Greetings from Jackson, GA USA. I really like your design of Digi-leg stilts. I have somewhat deciphered your posting and I have found the extruded aluminum in your exact size in my area however? Either I missed or haven't figured out the lengths of extruded Aluminum you used. These measurements would greatly help me in my build of materials. All the brackets, screws, nuts, washers, straps and buckles are readily available in my area as well. Your help in this matter would be greatly appreciated. Best regards.
If you made these with a smaller 'foot', would it be possible to walk on them as long as your balance can keep you steady or are the wide feet needed for the structure?
Класс!) А подскажите пожалуйста, конструкционные профили каких длин вы использовали в видео? И какого размера крепёжные уголки использовали? Заранее благодарю)
Hey Brian, Greetings from Georgia, USA. If you know what over all length the extrude aluminum parts are? PLEASE let me know. I found a place on the internet that sells that same aluminum but? it's priced PER FOOT and I see no sense in buying any more than what is needed. Thanks in advance.
Greetings from Jackson, GA USA. I really like your design of Digi-leg stilts. I have somewhat deciphered your posting and I have found the extruded aluminum in your exact size in my area however? Either I missed or haven't figured out the lengths of extruded Aluminum you used. These measurements would greatly help me in my build of materials. All the brackets, screws, nuts, washers, straps and buckles are readily available in my area as well. Your help in this matter would be greatly appreciated. Best regards.
Woah, those look amazing!!!
If you made these with a smaller 'foot', would it be possible to walk on them as long as your balance can keep you steady or are the wide feet needed for the structure?
the wider the foot, the more stable
I would like to ask, will it be tiring to wear this? , how long can you stand with it?
Класс!) А подскажите пожалуйста, конструкционные профили каких длин вы использовали в видео? И какого размера крепёжные уголки использовали? Заранее благодарю)
I'm just gonna head to the hardware store real quick.
Hey Brian, Greetings from Georgia, USA. If you know what over all length the extrude aluminum parts are? PLEASE let me know. I found a place on the internet that sells that same aluminum but? it's priced PER FOOT and I see no sense in buying any more than what is needed. Thanks in advance.
И где вы купили такой уголок с пластиной? Ни на одном сайте найти не могу, даже Леруа мерлен
Ну сходите в ближайший строительный гипермаркет и найдете 100%
А каким инструментом вы закручиваете все болты? И сколько примерно по стоимости выходит это всё?
Гаечный ключ, восьмигранник и шуруповёрт. По цене точно не скажу но на все ушло больше 50$ и это пару лет назад
What language does he speak ??
Какой примерно вес выходит у такой конструкции?
К сожалению я их не взвешивал, но по ощущениям примерно 1.5кг
А размеры можно?
Размеры нужно подгонять по своей ноге