This is very insightful thank you 🤗🤗🤗 for this incredible program we need more people aware on Conscious Parenting🥰🥰🥰... I loved all the concepts raised by the Amazing guest on Growth vs. Fixed Mindset, Engaging Activities vs. Electronics Usage my favorite one which is the most important concept you raised about "To raise empathic children 😍😍😍 let's first empathize with their emotions though they're little can mean big deal to them to be validated and feelings recognized"
TGye may Almighty God bless u for inviting such kind of amazing MOM and parenting coach for us. I would like to thank Hilina Girma for sharing such king of valuable and wonderful message for parents like me. I have got so much from this valuable life massage. Txs once again!!!!
If possible can you please add the title in English as well, for those of us who don’t read Amarinya? That way, we know what the topic is prior to clicking? Great topic, by the way!
Thank you Tigist very Interesting. Thank you also Helina. It is very interesting.....I really love it. I learnt a lot. I have a lot of information now to invest on me and on my wife and on my Childern. God bless you.
የምትገርም ሰው ነች በእውነት እራሴን እራሴን ነው የሆነችው በቃ እየሆንኩም ያለሁ ለመሆንም የምፈልገውን በሙሉ ያለች የልቤን ሀሳብ በሙሉ ነው የተናገረችው በጣም አመሰግናለው ይሄን መስማት ያለባቸው ሰዋች እንደዚህ አይነት አስተዳደግ ለማሳደግ ስንፈልግ እንቅፋት የሚሆኑን እና ገንዘብን አስበልጠው ልጆቻቸውን ጉዳይ ሳይሉ ለሚያሳድጉ እናት እና አባቶች የሚያስተምር ነው እግዚአብሔር ይስጥልን ለሁለታችሁም
አመሰግናለሁ ስለ መልካም ትምህርታችሁ ጉድለታችንን ማየት የሚያስችል ውይይት ነበር ቲጂ እና ህሊና
ደግሜ ሁለቴ ነው የሰማሁት ካነሳሻቸው ሀሳቦች እብዛኞቹን እያደረኳቸው ነው ከእግዚአብሔር እርዳታ ጋር ግን Teenage ላይ ሲደርሱ ትንሽ ከበድ ይላል 18 እስኪሆናቸው መጨነቃችን አይቀርም ዘመኑ ከፍቷል #በፀሎትም መበርታት ነው በሰው አቅም ብቻ የሚሆን አይደለም 🇺🇸
አባት ለልጆቹ መከራን ይጋፈጣል
እናት ለልጃ መከራን ትጋፈጣለች ልጅ ላይገባት ይችላል ዛሬ ብዙኦቻችን እዚህ ደረጃ ላይ የደረስነው በወላጆቻችን መስዋዕትነት ነው እነሱ ተርበው አብልተውን ነው ወዛቸው የጠፉው ፊታቸው የተጨማደደው ወላጆቻችን ዛሬ ልናፍርባቸው እንችላለን ያፊት ከመጨማዱ በፊት ከኛ ፊት የበለጠ የፈካ ነበር እኛ ስንመጣ ነው የተጨማደደው የእናቶቻችን ጠባሳ የኛ ውበት ነው ወላጆቻችንን ልናከብር ያስፈልጎጋል የወለዱንንም ያልወለዱንንም ማክበር ግዴታችን
Exactly 💯
በጣም ደስ የሚል ነው! ውስጤ ያለውን ነው የተናገረችው! የስንፍና አስተዳደግ ቀላል ነው። በአላማ በንቃት ማሳደግ ነው ከባዱ ስራ።
ያአላህ ምንኛ መታደል ነው ልጆችን በዚህ መልኩ ማሳደግ መቻል ! እናመሰግናለን።
በእውነት እጅግ በጣም አመሰግናችኃላሁ!!! ትልቅ ትምህርት ነው ያስተማራችሁን
This is very insightful thank you 🤗🤗🤗 for this incredible program we need more people aware on Conscious Parenting🥰🥰🥰... I loved all the concepts raised by the Amazing guest on Growth vs. Fixed Mindset, Engaging Activities vs. Electronics Usage my favorite one which is the most important concept you raised about "To raise empathic children 😍😍😍 let's first empathize with their emotions though they're little can mean big deal to them to be validated and feelings recognized"
Wow! What a short and sweet and wonderful message. Thank you for sharing your wisdom mama.
Tigist: one of my favorite ladies on TV. Any TV. Smart,
classy, knowledgeable. God bless.
ልጄ ስለ አንድ ጓደኛዋ ብዙ ግዜ negative ስትናገር እሠማት ነበርና ስለ ጓደኛዋ አዘንኩ ምክንያቱም በምን አይነት ልጅነት ይሆን ያደገችው ብዬ። ሁላችንም የተለያየ የልጅነት አስተዳደግ አልፈናል ዛሬ አድገን በህይወታች ቀውስ ይፈጥራል እሡን ቀውስ ነው ማህበረሠቡጋ ይዘን የምንገባው ከሠውጋ አለመስማማት አንዱ ወደ ኋላ ዞረን ማየት
I’m always proud of you. What you are doing is great for our nation. Tgye thank you so much for having Helu. 💚💛❤️
ቲጂዬዬዬ & ህሊና እናመሰግናችኋለን ብዙ ጠቃሚ ነገር አግኝቻለሁ bless you
በጣም ጥሩ ምክር ነው ። ነገር ግን ግማሽ በግማሽ እንጊሊዘኛ ቃላት መጠቀም ምን ያክል የአገሪቷን ሕብረተሠብ ነው የሚረዳችሁ ? ! ቢታሠብበት 😌
Helina, I Thank you for your effort to help the others everywhere, very professional and constructive as well. Good job!!
በጣም በጣም ጠቃሚ ውይይት ነው፡፡ እናመሰግናለን ህሉ!
Heluye, you are amazing and a blessing to many. Proud of you!
Keep shining
ዋው ተባረኪልኝ እህታችን
የሚገርም ምክር ነው በተለይ በውጭው አለም ያለን ወላጆች ጠቃሚ ምክር ነው ለኢትዮጵያዊ እናቶች እንከን ባይወጣልንም እንደ ባለማወቅ የምንሳሳተውን ለማረም ጠቃሚ ምክር ነው።
It’s a great advice!! Thanks 🙏
ምርጥ ትምህርት ነው
Thank u our sister's, we have so much problem most off Tanager parents, god help for all families
Alsom discussion Helena you are professional we learn a lot thank you so much
ልጅ ማሳደግና አትክልት ማሳደግ ሁለቱም አንድ ናቸው !
Wow Heluye God Bless you . This was amazing. I have learned a lot from this. Keep on shining, keep on sharing Heluye. Thank you EBS for inviting Helu!
Thank you Tigist and Hilina!!
ለወላጆች በጣም ጥሩ ምክር ነው
Endet gobez astesaseb ena asteyayet. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you
God bless you both ! big respect!!
Thank you May God blessed you
Very good idea and job working on moms
TGye may Almighty God bless u for inviting such kind of amazing MOM and parenting coach for us. I would like to thank Hilina Girma for sharing such king of valuable and wonderful message for parents like me. I have got so much from this valuable life massage. Txs once again!!!!
Selam tigi. Beqedemiya Egziabeher yebarekesh tiru asetemari Programm nw yemetaqerebilene.... Bemeqetel Egziabeher befeked beqerebu ye lij enat ehonalew... Lij endet masadeg endalebige bezu asebalew... Esti tiru asetemariwoch yemetaweqeyachew...or metsehaf yetetekemeshebachew kalu betenegerige des yelegale . Tebareki
Thank you 🙏
I love this program 🙏
wow sweet
Very informative👍
If possible can you please add the title in English as well, for those of us who don’t read Amarinya? That way, we know what the topic is prior to clicking? Great topic, by the way!
If you don't understand Amharic, how do you know if it's a great topic? 🤔
@@mehirethabte2911 I can understand what they are saying but I can’t read and write Amharic.
Egiziyabhir edime Tena yisitishi
Thank you Tigist very Interesting. Thank you also Helina. It is very interesting.....I really love it. I learnt a lot. I have a lot of information now to invest on me and on my wife and on my Childern. God bless you.
Tigiya Ena helenaye became teri temhert name katelubate its to calenging gene ljocacene kanga Ballew eyastemarun new en katlibate mekrun
ፕሮፋይሌን በመጫን የኢትዮጵያ ኦርቶዶክስ ተዋሕዶ ቤተክርስቲያን Nonstop መዝሙሮችን ያድምጡ ሰብስክራይብ ማድረግዎንም አይርሱ አገራችንን ሰላም ያድርግልን ፣💚💛❤️🙏
ሲጀመር ሳታድጊ ለምን ትወልጂያለሽ? 😂
Thank You
thank you