GoHerping, have you seen the amendments that might be added to the Lacey’s act? It might affect the entire reptile hobby in the US as we know it! (Negatively of course)
Alex. As much as i love your content, maybe try and not make videos focused on the bad. There are terrible laws being pushed to end our hobby, and the people against us will use these things for ammo against us. Lets not give these bad keepers a platform and lets highlight the good. Much love🤞
This channel and fish for thought has truly taught me the meaning of harm reduction. There’s a lot of people out there creating nightmare conditions for their animals out of ignorance, and they’ll never be close to average, but if you could give them a few tips to make things a little better, that’s a win I guess
Yes, honestly the husbandry standards vary and a lot of people cry animal abuse for very common things… worst Reddit group by far is r/hamsters a lot of kids with less than ideal setups/care and a lot of verbally abusive “experts” with no intention of helping them, only putting them down.
I like how the guy in the third one is like "I feed him super worms about once a week and I'm guessing that's not enough" and a reply straight up said "You're starving him". Boom, not afraid to just say it, that's exactly what's happening. Like bruh "guessing that's not enough" they only figured that out now? It wasn't obvious to them? Smh the state of society is degrading
@Kim Jong-un....at first when you said, "you're starving him, boom", I thought somebody had ended up getting shot...I was just about to say, so you're saying it's ok to shoot people because they don't feed their frogs enough worms?... you should really go take a second look at your morals big bro...
I fully believe you should be required to fill out a questionnaire of just basic care for ANY animal you buy just for pet stores to make sure you did the bare minimum in research 🙈 beardies are too sweet to be treated so poorly 😭 Edit: Yeah, I also think pet store employees should have the bare minimum of formal education in animal care 😂😂 my lvl 2 course was only a year and it was a piece of cake 😅
@KT Amazing.... well, a few months back I was trying to find my way out of the mall where I parked, and remembering that the pet shop was next to where I walked in, as I was leaving the pet shop I saw some snakes in the, so I said, maybe I'll add one more to me collection, long story short, she spent thirty minutes telling me stuff about snakes that was either outdated, irrelevant, or unneeded, I have had pet snakes since I started catching them around five or six years old, being lectured on snake care by someone who probably never even owned one, or cared for one, outside of the amount of time they worked at that job....pet shops house animals under horrible conditions, their fish suffer from sunken bellies because of overcrowding underfeeding etc, it would be hypocrisy to deny someone a pet because they didn't pass the basic care test that the petshop wouldn't pass itself...smh
@@GoHerping I work at one I agree because I’ve been to other stores and the training isn’t consistent it’s pretty frustrating because you can research all of the info online; some of it i even learned from you :)! I try to make sure any customer who asks to buy one knows all the negatives,the costs, and that they aren’t toys. People suck
@@GoHerping In the UK (pets at home) They do, plus ensure you provide 3 days worth of heat readings. I'd say its pretty good! For a large scale pet-store
When I worked at Petsmart, we had a customer come in and wanted to buy a bearded dragon and get a return on the one he had bought the day before. I wasn't there the day before, but I told him we unfortunately couldn't do a return without the body. The explanation for what happened completely blew me away. He had an adult bearded dragon, had bought a baby, put them in the same enclosure, and the adult immediately ran over and ate the baby. Then he came back to our store, bought another baby (the one he wanted a refund for), and did the same thing, put the baby in with the adult which immediately ran over and ate the baby. At the time these babies sold for $70 each. Obviously this person was refused another sale, and he didn't get a refund either. Sometimes the things people do really mystify me.
@@GoHerping The ones that really scare me are the people who don't have enough money and still try this shit. I'm at PetSmart and damn, there are people who come in can't see that they're slowly torturing their animals but continue to buy more animals while complaining that the actual correct supplies would be too expensive to buy. If they would only stop and reflect they could take good care of 1 or 2 reptiles instead of terrible care for half a dozen ore more.
@@jakej.2893 For reaaalll. I've met many people who owns all kinds of animals, and when I notice one of their animals have a medical issue, their excuse is "we don't have the money to fix that." like ????? I get so mad at these people, it hurts with the fact they buy animals but can't even afford to keep them alive.
@@jakej.2893 yes yes yes yes!!!!!! As a Vet’s assistant I can’t stress this enough. We have many clients that say that buying HW medicine for their 4 dogs is too expensive. But then they get a new puppy?????? Take good care of the animals you already have first before getting a shiny new toy to play with. Like obviously they just want to always have a puppy and then neglect it when it grows.
I work at a pet store and this lady who comes in to get crickets every now and then has no issue telling me about her awful care. She had her beardies together, but one ate the others back legs, so she separated them. One is in a 10 and one is in a 20. I've talked to her about how that's way too small and she should look into rehoming as she doesn't have space. She responded "but they're my pets and I love them :-(" bruh if you love them get them the bare minimum
Omg I'd never be able to work at a pet store cuz I won't be able to hold myself from telling customers that they aren't caring for their pets correctly. I'd get fired instantly LOL.
11:44 I did look into this user a bit more to find out if those beardies are okay or not. those two were Christmas gifts from the op's parents, parents fought on getting another viv, op's dad caved and built a custom enclosure that's ones piece but split into two sides one for each beardie. both never fought and are doing great. Though to sum this up I would not give op's parents the benefit of the doubt with this one. they got these animals for their kid as a gift, didn't even bother to learn what they required and then fought them on getting proper care for a stupidly long time. in the amount of time they were fighting over enclosures those two could have tried to kill each other. not to mention when op told their parents about how beardies are cannibalistic (and showed them a photo of a bigger beardie eating a smaller beardie) op's parents basically said "this is an exception where they actually love each other so we don't need to split them up." so.. there's that too..
wow, im very grateful my dad is the complete opposite. before getting my blue tongue he did a ton of research and made sure to have all the proper stuff
@@FlypZeroZero same here, my parents always go through atleast the basics before they let me get any animal, I now have an 11 year old beardie that was my brothers before he went to college and uni, doesn't have time to properly care for the beardie anymore so that's my job now, since then I have two rescued Leo's and two rescued cresties, only know that the male leo is 6 years old, don't know the ages of any others but one of the cresties only finished growing a bit Christmas 2021 :) they're all in oversized enclosures because me and my mother's uncle are really good at DIY, the Leo's have 90 gals, the cresties are in 4 ft tall 120 gals and we're planning to take the beardie up to 233 gals, also planning to get a fire skink (my dream reptile since my brother got his beardie over a decade ago) and have it in a 200 gal aswell, I want to get a baby and start it off in my old 40, then take it up to the 120 and when he's done growing 233 gallons (planned dimensions for our 233 gals are 5 ft by 2.5ft by 2.5ft
@@exoticare3226 oh nice! my enclosures a DIY too. nice to know youre taking great care of yours unlike some other people who just throw them into a small plastic tub
My family does the same for my sulcatas and red eared slider. They got them as a surprise for my after my original (26yr old) sulcata had to be put down(kidney failure). 1 sulcata and the red eared slider came with enclosures, but not the correct size enclosures or supplies. And the other two silcatas came with nothing, so I'm frantically trying to set their enclosures up so they aren't stuck in temporary set ups for to long. It's exhausting and expensive but now my family blames me for their improper set ups even though they are the ones that surprised me with 4 new animals without warning. Who came up with surprising someone with animals as a present, bc so far I've never once enjoyed it.
as a vet tech, one client once told me they didn't give their beards water because they were told they can drown. Instead of finding a shallow dish, they just didn't give them water and thought that was okay
I've heard its cause it makes it to humid in their warm enclosure but mine has a lil bowl in his enclosure and we get a bath a few times a week and misting when hes out of the enclosure with us.. now if he would eat his dang veggies.. he was strictly pellet fed when we adopted him and he just wants bugs bugs and more bugs... and he was kinda on the skinny side when he got here so I give him bugs else he wont eat for DAYS on end... I may get 2 bites of veggie or fruit in him before he runs to dad to hide from me.. I hate being salad mom.... lol He sure looks amazing now tho and is so sweet ...
It seems like Bearded Dragons are the Red Eared Sliders of lizards. Parents seem to irresponsibly buy them for their kids or teenagers a lot more than any other lizard species.
I got a red-eared slider from a dumpy pet store for $5 because he had soft-shell. 20yrs later, he is still eating minnows and sleeping on a hot pad. (I am in the process of building him a proper size tub with a ramp to get to the heat lamp and also to roam the house)
@@pvc395 The sad part is leopard geckos require far less than beardies. BDs wont last long at all without certain lighting. At least LGs are weirdly hardly lol.
I hate when people do this "haha i have a zoo, im so quirky." meanwhile half their animals are starving and theres some already dead. I call my place a zoo because I do have tons of animals, the difference though is that me and the people I live with can actually care for them.
one of my former friends had 7, yes 7, bearded dragons in the same enclosure. not even a gigantic one or something just your normal one beardie sized tank. all the beardies would do is sit and headbob at eachother. I can remember the dude saying it's so funny how they headbang, real metalheads. at this point I knew nothing about beardies (the owner obviously didn't either) but now I know how horribly tense all those beardies had to have been. and the worst part is that when i started to get interested in reptiles I did 5 minutes of research and I knew beardies should never be kept together. that dude didn't even bother to look anything up about husbandry.
I have a leapord gecko and I constantly overthink his cage door is slightly open enough for my cat to sneak in and do something to him so I always go back to him like 5 times before I calm down I dont even know how people could mix their animals and reptiles like that
My cat isn’t allowed in my reptile room, bird room, or in any of my “danger” rooms because she’ll either try to eat them OR one of the monitors will happily try to eat her
Alex melting his brain for our edutainment is the sacrifice we don't deserve...my brain melts just hearing the word Reddit anyway for that first one, exactly, the people calling them out are too salty to admit that they're guilty of doing it too.
I joined this subreddit for information on my own beardie since he was a surprise gift and I knew nothing about reptiles. It was a great source and majority of the people on it were really helpful. These vids are meant to show the worst these subs have to offer and it's a bit unfair to assume abusive/stupid owners are the norm.
Go to any store that sells fish and ask if they have a tank with a broke seal. It's no good to him but perfect for you to use as a vivarium. The store may have a tank with a crack, not one that's broken, but cracked. That'll work too. Ask him if you can have it. Even if he wants to charge you for it, it'll be just a fraction of a new one. Just be sure to use a reptile safe sanitizer to clean it before using it for your beardie (or whatever other critter you're needing a home for).
Yeah or hit up a reptile rescue so many people surrender their animals with their enclosures so they would prolly sell one for cheap. And theres always Facebook marketplace/ Craigslist
They are good options for gerbils too if you can get a tank big enough and get a lid made. You can add lots for them to dig around in rather than just a small wire cage
@APSS.... what type of substrate do you use for your pet big bro, and, do you think reddit will yell at me because I use shaped carpet in my terrarium instead of any type of substrate?
@Jame Exxem I use earthmix arid for a leopard gecko enclosure. (Currently no gecko). Tbh I've heard that reptile carpet harbours bacteria and can get lizards toes caught so I'd Imagine the
@@apss5736 ... yeah, I was already concerned about bacteria, I have oodles of carpet though so adding the fact that my snakes only poop in their water pool, which is instantly removed, and the carpet is changed every two days, I agree though that it probably would be a bad idea far any type of lizard, I never used carpet when I had an iguana, but it used to love climbing to the top of the curtains, and would get claws caught up almost every time... thanks for your feedback big bro, I'll be in touch...🐍🐊🐢🦕🦖🦎👍
It is so concerning how many people have animals and have no idea how to properly take care of them. Why would you not do your research it just blows my mind.
Even when doing research, there is so much outdated information that is still seen as reputable. I want to say it's especially common with exotics, but even with dogs there are so many myths being told as fact
I was screaming inside this whole video. My beardie Phoenix is too small to ‘play’ with my dogs but I’m not letting him near them when he grows up either. Some people are just bad caretakers.
it makes me SO angry seeing the amount of people putting their beardies with their cats. your cat is not a "cute friendly bean" they are a predator. they toy with their prey and they target small animals, that includes reptiles. i don't care how friendly and nice your cat is, the chance of them injuring your reptile at some point is very very high.
This. My cat is very sweet and has virtually no aggression even when provoked however the risk is STILL there. You can’t nurture instinct out of animals man.
Thank you exactly I was looking for a comment like this. Dogs and cats are sweet but they’re still predators and should not be trusted around small animals.
I have a beardie and I debated getting one because they seem really hard to take care of and they are but if you do your research it isn't hard at all, like come on people! I did MONTHS of research before I got one because of pictures and stories of beardies like in the video.
Beardies main issue for me are definitely their high maintenace compared to other normal reptiles, leopard geckos only need to be fed once every few days, snakes once a week. Beardies? 3 times a day, that's literally dog and cat level.
Yes! I was constantly worried in the beginning when i got my beardie as a juvenile, as my first reptile. He turned out very healthy, and it doesnt even take that much effort to do some basic research.
They're considered intermediate. I wouldnt say it's as simple. At all. They require more attention compared to what is actually a beginner's reptile. Unfortanutely the daily feeding/diet and upkeep of renewing the UVB is what makes of a "bad" owner. They certainly arent for children. I get so upset when I see parents just paying the bare just to get their brat a pet and stick it in a 20 gallon.
Why does every bearded dragon owner also inexplicably own a cat, are they mutually inclusive? Can one even own a cat without a bearded dragon? Is it illegal to purchase them separately?
Damn, i have a beardie and a cat. And a mouse now too. I keep them all seperate tho and hangout with my beardie with all the doors close so my cat camt get in. I know better.
i think its because many cat owners assume their cat is too sweet or lazy to hurt them. dog owners tend to see more of their dog running around and chasing other critters, so i thibk theyre more likely to process that their dog can hurt the lizard
Our beardie will only eat those pellets (can barely get her to eat those) because her previous owner fed her nothing but dry crickets and kale for years. She might take one bite out of a piece of fruit once in awhile, but that's as much as she'll eat.
@@GoHerping I think it’s incredible that you read your comments and actually give useful advice. I think that’s really cool. Thank you for being so helpful
@@notsorry3631 Not so much tbh, there's a lot of processed ick barely human safe in baby food. Alex gave you great advice in his reply, I think you'd be worth trying his tried and true method if you hope to be able to give your beardie an enriched 2nd act 😋
Haven't finished watching the vid yet but the beardies that are supposed to look like Mufasa and Scar, they're kind of accidentally accurate bc Mufasa literally translates to "king" and Scar's actual name Taka translates to "waste" or "want" (basically, their parents named them King and Garbage). So yeah, this person seems about as competent a pet parent. And yes they do both die.
I admit I am guilty of having done some of these things in my first year of owning Bearded Dragons but a lot of it was spurred by misinformation (I rescued a cohabbing pair but seperated them at the first sign of aggression). Displays at commercial pet stores tend to show bad husbandry practices and people would be taking in that information, unaware of the dangers they pose. I've spent a lot of money on things I shouldnt have because I didn't know better at the time. It's only through being open to correction and re-education from people who were patient and understanding that I have managed to improve the lives of my three beardies to the point where they are happy and healthy.
The worst part about people like this is that if you tell them that their animals aren’t getting proper care, no matter how you say it, they will fight tooth and nail with you about how they are a good keeper. Shit is scary.
It makes me so angry to see these reptiles near other animals, especially cats. My first two female geckos lived in a enclosure with sliding glass panels. I always thought that my cats wouldn't be able to open it, because the panel was litterally one mm from the wood. Still, I applied some tape, because the cats were always a little too interested. One night/early morning, the cats chewed the tape and opened the enclosure. I found my geckos dead on the floor, one still intact and of the other only a piece remained. I got nightmares, and every time I heard a suspicious sound I would get up and check on my male geckos. This fear continued even after I changed all the tape (I literally taped the other enclosure shut in the meantime) to locks. I now check multiple times that the locks are in place and no one can open them without the keys. To me, it seems like these people don't really care about their pets.
“I have a feeling you’ve all named your bearded dragon Pancake.” 😂 So true tho!!! I work at a pet shop and soooo many of the beardie owners I talk to have one named Pancake🤣
I will never understand how obsessed people are with putting animals together, ESPECIALLY prey animals with predators (or smaller predators that can still be prey to the bigger one). Just why? They can never be „friends” and no matter how gentle they are and good at ignoring each other, there’s ALWAYS a risk with either instinct kicking in or bacteria going from one animal to another. I feel like people especially forget that dogs are predators as well…
People need to stop letting cats be with other animals in general. Cats and reptiles. Cats and amphibians. Cats and rabbits/bunnies. They're ALL dangerous.
Cats and dogs with birds I see constantly. The bird is literally their prey animal! If instinct kicks in there is no way you can stop it. At best you have a bird with puncture wounds and a costly vet visit as cats bacteria can kill a bird in under a day, worst you have a dead bird and perhaps dont learn your lesson so "replace" it and make the same mistakes again.
@@Thurston86 I definitely wouldn't say they're assholes, but they are vicious. It's just their natural instincts to be carnivorous predators, it's not really their fault some people have such thick skulls they can't possibly fathom that leaving their carnivorous pet with their prey animal pet isn't safe. If you can't be responsible for the safety of _both_ of your pets, you just shouldn't have either.
My beardie was a re-home. When I agreed to take her I did SO MUCH research. I still have things bookmarked and saved on my phone to double check. I know I'm not perfect but I really do try to make sure she has the best care. Seeing this makes me so sad and frustrated that others aren't putting in that effort. Do your research!!
my grandparents use to call my familys house a petting zoo... we had 3 dogs all lab mixs, 2 guineapigs and a hamster. Us kids loved it but we never would have put all our pets together to just take a photo and risk there safety. can lie as an adult i do have 5 frogs and 2 dogs and the frogs are the whole reason i found this page lol. i dont consider my apartment a zoo though. i just consider it my happy place.
Hello just wanted to thank you for being a reliable source of information!!! I'm getting a corn snake soon and your video have helped me make the best habitat I can for it!!!
I'm so mad about that baby getting bit by the owners cat, that poor little thing. As a person who rescuses Bearded Dragons that person does not deserve to have one. Don't keep your pets with eachother, it's always a bad idea as animals are unpredictable
I do not like how when you were looking for the word cannibalistic, the first thing that came to my mind was vore and I genuinely hate my life because of that alone.
hey Alex, just a side thought. have you tried like pine pellets or something similar for your cats? there's no dust, it's easier to clean, normally cheaper, and you're not dealing with a pungent cat piss odor all the time.
i actually did switch to pine since recording this lol. i had to use the litter cause we had a dumb automatic litterbox which was a mistake and I threw away angrily
@@GoHerping Should’ve thrown away the cats instead. They’re vicious assholes just waiting for the right moment to eat your face. (This is a joke, for those of you who might be getting ready to defend your evil furry masters.)
The smell of shavings isn’t even that bad you snowflake pinesal is sold in a store as a disinfectant which you should definitely using for you reptiles ( sarcasm )t
It's disturbing to know that like half the reptile owners don't look up any information and just assume things. Makes me think about them having kids one day.
0:09 - Jokes on you, my brain is already leaking out my ears ;3 5:41 - yeah, those things *hurt* I didn't let mine cool all the way before replacing the blown out bulb and it had me squealing
it’s weird, when i take out my beardie my cat stays by me and purrs (he usually stays away from everyone in the house) one day i caught him chilling in the cage with my beardie. had to get a new cover and lock
That one annoying Tornado Siren - yeah he just stays by the tank under the heat lamp watching pancake (my beardie) go crazy on crickets and veggies all day
Part four fish edition Betty fish Bottlenose pluck Season's Nichols Yellow lab circular End per puppy Pygmy corridors Plan at Betts Armani shrimp Bertie snail Red belly lacy Restate co-chair Senegal big hit Spearhead Bonefish Several Adonis Pasco Geophysics alterations Motorola stingray Riverside Longish Arabia's Silver Mariana Jardine Rosanna
this made me feel better about a baby beardie I had that passed bc of a partner mistakenly feeding him a super worm and him getting impacted. some people just take everything at face value...
To the two babies together, when I had gotten mine he was in a tank temporarily with his sibling before I got him. welp mines the runt so who’s tail got munched mine. i was extremely upset because I’ve never had a reptile and before I even got it something happened that could have gone wrong, but it’s fallen off and has seen a vet it’s healed properly and he’s now doing great
Bruh I love that you said that because I have people telling me my house is a zoo cause of all the animals I have and I never know how to respond to that
i had a beardie named draco malloy, i kept asking my parents to get a proper tank and lighting and they never did so we gave it away. i was a young teen but i know she’s in a happy place. the tank was melting at the top. just a heat lamp and nothing else, it was such a small cage and she was def underweight. i couldn’t take care of her due to having a lot of severe depression and it is really sad. i know i want to get a beardie when i’m 100% able to care for it but yeahhh
I hate when people try to bring their baby bearded dragon up to mine.. In my head im like "Beardies feel no compassion, my hungry dragon will eat that little thing a snack before you can blink smh" All I could think about at 12:55 lol
My bearded dragon and cat are BFFs, I don't even know how it happened but she LOVES him. Has to be right there when he's getting a bath to make sure he's OK and right there when he's getting fed. They will sit and stare at each other for hours sometimes and she just lays there and purrs next to him when I have him out on my lap. It the weirdest thing ever. I don't ever let him loose with her around, however. JIC.
I am the Yoshi and Bernie person. TRUST ME, I learned a lot. I wish there was more info readily available, but here's the deal. We all learn somehow. At least a lot of us do learn.
Living in asia, I've seen so many terrible reptile enclosures...there were people putting leopard geckos in shoe boxes, iguanas in dog cages, and even turtles in dirty bathrooms. Many of them have MBD all because the reptile community here cares more about breeding without license, than actually caring for the animals.
My leopard gecko has been fine for about a month or two on his bioactive substrate… and I constantly get so scared that something might be wrong … any signs to look out for ? Just to help me from overthinking
I walked into a pet store once and saw a baby beardie sleeping with a cricket on his head. I thought it was adorable. Some people weren’t happy with the pic I took but my sister works at the pet store and the little guy was perfectly fine. Cricket got eaten
so I replied to your last comment with this question, its fine if you didnt see it but, you should totally start a podcast I usually dont listen to podcasts but if you started one I would listen to every episode lolll
cried from a heat lamp myself about 8 years ago, touched my older brothers bearded dragons heat lamp. the beardies enclosure wasn't perfect, it was a 120 gal which could have used a bit more plants and stuff, but other the slight lack of cover (excluding his 3 hides, warm, moist and cold) it was a pretty good enclosure. I was 6 at the time btw, so pls no bullying for crying over a burn edit: he also kept it on reptile carpet at first, but fixed that 3 months into having the dragon. we've had him 11 years now, almost had to adopt him out when my brother went to college and uni, but I decided to look after him myself, which was when I discovered my full love for reptiles. now I have the OG Spike Marvin, a male leopard gecko called spot, a female called dotty, a pair of female cresties called stickster and lash. I'm also planning to get a fire skink in the next year or so :)
no, they're in a custom built enclosures which have 2ft by 2ft bases and 4 ft tall with a all the stuff they need. they have basically the same as a 120 gal but sideways. the Leo's are in separate enclosures too, they are in a 90 gal and a 55 gal respectively, with the smaller tank being upgraded to a 90 soon
Not a reptile-owner at the moment, but I plan on getting a beardie this year. I also have cats, and I couldn't imagine letting my cats anywhere NEAR the terrarium while it's open (ideally not while it's closed, either, but they are persistant little monsters). Why do people think it's okay to let their larger pets interact with their smaller pets, when one could easily do a lot of harm to the other?
@@prawn1717 for me it's them and money. If I was to get a reptile before now, I'd would just have been able to afford an appropriate setup, but I would have had to tap into my emergency funds pretty heavily, meaning if a vet emergency came up, I wouldn't have had the money to pay for it. Now, I have a steady job and my mom is actually contributing quite a bit of money to celebrate me getting my bachelor's degree, so I am finally making the step. Finding a terrarium of the appropriate size is an absolute nightmare, though.
i had a beardie before but my cuz was in my house and i went outside waiting 4 him (bc we were gonna play baseball) i go back inside 5 minutes later and i see him looking ontop of my fan (it wasnt on) so i quickly got it down and yelled at my cousin and he went home So now i keep my the tank on my shelf
ive been on r/beardedragons for a few years now. the sheer amount of people who post their dragons with literally their legs falling off, tail melting off, or puss coming out of their mouths yet refuse to take them to the vet, only asking reddit for help, is fucking gross.
I appreciate that you can admit the horrible things that have happened with your experiences. A lot of people should not have these animals. We need people like Alex to tell us "umm you shouldn't do this blah this is how you fix blah do your research" LIKE THE VIDEO THE ALGORITHM.
I have a cat (Meowggii) and dragon (Georgie). Meowggii is a senior (13 at the time) and even then the only time I allowed him in the same room as Georgie is when Georgie was in his tank and I was in the room as well. If Georgie had floor time Meowggii and any other animals were kicked out of the room, door shut. Luckily Meowggii was more interested in sitting by the heat lamp than Georgie himself but still I didn’t take any chances. Now Meowggii lives with my mom and Georgie lives with me so we don’t need to do that anymore. Seeing people let their cats/dogs stay in the same room as a dragon out of their tank is insane to me. Especially when the person is standing who knows how far away holding a phone to take pictures. Don’t risk lives for “cute” pictures!
My mom came to visit and she brought the dogs with them , I made sure they didn’t come close to my bearded dragon but I was clenching my ass so hard the entire time. My bearded dragon didn’t care tho 😂
more pain? more pain. ruclips.net/p/PLIXZgmnvg0nAb1dNh9K5p0yevVUv89sfr
first boi
GoHerping, have you seen the amendments that might be added to the Lacey’s act? It might affect the entire reptile hobby in the US as we know it! (Negatively of course)
Why is there no update on the Panther Chameleon????
@Midnight Express it’s very concerning
Alex. As much as i love your content, maybe try and not make videos focused on the bad. There are terrible laws being pushed to end our hobby, and the people against us will use these things for ammo against us. Lets not give these bad keepers a platform and lets highlight the good. Much love🤞
This channel and fish for thought has truly taught me the meaning of harm reduction. There’s a lot of people out there creating nightmare conditions for their animals out of ignorance, and they’ll never be close to average, but if you could give them a few tips to make things a little better, that’s a win I guess
This is so true
I love Fish For Thought. Have you seen his review of the tank made by Jun's Kitchen? It is so funny and wholesome.
@@loftyradish6972 I used to like him but it is annoying to watch him when every 2 seconds he has to reference a meme or try to be funny
Yes, honestly the husbandry standards vary and a lot of people cry animal abuse for very common things… worst Reddit group by far is r/hamsters a lot of kids with less than ideal setups/care and a lot of verbally abusive “experts” with no intention of helping them, only putting them down.
FFT is my 3rd favourite channel after this one and snake discovery:)
Bearded dragons are the teacup chihuahuas of the reptile world.
I don’t get it
@@samufrog9304 they are both treated as toys
@@lizandtonkstsu6299 ah
With the analogy of chihuahuas, it’s sounds like bearded dragon are asshole reptiles lol
Kim Kardashian agrees with your statement. 😖
I like how the guy in the third one is like "I feed him super worms about once a week and I'm guessing that's not enough" and a reply straight up said "You're starving him". Boom, not afraid to just say it, that's exactly what's happening. Like bruh "guessing that's not enough" they only figured that out now? It wasn't obvious to them? Smh the state of society is degrading
"guessing thats not enough" *Beardy literally has the bones showing* hmm better post on reddit before doing anything drastic like feeding more insects
For real, ANY amount if research, a quick Google search, will tell you that some worms ONCE A WEEK isn't enough. Geez
@Kim Jong-un....at first when you said, "you're starving him, boom", I thought somebody had ended up getting shot...I was just about to say, so you're saying it's ok to shoot people because they don't feed their frogs enough worms?... you should really go take a second look at your morals big bro...
Kinda rich coming from a guy leading a country where people are literally starving.
(sorry, I couldn't help myself)
@@MajiggerRose ...Lol.... what country is that exactly, or should I say, which countries don't have people staving?
I fully believe you should be required to fill out a questionnaire of just basic care for ANY animal you buy just for pet stores to make sure you did the bare minimum in research 🙈 beardies are too sweet to be treated so poorly 😭
Edit: Yeah, I also think pet store employees should have the bare minimum of formal education in animal care 😂😂 my lvl 2 course was only a year and it was a piece of cake 😅
I'm not sure if any pet stores would pass the questionnaire themselves lol
@@GoHerping ....😂👍
@KT Amazing.... well, a few months back I was trying to find my way out of the mall where I parked, and remembering that the pet shop was next to where I walked in, as I was leaving the pet shop I saw some snakes in the, so I said, maybe I'll add one more to me collection, long story short, she spent thirty minutes telling me stuff about snakes that was either outdated, irrelevant, or unneeded, I have had pet snakes since I started catching them around five or six years old, being lectured on snake care by someone who probably never even owned one, or cared for one, outside of the amount of time they worked at that job....pet shops house animals under horrible conditions, their fish suffer from sunken bellies because of overcrowding underfeeding etc, it would be hypocrisy to deny someone a pet because they didn't pass the basic care test that the petshop wouldn't pass itself...smh
@@GoHerping I work at one I agree because I’ve been to other stores and the training isn’t consistent it’s pretty frustrating because you can research all of the info online; some of it i even learned from you :)! I try to make sure any customer who asks to buy one knows all the negatives,the costs, and that they aren’t toys. People suck
@@GoHerping In the UK (pets at home) They do, plus ensure you provide 3 days worth of heat readings. I'd say its pretty good! For a large scale pet-store
When I worked at Petsmart, we had a customer come in and wanted to buy a bearded dragon and get a return on the one he had bought the day before. I wasn't there the day before, but I told him we unfortunately couldn't do a return without the body. The explanation for what happened completely blew me away. He had an adult bearded dragon, had bought a baby, put them in the same enclosure, and the adult immediately ran over and ate the baby. Then he came back to our store, bought another baby (the one he wanted a refund for), and did the same thing, put the baby in with the adult which immediately ran over and ate the baby. At the time these babies sold for $70 each. Obviously this person was refused another sale, and he didn't get a refund either. Sometimes the things people do really mystify me.
I've known a few people who have had enough frick you money and delusion that they endlessly replace animals. quite the interesting bunch
@@GoHerping The ones that really scare me are the people who don't have enough money and still try this shit. I'm at PetSmart and damn, there are people who come in can't see that they're slowly torturing their animals but continue to buy more animals while complaining that the actual correct supplies would be too expensive to buy. If they would only stop and reflect they could take good care of 1 or 2 reptiles instead of terrible care for half a dozen ore more.
@@jakej.2893 For reaaalll. I've met many people who owns all kinds of animals, and when I notice one of their animals have a medical issue, their excuse is "we don't have the money to fix that." like ?????
I get so mad at these people, it hurts with the fact they buy animals but can't even afford to keep them alive.
@@jakej.2893 yes yes yes yes!!!!!! As a Vet’s assistant I can’t stress this enough. We have many clients that say that buying HW medicine for their 4 dogs is too expensive. But then they get a new puppy??????
Take good care of the animals you already have first before getting a shiny new toy to play with. Like obviously they just want to always have a puppy and then neglect it when it grows.
I work at a pet store and this lady who comes in to get crickets every now and then has no issue telling me about her awful care. She had her beardies together, but one ate the others back legs, so she separated them. One is in a 10 and one is in a 20. I've talked to her about how that's way too small and she should look into rehoming as she doesn't have space. She responded "but they're my pets and I love them :-(" bruh if you love them get them the bare minimum
Omg I'd never be able to work at a pet store cuz I won't be able to hold myself from telling customers that they aren't caring for their pets correctly. I'd get fired instantly LOL.
A 10?!?! That’s WAY too small, wtf
11:44 I did look into this user a bit more to find out if those beardies are okay or not. those two were Christmas gifts from the op's parents, parents fought on getting another viv, op's dad caved and built a custom enclosure that's ones piece but split into two sides one for each beardie. both never fought and are doing great. Though to sum this up I would not give op's parents the benefit of the doubt with this one. they got these animals for their kid as a gift, didn't even bother to learn what they required and then fought them on getting proper care for a stupidly long time. in the amount of time they were fighting over enclosures those two could have tried to kill each other. not to mention when op told their parents about how beardies are cannibalistic (and showed them a photo of a bigger beardie eating a smaller beardie) op's parents basically said "this is an exception where they actually love each other so we don't need to split them up." so.. there's that too..
Honestly makes my blood boil...
wow, im very grateful my dad is the complete opposite. before getting my blue tongue he did a ton of research and made sure to have all the proper stuff
@@FlypZeroZero same here, my parents always go through atleast the basics before they let me get any animal, I now have an 11 year old beardie that was my brothers before he went to college and uni, doesn't have time to properly care for the beardie anymore so that's my job now, since then I have two rescued Leo's and two rescued cresties, only know that the male leo is 6 years old, don't know the ages of any others but one of the cresties only finished growing a bit Christmas 2021 :) they're all in oversized enclosures because me and my mother's uncle are really good at DIY, the Leo's have 90 gals, the cresties are in 4 ft tall 120 gals and we're planning to take the beardie up to 233 gals, also planning to get a fire skink (my dream reptile since my brother got his beardie over a decade ago) and have it in a 200 gal aswell, I want to get a baby and start it off in my old 40, then take it up to the 120 and when he's done growing 233 gallons (planned dimensions for our 233 gals are 5 ft by 2.5ft by 2.5ft
@@exoticare3226 oh nice! my enclosures a DIY too. nice to know youre taking great care of yours unlike some other people who just throw them into a small plastic tub
My family does the same for my sulcatas and red eared slider. They got them as a surprise for my after my original (26yr old) sulcata had to be put down(kidney failure). 1 sulcata and the red eared slider came with enclosures, but not the correct size enclosures or supplies. And the other two silcatas came with nothing, so I'm frantically trying to set their enclosures up so they aren't stuck in temporary set ups for to long. It's exhausting and expensive but now my family blames me for their improper set ups even though they are the ones that surprised me with 4 new animals without warning. Who came up with surprising someone with animals as a present, bc so far I've never once enjoyed it.
as a vet tech, one client once told me they didn't give their beards water because they were told they can drown. Instead of finding a shallow dish, they just didn't give them water and thought that was okay
I've heard its cause it makes it to humid in their warm enclosure but mine has a lil bowl in his enclosure and we get a bath a few times a week and misting when hes out of the enclosure with us.. now if he would eat his dang veggies.. he was strictly pellet fed when we adopted him and he just wants bugs bugs and more bugs... and he was kinda on the skinny side when he got here so I give him bugs else he wont eat for DAYS on end... I may get 2 bites of veggie or fruit in him before he runs to dad to hide from me.. I hate being salad mom.... lol He sure looks amazing now tho and is so sweet ...
Tell them to get a uromastyx instead.. just kidding shouldn't have any animals if your that dunb
It seems like Bearded Dragons are the Red Eared Sliders of lizards. Parents seem to irresponsibly buy them for their kids or teenagers a lot more than any other lizard species.
They do its sad, probably because they're so cheap :(
I got a red-eared slider from a dumpy pet store for $5 because he had soft-shell. 20yrs later, he is still eating minnows and sleeping on a hot pad. (I am in the process of building him a proper size tub with a ramp to get to the heat lamp and also to roam the house)
I think leopard geckos fit the name better
@@pvc395 The sad part is leopard geckos require far less than beardies. BDs wont last long at all without certain lighting. At least LGs are weirdly hardly lol.
any turtle*
I’m so happy that we have licenses in Australia and are required to pass a reptile care course
I once knew someone who called their place a zoo like it was quirky. They were an animal hoarder.
I can feel the need to become an animal hoarder, it's SO hard.
Yeah, you have to know your limits...um, and your other pet's limits.
I hate when people do this "haha i have a zoo, im so quirky." meanwhile half their animals are starving and theres some already dead. I call my place a zoo because I do have tons of animals, the difference though is that me and the people I live with can actually care for them.
@@alysani0193 same here lol
one of my former friends had 7, yes 7, bearded dragons in the same enclosure. not even a gigantic one or something just your normal one beardie sized tank. all the beardies would do is sit and headbob at eachother. I can remember the dude saying it's so funny how they headbang, real metalheads. at this point I knew nothing about beardies (the owner obviously didn't either) but now I know how horribly tense all those beardies had to have been. and the worst part is that when i started to get interested in reptiles I did 5 minutes of research and I knew beardies should never be kept together. that dude didn't even bother to look anything up about husbandry.
I have a leapord gecko and I constantly overthink his cage door is slightly open enough for my cat to sneak in and do something to him so I always go back to him like 5 times before I calm down I dont even know how people could mix their animals and reptiles like that
My gf cat knocked over her whole tank that held her leopard gecko thing ways a good 40 pounds too.
@@blank1778 oh my god was the gecko okay???
Same here, with my birds though.
Constantly going back to the “bird room” door to make sure it’s closed/locked
My cat isn’t allowed in my reptile room, bird room, or in any of my “danger” rooms because she’ll either try to eat them OR one of the monitors will happily try to eat her
@@snakelizard2343 I wish mine wasnt allowed in the room but my leapord gecko is in my bedroom so it's hard to keep the cat out
Alex melting his brain for our edutainment is the sacrifice we don't deserve...my brain melts just hearing the word Reddit anyway
for that first one, exactly, the people calling them out are too salty to admit that they're guilty of doing it too.
Reddit is useful but you must learn to seperate all comments and posts from idiots and people who go online to make stuff up
@@Hannah-nf1vg 90% of reddit is idiots trying to prove to one another how "smart" they are. The place is a total hivemind
Alex got one glance of that sand and cat combo and decided that was enough Reddit for the day. I don’t blame him
These subs really show the lack of care the average owner puts into their pet's care
this isn't average
Only if you sort by controversial, otherwise most every post in the bearded dragon sub is pretty good
I joined this subreddit for information on my own beardie since he was a surprise gift and I knew nothing about reptiles. It was a great source and majority of the people on it were really helpful. These vids are meant to show the worst these subs have to offer and it's a bit unfair to assume abusive/stupid owners are the norm.
It's more lack of education. There is so much shitty information that is more freely available than good information
That sub only represents people who use reddit. The general population of pet owners is wayy worse
Go to any store that sells fish and ask if they have a tank with a broke seal. It's no good to him but perfect for you to use as a vivarium. The store may have a tank with a crack, not one that's broken, but cracked. That'll work too. Ask him if you can have it. Even if he wants to charge you for it, it'll be just a fraction of a new one. Just be sure to use a reptile safe sanitizer to clean it before using it for your beardie (or whatever other critter you're needing a home for).
Yeah or hit up a reptile rescue so many people surrender their animals with their enclosures so they would prolly sell one for cheap. And theres always Facebook marketplace/ Craigslist
They are good options for gerbils too if you can get a tank big enough and get a lid made. You can add lots for them to dig around in rather than just a small wire cage
Reddit is weird. Especially the pet keeping subs. Where you get screamed at for having one speck of substrate in your tank ( a safe kind)
Not that any other forum is any better
@APSS.... what type of substrate do you use for your pet big bro, and, do you think reddit will yell at me because I use shaped carpet in my terrarium instead of any type of substrate?
@Jame Exxem I use earthmix arid for a leopard gecko enclosure. (Currently no gecko). Tbh I've heard that reptile carpet harbours bacteria and can get lizards toes caught so I'd Imagine the
@Jame Exxem I meant so the substrate police might hunt you down lol
@@apss5736 ... yeah, I was already concerned about bacteria, I have oodles of carpet though so adding the fact that my snakes only poop in their water pool, which is instantly removed, and the carpet is changed every two days, I agree though that it probably would be a bad idea far any type of lizard, I never used carpet when I had an iguana, but it used to love climbing to the top of the curtains, and would get claws caught up almost every time... thanks for your feedback big bro, I'll be in touch...🐍🐊🐢🦕🦖🦎👍
It is so concerning how many people have animals and have no idea how to properly take care of them. Why would you not do your research it just blows my mind.
Even when doing research, there is so much outdated information that is still seen as reputable. I want to say it's especially common with exotics, but even with dogs there are so many myths being told as fact
“Is that a massive cat or a very small bearded dragon?” Lol
Master herping your calci sand video is a hidden gem
I was screaming inside this whole video.
My beardie Phoenix is too small to ‘play’ with my dogs but I’m not letting him near them when he grows up either. Some people are just bad caretakers.
it makes me SO angry seeing the amount of people putting their beardies with their cats. your cat is not a "cute friendly bean" they are a predator. they toy with their prey and they target small animals, that includes reptiles. i don't care how friendly and nice your cat is, the chance of them injuring your reptile at some point is very very high.
This. My cat is very sweet and has virtually no aggression even when provoked however the risk is STILL there. You can’t nurture instinct out of animals man.
@@rose-2453 if you can’t stop treating then like fucking teddy bears and acting like they don’t kill birds for shits and giggles
Thank you exactly I was looking for a comment like this. Dogs and cats are sweet but they’re still predators and should not be trusted around small animals.
Ayeeee I don’t think I’ve been this early to a GoHerping video since like 2018
I have a beardie and I debated getting one because they seem really hard to take care of and they are but if you do your research it isn't hard at all, like come on people! I did MONTHS of research before I got one because of pictures and stories of beardies like in the video.
Fr. It is quite simple if you do everything right LOL. The biggest issue I had was substrate
Beardies main issue for me are definitely their high maintenace compared to other normal reptiles, leopard geckos only need to be fed once every few days, snakes once a week.
Beardies? 3 times a day, that's literally dog and cat level.
Yes! I was constantly worried in the beginning when i got my beardie as a juvenile, as my first reptile. He turned out very healthy, and it doesnt even take that much effort to do some basic research.
They're considered intermediate. I wouldnt say it's as simple. At all. They require more attention compared to what is actually a beginner's reptile. Unfortanutely the daily feeding/diet and upkeep of renewing the UVB is what makes of a "bad" owner. They certainly arent for children. I get so upset when I see parents just paying the bare just to get their brat a pet and stick it in a 20 gallon.
That heat lamp asmr hit just right.
Why does every bearded dragon owner also inexplicably own a cat, are they mutually inclusive? Can one even own a cat without a bearded dragon? Is it illegal to purchase them separately?
Scaley kitty 😻
Damn, i have a beardie and a cat. And a mouse now too. I keep them all seperate tho and hangout with my beardie with all the doors close so my cat camt get in. I know better.
i think its because many cat owners assume their cat is too sweet or lazy to hurt them. dog owners tend to see more of their dog running around and chasing other critters, so i thibk theyre more likely to process that their dog can hurt the lizard
@@marissamalone621 no scaley kat 🐱
Bought a beardie… came with a free cat?
Our beardie will only eat those pellets (can barely get her to eat those) because her previous owner fed her nothing but dry crickets and kale for years. She might take one bite out of a piece of fruit once in awhile, but that's as much as she'll eat.
I had that problem with a few beardies. With a few weeks of constant offering and mixing foods, we were able to switch them all
@@GoHerping I think it’s incredible that you read your comments and actually give useful advice. I think that’s really cool. Thank you for being so helpful
@@GoHerping I've been feeding her baby food lol she loves that. I know it's not as good as fresh food, but I think it's better than pellets?
@@notsorry3631 Not so much tbh, there's a lot of processed ick barely human safe in baby food.
Alex gave you great advice in his reply, I think you'd be worth trying his tried and true method if you hope to be able to give your beardie an enriched 2nd act 😋
Haven't finished watching the vid yet but the beardies that are supposed to look like Mufasa and Scar, they're kind of accidentally accurate bc Mufasa literally translates to "king" and Scar's actual name Taka translates to "waste" or "want" (basically, their parents named them King and Garbage). So yeah, this person seems about as competent a pet parent.
And yes they do both die.
Okay but you can absolutely name your beardie Scar without being a bad pet parent
I admit I am guilty of having done some of these things in my first year of owning Bearded Dragons but a lot of it was spurred by misinformation (I rescued a cohabbing pair but seperated them at the first sign of aggression). Displays at commercial pet stores tend to show bad husbandry practices and people would be taking in that information, unaware of the dangers they pose. I've spent a lot of money on things I shouldnt have because I didn't know better at the time. It's only through being open to correction and re-education from people who were patient and understanding that I have managed to improve the lives of my three beardies to the point where they are happy and healthy.
I’ve made husbandry errors too, I think we all have. I appreciate when people are honest and strive towards improvement.
I'm always captivated when your speaking. It's so cool seeing your point of view/expertise. Wishing you success! ❤️
The worst part about people like this is that if you tell them that their animals aren’t getting proper care, no matter how you say it, they will fight tooth and nail with you about how they are a good keeper. Shit is scary.
It makes me so angry to see these reptiles near other animals, especially cats.
My first two female geckos lived in a enclosure with sliding glass panels. I always thought that my cats wouldn't be able to open it, because the panel was litterally one mm from the wood. Still, I applied some tape, because the cats were always a little too interested.
One night/early morning, the cats chewed the tape and opened the enclosure. I found my geckos dead on the floor, one still intact and of the other only a piece remained.
I got nightmares, and every time I heard a suspicious sound I would get up and check on my male geckos. This fear continued even after I changed all the tape (I literally taped the other enclosure shut in the meantime) to locks. I now check multiple times that the locks are in place and no one can open them without the keys.
To me, it seems like these people don't really care about their pets.
I’m sorry that happened to you. It sounds pretty traumatic. I hope your remaining geckos are doing well.
Alex gonna pull an Anakin lol. “I hate sand”
“I have a feeling you’ve all named your bearded dragon Pancake.” 😂 So true tho!!! I work at a pet shop and soooo many of the beardie owners I talk to have one named Pancake🤣
I will never understand how obsessed people are with putting animals together, ESPECIALLY prey animals with predators (or smaller predators that can still be prey to the bigger one). Just why? They can never be „friends” and no matter how gentle they are and good at ignoring each other, there’s ALWAYS a risk with either instinct kicking in or bacteria going from one animal to another. I feel like people especially forget that dogs are predators as well…
People need to stop letting cats be with other animals in general. Cats and reptiles. Cats and amphibians. Cats and rabbits/bunnies. They're ALL dangerous.
cats and cats
Cats and dogs with birds I see constantly. The bird is literally their prey animal! If instinct kicks in there is no way you can stop it.
At best you have a bird with puncture wounds and a costly vet visit as cats bacteria can kill a bird in under a day, worst you have a dead bird and perhaps dont learn your lesson so "replace" it and make the same mistakes again.
@@jminsh463 cats bacteria causes sepsis in pretty much all animals and can kill them quickly. Including reptiles
Cats are vicious assholes. I think people tend to forget this because of their small size? 🤷🏻♀️
@@Thurston86 I definitely wouldn't say they're assholes, but they are vicious. It's just their natural instincts to be carnivorous predators, it's not really their fault some people have such thick skulls they can't possibly fathom that leaving their carnivorous pet with their prey animal pet isn't safe. If you can't be responsible for the safety of _both_ of your pets, you just shouldn't have either.
The apartment I grew up in had multiple holes in the carpet because we put the heat lamp on it and forgot to turn it off
My beardie was a re-home. When I agreed to take her I did SO MUCH research. I still have things bookmarked and saved on my phone to double check. I know I'm not perfect but I really do try to make sure she has the best care. Seeing this makes me so sad and frustrated that others aren't putting in that effort. Do your research!!
Instant like before the video began, love these videos so much
my grandparents use to call my familys house a petting zoo... we had 3 dogs all lab mixs, 2 guineapigs and a hamster. Us kids loved it but we never would have put all our pets together to just take a photo and risk there safety. can lie as an adult i do have 5 frogs and 2 dogs and the frogs are the whole reason i found this page lol. i dont consider my apartment a zoo though. i just consider it my happy place.
That’s enough internet for today. I’m shaking, going to go scream in a pillow
Hello just wanted to thank you for being a reliable source of information!!! I'm getting a corn snake soon and your video have helped me make the best habitat I can for it!!!
I'm so mad about that baby getting bit by the owners cat, that poor little thing. As a person who rescuses Bearded Dragons that person does not deserve to have one. Don't keep your pets with eachother, it's always a bad idea as animals are unpredictable
I do not like how when you were looking for the word cannibalistic, the first thing that came to my mind was vore and I genuinely hate my life because of that alone.
The amount of times I burned my hand on my beardies bulb when lifting them out for bath time or when cleaning the vivarium 😂
hey Alex, just a side thought. have you tried like pine pellets or something similar for your cats? there's no dust, it's easier to clean, normally cheaper, and you're not dealing with a pungent cat piss odor all the time.
i actually did switch to pine since recording this lol. i had to use the litter cause we had a dumb automatic litterbox which was a mistake and I threw away angrily
@@GoHerping Should’ve thrown away the cats instead. They’re vicious assholes just waiting for the right moment to eat your face. (This is a joke, for those of you who might be getting ready to defend your evil furry masters.)
Re: Cat litter. Use pine pellets. They do a much better job neutralizing the ammonia. At worst it smells like a barn. Most of the time just pine
The smell of shavings isn’t even that bad you snowflake pinesal is sold in a store as a disinfectant which you should definitely using for you reptiles ( sarcasm )t
"I feel like you all named your bearded dragons pancake"
Nah he named Jerry
Bro the alarm sound at the beginning of the video made my body freak out because it thought it was time to wake up 💀
It's disturbing to know that like half the reptile owners don't look up any information and just assume things. Makes me think about them having kids one day.
I instantly feel better about my beardie care. It may not be perfect, but my 4x2x2 doesn't have sand
My brain melted a long time ago.
God i'm so on edge when i watch these videos🙃Only your comments are keeping me sane.
0:09 - Jokes on you, my brain is already leaking out my ears ;3
5:41 - yeah, those things *hurt* I didn't let mine cool all the way before replacing the blown out bulb and it had me squealing
it’s weird, when i take out my beardie my cat stays by me and purrs (he usually stays away from everyone in the house) one day i caught him chilling in the cage with my beardie. had to get a new cover and lock
Cats like warm things to lay on.
But it's good that you got a new lock, cat dander and saliva isn't the best for beardies
My cat only purrs when she's violently attacking toys.
That one annoying Tornado Siren - yeah he just stays by the tank under the heat lamp watching pancake (my beardie) go crazy on crickets and veggies all day
AvoxPaine cats only purr when in a relaxed state so i highly doubt that
I had to rewind the video when you mentioned the beardie eating "cheetos" on instagram, because I sent you that. lmao
How reptiles are spelt with autocorrect
Articulated python
Blue tongue skunk
Painted Adams
Argentine black and white regular
Part two
Lemongrass ball python
Germans tortoise
Alhambra tortoise
Diamond's terrain
Dubai roach
Part three tarantula scientific names
Rachel's vampiric
Elliptical alc*holism
Caribbean periscope
Aphorisms Chaldean
Transistors punchlines
Ephesians murmurs
Presumptuous murmurs
Heterogeneous Springer
Davis mentalities
Part four fish edition
Betty fish
Bottlenose pluck
Season's Nichols
Yellow lab circular
End per puppy
Pygmy corridors
Plan at Betts
Armani shrimp
Bertie snail
Red belly lacy
Restate co-chair
Senegal big hit
Adonis Pasco
Geophysics alterations
Motorola stingray
Silver Mariana
Jardine Rosanna
RUclipsr edition
Brian barfly
Mike titular
this made me feel better about a baby beardie I had that passed bc of a partner mistakenly feeding him a super worm and him getting impacted. some people just take everything at face value...
I have a ball python, his heatlamp gets around 80⁰ and I've accidentally touched it. ITS ONE OF THE WORT PAINS IN THE WORLD!
To the two babies together, when I had gotten mine he was in a tank temporarily with his sibling before I got him. welp mines the runt so who’s tail got munched mine. i was extremely upset because I’ve never had a reptile and before I even got it something happened that could have gone wrong, but it’s fallen off and has seen a vet it’s healed properly and he’s now doing great
Bruh I love that you said that because I have people telling me my house is a zoo cause of all the animals I have and I never know how to respond to that
i had a beardie named draco malloy, i kept asking my parents to get a proper tank and lighting and they never did so we gave it away. i was a young teen but i know she’s in a happy place. the tank was melting at the top. just a heat lamp and nothing else, it was such a small cage and she was def underweight. i couldn’t take care of her due to having a lot of severe depression and it is really sad. i know i want to get a beardie when i’m 100% able to care for it but yeahhh
I hate when people try to bring their baby bearded dragon up to mine.. In my head im like "Beardies feel no compassion, my hungry dragon will eat that little thing a snack before you can blink smh" All I could think about at 12:55 lol
My bearded dragon and cat are BFFs, I don't even know how it happened but she LOVES him. Has to be right there when he's getting a bath to make sure he's OK and right there when he's getting fed. They will sit and stare at each other for hours sometimes and she just lays there and purrs next to him when I have him out on my lap. It the weirdest thing ever. I don't ever let him loose with her around, however. JIC.
No way! My dragon's name is Pickle!!!! Not pancake! 😆 🤣 😂
I am the Yoshi and Bernie person. TRUST ME, I learned a lot. I wish there was more info readily available, but here's the deal. We all learn somehow. At least a lot of us do learn.
I think the last picture broke him 😂😂😂
Living in asia, I've seen so many terrible reptile enclosures...there were people putting leopard geckos in shoe boxes, iguanas in dog cages, and even turtles in dirty bathrooms. Many of them have MBD all because the reptile community here cares more about breeding without license, than actually caring for the animals.
What if friends/family call my house a zoo? 🤣 I personally don't call it a zoo
the toad sub is still my favorite. we just vibe there and people aren't posting borderline abuse most of the time
My leopard gecko has been fine for about a month or two on his bioactive substrate… and I constantly get so scared that something might be wrong … any signs to look out for ? Just to help me from overthinking
But why so they have enough to buy two bearded dragons but only one viv?
yeah I know right? if you can only afford one viv, just get ONE beaded dragon.
I walked into a pet store once and saw a baby beardie sleeping with a cricket on his head. I thought it was adorable. Some people weren’t happy with the pic I took but my sister works at the pet store and the little guy was perfectly fine. Cricket got eaten
I personally don't call my amphibian room a zoo but whenever my mom talks about it, it's zoo
I love these videos so much!
8:56 imagine eating a bowl of soup with 4 bears around you while you eat... poor beardy
People call my bedroom a zoo and I named my first beardie pancake, I feel threatened 😩✋
so I replied to your last comment with this question, its fine if you didnt see it but, you should totally start a podcast I usually dont listen to podcasts but if you started one I would listen to every episode lolll
cried from a heat lamp myself about 8 years ago, touched my older brothers bearded dragons heat lamp. the beardies enclosure wasn't perfect, it was a 120 gal which could have used a bit more plants and stuff, but other the slight lack of cover (excluding his 3 hides, warm, moist and cold) it was a pretty good enclosure. I was 6 at the time btw, so pls no bullying for crying over a burn
edit: he also kept it on reptile carpet at first, but fixed that 3 months into having the dragon. we've had him 11 years now, almost had to adopt him out when my brother went to college and uni, but I decided to look after him myself, which was when I discovered my full love for reptiles. now I have the OG Spike Marvin, a male leopard gecko called spot, a female called dotty, a pair of female cresties called stickster and lash. I'm also planning to get a fire skink in the next year or so :)
no, they're in a custom built enclosures which have 2ft by 2ft bases and 4 ft tall with a all the stuff they need. they have basically the same as a 120 gal but sideways. the Leo's are in separate enclosures too, they are in a 90 gal and a 55 gal respectively, with the smaller tank being upgraded to a 90 soon
idk how people can say they can’t afford a better enclosure when they could literally just go buy a $20 plastic bin at almost any store
oh wow i wrote this right before you said it lmao
My beardie's name is.... Beardi! So original, so creative.
Not a reptile-owner at the moment, but I plan on getting a beardie this year. I also have cats, and I couldn't imagine letting my cats anywhere NEAR the terrarium while it's open (ideally not while it's closed, either, but they are persistant little monsters).
Why do people think it's okay to let their larger pets interact with their smaller pets, when one could easily do a lot of harm to the other?
Same here, the idea of my current cat interacting with any of my future reptiles absolutely terrifies me, he's the main reason I have yet to get one.
@@prawn1717 for me it's them and money. If I was to get a reptile before now, I'd would just have been able to afford an appropriate setup, but I would have had to tap into my emergency funds pretty heavily, meaning if a vet emergency came up, I wouldn't have had the money to pay for it.
Now, I have a steady job and my mom is actually contributing quite a bit of money to celebrate me getting my bachelor's degree, so I am finally making the step.
Finding a terrarium of the appropriate size is an absolute nightmare, though.
i had a beardie before but my cuz was in my house and i went outside waiting 4 him (bc we were gonna play baseball) i go back inside 5 minutes later and i see him looking ontop of my fan (it wasnt on) so i quickly got it down and yelled at my cousin and he went home So now i keep my the tank on my shelf
"Half of you guys probably named your bearded dragon Pancake."
Nah I named mine Drake after the wingless dragons in mythology
Ahhh yes, familiar voices for a 21st century beardie owner, I first hear go herping then the voice of jimmy donaldson advertising for honey
I need to get the Sonny Hoodie!
ive been on r/beardedragons for a few years now. the sheer amount of people who post their dragons with literally their legs falling off, tail melting off, or puss coming out of their mouths yet refuse to take them to the vet, only asking reddit for help, is fucking gross.
Where is my uncensored tax rant video mr herping?
I appreciate that you can admit the horrible things that have happened with your experiences. A lot of people should not have these animals. We need people like Alex to tell us "umm you shouldn't do this blah this is how you fix blah do your research" LIKE THE VIDEO THE ALGORITHM.
What does sand mean
I named my beardie Clancy after the Netflix show Midnight Gospel. It’s a fun watch and character
idk how people impulse buy animals with next to no idea how to care for them. like, what’s the thought process behind that
If you have a large tank it’s easy to make a divider or buy one, they are fairly cheap and are sold for fish tanks of most sizes
My local exotic pet store breeds their own dragons and keep em in separate displays. Love that place
I have a cat (Meowggii) and dragon (Georgie). Meowggii is a senior (13 at the time) and even then the only time I allowed him in the same room as Georgie is when Georgie was in his tank and I was in the room as well.
If Georgie had floor time Meowggii and any other animals were kicked out of the room, door shut.
Luckily Meowggii was more interested in sitting by the heat lamp than Georgie himself but still I didn’t take any chances.
Now Meowggii lives with my mom and Georgie lives with me so we don’t need to do that anymore.
Seeing people let their cats/dogs stay in the same room as a dragon out of their tank is insane to me. Especially when the person is standing who knows how far away holding a phone to take pictures.
Don’t risk lives for “cute” pictures!
Why… why does everyone with a reptile or amphibian or fish also have a cat that seems to be there entirely to stare at the other animal hungrily
My mom came to visit and she brought the dogs with them , I made sure they didn’t come close to my bearded dragon but I was clenching my ass so hard the entire time. My bearded dragon didn’t care tho 😂