Former Bikeability instructor here. As you say, this was one of the things we tried to get across to the kids in level 1. Electric vehicles are probably going to become more and more common so hearing a vehicle coming from behind can no longer be taken for granted.
Indeed, EV's are much more of a problem in urban environments, above about 30mph the tyre noise is much louder than the average engine anyway. Out on the open road like much of this video, it's overwhelmingly the tyres you're hearing first. In urban environments at low speed, EVs can really take you by surprise!
Thanks for the comment, Paul. Yes, EVs throw up an interesting challenge, especially at low speeds like also mentioned here. The local Bikeability groups sometimes use our road (as it's quiet but does have some slow through traffic, so great practice) and it's great to see these skills being taught.
I have the Garmin rear radar and its a great bit of tech but it don't replace keeping your ears and eyes open to have a quick check. When going down hill though the radar is great as I don't have to turn my head round at speed
Thanks, Russ and hope all's good! Great example of where the radar technology comes into its own. I think watching your radar light video a while back was the first time I'd seen this tech!
I use the varia radar which is great to alert you but it certainly doesn't tell you how close cars are going to pass. Also sometimes I can hear a car before the radar goes off. The Mirror on helmet thing I hated as it just blocked by vision ahead. I've also have a bar end mirror that I got before radar and sometimes still use.
I have a mirror on my handlebar right side and it is a lifesaver. I decided to fit one after attempting a u turn on the road when I thought nothing was close. I had to quickly rethink me actions as a Transit Van was right on me and about to overtake. The mirror has overcome this danger and I feel mush safer as a result as I can see all the time what is behind me .
Thanks for the comment, Colin. It's surprising (to many drivers, probably) just how deaf you can be to their noise behind you, especially in a headwind. I'm becoming a bit of a fan of the mirrors reading many of these comments! 🙂
Awareness of what's behind you is vital to stay safe. Eyes and ears are your tools. People riding with earphones are at increased risk. Until I got old and creaky, turning my head and staying in a straight line was very easy but now I have a tendency to drift out. I have fitted a mirror to the bars and feel I'm much safer. One advantage is I glance in the mirror far more times than I turned my head when younger. Not sure about radar, just another thing waiting to go wrong.
Thanks for the comment, Colin. Interesting to read another vote for a mirror (and why you went with one) and I couldn't agree more about that rear-view awareness for safety. For one thing I think I'd just be too stressed cycling on the roads if I didn't have any sense of what was behind me. Stay safe out there!
@@onemorecyclistI to use a mirror on my road bikes. It works in two ways one you can see the drivers behind you and two the drivers can see their lights in your mirror. Helmet cameras also help as professional motorists fear an email from a cyclist and the idiots that stop to argue or fight are soon calmed when you calmly explain that you have them on film and that you could cause them some inconvenience life. Education beats confrontation every time.
@@tobycolin6271 thanks for the comment, Toby. In all honesty I had a pretty neutral or even slightly sceptical view of mirrors before I posted this video and started reading the comments ... but I think I'm becoming a bit of a fan of them now.
Tried a couple of bar end mirrors and have settled on the Cat Eye version. It is literally a life saver and I now wouldn't ride without it. Even took it with me this year to Mallorca to install on the hire bike. You should definitely consider one - particularly as twisting as you age becomes more difficult. Looking down as a vehicle passes (to check there's not another)becomes second nature.
I fitted a handlebar mounted mirror to my E-MTB now. I realised how difficult it is to hear traffic coming up from behind me with wind noise etc. I do over the shoulder life saver checks when I'm making any maneuver.
Thanks for the comment, Adrian. You're right you can't really hear traffic coming up behind you beyond a certain speed and/or with a headwind. I'm scared to try an eMTB as I know I'll want one! Happy cycling! 🙂
I thought about this video today while out on the bike. If I tried to turn and look to the rear, I would surely be in the ditch. At 77, we are not quite as flexible as 27. So, as with the Spitfire and Hurricaine pilots from the Battle of Britain, I use a mirror. Now, I must get a scarf.
I have a small bar end mirror on my Emtb and find it a lifesaver. You can see traffic approaching from a good distance back which you aren’t always aware of due to wind noise etc.
I am a cyclist, a motorcyclist, a driver and current Bikeability instructor. This is the one thing I want my students to learn above all else. I drum observation into them and have found a few tricks to help them to learn the importance of this. The other skills are very important but, for me, this is the big one.
Thanks for the comment, Donny. Couldn't agree more and I think for those that can get this skill down and committed to muscle memory, to the point where it's an automatic part of how they ride, it'll serve them really well. I'm sure it's quite rewarding being able to teach these kinds of skills (ex-teacher myself, but not cycling!). 🙂
I'm watching your last video regarding safety cycling. I agree with the majority of your comments, The issue regards mirrors,I ride with other elderly cyclists, and due to our ages, all of us use strait bars now, and all use end of bar mirrors,they are short,therfore there is no vibration. Due to having a neck movement reduction (age related), I find it essential and also stops the movement towards the middle of the road. I can, with the mirror, constantly check the road behind me Regards Mike the bike Shrewsbury
Getting barend mirrors was a lifesaver in city cycling where a lot's going on and taking quick looks and keeping an ear out (even though EVs don't make much sound) so still checking round before changing lines is always the safest thing 👍, safe riding!
Thanks for the comment, Francis. EVs have really changed that 'sound as a heads up' haven't they, particularly like you say around cities and at low speeds. Happy cycling!
Cycles have always been virtually silent. I find it surprising that nobody commenting here feels that is is necessary to check behind in case a cycle is overtaking, or in a hazardous position before making a manoeuvre.
Yeah I do this from years as a motorbike rider. It's pure habit at this point. On the motorbike I was taught about blind spots, and to glance the mirror into a lifesaver for a maximum visibility check. Without mirrors on the bicycle it's even more necessary, definitely a skill that should be taught before even thinking about riding on a road. Good one!
I use a wing mirror, I also have the Garmin radar - which is brilliant. Nothing can beat your eyes and ears, but the radar is useful in high winds, when you can't hear anything - your Garmin device lights up, when a vehicle is 140 metres away.
Your ears are the best indicator of a driver going way to fast and on roundabouts always make eye contact with approaching vehicles when you're about to take an exit as many are oblivious with tunnel vision or are too eager to cut you up on the roundabout as you are going round or worse carry on regardless even if you have highvis during the day. Always check your six.
Really good tips there around integrating yourself with the traffic flow and connecting with other road users, rather than I suppose that 'eyes front', stiff on the bike and 'don't want to be there' type of riding which doesn't do anyone any favours. Thanks for the comment, Sedriq. Happy cycling!
You can definitely get that 'king of the road' and 'out of my way vibe' from some SUV drivers. To be fair it's a minority in my own experience round these parts, and I get the same vibe interacting with the bad ones in my little hatchback - they seem to want to run everyone off the road, not just cyclists! 🙂
@@onemorecyclistThe new Land Rover Defender drivers are the worst, I detest them. They are the very definition of tough in the seat, cowards on the street.
A lot of surveys suggest that anything which 'humanises' cyclists helps with motorist-reactions and courtesy. They probably see roadies as pedalling cyborgs, stock-still, clad in weird clothes and Darth Vader helmets so head movement and eye-contact can be very helpful. I'm very theatrical in traffic with a range of gestures for any kind of turning, overtaking or pulling-out, or even if I've spotted something up the road which has the potential to be hazardous. Open palm, half extended arm - back off a bit, mate. Even if the motorists aren't decoding the exact meaning it makes them think for a second or two, and realise there's a human on the bike.
Brilliant examples of assertive riding there, Gordon. That exaggerated or theatrical style really helps make sure you're clocked by others around you, doesn't it - and to them it's probably not all that exaggerated at all! That 'stock-still' type of riding you describe is so recognisable and I think in many cases hints at quite rudimentary bike handling skills.
The “life saver” was something drilled into people doing their motorcycle training when I did it in the 90s. The other was “mirror check, speed check, road position” when moving, I can still remember hearing the instructions through my headset now. We used life savers when pulling away (right as a minimum and possibly both sides), particularly to the left before pulling away when turning left, but also ANY change of direction on the road, to give us a chance to avoid a side swipe. Put simply, if you’re changing line, look into the trajectory you’re moving into before fully committing to it. I have used them cycling and driving ever since, as well as mirrors on vehicles, but never used mirrors on cycles, as you should be fine with head checks. I taught my son these when he started road riding as a teenager. The nuance I would add, is that it doesn’t necessarily involve a full twist to look behind, you should be able to see a large cone of vision with just a head twist and eye movement, too much convoluted twisting is tricky, some slight body movement is ok. Too much head and torso twist can compromise balance and result in swerving, so it’s a case of practicing and finding the optimum balance with twist and stability while maintaining a straight line. Agree they are underrated and not taught enough. They should be drilled into learners until they become second nature, once engrained, it’s difficult to comprehend how anyone would make a move without using them.
Couldn't agree more with this fantastic comment. Thanks for posting! I'm convinced those engrained behaviours I picked up on a motorcycle in the 90s have saved my bacon on multiple occasions in more recent years.
@onemorecyclist thanks fella, new follower, not on my bike lately, long story, long covid, but I will be back and have put thousands of miles in over the years, chaired the local cycle club for a while, ridden track, road, CX racing / touring (now called gravel and bike packing 😂), MTB, and BMX when young. My son loved cycling, we had him doing sportives from 12, chain gangs with a Cotswold club soon after, loads of group rides with adults, and he's now an all round fit 22 year old Aerospace engineer. We have Britain's longest A road running past the house, when you take a young lad out on fast and busy UK roads, man you need to think through the skills and techniques needed to limit risks. The life saver is a fundamental IMHO. Good video 👍 .
When I was younger, this was never a problem. As I've got older, bad back and bad neck, I don't have the range of movement I once had. I do drift when looking round and even pull over if I don't feel safe.
Thanks for the comment, Nigel. I can definitely relate to that losing mobility experience. There's a local right turn I do quite a lot in heavy traffic (and a spot with some quite bad driving fairly commonplace) and probably half the time the best thing to do is just pull over/get on the pavement and cross like a pedestrian. There's bike skills and there's self-preservation! Happy cycling! 🙂
With a quick movement of my eyes, I can see behind me safely and often, using a single mirror. At 77 years old it is more difficult to twist and turn as I did 50 years ago. The mirror is faster, more stable and there are no batteries to charge.
Thanks as always for the comment, Frank. Some clear rider benefits there and I'm guessing you're referencing one of the helmet - attached mirrors? Happy cycling!
Yes there are, I move the bars left then right, and use my hearing as best as I can, but you're right. Thete is no substitute for taking a good look.@nickwinn7812
Lifelong cyclist here, 71 and going strong thankfully. Thank you for this video, and yes I fully agree a look back while keeping a reasonably straight line is essential to get good at. Not sure if it ever influences driver behaviour though. My preferred routes nowadays are mostly off road. I would never cycle in the kind fast traffic in the video. Wouldn’t be enjoyable for me. Keep safe.
Thanks for the comment, Michael. I'm comfortable cycling in traffic, to the point where I actually enjoy it up to a certain level (not talking super fast A roads with passes at 60mph, obviously!) - it's often a 'necessary evil' on the road rides to open up some of the more quiet sections and scenery. Stay safe and keep peddling! 🙂
I was in my 50's when my new partner who had been a motorbike rider in his youth taught me to head check. i don't understand why this wasn't taught to me when I was learning to drive or doing my bicycle proficiency test as a youngster. i do it all the time now and even on dedicated cycle paths it is important because electric bikes and scooters overtake me with no advance warning..
Years ago when I did my motorbike test they called it a lifesaver, for whenever you maneuver. Great for a Devonian with Yorkshire roots to see a bit o' Yorkshire!
I use a radar but it doesn't replace the look. I use a radar to let me know a car is coming (sooner than if I'd just listen for it). I find the check established a human contact with the driver. As if to say "I see you. Do you see me? We're in this together." As you said, it doesn't always work. But hey, if you're gonna try to kill me, at least have he courage to look me in the eyes while you do it.
The Lifesaver Look has definitely saved my life a few times for real... It also helps you plan intricate manoeuvres.. Great video I hope everyone gets to watch and understand this.. 😉👍🏻
Unfortunately my neck mobility isn't what it was so safer for me to use a mirror on my right hand handle bars. Bad road surfaces are a pain and sometimes not even enough time to check behind before moving out slightly
Great Video. Riding offensively is the only way I feel safe. In a odd way bullying cars to back off. Just a note of protecting yourself....make sure you have adequate insurance. I have BC insurance which I have had to use twice and they were brilliant sorting everything out.
I used to use a mirror so I could keep an eye on the cars on the highway, in country Australia, except I was focusing too much on the mirror and didn't see the snake in front of me! I just managed to swerve as it went to strike at my bare feet (my preferred style of riding). When I got home I took the mirror off, never to be used again.
Yikes! Makes me very thankful that we only have to worry about potholes and the odd patch of sheep poo on the roads round this way! Thanks for the comment and happy cycling (now sans mirror!). 🙂
When you go to the velodrome they teach you to look back with your head positioned between the elbow and shoulder it much easier to look back this way .
I agree that looking around periodically is an important skill to have but have an issue with arthritis in my neck that prevents me from turning my head as far as needed to get a full view behind. Last year I fitted some bar end mirrors but find that the view in them is severely blurred due to the poor state of our roads. More recently I purchased a Varia radar unit which is great for telling me about vehicles coming up behind me and showing me how close that are getting. I then turn my head around when I can hear the vehicle and get eye contact with the driver. I think that works as a process. Stay safe!
Thanks for the comment, Steve. Great example and 'use case' there for the radar light, and interesting on the road surface/mirror issues. Happy (safe) cycling!🙂
I used to ride a Radar (when they 1st came out) but I found it a pain to charge repeatedly, now I use a mirror and good (day) light.. but I always do a look check! Tho radars are good of you like them and I can see the use but you can get around them in cycling
As a very keen cyclist myself for many years , I still find it hard to comprehend how it is acceptable for cyclists to hold a camera to film themselves, and look into a camera giving a running commentary, and usually while talking about the lack of awareness of other road users. Please tell me, am I missing something here.
No it's a fair cop and the irony of talking safety into a camera certainly isn't lost on me. I've lost count of all the times I've really wanted to film and show bits of a route but it's just been to sketchy to even consider. I've made a few videos on rides where I go down my local valley road (usually for about 13-14 miles before heading off into quieter country) and if there's ever a bit to camera it's always on exactly the same short sections of road (where to me it feels safe enough). I do appreciate how it might come across poorly though. Happy cycling!
@@onemorecyclist Don't get me wrong, it's not just you, it seems to be common practice nowadays, I just don't get it. I prefer both hands on the bars, and a constant look out for the countless idiots out there.
Like others, I was disappointed to watch the whole video waiting for a skills lesson, but instead just listened to you repeatedly saying that looking behind you was a good thing to do!
I have Radar, but it's not a substitute for a shoulder check, it just enhances it by letting you know sooner, making sure you aren't taken by surprise between checks and giving you an idea of speed. I still look because I want to know what the vehicle is, even a good pass by a lorry or bus can scare the bejesus out of you if you are expecting a car. I've also recently started using a PassPixi on solo rides, it's a beer mat sized sign that hangs over a Jersey pocket with a speed camera symbol on it that lets them know (or makes them think😉) you are recording. I was sceptical at first, but it seems like the big tough guys in their SUV's and German cars don't feel so tough all of a sudden when they think their actions might have consequences.
Thanks for the comment Chris and I think that's exactly how I'd be thinking about a radar light if I had one. Really interesting about the PassPixi having an effect. There was some quite extensive research done about 10 years ago that I remember looking at a while ago (driver passes on cyclists) which basically concluded there isn't much a cyclist can do appearance/clothing wise to change driver passing behaviour, but the research found with the exception of wearing a police jacket which did have a positive effect (potentially by implying the drivers were being filmed). Stay safe out there and happy cycling!
@@onemorecyclist I should clarify The PassPixi mostly works against aggressive, deliberate, punishment pass types of diving, those that don't think they are doing anything wrong, which males up at least half of the less dangerous but still dangerous/alarming passes are unaffected, and it does have one negative in that overcautious drivers on narrower roads sometimes won't overtake at all, which is a bit of shame as I've always felt those situations where cyclists and drivers willingly give some leeway and accommodate each other are a good thing that dispels the "arrogant cyclist" perception. I've never found Hi-Vis makes a différance, I don't think divers have any difficulty seeing us in daylight it's just a go-to excuse (That is seen as an admission of "not paying due care and attention" in any other type of traffic collision but still seems acceptable as mitigation if a cyclist is involved 👿) If its not bright out running lights take their excuse away. On the flip side of that, I don't buy the idea that safety gear "dehumanizes" cyclists either, something I hear from the anti helmet "because they won't save you from a lorry" brigade. As if being hit by a motor vehicle is the main reason we occasionally find ourselves kissing the tarmac, those guys must have some perfectly laid, well maintianed, ice free roads to ride on all year round 🤣. Take care!
@@Bikey_McBeardface Just a note on helmet wearing Chris. The research does not show a reduced fatality/serious injury rate amongst cyclists who don't wear helmets, as opposed to those who do. I know this is counter intuitive, but there you are. I would rather see more cyclists with or without helmets. Let's not put obstacles in the way, especially when based on unfounded hunches.
@@nickwinn7812 Nope, ZERO research in the last 15 years shows that. Many of the early studies are highly flawed as they cannot possibly show to any degree: 1) The number of helmet users in the serious injury category who would have been in the fatal category if no helmet was worn 2) The number of helmet users who revived minor injuries who would have been in the serious injury category if no helmet was worn 3) The number of helmet users that did not seek/need medial attention at all, who would have if no helmet was worn and were excluded from any study though lack of data. Later studies that take into account the percentage of helmet users Vs, none, and that the more frequent the cyclist, the more likely they are to choose to wear, one show that helmets are effective at reducing serious brain injury (including fatalities) by about of 60-70%
This is DRILLED into motorcyclists right from the start. I, ALSO. do this in my car when overtaking, pulling out, etc. It’s just common-sense and a good standard to stand by when on the road!
Couldn't agree more, Kevin. Probably the best thing I did for my own road safety awareness and confidence on two wheels was learn to ride a motorcycle. Thanks for the comment! 🙂
Thanks, great to have you following along! We're lucky to have some great routes on the doorstep I think. You might already know the channel Clipping In - also not too far from you and does some great loops round that way. 🙂
As a motorcycle rider were taught life savers from the word go👍... I've kept doing it on my bikes as well, can't beat it, have you not considered getting a handlebar mount for your camera aa it would be a lot safer for you🤔.... All the best for Xmas and the nwa year 🍻
Thanks YT and have a great Xmas and NY yourself! I have a sneaking suspicion motorcycle riders make for above average safe and considerate drivers and cyclists, due to the awareness training that forms part of getting a licence, and the 'life saver' skills you need to ride a bike (with engine) safety. Maybe Santa will bring me a handlebar mount this year! 😉
@@onemorecyclist As a lifelong motorcyclist I'm afraid I'd have to disagree with you. Motorcyclists are just as prone to bad/reckless/unsafe/selfish driving as any other group. At 62 years of age I feel that it is fair to say that users of any kind of mechanical transport including cycles are prone to leaving all social norms behind when they hit the highway. Some are better than others of course, and most improve with experience, both driving and general life experience - if they live long enough. The moment we think we are better than others is probably the moment our behaviour proves otherwise. Always put the safety of others on the road first. That will contribute more to your own safety than any single action, or any amount of fancy gear.
@@nickwinn7812 Hi Nick thanks for the comment and it's good to hear opposing views (minus idiots who just want to insult and finger wag in YT comments!). As an ex motorcycle courier I've seen some jaw dropping stupidity from all kinds of road users (all the groups nicely represented! 🙂) and I may have slightly rose tinted glasses when it comes to motorbikes and those who ride them. My hunch and personal experience is the skills you learn to get a motorcycle licence (control at slow speeds, dealing safely with traffic, life saver checks etc.) and like you say, if you live long enough, the heightened sense of vulnerability you 'naturally' have being more exposed to the elements and noise of the road on a (engine) bike, are great safety tools to carry over into cycling. Out of interest, what motorcycle(s) do you ride these days?
I’m surprised no one else has mentioned your visibility. Dressed in black makes you hard to see, the armband is not worth a ****. Being seen earlier by drivers gives them a chance to avoid you. Not all drivers have good vision I’m afraid to say. Lights are good but only in front and behind whereas hi vis is seen from all sides. Emergency services have to wear hi vis when on the roads for safety and we all need to follow that example. We cyclists are nearly all drivers too. When driving look at cyclists and see which ones you can see sooner. Anyway - safe cycling to everyone.
Thanks for the comment, Ross. A couple of other people have mentioned the black clothing and I actually posed the suitability question on another video, if of interest. That's a fair observation about emergency services, although they need to be kitted out for all hours of the day and night and all conditions (right through to extremely poor visibility - side of the road, think fog at 2am in the winter, that sort of thing), so I don't personally find the argument compelling for a daytime bike ride in good visibility. The drivers with poor vision issue ... again, if I took my glasses off and tried to drive down the road I'd be crashing into things whether they were adorned in high vis or not, so again it just doesn't make sense to me as an argument for hi-vis in daytime, good visibility conditions. Drivers need to take responsibility for themselves and their actions, is my view as a cyclist and also as someone who does a lot of driving. A hi-vis armband 'not worth a ****' ... again doesn't make sense to me. I find them attention grabbing when I see them on other cyclists (and runners) and they actually contrast really well on a dark sleeve. I also run Schwalbe Marathons with reflective sidewalls that you could see from space, so have no concerns whatsoever about side visibility on the road bike. To be clear I'm not advocating for black clothing - I wish my winter jacket was a bright colour in fact, but it's a great performing piece of winter kit and came with 1 colour option unfortunately - I just don't subscribe to the view that to go on a daytime ride in good visibility you have to be kitted out like a a fluorescent floodlight! Couldn't agree more with your last comment - safe cycling to everyone! 🙂
@ Not just while riding, if you do happen to come off or are ill and are lying in the road, increases your chances of not getting run over. Night time requires Hi vis and reflective to be seen. If you think the small armband stands out just think how much you stand out in full hi vis! Anyway- good luck and always stay safe!
@@rossmax767 agree with you , last year a friend of mine out on his early morning ride , always wore dark clothing, slipped on black ice , broke his hip , couldn’t move car arrived not seeing him ran over him broke his left leg in 2 places 😮
Just got in from work, getting my clobber off moaning about the cold, sit down with my tea to watch some other fella on a bike moaning about the cold. Ive watched a bit of that Californian chap with the Shimano radar and 360 video setup, he's rather militant about it, makes me incredibly thankful to be in England, perpetual sunshine and beautiful scenery is somewhat marred by the idiot drivers and complete disregard for cyclists. Looking over your shoulder has it's own risks obviously, especially in traffic on potholed roads, and it's in traffic that you really need to be making that eye contact, I don't think I really give it much conscious thought.
No matter how hard I try when I look around I veer right. Mirrors help. At least on the road you can usually hear the close cars. Sometimes, I've had the situation where another cyclist is very close behind me that I'm unaware of, then do a right turn whilst they're overtaking, so I always look around for that possibility.
Thanks for the comment ZEZ and that's a great point highlighting the risk with the 'life saver', especially with the poor road surfaces we have to contend with. Double moaning about the weather, sorry about that haha. Like you I'm not really thinking about doing it and it's just habit/muscle memory, unless setting a camera up at 1,000 ft and trying to capture it on video (like a proper RUclips muppet!) 🤣
@@randelscyclevlogperthwa7342 Thanks for the comment, Randel. I find the slower I go the harder it is to keep that straight line, especially if I'm also peddling - it's amazing how skilled the match sprint track cyclists are with. Interesting to read in the comments how many people are using mirrors quite happily.
Sorry mate but I was expecting a demonstration rather than just talk about it. I use a small bar-end mirror on my road/gravel bike but can't twist around enough and confidently keep a straight safe line. On my big flat handlebar e-bike, I can twist around a bit, but just a bit more confidently. My concern, being 57 is that I really struggle now on my road/gravel bike to twist around enough to see properly like all the other demos show. I know it's important but I'd like to see more demo's on how to do it, especially being an older chap, not that flexible, so I can learn and practise the technique. Thanks - nice views though and looked a nice ride.
Apologies if misleading, David but appreciate you watching and the comment. There's a couple of seconds in the video where I do a ride by demo (ish) and there's a whole load of outtakes where the camera kept falling over and I kept doing the demo in the wrong spot. I can imagine a good instructional video being quite the task to put together! Maybe one to look at in the future though. Out of interest what e-bike do you ride? I've been considering one (for road trips of up to 60 miles) but it's a bit bewildering checking out all the options.
The best thing u can do for safety is put light coloured fluorescent clothing on lights and camera u haven’t a clue about safety i see to many today riding in black it’s not cool in any way
You are wearing a sm 16:00 all flourescent / reflective arm band, clearly acknowledging the importance of visibility. Why then not go the full gilet or jacket or top, maybe bright helmet. There are plenty on the market. I don't understand the modern fashion for wearing black, in your case including the helmet.
Hi Derek. That's a fair observation (and I appreciate you making it without getting rude or finger wagging!). It might sound a bit odd given this video but I don't really get the strong prevalence of black clothing either - when I went into my local shop for a new winter jacket recently (the one in this video) I had in mind something bright orange/yellow (a preference as it's better across varying conditions). Everything offered was black/dark blue and as I've not personally got anything against these colours for daytime riding in good visibility - and it's a great fit/performing piece of kit - they (leggings too!) went in the basket! I have one other thinner black top that has an integrated reflective band, hence the detachable on this one. I honestly don't remember buying the helmet but on reflection - and from reading some of the comments like yours - that was an odd colour choice (there must have been other colours available). It's about to be replaced and for what it's worth it will almost certainly be for a high-vis colour. Thanks for the comment and happy cycling!
Ha, yes thankfully it was nothing more serious than some plastic rattling. I was thinking it would probably get picked up in the audio, so thought I better mention the guards. I also have to boost the audio from the little GoPro mic a little when editing, so any rattles get amplified even more! 🙂
Thanks for the comment, Andrew. I think cyclists have to ride within the law of the land and beyond that, decide for themselves what they're comfortable with kit/lights wise. For some that's dressing up like a Xmas tree and making sure they can be seen from space! I made another video talking about the black clothing issue, if of interest. For me personally I don't mind wearing black clothing - but don't particularly seek it out - and am comfortable daytime riding in good visibility without my lights on (although I had three lights with me on this ride in case conditions on the tops were poor). On reflection (no pun intended) I'm not sure why I didn't just stick the lights on anyway for this ride as they were on the bike already! Happy cycling!
You're one of those drivers are you? It's not my fault, I didn't see you in broad daylight. I wonder how many dark coloured cars you've crashed into because you couldn't see them.
To be honest, very few of the well known channels do enough on real world riding skills. It's too much performance biased, and even some poor education on descending..... When riding on the road, ride like you're on an open road, and practice Roadcraft - not as if you're in a closed road peloton.
Couldn't agree more, Andy. It does seem like the performance side of cycling and directly or indirectly marketing the latest and greatest gear is somewhat overly represented online. 'Roadcraft', I like that term! 🙂
Oops, yes I went round the houses a bit in this one. There was a subtitle at the start with a time marker for skipping to the the 'skill chat' but you might have missed it? Appreciate you giving the video a go all the same! Cheers, M
Black top, black helmet and you talk about safety^^ - that little reflective band can get easily obscured. - I hope you are using front and rear lights [preferably flashing]....a white helmet is ideal as any blind dips in the road the cars can see you earlier ie before the front or rear lights. I think moving out a few feet to avoid potholes you don't need to glance shouldn't be that close....when cars overtake they invariably give you a few metres clearance - I think looking back as you are trying to avoid obstacles on the road is actually way more dangerous !
We've obviously got some different views but appreciate you taking the time to comment! I think when it comes time to change my road lid I'll be considering going white/hi-vis and I like the example you've used about blind dips. The 'behind you' check is a key part of the skillset you learn via things like Bikeability and Motorcycle training. You may well be moving out to avoid obstacles that the car/van etc. behind you is not seeing. In these instances for example, I personally regard the physical 'life saver' check as critical from a safety and 'communicating with other road users' perspective - and a step up from merely relying on a mirror or radar, although these are clearly extremely useful, especially if physical mobility is an issue. But we each have to ride within the laws of the land and work out what works best for us, what we're personally comfortable with etc.! Happy cycling!
@@onemorecyclist I have moved out a few feet from the verge many times to avoid obstacles without looking back....keeping my eye on the obstacle is my are either behind you or overtaking giving you plenty of space.....if they are so close when overtaking that there is only a few feet distance that is way too close and extremely dangerous on the drivers part - most drivers that pass me move into the other lane which is ample room to avoid obstacles without having to look back.
Thanks, Joan. I don't mind the colour (amongst others!) for daytime riding in good visibility but appreciate it's not a choice others would make. Happy cycling!
Former Bikeability instructor here. As you say, this was one of the things we tried to get across to the kids in level 1. Electric vehicles are probably going to become more and more common so hearing a vehicle coming from behind can no longer be taken for granted.
Indeed, EV's are much more of a problem in urban environments, above about 30mph the tyre noise is much louder than the average engine anyway. Out on the open road like much of this video, it's overwhelmingly the tyres you're hearing first. In urban environments at low speed, EVs can really take you by surprise!
Thanks for the comment, Paul. Yes, EVs throw up an interesting challenge, especially at low speeds like also mentioned here. The local Bikeability groups sometimes use our road (as it's quiet but does have some slow through traffic, so great practice) and it's great to see these skills being taught.
Car Tires are very noisy
I have the Garmin rear radar and its a great bit of tech but it don't replace keeping your ears and eyes open to have a quick check. When going down hill though the radar is great as I don't have to turn my head round at speed
Thanks, Russ and hope all's good! Great example of where the radar technology comes into its own. I think watching your radar light video a while back was the first time I'd seen this tech!
I use the varia radar which is great to alert you but it certainly doesn't tell you how close cars are going to pass. Also sometimes I can hear a car before the radar goes off. The Mirror on helmet thing I hated as it just blocked by vision ahead. I've also have a bar end mirror that I got before radar and sometimes still use.
I never ride without a bar end mirror on my road looing cool safety is more important..also hi viz kit important
I have a mirror on my handlebar right side and it is a lifesaver. I decided to fit one after attempting a u turn on the road when I thought nothing was close. I had to quickly rethink me actions as a Transit Van was right on me and about to overtake. The mirror has overcome this danger and I feel mush safer as a result as I can see all the time what is behind me .
Thanks for the comment, Colin. It's surprising (to many drivers, probably) just how deaf you can be to their noise behind you, especially in a headwind. I'm becoming a bit of a fan of the mirrors reading many of these comments! 🙂
Awareness of what's behind you is vital to stay safe. Eyes and ears are your tools. People riding with earphones are at increased risk.
Until I got old and creaky, turning my head and staying in a straight line was very easy but now I have a tendency to drift out. I have fitted a mirror to the bars and feel I'm much safer. One advantage is I glance in the mirror far more times than I turned my head when younger.
Not sure about radar, just another thing waiting to go wrong.
Thanks for the comment, Colin. Interesting to read another vote for a mirror (and why you went with one) and I couldn't agree more about that rear-view awareness for safety. For one thing I think I'd just be too stressed cycling on the roads if I didn't have any sense of what was behind me. Stay safe out there!
I use a small mirror that fits in the barend works great and a Garmin varia radar
All bases covered there, like it! Thanks for the comment.
@@onemorecyclistI to use a mirror on my road bikes. It works in two ways one you can see the drivers behind you and two the drivers can see their lights in your mirror. Helmet cameras also help as professional motorists fear an email from a cyclist and the idiots that stop to argue or fight are soon calmed when you calmly explain that you have them on film and that you could cause them some inconvenience life. Education beats confrontation every time.
@@tobycolin6271 thanks for the comment, Toby. In all honesty I had a pretty neutral or even slightly sceptical view of mirrors before I posted this video and started reading the comments ... but I think I'm becoming a bit of a fan of them now.
@@onemorecyclist I have a dark commute and I definitely get more room with a mirror. Mine is a bar plug type mounted on the end of the drops
Me too it a game changer specially in noisy wind when you can't hear traffic
Tried a couple of bar end mirrors and have settled on the Cat Eye version. It is literally a life saver and I now wouldn't ride without it. Even took it with me this year to Mallorca to install on the hire bike. You should definitely consider one - particularly as twisting as you age becomes more difficult. Looking down as a vehicle passes (to check there's not another)becomes second nature.
I fitted a handlebar mounted mirror to my E-MTB now. I realised how difficult it is to hear traffic coming up from behind me with wind noise etc. I do over the shoulder life saver checks when I'm making any maneuver.
Thanks for the comment, Adrian. You're right you can't really hear traffic coming up behind you beyond a certain speed and/or with a headwind. I'm scared to try an eMTB as I know I'll want one! Happy cycling! 🙂
I thought about this video today while out on the bike.
If I tried to turn and look to the rear, I would surely be in the ditch.
At 77, we are not quite as flexible as 27. So, as with the Spitfire and Hurricaine pilots from the Battle of Britain, I use a mirror.
Now, I must get a scarf.
Really enjoyed the video friend, Very educational.
I have a small bar end mirror on my Emtb and find it a lifesaver. You can see traffic approaching from a good distance back which you aren’t always aware of due to wind noise etc.
I am a cyclist, a motorcyclist, a driver and current Bikeability instructor. This is the one thing I want my students to learn above all else. I drum observation into them and have found a few tricks to help them to learn the importance of this. The other skills are very important but, for me, this is the big one.
Thanks for the comment, Donny. Couldn't agree more and I think for those that can get this skill down and committed to muscle memory, to the point where it's an automatic part of how they ride, it'll serve them really well. I'm sure it's quite rewarding being able to teach these kinds of skills (ex-teacher myself, but not cycling!). 🙂
I'm watching your last video regarding safety cycling.
I agree with the majority of your comments,
The issue regards mirrors,I ride with other elderly cyclists, and due to our ages, all of us use strait bars now, and all use end of bar mirrors,they are short,therfore there is no vibration.
Due to having a neck movement reduction (age related), I find it essential and also stops the movement towards the middle of the road.
I can, with the mirror, constantly check the road behind me
Mike the bike
I'm becoming a bit of a fan of mirrors reading through these comments like yours, Mike. Thanks for watching and have a great Xmas! 🙂
Getting barend mirrors was a lifesaver in city cycling where a lot's going on and taking quick looks and keeping an ear out (even though EVs don't make much sound) so still checking round before changing lines is always the safest thing 👍, safe riding!
Thanks for the comment, Francis. EVs have really changed that 'sound as a heads up' haven't they, particularly like you say around cities and at low speeds. Happy cycling!
Cycles have always been virtually silent. I find it surprising that nobody commenting here feels that is is necessary to check behind in case a cycle is overtaking, or in a hazardous position before making a manoeuvre.
Yeah I do this from years as a motorbike rider. It's pure habit at this point. On the motorbike I was taught about blind spots, and to glance the mirror into a lifesaver for a maximum visibility check.
Without mirrors on the bicycle it's even more necessary, definitely a skill that should be taught before even thinking about riding on a road.
Good one!
I use a wing mirror, I also have the Garmin radar - which is brilliant. Nothing can beat your eyes and ears, but the radar is useful in high winds, when you can't hear anything - your Garmin device lights up, when a vehicle is 140 metres away.
Your ears are the best indicator of a driver going way to fast and on roundabouts always make eye contact with approaching vehicles when you're about to take an exit as many are oblivious with tunnel vision or are too eager to cut you up on the roundabout as you are going round or worse carry on regardless even if you have highvis during the day. Always check your six.
Really good tips there around integrating yourself with the traffic flow and connecting with other road users, rather than I suppose that 'eyes front', stiff on the bike and 'don't want to be there' type of riding which doesn't do anyone any favours. Thanks for the comment, Sedriq. Happy cycling!
Always use my eyes and I use a mirror as well.
Sadly drivers are become more and more reckless and irresponsible most considerably with the emergence of these SUV's.
You can definitely get that 'king of the road' and 'out of my way vibe' from some SUV drivers. To be fair it's a minority in my own experience round these parts, and I get the same vibe interacting with the bad ones in my little hatchback - they seem to want to run everyone off the road, not just cyclists! 🙂
@@onemorecyclistThe new Land Rover Defender drivers are the worst, I detest them. They are the very definition of tough in the seat, cowards on the street.
The more isolated from ones actions one is, the less bothered by their outcomes one is.
A lot of surveys suggest that anything which 'humanises' cyclists helps with motorist-reactions and courtesy.
They probably see roadies as pedalling cyborgs, stock-still, clad in weird clothes and Darth Vader helmets so head movement and eye-contact can be very helpful.
I'm very theatrical in traffic with a range of gestures for any kind of turning, overtaking or pulling-out, or even if I've spotted something up the road which has the potential to be hazardous. Open palm, half extended arm - back off a bit, mate.
Even if the motorists aren't decoding the exact meaning it makes them think for a second or two, and realise there's a human on the bike.
Brilliant examples of assertive riding there, Gordon. That exaggerated or theatrical style really helps make sure you're clocked by others around you, doesn't it - and to them it's probably not all that exaggerated at all! That 'stock-still' type of riding you describe is so recognisable and I think in many cases hints at quite rudimentary bike handling skills.
The “life saver” was something drilled into people doing their motorcycle training when I did it in the 90s. The other was “mirror check, speed check, road position” when moving, I can still remember hearing the instructions through my headset now. We used life savers when pulling away (right as a minimum and possibly both sides), particularly to the left before pulling away when turning left, but also ANY change of direction on the road, to give us a chance to avoid a side swipe. Put simply, if you’re changing line, look into the trajectory you’re moving into before fully committing to it. I have used them cycling and driving ever since, as well as mirrors on vehicles, but never used mirrors on cycles, as you should be fine with head checks. I taught my son these when he started road riding as a teenager. The nuance I would add, is that it doesn’t necessarily involve a full twist to look behind, you should be able to see a large cone of vision with just a head twist and eye movement, too much convoluted twisting is tricky, some slight body movement is ok. Too much head and torso twist can compromise balance and result in swerving, so it’s a case of practicing and finding the optimum balance with twist and stability while maintaining a straight line. Agree they are underrated and not taught enough. They should be drilled into learners until they become second nature, once engrained, it’s difficult to comprehend how anyone would make a move without using them.
Couldn't agree more with this fantastic comment. Thanks for posting! I'm convinced those engrained behaviours I picked up on a motorcycle in the 90s have saved my bacon on multiple occasions in more recent years.
@onemorecyclist thanks fella, new follower, not on my bike lately, long story, long covid, but I will be back and have put thousands of miles in over the years, chaired the local cycle club for a while, ridden track, road, CX racing / touring (now called gravel and bike packing 😂), MTB, and BMX when young. My son loved cycling, we had him doing sportives from 12, chain gangs with a Cotswold club soon after, loads of group rides with adults, and he's now an all round fit 22 year old Aerospace engineer. We have Britain's longest A road running past the house, when you take a young lad out on fast and busy UK roads, man you need to think through the skills and techniques needed to limit risks. The life saver is a fundamental IMHO. Good video 👍 .
When I was younger, this was never a problem. As I've got older, bad back and bad neck, I don't have the range of movement I once had. I do drift when looking round and even pull over if I don't feel safe.
Thanks for the comment, Nigel. I can definitely relate to that losing mobility experience. There's a local right turn I do quite a lot in heavy traffic (and a spot with some quite bad driving fairly commonplace) and probably half the time the best thing to do is just pull over/get on the pavement and cross like a pedestrian. There's bike skills and there's self-preservation! Happy cycling! 🙂
Couldn't agree more! 🙂
With a quick movement of my eyes, I can see behind me safely and often, using a single mirror. At 77 years old it is more difficult to twist and turn as I did 50 years ago. The mirror is faster, more stable and there are no batteries to charge.
Thanks as always for the comment, Frank. Some clear rider benefits there and I'm guessing you're referencing one of the helmet - attached mirrors? Happy cycling!
But there are massive blind spots.
Yes there are, I move the bars left then right, and use my hearing as best as I can, but you're right. Thete is no substitute for taking a good look.@nickwinn7812
Quick look and hand signal to turn are life saver. Anticipation and instinct is a plus. Ride safe, mate.
Cheers, Edy. You too!
Lifelong cyclist here, 71 and going strong thankfully. Thank you for this video, and yes I fully agree a look back while keeping a reasonably straight line is essential to get good at. Not sure if it ever influences driver behaviour though. My preferred routes nowadays are mostly off road. I would never cycle in the kind fast traffic in the video. Wouldn’t be enjoyable for me. Keep safe.
Thanks for the comment, Michael. I'm comfortable cycling in traffic, to the point where I actually enjoy it up to a certain level (not talking super fast A roads with passes at 60mph, obviously!) - it's often a 'necessary evil' on the road rides to open up some of the more quiet sections and scenery. Stay safe and keep peddling! 🙂
I was in my 50's when my new partner who had been a motorbike rider in his youth taught me to head check. i don't understand why this wasn't taught to me when I was learning to drive or doing my bicycle proficiency test as a youngster. i do it all the time now and even on dedicated cycle paths it is important because electric bikes and scooters overtake me with no advance warning..
Just get a rear view mirror fitted! I have them on all my bicycles.
Years ago when I did my motorbike test they called it a lifesaver, for whenever you maneuver. Great for a Devonian with Yorkshire roots to see a bit o' Yorkshire!
I use a radar but it doesn't replace the look. I use a radar to let me know a car is coming (sooner than if I'd just listen for it).
I find the check established a human contact with the driver. As if to say "I see you. Do you see me? We're in this together."
As you said, it doesn't always work.
But hey, if you're gonna try to kill me, at least have he courage to look me in the eyes while you do it.
The Lifesaver Look has definitely saved my life a few times for real... It also helps you plan intricate manoeuvres.. Great video I hope everyone gets to watch and understand this.. 😉👍🏻
Definitely helps with that planning and deciding if you can 'go for it' with a manoeuvre. Thanks for the comment, Chris. Happy cycling!
Unfortunately my neck mobility isn't what it was so safer for me to use a mirror on my right hand handle bars. Bad road surfaces are a pain and sometimes not even enough time to check behind before moving out slightly
Great Video. Riding offensively is the only way I feel safe. In a odd way bullying cars to back off. Just a note of protecting yourself....make sure you have adequate insurance. I have BC insurance which I have had to use twice and they were brilliant sorting everything out.
Thanks for the comment. BC - British Cycling?
@onemorecyclist yes British Cycling silver membership. I promise its worth it's weight in Gold!
I used to use a mirror so I could keep an eye on the cars on the highway, in country Australia, except I was focusing too much on the mirror and didn't see the snake in front of me! I just managed to swerve as it went to strike at my bare feet (my preferred style of riding). When I got home I took the mirror off, never to be used again.
Yikes! Makes me very thankful that we only have to worry about potholes and the odd patch of sheep poo on the roads round this way! Thanks for the comment and happy cycling (now sans mirror!). 🙂
When you go to the velodrome they teach you to look back with your head positioned between the elbow and shoulder it much easier to look back this way .
I'll try that on a quiet road (with a soft verge) next time I'm out! 🙂Match sprint track cyclists have next-level slow riding skills!
I agree that looking around periodically is an important skill to have but have an issue with arthritis in my neck that prevents me from turning my head as far as needed to get a full view behind. Last year I fitted some bar end mirrors but find that the view in them is severely blurred due to the poor state of our roads. More recently I purchased a Varia radar unit which is great for telling me about vehicles coming up behind me and showing me how close that are getting. I then turn my head around when I can hear the vehicle and get eye contact with the driver. I think that works as a process. Stay safe!
Thanks for the comment, Steve. Great example and 'use case' there for the radar light, and interesting on the road surface/mirror issues. Happy (safe) cycling!🙂
I used to ride a Radar (when they 1st came out) but I found it a pain to charge repeatedly, now I use a mirror and good (day) light.. but I always do a look check! Tho radars are good of you like them and I can see the use but you can get around them in cycling
As a very keen cyclist myself for many years , I still find it hard to comprehend how it is acceptable for cyclists to hold a camera to film themselves, and look into a camera giving a running commentary, and usually while talking about the lack of awareness of other road users.
Please tell me, am I missing something here.
No it's a fair cop and the irony of talking safety into a camera certainly isn't lost on me. I've lost count of all the times I've really wanted to film and show bits of a route but it's just been to sketchy to even consider. I've made a few videos on rides where I go down my local valley road (usually for about 13-14 miles before heading off into quieter country) and if there's ever a bit to camera it's always on exactly the same short sections of road (where to me it feels safe enough). I do appreciate how it might come across poorly though. Happy cycling!
@@onemorecyclist Don't get me wrong, it's not just you, it seems to be common practice nowadays, I just don't get it.
I prefer both hands on the bars, and a constant look out for the countless idiots out there.
Like others, I was disappointed to watch the whole video waiting for a skills lesson, but instead just listened to you repeatedly saying that looking behind you was a good thing to do!
A mirror on your bar end allows you to see cars way back behind you, for warned is fore armed
As long as you are aware of your blind spots.
I have Radar, but it's not a substitute for a shoulder check, it just enhances it by letting you know sooner, making sure you aren't taken by surprise between checks and giving you an idea of speed. I still look because I want to know what the vehicle is, even a good pass by a lorry or bus can scare the bejesus out of you if you are expecting a car. I've also recently started using a PassPixi on solo rides, it's a beer mat sized sign that hangs over a Jersey pocket with a speed camera symbol on it that lets them know (or makes them think😉) you are recording. I was sceptical at first, but it seems like the big tough guys in their SUV's and German cars don't feel so tough all of a sudden when they think their actions might have consequences.
Thanks for the comment Chris and I think that's exactly how I'd be thinking about a radar light if I had one. Really interesting about the PassPixi having an effect. There was some quite extensive research done about 10 years ago that I remember looking at a while ago (driver passes on cyclists) which basically concluded there isn't much a cyclist can do appearance/clothing wise to change driver passing behaviour, but the research found with the exception of wearing a police jacket which did have a positive effect (potentially by implying the drivers were being filmed). Stay safe out there and happy cycling!
@@onemorecyclist I should clarify The PassPixi mostly works against aggressive, deliberate, punishment pass types of diving, those that don't think they are doing anything wrong, which males up at least half of the less dangerous but still dangerous/alarming passes are unaffected, and it does have one negative in that overcautious drivers on narrower roads sometimes won't overtake at all, which is a bit of shame as I've always felt those situations where cyclists and drivers willingly give some leeway and accommodate each other are a good thing that dispels the "arrogant cyclist" perception.
I've never found Hi-Vis makes a différance, I don't think divers have any difficulty seeing us in daylight it's just a go-to excuse (That is seen as an admission of "not paying due care and attention" in any other type of traffic collision but still seems acceptable as mitigation if a cyclist is involved 👿) If its not bright out running lights take their excuse away.
On the flip side of that, I don't buy the idea that safety gear "dehumanizes" cyclists either, something I hear from the anti helmet "because they won't save you from a lorry" brigade. As if being hit by a motor vehicle is the main reason we occasionally find ourselves kissing the tarmac, those guys must have some perfectly laid, well maintianed, ice free roads to ride on all year round 🤣. Take care!
@@Bikey_McBeardface Just a note on helmet wearing Chris. The research does not show a reduced fatality/serious injury rate amongst cyclists who don't wear helmets, as opposed to those who do. I know this is counter intuitive, but there you are. I would rather see more cyclists with or without helmets. Let's not put obstacles in the way, especially when based on unfounded hunches.
@@nickwinn7812 Nope, ZERO research in the last 15 years shows that. Many of the early studies are highly flawed as they cannot possibly show to any degree: 1) The number of helmet users in the serious injury category who would have been in the fatal category if no helmet was worn 2) The number of helmet users who revived minor injuries who would have been in the serious injury category if no helmet was worn 3) The number of helmet users that did not seek/need medial attention at all, who would have if no helmet was worn and were excluded from any study though lack of data.
Later studies that take into account the percentage of helmet users Vs, none, and that the more frequent the cyclist, the more likely they are to choose to wear, one show that helmets are effective at reducing serious brain injury (including fatalities) by about of 60-70%
Good video i fine a mirror is great on the bike have one on my 3 bikes.
Thanks, Sean. Reading the comments I'm quite curious to try a bike with a mirror now! 🙂
This is DRILLED into motorcyclists right from the start. I, ALSO. do this in my car when overtaking, pulling out, etc. It’s just common-sense and a good standard to stand by when on the road!
Couldn't agree more, Kevin. Probably the best thing I did for my own road safety awareness and confidence on two wheels was learn to ride a motorcycle. Thanks for the comment! 🙂
Ive liked and subscribed.Im localish to you (Elland) and there are some cracking loops round that end.Great tips youve mentioned. 👍🚴
Thanks, great to have you following along! We're lucky to have some great routes on the doorstep I think. You might already know the channel Clipping In - also not too far from you and does some great loops round that way. 🙂
@@onemorecyclist subscribed to that channel also.Take care and stay safe 🚴
Picked the head movement up from riding a motorbike. Which as you say a driver can pick up. Keep up the good work 🚴🚴🚴
Thanks, Gerard. In a funny way, I think motorcycle training was one of the best things I ever did for my cycling! 🙂
@onemorecyclist :couldn't agree more 👍
As a motorcycle rider were taught life savers from the word go👍... I've kept doing it on my bikes as well, can't beat it, have you not considered getting a handlebar mount for your camera aa it would be a lot safer for you🤔.... All the best for Xmas and the nwa year 🍻
Thanks YT and have a great Xmas and NY yourself! I have a sneaking suspicion motorcycle riders make for above average safe and considerate drivers and cyclists, due to the awareness training that forms part of getting a licence, and the 'life saver' skills you need to ride a bike (with engine) safety. Maybe Santa will bring me a handlebar mount this year! 😉
@@onemorecyclist As a lifelong motorcyclist I'm afraid I'd have to disagree with you. Motorcyclists are just as prone to bad/reckless/unsafe/selfish driving as any other group. At 62 years of age I feel that it is fair to say that users of any kind of mechanical transport including cycles are prone to leaving all social norms behind when they hit the highway. Some are better than others of course, and most improve with experience, both driving and general life experience - if they live long enough. The moment we think we are better than others is probably the moment our behaviour proves otherwise. Always put the safety of others on the road first. That will contribute more to your own safety than any single action, or any amount of fancy gear.
@@nickwinn7812 Hi Nick thanks for the comment and it's good to hear opposing views (minus idiots who just want to insult and finger wag in YT comments!). As an ex motorcycle courier I've seen some jaw dropping stupidity from all kinds of road users (all the groups nicely represented! 🙂) and I may have slightly rose tinted glasses when it comes to motorbikes and those who ride them. My hunch and personal experience is the skills you learn to get a motorcycle licence (control at slow speeds, dealing safely with traffic, life saver checks etc.) and like you say, if you live long enough, the heightened sense of vulnerability you 'naturally' have being more exposed to the elements and noise of the road on a (engine) bike, are great safety tools to carry over into cycling. Out of interest, what motorcycle(s) do you ride these days?
I’m surprised no one else has mentioned your visibility. Dressed in black makes you hard to see, the armband is not worth a ****. Being seen earlier by drivers gives them a chance to avoid you. Not all drivers have good vision I’m afraid to say. Lights are good but only in front and behind whereas hi vis is seen from all sides. Emergency services have to wear hi vis when on the roads for safety and we all need to follow that example. We cyclists are nearly all drivers too. When driving look at cyclists and see which ones you can see sooner. Anyway - safe cycling to everyone.
Thanks for the comment, Ross. A couple of other people have mentioned the black clothing and I actually posed the suitability question on another video, if of interest. That's a fair observation about emergency services, although they need to be kitted out for all hours of the day and night and all conditions (right through to extremely poor visibility - side of the road, think fog at 2am in the winter, that sort of thing), so I don't personally find the argument compelling for a daytime bike ride in good visibility. The drivers with poor vision issue ... again, if I took my glasses off and tried to drive down the road I'd be crashing into things whether they were adorned in high vis or not, so again it just doesn't make sense to me as an argument for hi-vis in daytime, good visibility conditions. Drivers need to take responsibility for themselves and their actions, is my view as a cyclist and also as someone who does a lot of driving. A hi-vis armband 'not worth a ****' ... again doesn't make sense to me. I find them attention grabbing when I see them on other cyclists (and runners) and they actually contrast really well on a dark sleeve. I also run Schwalbe Marathons with reflective sidewalls that you could see from space, so have no concerns whatsoever about side visibility on the road bike. To be clear I'm not advocating for black clothing - I wish my winter jacket was a bright colour in fact, but it's a great performing piece of winter kit and came with 1 colour option unfortunately - I just don't subscribe to the view that to go on a daytime ride in good visibility you have to be kitted out like a a fluorescent floodlight! Couldn't agree more with your last comment - safe cycling to everyone! 🙂
@ Not just while riding, if you do happen to come off or are ill and are lying in the road, increases your chances of not getting run over.
Night time requires Hi vis and reflective to be seen. If you think the small armband stands out just think how much you stand out in full hi vis!
Anyway- good luck and always stay safe!
@@rossmax767 agree with you , last year a friend of mine out on his early morning ride , always wore dark clothing, slipped on black ice , broke his hip , couldn’t move car arrived not seeing him ran over him broke his left leg in 2 places 😮
@@rossmax767 totally agree re night time riding and that's a really good point about being off the bike. Safe riding!
@@Mf19593 that's awful, hope your friend made a full recovery and any fault from the driver was picked up.
Just got in from work, getting my clobber off moaning about the cold, sit down with my tea to watch some other fella on a bike moaning about the cold.
Ive watched a bit of that Californian chap with the Shimano radar and 360 video setup, he's rather militant about it, makes me incredibly thankful to be in England, perpetual sunshine and beautiful scenery is somewhat marred by the idiot drivers and complete disregard for cyclists.
Looking over your shoulder has it's own risks obviously, especially in traffic on potholed roads, and it's in traffic that you really need to be making that eye contact, I don't think I really give it much conscious thought.
No matter how hard I try when I look around I veer right. Mirrors help. At least on the road you can usually hear the close cars. Sometimes, I've had the situation where another cyclist is very close behind me that I'm unaware of, then do a right turn whilst they're overtaking, so I always look around for that possibility.
Oooops that comment should have been in the general comment section
Thanks for the comment ZEZ and that's a great point highlighting the risk with the 'life saver', especially with the poor road surfaces we have to contend with. Double moaning about the weather, sorry about that haha. Like you I'm not really thinking about doing it and it's just habit/muscle memory, unless setting a camera up at 1,000 ft and trying to capture it on video (like a proper RUclips muppet!) 🤣
@@randelscyclevlogperthwa7342 Thanks for the comment, Randel. I find the slower I go the harder it is to keep that straight line, especially if I'm also peddling - it's amazing how skilled the match sprint track cyclists are with. Interesting to read in the comments how many people are using mirrors quite happily.
Riding on a busy dual carriage way, on the white line three inches away from the armco will protect you from the campervans. Look behind if you dare..
Sounds terrifying! And been there on occasion, too, usually on tours trying to link sections with no knowledge of the area!
@onemorecyclist borbino to lecco on lake como is exactly like that, no way to avoid it. But you are right, planning around those things is the safest.
Sorry mate but I was expecting a demonstration rather than just talk about it. I use a small bar-end mirror on my road/gravel bike but can't twist around enough and confidently keep a straight safe line. On my big flat handlebar e-bike, I can twist around a bit, but just a bit more confidently. My concern, being 57 is that I really struggle now on my road/gravel bike to twist around enough to see properly like all the other demos show. I know it's important but I'd like to see more demo's on how to do it, especially being an older chap, not that flexible, so I can learn and practise the technique. Thanks - nice views though and looked a nice ride.
Apologies if misleading, David but appreciate you watching and the comment. There's a couple of seconds in the video where I do a ride by demo (ish) and there's a whole load of outtakes where the camera kept falling over and I kept doing the demo in the wrong spot. I can imagine a good instructional video being quite the task to put together! Maybe one to look at in the future though. Out of interest what e-bike do you ride? I've been considering one (for road trips of up to 60 miles) but it's a bit bewildering checking out all the options.
Cyclingskills has a video called "Road Cycling Tips - Nobody talks about this", that might be of use.
The best thing u can do for safety is put light coloured fluorescent clothing on lights and camera u haven’t a clue about safety i see to many today riding in black it’s not cool in any way
You are wearing a sm 16:00 all flourescent / reflective arm band, clearly acknowledging the importance of visibility. Why then not go the full gilet or jacket or top, maybe bright helmet. There are plenty on the market. I don't understand the modern fashion for wearing black, in your case including the helmet.
Hi Derek. That's a fair observation (and I appreciate you making it without getting rude or finger wagging!). It might sound a bit odd given this video but I don't really get the strong prevalence of black clothing either - when I went into my local shop for a new winter jacket recently (the one in this video) I had in mind something bright orange/yellow (a preference as it's better across varying conditions). Everything offered was black/dark blue and as I've not personally got anything against these colours for daytime riding in good visibility - and it's a great fit/performing piece of kit - they (leggings too!) went in the basket! I have one other thinner black top that has an integrated reflective band, hence the detachable on this one. I honestly don't remember buying the helmet but on reflection - and from reading some of the comments like yours - that was an odd colour choice (there must have been other colours available). It's about to be replaced and for what it's worth it will almost certainly be for a high-vis colour. Thanks for the comment and happy cycling!
I was just about to mention your bike sounded noisy, then at 6:04 you spoke about mudguards he he
Ha, yes thankfully it was nothing more serious than some plastic rattling. I was thinking it would probably get picked up in the audio, so thought I better mention the guards. I also have to boost the audio from the little GoPro mic a little when editing, so any rattles get amplified even more! 🙂
Yes got to have eyes up. You're a"" great video.
Thanks, Matt! 🙂
A whole video dedicated to safety on the bike, dressed all in black except the hiviz arm band,no lights
Thanks for the comment, Andrew. I think cyclists have to ride within the law of the land and beyond that, decide for themselves what they're comfortable with kit/lights wise. For some that's dressing up like a Xmas tree and making sure they can be seen from space! I made another video talking about the black clothing issue, if of interest. For me personally I don't mind wearing black clothing - but don't particularly seek it out - and am comfortable daytime riding in good visibility without my lights on (although I had three lights with me on this ride in case conditions on the tops were poor). On reflection (no pun intended) I'm not sure why I didn't just stick the lights on anyway for this ride as they were on the bike already! Happy cycling!
Have my bike lights on even in daylight !!
Just as well there are no all black cars on the road.
You're one of those drivers are you? It's not my fault, I didn't see you in broad daylight. I wonder how many dark coloured cars you've crashed into because you couldn't see them.
@@garyboyle695 far from it,I comute 20 miles a day by bike a firm believer of be safe be seen,
To be honest, very few of the well known channels do enough on real world riding skills. It's too much performance biased, and even some poor education on descending.....
When riding on the road, ride like you're on an open road, and practice Roadcraft - not as if you're in a closed road peloton.
Couldn't agree more, Andy. It does seem like the performance side of cycling and directly or indirectly marketing the latest and greatest gear is somewhat overly represented online. 'Roadcraft', I like that term! 🙂
Sorry pal I got fed up waiting for you to tell us about this 'skill' we should all learn over 10 minutes into an 18 minute video, sorry.
Oops, yes I went round the houses a bit in this one. There was a subtitle at the start with a time marker for skipping to the the 'skill chat' but you might have missed it? Appreciate you giving the video a go all the same! Cheers, M
Lights on are essential mate. That's a minus from you!
He's got lights, look at his bars to the left of his stem.
Black top, black helmet and you talk about safety^^ - that little reflective band can get easily obscured. - I hope you are using front and rear lights [preferably flashing]....a white helmet is ideal as any blind dips in the road the cars can see you earlier ie before the front or rear lights.
I think moving out a few feet to avoid potholes you don't need to glance shouldn't be that close....when cars overtake they invariably give you a few metres clearance - I think looking back as you are trying to avoid obstacles on the road is actually way more dangerous !
We've obviously got some different views but appreciate you taking the time to comment! I think when it comes time to change my road lid I'll be considering going white/hi-vis and I like the example you've used about blind dips. The 'behind you' check is a key part of the skillset you learn via things like Bikeability and Motorcycle training. You may well be moving out to avoid obstacles that the car/van etc. behind you is not seeing. In these instances for example, I personally regard the physical 'life saver' check as critical from a safety and 'communicating with other road users' perspective - and a step up from merely relying on a mirror or radar, although these are clearly extremely useful, especially if physical mobility is an issue. But we each have to ride within the laws of the land and work out what works best for us, what we're personally comfortable with etc.! Happy cycling!
@@onemorecyclist I have moved out a few feet from the verge many times to avoid obstacles without looking back....keeping my eye on the obstacle is my are either behind you or overtaking giving you plenty of space.....if they are so close when overtaking that there is only a few feet distance that is way too close and extremely dangerous on the drivers part - most drivers that pass me move into the other lane which is ample room to avoid obstacles without having to look back.
Good video but your all in black 😮
Thanks, Joan. I don't mind the colour (amongst others!) for daytime riding in good visibility but appreciate it's not a choice others would make. Happy cycling!