GARMIN EPIX PRO - Can It Replace Fenix 7 AND Apple Ultra?

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @MarkLewisfitness
    @MarkLewisfitness  Год назад +288

    As the thumbnail shows, a perfect blend of rugged and beautiful. And the watch is nice too 😂😂

    • @Fulgur98
      @Fulgur98 Год назад +3


    • @MarkLewisfitness
      @MarkLewisfitness  Год назад +24

      @@RachelSchloer You win the "most observant" prize! And my wife is getting fired as video errors checker!!!!

    • @travroy
      @travroy Год назад +9

      My Epix Pro arrived today and as a longtime Fenix 5+ user I couldn't be more disappointed. This thing looks like a toy and I can barely see the display in direct sunlight with polarized sunglasses. Think twice before migrating from MIP to AMOLED.

    • @MT-ou3lh
      @MT-ou3lh Год назад +4

      Then get the watch checked, maybe it’s broken. A few days ago I compared the Epix w/ my 2023 tactix and a 5 pro next to each other and the display of the Epix is a different league.

    • @travroy
      @travroy Год назад +1

      @@MT-ou3lh The watch was in working order and promptly returned. There are several reports of Garmin's AMOLED displays not jiving with polarized glasses. I'm a runner first and smart watch user second, so the benefits of the new display were probably lost on me. That said, Garmin's UI is well behind the curve compared to other smart watch makers and AMOLED seems to amplify the issue. The Epix Pro display looked like a knockoff of a Galaxy watch I owned five years ago.

  • @The_Real_Edgar_Allen_Poe
    @The_Real_Edgar_Allen_Poe Год назад +81

    I just started watching this dude.
    He made me feel better about purchasing the Epix 2 Pro while already owning an AW Ultra, and he’s reassured me that being bald doesn’t mean ugly. Subscribed, great content

    • @Joost.van.Gelder
      @Joost.van.Gelder 11 месяцев назад

      And you just convinced me to order de Epix 2 Pro while also already owning an AW Ultra 😁
      Do you wear both watches?

    • @The_Real_Edgar_Allen_Poe
      @The_Real_Edgar_Allen_Poe 11 месяцев назад +4

      @@Joost.van.Gelder I actually sold my Ultra lol. Once I put it on, I never took it off.
      In my opinion, it does everything better. I absolutely love the thing. Especially the flashlight function! You'll see, the AE Ultra becomes irrelevant, so long as you're more interested in having a fitness device opposed to an extension of your phone

    • @AuRowe
      @AuRowe 10 месяцев назад

      Great comment😂

  • @ShawnKibel
    @ShawnKibel 6 месяцев назад +36

    I bought a new Fenix 3 Sapphire ~10 years ago....10 YEARS AGO!!! It still works perfectly and I still only need to charge it about once every 10 days. I'm watching this video as I'm finally breaking down and thinking about an upgrade...and I'm struggling because my Fenix 3 still really does all that I need it to do. I have replaced the wristband 3 times, but the watch is an amazing bit of engineering! Think of the core "must haves" in functionality that you have to have and go with the appropriate Garmin device. Don't worry about all the other bells and whistles. I promise you that you won't really use them anyway. Go with the Garmin that has all the things you really need and you will not be disappointed. It is rare to get any technology that will last for 10 years, but Garmin delivers exactly that.

    • @datraxcoach
      @datraxcoach 4 месяца назад +2

      I purchased a Felix 3 in 2016, to start training for Triathlon sprints. It didn’t have a HRM feature but it has been the best. I recently upgraded to the Fenix 7X plus, it’s awesome. They go on sale twice a year usually $200/ off. You will not regret it

    • @ugolovniyrozysk
      @ugolovniyrozysk 4 месяца назад +1

      Well that's a very good watch u got. My Fenix 5 started to drain battery during second year of use, got replaced with new one and it lasted me 4 years before plastic wristband hole broke after falling from bike. Now upgraded to F7XSS.

    • @60secondsofsanity99
      @60secondsofsanity99 3 месяца назад +1

      Bought a Fenix 6X 4 years ago... still looks and performs like it's brand new and I still haven't figured out most of the stuff on it. I forget to charge it because the battery last so long... But I still want to get a new Epix Gen 2... ??? LOL

    • @60435
      @60435 2 месяца назад +1

      Thats amazing

    • @vangelismanolis9761
      @vangelismanolis9761 Месяц назад +1

      Same here... I bought an epix pro recently but the trusty fenix 3 from 2015 is still on my wife's wrist working flawlessly

  • @thomashackett4861
    @thomashackett4861 Год назад +123

    Your videos not only got me into running (onto 20 mins in one go now!) I've also bought my first sportswatch, nothing fancy (Forerunner 255) but it's helping me already (mainly by giving me a little dopamine hit when the little numbers go up).
    Thanks mate.

    • @travroy
      @travroy Год назад +7

      I started out with an FR255 and then graduated to a Fenix 5+ which I wore 24/7 for many years. Now I have an FR955 and recently the Epix Pro 2. I still prefer the look and feel of a 255 over all of them.
      Edit: Congrats on starting your run journey! Prepare to have your life changed forever

    • @Indik47
      @Indik47 Год назад +4

      FR 2xx are fantastic watches. Had an older 245, really there's not much difference in functionality with the more expensive Fenix/Epix.

    • @dliedke
      @dliedke Год назад +3

      @@Indik47 I had 235, 935, Fenix 6X and Fenix 7X. The battery, multiband GPS and LED flashlight in Fenix 7X is amazing. There is no way it can be compared with 245.

    • @Indik47
      @Indik47 Год назад +2

      @@dliedke Battery on the 245 lets you run at least 10 to 12 hours, do you need more? I certainly don't. LED flashlight doesn't help with running. Multiband GPS is a nice feature but gives no real benefit in most scenarios (245 GPS accuracy is very good). 245 can be compared to Fenix, as running experience in both of them is pretty identical, except for the maps - which are, again, useful for long trails but for road running are never needed.
      235/935 feel more outdated than 245 - no argues here. Garmin made a big step forward in *45 series.
      p.s. I do own a Fenix 7 now, I know what I`m talking about.

  • @ebmike8
    @ebmike8 Год назад +10

    I wore an AW4 from release day until the day the AW Ultra came out. I purchased both the AW Ultra and Epix Gen2 at the same time to compare. Ended up returning the AW Ultra after two days. Garmin Epix Gen2 is much better than anything AW has to offer. Sure I can't use my watch as a phone but then again we all need to disconnect from our smartphones anyways. I don't miss anything about the AW environment (maybe ApplePay but I just use my phone for that now) ESPECIALLY the terrible battery life. I cycle/train about 80-150 miles a week and my watch holds it's charge without issue. I charged my watch last Sunday and currently i'm at 6 Days of battery left. When it comes to AW vs Garmin it's smartwatch vs Sport Watch. Garmin wins that category hands down, almost thinking of getting the Epix Pro and gifting my Gen2 to my father who is a triathlete.
    Great Review!

  • @ChrisBranch
    @ChrisBranch Год назад +40

    Brilliant, thanks Mark. I spent the first 10-minutes thinking, 'damn it, I need an Epix 2 pro!', then the final few minutes thinking, 'nah, I'll stick with my Fenix 6 pro'. Informative, sensible, entertaining ... and you just saved me a ton of money 😂🙏

    • @frankniethardt1813
      @frankniethardt1813 7 месяцев назад

      Same here. I'm having a Fenix 6S Pro and was trying the Fenix 7 Pro last week. But the display has gotten worse through all those layers they added - Touch and Solar. I wondered whether an Epix would fit in. But after watching the video I'm not too sure about upgrading.

  • @davidwhite6479
    @davidwhite6479 Год назад +29

    Let's be honest, you encouraged your dog to eat the box so you could say to the missus "I have to keep it as the dog has invalidated the warranty, luv" - I'm loving my Epix Pro Saphhire 51mm after coming from a Fenix 5x 51mm. At 56 the display is much kinder to my old eyes. Absolutely with you on the size of the previous Epix, I wanted a 51mm big boy and Garmin did the business.

  • @RockkcoR
    @RockkcoR Год назад +68

    I’ve been a long time Fenix series owner. I recent had the Tactix 7 and Forerunner 965. What having both made me realize is that I prefer the more rugged Fenix in 51mm with the interface of the Forerunner 965 or epix series. Once I caught wind of the Epix Pro I knew they finally had a winner that blended both for me. I sold the other two and am now a more than happy owner of the Epix Pro in 51mm

    • @EricB03
      @EricB03 Год назад +3

      Thinking about doing the same and selling my tactix 7 pro for an Epix 51mm

    • @MrVikking74
      @MrVikking74 Год назад +4

      How are the re sale values?

    • @ufcfan3940
      @ufcfan3940 Год назад

      I may get this

    • @andreshenao6574
      @andreshenao6574 Год назад +2

      I did the same 😊 and the jump to oled screen it feels so good

    • @MrSupernova111
      @MrSupernova111 Год назад +1

      How did you sell your other Garmin watches? Is there an online marketplace for these type of watches?

  • @adamkreuz9068
    @adamkreuz9068 Год назад +6

    I just picked up the Epix Pro 51mm as my first smartwatch ever. I'm more of a hiker so the better detail on the map meant more to me. Can't wait to try the golf app though

  • @rhinopaul
    @rhinopaul Год назад +55

    Had the 6x for a few years and unlike the previous 5x and 3HR that I quickly upgraded I will be sticking with the 6x for a while longer. Its been with me up Kilimanjaro and this year's London marathon tracked at 42.25kms, it doesn't get more accurate than that.

    • @MarkLewisfitness
      @MarkLewisfitness  Год назад +16

      Yep. 6x is still a solid watch.

    • @thepatternforms859
      @thepatternforms859 Год назад +2

      @@MarkLewisfitnessGarmin enduro 2 beats all these

    • @cooloutac
      @cooloutac Год назад

      ya i've had the 6x too for a while. and its so good I don't think i will be upgrading any time soon.

  • @29028ft
    @29028ft Год назад +30

    i am that person that goes into the wilderness for days and days at a time and got super excited when i upgraded to the Fenix 7 solar and realized i can track my hikes and not have to charge it every day

  • @mengusprime
    @mengusprime Год назад +2

    You always say what I’m thinking about these watches. One of the best, honest channels on RUclips!

  • @gorath0007
    @gorath0007 Год назад +11

    hilarious and informative. Awesome work on the review Mark. Don’t think I ever watched every minute of a review 😊 And I’ll be sticking with my F6!

  • @matthewmuente1363
    @matthewmuente1363 Год назад +15

    Glad I found this, was looking into a Fenix.
    As a side note, your content really speaks to me. I am also a finance worker (39 yrs old) who struggles with diet and bodyfat, and who also goes through periods of extraordinary endurance and weight training, sees great results, and tosses it in the trash. I'm currently training for my first 50 mile ultra in November, and trying desperately to get back on track. You definitely motivate me. Keep up the great content.

  • @mscordill
    @mscordill Год назад +9

    Spot on Mark. Really appreciate your open/honest review. I swapped my 7X for the Epix 2 Pro 51mm for the same reasons.

    • @dayforit1750
      @dayforit1750 6 месяцев назад +1

      Were you glad you made the change, or any regrets ie with the reduced battery life?

    • @KK-lg8uz
      @KK-lg8uz 2 месяца назад

      How does the epix 2 compare when you’re in very sunny conditions?

  • @anoneemouse4516
    @anoneemouse4516 Год назад +5

    Long time watcher first time commenter. Love the videos.
    I have had a Fenix 6X for years, just invested in a Epix (Gen2) Pro. I think the biggest 'game changer' is the user interface and detail of maps. If you use the watch to navigate the Epix is significantly better than the Fenix in every way.

    • @Seanonyoutube
      @Seanonyoutube Год назад

      What if I want to navigate in direct middle eastern sun with sunglasses on?

  • @MrSupernova111
    @MrSupernova111 Год назад +4

    Pretty cool! I have the Fenix 7 Sapphire which I got last year. Sometimes I wish I got the Epix since I primarily use the watch for fitness and don't actually need a battery that last a full month like the Fenix 7. The iwatch was out of the question due to the terrible battery life. That said, my Fenix 7 is as rugged as it gets and it works perfectly. No complaints other than the Epix would have been a little nicer to look at on my wrist.

  • @mathiasnielsen8419
    @mathiasnielsen8419 Год назад +2

    I enjoy your honest and very “everydayman”, unbias but subjective review of the watches and functionality of them all.
    I purchased a FR55 half a year ago, switched it two months in for a new 265s, and now changing that for the Epix 2nd gen Pro.
    From your perspective it will suit me perfectly compared to other models/brands, and I tend only to use and have one watch that does it all.
    That said I am affected by having to carry around my phone at all times in order to check my blodsugar. If I was not, maybe my need for a watch would be different.

  • @michaelcrispin399
    @michaelcrispin399 Год назад +15

    As always, great video. Really enjoy the way you “keep it real”. Not pushing the latest and greatest, but explaining what works for all levels of physical activity. Keep it up.

  • @KonstantinosDouros
    @KonstantinosDouros Год назад +4

    I bought my Fenix 6 15 months ago brand new for 350$ here in Greece and I am quite happy with it! In fact as you said, I hardly use 10% of it as I am a runner. I would like somethong looking rugged enough but a bit lighter. Maybe a Fenix 7s titanium would work but right now I feel its too soon to upgrade! time will tell. thanks for the video!

  • @marcobach
    @marcobach Год назад +1

    DC rainmaker for the in-depth geek review, you for the ‘what does all the mean for the normal user’ view of things :)
    I have a fenix 6 and am tempted to update for the nice new shiny stuff but I cannot really find a good justification either.

  • @christianjimenez6004
    @christianjimenez6004 Год назад +2

    This is my first time buying a smartwatch. I decided to get Epix Pro 51mm . So happy with it so far 🎉🎉.

  • @pbella29
    @pbella29 Год назад +2

    I just bought a Forerunner 245 as my first sports watch. It looked way more manly and rugged in the photos... doh! Great video as always, thanks Mark!

  • @roadguyser
    @roadguyser 6 месяцев назад

    I bought a used Fenix 6 based on your recommendation some time ago and I’m super satisfied. Your advice today leave me to think I’ll stick with my 6. Cheers.

  • @leemetherell-bigmerv6848
    @leemetherell-bigmerv6848 Год назад +1

    Absolute goat Mark. Nothing not to love about your content brother! Thanks man

  • @antongustafsson8713
    @antongustafsson8713 Год назад

    Not hardcore details about the watches but an honest review which many times are much better. Deep diving in specs you can do all by yourself, awesome video.

  • @Startingleft
    @Startingleft Год назад +6

    Great review ! I had the Epix 2 and then switched to the Apple Ultra. But as trail runner and long haul pilot, I'm on the fence for the 51mm Epix... I like the Apple but miss the bigger battery and some of the training features. Also I love the flashlight as I'm often flying during the night and always looking for something in the bag... I like the rugged face as well. Ideally I would need the 2 watches but the Head of the Home Financial Committee ( my wife...) won't certainly let that happen...

    • @bydward
      @bydward Год назад

      I am also under the same Financial Committee.

    • @Gufolicious
      @Gufolicious Год назад

      Poor guys. Still have to ask mommy if you can or cannot buy something. God this world is full if simps these days.

    • @Startingleft
      @Startingleft Год назад

      Thanks god, real men like you still exists......... 😏@@Gufolicious

  • @deathwarp131
    @deathwarp131 Год назад +1

    i've been looking at the fenix 6 lately as my first watch since the prices seem pretty nice on facebook market place so i like that you still recommend the old watch

  • @vengermanu9375
    @vengermanu9375 Год назад +4

    I recently upgraded my old Fenix 3 HR (MIPS display) for a Forerunner 265 for just over £400. Main reason was just for that AMOLED display and multiband GPS. Don't get me wrong, would love an Epix or Epix Pro but couldn't justify the cost and given I mainly just use it for running I didn't really need the extra features of the Epix or 965 i.e. maps. No regrets apart from prefer the chunky look of the Epix especially with the 51mm display (the Forerunner I have has 47mm and is very much a slimline watch compared to the Epix 🤔)

  • @lifestylecabins6933
    @lifestylecabins6933 Год назад

    I stumbled across your channel while looking at garmin watches. Mate, you crushed the videos. Highly enjoyable.

  • @LukeHarris-b5z
    @LukeHarris-b5z 3 месяца назад

    Thanks Mark. I did EXACTLY what you did. Kept the Apple watch ultra. Traded my Epix 2 for a fenix 7x pro.

  • @marcofioretti5915
    @marcofioretti5915 Год назад +3

    MIP display of the fenix is the most convenient screen as it is the most readable and always on.. it is not always easy during certain activities to do a wrist gesture to activate the screen.,and what about readibility of oled screen with polarised glasses? Yeah amoled it sure is prettier but probably less practical

    • @KK-lg8uz
      @KK-lg8uz 2 месяца назад

      Is the fenix a much better option for say cycling in sunny conditions?
      How does the epix hold up?

  • @martijnbroekman
    @martijnbroekman Год назад +2

    Hi Mark,
    I strongly consider a garmin instinct 2x (with torch), and less money for a poor bugger like me. Keep up the good work!

  • @serhiirudenko6183
    @serhiirudenko6183 Год назад +4

    Well, I still prefer MIP display.
    I hate when watch need to turn the screen on to show something. Always on display feature on AMOLED feels like cheating, and emits light when I don't need to.
    Currently I'm using Instinct 2 Solar (Solar feature actually was very helpful on a long bike ride) I even sent my track to the watch and navigating with it. Also just love that simple but high-contrast screen, it looks just great outdoors.
    But thinking to get Fenix because of maps.
    Anyway watch screen don't need to be so bright and juicy like phone screen, I'm not taking pics or watching videos on it.
    Also also I noticed a bit slower refresh rate when using menus on Epix. I suppose that's because of higher resolution and more colors.

  • @mikb2619
    @mikb2619 Год назад

    I wish I could like this video more than once. Every cutaway to random scenes was hilarious. Also, informative.

  • @paulhume8083
    @paulhume8083 Год назад +1

    From a Fenix 6x Pro Solar owner, that was a perfect review.

  • @charlesbirdsong3951
    @charlesbirdsong3951 5 месяцев назад

    Great, honest assessment! Much appreciated. I think I will look into the Fenix 6 or Fenix 7.

  • @joereyn3945
    @joereyn3945 6 месяцев назад

    Garmin just had sale on Epix pro 2. Bought 2 days ago. Getting today! Yes, finally buttons instead of Apple watch tapping. Thought the wisecrack 'if I take too long to put the strap on the battery runs out' funny. I do thru hiking, too, and charging that apple watch is a chore. It always would run out to about nothing by the time 16 miles had come.

  • @NathJPearson
    @NathJPearson Год назад +1

    Picked a standard edition epix up. Im a short arse with some bulk, so hoping 47mm will be a good balance. Most of my collection are 44-46mm. Coming from a galaxy smart watch. And just wanting to get out more. Great video and focused on individual needs which was refreshing.

  • @saschaBman
    @saschaBman Год назад +1

    You are bloody hilarious I watching this sitting next to my girlfriend checking on my delivery every 5 Min for my epix pro , as I starting laughing so loud that she liturally jumped out of her skinn . Love your humour and you videos very informative and helpful. As well you looking awesome for a 50 year old dude keep up the good work stay fit stay healthy

  • @moggsquad3598
    @moggsquad3598 Год назад +13

    Really appreciate the down to earth style of explaining pros and cons. Focusing on what really matters to most users, rather than going all out on every single additional functionality you could have (but probably never need). Even risking upsetting Garmin fanboys in the past ;-) Keep up the good work.

  • @morganil93
    @morganil93 Год назад +1

    Just discovered you, oh my god man. You are absolutely hilarious, long ago since I laughed this genuinely. Keep the great stuff up!

  • @Fedelia86
    @Fedelia86 Год назад +11

    I prefer fenix over epix.
    1. I wear the 7S - so previously the only choice anyways
    2. I want it to last as long as possible and love the always on display. Epix pro 42mm with always on display takes a serious hit in battery life. 4 days is really sad.
    3. I have enough LEDs shining in my eyes all day. I really like the non-lit MIP display. For my eyes, even the backlight at 5% is to bright at night.
    I like the higher resolution of the EPIX and the colors are nice to have. For me it is currently not worth it.
    If I want a nicer looking watch, I put on an actual watch. If I want smart over sport features, I get an Apple watch.

    • @MD-tr1yv
      @MD-tr1yv Год назад

      Same. I have fancy Swiss watches if I want something pretty. The epix is nice but the pretty screen is not necessary as a fitness watch.
      I do enjoy the red shift and was wondering if garmin could add a red shift type backlight to the fenix

    • @cionheart
      @cionheart Год назад +1

      Same for me. I don’t like Amoled screens on my watch, I find it distracting, also the wrist activation.

    • @fenixloder
      @fenixloder Год назад


  • @george.r
    @george.r Год назад +3

    I upgraded to this watch after using a Fenix 5x for 6.5 years and WOW technology moves fast! The screen on this thing is sweet!

    • @Seanonyoutube
      @Seanonyoutube Год назад

      Is the gesture not annoying? Having to raise your arm up and then wait half a second just to see anything on the screen while running in the sun?

    • @george.r
      @george.r Год назад

      @@Seanonyoutube Nah not particularly man. It's faster than half a second I think and still looks good in the sun. I will say after 4 months I think I still prefer MIPS display. I don't regret buying the EPIX but my next watch will be another Fenix for sure

    • @Seanonyoutube
      @Seanonyoutube Год назад

      @@george.r wow interesting. Why do you want to return to MIPS?

    • @george.r
      @george.r Год назад

      @@Seanonyoutube It's a little hard to explain but AMOLED is kinda like having a small phone on your wrist at all times. I just like the way MIPS looks on a watch, even if the resolution is much lower. The AMOLED screen looks great & readable in pretty much all conditions though!

    • @Seanonyoutube
      @Seanonyoutube Год назад +1

      @@george.r I know what you mean, MIP looks more subtle and rugged like those old school digital watches from the 90s. I prefer the aesthetics of MIP too but i’m trying to consider practical usage first. I’m actually still wondering what I’ll end up with.

  • @BiscuitsScary
    @BiscuitsScary Год назад +5

    Great vid. I disagree with the dismissal of the new GPS accuracy. I like to explore new places on my own rather than organised events. The problem for me for wasn't ever looking back at runs and worrying about whether the recorded route was spot on, but navigation, losing the trail in challenging conditions. E.g. running in surprisingly deep tree covered valleys in the Cotswolds or up the side of a volcano in Tenerife. In the former, I ran for half a mile in the wrong direction on a moonless night and in the latter I ended up clinging to a rock in the middle of a cactus field, some of them with scarily strong cobwebs between them. Running the same routes with a Gen2 Marq Athlete means I've never lost the trail since.

    • @Seanonyoutube
      @Seanonyoutube Год назад

      Your use case is very similar to mine.
      1. Why Marq? Is it superior to the fenix/epix pro in accuracy? Or did you get the marq a while ago for better accuracy which the pro line now inherited too?
      2. For your use-case do you prefer MIP or OLED? Everyone says maps look more detailed on OLED, but I wonder if it wouldn’t be annoying to constantly have to gesture with my wrist to bring full brightness on with an epix if i’m running through a sunny course…

  • @theretiredmonster
    @theretiredmonster Год назад +1

    I have been thinking about upgrading my Fenix 5x Pro to the Epix or 7X. I didn’t think to look at the Apple Ultra. I just want to track my workouts better with the best accuracy.

  • @toshitominaga3911
    @toshitominaga3911 Год назад

    Yes! Epix Pro did it. Replaced Forerunner 745 and multiple Apple (Don't) Watch devices and am super happy. ;-)

  • @austinslater4773
    @austinslater4773 5 месяцев назад

    I’ve gone back and forth and I think I’ve settled on the pros updated MIP as being my favorite. It’s much more visible than the older MIP and I hated the off to ultra bright every time I loved and people looking at it. The Epix is a great watch but the new MIP is perfect imo.

  • @stevenspithaler1979
    @stevenspithaler1979 Год назад

    Great video. Thanks. I have Fenix 5X and been thinking about upgrading. Leaning towards the Epix Pro now.

  • @thaitopfitness
    @thaitopfitness 11 месяцев назад

    11:51 That CrossFit burn was epic.haha

  • @chrishorton5009
    @chrishorton5009 7 месяцев назад

    Just bought an EPIX (my first smart watch) so a bit late to this party...Great content delivered in a witty 'Gen X friendly' manner - top drills!

  • @Navanirunz
    @Navanirunz Год назад +2

    I have had a Fenix 6s for a few years and love it. I picked up an AWU on advice from my cardiologist (I have a heart issue), and now I am the dork who wears two watches daily. Garmin is fantastic but I’ve gotten really used to having cell service on my wrist. Definitely eying the new pro series, but I have no good reason to other than they’re pretty😂. Great video, aside from your CrossFit jab.

    • @RogueCylon
      @RogueCylon Год назад

      He’s clearly scared of CrossFit 😂

    • @oldcodger4672
      @oldcodger4672 7 месяцев назад

      Me too. I have only had one comment in the 5 years. Lady glancing down “ oh you’re wearing two watches”. Me, smiling “Yes”, and we both walked on.
      That’s in Australia. Have you had any comments?

  • @highseastrader4190
    @highseastrader4190 Год назад +1

    What about wearing the Epix 24/7 and add the AWU only for the moments you need it for "phone reasons"? (on your other wrist or in a pocket, just in case)
    If you don't wear your Epix for all your easy jogs, the training load/recovery can't be accurate.

  • @cortneywebb1677
    @cortneywebb1677 Год назад

    Perfect explanation love how you said the left vs right side of the tree. I think the same way about some of these minor updates.

  • @ppeeps9690
    @ppeeps9690 Год назад

    Really the best reviews of running watches on RUclips. I have a garmin fenix 6 pro. Really enjoying it, but like you, I want that phone free experience when out for a quick run.

  • @kristidavis8983
    @kristidavis8983 Год назад

    Thanks for the review. I appreciate the "common sense" interpretation of all the features and what they might mean to me, i.e."Do I care if I went left or right around a tree....?" It helps me chill out about not feeling stressed about not spending $$$$ for the best...

  • @melissaheaton1789
    @melissaheaton1789 Год назад

    I have a Garmin Fenix 3 (one size, huge), 6S and now a 7S. Love my 7S Solar. Need to sell my old ones lol. Wonder when the next Fenix is coming out - I won’t need it but I’ll want it. Trail running, 100 milers here. Need good battery life.

  • @AHungryHunky
    @AHungryHunky Год назад +9

    I prefer the MIP display for just day to day readability. Primarily my watch is used to tell time, and read data and the MIP is by far the best for doing that outside where I'm really using the watch.
    However the biggest game changer for me and the primary reason I chose a Fenix over anything else, is the topographic mapping. The Epix is just so much more detailed, especially now that they added shading. Add to that the new radar system on the weather widget, the enhanced battery life (longer than I need) and the fact a flashlight is on the Epix now, and it starts looking more like I'll put up with the AMOLED for normal watch use to gain the better details on the mapping.

    • @Seanonyoutube
      @Seanonyoutube Год назад

      Do you still find the mapping experience superior on epix over MIP when navigating while running in direct sunlight with sunglasses on?

    • @AHungryHunky
      @AHungryHunky Год назад

      @@Seanonyoutube I'm still running my Fenix 6, I just like "window shopping" so to speak with these reviews. I don't really plan on replacing my Fenix until it really starts showing it's age, right now it maintains a week+ battery with an average of an hour a day of GPS, and is still capable of around 40hrs of straight GPS usage . My wife's Vivoactive 4s on the other hand, I plan on replacing next Christmas with either an Epix 2s Pro or a Venu 3s, I just cant decide which she would like more.
      That said I got to play around with an Epix Pro not long ago, and I am back on the Fenix side of things. The greater detail wasn't mind-blowing or anything to me and not worth the trade in battery life or outdoor readability. I'm definitely a function over form guy it turns out.
      Unfortunately I do not wear sunglasses much, so I can't comment on that. The one time I do wear sunglasses is fishing, and I will say I love that my Fenix is totally readable even with polarized glasses, something I can't say is true of my phone. I haven't actually taken an Epix out fishing to know, but maybe next time I get the opportunity to handle one I'll remember to pack my fishing glasses to test it, as that is a deciding factor for me as well.

    • @Seanonyoutube
      @Seanonyoutube Год назад

      @@AHungryHunky thanks for the insight! I’m still torn. I guess I’ll just wait until I have an opportunity to test run them. Too bad in my country return policies aren’t lenient like in the US-otherwise I would have bought both and returned one.

    • @AHungryHunky
      @AHungryHunky Год назад +1

      @@Seanonyoutube That is probably for the best. Functionally they are identical, the Epix just trades battery life for a nice screen. I don't know what you have in your area, but maybe see if some outdoor or fitness stores have a display they would let you play around with

  • @Simob174
    @Simob174 5 месяцев назад

    Came here trying to find a way to spend $1000…. Left realising that this guy is exactly what I needed, my crappy Apple Watch tells me what I need to know. 90% of the new features on the Garmin would appeal to me for about 2 days, then I’d never use them again.
    Brilliant video - Loved the humour and realistic advice

  • @OmahaTonyG
    @OmahaTonyG Год назад +3

    I notice Garmin has the Forerunner 245 on sale. I think it’s a bit closer to my price range.

  • @katherinetonks
    @katherinetonks Год назад +2

    Love my Epix Gen 2 (amateur) although the white gets dirty pretty quickly and the replacement bands don’t quite match (why Garmin, why?). I’m an Apple fangirl but thought the sporty upgrades to the watch yesterday looked unappealing so still can talk myself into one of those.

  • @Captain-Mayday
    @Captain-Mayday Год назад +1

    I spilt my coffee at 0:18. Great intro.

  • @xmarcika
    @xmarcika Год назад +6

    Great video, love your sense of humour! I definitely agree that you don't have to check always all the data and monitor all health stats. I've never been a "data guy" so I'm using probably just 20% of Garmin's functions😂 But still love it! That said, going out without my phone just with the watch would be really great option, but shame that Apple is protecting it's Apple Watch so Garmin watch will probably still have limited calls and text messages functions😐 Thanks for the video! Really appreciate not technical review and opinion🙏

  • @ramblingimbecile2295
    @ramblingimbecile2295 Год назад

    Great video, I like the layman approach because there are so many videos already baffling you with technical data that doesn't really help explain what it's like to live with the watches. Those prices are just eye watering though and I can't justify it. I think for the amoled screen I'm gonna go with the Forerunner 265 myself.

  • @Blipblop6337
    @Blipblop6337 Год назад +3

    The longer I've been wearing smartwatches, the less I care about 24/7 monitoring. In fact, it's often quite nice chucking on my analog Tag Heur and not having something on my wrist incessantly vibrating and telling me what to do. I can't agree more; I wish Apple would make a round watch face. What are your thoughts on the new Garmin Instinct? I loved the old one before I made the jump to the Apple Ultra...

    • @gk_knight
      @gk_knight Год назад +1

      That's why I like Whoop

    • @Blipblop6337
      @Blipblop6337 Год назад +1

      @@gk_knight Yeah, I've been considering something like that, also the aura ring (spelling?), but I have been put off by the subscription model.

  • @darren6028
    @darren6028 Год назад

    Went from Epix Pro, to AWU and back to Epix Pro. Put LTE into the Epix, Garmin wins. I never thought I would need a flashlight in a watch, I cant live without it now!

  • @Umslopogas666
    @Umslopogas666 Год назад +2

    Recently sold my Fenix 7X to go with an Instinct 2X just because it offers everything I could ever need and looks a lot more like a regular GShock which I find incredibly appealing. Never used the touchscreen anyways...

    • @Jay-sd9ye
      @Jay-sd9ye Год назад

      I returned my instinct 2x. It was the red one. I hated the red(which isn't really red). My buttons got mushy in the first month. Also it's more of the same as the other instinct 1 and 2. Not different I didn't buy a different color. I returned it.

    • @Umslopogas666
      @Umslopogas666 Год назад +1

      @@Jay-sd9ye sorry to hear that. I’ve got the green one - no complaints in the looks department. Only had for four weeks now I’ll keep an eye on those buttons though…

  • @niffy99
    @niffy99 Год назад

    ordered the epix 2 pro in 51mm sapphire yesterday, time for an upgrade from my Fenix 6x sapphire

  • @donbracci2199
    @donbracci2199 Год назад

    Great video. I only have one question. Which one will help me get on top of the podium at a duck pond the quickest 😀

  • @BruceJobling
    @BruceJobling Год назад

    Great review. Love the real life review / sense of humour and nods to the 80s! Happy to subscribe.

  • @DanielHKhalid
    @DanielHKhalid 2 месяца назад

    I just picked up my first watch - an EPIX Gen 2 (slate steel) and couldn't be happier.

  • @chubbybabi3
    @chubbybabi3 Год назад +12

    "When you're 14 every MM counts" - Mark Lewis 2:12 - PREACHHHH

  • @olirc
    @olirc Год назад +4

    I'll be interested if and when they enable ECG. Until then there's virtually nothing to gain from upgrading from a Fenix 7X. I also thought the colour screen would come to the Fenix, but I now think they'll eventually do away with the Fenix, and there'll just be the Epix. Still think battery life isn't up to scratch yet, though. Once you delve into the figures it's really no where near the Fenix unless you disable the screen, and then you've got to ask, what's the point in the nice screen if you have to flap your wrist around in an unnatural way just to see it. I'd rather have an AOD and not need to charge it as often.

  • @thenakinavy
    @thenakinavy Год назад

    DC Rainmaker is the one to go to for all the graphs and technical details, some great in depth reviews!

  • @jamesgs27
    @jamesgs27 Год назад

    Awesome video as always Mark, off to get the new bright screen ;)

  • @88guernica
    @88guernica Год назад

    I'm still wearing my 3HR. Showing it's age and really thinking about upgrading to the Fenix 7 Pro

  • @LeeTennant90
    @LeeTennant90 Год назад +1

    Great video. Maybe F8 will go AMOLED. As battery life on that big epix pro is great.
    But still using my Tactix Delta solar I got last year at a great price once the new 7s cane out. Dies more than what I need, battery life in weeks. And only moved from it from my 5 sapphire fir the maos, which are great, especially with Talki toaster maps.
    And yes the inner 80s kid does like the rugged look if the Tactix.

  • @deepdiverdan2746
    @deepdiverdan2746 Год назад

    Thanks mark. Now the proud owner of the Epix pro gen 2, and I’ve also sailed through my first sub 25 5K now too 😁 keep up the awesome content!

  • @Justyburger
    @Justyburger Год назад +1

    I went for the best battery life of the lot. The Garmin Instinct 2 Solar. I don't know where the charging cable is and it doesn't even matter. I work out in the sun and it keeps topping up to 41 days battery life. I still can't get over how good the battery is. I use the torch, I get phone notifications and fiddle around with the watch faces and the battery never runs out. I know I don't have the bright screens or the phone calls of the Ultra, but this watch is fully dependable in the Mad Max dystopia. That's all that matters :) Oh and in the midday sun, the screen is crystal clear. That's Monochrome for you.

  • @danielsaunders563
    @danielsaunders563 Год назад +4

    Agreed with the Fenix 6 and Fenix 7 argument. The incremental differences won't affect the outcome of whatever health benefit it is you are pursuing. An I do wish the Ultra looked a bit tougher, although it is a step tougher looking then the normal Apple watch. In light of the recent announcements from apple watch including pairing to more tech such as power meters and cadence sensors, Apple is definitely treading into the Sports watch arena in a big way, and it won't stop, it looks as if they are all in on this market. And the battery life is completely acceptable for daily exercise routines.
    As for the Epix, the 51 mm with flashlight was exactly what I wanted last year, but as I have the Fenix 7SS it is hardly worth an upgrade to the new Epix.
    If I were a new buyer with no watches at all and a good amount of disposable income, I would definitely buy the Ultra for the Left wrist, and Epix Pro 51mm for the right. That would be the perfect combo for tracking fitness yet still having excellent smartwatch capabilities.
    If I could only buy one, it would be the Ultra, as I don't participate in multi day events, and it has now literally become the most capable watch on the market in both sport and smart watch features. This includes the Work Outdoors App. The Ultra is the only Titanium, Sapphire, big touch screen watch that can track any sport, connect to all my USB devices (except the bike radar which is super important to me actually) and can adjust the heat/AC in my home, open my garage and control the TV volume.
    Anyway, great video as always. Keep it up.

    • @Fozzee.1970
      @Fozzee.1970 Год назад +1

      This is a moot argument with Android users! Epix Pro 51mm all the way!

    • @danielsaunders563
      @danielsaunders563 Год назад

      @@Fozzee.1970 excellent point and the Epix is awesome.

    • @robwetherell
      @robwetherell Год назад

      I use a Fenix 6X on my right wrist and an Apple Watch Series 5 on the left. I record all activities on the Fenix and use the Apple Watch so I don't need to carry my phone, plus I can listen to Apple Music. I bought the Fenix as I didn't have faith in Apple battery for running a marathon! It is slightly weird wearing two watches, but it works for me and that's all that matters.

  • @doubles8993
    @doubles8993 Год назад

    Thanks for showing them in direct and indirect sunlight, is the there a bigger difference while wearing polarized sunglasses?

  • @taffy916
    @taffy916 Год назад

    Great info thanks Mark. I just ordered a Garmin fenix 6X Pro Solar Edition GPS Smartwatch from Cabelas in the US. I live in Colorado and really interested in the Garmin functionality but as its my 1st smartwatch I am really OK with a previous version to try it out and save a few bob. I will use it when we head up the mountains.

  • @DeanPattrick
    @DeanPattrick Год назад +1

    Nice breakdown. I have a 745 which is a few years old now. I think the new Epix will also use the ECG when it's released in Europe. One thing that DC mentioned was that the Epix still uses the older UI and not the new UI found on the 956 🤔 First world problems eh.?

  • @scottporter2513
    @scottporter2513 Год назад

    Really interesting to see the quality improvements in your videos when showing earlier clips. Great work 👏

  • @fergus..
    @fergus.. 4 месяца назад

    Great video mate, this might be a silly question but is there an epix pro and and also an epix pro gen 2?

  • @offdagrid877
    @offdagrid877 Год назад

    Coming from a Suunto 7 the Epix pro 51mm easily viewable at 2\3 brightness in full sun. I got 18 days gesture screen mode with notifications and 30mins commute daily. I hardly use the touch screen which suprised me.

  • @geerthasevoets48
    @geerthasevoets48 Год назад +4

    I agree, Mark. I missed a “big epix”. So i bought the 7X months ago. I bought the Epix 52 mm last week on launch day. And yes, it seems to be the best of all worlds. My 7X is for sale now.

    • @MarkLewisfitness
      @MarkLewisfitness  Год назад +1

      Going to be some bargains 7X out their second hand now.

  • @realinik
    @realinik Год назад

    Thanks Mark, always very interesting, entertaining and informative videos with really good down to earth sport wisdom..brilliant!💪

  • @dakac5
    @dakac5 11 месяцев назад

    Another great video Mark. I just purchased the Fenix 6X pro Solar. Love it! Glad to be out of the Apple.

  • @stevenharris4677
    @stevenharris4677 Год назад

    Another outstanding review. Love that you are happy to give a clear recommendation.

  • @flashy_flashsama5887
    @flashy_flashsama5887 6 месяцев назад

    I’m currently in the decision making between 965 and epix pro gen 2 51mm saphire.
    Opinions much appreciated.
    Wann use the watch mostly for running tho.
    But like the looks of the epics

  • @DaemonViews
    @DaemonViews Год назад +1

    Will wait for the epix 8 and hope that it will have LTE and microphone and speaker.
    I am very happy with my epix but the flashlight and multiband gps make me think about the pro.
    Also newer and me want new shiny things... I wanted the silver rim one as it shows less scratches.
    But now that my epix has been moved to activities and weekend/evening stuff only, I don't mind so much how it looks.
    It goes on my leg during the day and one of my mechanical watches goes on the wrist.
    Thanks to apple's piss poor notification system, it's still nice to have the leg buzz when I get a message.

  • @daveontherun
    @daveontherun Год назад

    I live in South Africa. I bought a Fenix 6 used based on your video. really happy with the purchase. No looking at upgrading to the Fenix 7 used. What price could I pay for that.. really enjoy your content

  • @brannmacfinnchad9056
    @brannmacfinnchad9056 Год назад +2

    You forgot one thing about upgrading from the 6 to the 7pro or Epix 2 Pro...they add the flashlight, which you have said was super useful. And is now available in all three sizes, not just the XL.

    • @HaswellCore
      @HaswellCore Год назад

      He mentioned it's on all sizes of the epix

  • @beegir2002
    @beegir2002 Год назад +12

    Given the developments of the Epix and Fenix lines, I suspect that the those two lines will eventually merge once they put give solar charging support on an oled display, and they can get the battery life in smartwatch mode up to 35+ days consistently.

    • @MarkLewisfitness
      @MarkLewisfitness  Год назад +9

      Agree. I can’t see how they can exist side by side for long

    • @thepatternforms859
      @thepatternforms859 Год назад

      Garmin enduro 2 beats them

    • @1111111111202
      @1111111111202 Год назад

      @@thepatternforms859 doesnt have the new heart rate monitor

    • @thepatternforms859
      @thepatternforms859 Год назад

      @@1111111111202 it’s much more important to have a better battery. None of the wrist based heart rate monitors are great. They are all decent enough but if you really want accurate heart rate data must use a chest strap. Battery on the other hand always is priority

    • @1111111111202
      @1111111111202 Год назад

      @@thepatternforms859 I disagree wrist band hr monitors are bad. My Samsung active 2 was on par with hospital oximeters. Off by 1 or 2 beats at times but always going up and down with it. I tested it. Garmin would be 98% accurate in my estimation.
      My point is the new hr technology also has ECG that will eventually come out with a software update once approved by the FDA.
      It's a whole new feature compared to charging your device 1 more time every month or so.

  • @inelpandzic
    @inelpandzic Год назад +1

    Hey Mark, I just discovered your channel a couple of days ago and really really love it. Wanted to see what do you think about the new WatchOS 10 updates?
    All the best from Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina!

  • @IamDannyM
    @IamDannyM Год назад

    I've got the F7 47mm. Absolutely love it. Only thing I'd critisise is that more often than not, sleep mode although activated, I'll wake up with no data recorded

  • @oldmanaaron
    @oldmanaaron Год назад

    So hard to resist upgrading from my 7X to that beautiful screen.

  • @LarsDigerud
    @LarsDigerud Год назад

    That's it. Sticking with my F6. It does the job. Thx! :)

  • @expat1416
    @expat1416 Год назад

    great content Mark!! really helped me as a fenix 3 owner.. epix!