i personally liked the new insect glaive quite a bit, the abilities and attacks it can do with charging with kinsect attacks can make for a very fun experience. the backwards vault is also my favorite move from rise version, but executing it in wilds is very demanding, needing to do a move first or holding focus mode first. both options make backwards vaulting into the enemy for safe air travel during its attack inconsistent cause you have to look away to use focus mode's backwards vault which then can't time when to the move if you can't see the attack. this new move if fine tuned is a perfect replacement for removing air bouncing from air attack but right now its not a good option, especially because of the next problem i have with the weapon. it suffers from a similar problem other weapons i play have where one move over centralizes the moveset. it's too hard to ignore. the new attack the insect glaive has does amazing damage, it's too much, and so easy to perform that it is the only move you need to use. all the other changes the weapon gets get ignored when you can do significantly more damage by only using that one move. the only time you do something else is to collect buffs to use the move again. collecting buffs is the worst part about insect glaive, making it easier to collect all three doesn't make it fun if it is now expected to be done 10x more often and have to collect all three instead of just red. ideally i want to use the weapon entire moveset and save the ultimate attack at the very end or if i see a wound to take advantage of free buffs. there ar better ways to make a game accessible to newcomers instead of simplifying the weapon's flowchart to one combo over and over again. and it feels like monster health is balanced around the llayer using just the one move, i won't say that is 100% true cause we have low level gear for various monsters. im mainly hoping these overpowered moves are an oversight that will be adressed and not intentionally done so like wome swith skills were in rise and sunbreak
Thank you for comment! I like this, too. Rising Spiral Slash(overpowered moves, you say) is so strong. But I don't think it's too strong. This move has a long animation and a large gap. It is not always used during hunting the monster I don't know well. Tornado Slash and Overhead Slash have large DPS. So I think we will mainly use them. And I think collecting buffs(extracts) in MHWs is easier than other series. Once you get used to it, you won't spend much time on it. So I think Rising Spiral Slash doesn't need nerf. I wonder what will happen to Insect Glaive on next play time.
よろしくアルマさん! じゃあなウケツケジョー!
Switchプロコン使用者がここにも! 操虫棍の操作は結構楽になりましたねぇ…
i personally liked the new insect glaive quite a bit, the abilities and attacks it can do with charging with kinsect attacks can make for a very fun experience. the backwards vault is also my favorite move from rise version,
but executing it in wilds is very demanding, needing to do a move first or holding focus mode first. both options make backwards vaulting into the enemy for safe air travel during its attack inconsistent cause you have to look away to use focus mode's backwards vault which then can't time when to the move if you can't see the attack.
this new move if fine tuned is a perfect replacement for removing air bouncing from air attack but right now its not a good option, especially because of the next problem i have with the weapon.
it suffers from a similar problem other weapons i play have where one move over centralizes the moveset.
it's too hard to ignore. the new attack the insect glaive has does amazing damage, it's too much, and so easy to perform that it is the only move you need to use.
all the other changes the weapon gets get ignored when you can do significantly more damage by only using that one move.
the only time you do something else is to collect buffs to use the move again. collecting buffs is the worst part about insect glaive, making it easier to collect all three doesn't make it fun if it is now expected to be done 10x more often and have to collect all three instead of just red. ideally i want to use the weapon entire moveset and save the ultimate attack at the very end or if i see a wound to take advantage of free buffs. there ar better ways to make a game accessible to newcomers instead of simplifying the weapon's flowchart to one combo over and over again. and it feels like monster health is balanced around the llayer using just the one move, i won't say that is 100% true cause we have low level gear for various monsters.
im mainly hoping these overpowered moves are an oversight that will be adressed and not intentionally done so like wome swith skills were in rise and sunbreak
Thank you for comment!
I like this, too.
Rising Spiral Slash(overpowered moves, you say) is so strong. But I don't think it's too strong.
This move has a long animation and a large gap. It is not always used during hunting the monster I don't know well.
Tornado Slash and Overhead Slash have large DPS. So I think we will mainly use them.
And I think collecting buffs(extracts) in MHWs is easier than other series. Once you get used to it, you won't spend much time on it.
So I think Rising Spiral Slash doesn't need nerf.
I wonder what will happen to Insect Glaive on next play time.