Are Families Really "Forever" As Mormonism Teaches?

  • Опубликовано: 3 окт 2024
  • Does the Bible say families are eternal? The Mormon church teaches that faithful Latter-day Saints can live together with their immediate families in the next life. This is such a central promise of the Mormon faith, that it is commonly used by missionaries to draw people into the LDS Church. Marriage sealings are a critical ordinance of the LDS faith, and the promise of eternal family is reassuring to many Latter-day Saints.
    So why would Christians believe that families aren't forever? While it is true that Jesus didn't teach that there will be marriage in heaven, Christians DO believe that there will be family in heaven-but a family that includes far more than just someone's immediate family.
    So the question is, what does the Bible teach? Are families really forever?
    "Whom have I in heaven but you? And there is nothing on earth that I desire besides you." - Psalm 73:25
    For more videos like this, visit GodLovesMormon...
    #Mormonism #Family #LDS #Christian #Christianity #Bible #EternalLife #Heaven #EternalFamily #CelestialKingdom

Комментарии • 45

  • @andrewsanders5558
    @andrewsanders5558 2 года назад +13

    Jesus Christ isn’t trying to divide families he’s saying that in one house hold if some believe in the gospel others in the family don’t it will divide the family because satin have hold on their hearts and cause contention between them. Jesus didn’t come to divide families when families are united one with another and believe in Christ that family is blessed and is strengthened one stick is easy to break but a bundle of sticks is multiplicatively harder to break.

    • @anselman3156
      @anselman3156 2 года назад +4

      Well said. This preacher has totally twisted the meaning of Jesus' sayings. The Bible clearly teaches that God commands we honor our father, mother and fathers (ancestors), and that at death we go to be with our ancestors (as Abraham went to be with his fathers). The preacher here is so biased that he ignores Scripture that contradicts him.

    • @danielstark8356
      @danielstark8356 Год назад +4

      No. He's just trying to say they'll be divided if they pick the wrong religon because the ones who pick the evangelical approved faiths will be saved in heaven and the ones who don't (such as Mormonism) will burn in hell.
      That's definitely a way to divide families in the afterlife

  • @ldswife5339
    @ldswife5339 3 года назад +8

    What kind of “good news” is it that we will be eternally separated from our families? That’s AWFUL news!

    • @GLM
      @GLM  3 года назад +3

      The Bible teaches that marriage is an illustration of God's love for His people. The chief purpose of marriage isn't marriage itself, but to image the way God loves those who believe.
      We'll be together with all believers who have ever and will ever believe-if my family turns in faith to the Lord, then I will certainly be with them!
      The Psalmist wrote, "Whom have I in heaven but you? And there is nothing on earth that I desire besides you." (Psalm 73:25). God is our delight and our joy and is alone worthy of eternal worship and glory. His presence is so glorious and so eclipses everything in creation, that He alone is a sufficient reason to long for heaven.

    • @colleencampbell172
      @colleencampbell172 2 года назад +3

      @@Imtryingtobelikejesus-m1m Just read the book of revelation and you will find out all that you will be doing in heaven.

    • @familyfriendlychannel5022
      @familyfriendlychannel5022 Год назад +1

      I agree! The scriptures need to be read as a whole, not taken out of context and read in bits and pieces. I know that the scriptures, ALL the scriptures and words of living prophets and apostles are true and the Holy Ghost has confirmed their words as true. They bring us light and joy and truth and peace.

    • @jonathangatto
      @jonathangatto Год назад

      Exactly awful news.
      Many people come to know the restored gospel because of eternal families

  • @EricLovesCHRIST
    @EricLovesCHRIST 3 года назад +7

    Sealing families through faith seems like it would be easy to do though
    Matthew 19:26, Matthew 21:22, Philippians 4:13, Matthew 7:7-9
    I am not a huge fan of families, but I know God could easily do it

  • @chrishumphries7489
    @chrishumphries7489 2 года назад +5

    There are so many problems, scriptural misinterpretations, poor scripture selection and doctrinal aberrancies in this video, it is really sad- and I mean that in both a presentational and theosophical way.

    • @andrewsanders5558
      @andrewsanders5558 2 года назад

      When I saw this video and went to all the references and nothing lined up with what this video said

  • @henochparks
    @henochparks Год назад +1

    Early Christians were married for eternity.

  • @paepaeulupoo19
    @paepaeulupoo19 5 лет назад +7

    Dude don't mistranslate the Bible.

    • @GLM
      @GLM  4 года назад +5

      Hi! I'm not sure what you mean - we didn't do any translation in this. We usually use the ESV (English Standard Version) to cite the verses in this video.
      Hope that helps!

  • @nikichat4476
    @nikichat4476 4 года назад +16

    I have been in a relationship with my polygamist husband for 22 years and have finally realized that the Bible is actually more accurate then the book of mormon. Now I know that polygamy was not commanded in the bible, but tolerated. And also that the standard for living in the new testament was that bishops, deacons, and elders were to be the husbands of one wife to be blameless and good examples for the body of Christ.
    Finding out that I will not be married to my husband through time and all eternity is really hard to swallow. I really love my husband and family, but I love truth more. In my household, we are now somewhat definitely devided in our beliefs, but we still love each other.
    I know that God does not like divorce, so I will stay with my husband. I'm far from the shallow now. In way too deep to get out now. My children love all their brothers and sisters from the other mothers, and there is no way that I could devide them or even want to. The bible also says that if you are married to an unbeliever and they wish to stay with you, you should. And perhaps someday they will come to the truth. My hope is that they will all realize that we have been mislead by the book of mormon and start believing in ALL the words of our Savior that God gave us in the bible.
    A while back my husband told me to stop reading the bible. He thought the bible was the reason for my confusion and my bad dreams. I promised him I would stop reading it, because I wanted to be obedient to my husband like I am commanded to be in the bible, but this was so hard for me. How can he forbid me to read the book manual for life that Jesus came down himself to earth in the flesh to give us?
    God gave me a very strong and beautiful testimony of the words of Jesus while reading the sermon on the mount. How could my husband take that from me?
    I eventually realized that a promise not based on integrity cannot be kept in the name of integrity.
    I believe I should obey Jesus first; The king of kings, and Lord of Lords.
    My husband told me years ago that he has never read the bible and he never will. It will definitely take a miracle to soften his heart towards the bible.
    In the meantime, I am looked at by my family as though I am the one being deceived by the devil, and they don't want to hear my beliefs or be contaminated by them. Oh well. As long as God is with me, I will be ok.
    I'm hanging on to the love and Jesus.

    • @GLM
      @GLM  4 года назад +4

      Wow. Amazing. Praise God for His work in your heart, your wisdom in these things, and your genuine desire to do what is most honoring to Him. We'll be in prayer for you and your husband.

    • @carmengale3311
      @carmengale3311 Год назад +2

      i have been realizing the lies of the LDS church. im like you. people think im decieved, but its not bothering me because God came to me and in His light I was enveloped by His love for me. i had such joy i couldnt contain it and i started dancing for my God. Through His love I am a new creation. He has taken away my fears and I rest in Him daily. even though God put me in an LDS home and I learned about Jesus and recieved milk, I am now grateful for the meat of his gospel, which is His presence and His word. He will bless and guide you everyday as you seek His word and in praise worship Him alone. we are made free in Christ.

  • @chadtyler
    @chadtyler Год назад

    Can you imagine eternity without your kids?? That’s hell. Feel sorry for your outlook on life brother. I invite you to pray to our Father in heaven and ask if our families can be together forever. I testify in Jesus name that you will get an answer.

  • @MrBearZeus
    @MrBearZeus 2 года назад +3

    This presentation misses the forest for the trees. Family relations are everything in the Bible. Adam and Eve, Abraham and Sarah etc. Why else are we called the children of God and joint heirs with Christ? Love to see you do a video on the LDS Proclamation on the Family.

    • @BNichols021
      @BNichols021 2 года назад +2

      Merely listing a few husband-wife pairs does not demonstrate that family relations are everything in the Bible. Jesus said, “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.” If family relations are everything, then Jesus would not have been willing to compromise family relationships for the sake of the kingdom.

    • @nicolelovesjesusgod7673
      @nicolelovesjesusgod7673 2 года назад +2

      I do not worship my husband. My kid . My parents. Jesus will be my groom .

  • @gabriellef6695
    @gabriellef6695 5 лет назад +8

    It’s disappointing to see verses taken out of context to try to prove a point. Luke 12:51-53 is merely talking about the fact that following Christ can lead to division. Leaving another religion (for example) to follow Christ could cause a family to disown a person. This verse has absolutely nothing to do denying that a family continues to exist beyond this life. The message in this presentation is unbelievably sad. The family is “important” but for this earth only? So you think we no longer exist together in heaven?
    Overall, very upsetting and extremely mislead message.

    • @GLM
      @GLM  4 года назад +7

      Hi Gabrielle,
      Our goal isn't to take things out of context! Our point with that is that Jesus is explaining how following Him might result in division of family (which is what you agreed with). The reason that's significant is because Jesus puts a greater emphasis on following Him than on family being together. If family being together was the GOAL of our faith, or the way in which we can have eternal life (I'm thinking of marriage sealings)-then Jesus' comment seems misplaced!
      We believe that we are in the same "spiritual household of God" as every other Christian in history! So instead of only having our limited immediate family to dwell with for all eternity, the Bible teaches that we have EVERY Christian that we get to dwell with for eternity!
      Family is important on earth, no doubt! But the reason it's important is because it points to something bigger than itself!
      Ephesians 5:29-32 - "For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ does the church, because we are members of his body. 'Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.' This mystery is profound, and I am saying that it refers to Christ and the church."
      This verse is huge! It shows us that the REASON marriage exists is to point to something EVEN BETTER than our immediate families! To the relationship that Jesus has with His Church. That's amazing! It's SO amazing, that once we experience the fullness of this in heaven, we will have no need for our earthly relationships anymore. Jesus will be BETTER than our marriages! It's a wonderful and beautiful truth, that God built marriage to point to HIS love for us!
      Hope that helps clarify!

    • @amazonwater7778
      @amazonwater7778 2 года назад

      The Family is important but in the past there was family invests family abuses family horrible things so let’s be careful.

    • @boweadam1
      @boweadam1 Год назад +1

      I keep coming back to the question, "What is God's purpose for creating us?"
      It seems that we are made for more than to be angelic choirs or God's pets. That seems to have a limit - no matter how glorious we can imagine it to be. We will always recognize that there is something about God that we would want to emulate. If God encourages us to participate with Him in the on-going creation process as fallen mortals (having children and taking care of the earth), it would make sense that He would continue to teach us and have us work with Him in more creation/organization in the eternities.

  • @carmengale3311
    @carmengale3311 Год назад +1

    this is mostly true, but even God said, let no man divide asunder what God has put together. this was true with adam and eve. if God spiritually and bodily brings a man and a woman to become one flesh, in spirit they are one also. so in death God restores what was broken. our family relationships that remain in Christ will carry over into the next life. but Jesus comes 1st above all. NDErs say when they die and come back they meet Jesus, and some are allowed to meet family. but they arent meeting people personally that they have no connection to, even though heaven is full of people they could meet.

  • @frauannmarie3194
    @frauannmarie3194 Год назад +1

    Good video. And where is the scripture in any of all the scriptures used by the Latter-day Saints that actually support the idea of eternal families? I cannot find one verse supporting this.

  • @Jimoutdoors
    @Jimoutdoors 7 месяцев назад

    Talk about listening to someone who doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Wow!

  • @joaquinsfun8794
    @joaquinsfun8794 2 года назад +3

    If you would read the whole chapter of Matthew you can clearly see that this man is lying to you about the "morman" church

  • @PatriciaNewhart
    @PatriciaNewhart 5 месяцев назад

    Jesus did NOT preach eternal marriage and families. People WILL go to Hell, including many who are loved family members. We all have ihe individual choice to accept or reject Jesus as the only means of our salvation.

  • @anselman3156
    @anselman3156 2 года назад +2

    The Bible has an eternal moral law, to honor thy father and thy mother. It also commands that the hearts of the fathers be turned to the children and the hearts of the children be turned to the fathers, as essential for the blessing of the earth. Our most loving relationships and family bonds have eternal importance for God. The division Jesus talked about was where some family members hate the Gospel of God's love, and oppose their family members following Christ. It is not a message that God wants such a sinful disintegration of families. You have totally twisted the meaning of God's words in your miserable contempt for family.

  • @jacobhaney3674
    @jacobhaney3674 11 месяцев назад

    Wow. Just goes to show you can take any selection of verses out of the bible and twist them to send whatever message you want. This video totally misses the point of the verses mentioned. Next time, try reading the bible without an agenda.

    • @Marisa-yf1vc
      @Marisa-yf1vc 11 месяцев назад

      How did he twist them? What are those verses saying then?

  • @docase4932
    @docase4932 Год назад +2

    Dude ….is that what “Protestantism” is all about ? Insult people ….miss-interpret the the Bible in order to put down someone else’s religious belief ? GOOD CHRISTIAN! I’ll look elsewhere for my spiritual guidance….

    • @tkds56
      @tkds56 Год назад +1

      you should look into your own history and what your leaders have said about other religions. Especially what JS said

  • @wescandelaria821
    @wescandelaria821 2 года назад +3

    Mormons do believe in the bible, however, the book of Mormon is something we take more seriously, the reason for that is because it is more recent and is a lot newer then the bible, the book of Mormon corrects a the mistakes of the bible, again we still believe in it and put are faith in it, however, the book of Mormon is where are faith is focused on. Anyways, the book of Mormon doesn't teach us that Jesus wants to divide families, if families weren't that important, then why do we believe that families eternal, why do we put faith in that, why do prophets and revelators teach us it?

    • @jjpproductions
      @jjpproductions Год назад

      It makes A LOT of sense on what your saying 👍

  • @silveriogarcia2431
    @silveriogarcia2431 2 года назад +2

    Your version of Christianity is why more and more young people become atheist and the reason why divorce has become so common. If marriage is not eternal, if family is not forever then society will fall apart. May God have mercy on your soul because you are leading people away from Christianity with mis interpretation of Christianity.

    • @GLM
      @GLM  2 года назад

      I disagree that "If marriage is not eternal....then society will fall apart." Where do you get that from?
      We don't treat marriage flippantly simply because it is not eternal! God ordained marriage, it's a shadow/type of the way Christ loved His bride (check out Ephesians 5)... That's significant! It must be valued!
      The value and meaning of marriage does not disappear when we claim that marriage is not eternal.

    • @silveriogarcia2431
      @silveriogarcia2431 2 года назад +1

      @@GLM bro, treating marriage and family like changing your clothes is the failure of your branch of Christianity. Merry Christmas

    • @Rahab111222
      @Rahab111222 2 года назад

      @@silveriogarcia2431 You sound like you're too tied down to sensual materialist worldview, hence why you invoke atheism and society in your posts. You don't understand the concepts of Heaven or even God. Go convert to Mormonism or Islam if you insist God is too boring and that you need endless material pleasure in Heaven in order to stay put inside a religion.

  • @boweadam1
    @boweadam1 Год назад +3

    Brought here by @HelloSaints