The Parents & Church Feeding Kids Bleach | Genesis II Church Documentary

  • Опубликовано: 5 сен 2022
  • In 2020, a Florida church and some of its head archbishops would find themselves in the middle of a police raid, surrounded by a SWAT team, hazmat crews, and FDA agents… An investigation federal agents named Operation Quack Hack. This is the story of the parents and con men feeding kids bleach, and how they continue to get away with it even to this day.
    Video Chapters:
    1:56 Snake Oil
    11:13 Intestinal Lining
    17:34 The Raid
    Researched & Written By:
    Nora Baez
    Josie Naikoi (NOT THE GOOD GIRL)
    Edited By:
    Dan Nunez
    Josie Naikoi (NOT THE GOOD GIRL)
    / notthegoodgirl
    Pet Pic Submission:
    Email (animals only) to have your pet featured at the end of one of my videos!
    Please do not send hate to anyone mentioned in this video.
    Thank you for watching!

Комментарии • 699

  • @fil0sofia
    @fil0sofia Год назад +738

    The fact that these parents would rather kill their kids slowly with bleach than accepting that they have ASD.. Some people should not be allowed to have kids. This is horrible, I'm so disappointed in humanity.

    • @pickledragonrebel
      @pickledragonrebel Год назад +39

      I am daily repulsed by humans

    • @fil0sofia
      @fil0sofia Год назад +18

      @@pickledragonrebel Oh yeah, same. People suck. Dogs are everything.

    • @pickledragonrebel
      @pickledragonrebel Год назад +7

      @@fil0sofia you got that right!!

    • @AndreaMartinez-ip2vu
      @AndreaMartinez-ip2vu Год назад +44

      Interesting that torturing a disabled person because they are disabled is not considered a hate crime.

    • @fil0sofia
      @fil0sofia Год назад +25

      @@AndreaMartinez-ip2vu Interesting indeed.. It seems like people can do whatever horrible things they want as long as it's done in the name of religion.

  • @leigh3008
    @leigh3008 Год назад +337

    I'm an autistic adult and would never want to be "cured". I love myself and I love my autism. Autistic people are some of the kindest people out there.

    • @ClearTheRubble7
      @ClearTheRubble7 Год назад +13

      Yes! I'm an older adult with ASD and have the same thoughts about autism; it sure made life hard growing up, but those tough experiences taught me a lot about living a better life. I now see ASD as my greatest gift! 🙂 If someone offered me a "cure" today, even a "legitimate" one, I would turn it down.

    • @clareshaughnessy2745
      @clareshaughnessy2745 Год назад +29

      It’s so bizarre, it’s like ‘curing’ tallness or funniness or red hair. It doesn’t need a ‘cure’

    • @Creepystalker102
      @Creepystalker102 Год назад

      There is actually compelling evidence that autistic people will make more moral decisions even when tempted with things like money to make an immoral choice when compared to allistic people

    • @michaelleibson6694
      @michaelleibson6694 Год назад +5

      Awesome Love for yourself. Good for you.

    • @natachadvz
      @natachadvz Год назад +12

      No cure for me either. Adapting from the mean people against me is most difficult then to live with autism. I'm fine with who I am... not fine with this horrible world.

  • @oceanasong
    @oceanasong Год назад +472

    Unbelievable. Parents who would make their children drink bleach should lose custody rights immediately.

    • @elijahjakobsen7898
      @elijahjakobsen7898 Год назад

      They should be executed...slowly

    • @2or3ministry48
      @2or3ministry48 Год назад +18

      Agreed At the very least. Heavy labor emptying septic tanks by hand wouldn't be bad to add to their punishment along with sterilization. I know that's real bold to say but they could just have other babies to abuse and that's not acceptable to any of us I've no doubt.

    • @aprilgarcia6119
      @aprilgarcia6119 Год назад

      It's curious to me how people are flabbergasted at the idea that parents would try this solution - but see no qualms with rushing their children to get the next 'vaccination'. Seems to me that this guys 'cure all' had about the same success rate and side affects as any medication. It's all a matter of what you choose to believe - and who you choose to believe.
      But if a parent should be locked up for trying something other than traditional medication - then we should also be prepared to lock up doctors when their remedies don't work or have negative affects.

    • @barrett7893
      @barrett7893 Год назад +2

      Amen to that! 💯

    • @stevenunyabidness
      @stevenunyabidness Год назад +1

      ought to lose a hell of a lot more than that.

  • @gatheringmoss5726
    @gatheringmoss5726 Год назад +129

    If the law changed tomorrow and churches were no longer allowed to enjoy their tax exempt status and special privileges, we would experience a major world shift. What they get away with is staggering and this is a great example of how you can hang a shingle and rake in the money. It's sickening to think of the pain those children experienced at the hands of their parents.

    • @VaclavSir
      @VaclavSir 10 месяцев назад

      The only difference would be that they would have to tax the income, and they wouldn't say the bleach is a sacrament. They would say "it's bleach, don't drink it (wink wink)", like they do here in Europe. We have FB or Telegram groups where people are discussing the using, sharing their "success stories" (like when they supposedly defecate parasites), moderators kicking out anyone who would cast doubts, and then there are people who are selling the chemicals. Officially bleach or disinfectants, the merchant will never advise to drink it.

    • @spiritualevolvedlightbeing8597
      @spiritualevolvedlightbeing8597 8 месяцев назад

      My uncle had cancer we took him to many hospitals treatments and nothing worked, and as a last resort he started with MMS treatment and was CURED that's why silly people believe what others tell them and do not do their own research now I only believe in the results and MMS cured my uncle full stop.

  • @bethapascua
    @bethapascua Год назад +400

    I have a child that has ASD and I would never think to "cure" her! She is perfect as she is. This kind of thing just infuriates me!

    • @prettykittycakes
      @prettykittycakes Год назад +7

      Bless you!

    • @sunnyfawn13
      @sunnyfawn13 Год назад +6


    • @skunkrat01
      @skunkrat01 Год назад +19

      Yeah that's one of the things that's so messed up about these charlatans.
      "Curing" people with ASD is so insulting. I have 3 niblings (look it up, it's a real word) with ASD and I love them all as they are.
      Learning about how they learn and view the world, helps open my eyes to new understandings and possibilities.
      It's not all sunshine and roses, but anyone who would try to touch them with bleach will get a kick in the teeth from this proud aunt.

    • @UGAIMES
      @UGAIMES Год назад +10

      @Beth Pascua- I couldn't agree more! My autistic son is incredible just the way he is. NO cures wanted/needed here!
      This entire scam is so heartbreaking and enraging.

    • @pop4843
      @pop4843 Год назад +10

      Very happy to hear that she's in good hands. Abuse of autistic children is so, so common; I speak from experience, sadly. I hope you two have a very good week.

  • @mfuentes4961
    @mfuentes4961 Год назад +465

    There seriously needs to be laws created to hold these charlatans hiding behind religion accountable for encouraging and profiting off of medically harmful and lethal practices.

    • @witchy90210
      @witchy90210 Год назад +12

      The thing is that there are laws that apply to them, the same ones for anyone else. Like parents who refuse treatment for their children because god will cure their diabetes, though in the one case I know of they got a pass the first time their child died.

    • @bloodandempire
      @bloodandempire Год назад +2

      Lol there are laws against it

    • @haleymist09
      @haleymist09 Год назад

      Exactly, there are laws. That's why these jackoffs made a ratchet church in DR to get around it to sell bleach to the vulnerable

    • @brettmastema7056
      @brettmastema7056 Год назад

      I am so tired of them being able to continue the same tired claims that natural cures can't be patented and so thats why BigPharma doesn't tell you about them and cant make a profit. Which is so false if they just looked up things said to them. People just like hearing someone tell them something that sounds easy, they dont care whether it actually works. As long as they feel it works. Its amazing how even good parents can ignore the abuse they are doing when they buy into religious and fake medical quackery.
      My mom had so much guilt when she finally realized that i wasn't faking and throwing tantrums into my 20s and all her punishing and later my step fathers physical abuse had caused so many problems which i still deal with, Unfortunately i have also learned that incompetent mental health professionals also will also behave in that method. I had a mental healh group who was the only choice provided to me. I went through months of being mistreated and after finally getting the records, they undiagnosed me from my conditions i have dealt with for 20 years. (they had even access to talking to the clinic who diagnosed me and didnt ask, Then they claimed i was a drug addict who is trying to obtain benefits i dont deserve.
      The way people can cling to a bad idea and never consider the consequeces for their actions if they are wrong, is astounding. Part of the issue is that people excuse well intended behavior and the victims arent believed or cant always communicate what happened and the ones that get to control the narrative are the abusers.

    • @brettmastema7056
      @brettmastema7056 Год назад +2

      @@witchy90210 Accidents do happen and so it becomes were their actions inexcusable, and i find that we have some who are screaming for blood on every slight done to a child and then we have the other side who gives people WAY too much benefit of being ignorant but meant well. The end result tends to be parents getting let off without any penalties and since the only one who suffers is their kid or the patient, they will often learn nothing from the situation and excuse all their bad actions with "i did the best i could. Well, maybe that should tell people that sometimes your best is not good enough and you should raise another kid then

  • @embo3520
    @embo3520 Год назад +222

    So many children's lives at risk just for profit. Not only does autism not have a cure, it doesn't need to be cured! What they need is what all kids need: love, safety, and acceptance

    • @meenki347
      @meenki347 Год назад +7

      So many children's lives at risk, but not just for profit, due to stupidity too.

    • @brettmastema7056
      @brettmastema7056 Год назад +5

      I don't mean to come off as condemning you when i say this, i know your message comes from a great place, but saying something doesn't need to be cured, sometimes is said by people who ignore evidence based treatments that can help someone with issues that can help someone on the spectrum. While i totally get the negative stigma when talking about any mental condition but if your child could be helped in someway by a treatment, I am hoping you wouldn't ignore it saying they are "perfect". I say this because I have seen this,
      I hate saying mental illness and prefer disorder but i also know that disorder is not always going to be communicating the right message to others. There unfortunately are a lot of people who are so obnoxiously proud of their false position and they tend to be the ones that are the most vocal. Also, its dangerous to assume that because a company makes money from a drug, that its only profit they are after and have no care to help any mental illness. People seem to have so much anger in the "Big Pharma" that they don't fairly apply their thinking to those who are scammers like this bleach group. All of that is profit, which since insurance doesn't cover is more costly to someone. Rarely is the concept of a profit is also applied to the natural medicine world. That's why the alternative medicine con men nurture the distrust in actual researchers.

    • @brettmastema7056
      @brettmastema7056 Год назад

      @@meenki347 the outrage, mistrust, stupidity and the excitement that people feel when they look at the world through the insane lens of conspiracy. are the most damaging. People gets such a rush from the excitement felt when they buy into conspiracy. It makes people think they have more control than they do. It gives them an evil group to blame.

    • @embo3520
      @embo3520 Год назад +6

      @@brettmastema7056 No worries, I absolutely understand this, I have a degree in psychology and have done research in a behavior analysis lab. It can be beneficial to teach people ways to interact with others in society, as it can ease one's own discomfort and anxiety when in those situations and can decrease negative reactions from others. Though perhaps more importantly is to teach society acceptance. That starts with not seeing autism as so undesirable that it needs a cure. What we need is to increase accessibility, to listen to those with autism, and not decide what's "best" for them. Other disorders have other ways to be managed and treated

    • @embo3520
      @embo3520 Год назад +6

      @@brettmastema7056 anyway I don't need any of this mansplained to me, thanks. Not sure what your point is. You probably think you win debates by saying a similar incoherent, rambling string of buzzwords and nonsense.
      I hope you are able to engage in self-reflection and that you are able to learn the values of listening & of silence. Wishing you well

  • @pretelquetzal
    @pretelquetzal Год назад +30

    The two women that reported those child abusers are amazing

  • @LadyScriben
    @LadyScriben Год назад +114

    'Marketing is more powerful than side effects'. A sad truth for a lot of easily mislead parents and poorly patients. Thank you for spreading awareness of this horrible practice.

    • @jhoughjr1
      @jhoughjr1 Год назад

      if you can call, hey drink bleach, marketing lol

  • @briannaesparza6657
    @briannaesparza6657 Год назад +67

    This was really hard to watch. My mom was a believer in this for a while a couple of years ago. I am not sure if she still is. She bought it for herself and me. She took it and shared that it made her nauseous, so I never tried it. When she asked why I didn’t take it, I told her that I was afraid of feeling sick. She told me not to worry about it because it will pass. I’m not sure how long she continued to take MMS, but I never consumed it. She genuinely means well, and sincerely tries to help, but I don’t don’t subscribe to these beliefs in the same way that she does. It makes me sad that she believes in these kinds of “alternative therapies” enough to spend her money. To me, she’s just getting scammed.

    • @tearainey1
      @tearainey1 Год назад

      It's so sad that anyone took this "miracle cure" as it literally destroyed their bodies. Kids and adults alike were ruined because of it, their health deteriorating surely while those at the top counted their money and promised it was just the 'detox process'. It disgusts me that they aren't being buried under the weight of the law. I can only hope Karma takes everything from them.

  • @tzvikrasner6073
    @tzvikrasner6073 Год назад +64

    This group may have incorporated as a church to avoid taxes and regulation, but it also highlights that people who fall for one "do not question/do not believe anyone on the outside" cult will fall for others.

    • @OffTheWagons
      @OffTheWagons Год назад

      He didn't fall for one he left one and created an even more dangerous cult

    • @brettmastema7056
      @brettmastema7056 Год назад +4

      I often wish i didnt have a moral compass. Its shockingly easy to grift that group. And as much as they make me want to hurt them and take their money. I just cant. I mean the more obvious a scam is to me, the harder they will defend the scam artists. I worked with a woman who told me that the american cancer society would go out of business if cancer was cured so they cant be trusted. When i mentioned the horrors of Black Salve she passionately defended the product that ate away peoples faces. Its crazy.

    • @Keegan171
      @Keegan171 Год назад

      @@brettmastema7056 I was just thinking, I could start selling something harmless like lemon water and market it as a "miracle solution". It seems ridiculous, but it would be better than bleach and at least the hydration might be good for people 🤷🏼‍♂️ Problem is I couldn't bring myself to sell something I don't actually believe

  • @alc4ever24
    @alc4ever24 Год назад +112

    I have an autistic son, and recently someone recommended me this stuff. Luckily I had already been warned about it. So scary

    • @KattMurr
      @KattMurr Год назад +37

      I hope you distance yourself from that person!!!

    • @yougotthis7723
      @yougotthis7723 Год назад +4

      Thank goodness!!!

    • @ktreznin5538
      @ktreznin5538 Год назад +2

      Luckily you had already been warned about it? You mean, you'd try to "cure" your son?

    • @alc4ever24
      @alc4ever24 Год назад +8

      KT Reznin where did I state anything about trying to cure my son. Nowhere.

    • @karelglasner2673
      @karelglasner2673 Год назад +3

      Meanwhile, be sure to get all the booster shots possible 😆

  • @kitw76
    @kitw76 Год назад +121

    Problem number one: Jim Humble was at one time a Scientologist. That says scam all over it!

  • @DovieRuthAuthor
    @DovieRuthAuthor Год назад +141

    As a retired special education teacher, it’s so heartbreaking to hear of these scams. I’ve seen well-educated parents tricked into living in near poverty in order to afford similar programs. It’s so sad.

    • @pop4843
      @pop4843 Год назад +1

      Thank you for your service 💜 speaking as someone who both is a young autistic person and has an autistic sibling, your work is irreplaceable.

    • @DovieRuthAuthor
      @DovieRuthAuthor Год назад +5

      @@pop4843 Awww…thanks. Forty-four years of service.

    • @leatherace1928
      @leatherace1928 Год назад +4

      How a well educated person can be tricked into a snake oil scam? It’s just really hard to believe.

    • @DovieRuthAuthor
      @DovieRuthAuthor Год назад +8

      @@leatherace1928 Emotions. They want to do anything possible to help their child.

    • @leatherace1928
      @leatherace1928 Год назад

      @@DovieRuthAuthor people who use emotions as a driver can’t learn much bcause education is based on logic and analysis. So I assume they were not really educated. Or otherwise, they deliberately did what they did because raising disabled child is hard. 🤷🏼‍♂️

  • @jessierabbit
    @jessierabbit Год назад +29

    As a neurodivergent individual (with suspected Autism and/or ADHD but going through adult diagnosis now) it pisses me off so much that people think this is something that can be "cured." Yes, it can be a pain in the ass sometimes (I've cried wondering why I can't be "normal") but this is me and this is my normal. I'm learning how to work with the negative aspects of it but I still wouldn't change anything. I've had a great life so far and I find it hard to imagine what it would be like with a neuro-typical brain.

  • @alaynab5745
    @alaynab5745 Год назад +131

    As someone on the spectrum with family who are as well, it is insulting and heartbreaking that people would rather feed their kids bleach than have them end up like me. My heart goes out to these kids.
    I hate people that prey on the desperate with miracle cures and snake oil.

    • @CaptainCaterpillars
      @CaptainCaterpillars Год назад

      As a parent, I would never give my child bleach but I understand the need to want to give your child the most success at a normal life. While some parents would do it just for an easier ability to raise a child, I see a cure as a way for my child to live the best life and no matter what you say, you cant live the typical normal life while disabled. There would be way more challenges for them to overcome and what parent would want their child to constantly struggle?

    • @hydras5947
      @hydras5947 Год назад +19

      @@CaptainCaterpillars I’ve visited “autism mom” groups before, and what I’ve seen has been the complete opposite. They do not care an ounce for their child’s well-being. They’re just fed up with having to put in effort to “deal with” a difficult child. No parent who loves their child would feed them something that makes them vomit, gives them rashes, makes them shit blood.

    • @ethangrant8736
      @ethangrant8736 Год назад

      @@CaptainCaterpillars this is just wrong, I mean seriously the lives of autistic people aren’t some sob story full of sadness and anguish, for fucks sake it’s part of who people are and trying to cure it is trying to destroy who they really are and replace it with some societally acceptable cardboard cutout

    • @brettmastema7056
      @brettmastema7056 Год назад

      @@hydras5947 Although i would add they dont consciously see this reality. Humans arent consciously thinking "i just want this thing to act like a normal kid, blah blah blah" the big issue that we have with many bad acting members of society is our brains are amazingly good and telling us that we are justified in our bad behavior. Many of the parents dont see the harm because that would make them question the answer that was most pleasing to the brain. The brain will go through huge leaps to assure a person they are always right. Unless you actively work to notice when you do that, in one way or another we fall victim to it. We all do it, but most of us refuse to acknowledge it. Thankfully we dont all end up hurting others because of that. For further reading check out the book "You are Not so Smart"

    • @hydras5947
      @hydras5947 Год назад +2

      @@brettmastema7056 yeah, obviously the parents don’t see anything wrong with it. We’re all the heroes of our own stories, after all.

  • @buggy627
    @buggy627 Год назад +45

    This is so insane and I’ve never even HEARD of it. I LOVE your channel and videos. Every single video is so gripping

  • @JJ-wf7ks
    @JJ-wf7ks Год назад +68

    This story is literally insane. My jaw dropped when you said the raid happened in 2020, I would have assumed it to happen decades ago.

    • @amandamandamands
      @amandamandamands Год назад +11

      I remember seeing warnings about drinking this during the first lockdown in Australia. It was the anti-vax, anti mask group that were being seen as the target market. Don't remember this group as a specific part of it though.

    • @oceancitynutrition2125
      @oceancitynutrition2125 Год назад +9

      Same I thought this was like the 70s

    • @brettmastema7056
      @brettmastema7056 Год назад +1

      It's outrageous that it took that long, and had they not tried to claim it cure or prevented covid, they may still have been pulling this crap. The whole hiding behind a religious belief needs to be addressed or else more groups will keep doing that.

    • @clareshaughnessy2745
      @clareshaughnessy2745 Год назад

      Sigh, do you remember the fuss about vaccination??? People would rather drink poison from a charlatan than actually take something that will protect them

    • @jhoughjr1
      @jhoughjr1 Год назад +1

      @@amandamandamands There is a lot more videos about this on YT. it wasn't really a thing until after 2010s.

  • @YarnAndy
    @YarnAndy Год назад +37

    Oof, if that were the end of it... A couple of years ago, when I discovered that I'm autistic, I got into some groups on Facebook thinking that maybe there are other people like me there. Nope, all "autism moms" asking each other about weird stuff like parasites and bleach (they did know it's bleach, they didn't call it "miracle" anything, they knew that it is bleach) and when I told them that none of that has any relevance to real life and that being autistic is not a disease, nor can it be cured, they all flew at me like harpies.
    It was so painful, I had to get out of there, but my soul hurts for those poor kids being purposefully tortured by their own parents just to make them "normal" (if "normal" means torturing your kids with zero remorse, I don't want to be normal, thanks)...
    Now if you're interested in this topic, Josie, you might want to check out Judge Rotenberg Center, that's a cult built around electrocuting autistic kids and nobody can do anything about it, but hopefully bringing more awareness and pressure will help dismantle this horrible "institution".

  • @SoccerLovePeace
    @SoccerLovePeace Год назад +61

    I love that you brought up unethical medical practices using black and brown communities in the past, great job!

    • @user-cm3uo6lu6o
      @user-cm3uo6lu6o Год назад +5

      Came here to acknowledge exactly this as well! Thank you :)

    • @OntarioBearHunter
      @OntarioBearHunter 3 месяца назад

      And then says trust big pharma and government, they've experimented on ALL communities and people need to stop saying shit is " safe".. thalidomide was safe and approved too.

  • @chumpess
    @chumpess Год назад +65

    I have multiple sclerosis, I have 2 children with autism. The thought that these disgusting humans preyed on people such as myself and our family make me furious. Life is hard enough when dealing with these ailments, we don’t need these charlatans giving false hope, and causing more damage in the process. Just…argh. I have no words for my anger.
    Thankfully I didn’t/wouldn’t fall for this nonsense (trust me, I have huns trying to sell me their essential oils/special water machines/special diets already, and it’s a hard no) but I can understand how more desperate, less educated people would want to try anything…but there are many parents who should have known better. The whole thing is just so sad. Those poor kids.

    • @annemariefrank
      @annemariefrank Год назад +5

      A friend of mine (MS) fell for a charlatan trying to sell him "supplements" and blaming his illness on "wrong diet". She was a "Applied Kinesiology" practitioner (total BS!). After guilt tripping him on the food issue, it took weeks and some money until he got off this trail and found real treatment. It's been over 10 years now, his well and still practicing as a surgeon, thanks to REAL, good medicine.

    • @pop4843
      @pop4843 Год назад

      Good on you. Sounds like your kids are in good hands. Makes me really happy to see as someone with autism- people abuse their autistic children so often.

  • @tiredchickpea8298
    @tiredchickpea8298 Год назад +45

    Love love love your reporting on the fact that being skeptical towards medical industry in the Black community is justified 👏

    • @zombiechicken7114
      @zombiechicken7114 Год назад +4

      It's totally understandable given the history but I do believe there is more good than evil in general and hope that vaccines etc can be proven to all communities so they will access them to stay safe despite the awful history.

  • @kendiholloway2378
    @kendiholloway2378 Год назад +36

    There are still asd groups on fbook advocating this. Every time I find one I report them. I have been messaged, threatened and abused for stating that any parent administering bleach enemas (popular in the groups in Australia) should have their child removed from their custody. Many children with Autism are non verbal, it breaks my heart to think of their suffering.

    • @elvingearmasterirma7241
      @elvingearmasterirma7241 Год назад +7

      And its no excuse for the parents. We can write, we can type!
      I am non verbal, and honestly very lucky to even be able to manage to talk at all.
      But even when my body refuses to talk I can make noises and facial expressions, so yea. Those parents are ignoring clear signs of disgust and discomfort and possibly even physically trying to get away.

    • @livilivinglife
      @livilivinglife Год назад

      I've seen a story on a gtube page (my son is 100 percent gtube fed) that a woman actually gave her kid bleach through his tube :( omg I can't imagine. My son is non verbal and sending him to school with his feeds scares me. I love his nurse but you really don't know someone ya know? I pray everyday nobody effs with my kid like that cuz I would go full blown mama bear h0m1cid@L mode. Don't mess with my cub!!

    • @0mola59
      @0mola59 Год назад

      You did the right thing,may God bless you

    • @aelinorholloway3669
      @aelinorholloway3669 4 месяца назад

      This is why guys need to use their brains when it comes to picking a partner. It's not just about pushing the kid out, you've got to be able to raise that kid into a grown adult.
      I've heard and seen too many cases of men plumbing for the first hot woman they meet only to end in a nasty divorce when they realise how nuts the woman really is.

  • @okoala62
    @okoala62 Год назад +34

    Did any of these monstrous “moms” take any of these treatments themselves?!? Their selfish asses would NEVER 😤 poor kids; my heart breaks for them

    • @AnneIglesias
      @AnneIglesias Год назад +8

      My mom did. She read the book from cover to cover, asked as many questions as she could and still bought the product with doubt and hope. She took it alongside my brother because she didn't want to subject him to be an experiment on his own. She was desperate. She was getting to her 60s, her adult son is Type 3, aggressive at times, unable to take care of himself and is obsessed with being around her at all times. I can't remember the last time she had a moment's rest. Quacks take advantage of tired, desperate people alongside selfish asses.

    • @2degucitas
      @2degucitas Год назад

      @@AnneIglesias Did they die from it? What happened?

    • @jazzyg6059
      @jazzyg6059 Год назад

      @@AnneIglesias she is still horrible. Wtf took it ALONGSIDE him? So if he was poisoned as an innocent child at least she was too? Dumb af

  • @jolenecarney7514
    @jolenecarney7514 Год назад +32

    You are such a talented creator!!! Everything about your content is top notch!!! You are amazing!!! Your visual, your editorial voice, and the structure and presentation of every story you tell is phenomenal!!!!!! I just felt like I had to say that, because my jaw drops every time you give us another fantastic piece!!! Thankyou for sharing your hard work and talents with us!!!!

  • @johnfromdownunder.4339
    @johnfromdownunder.4339 Год назад +11

    To prey on the devoloping world and the ignorance of these people is so sick, that's sociopathic behaviour.

  • @willbrown5197
    @willbrown5197 Год назад +5

    As a father of a son with autism, level three, I could never imagine doing anything to harm my child. He is the sweetest, purest soul I've ever met. Sure he has emotions and bad days, like anyone else, but what those parents risked to 'cure autism's is unforgivable

  • @lostagain2226
    @lostagain2226 Год назад +16

    So happy to see someone else finally talking about this! You are literally one of TWO people I've ever heard discuss the "bleach church"!!

    • @jhoughjr1
      @jhoughjr1 Год назад

      There are MANY videos about this on YT and have been for quite a while now. Lookup MMS church etc

  • @kaos8728
    @kaos8728 Год назад +44

    Just as a heads up for the future: the puzzle piece is not the preferred symbol of the autistic community. It has some bad connotations and is also connected to organizations like autism speaks, that pretend to advocate for autistic people while spreading hurtful narratives and information.
    The rainbow infinity symbol is preferred :)

    • @pop4843
      @pop4843 Год назад

      boosting this!! as op said, PLEASE do not use the puzzle piece. it's tied to a narrative that autism is "puzzling" and you need to figure out how to "fit" the child in to the greater puzzle of life. Essentially: it says that autism is a problem to be solved. Do not support autism speaks or any "autism mom" rhetoric. Additionally, don't support the light it up blue campaign. Actual autistic people do #redinstead .

    • @asdjklasdjkl105
      @asdjklasdjkl105 Год назад +3

      Illuminaughti has a great video on this.

    • @notthegoodgirl
      @notthegoodgirl  Год назад +17

      @koedi24 Thank you for the education. My apologies.

    • @sweetsnejinka9411
      @sweetsnejinka9411 Год назад +7

      Ooh, I thought it was used to show other bad faith autism groups. Please do a documentary on Autism Speaks! They have a lot of public goodwill still. That narrative needs to change, and this channel is perfect for it.

  • @Sgtshadist
    @Sgtshadist Год назад +34

    I'm glad to have run across your channel as the work you do is outstanding.
    Amazingly well done.

  • @glitterinmyeyes333
    @glitterinmyeyes333 Год назад +10

    All these parents need charged with abuse and neglect. Shame on them. If something makes you vomit once or twice, your body is telling you NO. STOP.
    To continue giving it to your children, ABUSE. Kiddos don't need a spiritual or physical cleanse.

    • @DanaAshlie
      @DanaAshlie Месяц назад mean like radiation? chemotherapy? Yeah I wouldn't touch those things with a 10 foot pole.

  • @siriuslyconfused1
    @siriuslyconfused1 Год назад +8

    Something that has no cure and needs no cure, my autism isn’t a disease, it’s part of what makes me amazing. Parents being so upset about their child having differences that they would go to these lengths make me so freaking sad.

    • @angelawossname
      @angelawossname Год назад +1

      I don't know you, but if you are anything like my autistic son, then, yes, you are amazing. I wish my son didn't suffer with so much anxiety as a result of his autism, but other than that I wouldn't change a thing.

    • @siriuslyconfused1
      @siriuslyconfused1 Год назад +3

      @@angelawossname I’m extremely fortunate to be low support needs (high functioning by NT terms but uh, my functionality varies 🤣) so mostly I deal with some anxiety and overwhelm due to the design of some places, but I’m so very lucky to be able to hold down an amazing job working with data and have my own place, I think so many people think of autism as this condition that fully prevents someone from living their life, but for many of us it’s just a part of who we are and we find ways to accommodate ourselves. It’s so sad to see parents feeding their kids chlorine instead of teaching coping skills 😥

  • @longlivebeans
    @longlivebeans Год назад +14

    I’ll never understand it. I have a neurodivergent child myself & despite the challenges we sometimes face, I wouldn’t trade her for the world. These kids don’t need to be “fixed” they need to be loved & supported. They need to feel accepted for who they are. Usually I have empathy for people who get sucked into cults but when you’re poisoning your kids, I got nothing for ya.

    • @amelian9677
      @amelian9677 Год назад

      I grew up in a cult and even I second that emotion. These adults can go have intercourse with themselves. 🖕🏻

  • @VonVikoGoat
    @VonVikoGoat Год назад +8

    i remember a sorta famous "journalist" in my country promoted using MMS and drank it live. she said it oxygenated the blood and prevented COVID-19.
    Sadly days later a child died bc his parents believed this and gave him MMS

  • @Pharm2be
    @Pharm2be Год назад +6

    Tbh it’s mad terrifying that this is a current case.

  • @babyface45
    @babyface45 Год назад +8

    I live in Palmetto FL and grew up in Bradenton FL. We have a lot of very controversial companies located in this area. Such as it Works in Palmetto FL and the well known Scientology church in Clearwater.
    I have a child on the spectrum and this "cure" was mentioned to me a few years ago, luckily I was in the medical field for years and have a family full of nurses and doctors so I was very skeptical and tried to inform my friend on the dangers of not only this product but anything that promised healing. I don't think my words were heard but I did try. I understand though because this person was a single parent and could hardly hold a job down because of the needs of the child and state insurance covers the bare minimum if that so they felt like there was nothing left to lose and that's exactly what's these companies look for. I did offer some other programs that could be applied for but we did end up losing touch shortly after this. I pray that this was not a road that was taken for the child. It is so upsetting because that's what these evil people hope for and search out for, people who are desperate and feel like they are backed into a corner because conventional medicine is not working for them and they are drowning in the physical spiritual and emotional drain that comes with these issues, especially autism. Grrrrr makes me so angry.

  • @Cure_Hana
    @Cure_Hana Год назад +9

    As someone diagnosed with High Functioning ASD, hearing stories like this really gets under my skin. I’m grateful to have grown up with parents who have accepted my quirks and offered their support whenever they can. I just can’t believe some people are so bigoted and stupid that they equate autism to being possessed by the devil. 😓

  • @diamondh1243
    @diamondh1243 Год назад +7

    What is wrong with people?! I have never heard of this. Thanks for covering it!

  • @cardinalcrone
    @cardinalcrone Год назад +13

    Oh no, that title 😞💔
    Edit: why am I not surprised he’s ex Scientologist

  • @Dwendaski
    @Dwendaski Год назад +22

    "Big pharma just wants to take your money! Anyway give me $450." Absolutely bonkers. Love your content, everything you put out is such high quality!

  • @ksandsszz
    @ksandsszz Год назад +37

    God this is absolutely terrifying!! Thank you for making this super informative video. It’s so hard to hear about this but important to know this abuse is happening. I feel so bad for all the kids who fall victim this and I hope they can get the help they need:( I can’t get over how utterly evil these parents are; I wish they could accept their neurodivergent children the way they are.

    • @pop4843
      @pop4843 Год назад +7

      Yeah, I hope the poor babies got taken away from them and sent to someone who 1. won't feed their kid bleach 2. knows how to properly help the child with their symptoms. Abuse among autistic children is SO rampant; it's very sad.

  • @lekiscool
    @lekiscool Год назад +11

    Some don’t have a voice because they are minors, others literally don’t have a voice.
    Usually its the cases of low functioning people with conditions that get medically abused and to me thats the worst part

  • @Happinosis
    @Happinosis Год назад +4

    I'm 52 and autistic and don't need curing, thank you very much.

  • @Honey_Daddy
    @Honey_Daddy Год назад +13

    I've tried that crap before. Tasted horrible. An old coworker said it "added oxygen or hydrogen into the body" and was super good for the body. Didn't know what it was, but it tasted like bleach. He offered it the next day and I said no thanks, never again. Then I saw stuff about MMS and realized, "I tried that stuff not quite aware a couple years back." I don't recall if he said it adds oxygen or hydrogen, but I think he said oxygen. It doesn't do either. It's bleach and tastes much like it.

  • @nervousbunnygaming
    @nervousbunnygaming 11 месяцев назад +4

    Your subtle shade in all your videos kills me “a conspiracy theory used by bad actors” 😂 the one with Gwen Shamblin and the overweight airplane comment made me snort out loud 🤣🤣

  • @jill9405
    @jill9405 Год назад +9

    Omg how could a parent do this to their children. I am angry that these children had to go through all of that Pain. Parent is supposed to protect them. There needs to be stricter laws on things like this. The government needs to focus on this, no one should have been able to get past the FDA

  • @BrittMFH
    @BrittMFH Год назад +32

    Great content and delivery. Poor kids, victims of uneducated, gullible or naive parents trying to do what they thought was a good thing. TFS.

  • @kerry2520
    @kerry2520 Год назад +13

    Wooo...haven't watched this episode yet, just wanted to make mention of how excited i got when i saw a new one!!!! Very much diggin these "cult"-ish covers. Crazy to think you could be part of one without even knowing it. Thank you for the videos you do!! Very educational, and also, very high quality....well done! *starts solo applause*

    • @margotchanning1822
      @margotchanning1822 Год назад

      That's how they get u in, u don't realise it's a cult, it all makes perfect sense at the time...when ur out of it, that's when u see it 4 what it is

  • @heatherwombwell7308
    @heatherwombwell7308 Год назад +6

    Wow, just simply wow! How can people be so cold, calculating and may I add evil? Love when I get notified of a new download from you! Keep up the great work!!

  • @franfrommn
    @franfrommn Год назад +6

    As an adult with ASD, it's heartbreaking to see how some parents will poison their kids rather than accept them as they are. I think a lot of parents never get over the idea in their head of who they wanted their kid to be and continue to try to force their child to be that person. In my experience, parents/guardians who listen and learn and channel that into creating a home environment catered to their autistic child, create the most successful autistic adults. Attempting to mold an autistic person into a nonautistic person never works and unfortunately, causes a lot of trauma in the process.

  • @uhuraenterprise6372
    @uhuraenterprise6372 Год назад +8

    Where do all these horrible humans come from? This is like a real life horror movie. I find it really hard to watch even though I watch a lot of crime. Important to put a light on because this is serious child abuse.

  • @guhwakk
    @guhwakk Год назад +4

    Nothing makes me more excited than to see one of your videos has been posted!!! I watch many of your documentaries over and over, they’ve become kind of a comfort. I learn SO much from you. Cant wait to dig into this one!

  • @RichardHuffman
    @RichardHuffman Год назад +6

    "...former Scientologist" Oh jeez, well that explains everything. The weirdness of the Purification Rundown has sprouted hundreds of even stranger practices.

    • @OffTheWagons
      @OffTheWagons Год назад +2

      Did you ever read the sauna book they gave? It was hilarious

    • @RichardHuffman
      @RichardHuffman Год назад +1

      @@OffTheWagons Crazy stuff.

    • @OffTheWagons
      @OffTheWagons Год назад

      @@RichardHuffman Was at Narconon in Oklahoma for almost a year and went through all of it. Was in the sauna for 60 days and knew it was crazy right away but was already there so went through it all while making fun of it with friends made there.

  • @christahewitt2758
    @christahewitt2758 Год назад +6

    This is not okay! Someone needs to save these children from these abusive parents! 😢

  • @GG.9090
    @GG.9090 Год назад +4

    Didnt know anything about that, this is horrible. Thank you again for your awesome work !

  • @jamesb.hallmd9899
    @jamesb.hallmd9899 Год назад +6

    Another HIT, Josie! Great production, narration, music!!

  • @AndrewN502
    @AndrewN502 Год назад +5

    you really do a great job with your documentary vids

  • @SilhouetteSE
    @SilhouetteSE Год назад +4

    Human stupidity and gullibility are truly infinite

  • @Theelovelyday
    @Theelovelyday Год назад +5

    This is so sad. You do an amazing job with these documentaries. Thank you and keep it up!

  • @victorialopezgarcia2587
    @victorialopezgarcia2587 Год назад +7

    What is interesting is that perfectly intelligent people fall for this type of BS... Thanks for yet another Gem. If any one deserves a Spotify podcast is you😊

  • @ravenkushner
    @ravenkushner Год назад +4

    It's so sad that they'd rather put their kids' lives in danger than just learn to accept the diagnosis and do as much as they can to help their children thrive.

  • @Happymind-happyworld.
    @Happymind-happyworld. Год назад +1

    Thanks for these video essays. They really keep me company on my way to school.

  • @rastababy5684
    @rastababy5684 Год назад +5

    I never heard of this before, thank you for the information.

  • @icannotbeseen
    @icannotbeseen Год назад +8

    it's so disgusting how willing these people are to harm their children instead of supporting their different needs. I get that not every kid with ASD is easy to take care of, even if you try and do your best knowing that their brains are just different and there's nothing wrong with that. I'm also not a parent. But I could never imagine inflicting this on anyone... except maybe people who do this to their kids? don't know if I'm cruel and cold-hearted enough though.
    and again it comes down to that monster Andrew Wakefield without who these people wouldn't even have the idea that there's something that needs to be sanitized in the first place.
    I'm sure they would find another way to tortu- I mean "cure" these kids though, so who knows what hell the kids would have gone through anyway.

  • @pickledragonrebel
    @pickledragonrebel Год назад +4

    What a terrifying situation. Thank you for your continued hard work. I love your docs !!!!

  • @brendacoronalinderman1983
    @brendacoronalinderman1983 Год назад +2

    Omg I love all your videos!!! I was so excited when I got the notification that you posted a new one. Please keep them coming 🙏

  • @kristik5305
    @kristik5305 Год назад +3

    I just want you to know, I LOVE documentaries and watch a ton of them on the regular- I have to say, your videos are some of my favorite, including like Netflix budget docs. Thank you for the quality videos, so well researched and presented. You are simply amazing!!

  • @AmberLovesMystery
    @AmberLovesMystery Год назад +12

    Love your videos girly!

  • @mfuentes4961
    @mfuentes4961 Год назад +8

    Good God this is like the real life version of the Midnight Mass series but without vampires…

  • @MarvelInTheGarden
    @MarvelInTheGarden Год назад +6

    Absolutely LOVE your documentaries!!! ❤️❤️❤️

  • @danielnascimento6300
    @danielnascimento6300 Год назад +1

    These new videos are on point! So good.

  • @yilz123
    @yilz123 Год назад +2

    You’re so calming please do more documentaries on different things!

  • @mkhalgat
    @mkhalgat Год назад +2

    Josie! These videos are always so well researched and suuuper entertaining. Keep up the good work.👍

  • @deethkhl
    @deethkhl Год назад +3

    So thankful I saw this when I did. Hi Josie 👋

  • @skunkrat01
    @skunkrat01 Год назад +11

    Another great investigation video. Can't wait for more.
    Interesting, factual, well presented, you're gonna go far soon.
    Imho you should already have like 5 million subscribers. Hugs and encouraging love from Melbourne 🇦🇺

  • @marilee3566
    @marilee3566 Год назад +3

    You did it again. Great Job!!

  • @d.awdreygore
    @d.awdreygore Год назад +4

    Excellent timing! I just made a cup of tea 😊

  • @paladinkraus
    @paladinkraus Год назад +7

    Yet again 😂 saving me from boredom 🤣 I appreciate your videos so much!

  • @sunnyvibes5406
    @sunnyvibes5406 Год назад +2

    Josie!! Your Videos ARE AMAZING and informative!! THANK YOU so much for your content!

  • @brettmastema7056
    @brettmastema7056 Год назад +1

    Once again you have knocked this out of the park. Nice Job to Josie and her crew.

  • @danysanerd2383
    @danysanerd2383 Год назад +7

    I've known about this horrible situation for over a decade, glad that they're getting ahold of the main people distributing it. Sadly something tells me that multiple smaller distributors or whatever you want to call them, will begin to pop up in their place, kinda just like a cartel king pin...
    I'm so sad for the damage this has caused its heartbreaking. Thank you for shedding some light on this darkness!

    • @DanaAshlie
      @DanaAshlie Месяц назад

      Right....bc if this is actually BLEACH it's already for sale dirt cheap at every single grocery store in the planet. "cartel king pins' need not apply lolol

  • @sunshine9993
    @sunshine9993 Год назад +3

    Love your videos!! 🙌🏽🧡

  • @amykh7647
    @amykh7647 Год назад +2

    This video is fantastically edited!

  • @kandicescalf
    @kandicescalf Год назад +5

    I’m OBSESSED with the direction this channel is going btw. I get so hype when I see an upload. Ok lemme watch this now 🫶🏻

  • @hollib3900
    @hollib3900 Год назад +5

    I love the quality of your videos! One thing I'm upset about is the fact that RUclips won't send me your notifications! The good news is, now I have a number of videos to watch!

    • @BrittMFH
      @BrittMFH Год назад +2

      They don't send out notifications any longer but if you check your "unwatched videos" on a regular basis you'll catch them all.

  • @petewhite3844
    @petewhite3844 Год назад +3

    Omg, somehow my notifications got turned off. I just wrapped up with the Lori Loughlin video to find this one uploaded! THANK YOU! 🤩

  • @kyrabarr2846
    @kyrabarr2846 10 месяцев назад +1

    Thank you for these informative and very insightful documentaries .

  • @TheBennedy85
    @TheBennedy85 Год назад +2

    How Awful! Thank you for this very well put together doco. A big fan!

  • @madison4592
    @madison4592 Год назад +9

    Being a parent of a child with ASD, this infuriates me to hear they think bleach "cures" autism. People are ridiculous and dangerous!!!! This was great! You always do such a great job on your documentaries 👏

  • @snowieskiesabove
    @snowieskiesabove Год назад +2

    I’m super sick and the vision in my right eye is impacted. I can really only listen to videos I’m so glad you uploaded this

    • @angelawossname
      @angelawossname Год назад

      Me too. Auto immune disease led to frequent flares of uveitis, and most of the sight in my right eye is gone.

  • @johnfromdownunder.4339
    @johnfromdownunder.4339 Год назад +3

    I'll definitely come back for the next video and I have subscribed. Thank you for great content ✌️✌️

    • @johnfromdownunder.4339
      @johnfromdownunder.4339 Год назад

      Thank you for putting my comment at the top, I don't think I really deserved it I saw much better questions in the comments. I think if you have yr face so people can see you when you comment it helps.

  • @micivalantincic8227
    @micivalantincic8227 Год назад +7

    I am autistic and this people are so insulting claming we need a cure. We just need to be more accepted. It is disguasting what this parents did.

  • @ameliat8981
    @ameliat8981 Год назад +4

    This was bananas and nothing I had ever heard of before. I did not realize that when the former guy told people to drink bleach that there was actually a whole thing behind it. There must be a connection there. What a completely unnecessary nightmare.

  • @markhaunert5029
    @markhaunert5029 Год назад +3

    I'm fairly new to the channel but you have some of the most powerful and important videos I've ever seen. Thank you for your work👍✌️

  • @JF0x
    @JF0x Год назад +2

    Really interesting and well made video, thank you

  • @Subfightr
    @Subfightr Год назад +1

    Thank you so much for your hard work.

  • @Mrs.Silversmith
    @Mrs.Silversmith Год назад +3

    The thing that upsets me the most is the idea that some of these kids who are on the spectrum are nonverbal. They can't speak up for themselves even if they wanted to. It breaks my heart.

  • @RobertBrownbrowncone
    @RobertBrownbrowncone Год назад +3

    Love your videos!

  • @MysteryArchives
    @MysteryArchives 2 месяца назад +1

    Such an unbelievable story my goodness

  • @miriameclipse7953
    @miriameclipse7953 Год назад +2