Beginner's Guide:видео.html Thank you so much for watching today guys!! I will be making some more guides over the next few days. The Tribal to Feudal transition guide is coming, BUT WHAT ARE SOME OTHER VIDEOS YOU'D LIKE TO SEE?! WHAT ELSE ARE YOU STRUGGLING WITH! LET ME KNOW! If you haven't picked up the game, you can grab it through my link here: . This helps me out a TON as it gives a direct commission to the channel, and depending on what time you see this, a discount to you as well.
You probably dont give a shit but does anyone know a way to log back into an instagram account? I was stupid lost my password. I appreciate any tips you can offer me!
@Xzavier Noel Thanks so much for your reply. I got to the site thru google and im waiting for the hacking stuff now. Seems to take quite some time so I will get back to you later with my results.
ItalianSpartacus I mean if you had only looked at his various traits such as * Deviant * Kinslayer * Dynastic Kinslayer * Familial Kinslayer * Torturer * Murderer If we only could right click on people in real life What inviting me to a feast Count Joffrey? Well I mean what could possibly go wrong? 🤪
oh bro.. i remember getting frustrated clicking on other counties in the war menu because i wanted to change the objective until i saw the "change objective" button. i was sitting there, yelling, going, "WHY CAN'T I JUST ATTACK HERE?!"
I have played 40+ hours so far just by continuing the tutorial. It wasn't my initial plan but it has allowed me to understand most of the basics and some of the deeper algorithms in the game to really enjoy. @ItalianSpartacus 's guides have been the most helpful I have found here! Other than Power & Revolution (geopolitical simulation), this is the first game I have played for a LONG time, which really delves into diplomacy and geopolitical management and understanding. There is a very fun element to this game and also a great thought-provoking, deep strategy, chess-like notion too. Great game! I am very grateful for the help from our RUclips guide! Keep up the great work!
It's so f good man, I'm really hyped about it too. The only other Paradox title I had previously dived really deep into was Stellaris, which I still adore, but CKIII is better I think. Powet and Revolution - thats a good one? Worth buying?
@@SquareNoggin Power and Revolution is well known for its bugs (unfortunately) but it is the most earnest and complete geopolitical simulation I am aware of. The game is created by Eversim who are known for their real-life geopolitical simulations they do for students and future geoolitocians
Definitely would love to see a video on how to handle the transition from tribal to feudal. Getting to the point of adopting feudal hasn't really been a problem for me, but losing what feels like 75% of your levies, being unable to financially sustain your men-at-arms and suddenly every neighbour around you is taking your land one by one is so aggravating. I can think of a few ways to handle this but really I just want to see a video of someone showing to how to deal with this the best that you can. Love the vids Spartacus!
As Carpatia I horded about 15k gold, so even as I lost about half my levies (from 24k to 13k) i had enough to pay for my men at arms (not longer costing prestige) and hire quite a few mercenaries if necessary. I should add I own all of Carpatia, about half of the Rus Empire, half of Poland, Croatia and Bosnia. I did the Almost Arpad achievement and quite a few on the way converted all of Carpatia to Hungarian and am now following Mandeaism. Only found myself one time losing the emperor title to my uncle as a 6 year old girl but managed to get it back about 15 years later after I could gather a strong enough faction with my fellow vassals
I know your comment is a year old, but if it wasn't answered yet the best way to transition that I have seen. Hold titles on counties that have 5 plus holdings so that you can place multiple farm lands, have at least 1 costal county to place trade ports, if available in your area a county with a mine, and preferably be at Empire level before the transition. As far as the loss of troops if you have military buildings built you will increase the power of your smaller army to make them more effective, loosing levies is not a game breaker as army size does not matter if you have the stronger more capable army. Also while not necessary taking advantage of some game mechanics like making a culture that combines tech from 2 cultures (like Norman combining Norse and French) can be extremely powerful when transitioning. Oh also making sure you have high control, the same culture, and religion in your domain will prevent infighting and is highly important since you have to reform religion before the transition.
Above comment is too long. Simpler way to transition: max out your men at arms and raise your levies before transition. Levies main purpose is deterrence, once you have your MAA, they become your main army force, levies are just a deterrent against factions.
I was playing on Xbox Gamepass for a low monthly fee, but the fact I could support both you and Paradox for this amazing game and your awesome guides made me use your link and buy it when it was still discounted. This video further cements my decision since my recent play through has Umayyad in 867, which I didn’t realize was Clan government. Thanks for another great and helpful vid!
ItalianSpartacus since you are already here I have to ask. I am currently playing as empire of Scandinavia and have army of 30k levies, is it even worth to adopt feudal ways?
So you CAN, but it can be very challenging - you're going to lose all of your buildings, and a ton of levies. BUT! You'll be able to maintain more men-at-arms (MAM) so that you can have a more elite army. It's really up to you, but al ot of people hate going feudal right now
Dude you have taught me soo much on this thank you. I tried crusader kings 2 back in the day and I just couldn't get it. this has helped so much and made it really enjoyable to get into. As for how to pronounce things who cares, I'm sure I say all the names and things wrong when it comes to this heck I think it adds to the fun/hilarity that is this game.
I'm playing as tribal Norway in 866, and this helps a lot. A guide on how to reform the Norse Faith would also help a lot, as I'd love to create a Norse Empire and keep Odin as their God.
@@serhiisietrin9314 prophet perk halves the piety cost of reforming it. I had 5400 piety and it costed about 2700 piety to reform so I was able to do some changes
For the norse specifically "executing" your prisoners grants piety. The best way to reform the norse is get 3 holy sites, take the learning lifestyle and unlock the "profit" perk to half reformation costs, and then attack the german minors with the "raid for captives" CB and execute all the heathens. (If you DoW the pope and capture him kill him during the war for 250 piety, i waited an he disappeared) Blood for the blood god with a sadistic ruler is broken, and definitely a warcrime. (Endless piety, stress loss, and dread to keep your subjects in line) Faiths without human sacrifice will have to be much more diligent about piety generation than the norse deciding to just raid some people for it.
DUDE I've been playing console CK3 since release and was getting annoyed that I couldn't chose which kingdoms to invade... You have changed my game drastically!
Very insightful, might give Clans and Tribes a whirl this weekend. Another video idea. Men-at-arms. Which cultures have what, the different uses of MAA (like having siege weaponry REALLY speeds up sieges when compared with regular levies).
ItalianSpartacus - Your videos have been so helpful to learn about the game while I play it. Would really love it if you could do a quick video about Holy Orders.
@ItalianSpartacus I have started a new campaign with Halfdan of Jorvik in 867 Ad after seeing your tutorial , It's great to know so much info regarding governments and applying it in the actual game brother . Thanks Loads
@@italianspartacus I really appreciate it man , I am trying to restore the Danelaw , it is my ultimate atleast before William of Normandy starts hahaha
I might be wrong but i think with church holdings you can gain direct control of them depending on your faith. Meaning if you're just a count or just don't have access to a lot of holdings for whatever reason you can take control of the churches in your territory to gain extra gold and levies, it will however count towards your domain limit.
Another great vid. And thanks for the previous reply. Could you make a video concerning steps you should take when youre a big boy like empire size. For instance. How to keep as much auccession as possible and how to consolidate power with duchy kingdoms and whom to gift these areas to. Hpw to avoid them from attaxking your heir
Interesting way to progress through the ages. I'm currently playing a campaign in Norway trying to not only become feudal, but also try to reform the norse religion. Vikings are just awesome. Still, things don't progress fast when playing tribal. And the confederate partition tends to complicate things.
Try to sell your childreen into important positions in foreign lands. This gives you more dynasty points. And with them, you can take the hostile action disinherit against them. Do it when they are young, since the cost increase over time. Also do not disinherit if you gave them already land! True, they will lose 75 opinion of they parent, but they did not die in a meaningless war against they siblings and your country stays together. If you are low on points and your ruler is getting old, you can also give your own land to your heritage. There is a useful perk in the medical education tree which help you with that. Also keep in mind that you will need 3 holy sites to change your religion.
@@AlphaKSS it was a bug in the original build, it might have changed since. They could build cities but could never give them to a character capable of running them
I like how "De Jure" changes pronunciation every time. "De Joor", "De Jooray" "De Zoor". How to pronounce it, is "Day you-ray". The "J" in Jure is a Y in english (like in you), not a dzh sound (like in John). It comes from latin "iuri".
I don’t know where you heard that from but a quick google search say otherwise, it’s: _de ju·re_ _/di ˈjo͝orē,dā ˈjo͝oˌrā/_ Edit: After further research through the *Merriam-Webster* dictionary it seems that we are both right as it can be pronounced both ways. Example: 🗣 _/dē-ˈju̇r-ē/,_ 🗣 _/dā-ˈyu̇r-/_
AFAIK Latin doesn't have a d͡ʒ (english J) sound. I've had 3 years of Latin during my high school, way back when Edit: A quick look at the table for Latin ortography gives this "Grapheme: ; Latin Phone [j]; Sometimes at the beginning of a syllable, as y in yard, never as j in just."
@@italianspartacus Sorry good question , I was thinking a but of an in depth look at the special kinds of contract that can be toggled. Examples of when they could / should be used etc. I understand if this is too small a topic. I feel they are not explained all that well and I am especially not so sure when I would want to use them although I am sure they could be helpful or unhelpful in certain situations .
@@Kristaliorn it's pretty self explainatory. Scutage trades most of the levy obligation for greatly increased tax income, that's it. March trades tax income for a stronger military vassal (they don't directly provide higher levy obligation, but the levy boost they get does translate into more levy for you. However their primary purpose is to create a powerful vassal on your border who will expand for you and act as a buffer against invasions from that direction, forcing them to either go around, take attrition passing through, or sit and siege a path through the boosted defensiveness of march's holdings). Palatinate should never be given to any ai vassal, as it makes them ludicrously powerful, but is the ideal for a player that wants to stay a vassal, as it gives you MASSIVE political power internally among the other vassals, and gives you the ability to play the power behind the throne more efficiently than you can without it. It's worth handing out if you're playing with friends to one of them that likes the heavy political side of things to manage the internals of the realm for you, and maybe make your friend that knows the military side of things well a March. There is basically no advantage to the liege to ever give palatinate rights, and the ai is basically never going to use the palatinate benefits to help the realm. the only exception is if you've granted it to your direct heir's contract, however he's also highly likely to take advantage of it to overthrow you. it is pretty useful if you're in elective successions though, as it's really easy to get elected as a palatinate.
Hi mate....many thanks! Just one small thing - you do tend to open/close windows super quick, meaning I need to playback at a slower speed. No biggie, still helpful, just as a super-noob it can get a bit confusing! Cheers...! 👍🙂❤️
I'm going to have to try that clan system as it seems rather fun. I'm still in my first run through as Prussia. Didn't even know that clans existed until I became a feudal empire and pressed a prisoner-of-war concubine's kingdom title claim in Iberia. To this day that random clan kingdom hates my guts. Something about no strong clans around (plus wrong culture/religion/de jure holdings/etc). I guess I've been getting zero coinage from that place for generations.
Again an awesome tutorial for sure! I thought it would be possible though to build holdings for tribal if you have the City Planning innovation achieved though?
Not that I'm aware of because the holding button told me "unable to with tribal" that might be about upgrading the main "hold"?? I'll have to chdck! Sorry if this is wrong man! I don't want to spread disinformation
@@italianspartacus You're not wrong. It was the first innovation I went for and it still doesn't allow you to create holdings unfortunately. Its in the tooltip as well.
@@italianspartacus It's all good! honestly I had just started playing CK3 so it is all new to me and I've been learning as I go. Thank you though for taking the time to go out and double check!!
Thank you for explaining the differences! I didn't know the contributions for Tribal were based on prestige, I always had a lot since I tend to spread too quickly anyways. For the converting to feudal/clan ways video, it states "unlock all tribal innovations." Does that include the ones that state you need 40 counties or a huge % of the land be your culture?
@ItalianSpartacus Thanks, brother. Very useful as usual. Can you please explain here or in your next video how the Feudal system works for Zoroastrian factions? Thanks again.
I have a tribal empire (norway, sapmi, sweden) and all my vassals are just fighting each other and conquering lands, i had to wage a civil war to get my sons kingdom back for him....
It is also worth noticing, that not all tribes can change the laws in they duchys at will. I play a African tribe at the moment. They can not change until I get feudal authority. Also for changing your religion, you have to own 3 holy sites - which you can see in the second tab if your religion screen. I manage to make my own religion within the last days of my second ruler, but made the mistake of giving males and females equal rights. This might give you more leaders and strong knights to choose from, but you have to pay dynasty points for every single son or daughter you want to disinherit.
Is it just me, or is going feudal incredibly punishing? I played as a tribal scandinavian faction an had 50+ gold per month income and 60k troops before I went feudal... After that 5 gold income and ~11k troops with two sperate crusades going on against me... Guess that savegame is trash now :(
yea changing to feudal is a challenging, in CK2 it was highly advised to accumulate a lot of gold ~ 5 - 8k and raise your levies before changing from tribal to feudal so the situation is probably the similar in ck 3
POA, before you change yo feudal have at least 3k gold, and if possible have your capital county be able to hold at least 5 holdings, that means you will build a City, a temple and at 2nd barony right after you switch, once you have the barony start buidling gold and military buildings in your holdings to solidify your position, taking the fist 3 points in the Architect 3 is also advisable.
It is a rough transition, but doable. I raided up to 10,000 gold before taking feudal. Then spent the next three generations playing defense while I built up and maxed my upgrade of every holding I had and all those of my de jure neighbors.
I'm playing Tribal Scandinavian in CK3 now, 2 counties away from forming the Scandinavian Empire. Though I still need to reform the Asatru Faith, which is ridiculously expensive. Any tips on how to do that, which doctrines to pick, get a Head of Faith or not? I'm kinda lost on how should I reform it, and as it so hard to do it, I guess I can't afford to do it twice XD
@@thaliatherasdotter9175 can’t help with what to pick but as far as paying for it. I took an entire generation to reform. I had a ruler that was ok with learning. Sent him down the Theologian track, one perk halves the cost of reform. Saved all my piety. Went on a pilgrimage early to get that perk for bonus piety. Set my wife to help with learning as well. Managed to clear most culture focus’ that generation as well.
20 hours should be enough to understand what's going on, after my first sit down when it came out I got most of what was going on. But I've got 300 hours in stellaris so maybe it came naturally.
Im 100 hours in, and can say i have a good understanding of the basics, and going in the more detailed stuff now, have played civ 6 and total war for about 500 hours each game, so that might have helped me as well in understanding the game
Shrines can be held by you, it depends on your faith doctrines. Catholic has the Theocratic Clerical Tradition, Islam faiths generally have Lay Clergy which allows you to hold the temples. Some Christian heresies start with Lay Clergy, such as Bogomilism, Waldensianism, or Adamitism. Also of note is the Clerical Appointment doctrine, Catholics have "Spiritual, for life", which when mixed with Theocratic and Spiritual Head of Faith Doctrines means your temples are held by bishops appointed by the Pope.
30:50 is the contract passed down to the vassal's heir? If I gaurantee someone a council position for a tax increase, do I have to also put his son on the council after he inherits?
Would you say it is better to have less but more powerfull vassals as a Clan government so you have to manage less Opinions about you? I think it gets pretty hard to manage after reaching a higher number of Vassals
I'm someone who isn't the best at this game and I somehow just get by without realizing how I'm actually doing it. But from my very small amount of experience tribal subjugation is hilarious fun. I made my own kingdom on one of the islands off of Scandinavia and slowly but surely spread my land a good bit. Eventually I had a good amount of land as well as a healthy sum of prestige. The neighboring King kept messing with my leige as well as converting my people to Christianity. Fed up with them I bullied their family through skemes before subjugating the king. In one fell swoop I took his king title made him a vassal as well as ended up pissing off my original liege who tried to start a war with me. After marrying off my newborn to another neighboring King we rather quickly won the war. After that my newly made king got possessed.
Why can't I convert from Tribal to Clan? This doesn't seem to be an option in the game. I want clan as an option because it seems to have all the best traits with only one downside.
Maybe because your character is not muslim? The clan type is based upon old Islamic Iqta goverment type, maybe it has something to do with that. Don't count my words for it though because I'm not entirely sure.
i started as a lord in balo(tribal) in africa. already formed a kingdom. when my first charater died my entire land splited into 2 separate factions and had almost 2 civil wars. the first civial war was put down by force by my second charater . Second one almost happened but cuz i sent many gifts and the sway game and that was prevented. then i hated SO MUCH when my vassals just declar wars left and right cuz im that kind of person that likes to take my time. i wanted to go fedual so bad cuz i can prevent them from going to war. but tribal innvoations and religon reform is the biggest probelms for me. i dont want to convert into muslim or something cuz thats not og, cuz im really into that role play. but a lot of ppl said just delicated a genration to the task if you want feudual and thats what im gonna do
@ItalianSpartacus Hello, great video! I have two questions: 1 is it possible to switch from tribal to clan? 2 are there alternative succession laws for asian tribes? Thanks in advance. p.s. De jure in latin reads like de yurae would read to an english speaker.
In the feudal contracts, I'll get a hook and make a change to something. Then later I'll get another hook and want to make another change, and it won't let me because I've already made a change... so what's with that is there a cooldown or do I have to wait to die or what?
First, thanks for your great guides! They will save from some restarts. Then I have a question: Does Field Management and City Planning (I'm not sure if these are the right terms because I play the german version) do anything for tribal realms?
You will need to eventually build your growth when you want to covert to feudal, so definitely! Also, increasing your supply limit will help when you have MASSIVE armies :)
I have a question: I am a feudal liege and have founded the Roman Empire however some of my vassals are still republic and clan-type. Is there a way to switch them over to feudal?
Republic is a barony level title. It's from a city holding you cannot directly control yourself (as opposed to a castle holding), barons are elected for life. nothing you can ever do about it. I don't think you can convert from clan to feudal. I'd replace the vassal but I'm not sure about it.
So I have a question. Let's say you are playing a Count in a feudal government. Do you owe tax and levies only to your liege? Or would you owe it to your duke and king?
@@jasonramero6274 If you haven't found out yet, then yes. I'm still relatively new to the game but I was messing around to see how well I would do if I make the game harder for me by starting as a tribe in the bottom left of the map and became a clan.
I readed somewhere that it can be done via a gold castle icon that would appear in holdings own menu. I don't checked that tho and it said it costs a bit of gold too.
@@dustydinoface Only if you want to expand as fast as possible and 'win' by conquering everything like a normal strategy game. If you do that in Crusader Kings, you're missing more than 3/4 of the game though, the game has much more depth than "paint the map with your empire". Combat is not where the fun is at.
you're basically pooling a lifetimes worth of favors built on your prestige/piety in order convince everyone to support your claim. (It's also an Invasion CB, which is ridiculously powerful compared to the other CBs in the game, since it allows you take not only the title you declared for, but every single county you besieged during the war that the war-leader has in their realm. You could theorectically conquer the entire byzantine empire in a single war declared for Greece if you took the time to conquer all of it.). It's basically there to represent a once in a life-time goal of legend. Since...let's face it, in the time it takes to get enough prestige/piety to pay for it, you could've conquer 2 kingdoms just using the ducal level conquest, even accounting for truces. So if you use it, you'd better make it worth it.
So i have been going at it with my Sweden Campaign right at the Invasion of Northumbria... Will my vassals and everything still do as free as they wish if I have absolute tribal authority once i slowly progress into that authority or do i stay with disparate tribes??
Started tribal. Took over lands that are feudal. How do the two mesh together because some of my vassals are feudal and I am tribal. I am near the point where I can switch to Feudal. And I have the empire of Brittania locked down.
Does changing a feudal contract follow the holding or the individual? That is, if I give a lord power tax rights, is that effectively permanent until changed?
I have to pop in to the game to double chdck, but I believe it's the holding. BUT! Manipulating the contract is down to the individual; you can only leverage hooks on the individual
If your men at arms are fully replenished, go ahead and uncheck the maintenance box at the bottom in thr military tab. When you go to war, you can turn it back on :)
I only build in castels of holdings i want to keep until feudal. Because of i think you get only a percentage for buildings in monestry (cruch holdings most times) and cities(republic). Am i right?
Playing on PS5, I don’t see any of these mechanics. Is most of the stuff for clans as far as unity, viziers, and tax jurisdictions only available on PC?
Wouldn’t being tribal be better than feudal in terms in some ways? Sure you get less MAA, but you have raids which give you easy gold and prestige, and 100% levies
Definitely, but your succession is going to be so tumultuous because your heir is not going to have your level of fame, so you'll periodically lose those levies and taxes! There are pros and cons to each
@@italianspartacus I see 'fame' listed in the pop ups is that the same as Prestige? I'm confused on how prestige and renown pass between the generations (or if they do). Does my heir get any Prestige upon my death? I've resorted to marrying for prestige more than alliances at times.
Yes, tribes are ridiculously broken at game start. The issues are declaring wars with no cb, the huge fame from battles, the alternate currency for men at arms, and the very high levy contributions even at very low levels of fame. Just smash your levies into enemy levies whenever they are full, and you will quickly hit living legend. The cost of converting to feudal is also overstated as you can just have feudal vassals and improve their holdings, which can form the core of your post feudal domain. And beating up feudal enemies at 867 is a joke. The king of Ireland can easily field more troops than the emperor of france, let alone the duke of wessex. Because functionally, the king of tribal Ireland has a domain of all of Ireland, for levy purposes.
Fame is like experience points for your level of fame. Prestige is a currency you can spend, that always comes with an equal amount of fame, but you can also earn fame alone, primarily by winning battles against guys you are at war with. Winning battles against guys you are not at war with is way better as you get prestige instead of fame. And piety instead of devotion.
@@petertrudelljr Prestige does not get passed down at death but each character generates their own. Having a family with high renown will also get your kids a nice chunk. Renown is dynasty based so doesn't go down ever, but can be spent on legacies if you're the house head.
With the subjugate chieftain war, how is that any different from forced vassalization of the feudal governments? And the Feudal Contract is so broken against the player. First, you can modify a contract only once per character's life (and if it was modified by another liege, then that modification stays with you (the HRE in particular LOVES to give council rights to morons who aren't qualified, next thing I know, I have a marshal who can't cut softened butter as my war leader for 25 years, and I can't do a daman thing about it, because the HRE Emperor modified it before I came onto the scene). Second, you can only go one step. Vassals who use a hook to modify their contract aren't limited like that. They can go from High to Low levies with one hook. And they can remodify a contract that has already been modified. That is fckng broken. Also, can you do a video on regional innovations, and how to unlock them, and how you even get them?
I dont think you understand contract scaming vassals. There can be 1 revision per liege-vassal combo, that can be as big as either can do. Want to exploit it? Go intrigue, create hook->change contract, MURDER, repeat. With double hostile plots you can do this to your entire realm in no time. Watch out, contract scaming pisses off vassals.
I'm so confused with the Clan government type. I had thought it was just Muslim feudalism that's tied to opinion instead of contracts. I'm playing a save at the minute though in north India and a bunch of but not all of Manichean and Buddhist vassals under a feudal Taoist local have become Clan and there's even some unreformed Waaqi Somali becoming tribal. I have no idea why this is happening. It could perhaps be a mod. Okay so the Waaqi seem to be result of the collapse of Muslim kingdoms that start there in 867. Still not exactly sure how that plays out.
Small nitpick. Geoffrey is pronounced "Jef-frey" not "Jof-frey" Jeffrey and Jeffery are two modern spellings, but they're pronounced the same. It's kind of like Stephen is pronounced the same as Steven, and Leigh is pronounced the same as Lee.
Is this why I've started a custom character twice with no levvies or knights.. I've been trying to figure that out. There's men when I click on it before going custom character and when I go into the game I have zero. Annoying and very confusing
I wish that reforming the religion was the hurdle to transition to Feudal ways. Even playing a small homogenized tribal kingdom, say one in Africa and with a scholar type ruler, waiting for your counties to develop up so that you can chip away at the technologies is a pain. maybe you could arrange it so that your heir's culture and religion is changed, switching to feudal and then changing back to your original culture? I feel like that is a bit cheaty. I wish there was a way to study a culture to accelerate the innovations in your own outside of facination
So does anyone know how to change from tribal to clan? Not feudal, but clan. I want to change the greatest empire on earth which is the Mongol Empire to clan. FOR CHINGGIS!!
Love CK3 and Stellaris ... eu4 is good, just not my favorite historical period ... never really loved hoi4, that said it’s a good game just didn’t love it... I really wish Paradox would do a post ww2 modern history 4x, including Cold War, Berlin Wall type stuff maybe thru the wars on terror and early 21st centrist thru the arabi spring possibly. Either way thanks for content !!
Honestly I'm over it. I'll just pronounce it whatever way is comfortable for me. I've used three different pronunciations now and I get corrected every time hahahah :)
I'm also sick of it so I finally wanted a clear answer. I think people think de jure is the same as du jour, which is what is causing so much confusion
It's latin and it's actually written as "de Iure" (romans didn't have the letter j) and it's pronounced as the(de) you(Iu)re(as the term Renaissance) the youre. Gosh english is terrible with vowels
Beginner's Guide:видео.html
Thank you so much for watching today guys!! I will be making some more guides over the next few days. The Tribal to Feudal transition guide is coming, BUT WHAT ARE SOME OTHER VIDEOS YOU'D LIKE TO SEE?! WHAT ELSE ARE YOU STRUGGLING WITH! LET ME KNOW!
If you haven't picked up the game, you can grab it through my link here: . This helps me out a TON as it gives a direct commission to the channel, and depending on what time you see this, a discount to you as well.
You probably dont give a shit but does anyone know a way to log back into an instagram account?
I was stupid lost my password. I appreciate any tips you can offer me!
@Jax Forrest Instablaster =)
@Xzavier Noel Thanks so much for your reply. I got to the site thru google and im waiting for the hacking stuff now.
Seems to take quite some time so I will get back to you later with my results.
@Xzavier Noel It did the trick and I now got access to my account again. Im so happy:D
Thank you so much you saved my ass !
@Jax Forrest no problem :D
“I like count Joffrey”
I have a bad feeling that feeling will change dramatically 🤣
ItalianSpartacus I mean if you had only looked at his various traits such as
* Deviant
* Kinslayer
* Dynastic Kinslayer
* Familial Kinslayer
* Torturer
* Murderer
If we only could right click on people in real life
What inviting me to a feast Count Joffrey? Well I mean what could possibly go wrong? 🤪
There is one error: you can directly own temples if your religion has "Lay Clergy" doctrine (which is great btw).
Otherwise great video.
OMG, you are telling me i can change what title i want to claim in a war, this hole time i always assumed it was random or something. LOL
oh bro.. i remember getting frustrated clicking on other counties in the war menu because i wanted to change the objective until i saw the "change objective" button. i was sitting there, yelling, going, "WHY CAN'T I JUST ATTACK HERE?!"
I hope they add so that clicking on the map can pick the target.
@@italianspartacus i did the exact same thing
I'm glad I wasn't the only one who had trouble with this lol
Going from tribal to feudal killed me totally. From 40.000 troops to 6000...
Maybe just expand a bit more before you become feudal
40k troops is pretty expanded..
levies arent that useful anyway
@@d_bak4585 true with a little bit of time he can restore the levies and also can pay for the new troups. The problem is only in the first years
The issue is all the holdings weren’t feudal yet.
I have played 40+ hours so far just by continuing the tutorial. It wasn't my initial plan but it has allowed me to understand most of the basics and some of the deeper algorithms in the game to really enjoy.
@ItalianSpartacus 's guides have been the most helpful I have found here! Other than Power & Revolution (geopolitical simulation), this is the first game I have played for a LONG time, which really delves into diplomacy and geopolitical management and understanding. There is a very fun element to this game and also a great thought-provoking, deep strategy, chess-like notion too. Great game! I am very grateful for the help from our RUclips guide! Keep up the great work!
It's so f good man, I'm really hyped about it too.
The only other Paradox title I had previously dived really deep into was Stellaris, which I still adore, but CKIII is better I think.
Powet and Revolution - thats a good one? Worth buying?
@@SquareNoggin Power and Revolution is well known for its bugs (unfortunately) but it is the most earnest and complete geopolitical simulation I am aware of. The game is created by Eversim who are known for their real-life geopolitical simulations they do for students and future geoolitocians
Definitely would love to see a video on how to handle the transition from tribal to feudal. Getting to the point of adopting feudal hasn't really been a problem for me, but losing what feels like 75% of your levies, being unable to financially sustain your men-at-arms and suddenly every neighbour around you is taking your land one by one is so aggravating. I can think of a few ways to handle this but really I just want to see a video of someone showing to how to deal with this the best that you can.
Love the vids Spartacus!
As Carpatia I horded about 15k gold, so even as I lost about half my levies (from 24k to 13k) i had enough to pay for my men at arms (not longer costing prestige) and hire quite a few mercenaries if necessary.
I should add I own all of Carpatia, about half of the Rus Empire, half of Poland, Croatia and Bosnia.
I did the Almost Arpad achievement and quite a few on the way converted all of Carpatia to Hungarian and am now following Mandeaism.
Only found myself one time losing the emperor title to my uncle as a 6 year old girl but managed to get it back about 15 years later after I could gather a strong enough faction with my fellow vassals
I know your comment is a year old, but if it wasn't answered yet the best way to transition that I have seen. Hold titles on counties that have 5 plus holdings so that you can place multiple farm lands, have at least 1 costal county to place trade ports, if available in your area a county with a mine, and preferably be at Empire level before the transition. As far as the loss of troops if you have military buildings built you will increase the power of your smaller army to make them more effective, loosing levies is not a game breaker as army size does not matter if you have the stronger more capable army. Also while not necessary taking advantage of some game mechanics like making a culture that combines tech from 2 cultures (like Norman combining Norse and French) can be extremely powerful when transitioning. Oh also making sure you have high control, the same culture, and religion in your domain will prevent infighting and is highly important since you have to reform religion before the transition.
Above comment is too long. Simpler way to transition: max out your men at arms and raise your levies before transition.
Levies main purpose is deterrence, once you have your MAA, they become your main army force, levies are just a deterrent against factions.
I was playing on Xbox Gamepass for a low monthly fee, but the fact I could support both you and Paradox for this amazing game and your awesome guides made me use your link and buy it when it was still discounted. This video further cements my decision since my recent play through has Umayyad in 867, which I didn’t realize was Clan government. Thanks for another great and helpful vid!
This is exactly what I need to understand. Thank you sire!
Thank you for watching! :)
ItalianSpartacus since you are already here I have to ask. I am currently playing as empire of Scandinavia and have army of 30k levies, is it even worth to adopt feudal ways?
So you CAN, but it can be very challenging - you're going to lose all of your buildings, and a ton of levies. BUT! You'll be able to maintain more men-at-arms (MAM) so that you can have a more elite army. It's really up to you, but al ot of people hate going feudal right now
ItalianSpartacus Ok, Thanks!
Thanks for this video Sparty. I figured most of it by now, but you really helped fill up the gaps!
Dude you have taught me soo much on this thank you. I tried crusader kings 2 back in the day and I just couldn't get it. this has helped so much and made it really enjoyable to get into. As for how to pronounce things who cares, I'm sure I say all the names and things wrong when it comes to this heck I think it adds to the fun/hilarity that is this game.
I'm playing as tribal Norway in 866, and this helps a lot. A guide on how to reform the Norse Faith would also help a lot, as I'd love to create a Norse Empire and keep Odin as their God.
Just get an heir with theology focus. Stack 4k piety or wait for MA of your religion to drop. Now you can do whatever you want with your religion
@@serhiisietrin9314 prophet perk halves the piety cost of reforming it. I had 5400 piety and it costed about 2700 piety to reform so I was able to do some changes
*Pantheon of Gods
For the norse specifically "executing" your prisoners grants piety.
The best way to reform the norse is get 3 holy sites, take the learning lifestyle and unlock the "profit" perk to half reformation costs, and then attack the german minors with the "raid for captives" CB and execute all the heathens. (If you DoW the pope and capture him kill him during the war for 250 piety, i waited an he disappeared)
Blood for the blood god with a sadistic ruler is broken, and definitely a warcrime. (Endless piety, stress loss, and dread to keep your subjects in line)
Faiths without human sacrifice will have to be much more diligent about piety generation than the norse deciding to just raid some people for it.
@@dinkelpapaoh you’re an expert?
DUDE I've been playing console CK3 since release and was getting annoyed that I couldn't chose which kingdoms to invade... You have changed my game drastically!
cue that bullshit intro song from FRIENDS. I'll be there for youuuu!
Very insightful, might give Clans and Tribes a whirl this weekend.
Another video idea. Men-at-arms. Which cultures have what, the different uses of MAA (like having siege weaponry REALLY speeds up sieges when compared with regular levies).
ItalianSpartacus - Your videos have been so helpful to learn about the game while I play it. Would really love it if you could do a quick video about Holy Orders.
It'll be in my Faith & Piety video coming up! :)
@ItalianSpartacus I have started a new campaign with Halfdan of Jorvik in 867 Ad after seeing your tutorial , It's great to know so much info regarding governments and applying it in the actual game brother . Thanks Loads
Of course Ronnie! thank you so much man. I'm putting out my Tribal to Feudal guide tomorrow so that should help you :)
@@italianspartacus I really appreciate it man , I am trying to restore the Danelaw , it is my ultimate atleast before William of Normandy starts hahaha
This really helped me to understand the tribal system, thanks a lot man!
I might be wrong but i think with church holdings you can gain direct control of them depending on your faith. Meaning if you're just a count or just don't have access to a lot of holdings for whatever reason you can take control of the churches in your territory to gain extra gold and levies, it will however count towards your domain limit.
You can get direct control of church holdings if your religion allows "lay clergy" or some such option like that.
Another great vid. And thanks for the previous reply. Could you make a video concerning steps you should take when youre a big boy like empire size. For instance. How to keep as much auccession as possible and how to consolidate power with duchy kingdoms and whom to gift these areas to. Hpw to avoid them from attaxking your heir
Thank you for your instructive videos.
Interesting way to progress through the ages. I'm currently playing a campaign in Norway trying to not only become feudal, but also try to reform the norse religion.
Vikings are just awesome. Still, things don't progress fast when playing tribal.
And the confederate partition tends to complicate things.
Try to sell your childreen into important positions in foreign lands. This gives you more dynasty points. And with them, you can take the hostile action disinherit against them. Do it when they are young, since the cost increase over time. Also do not disinherit if you gave them already land!
True, they will lose 75 opinion of they parent, but they did not die in a meaningless war against they siblings and your country stays together.
If you are low on points and your ruler is getting old, you can also give your own land to your heritage. There is a useful perk in the medical education tree which help you with that.
Also keep in mind that you will need 3 holy sites to change your religion.
Thanks! I needed this!
❤️ i like your vids
انا احب فديوهاتك
i just find it weird that tribal cant adopt the clan government
I find it more odd that clan can't use cities in anyway making them significantly weaker
@@warlordnipple Can’t use cities ?
@@AlphaKSS it was a bug in the original build, it might have changed since. They could build cities but could never give them to a character capable of running them
@@warlordnipple oh ok i think it’s fixed now
Heujj new video great, keep up the good work man👍 And exactly the one I asked in a comment in one of youre video's really really great
Kick in the uh, kick in the old... balls, as they say. LOL
I like how "De Jure" changes pronunciation every time. "De Joor", "De Jooray" "De Zoor". How to pronounce it, is "Day you-ray". The "J" in Jure is a Y in english (like in you), not a dzh sound (like in John). It comes from latin "iuri".
I don’t know where you heard that from but a quick google search say otherwise, it’s:
_de ju·re_
_/di ˈjo͝orē,dā ˈjo͝oˌrā/_
Edit: After further research through the *Merriam-Webster* dictionary it seems that we are both right as it can be pronounced both ways. Example:
🗣 _/dē-ˈju̇r-ē/,_ 🗣 _/dā-ˈyu̇r-/_
AFAIK Latin doesn't have a d͡ʒ (english J) sound. I've had 3 years of Latin during my high school, way back when
Edit: A quick look at the table for Latin ortography gives this
"Grapheme: ; Latin Phone [j]; Sometimes at the beginning of a syllable, as y in yard, never as j in just."
One is Latin and the other is French. Both are technically correct so no big deal.
Great Video , Cheers. Can we have a small more bitesize video that focuses on feudal contracts please?
Thank You!
Was there something in specific that wasn't covered you'd like help with?
@@italianspartacus Sorry good question , I was thinking a but of an in depth look at the special kinds of contract that can be toggled. Examples of when they could / should be used etc. I understand if this is too small a topic. I feel they are not explained all that well and I am especially not so sure when I would want to use them although I am sure they could be helpful or unhelpful in certain situations .
I coild probably crank a 15-20 minute video out for you on that :)
@@italianspartacus I actually believe that. I also believe I would enjoy all of it ;-)
@@Kristaliorn it's pretty self explainatory.
Scutage trades most of the levy obligation for greatly increased tax income, that's it.
March trades tax income for a stronger military vassal (they don't directly provide higher levy obligation, but the levy boost they get does translate into more levy for you. However their primary purpose is to create a powerful vassal on your border who will expand for you and act as a buffer against invasions from that direction, forcing them to either go around, take attrition passing through, or sit and siege a path through the boosted defensiveness of march's holdings).
Palatinate should never be given to any ai vassal, as it makes them ludicrously powerful, but is the ideal for a player that wants to stay a vassal, as it gives you MASSIVE political power internally among the other vassals, and gives you the ability to play the power behind the throne more efficiently than you can without it. It's worth handing out if you're playing with friends to one of them that likes the heavy political side of things to manage the internals of the realm for you, and maybe make your friend that knows the military side of things well a March.
There is basically no advantage to the liege to ever give palatinate rights, and the ai is basically never going to use the palatinate benefits to help the realm. the only exception is if you've granted it to your direct heir's contract, however he's also highly likely to take advantage of it to overthrow you. it is pretty useful if you're in elective successions though, as it's really easy to get elected as a palatinate.
Been waiting for this one
Hi mate....many thanks! Just one small thing - you do tend to open/close windows super quick, meaning I need to playback at a slower speed. No biggie, still helpful, just as a super-noob it can get a bit confusing! Cheers...! 👍🙂❤️
I'm going to have to try that clan system as it seems rather fun. I'm still in my first run through as Prussia. Didn't even know that clans existed until I became a feudal empire and pressed a prisoner-of-war concubine's kingdom title claim in Iberia. To this day that random clan kingdom hates my guts. Something about no strong clans around (plus wrong culture/religion/de jure holdings/etc). I guess I've been getting zero coinage from that place for generations.
Again an awesome tutorial for sure! I thought it would be possible though to build holdings for tribal if you have the City Planning innovation achieved though?
Not that I'm aware of because the holding button told me "unable to with tribal" that might be about upgrading the main "hold"?? I'll have to chdck! Sorry if this is wrong man! I don't want to spread disinformation
@@italianspartacus You're not wrong. It was the first innovation I went for and it still doesn't allow you to create holdings unfortunately. Its in the tooltip as well.
@@italianspartacus It's all good! honestly I had just started playing CK3 so it is all new to me and I've been learning as I go. Thank you though for taking the time to go out and double check!!
God damnit, I was infuriated, because when conquering county I couldn’t choose which i conquer and usually got some very remote from my realm...
Thank you for explaining the differences! I didn't know the contributions for Tribal were based on prestige, I always had a lot since I tend to spread too quickly anyways.
For the converting to feudal/clan ways video, it states "unlock all tribal innovations." Does that include the ones that state you need 40 counties or a huge % of the land be your culture?
No! I believe it's everything above the "line" as the ones below it are special. And you're most welcome brother :)
@ItalianSpartacus Thanks, brother. Very useful as usual. Can you please explain here or in your next video how the Feudal system works for Zoroastrian factions? Thanks again.
Feudal rules can hold churches it just requires that your religion has lay clergy not theocratic in its main doctrines.
100% true. I just meant in general!
i don't even play this game and I just sat through the whole video. guess I'm that much of a history game nerd
You'll LOVE this game then my dude! Give it a shot!! :)
Your understanding of history may change through when you have to fight the Swedish king to get some land in South Africa...
@@molybdaen11 tengri holy war for iceland next?
Thanks, also for pronouncing casus belli correctly… :)
Came here after putting down rebellion after rebellion and wondering why my levies were gone😂
Anyone else love playing Jersika?
there is a feudal ruler with an unreformed faith. that also also the conquest wargoals
I have a tribal empire (norway, sapmi, sweden) and all my vassals are just fighting each other and conquering lands, i had to wage a civil war to get my sons kingdom back for him....
34:15 That's not completely true. You can modify your religion, so you can hold clerical holdings as a feudal ruler.
It is also worth noticing, that not all tribes can change the laws in they duchys at will.
I play a African tribe at the moment. They can not change until I get feudal authority.
Also for changing your religion, you have to own 3 holy sites - which you can see in the second tab if your religion screen.
I manage to make my own religion within the last days of my second ruler, but made the mistake of giving males and females equal rights.
This might give you more leaders and strong knights to choose from, but you have to pay dynasty points for every single son or daughter you want to disinherit.
Your video helped immensely, even in 2024, though it’s a little outdated it seems.
Is it just me, or is going feudal incredibly punishing? I played as a tribal scandinavian faction an had 50+ gold per month income and 60k troops before I went feudal... After that 5 gold income and ~11k troops with two sperate crusades going on against me... Guess that savegame is trash now :(
yea changing to feudal is a challenging, in CK2 it was highly advised to accumulate a lot of gold ~ 5 - 8k and raise your levies before changing from tribal to feudal so the situation is probably the similar in ck 3
POA, before you change yo feudal have at least 3k gold, and if possible have your capital county be able to hold at least 5 holdings, that means you will build a City, a temple and at 2nd barony right after you switch, once you have the barony start buidling gold and military buildings in your holdings to solidify your position, taking the fist 3 points in the Architect 3 is also advisable.
It is a rough transition, but doable. I raided up to 10,000 gold before taking feudal. Then spent the next three generations playing defense while I built up and maxed my upgrade of every holding I had and all those of my de jure neighbors.
I'm playing Tribal Scandinavian in CK3 now, 2 counties away from forming the Scandinavian Empire. Though I still need to reform the Asatru Faith, which is ridiculously expensive. Any tips on how to do that, which doctrines to pick, get a Head of Faith or not? I'm kinda lost on how should I reform it, and as it so hard to do it, I guess I can't afford to do it twice XD
@@thaliatherasdotter9175 can’t help with what to pick but as far as paying for it. I took an entire generation to reform. I had a ruler that was ok with learning. Sent him down the Theologian track, one perk halves the cost of reform. Saved all my piety. Went on a pilgrimage early to get that perk for bonus piety. Set my wife to help with learning as well.
Managed to clear most culture focus’ that generation as well.
How many hours to learn this game? I've played about 20 and feels like i've only touched the surface
First time playing ck and I've picked it up around hour 70. I've had some experience playing 300 hours in stellaris/500 in civ 5 though.
At least 1000.
Stellaris = 10 hrd
CK = 100 hrd
EU4 = 1000hrd
HOI = never enough
20 hours should be enough to understand what's going on, after my first sit down when it came out I got most of what was going on. But I've got 300 hours in stellaris so maybe it came naturally.
Im 100 hours in, and can say i have a good understanding of the basics, and going in the more detailed stuff now, have played civ 6 and total war for about 500 hours each game, so that might have helped me as well in understanding the game
great vid
Thanks man
Shrines can be held by you, it depends on your faith doctrines. Catholic has the Theocratic Clerical Tradition, Islam faiths generally have Lay Clergy which allows you to hold the temples. Some Christian heresies start with Lay Clergy, such as Bogomilism, Waldensianism, or Adamitism.
Also of note is the Clerical Appointment doctrine, Catholics have "Spiritual, for life", which when mixed with Theocratic and Spiritual Head of Faith Doctrines means your temples are held by bishops appointed by the Pope.
30:50 is the contract passed down to the vassal's heir? If I gaurantee someone a council position for a tax increase, do I have to also put his son on the council after he inherits?
Would you say it is better to have less but more powerfull vassals as a Clan government so you have to manage less Opinions about you? I think it gets pretty hard to manage after reaching a higher number of Vassals
I'm someone who isn't the best at this game and I somehow just get by without realizing how I'm actually doing it.
But from my very small amount of experience tribal subjugation is hilarious fun. I made my own kingdom on one of the islands off of Scandinavia and slowly but surely spread my land a good bit. Eventually I had a good amount of land as well as a healthy sum of prestige. The neighboring King kept messing with my leige as well as converting my people to Christianity. Fed up with them I bullied their family through skemes before subjugating the king. In one fell swoop I took his king title made him a vassal as well as ended up pissing off my original liege who tried to start a war with me. After marrying off my newborn to another neighboring King we rather quickly won the war. After that my newly made king got possessed.
Thanks bro👍
Always brother!
Why can't I convert from Tribal to Clan? This doesn't seem to be an option in the game. I want clan as an option because it seems to have all the best traits with only one downside.
Maybe because your character is not muslim? The clan type is based upon old Islamic Iqta goverment type, maybe it has something to do with that. Don't count my words for it though because I'm not entirely sure.
i started as a lord in balo(tribal) in africa. already formed a kingdom. when my first charater died my entire land splited into 2 separate factions and had almost 2 civil wars. the first civial war was put down by force by my second charater . Second one almost happened but cuz i sent many gifts and the sway game and that was prevented. then i hated SO MUCH when my vassals just declar wars left and right cuz im that kind of person that likes to take my time. i wanted to go fedual so bad cuz i can prevent them from going to war. but tribal innvoations and religon reform is the biggest probelms for me. i dont want to convert into muslim or something cuz thats not og, cuz im really into that role play. but a lot of ppl said just delicated a genration to the task if you want feudual and thats what im gonna do
I think clan is fun. Cause I always try to make everyone like my ruler
@ItalianSpartacus Hello, great video! I have two questions: 1 is it possible to switch from tribal to clan? 2 are there alternative succession laws for asian tribes? Thanks in advance. p.s. De jure in latin reads like de yurae would read to an english speaker.
once you meet all the requirements can you pick between clan and feudal? or for some culture just feudal ?
Please video about where and why to use seduction scheme.
In the feudal contracts, I'll get a hook and make a change to something. Then later I'll get another hook and want to make another change, and it won't let me because I've already made a change... so what's with that is there a cooldown or do I have to wait to die or what?
You can only change a feudal contract once per lifetime of either you or the vassal.
@@MrEvryn thanks! I was confused because some things (like Causus Beli) explicitly say once per lifetime where this doesn't.
any way to switch between clans and tribes and never get into feudal?
First, thanks for your great guides! They will save from some restarts.
Then I have a question:
Does Field Management and City Planning (I'm not sure if these are the right terms because I play the german version) do anything for tribal realms?
You will need to eventually build your growth when you want to covert to feudal, so definitely! Also, increasing your supply limit will help when you have MASSIVE armies :)
@@italianspartacus but are there any specific build options unlocked by these innovations?
Yes! Bruhs allow you to make duchy buildings for example
Thank you!
How to became a clan? They say that once your have high crown authority you can settle.. but still I didnt find the option of sort
I have a question: I am a feudal liege and have founded the Roman Empire however some of my vassals are still republic and clan-type. Is there a way to switch them over to feudal?
Republic is a barony level title. It's from a city holding you cannot directly control yourself (as opposed to a castle holding), barons are elected for life. nothing you can ever do about it.
I don't think you can convert from clan to feudal. I'd replace the vassal but I'm not sure about it.
So I have a question. Let's say you are playing a Count in a feudal government. Do you owe tax and levies only to your liege? Or would you owe it to your duke and king?
Yes! I believe it's 10 and 25% no matter what
your obligations are only towards your direct liege. that means the duke.
you only ever owe fealty to the person directly above you. They pay their liege out of a cut of their income plus the income you paid them.
So I’m guessing that you can’t go from tribal to Clan?
Not that I'm aware of :(
you can. Tribal is the basic version of all governments. However clan is exclusive to islamic religions. Everyone else becomes Feudal currently.
ZanathKariashi so if your Muslim and tribal, you’ll become clan?
@@jasonramero6274 If you haven't found out yet, then yes. I'm still relatively new to the game but I was messing around to see how well I would do if I make the game harder for me by starting as a tribe in the bottom left of the map and became a clan.
So, is there any way to covert a conquered tribal holding into a feudal one if you are already feudal?
I readed somewhere that it can be done via a gold castle icon that would appear in holdings own menu. I don't checked that tho and it said it costs a bit of gold too.
Yes, but feudalizing a tribe is 500 gold.
Some of these restrictions, like only being able to conquer one kingdom in a lifetime, seem a bit forced and artificial to me.
I understand that it’s needed for game balance, however it’s also stupid because it promotes having short reigns in order to get casus belis
@@dustydinoface Only if you want to expand as fast as possible and 'win' by conquering everything like a normal strategy game. If you do that in Crusader Kings, you're missing more than 3/4 of the game though, the game has much more depth than "paint the map with your empire". Combat is not where the fun is at.
you're basically pooling a lifetimes worth of favors built on your prestige/piety in order convince everyone to support your claim. (It's also an Invasion CB, which is ridiculously powerful compared to the other CBs in the game, since it allows you take not only the title you declared for, but every single county you besieged during the war that the war-leader has in their realm. You could theorectically conquer the entire byzantine empire in a single war declared for Greece if you took the time to conquer all of it.).
It's basically there to represent a once in a life-time goal of legend. Since...let's face it, in the time it takes to get enough prestige/piety to pay for it, you could've conquer 2 kingdoms just using the ducal level conquest, even accounting for truces. So if you use it, you'd better make it worth it.
So i have been going at it with my Sweden Campaign right at the Invasion of Northumbria... Will my vassals and everything still do as free as they wish if I have absolute tribal authority once i slowly progress into that authority or do i stay with disparate tribes??
Started tribal. Took over lands that are feudal. How do the two mesh together because some of my vassals are feudal and I am tribal. I am near the point where I can switch to Feudal. And I have the empire of Brittania locked down.
Does changing a feudal contract follow the holding or the individual? That is, if I give a lord power tax rights, is that effectively permanent until changed?
I have to pop in to the game to double chdck, but I believe it's the holding. BUT! Manipulating the contract is down to the individual; you can only leverage hooks on the individual
@@italianspartacus That's sorta what I figured. But thanks. Your stuff is amazingly helpful. Thanks for that.
Absolutely man! Thank you so much for watching
I'm battling to farm prestige as tribal. It keeps going to building/maintaining men at arms. Amy tips?
If your men at arms are fully replenished, go ahead and uncheck the maintenance box at the bottom in thr military tab. When you go to war, you can turn it back on :)
I only build in castels of holdings i want to keep until feudal. Because of i think you get only a percentage for buildings in monestry (cruch holdings most times) and cities(republic). Am i right?
Playing on PS5, I don’t see any of these mechanics. Is most of the stuff for clans as far as unity, viziers, and tax jurisdictions only available on PC?
Wouldn’t being tribal be better than feudal in terms in some ways? Sure you get less MAA, but you have raids which give you easy gold and prestige, and 100% levies
Definitely, but your succession is going to be so tumultuous because your heir is not going to have your level of fame, so you'll periodically lose those levies and taxes! There are pros and cons to each
@@italianspartacus I see 'fame' listed in the pop ups is that the same as Prestige? I'm confused on how prestige and renown pass between the generations (or if they do). Does my heir get any Prestige upon my death? I've resorted to marrying for prestige more than alliances at times.
Yes, tribes are ridiculously broken at game start. The issues are declaring wars with no cb, the huge fame from battles, the alternate currency for men at arms, and the very high levy contributions even at very low levels of fame. Just smash your levies into enemy levies whenever they are full, and you will quickly hit living legend.
The cost of converting to feudal is also overstated as you can just have feudal vassals and improve their holdings, which can form the core of your post feudal domain.
And beating up feudal enemies at 867 is a joke. The king of Ireland can easily field more troops than the emperor of france, let alone the duke of wessex. Because functionally, the king of tribal Ireland has a domain of all of Ireland, for levy purposes.
Fame is like experience points for your level of fame. Prestige is a currency you can spend, that always comes with an equal amount of fame, but you can also earn fame alone, primarily by winning battles against guys you are at war with. Winning battles against guys you are not at war with is way better as you get prestige instead of fame. And piety instead of devotion.
@@petertrudelljr Prestige does not get passed down at death but each character generates their own. Having a family with high renown will also get your kids a nice chunk.
Renown is dynasty based so doesn't go down ever, but can be spent on legacies if you're the house head.
I’m kinda annoyed they’re waiting to add the imperial system for money
Didn't imperial system rise after fall of Byzantine?
With the subjugate chieftain war, how is that any different from forced vassalization of the feudal governments?
And the Feudal Contract is so broken against the player. First, you can modify a contract only once per character's life (and if it was modified by another liege, then that modification stays with you (the HRE in particular LOVES to give council rights to morons who aren't qualified, next thing I know, I have a marshal who can't cut softened butter as my war leader for 25 years, and I can't do a daman thing about it, because the HRE Emperor modified it before I came onto the scene). Second, you can only go one step. Vassals who use a hook to modify their contract aren't limited like that. They can go from High to Low levies with one hook. And they can remodify a contract that has already been modified. That is fckng broken.
Also, can you do a video on regional innovations, and how to unlock them, and how you even get them?
I dont think you understand contract scaming vassals. There can be 1 revision per liege-vassal combo, that can be as big as either can do.
Want to exploit it? Go intrigue, create hook->change contract, MURDER, repeat. With double hostile plots you can do this to your entire realm in no time.
Watch out, contract scaming pisses off vassals.
I'm so confused with the Clan government type. I had thought it was just Muslim feudalism that's tied to opinion instead of contracts. I'm playing a save at the minute though in north India and a bunch of but not all of Manichean and Buddhist vassals under a feudal Taoist local have become Clan and there's even some unreformed Waaqi Somali becoming tribal. I have no idea why this is happening. It could perhaps be a mod.
Okay so the Waaqi seem to be result of the collapse of Muslim kingdoms that start there in 867. Still not exactly sure how that plays out.
Can you convert to tribal?
Is there a way to go from Feudal to Tribal?
Unfortunately not yet :(
Small nitpick. Geoffrey is pronounced "Jef-frey" not "Jof-frey"
Jeffrey and Jeffery are two modern spellings, but they're pronounced the same.
It's kind of like Stephen is pronounced the same as Steven, and Leigh is pronounced the same as Lee.
Is this why I've started a custom character twice with no levvies or knights.. I've been trying to figure that out. There's men when I click on it before going custom character and when I go into the game I have zero. Annoying and very confusing
I wish that reforming the religion was the hurdle to transition to Feudal ways. Even playing a small homogenized tribal kingdom, say one in Africa and with a scholar type ruler, waiting for your counties to develop up so that you can chip away at the technologies is a pain.
maybe you could arrange it so that your heir's culture and religion is changed, switching to feudal and then changing back to your original culture?
I feel like that is a bit cheaty. I wish there was a way to study a culture to accelerate the innovations in your own outside of facination
Bro, you are to Crusader Kings, what Scott Manley is to KSP
But what I still did not get yet, as I am in the early stage of playing.
Can you become feudal, but stay with a pagan religion?
Absolutely!! :)
So does anyone know how to change from tribal to clan? Not feudal, but clan. I want to change the greatest empire on earth which is the Mongol Empire to clan.
Why do I need to change to feudal or clan when I actually have a lot of gold and 30k troops???
I'd like to change from clan to feudal, how to do? 🤔
you can't unfortunately :(
Can anybody tell me if i can change a republic county/duchy into a feudal one?
You cannot unfortunately
I.... am such an idiot.... I won't explain. But omfgggg
How switch city from tribal to feudal ?
Love CK3 and Stellaris ... eu4 is good, just not my favorite historical period ... never really loved hoi4, that said it’s a good game just didn’t love it...
I really wish Paradox would do a post ww2 modern history 4x, including Cold War, Berlin Wall type stuff maybe thru the wars on terror and early 21st centrist thru the arabi spring possibly.
Either way thanks for content !!
some one know how to turn into clan wen you are tribal ?
Google seems to indicate de jure is pronounced "day jury." it's NOT the same du jour which is pronounced "duh zure"
Honestly I'm over it. I'll just pronounce it whatever way is comfortable for me. I've used three different pronunciations now and I get corrected every time hahahah :)
I'm also sick of it so I finally wanted a clear answer. I think people think de jure is the same as du jour, which is what is causing so much confusion
It's latin and it's actually written as "de Iure" (romans didn't have the letter j) and it's pronounced as the(de) you(Iu)re(as the term Renaissance) the youre.
Gosh english is terrible with vowels
just type it in google translator for french and listen to it
@@jvaliente84 french? What heresy are you talking about? You mean italian right?
How do you adopt a clan government
You can't unfortunately :(
@@italianspartacus ok.
gib merchant republic, paradox pliz?
Why is Apulia your favourite?
Is it possible to switch from clan to fuedal?