he have chosen any cattle that was without blemish but choose to take something from the ground instead. Would like to hear your thoughts

  • @johngurung6659
    @johngurung6659 6 лет назад +1

    Thank you brother , for your Teaching ! I am blessed !! I want to say , If anyone don't agree with the Teaching of This brother , I am very sorry for them ! Because the Teaching of This brother is very clear !

  • @omallegibson6360
    @omallegibson6360 7 лет назад +1

    Hi bro, enjoy your videos. have you ever done anything on visions and prophecies or on the book of Daniel? would like to hear some teaching on that.

  • @rebn3613
    @rebn3613 7 лет назад +1

    I found some information as to why we still die. As I was researching this topic, I looked up the word "olam" from Exodus 31:17 (#5769) in the Strong's Concordance and it x-ref Eccl 3:11 saying "the word means 'eternity' in the sense of not being limited to the present" and that "God had bound man to time and given him the capacity to live 'above time' (i.e., to remember yesterday, plan for tomorrow, and consider abstract principles)." In the Garden of Eden, God told Adam and Eve they could eat freely from every tree (including the tree of life) except from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. When they sinned, God placed a cherubim to keep everyone away from the tree of life. Why else would he guard it? No longer having access to eternal life would result in everyone dying thereof. He says in Gen 3:22, so they wouldn't eat and live forever. Not having access to the fruit of this tree means the flesh would die. Plus in Rev 22:2 it mentions the tree of life in the New Jerusalem bearing fruit and it would be for the healing of the nations. This happens when everything is finished. Maybe he also did it this way because death cannot coexist with everlasting life, and death is the product of sin.

  • @12Elect144k
    @12Elect144k 4 года назад

    Just stumbled across this channel this content and all of it is really good thank you for this .... I know it speaks on it in the Bible but I need to be educated with the scriptures to talk about it I hope you can speak on marijuana

  • @carmeletalee5348
    @carmeletalee5348 7 лет назад

    Shalawm brother, I do appreciate your teaching it helps to correct A lot of bad teaching and lies

    • @DWS-lp3wc
      @DWS-lp3wc 6 месяцев назад

      READ THIS!
      I implore you all, choose not to subject yourself to the false teaching being conveyed through this false teacher any longer!
      I have not seen many like this man, this is literally a mind so warped and delusional, compelled by its own personal agenda, that it's perspective on all or almost passages of the Holy Bible are contrary to what the majority of genuine believing, well studied believer recognizes the text to convey.
      The mention of Esau being hated in the womb, and Jacob being loved in the womb does not convey to us that Jacob nor Esau were without sin from birth. The passage saying,
      "before they knew to do good or evil", does not convey to us that they were without sin. It only conveys that they had not yet been given opportunity to follow through with what was already destined. For, surely, whether we say before the choice to disobey God mankind was poisoned toward a propensity for sin, or it was after they chose to disobey God that this propensity was established through the curse God spoke, either way mankind has always had that component of sin within us. Understand, in the most simple definition, sin is this:
      To disobey God.
      Therefore, all disobedience against the commandments and counsel of our blessed Creator JESUS, is sin!
      Regarding this subject, all that is truly needed to be understood is this:
      Romans 3:23
      For, all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,
      We must ask this question, who is speaking these words? Is it a prophet of the among the Old Testament books? No. Is it JESUS Christ himself? No. Well who then? It's (Saul/Paul), and He is not prophesying about what has not yet been. (Saul/Paul) is declaring those words having the knowledge of the reality that mankind as a whole is poisoned with a propensity toward sin.
      Listen, should we imagine that while that fetus who would be named Esau was in the womb, he was conscious of sin, and this is why God hated Esau? Certainly not! For, as this man cites, Romans 3:23 says:
      Before they knew (good= the will of God) and (evil= that which is contrary to the will of God).
      This is a problem I see regularly occurring with how this man who has uploaded this video and several others, is perceiving the books of the Holy Bible. For, if seems that this man is either unaware or taking for granted the fact that:
      Jacob and Esau were born 1836 BC, and Malachi, the prophet through whom those words ("Jacob have I loved, but Esau I have hated" were originally spoken, was born around 1400 years after Jacob & Esau, in 400 BC.
      Therefore, it is plain to recognize that the words spoken through Malachi were about who Esau grew up to be, not who he was before he was born. This man wants to reference (Saul/Paul) in the passage written in the Book of Roman's 9:10-13, ascribing to (Saul/Pauls) observation as being suitable evidence for why we should perceive things as he does. However, first, the man is misinterpreting what the passage is about, it has nothing to do with whether mankind is born in sin. Second, the statement (Saul/ Paul) gives saying:
      Romans 9:11
      (for the children not yet being born, nor having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works but of Him who calls).
      Again, has nothing to do with if Esau and Jacob are born having a propensity toward sin due to the original disobedience of Eve and Adam! This is one of the issues with false teachers, they attempt to establish associations which especially to those lacking in knowledge and context, are more often susceptible to.
      Our righteousness is not defined by whether it could be possible for us to legitimately remain sinless from birth, which is impossible! Our righteousness is based on this fact:
      Romans 5:8
      But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that (while we were still sinners), Christ died for us.
      This is a declaration for all of mankind until mankind is no longer physically born upon this Earth.
      We are poisoned with the propensity toward sin, but still we have the power of choice, whether we will submit to disobedience against God or not. However, the outward act of disobedience against God is far easier to control than the inward. That is why Christ tells us:
      Matthew 5:28
      But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
      It's obvious we are born with the curse, because of how easy it is to do what is contrary to the will of our Creator. This is one of the main reasons we need to be (born again/born of the Holy Spirit), so we are conscious of the curse and the pursuit of anti-Christ spirits against our thoughts etc, so then we are properly equipped to engage spiritual warfare properly
      Have a look at the phrase:
      "Born again"
      It's telling us we have been born in sin, we need to be born again, to be freed from the curse. If we are not (born again of the Spirit), we will never be able to be freed from the curse of sin.
      To say, "sin nature" & "original sin" is not the same is utterly heinous, divisive, and completely absurd. Look at those two expressions, we refer to our nature as to what we are born as, and what is original sin? It is the propensity toward sin which has been passed down through the generations, either because it was there before the curse was spoken by God against Eve and Adam, which would include all of mankind, or after the curse was spoken.
      Honestly, it seems like this man is looking for subjects attempting to open up some grand revelation, but in turn, because the reality of these passages is already well understood, and they are not meant to be understood in several ways, what we find is occurring with this man, is that the anti-Christ spirits which provoke this activity, are blinding his mind and causing what seems to be a grand revelation to him, to actually be a (perverted, warped, twisted) perspective of the books of (the Holy Bible/the will of God).
      Listen up folks,
      JESUS Christ told us there would be false teachers, false prophets, false Christs. We are also told through:
      2 Timothy 4:3
      For, the hour will arrive when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will (heap up for themselves teachers); and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables.
      Many have arisen believing in and communicating lies, literally believing what they were communicating and believing is truth.
      What does Christ reveal to us:
      Matthew 6:22-23
      “The lamp of the body is the eye. Therefore, if your eye is (good= aligned with the will of God), your whole body will be full of (light= truth). If your eye is (bad= misaligned with the truth), your whole body will be full of (darkness= lies). Therefore, if the (light= "truth") that is in you is (darkness= lies), how terrible is that (darkness= those lies!
      God does what He wants, our sin does not prevent Him from caring for us the same way a true friend or decent parents are not prevented from caring for us when we are estranged from them.
      See, this is the scary reality of false teachers, folks listen up! They are being led by anti-Christ spirits, and as we see from the beginning in Genesis, the deception of the enemy of our souls is so subtle, it is like the bite of a mosquito seeking the (life/blood). More often than not we are unaware our (life/blood) is being extracted from us until it is too late.
      This man is one of the most impressive of deceivers I have ever witnessed, and of course I do not say this to honor him. Truly, I weep while lifting fervent effectual prayer on his behalf.
      A late peaceful Passover and soul awakening 2024 to you all❤️‍🔥

  • @777goddess82
    @777goddess82 2 года назад

    Pls Do a video on how to repent from sin. Thanks! Peace&blessings..

  • @InspiredxxFamily
    @InspiredxxFamily 7 лет назад +4

    Shalam, can you do a video on the 12 tribes chart? Are they all so called negos?

    • @itsDooneyBaby
      @itsDooneyBaby 7 лет назад +1

      they all are no longer just so called nigroes.
      Jeremiah 12:9 the most high says his heritage is as a speckled bird unto him.
      Through mixing with other nation through hundreds of years in foreign lands do to our captivities.
      Hosea 7:8 says the Ephraim hath mixed himself amongs the ppl and is a cake not turned.
      a cake not turned is like when a brown skinned man on top of an light skinned woman.
      or the other way around, a brown woman on a light skinned man, bt those children are strange children and are not considered Israel
      Hosea 5:7 says They gave birth to strand or illegitimate children.
      bt not everyone thts is of Israel are Israel. Romans 9:7 all israel aint israel.
      its many so called blacks that may look like Israel bt have Fathers from native African descent.
      like wise with so called Hispanics, they may be called Hispanic, bt have fathers from native European descent.
      bt we as natural men cant all ways tell from appearance thats why isael 58:1 says cry aloud spare not, meaning dnt spare any from hearing because we might think someone is not israel by complexion bt may be more israel than anybody.
      the most high will sort it out on that day of harvest. Matthew 13:23-30

    • @itsDooneyBaby
      @itsDooneyBaby 7 лет назад

      *thos children of the man of another nation is a illegitimate kid*

    • @cathymarday9174
      @cathymarday9174 7 лет назад +2

      Only the 10 lost tribes are Sub-Saharan Africans from Senegal to South Africa, but not the Fulani, the Nilotes & African Horners. This is easily proven genetically. All descendants of Jacob carry YDNA E1b1a. See Only around 5% of the actual Jews are true Jews.

    • @auroraexpressions4222
      @auroraexpressions4222 7 лет назад +3

      If all twelve tribes are in Nigeria, why are Hebrew Israelites preaching every where else?

    • @thechosensonofisrael6227
      @thechosensonofisrael6227 6 лет назад +2

      +Revere Yah That's not true.

  • @godgavemethisnamereem2206
    @godgavemethisnamereem2206 6 лет назад


  • @hawashiIbadyah
    @hawashiIbadyah 7 лет назад +1 family love your teachings. we were wondering can you make a video on reincarnation, who is modern day Esau...(white man is japheth argument) thank you in advance.

  • @kalpasjack62
    @kalpasjack62 7 лет назад +9

    Very informative, and thank you for your service to your people.

  • @marquisrichardson800
    @marquisrichardson800 7 лет назад

    Thanks my brother for taking time to teach. My question comes from Exodus 16:28 the second part The MOST HIGH asks Moses " how long refuse ye to keep my commandments and my laws?" The only laws I see up unto this point are the sabbath, peace offerings. There are don't do this statements pertaining to the tree, offerings, murder, deception and manna but the 10 had not been written yet. So if transgression equals sin then how did our brothers and sisters from time past know what not to transgress?

  • @crystalynnletts1420
    @crystalynnletts1420 7 лет назад +1

    Excellent....when your going to put out more music,I listened to Gospel but they not right either,and have to turn the radio off.I'll continue to listen to your music and others that's singing to the most high,praises.

  • @eddiewilliams2760
    @eddiewilliams2760 7 лет назад +1

    The Gift of Teaching, keep on Teaching Brother.

  • @JackieLastrada
    @JackieLastrada 5 лет назад +2

    You slipped in your reading. Romans 3:22 You said, "Righteousness can be achieved by faith IN Yahawashi unto all and upon all that believe."
    Paul actually said, "Righteousness can be achieved by faith Of Yahawashi unto all and upon all that believe."
    There's a big difference between the two. The first is the Christian doctrine. And the second is Hebrew Israelite faith. The Everlasting Gospel.
    Don't be slipping. We are heirs to salvation and the storm is near.
    Only the Messiah is sinless. Not us. We ARE born sinners. He was not. No disrespect, but there is no argument there.
    He was born without a need for an intercessor. With the seal of Yahuah. We are born with a need for the intercessor Yahawashi The High Priest
    The seal will be applied either at translation in the judgment or Right before the Time of trouble at Daniel 12:1 which is coming on us soon bro...

  • @temujinadonijah6365
    @temujinadonijah6365 4 года назад

    Shabbat Shalom 🙏🏾 is it that our mother's blood is passed to us but lineage is only through the father?

  • @praisehim77712
    @praisehim77712 7 лет назад

    thanks again for putting these videos together. I would like to know if you can do a video about proper fasting. thank you and have a blessed day!

  • @silasl.nechemyah6015
    @silasl.nechemyah6015 7 лет назад

    Thawadah Ahch!! Another Classic!💯

  • @LuzFraterno
    @LuzFraterno 7 лет назад

    I would like to get a clarification on what you talked about on original sin. Help me to understand about the death of Yahawashi and the necessity of it. The video gave a great explanation of God's issue with Cain's offering; but could it be assumed that if Cain went back and did the right thing...could we also do the same right thing and turn away from sin? Is Yahawashi's life and death an example of what I missed in the story of Cain? I'm studying and I need help.

  • @jasionsail
    @jasionsail 7 лет назад +3

    excellant breakdown... 💣💣been studying this as well and came to the same conclusion.

    • @DWS-lp3wc
      @DWS-lp3wc 6 месяцев назад

      READ THIS!
      I implore you all, choose not to subject yourself to the false teaching being conveyed through this false teacher any longer!
      I have not seen many like this man, this is literally a mind so warped and delusional, compelled by its own personal agenda, that it's perspective on all or almost passages of the Holy Bible are contrary to what the majority of genuine believing, well studied believer recognizes the text to convey.
      The mention of Esau being hated in the womb, and Jacob being loved in the womb does not convey to us that Jacob nor Esau were without sin from birth. The passage saying,
      "before they knew to do good or evil", does not convey to us that they were without sin. It only conveys that they had not yet been given opportunity to follow through with what was already destined. For, surely, whether we say before the choice to disobey God mankind was poisoned toward a propensity for sin, or it was after they chose to disobey God that this propensity was established through the curse God spoke, either way mankind has always had that component of sin within us. Understand, in the most simple definition, sin is this:
      To disobey God.
      Therefore, all disobedience against the commandments and counsel of our blessed Creator JESUS, is sin!
      Regarding this subject, all that is truly needed to be understood is this:
      Romans 3:23
      For, all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,
      We must ask this question, who is speaking these words? Is it a prophet of the among the Old Testament books? No. Is it JESUS Christ himself? No. Well who then? It's (Saul/Paul), and He is not prophesying about what has not yet been. (Saul/Paul) is declaring those words having the knowledge of the reality that mankind as a whole is poisoned with a propensity toward sin.
      Listen, should we imagine that while that fetus who would be named Esau was in the womb, he was conscious of sin, and this is why God hated Esau? Certainly not! For, as this man cites, Romans 3:23 says:
      Before they knew (good= the will of God) and (evil= that which is contrary to the will of God).
      This is a problem I see regularly occurring with how this man who has uploaded this video and several others, is perceiving the books of the Holy Bible. For, if seems that this man is either unaware or taking for granted the fact that:
      Jacob and Esau were born 1836 BC, and Malachi, the prophet through whom those words ("Jacob have I loved, but Esau I have hated" were originally spoken, was born around 1400 years after Jacob & Esau, in 400 BC.
      Therefore, it is plain to recognize that the words spoken through Malachi were about who Esau grew up to be, not who he was before he was born. This man wants to reference (Saul/Paul) in the passage written in the Book of Roman's 9:10-13, ascribing to (Saul/Pauls) observation as being suitable evidence for why we should perceive things as he does. However, first, the man is misinterpreting what the passage is about, it has nothing to do with whether mankind is born in sin. Second, the statement (Saul/ Paul) gives saying:
      Romans 9:11
      (for the children not yet being born, nor having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works but of Him who calls).
      Again, has nothing to do with if Esau and Jacob are born having a propensity toward sin due to the original disobedience of Eve and Adam! This is one of the issues with false teachers, they attempt to establish associations which especially to those lacking in knowledge and context, are more often susceptible to.
      Our righteousness is not defined by whether it could be possible for us to legitimately remain sinless from birth, which is impossible! Our righteousness is based on this fact:
      Romans 5:8
      But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that (while we were still sinners), Christ died for us.
      This is a declaration for all of mankind until mankind is no longer physically born upon this Earth.
      We are poisoned with the propensity toward sin, but still we have the power of choice, whether we will submit to disobedience against God or not. However, the outward act of disobedience against God is far easier to control than the inward. That is why Christ tells us:
      Matthew 5:28
      But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
      It's obvious we are born with the curse, because of how easy it is to do what is contrary to the will of our Creator. This is one of the main reasons we need to be (born again/born of the Holy Spirit), so we are conscious of the curse and the pursuit of anti-Christ spirits against our thoughts etc, so then we are properly equipped to engage spiritual warfare properly
      Have a look at the phrase:
      "Born again"
      It's telling us we have been born in sin, we need to be born again, to be freed from the curse. If we are not (born again of the Spirit), we will never be able to be freed from the curse of sin.
      To say, "sin nature" & "original sin" is not the same is utterly heinous, divisive, and completely absurd. Look at those two expressions, we refer to our nature as to what we are born as, and what is original sin? It is the propensity toward sin which has been passed down through the generations, either because it was there before the curse was spoken by God against Eve and Adam, which would include all of mankind, or after the curse was spoken.
      Honestly, it seems like this man is looking for subjects attempting to open up some grand revelation, but in turn, because the reality of these passages is already well understood, and they are not meant to be understood in several ways, what we find is occurring with this man, is that the anti-Christ spirits which provoke this activity, are blinding his mind and causing what seems to be a grand revelation to him, to actually be a (perverted, warped, twisted) perspective of the books of (the Holy Bible/the will of God).
      Listen up folks,
      JESUS Christ told us there would be false teachers, false prophets, false Christs. We are also told through:
      2 Timothy 4:3
      For, the hour will arrive when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will (heap up for themselves teachers); and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables.
      Many have arisen believing in and communicating lies, literally believing what they were communicating and believing is truth.
      What does Christ reveal to us:
      Matthew 6:22-23
      “The lamp of the body is the eye. Therefore, if your eye is (good= aligned with the will of God), your whole body will be full of (light= truth). If your eye is (bad= misaligned with the truth), your whole body will be full of (darkness= lies). Therefore, if the (light= "truth") that is in you is (darkness= lies), how terrible is that (darkness= those lies!
      God does what He wants, our sin does not prevent Him from caring for us the same way a true friend or decent parents are not prevented from caring for us when we are estranged from them.
      See, this is the scary reality of false teachers, folks listen up! They are being led by anti-Christ spirits, and as we see from the beginning in Genesis, the deception of the enemy of our souls is so subtle, it is like the bite of a mosquito seeking the (life/blood). More often than not we are unaware our (life/blood) is being extracted from us until it is too late.
      This man is one of the most impressive of deceivers I have ever witnessed, and of course I do not say this to honor him. Truly, I weep while lifting fervent effectual prayer on his behalf.
      A late peaceful Passover and soul awakening 2024 to you all❤️‍🔥

  • @marvincherry4388
    @marvincherry4388 3 года назад

    Brother I thank you for the knowledge that you're giving the people they've been a long time waiting and I thank you for the name Yahawashi I just asked that you use the name of the Creator more because it is the begotten name peace and love

  • @oldtimereligion228
    @oldtimereligion228 6 лет назад

    Shalom my brother...I love your teaching I can’t explain. I have a question for you? I was told that satan was never in heaven. Is this true?

  • @saraabraham5486
    @saraabraham5486 7 лет назад +1

    Very, very interesting! Ground breaking. A paradigm shit in understanding of Scriptures.

  • @darcysiecine5992
    @darcysiecine5992 7 лет назад

    Shalom brother, and thank you for the message. While I was listening to you talk about this doctrine taught in christianity, regeneration came to mind. Do you believe that it is possible that someone could be born a wicked, because of their past life? Could not the sins of a former
    life cause one to be born wicked in the next life, even without having committed any sins yet?
    Esau, for example, was hated by the Father when he was yet in the womb with Jacob. Some men teach that Esau is Cain, regenerated. I would like to know what you make of that, or how the Scriptures address it.
    Thank you again, for sharing this message. Even if I end up disagreeing with some of the teachings, your videos never fail in showing me something new and leaving me with much to think about.

  • @jaylui8677
    @jaylui8677 7 лет назад +2

    This video was very good. It shows that we sometimes just follow what we here some one else say for years. But the truth is we need to study more careful . And grasp the true meaning of scriptures. This open my understanding of what i had heard for years that we were born in sin. But the truth is we were born in a sinful world. We choose to do right or wrong and the blood of christ covers our wrong doing when we want to do that which is right. Christ told The woman that committed adultery , go and sin no more. He forgave her sins. And told her and sin no more.

    • @deannahaviland8259
      @deannahaviland8259 6 лет назад

      That is right, because the woman at the well, like all, are capable of choosing sin or obedience, inequity or lawlessness. Yehusua told the woman to go and sin no more because He knew that if she chose to, she could do it. And, this happened BEFORE He shed His blood for us on the cross. This underscores your point, and the fact that we had the power to follow in obedience all of the time, yet, we still needed a savior. Knowing this, is it now an even more beautiful "love story," the love that the Father and Yeshua has for us? Is it not an encouragement, to know that we are NOT born sinners, but, fully capable, and now, justified through the work of the Most High and His son?

    • @carolyncox7073
      @carolyncox7073 5 лет назад +1

      @@deannahaviland8259 "The BIBLE" Greatest Book Ever
      Last Days Prophesy !

    • @deannahaviland8259
      @deannahaviland8259 5 лет назад

      @@carolyncox7073 Amen

  • @r3negade_182
    @r3negade_182 7 лет назад

    Shalam shalam brother. I wanna let you know that you're one of my favorite teachers in the nation & I enjoy your breakdowns. Is there a way I can contact you so that we can discuss a couple of things ?

  • @virginiadevilla835
    @virginiadevilla835 4 года назад

    Wow .thank u so much be bless and shalawam...

  • @jaysonmuzuruk6604
    @jaysonmuzuruk6604 4 года назад

    What you stated about Romans 8:20 got to me. Thank you for your teachings.

  • @1Mandible
    @1Mandible 5 лет назад

    Blessings to you. Thank you for your dedication to teaching truth

  • @jeffroberts1649
    @jeffroberts1649 7 лет назад +2

    so Cain was doomed from the outset because his gift to the father was cursed because it came from the land?

  • @nebulagordon8843
    @nebulagordon8843 4 года назад +1

    This is such a great video, I love these videos

  • @julianwashington3144
    @julianwashington3144 5 лет назад

    This video is helpful in our daily studies,and hope we are on the same accord with this understanding, thanks to The Most High in Yahawashis name.

  • @rainofphillfire
    @rainofphillfire 4 года назад

    ..if I may ask .. Can you make a video about WAS MAN MADE TWICE ??? to explain how we have all the races .. BCZ Gen 1;;24---31 seems to talk about first creation of humans on Day 6 then in Gen CH 2 maybe day 555 Adam is formed from the dust .soil etc and Eve later ..120 yrs later ??? ...was there two floods??? Gen 1;;1 and Gen 6 ..not being worldwide ???,, and almost forgot ..the Biblical FLAT EARTH ??? .. Can I leave a link ??? I don't see why not but u have rules and I not want to be in bad books ..

  • @swagbag180
    @swagbag180 5 лет назад +1

    When I was Catholic, I barely even know everything about it.

    • @evangelinegilbero8211
      @evangelinegilbero8211 4 года назад +1

      i was born catholic too .but i left..the teachings are so nonsense.its babylonian way of worship...full of idols

  • @patrick9501
    @patrick9501 5 лет назад

    Just one question: Death comes to men because they have sinned.A baby dies during the birth question:What sin could it have possibly committed, and when?Thanks for your answer.

  • @oceanlove853
    @oceanlove853 6 лет назад

    I watched your entire video very edified...i will also add to you and tell you what i used to edify a " christian" minister friend of mine he was strong on Psalms 51:5 what David was speaking about specifically in that verse is how his mother had to trick Davids father into sleeping with her again as he had put her away before David was concieved and there was question of Davids paternity...whether or not he was a "jacket" so to speak and that is why David was despised and treated poorly by his brothers and family before Yah chose his Prophet to anoint him to be a king of Israel...anyone can just research that psalm and the history and the context of why David said he was concieved in sin...decietfulness is what he was referring to. NOTHING TO DO WITH THE LIE OF ORIGINAL SIN!! HALLELUYAH!

  • @temujinadonijah6365
    @temujinadonijah6365 4 года назад

    Shabbat Shalom 🙏🏾, I wonder what offering cain should've offered as the flocks weren't his to offer, maybe could've asked Abel for a sheep ?

  • @jaycee9752
    @jaycee9752 2 года назад

    What it says is that everyone is born with a sinful nature, and that is why we all die, but this nature has to be removed. That is why Shaul said, 'for all have sinned '.

  • @jillphilips3788
    @jillphilips3788 Год назад

    PSALMS 33:12 Proverbs 5:5-6
    John 14:6-26
    His Righteousness’s Love Truths Discernment’s And Good Common Sense. Each New Day Never The Less. HalaluYAH

  • @julesrodriguez6688
    @julesrodriguez6688 7 лет назад +1

    first the all, i want to thank you for all your hard work. i have a question , u said no one is born sinner, but i Learned that the sins you commited in your past lives, in your next lifetime. you Will pay for them , like when a child dies at young age. since death, or illness is the result of a sin. can you explain? ??

    • @deannahaviland8259
      @deannahaviland8259 6 лет назад +2

      Those who believe in one true Abba Father do not believe in the false doctrine of past lives. We have one life, and it is eternal and spent with the Most High or Satan, depending on our decision(s) to live in The Way or not. The Most High gives life, He takes life, but He does not cause you to pass through several different lives. That is the lie of Satan/Hinduism/A false religion, not the truth.

  • @kickoflegend2196
    @kickoflegend2196 7 лет назад

    hi chaazawan. i have a few questions concerning sin and death. it written that the wages of sin is death. so, if a person dies all the sins he's ever committed should be erased, right? why does the most high need to resurrect the unjust too and then kill them a second time aka the second death? how fair is it? if we are all awaiting judgment, why is there a need for the resurrection of the unjust anyway? thanks for answering if you have the answers.

    • @DWS-lp3wc
      @DWS-lp3wc 6 месяцев назад

      READ THIS!
      I implore you all, choose not to subject yourself to the false teaching being conveyed through this false teacher any longer!
      I have not seen many like this man, this is literally a mind so warped and delusional, compelled by its own personal agenda, that it's perspective on all or almost passages of the Holy Bible are contrary to what the majority of genuine believing, well studied believer recognizes the text to convey.
      The mention of Esau being hated in the womb, and Jacob being loved in the womb does not convey to us that Jacob nor Esau were without sin from birth. The passage saying,
      "before they knew to do good or evil", does not convey to us that they were without sin. It only conveys that they had not yet been given opportunity to follow through with what was already destined. For, surely, whether we say before the choice to disobey God mankind was poisoned toward a propensity for sin, or it was after they chose to disobey God that this propensity was established through the curse God spoke, either way mankind has always had that component of sin within us. Understand, in the most simple definition, sin is this:
      To disobey God.
      Therefore, all disobedience against the commandments and counsel of our blessed Creator JESUS, is sin!
      Regarding this subject, all that is truly needed to be understood is this:
      Romans 3:23
      For, all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,
      We must ask this question, who is speaking these words? Is it a prophet of the among the Old Testament books? No. Is it JESUS Christ himself? No. Well who then? It's (Saul/Paul), and He is not prophesying about what has not yet been. (Saul/Paul) is declaring those words having the knowledge of the reality that mankind as a whole is poisoned with a propensity toward sin.
      Listen, should we imagine that while that fetus who would be named Esau was in the womb, he was conscious of sin, and this is why God hated Esau? Certainly not! For, as this man cites, Romans 3:23 says:
      Before they knew (good= the will of God) and (evil= that which is contrary to the will of God).
      This is a problem I see regularly occurring with how this man who has uploaded this video and several others, is perceiving the books of the Holy Bible. For, if seems that this man is either unaware or taking for granted the fact that:
      Jacob and Esau were born 1836 BC, and Malachi, the prophet through whom those words ("Jacob have I loved, but Esau I have hated" were originally spoken, was born around 1400 years after Jacob & Esau, in 400 BC.
      Therefore, it is plain to recognize that the words spoken through Malachi were about who Esau grew up to be, not who he was before he was born. This man wants to reference (Saul/Paul) in the passage written in the Book of Roman's 9:10-13, ascribing to (Saul/Pauls) observation as being suitable evidence for why we should perceive things as he does. However, first, the man is misinterpreting what the passage is about, it has nothing to do with whether mankind is born in sin. Second, the statement (Saul/ Paul) gives saying:
      Romans 9:11
      (for the children not yet being born, nor having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works but of Him who calls).
      Again, has nothing to do with if Esau and Jacob are born having a propensity toward sin due to the original disobedience of Eve and Adam! This is one of the issues with false teachers, they attempt to establish associations which especially to those lacking in knowledge and context, are more often susceptible to.
      Our righteousness is not defined by whether it could be possible for us to legitimately remain sinless from birth, which is impossible! Our righteousness is based on this fact:
      Romans 5:8
      But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that (while we were still sinners), Christ died for us.
      This is a declaration for all of mankind until mankind is no longer physically born upon this Earth.
      We are poisoned with the propensity toward sin, but still we have the power of choice, whether we will submit to disobedience against God or not. However, the outward act of disobedience against God is far easier to control than the inward. That is why Christ tells us:
      Matthew 5:28
      But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
      It's obvious we are born with the curse, because of how easy it is to do what is contrary to the will of our Creator. This is one of the main reasons we need to be (born again/born of the Holy Spirit), so we are conscious of the curse and the pursuit of anti-Christ spirits against our thoughts etc, so then we are properly equipped to engage spiritual warfare properly
      Have a look at the phrase:
      "Born again"
      It's telling us we have been born in sin, we need to be born again, to be freed from the curse. If we are not (born again of the Spirit), we will never be able to be freed from the curse of sin.
      To say, "sin nature" & "original sin" is not the same is utterly heinous, divisive, and completely absurd. Look at those two expressions, we refer to our nature as to what we are born as, and what is original sin? It is the propensity toward sin which has been passed down through the generations, either because it was there before the curse was spoken by God against Eve and Adam, which would include all of mankind, or after the curse was spoken.
      Honestly, it seems like this man is looking for subjects attempting to open up some grand revelation, but in turn, because the reality of these passages is already well understood, and they are not meant to be understood in several ways, what we find is occurring with this man, is that the anti-Christ spirits which provoke this activity, are blinding his mind and causing what seems to be a grand revelation to him, to actually be a (perverted, warped, twisted) perspective of the books of (the Holy Bible/the will of God).
      Listen up folks,
      JESUS Christ told us there would be false teachers, false prophets, false Christs. We are also told through:
      2 Timothy 4:3
      For, the hour will arrive when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will (heap up for themselves teachers); and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables.
      Many have arisen believing in and communicating lies, literally believing what they were communicating and believing is truth.
      What does Christ reveal to us:
      Matthew 6:22-23
      “The lamp of the body is the eye. Therefore, if your eye is (good= aligned with the will of God), your whole body will be full of (light= truth). If your eye is (bad= misaligned with the truth), your whole body will be full of (darkness= lies). Therefore, if the (light= "truth") that is in you is (darkness= lies), how terrible is that (darkness= those lies!
      God does what He wants, our sin does not prevent Him from caring for us the same way a true friend or decent parents are not prevented from caring for us when we are estranged from them.
      See, this is the scary reality of false teachers, folks listen up! They are being led by anti-Christ spirits, and as we see from the beginning in Genesis, the deception of the enemy of our souls is so subtle, it is like the bite of a mosquito seeking the (life/blood). More often than not we are unaware our (life/blood) is being extracted from us until it is too late.
      This man is one of the most impressive of deceivers I have ever witnessed, and of course I do not say this to honor him. Truly, I weep while lifting fervent effectual prayer on his behalf.
      A late peaceful Passover and soul awakening 2024 to you all❤️‍🔥

  • @robertmcgee1771
    @robertmcgee1771 Год назад

    1 Corinthians 15:22 KJV - For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.

  • @debbiegedeon3521
    @debbiegedeon3521 5 лет назад

    What if someone never sinned according to the definition of sin, they totally obeyed all laws... but they never accepted the Christ who was prophesied to come and did? They would still need a savior. So they wouldnt be saved until they did proclaim Jesus as Lord

  • @timothyseals3791
    @timothyseals3791 2 года назад +1

    The original sin doctrine is not biblical and is leading people to hell.

  • @tyree1n
    @tyree1n 7 лет назад +3

    this video is only 36 minutes and 28 seconds long did most of these people even listen to the video they asked the same questions that were actually brought up in the video some of us need to go back and watch this again I'm coming with nothing but love and respect brothers and sisters

  • @erickperez8839
    @erickperez8839 3 года назад

    Shalawan Israel. Awesome break down. Well taken.
    Psalm 19:7
    King James Version
    7 The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple.Ecclesiastes 12:13-14
    King James Version
    13 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.
    14 For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.
    Read full chapter

  • @alphonsogomez4162
    @alphonsogomez4162 6 лет назад

    My Brother I like the way you break it down, the difference between the NATURE OF sin and the SINNER. Now can you do a video on the real original sin? I mean the 1st sin Eve our mother has committed?

  • @Antonio-pf9hf
    @Antonio-pf9hf 7 лет назад

    yes! indeed, praise to the Most Highest our God, and God Bless you!

  • @rrichards8235
    @rrichards8235 6 лет назад

    Thanks for presenting clear and contextual scripture! There is much confusion and false doctrines that arise from misunderstanding and eisegesis.

  • @judhanation9359
    @judhanation9359 7 лет назад

    I thank you and I love your uncomplicated straight from the Bible teaching of the your summary about the comment section....
    Only a true Israelite can teach others about Our Father A.K.A The Most High...WORD A.K.A TRUTH

  • @TKO67
    @TKO67 6 лет назад +10

    Just look at a baby with toys. They have a that's mine or no attitude(selfish which is the opposite of Love). That is something that is not taught. We are born with a sinful nature. The point is no one is entering the kingdom unless saved by the Savior. "no not one"

    • @iBurdy7
      @iBurdy7 6 лет назад

      There must be a point in humanity we're there won't be kids so that God won't have to send innocent kids to hell huh, kids get sacrificed and kids die all the time. I have yet to see scripture that says your condemned to hell UNTIL you come of age to understand Jesus and repent. Bro man has done a great work on his precepts upon precepts, line upon line.

    • @tuyamoms999
      @tuyamoms999 6 лет назад

      Born perfect turned sinner

    • @gloriapowell9899
      @gloriapowell9899 6 лет назад +1

      Isaias God son brother the bible or shall I say TMH says CHILDREN NOT KIDS!! KIDS ARE BILLY GOATS. Thats why the children act the way they do now because as the heathens, the Hebrew people start calling their children KIDS when indeed they are children as we are children of TMH. We need to STOP trying to sound like them and speak as TMH has given us to speak. We can not speak the Hebrew language ( alot of us) but we dont have to speak every slang and profanity word they come out with to sound or try to sound hip as you all say. We must remember what seed they are from, and remember where and who we come from. Shalawam!

    • @iluvbigbootie
      @iluvbigbootie 5 лет назад

      Jesus says the people that go to heaven are like the innocent children, so how are they born with sin and at the same time are the type of people that get to go to heaven

    • @suaptoest
      @suaptoest 5 лет назад

      @@iluvbigbootie Before Jesus there was no eternal life for humans. It's not about how much we are sinning.
      Adam was cast out of heaven and he left that heritage for us.
      After the disobedience of Adam was forgiven the consequence of sin was deleted.
      God forgives but does not leave without punishment, so Jesus is as our Father to replace Adam.
      Now in humanity, all sins are sin against our neighbors, and thus the positions of all of us stand in relation to each other.
      We do not have sin against God. Jesus saves us through faith.
      Read where Jesus teaches us to be rewarded!
      This is the core of the Gospel.
      The religious teachings of sin are superstitions!
      The minor mistakes have spoiled the whole thing.
      But still, he who does a lot of evil to his brothers is the least in the kingdom of heaven.
      But still, he who does a lot of evil to his brothers is the least in the kingdom of heaven.
      This is my faith. Study for yourself whether it is against the scriptures.

  • @PaulHolness
    @PaulHolness 5 лет назад

    Ach!! Another great teaching. Question: at what age do you become accountable? I pray you can’t get back to me in this... Shalawam!

  • @lashawndamanson6051
    @lashawndamanson6051 7 лет назад

    This may be off topic, but I was wondering what your views are about the passage a blessed parent can not have cursed seed and a cursed parent can not have a blessed seed?

  • @hebrewdescendantchannel1492
    @hebrewdescendantchannel1492 6 лет назад

    Wow, Little Brother that was a very good enlightenment, thanks for sharing Shalom.

  • @rodrigojrcolibao2801
    @rodrigojrcolibao2801 Год назад

    Who is the son of perdition? Can you make a video pertaining to that subject. Thanks a lot

  • @maryannmcnair6887
    @maryannmcnair6887 2 года назад

    Godbless you and your teching this is Awsome

  • @polemicisttalkradio1855
    @polemicisttalkradio1855 5 лет назад +2

    Thank you! For bringing me to the true have helped to save my life .

  • @joannricks9479
    @joannricks9479 7 лет назад

    hello brother, l love ur teaching as I walk through this Journey I'm trying so hard to learn the truth and so many people have different understanding...but I admit u break it down like running water please can u do a video on Matthew 18 through 20 I need a better understanding

  • @TheMostHighdaughter-59
    @TheMostHighdaughter-59 7 лет назад

    Thank you! For the understanding all praise to the most high

  • @ahyashyasharaahla4974
    @ahyashyasharaahla4974 7 лет назад +3


    • @ahyashyasharaahla4974
      @ahyashyasharaahla4974 7 лет назад

      Dalmatinutz FE be baptized, keep the commandments, and love your neighbor. And from that point on your winning.

  • @CanadianLoveKnot
    @CanadianLoveKnot 7 лет назад

    30:26 If Abel never sinned, why did we need Jesus, if Abel already proved to be sinless? Or is he rather called Righteous just as many others are called righteous, because of their "Faith"....since Able by faith offered a better sacrifice than Cain (Hebrews 11:4).

  • @msbnsjjj5097
    @msbnsjjj5097 6 лет назад

    If we think evil but did not do it ,is it considered a sin?

  • @solituderiver2454
    @solituderiver2454 2 года назад

    Another issue may be that Able offered the FIRST of his flock and Cain, after a time, made his offering.

  • @quyphinguyen8831
    @quyphinguyen8831 3 года назад

    I've watched your virgin birth video and I agreed with you 100% until I came across John 1:13. How would you explain it? Thank you.

    • @yurhomi4478
      @yurhomi4478 3 года назад +1

      I John 3:9 explains what it means to be a son of God. II Cor 5:17 and Eph 4:24 expound upon that sentiment. It’s referring to how being renewed by the word (John 1:1-3, Rev 19:13 and II Esdras 14:34-35), the carnal man riddled with sin is put away.
      Christ was the biological son of Joseph (Luke 2:1-4) and John 1:13 has nothing to do with his literal birth or any of the Israelites’ - who are the sons of God (Hosea 1:10, Rom 9:24-26).

  • @JaimeLopez-uy7hl
    @JaimeLopez-uy7hl 5 лет назад +5

    Haven't seen any new video's. Hope all is well with you. Please come back to making Videos.

    • @loisitmeurlkin4344
      @loisitmeurlkin4344 4 года назад +4

      I'm watching in May 2020. Just found this channel yesterday and have been so blessed. His last post on this channel was March 2018. I pray he is well and resting under the shadow of the almighty.

    • @DWS-lp3wc
      @DWS-lp3wc 6 месяцев назад

      READ THIS!
      I implore you all, choose not to subject yourself to the false teaching being conveyed through this false teacher any longer!
      I have not seen many like this man, this is literally a mind so warped and delusional, compelled by its own personal agenda, that it's perspective on all or almost passages of the Holy Bible are contrary to what the majority of genuine believing, well studied believer recognizes the text to convey.
      The mention of Esau being hated in the womb, and Jacob being loved in the womb does not convey to us that Jacob nor Esau were without sin from birth. The passage saying,
      "before they knew to do good or evil", does not convey to us that they were without sin. It only conveys that they had not yet been given opportunity to follow through with what was already destined. For, surely, whether we say before the choice to disobey God mankind was poisoned toward a propensity for sin, or it was after they chose to disobey God that this propensity was established through the curse God spoke, either way mankind has always had that component of sin within us. Understand, in the most simple definition, sin is this:
      To disobey God.
      Therefore, all disobedience against the commandments and counsel of our blessed Creator JESUS, is sin!
      Regarding this subject, all that is truly needed to be understood is this:
      Romans 3:23
      For, all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,
      We must ask this question, who is speaking these words? Is it a prophet of the among the Old Testament books? No. Is it JESUS Christ himself? No. Well who then? It's (Saul/Paul), and He is not prophesying about what has not yet been. (Saul/Paul) is declaring those words having the knowledge of the reality that mankind as a whole is poisoned with a propensity toward sin.
      Listen, should we imagine that while that fetus who would be named Esau was in the womb, he was conscious of sin, and this is why God hated Esau? Certainly not! For, as this man cites, Romans 3:23 says:
      Before they knew (good= the will of God) and (evil= that which is contrary to the will of God).
      This is a problem I see regularly occurring with how this man who has uploaded this video and several others, is perceiving the books of the Holy Bible. For, if seems that this man is either unaware or taking for granted the fact that:
      Jacob and Esau were born 1836 BC, and Malachi, the prophet through whom those words ("Jacob have I loved, but Esau I have hated" were originally spoken, was born around 1400 years after Jacob & Esau, in 400 BC.
      Therefore, it is plain to recognize that the words spoken through Malachi were about who Esau grew up to be, not who he was before he was born. This man wants to reference (Saul/Paul) in the passage written in the Book of Roman's 9:10-13, ascribing to (Saul/Pauls) observation as being suitable evidence for why we should perceive things as he does. However, first, the man is misinterpreting what the passage is about, it has nothing to do with whether mankind is born in sin. Second, the statement (Saul/ Paul) gives saying:
      Romans 9:11
      (for the children not yet being born, nor having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works but of Him who calls).
      Again, has nothing to do with if Esau and Jacob are born having a propensity toward sin due to the original disobedience of Eve and Adam! This is one of the issues with false teachers, they attempt to establish associations which especially to those lacking in knowledge and context, are more often susceptible to.
      Our righteousness is not defined by whether it could be possible for us to legitimately remain sinless from birth, which is impossible! Our righteousness is based on this fact:
      Romans 5:8
      But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that (while we were still sinners), Christ died for us.
      This is a declaration for all of mankind until mankind is no longer physically born upon this Earth.
      We are poisoned with the propensity toward sin, but still we have the power of choice, whether we will submit to disobedience against God or not. However, the outward act of disobedience against God is far easier to control than the inward. That is why Christ tells us:
      Matthew 5:28
      But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
      It's obvious we are born with the curse, because of how easy it is to do what is contrary to the will of our Creator. This is one of the main reasons we need to be (born again/born of the Holy Spirit), so we are conscious of the curse and the pursuit of anti-Christ spirits against our thoughts etc, so then we are properly equipped to engage spiritual warfare properly
      Have a look at the phrase:
      "Born again"
      It's telling us we have been born in sin, we need to be born again, to be freed from the curse. If we are not (born again of the Spirit), we will never be able to be freed from the curse of sin.
      To say, "sin nature" & "original sin" is not the same is utterly heinous, divisive, and completely absurd. Look at those two expressions, we refer to our nature as to what we are born as, and what is original sin? It is the propensity toward sin which has been passed down through the generations, either because it was there before the curse was spoken by God against Eve and Adam, which would include all of mankind, or after the curse was spoken.
      Honestly, it seems like this man is looking for subjects attempting to open up some grand revelation, but in turn, because the reality of these passages is already well understood, and they are not meant to be understood in several ways, what we find is occurring with this man, is that the anti-Christ spirits which provoke this activity, are blinding his mind and causing what seems to be a grand revelation to him, to actually be a (perverted, warped, twisted) perspective of the books of (the Holy Bible/the will of God).
      Listen up folks,
      JESUS Christ told us there would be false teachers, false prophets, false Christs. We are also told through:
      2 Timothy 4:3
      For, the hour will arrive when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will (heap up for themselves teachers); and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables.
      Many have arisen believing in and communicating lies, literally believing what they were communicating and believing is truth.
      What does Christ reveal to us:
      Matthew 6:22-23
      “The lamp of the body is the eye. Therefore, if your eye is (good= aligned with the will of God), your whole body will be full of (light= truth). If your eye is (bad= misaligned with the truth), your whole body will be full of (darkness= lies). Therefore, if the (light= "truth") that is in you is (darkness= lies), how terrible is that (darkness= those lies!
      God does what He wants, our sin does not prevent Him from caring for us the same way a true friend or decent parents are not prevented from caring for us when we are estranged from them.
      See, this is the scary reality of false teachers, folks listen up! They are being led by anti-Christ spirits, and as we see from the beginning in Genesis, the deception of the enemy of our souls is so subtle, it is like the bite of a mosquito seeking the (life/blood). More often than not we are unaware our (life/blood) is being extracted from us until it is too late.
      This man is one of the most impressive of deceivers I have ever witnessed, and of course I do not say this to honor him. Truly, I weep while lifting fervent effectual prayer on his behalf.
      A late peaceful Passover and soul awakening 2024 to you all❤️‍🔥