@@ayoubp7689 a few of them are official shortcuts, so not all will be patched. those with boxes or turbo pads in the shortcuts should be official if not they wouldnt have put boxes or turbo pads in there
Absolutely insane, I've played CTR for 20 years and the possibility of many of these shortcuts never even occurred to me. Great that you reached out to people to have them perform 'their shortcuts,' that's a nice touch. Now regarding the remaster: As much as I appreciate the skill and dedication it takes to pull these shortcuts off, I do hope all illicit shortcuts will get patched, and that there won't be another meta character like Penta. I hope to see a game where it is accessible for starting players to polish their skills and catch up to take on the best of the best. As for myself, I'm looking forward to having my image of "damn I'm so good at this game" shattered by such skillful players as the racers in this vid :D
@@macoliderken8385 Penta in the Euro version of the game(the version with multi language) is perfect in stats, 5-5-5, the best character by far. If you take penta out, the best would be N.trophy in my opinion, but others would disagree
the ctr time trial community is a beautiful sight. ive been excited to play the best of the best online from the start, but this video brought an entire new aspect of hype to nitro fueled online for me! cant wait to cross paths with you and all expertise players :)
tyler Tyler, I may have to buy CTR on the PS4!! My biggest regret was buying NST on Xbox! So I’d like to cross paths with you on CTR!!!! And it’s about time I stumbled across you on CTR vid that isn’t yours, I’ve been a right CTR video junkie since the Nitro Fuelled announcement 😂😂😂 I cannot find my ps1 anywhere!!! So videos are my fix until release 😂
I recently re-bought my old CRT TV and started playing CTR (CBR) again on my PS1 to relive my childhood days. It's so wonderful to see people still playing it in extreme ways!!
The way you put the characters on their respectives tracks and custom music is gorgeous!! You also like Hot Air Skyway A LOT, like me. Its part was awesome!!!
Try not to be too disappointed when a good portion of these glitch/exploit shortcuts are absent from Nitro Fueled, but it shouldn’t take away from the overall quality of the game am I right? Its not going to be the exact same game after all.
That's a great job! I played this game for years on my ps1, them I played it a lot a few years ago in an emulator. I knew tons of the shortcuts and bugs that I got to discover by myself. Like the one on battle that allows you tu jump from one part to other in the game. But I got astonished when I decided to search the game online this year to see if it was still played by someone. Papu piramid, HASkyway and OStation made me jump from my seat after watching those sc!!!! I came back to play, thinking about trying to speed run it, since it was always to easy to beat Oxy in the Time Trials, but I'm no where near to get those unbelievable times!
13:04 At first I was like "What the heck is going on right now" It's cool to see new shortcuts discovered still to this day from this nostalgic game :)
To think some of this glitch shortcuts won't be present on the remastered version. It opens a whole possibility of new shortcuts for players that hunts them.
@@lee-andro4768 yes, a remake. Meaning that the old tracks, along with the shortcuts in them, will be in the game (excluding out of bounds etc shortcuts)
@@KingKalevi Of course. But I've the idea that not all the shorcuts was intentional. That type of shortcut, that I guess are simple games design error, will be removed for me. A lot of that are simply insane.
It's nice to see how far the CTR community has come in all of these years and to see what SCs that even I have missed over the years of inactivity (Mainly Tiziano's Papu mega SCs, like seriously wtf was that nonsense)
20 years later and were still finding new exploits of the game. Absolutely amazing what you guys are doing! Hoping that this all transfers into the remaster. 6 months seems so far away lol
I've always said that playing CTR is like being a gunslinger, no matter how fast you are there's always someone faster. I knew about most of these shortcuts but some of the others still blew me away. I can beat the Oxide times without breaking a sweat and yet I'm still so far off the top tier players. It does make me very excited for Nitro-Fuelled though, the online competition is really going to push us all to the limit.
3:48 En ese mapa hay algo más, no es específicamente un atajo pero te da un impulso de velocidad muy alto. Tras superar el último barril y si te encuentras muy cerca al lado derecho mientras haces derrape puedes tomar un impulso golpeandote ( de lado) a ti mismo contra la superficie del mapa.
As a kid I was the only one who knew how to skip that small wall on hot air skyway and cut the herpin at the end of the lap, thought i was special, this is like a whole nother lvl.
What an amazing job AleMastroianni ! Your compilation is absolutely *_insane_* , so much hard work you have done in order to make these videos ! The dedication you have put into these 4 videos is clearly *_incredible_* ! Great job man, your videos are enjoyable and very instructive. I'm an absolute huge fan of this game and of the franchise overall (I have played all the Crash games on game console except Mutant Generation _* _*_cough cough_*_ crap game _*_cough cough_*_ *_ ), and I must say, even though I thought I knew the majority of the shortcuts, I was very wrong and some of them are absolutely mind-blowing. This will help me warm my wrists and break mouths on June 21th ! And again : congrats man, very good videos ! :^D
Probabilmente userò molto questo video visto che, dopo aver preso tutti i platini nell'avventura, mi dedicherò per bene alle prove a tempo, così potrò finire, per la prima volta, il gioco al massimo. Grazie dal profondo del cuore facendo rivivere ancora uno dei giochi della mia infanzia
I came to this video thinking that I was good but after watching it... just realized what a newbie I am compared to these monsters LOL Oh well... Guess I'll just keep training.
Holy sh*t 4,80 sec in papu pyramid, I never know that shortcut since I started playing this game like 18 years ago. This was insane, thank you for sharing this video. I feel like I want to play this again soon, I really missed my childhood 😁😁
@@AleMastroianni I know right, those were not simple shortcuts I always used when I was playing the game. Now I wonder if I can use those very complicated shortcuts. I can't wait for the explanation video 😁😁
Nice shortcuts, some of them i did never seen and looks SO difficult to do hahahaha, i will try and train much more from this, i'm from Brazil here and i think there is only 3 or 2 good players of CTR, so i think that with this i can beat them hahahaa thank you for this!
No problem! There are lots of incredible good players from Brazil! You can find them on the leaderboards Kojiro, RedHotBr, Amaraticando, Djanmfr, and probably someone else i dont know
Damn that's cool. I just hope they take out the glitchy ones that were unintended in Nitro Fueled. I don't mind some unintentional ones that give you a relatively small advantage though.
Nice! I did a glitch video on CTR. Unfortunately I didn't show off too many shortcuts but I sure would have missed a lot of them! Some of these are insane and I've never seen them even explained in speedruns!
Reason is most of these are insanely hard and not worth trying in speedruns, also a lot have been found in the last few months by nyxx and me, including with new techs Gonna see your video!
5:03 difficulty: over 9000 wampas (can’t be done by humans) then who did this? A very rare super pro gamer? An AI? Tell me what you think about in the reply section below the comment.
Does anyone know where to find the music used on Polar Pass? 07:00 It sounds amazing.. especially the rock part!! But I can't find whatever remix it is anywhere :(
I hope they left some of them, maybe not the i just skip everything ones but some of them are so fuse with ctr that would be awful if they don't let them be in the game
Amazing stuff man, i knew the basic shortcuts and achieved all platinums, but nothing like this, but i recall some of the shortcuts if attempted aku will reset you
What is a checkpoint? It is a zone where the mask spawns you when you fall, for example. Every track is composed of various checkpoints, one after another. Crossing one checkpoint makes possible to land in another determined checkpoint, for example. This is the reason you see people driving a bit of the track and turning back to do a shortcut. They open the path first, and then drive back, not doing so the mask will grab you, since you didn't have enough checkpoints.
Those shortcut were good... Aah nostalgic times. But i hope dev would fix it on remaster version. It wouldnt fun if all player use those shortcuts in race. Especially online game mode later
I already know i can't do shit against speedrunners... but i'll be damned if i wasn't impressed by everything with a 6 rating and above, cause i never knew about those...
Oddio non posso crederci che uno dei più grandi fandom di CTR è italiano. È da quando sono piccolo che gioco a questo gioco e l'ho sempre amato. Se solo lo avessi saputo prima XD
¡Estos clips fueron hechos usando algún emulador salvado! Mis tiempos hechos en playstation son otros: ctr4ever.joora.fr/player.php?pid=284 Actualmente estoy 31º en el ranking mundial.
While a lot of these short cuts are fair game, a number of these seem to be flat out abuse of the game. Though I must admit some of these abuses look like they take some serious skill and memory. I really hope when the game is re done that there isn't so many loopholes like this.
@arnaldo miyashiro it's not a bad time dude, i couldnt do your lap before i learn techs, so you have a good potential im serious, with techs you could do 32 laps
Papu's Pyramid is the best track in every way. It has the most incredible shortcuts, both intended and show-off exploits; it also has such a vibrant, arcadey feel with its yellow-brick road and jungle audio track. I experienced it on demo disc prior to the game's release. It was even more chaotic, because after releasing the left or right button your kart continued to drift in that direction.
Papu's Pyramid and Hot Air Skyway need to calm down
babsus don't forget oxide track too, I don't even know where the heck is the directions of the shortcut is lol
thank's to glitch
polar pass and tiny area
@S N I hope so as online will suck if it has them, Keep the shortcuts Get rid of the Exploits
And tiny arena . It's blow my mind. I never know if in this track have a shortcut
Before this video I tought I was good at CTR. 20 years playing it for nothing, lol.
Nice video.
You can improve easily! I will do tutorials for advanced techs
@@AleMastroianni check my channel. I posted some times.
At least I can still say that I am good at Crash Bandicoot 1, 2 and Twinsanity XD
Well to be fair, MOST oft these "shortcuts" are just glitches
@@wingedassassin9999 true, but this doesnt mean they are reserved to people who are able to take them
I'm now nervous to play multiplayer on this game
This shortcuts will bot be there in Nitro Fueled like the « sacred fire « otherwise it will be a disaster
@@gigarossi "sacred fire" isn't even a shortcut...
@Kombi , I know that
Most of them will be patched because they were not meant to be in the game
@@imanobody7911 the fandom WILL find a way, mark my words
12:58 This, completely broke my mind
How do people FIGURE THIS SHT OUT!?
Oxide wins if i have to pull that bullshit to beat him
@@Allplussomeminus ye
gtfobuddy21 yeah
Holly fuck
Crash Cove 0:29
Roo's Tubes 0:54
Tiger Temple 1:12
Coco Park 1:40
Mystery Caves 2:15
Blizzard Bluff 2:35
Sewer Speedway 3:22
Dingo Canyon 3:53
Papu's Pyramid 4:08
Dragon Mines 6:22
Polar Pass 6:50
Cortex Castle 8:05
Tiny Arena 8:20
Hot Air Skyway 8:42
N.Gin Labs 12:17
Oxide Station 12:44
Slide Coliseum 15:00
Turbo Track 16:30
it would be helpful to list from the most viable in use consecutively in real time
Great thanks anyway
@@adityabayu3870 im thinking about doing tutorials with techs for each track!
Là c'est chaud pour battre le fantôme de oxide
@@noncanalepricnipale si, l'idea è quella :D
@@noncanalepricnipale ci ho messo un pò ma ecco, l'ho appena fatto XD
See you guys online on June 21st. ;)
Pit Crowley You dont stand a chance mwaahahahahaha
maybe people should stop using shortcut if its available on remaster because the developer can just "delete" that shortcut
See ya dude :)
@@haysen123 nah, if those shortcuts are usable again in the remastered games it means they purposely put those back there, of course.
Esto debería ser patrimonio de la humanidad
ya vez, y uno considerandose bueno xd
Los que buscan atajos en el nuevo ctr: Voy a dominarte xd
Es verdad,pero el robo todos los videos de otras personas,tambien hay que dar credito a otros,pero en si es bueno saber estos atajos,fantastico video.
@@hiromichael_ctranddevgames1097 yo solo espero que estos atajos BUG no esten en el multijugador y de ser así, sean parchados rápidamente.
jajajajajajaj csmr
That ripper Rio shortcut damn
6 months, see you play this with idris
Mabar sama Idris lah
look like it more of a exploit/glitch then a shortcut which might end up being fixed.
@@kaje3435 Pretty sure they're going to patch most of these, if not all
@@ayoubp7689 a few of them are official shortcuts, so not all will be patched. those with boxes or turbo pads in the shortcuts should be official if not they wouldnt have put boxes or turbo pads in there
Absolutely insane, I've played CTR for 20 years and the possibility of many of these shortcuts never even occurred to me.
Great that you reached out to people to have them perform 'their shortcuts,' that's a nice touch.
Now regarding the remaster: As much as I appreciate the skill and dedication it takes to pull these shortcuts off, I do hope all illicit shortcuts will get patched, and that there won't be another meta character like Penta. I hope to see a game where it is accessible for starting players to polish their skills and catch up to take on the best of the best.
As for myself, I'm looking forward to having my image of "damn I'm so good at this game" shattered by such skillful players as the racers in this vid :D
Why Penta is meta? I didn't know that, I always choose him or FakeCrash when I was a kid haha
@@macoliderken8385 Penta in the Euro version of the game(the version with multi language) is perfect in stats, 5-5-5, the best character by far.
If you take penta out, the best would be N.trophy in my opinion, but others would disagree
@@crisrody852 N.trophy is exactly Like Dingo, Tiny, and Papu Papu, Same Stats, 5-2-1
They should just give Penta stats like Polar and Pura like he had in the other version of the game.
But oxide is playable in the remaster. Isnt he going to have maxed stats?
Me: No way that Tiny Arena got more than 1 shortcut
Me 5 mins later: at hospital
My brother had the same guess on tiny arena when i showed him the video
the ctr time trial community is a beautiful sight. ive been excited to play the best of the best online from the start, but this video brought an entire new aspect of hype to nitro fueled online for me! cant wait to cross paths with you and all expertise players :)
Tyler, I may have to buy CTR on the PS4!! My biggest regret was buying NST on Xbox!
So I’d like to cross paths with you on CTR!!!!
And it’s about time I stumbled across you on CTR vid that isn’t yours, I’ve been a right CTR video junkie since the Nitro Fuelled announcement 😂😂😂
I cannot find my ps1 anywhere!!! So videos are my fix until release 😂
Imagine if CTR was part of E-Sports
If it goes well it would.
I could win 3 Million Dollar like that kid in fortnite.
I recently re-bought my old CRT TV and started playing CTR (CBR) again on my PS1 to relive my childhood days.
It's so wonderful to see people still playing it in extreme ways!!
the melee of racing games: awesome base physics and glitchy tricks create a difficult yet rewarding challenge
My whole childhood has been changed by that one segment on Papu's Pyramind! Mindblowing and absolutely amazing how people find this stuff
12:01 That is the best drop I've heard in a while.
This are truly all the shortcuts in the game ever seen on any other video.
Im doing updates with even more shortcuts!
I thought I'm an expert at this game until that Roo's tubes and it's only 54s of the video! xD
Dang, I was not prepared for all of this.
¡¡¡Estos trucos jamás los he visto,son inhumanos!!!
5:02 ahí lo dice este atajo no puede hacerlo un humano
Yo hice algunos atajos,si se pueden hacer bro,solo es practica,por eso la dificultad ahy dice,pero algunos atajos sin son inhumanos para mi
The way you put the characters on their respectives tracks and custom music is gorgeous!!
You also like Hot Air Skyway A LOT, like me. Its part was awesome!!!
Papu's pyramid and hot air ways are must you master !
Try not to be too disappointed when a good portion of these glitch/exploit shortcuts are absent from Nitro Fueled, but it shouldn’t take away from the overall quality of the game am I right?
Its not going to be the exact same game after all.
Wonderd why it wouldn't work for me
thanks for the credit my dude. Awesome video, excellent work, the community needed a video like this.
That's a great job!
I played this game for years on my ps1, them I played it a lot a few years ago in an emulator.
I knew tons of the shortcuts and bugs that I got to discover by myself. Like the one on battle that allows you tu jump from one part to other in the game. But I got astonished when I decided to search the game online this year to see if it was still played by someone.
Papu piramid, HASkyway and OStation made me jump from my seat after watching those sc!!!!
I came back to play, thinking about trying to speed run it, since it was always to easy to beat Oxy in the Time Trials, but I'm no where near to get those unbelievable times!
13:04 At first I was like "What the heck is going on right now" It's cool to see new shortcuts discovered still to this day from this nostalgic game :)
You have just destroyed my childhood
This is one of the reasons why some don't go too competitive. I didn't know about this, but they already showed a lot of players how it's done.
Me: I'm such a good racer! I can beat Oxide's Ghost on every track!
To think some of this glitch shortcuts won't be present on the remastered version.
It opens a whole possibility of new shortcuts for players that hunts them.
of couse we will :)
This guy is 101% ready for the online in the nitro fuel one
I dont have the money for ps4 so dont worry 😂
@@AleMastroianni how about the pc verison
@@slamanalotaiby3377 doubt my pc will handle it, if it comes out, but we will see :D
@@AleMastroianni i bet a lot of people would donate money for a ps4 for you because you are auch a beast in that game 😁
Now the real question is: will this be possible on the remaster?
Some of them will be fixed for sure.
Yea, with it having online I'm pretty sure they will put something in there. Might even make you turn around for going the wrong way too long.
Nope, is not a remaster, is a remake with new engine, All SC is useless on nitro fueled.
@@lee-andro4768 yes, a remake. Meaning that the old tracks, along with the shortcuts in them, will be in the game (excluding out of bounds etc shortcuts)
@@KingKalevi Of course. But I've the idea that not all the shorcuts was intentional. That type of shortcut, that I guess are simple games design error, will be removed for me.
A lot of that are simply insane.
Wow, things have come a long way in 10 years! Very interesting video.
This is truly TAS material
of course but most of theses shortcuts are done by human, i can show you in 10 sec. TAS is just to show it and to have a good quality
And I thought I was good at the game...
I am gobsmacked by how little I knew about all the possibilities in CTR. You guys really are the best :O
It's nice to see how far the CTR community has come in all of these years and to see what SCs that even I have missed over the years of inactivity (Mainly Tiziano's Papu mega SCs, like seriously wtf was that nonsense)
That Roo Tubes short cout is new news to me holy moly :0
This game never ceases to amaze me
Greatest racing game ever made 💙
20 years later and were still finding new exploits of the game. Absolutely amazing what you guys are doing! Hoping that this all transfers into the remaster. 6 months seems so far away lol
I've always said that playing CTR is like being a gunslinger, no matter how fast you are there's always someone faster. I knew about most of these shortcuts but some of the others still blew me away. I can beat the Oxide times without breaking a sweat and yet I'm still so far off the top tier players. It does make me very excited for Nitro-Fuelled though, the online competition is really going to push us all to the limit.
For what you all been wanting 4seconds lap 4:29
Max Angelo and then they discover the 2 second lap in crash cove :p
3:48 En ese mapa hay algo más, no es específicamente un atajo pero te da un impulso de velocidad muy alto. Tras superar el último barril y si te encuentras muy cerca al lado derecho mientras haces derrape puedes tomar un impulso golpeandote ( de lado) a ti mismo contra la superficie del mapa.
Nappa: Vegeta, tell me the power level of the shortcut at this minute 5:02 ?
Vegeta: It's over 9000!!!!!!!
I hope they take out a lot of the buggy glitch looking shortcuts. But some of these shortcuts that are jumping across the track looks so sick.
Well done... Easy to watch, hard to make
Scorciatoie: 10
Qualità video: 10
Musica: 10
I won't play papu's pyramid in online 🌚
M.Sameer 24 someone with the title grandmaster can pull it off
A single mistake then youre done.
Seeing karts flying everywhere and figuring out you're 8th with 2 minutes late behind the 7th is definitely not a pleasant situation to live.
мιку вσυηту Exactly, that will be weird
glitch or not you never win vs a speedrunner noobs.
As a kid I was the only one who knew how to skip that small wall on hot air skyway and cut the herpin at the end of the lap, thought i was special, this is like a whole nother lvl.
What an amazing job AleMastroianni ! Your compilation is absolutely *_insane_* , so much hard work you have done in order to make these videos ! The dedication you have put into these 4 videos is clearly *_incredible_* ! Great job man, your videos are enjoyable and very instructive. I'm an absolute huge fan of this game and of the franchise overall (I have played all the Crash games on game console except Mutant Generation _* _*_cough cough_*_ crap game _*_cough cough_*_ *_ ), and I must say, even though I thought I knew the majority of the shortcuts, I was very wrong and some of them are absolutely mind-blowing.
This will help me warm my wrists and break mouths on June 21th ! And again : congrats man, very good videos ! :^D
Thanks a lot man! I really appreciate this comment
@@AleMastroianni No problem man, it's the least I can do, giving nice feedbacks for people who deserves it ! :)
If little kid me saw these, he'd have a heart attack. I legitimately had everything in the game beat, time attack, bosses, cups, etc.
Probabilmente userò molto questo video visto che, dopo aver preso tutti i platini nell'avventura, mi dedicherò per bene alle prove a tempo, così potrò finire, per la prima volta, il gioco al massimo.
Grazie dal profondo del cuore facendo rivivere ancora uno dei giochi della mia infanzia
I came to this video thinking that I was good but after watching it... just realized what a newbie I am compared to these monsters LOL
Oh well... Guess I'll just keep training.
u are not alone. when i was a kid. i thought i was the best in this game. who are these monsters! haha
Wow, after seeing this video, it seems that after all this years, I've been playing CTR the wrong way (pun intended)
Kenneth T excellent pun
Hay un poco de pista en tus atajos ¡¡
Hijo de Don Cuinique ¡ JAJJAJAJA me hiciste el día
Crash bandicoot is my most favourite games I’ve played. I’m 20 now I and I still can’t stop my self from playing it
Holy sh*t 4,80 sec in papu pyramid, I never know that shortcut since I started playing this game like 18 years ago. This was insane, thank you for sharing this video. I feel like I want to play this again soon, I really missed my childhood 😁😁
Its a complicated shortcut, you have to fall exactly in that area! You can watch my video for further explenations
@@AleMastroianni I know right, those were not simple shortcuts I always used when I was playing the game. Now I wonder if I can use those very complicated shortcuts. I can't wait for the explanation video 😁😁
even with uka uka cheat i still cant beat under 5sec
@@bayumahendra1797 bayu mahendra I know right, the mask means nothing if you know the shortcuts and how to use the shortcuts
@@ry8880 yep, exactly. But did u succed atleast with a 6 seconds lap?
Todos estos SC pueden ser hechos en CTR vanilla?
Papu's Pyramid y Hot Air Skyway son otro nivel
Those Hot Air Skyway shortcuts, hot damn
Nice shortcuts, some of them i did never seen and looks SO difficult to do hahahaha, i will try and train much more from this, i'm from Brazil here and i think there is only 3 or 2 good players of CTR, so i think that with this i can beat them hahahaa thank you for this!
No problem! There are lots of incredible good players from Brazil! You can find them on the leaderboards
Kojiro, RedHotBr, Amaraticando, Djanmfr, and probably someone else i dont know
@@AleMastroianni Oh great! It's one of the links from the facebook pages you posted, right?
@@rickphoenix1190 yes, the page its about the italian fb, but the group its international! La cloaca di ctr, its a great community
Ah the leaderboards u mean, no wait, i will post them in the descrition now
Done :)
@@AleMastroianni Oh, thank you! I will take a look of course, great fan of CTR here :)
The most explicit and real video about tricks and shortcuts. Excellent!!!!!!!
Damn that's cool.
I just hope they take out the glitchy ones that were unintended in Nitro Fueled.
I don't mind some unintentional ones that give you a relatively small advantage though.
As long as they remove them using logical things like heightened walls and no stupid invisible walls, that's fine.
@@XaneMyers Yeah true lol. I mean rather invisible walls than nothing but woyld be nice if they physically block them off
16:31 please tell me what music is this? It sounds familiar but I can't recall it. Is it from Danganronpa?
I'm considering myself good at this games. But after I see those smooth drives and move I can't considering myself good again.
I wonder if in the remaster it will still be possible to conserve max speed while driving on the grass by bouncing
Nice! I did a glitch video on CTR. Unfortunately I didn't show off too many shortcuts but I sure would have missed a lot of them! Some of these are insane and I've never seen them even explained in speedruns!
Reason is most of these are insanely hard and not worth trying in speedruns, also a lot have been found in the last few months by nyxx and me, including with new techs
Gonna see your video!
What's the song name at 11:15?
I hope they keep it as original as possible and maybe remove only the biggest glitches. Btw gotta love the Undertale songs!
Caralho.. Você não joga, você humilha 😂😂😂
La nostra storia❤️
I always have a hard time doing the jump for the Sewer Speedway shortcut and the Papu's Pyramid shortcut at 5:27.
Some of the songs you used sound like the pre console tracks that were compressed to fit the ps1/psx hardware.
5:03 difficulty: over 9000 wampas (can’t be done by humans) then who did this? A very rare super pro gamer? An AI? Tell me what you think about in the reply section below the comment.
i hope the turbo system will be added to the remake
12:01 That drop! Which song is it?
Most of all shortcuts are bugs of the game, and in the remake obviously will be patched and fixed
In remake, all will be remaked, original CTR mechanics aren't available on nitro fueled.
The real question is, how many of these shortcuts are going to be possible in the remake? Only the intentional ones?
Where can i find the music?? 12:01
Yes! I was gonna ask the same question!
Does anyone know where to find the music used on Polar Pass? 07:00 It sounds amazing.. especially the rock part!! But I can't find whatever remix it is anywhere :(
I hope they left some of them, maybe not the i just skip everything ones but some of them are so fuse with ctr that would be awful if they don't let them be in the game
Nostalgia of playing this back in high school. Take my like. See you all online this summer.
Damnn and I thought I knew everything about CTR
eager to race you all on Nitro Fueled 🇮🇹🇧🇷
Amazing stuff man, i knew the basic shortcuts and achieved all platinums, but nothing like this, but i recall some of the shortcuts if attempted aku will reset you
What is a checkpoint? It is a zone where the mask spawns you when you fall, for example. Every track is composed of various checkpoints, one after another. Crossing one checkpoint makes possible to land in another determined checkpoint, for example. This is the reason you see people driving a bit of the track and turning back to do a shortcut. They open the path first, and then drive back, not doing so the mask will grab you, since you didn't have enough checkpoints.
Those shortcut were good... Aah nostalgic times. But i hope dev would fix it on remaster version. It wouldnt fun if all player use those shortcuts in race. Especially online game mode later
I already know i can't do shit against speedrunners...
but i'll be damned if i wasn't impressed by everything with a 6 rating and above, cause i never knew about those...
10:37 Wow! Pinstripe is só fast. How did you get that speed?
Usf speed
N.gin lab last corner is jump shortcut
Just one question...where can i get *that* nice Remix from !? 11:15
@@AleMastroianni Thanks a lot my hero 😍, and btw i liked many of your Vids, they're awesome, keep up the Good work please😊
Using Josh's pre console music. Nice
Been part of the community since 11 years. Most of these shortcut I already remember.
papu's pyramid c:
hot air skyway C:
Oddio non posso crederci che uno dei più grandi fandom di CTR è italiano. È da quando sono piccolo che gioco a questo gioco e l'ho sempre amato. Se solo lo avessi saputo prima XD
CTR:NF should be divided by tiers.
Todos los atajos son hechos por ti o por computadora?
¡Estos clips fueron hechos usando algún emulador salvado!
Mis tiempos hechos en playstation son otros:
Actualmente estoy 31º en el ranking mundial.
@@jorgecaballeroandrada2845 no cheats :) btw english please
@@jorgecaballeroandrada2845 of course not. Ever heard of saffi fire+usf turbopads? I dont use disgusting cheats LOL
@@jorgecaballeroandrada2845 also i dont think your cheats work on time trial
@@jorgecaballeroandrada2845 nah. Please understand tech of the game before accusing, thanks
My childhood was a lie.
While a lot of these short cuts are fair game, a number of these seem to be flat out abuse of the game. Though I must admit some of these abuses look like they take some serious skill and memory. I really hope when the game is re done that there isn't so many loopholes like this.
Back when you discovered a shortcut by yourself and brag it to your friends
And I thought my 34:30 lap on Sewer Speedway was a good enough time... Oh well.
@arnaldo miyashiro it's not a bad time dude, i couldnt do your lap before i learn techs, so you have a good potential im serious, with techs you could do 32 laps
Papu's Pyramid is the best track in every way. It has the most incredible shortcuts, both intended and show-off exploits; it also has such a vibrant, arcadey feel with its yellow-brick road and jungle audio track.
I experienced it on demo disc prior to the game's release. It was even more chaotic, because after releasing the left or right button your kart continued to drift in that direction.