“Kill the Justice League” The ENTIRE Justice League? Do they know, how MASSIVE, the JL is? It’s not the Avengers, it’s not an hyper exclusive club, it’s a LEAGUE, there’s like easily over 50 heroes, not just the big ones, and even then, they missed Aquaman, Green Arrow, Martian Manhunter, and Cyborg! Like come on, Martian Manhunter and Green Arrow have been main members since BEFORE the 2000s STOP FREAKING SHAFTING THEM!! Cyborg is a newer addition but he’s still been around for decades. Entire Justice League and it’s 5 MEMBERS OF A 50+ STRONG ORGANIZATION OKAY 😂😂😂
@@auliamateyeah but you could probably say the same thing about the Avengers. The core team was Hulk, Thor, Ironman, Cap, Antman and Wasp. Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Black Panther, and Vision, are late additions. Carol when she was an avenger is also a late addition(my brain just completely forgot about Hawkeye and Blackwidow). Thats 14 members already. Then you add to the fact im pretty sure 70% of the superhero population in Marvel is an Avenger. Both teams are giant revolving doors. In both universes they have so many members they have side teams.
@@zaneheaston8254As far as I'm aware, this is the only bad game they've made so far. Even their first game Urban Chaos: Riot Response is generally considered a hidden gem nowadays.
@@zaneheaston8254 0-1 in terms of good and bad games, considering the Rocksteady who made this game aren't the same as the Rocksteady who made the Arkham games, basically the Ship of Theseus, but for Rocksteady
honestly this game would make a lot more sense if they had batman helping the ss instead of wonder woman. batman knows how to stop all of them and its Arkham batman so it would make sense for him to be helping
he has plans but he wouldn’t be able execute them…wonder women is the only one who could rival superman which makes her the obvious choice for fighting the other league members… plus batman doesn’t have a contingency plan for wonder women cuz she’s so strong
@@boomboom433yeah that’s why they should’ve made a Wonder Woman game of her having to kill her friends. It would’ve been better than this if handled properly. But muh MP and muh loot boxes and muh guns
Why didnt they have batman be the one that wasnt brainwashed instead of wonder woman? Its well known that batman has a series of contingencies to use against the league if something exactly like this were to happen. Have him be a reluctant mentor that struggles with idea of killing his teammates and friends, an idea the main characters are all too happy to do. Have him be like a training dummy that helps you with new controls and abilities but also effortlessly defeats you once youve got a hand on the new mechanics, just to reinstill how much more powerful he is than you the player. Have him slowly train you to be capable of beating someone like the flash(something i think is almost impossible to do properly in a video game, like seriously superspeed is insanely overpowered) by using methods only the smartest detective in the world can come up with, implement, and follow through with. Would this be a better way of doing this? Am i crazy?
@@saikaamri5871Even with this concept you could still have that. Once you unlock all your skills batman could become brainwashed and then you have to kill him. And instead of reveling in his death like the other league members the suicide squad could actually be sad due to thier bond they built throughout the game.
A lot of people forget that King Shark is an actual king of an underwater country separate from Atlantis,so he is actually pretty smart and speaks like a noble,he just has a “Shark” accent
I was one of the 12% who actually gave a damn about this game when it was announced, I really did want to like this game and yet all of that came crashing faster than how long it took me to get tired of captain boomerang being called boomer as a joke
This game actually is pretty fun at least for me. I like it but I also like Gotham Knights and Midnight Suns. People have different tastes in games after all which is fine. I've definitely seen worse. If anything I'd call this more mid like a 6.5 but not "bad". The loot actually feels useful and unique unlike Avengers for example
@@fuzzyotterpaws4395 I just hate that people are comparing it to the ARKHAM GAMES. Its set in the same universe but its very obviously a different GENRE. Its a LOOTER SHOOTER. I've literally seen reviewers say "well you just end up shooting things and all you do is grab loot to get bigger loot". Yes... LOOTER SHOOTER? Compare it to Destiny, borderlands and warframe. Obviously at its current state its beneath all of them but holy fuck im so tired- all 3 of those games you do the same shit lol ITS THE GENRE.
*"This game would be fun to play with friends, if I had any."* Well, knowing you, you'll force people to be your friends so you can force them to play games with you.
I don’t think they know what cinematic means. The Arkham games were cinematic because they made you out to be feel like you were Batman in a Batman film or tv show
Honestly, this game looks like about half the dev team had some good ideas, and the other half didn't know they were working on the game until two days before it was out.
@@radicalindividual7774don't you dare blame this shit show on us gays it ain't our fault rocksteady makes the games but the people that own the rights to Batman media (movies games etc) wanted a live service game
@@radicalindividual7774yeah man, "the gays did it" definitely makes more sense than it just being run of the mill live service fuckery. *Homophobes try to make a coherent point challenge* (90% can't pass) [not click bait] {gone *SENSUAL* }
All comics are silly, but Suicide Squad is just hilarious as a concept. "Okay, the Justice League is made up of three practical gods, a guy who can run so fast that anyone he passes by turns into a fine red mist, The Friggin' Batman, and you can't hide in the ocean because there's a really sexy guy down there. How could we contain them?" "Well; we got a sniper that's, like, super good, a dude with a boomerang, a guy with a really bad skin condition, and a hot goth chick with a baseball bat... oh! Wait! We have a god! South American fire deity guy!" "... Do you have five more of him?" "Nah... but we're good to go, I think!"
Yes, seriously. This isn't a game it's a soulless product outside of those, like not even in a "ha ha, all games are products" but it's so nonsensical. Just think long and hard, how they have a character named Captain Boomerang, who uses crazy gadget Boomerangs....pick up assault rifles and just shoot things majority of the time. Absolutely creatively bankrupt
They could have replaced Wonder Woman's role with Batman and it would make 90% more sense, like he was the last dude u would expect to turn to the dark side.
Just watched a comparison video of ...this and the 9 years older Arkham Knight. AK doesn’t just look better, the gameplay and fighting is so much more satisfying!
@@mncrft3386 No its not, its a stupid retcon 😂 they basically said that the deadshot we've seen for two games that was obviously deadshot was an imposter the whole time and that the new one who we've never seen before is supposed to be the real one.
Bruh how he foreshadowed the intense amount of cut scenes near the beginning of the game 😂 I'm quite a DC fan so I'd sit through it all but it must be a pain for most
@@TheBatCat101 Same reason Harley was able to beat Nightwing in her Arkham Knight DLC? Also I wouldn’t go that far, I doubt King Shark could be taken down by one brainiac thug
They took a look at Gotham Knights and went "Well people hated that game soooo... make annnother onnnne?" With uncertainty I've found that the games that have the most REPEATED ads are gonna be the WORST. There are a few exceptions but for the most part this is how I keep my streak of which games are bad and which are good
Let's make something perfectly clear here...this is Rocksteady by name only...anything that was connected to the beloved Arkham games are long gone and made their own studio
When i heard loot boxes I just knew this is gonna be a bad game cuz a good one doesn't need these things PS: thanks for the likes, second what I meant is that on the DC genre of games loot boxes/ chests didn't had any of this yet it blew up for example injustice 1&2 you get cosmetics by doing missions and playing the game more and what's worse is this game is becoming more like cyberpunk where you can get better things by luck and that doesn't really get a good rep these past years.
@@lapisgaming6093 it wasn't though, Battlefield 1, Titanfall 2, Xcom 2, Dark Souls 3, Witcher 3, Uncharted 4, Stellaris, Killing Floor 2. All games much better than Overwatch ever was. Fifa 17 also came out that year which according to 'fifa fans' it was the best one.
@@TheVincenzoGaming one of not the best. I'm just saying loot boxes doesn't make a game bad. If a game is ass with loot boxes it's because the loot boxes are the main focus and not the gameplay/actives.
@@TheVincenzoGaming for me I was more into shooters so overwatch around that era was my favorite good game. I played so much that I was a top 500 player but I know there was other good games out there and i wouldn't say overwatch is the best game ever in the era. But it's a good example that loot boxes doesn't immediately make a game bad. A lot it was due to how easy it was to farm them tho.
When monetization takes priorities before actual gameplay you know it will be bad. And it is. There was a solid game before upper management told them to monetize it to hell and back.
The game is like another example of "dont judge a book by its cover:" it has a pretty facade but ugly on the inside when you really pay attention to the story.
Yeah, the game showed Rocksteady were NOT experts in making a multiplayer game (first rule, LESS FORCED CUTSCENES! Multiplayer means players are playing for the action and LESS for the story. If you want to be cutscenes heavy. You DO NOT BE A LIVE SERVICE GAME where the servers can go down at a moment notice while some poor slob is stuck in a 4 minute cutscene! You want to be a 4 minute cutscene with another 4 minutes after. You be an offline single-player)
please know that the founders of rocksteady left to make their own new studio for gaming before this game was released, that tells you everything you need to know
@@saikaamri5871Frankly my "Four Delays too many" rule told me what I needed to know! Doesn't really need to be FOUR but I've learned TWO DECADES AGO that if a game gets delayed TOO long and too many times without a good enough reason (Last one before this one was Mighty Number 9 back on the WiiU....Man em I old LOL) then it's likely a good idea to wait and see. Frankly in the last 5 or so years since Fallout 76, I evolved it into "not preordering anything I've yet to see a gameplay video of! And I mean a REAL gameplay video! Frankly if "The Division" and "The Days Before" didn't teach you to tell the difference between FAKE gameplay videos designed to LOOK like gameplay to deceive! Then I don't know what to say to you then! (I learned to spot this shit back in the "Aliens Colonial Marines" years LOL) but yeah I don't Day 1 buy shit unless I KNOW what I'm getting (Last One I can remember is Fire Emblem Engage back in the January of last year! I haven't pre-ordered since! I did want to with Star Ocean 2 remake, but I'm in "savings mode" right now to get some extra stuff. So I have to get it on a sale or whatever (when I'm in this m) redemption
I'm glad that you still spoke about and didn't ignore the food parts of the game. It's not inherently all round bad it's just bogged down by unnecessary cutscenes and samey gameplay
9:20 i always found that funny like even in the future villans just steal gear from these places hell a hero called booster gold was just a janitor that stole some time travel tech and hero gear from the museum he worked at to go back into the past and become a hero there
They missed an opportunity to have a running gag with King Shark where he’s dumb af but randomly when no one is around he says something extremely intellectual to Captain boomerang. So no one ever believes him when he tries to tell them king shark is actually smart.
Straight up I think this game could have been fun if it weren’t something fans have waited 9 years for, and if we were taking out a different version of the Justice League it could admittedly be funny. Have me take out George Clooney’s Batman or something that would be funny af
there was just so more that could have gone way better. At the core of it, the game isn't bad, but there's so much BAD that it washes the good stuff down the drain
@@b-reel5298 I really cant be that upset with rocksteady. If the game wasn't live service and tweaked how things were done, it honestly would have been the best game of ALL TIME
I had this idea that the next game could tie into batman beyond where Bruce survived knightfall and is mission control for Terry while we play as Terry's batman. And this batman beyond game actually felt like an Arkham game. But what do I know
From the intros explanation, it looks like the game was good until every common plaster in mistake the industry had was added Lootboxes Tutorials Cutscenes cutting in on the action It has it all!
"Well written charcters"? Arkham Harley lecturing Batman on moralty is a real well written scene. Not like Arkham Harley didn't kill children, torture Jason with Joker, or killed thousands, or anything. XD
It’s like Rocksteady fired every single person who ever worked on an Arkham game, and WB then fired every single person who worked on Origins, and both only exclusively looked for people who never played or even knew what the Arkham games were, and we got this game. To add salt to the wound, they slapped in music from the Arkham games and Easter eggs to be like “Remember Arkham? Remember when we were cool? We still could be… just play our cutscene game!”
[❌] Making a Spin-off for the Arkham franchise where you play as Nightwing or Red Hood after Batman's death. [✔] Making a lazy live-service shooter where you play with TikToker Harley and the rest of her modern crew to kill the entire Justice League.
They already did that lol and that game was HUGE FLOP Ik Gotham Knights isnt connected to the Arkham timeline but they prob weren’t trying to make the same game again just in this timeline 😂
@@TropicalBishes Gotham Knights sort of has a different time-line. I'm speaking about a direct Spin-off for the Arkham time-line. The one where Batman died after defeating Scarecrow... Only well made, unlike Gotham Knights, of course.
It would have been so much more interesting to me if the justice league had fought together with the suicide squad against a bigger evil. And the suicide squad had to do the morally more questionable tasks.
Game being set in the Arkham Universe feels like they want to either make more games in that universe in the future or piggyback off the clout the arkham games.
I love how all the JL members deaths are so... unceremonious. You'd expect for these super iconic characters to have epic and dramatic deaths but nah. You riddle them with bullets for 5 minutes and then at the end they just fall over and die without a word. It's honestly kind of hilarious how anticlimactic these deahts are, especially Batmans. Guy just sits on a park bench and gets shot in the head by Harley Quinn after getting lectured about "trauma". So much for Kevin Conroy last role as Batman, they definitely didn't send him off in style.
0:48 also, they killed Kevin Conroys Batman with shot in the head instead of a proper send off, but that’s just me and I’d love to be proven wrong if you’d like to talk about it
@Birdbrain Brainiac has no power over the fundamental operations of a Green Lantern ring. It should have sought out a new wielder immediately upon GL's death. Begone, tourist!
I thought I was dreaming honestly. This is literally one of the basic stuff in DC, it's the equivalent of explaining the Bat signal. There's NO way someone can miss that if they've even red a wikipedia page of GL.
You have to finish the game. That’s literally still introduction. It’s much better with friends and the boss fights are the best part. The first Batman fight is literally tutorial
"AAA" game design: If its the campaign, you can have your minute of fun once you've finished all your cutscenes. If its the "endgame", then you can have your minute of fun once you've finished all your grinding. I can't tell if I'm playing a video game, or doing chores for my Mom...
This is literally the Saints Row of the DCAU games and not any Saints Row, ohhhh no, that would actually be entertaining. This is the SAINTS ROW 4 of the DCAU.
After playing this I wish that... Actually, never mind I don't think RUclips would like that. Note: This is a joke don't take seriously, I'm perfectly fine.
This game is the equivalent of escalator land from Fairly Odd Parents.
"When do we get to the ride?"
"This IS the ride!"
The ironic thing about your statement is that Timmy Turner's voice actor is the actress who play Harley Quinn in this game.
@@harismohammad7294 and I ooop 😂😂😂😂
Yipeeeeee 😂
@@harismohammad7294 i can't not hear timmy turner every time harley speaks
"Gollum had more action than this does"… That was *savage* 🤣
Imagine working on a game for 9 years, and a reviewer says this. 😂
It's really not true tho
@@dero2430And the 4 Arkham games came out in the span of six years......
It kind of is. @@Sauce_Man24
How even
I love how everyone single person has said "killing the entire justice league" but aquaman has just been chilling laughing
lol it’s so funny how he got left out, aquaman just clueless in the ocean wondering why his justice league friends haven’t called him 😂
It's 2024. Aquaman is DLC
And Cyborg is just playing videogames at home, while Martian Manhunter went on a space trip. Suppose Green Arrow is on a hunting trip in Alaska
“Kill the Justice League”
The ENTIRE Justice League? Do they know, how MASSIVE, the JL is? It’s not the Avengers, it’s not an hyper exclusive club, it’s a LEAGUE, there’s like easily over 50 heroes, not just the big ones, and even then, they missed Aquaman, Green Arrow, Martian Manhunter, and Cyborg! Like come on, Martian Manhunter and Green Arrow have been main members since BEFORE the 2000s STOP FREAKING SHAFTING THEM!! Cyborg is a newer addition but he’s still been around for decades. Entire Justice League and it’s 5 MEMBERS OF A 50+ STRONG ORGANIZATION OKAY 😂😂😂
@@auliamateyeah but you could probably say the same thing about the Avengers. The core team was Hulk, Thor, Ironman, Cap, Antman and Wasp. Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Black Panther, and Vision, are late additions. Carol when she was an avenger is also a late addition(my brain just completely forgot about Hawkeye and Blackwidow). Thats 14 members already. Then you add to the fact im pretty sure 70% of the superhero population in Marvel is an Avenger. Both teams are giant revolving doors. In both universes they have so many members they have side teams.
Old Rocksteady: Used to be rock steady
New Rocksteady: On thin Ice
honorable mention
What other bad games has Rocksteady released? Because if this is the only one, there are still 3-1
@@zaneheaston8254As far as I'm aware, this is the only bad game they've made so far. Even their first game Urban Chaos: Riot Response is generally considered a hidden gem nowadays.
@@zaneheaston8254The people who made the previous games good are gone
@@zaneheaston8254 0-1 in terms of good and bad games, considering the Rocksteady who made this game aren't the same as the Rocksteady who made the Arkham games, basically the Ship of Theseus, but for Rocksteady
Maybe in another universe rocksteady made a really good Superman game.
Or a Batman Beyond game. Both are great ideas
I want a good Superman game so bad
Maybe don't tell that to Angry Joe.
Our a Red Hood game would be cool😢
but their is already a good Superman game. Superman 64.
Shark: “nothing can stop me!”
Cutscene: 👀
Winner of the comment section, nailed it!
honestly this game would make a lot more sense if they had batman helping the ss instead of wonder woman. batman knows how to stop all of them and its Arkham batman so it would make sense for him to be helping
Exactly 💯💯
he has plans but he wouldn’t be able execute them…wonder women is the only one who could rival superman which makes her the obvious choice for fighting the other league members… plus batman doesn’t have a contingency plan for wonder women cuz she’s so strong
@@boomboom433 *Crispy Wonder Woman go brrr*
@@boomboom433yeah that’s why they should’ve made a Wonder Woman game of her having to kill her friends. It would’ve been better than this if handled properly. But muh MP and muh loot boxes and muh guns
“batman helping the ss”
Sounds so wrong out of context
Why didnt they have batman be the one that wasnt brainwashed instead of wonder woman? Its well known that batman has a series of contingencies to use against the league if something exactly like this were to happen. Have him be a reluctant mentor that struggles with idea of killing his teammates and friends, an idea the main characters are all too happy to do. Have him be like a training dummy that helps you with new controls and abilities but also effortlessly defeats you once youve got a hand on the new mechanics, just to reinstill how much more powerful he is than you the player. Have him slowly train you to be capable of beating someone like the flash(something i think is almost impossible to do properly in a video game, like seriously superspeed is insanely overpowered) by using methods only the smartest detective in the world can come up with, implement, and follow through with. Would this be a better way of doing this? Am i crazy?
Damn, this is actually a really good and far more interesting concept.
Because sweet baby inc was involved and is a feminist organization that hates men so
still was fun to see a murderous batman leaving a trail of bodies
@@saikaamri5871Even with this concept you could still have that.
Once you unlock all your skills batman could become brainwashed and then you have to kill him.
And instead of reveling in his death like the other league members the suicide squad could actually be sad due to thier bond they built throughout the game.
A lot of people forget that King Shark is an actual king of an underwater country separate from Atlantis,so he is actually pretty smart and speaks like a noble,he just has a “Shark” accent
And he uses a " GUN "
Yes and no, he's a noble so he knows fancy words, but in the comics he's still not very smart, he just wants to try and make people think he is
I was one of the 12% who actually gave a damn about this game when it was announced, I really did want to like this game and yet all of that came crashing faster than how long it took me to get tired of captain boomerang being called boomer as a joke
But they call him boomer a lot, in a lot of things, it's not even a boomer joke it's just a nickname lol
@@GrimViridianyet he barely uses his LITERAL signature weapon, instead wielding an AR? Weird adherence to some bits but not others.
That what happens when they try once again to make a avengers like games
This game actually is pretty fun at least for me. I like it but I also like Gotham Knights and Midnight Suns. People have different tastes in games after all which is fine. I've definitely seen worse. If anything I'd call this more mid like a 6.5 but not "bad". The loot actually feels useful and unique unlike Avengers for example
@@fuzzyotterpaws4395 I just hate that people are comparing it to the ARKHAM GAMES. Its set in the same universe but its very obviously a different GENRE. Its a LOOTER SHOOTER. I've literally seen reviewers say "well you just end up shooting things and all you do is grab loot to get bigger loot". Yes... LOOTER SHOOTER? Compare it to Destiny, borderlands and warframe. Obviously at its current state its beneath all of them but holy fuck im so tired- all 3 of those games you do the same shit lol ITS THE GENRE.
That whole batman section gave me goosebumps. That was rocksteady blinking in and out of coma.
More like Suicide Squad Kills Rocksteady.
Imagine wasting 9 years and hundreds of millions to make a dead on arrival live service game lmao
@@detectivemadoka69420are you stupid ?
More like Sweet Baby Inc Kills Gaming
Rock not steady because they fell off
We can only hope.
*"This game would be fun to play with friends, if I had any."*
Well, knowing you, you'll force people to be your friends so you can force them to play games with you.
I heard that you can't link with friends unless they bought their own copy...
That is wack 😂
@@iLoveBuckets69 I know for the Avenger's game you can set up the link as a host and people can join in
When one of the big selling points the devs used was “more cinematics than any Arkham game.” I knew the cutscenes were gonna be annoying.
I don’t think they know what cinematic means. The Arkham games were cinematic because they made you out to be feel like you were Batman in a Batman film or tv show
Why play Kill the Justice League when Lego DC Super Villains exists?
Completely different games made by different companies
@KanekiAogiri5 at least the Lego one is fun
The actually good game involving the Justice League
Yeah The Lego one doesn't have a replusive Harley Quinn design, AND IT'S JUST BLOCKS
@@Pikerber they’re both fun but aight
Honestly, this game looks like about half the dev team had some good ideas, and the other half didn't know they were working on the game until two days before it was out.
Im convinced the other half were on crack when writing this bs story
its a fucking mystery how they went from arkham series to this shit
Yeah. A total mystery. *looks at completely irrelevant, non-related rainbow flag*
A total mystery, I tell you.
@@radicalindividual7774don't you dare blame this shit show on us gays it ain't our fault rocksteady makes the games but the people that own the rights to Batman media (movies games etc) wanted a live service game
@@radicalindividual7774yeah man, "the gays did it" definitely makes more sense than it just being run of the mill live service fuckery.
*Homophobes try to make a coherent point challenge* (90% can't pass) [not click bait] {gone *SENSUAL* }
@@radicalindividual7774 you're insane
@@Machosause Sure buddy. Around, around, around we go. Every 100 years.
There's no way this game needs to be in arkhamverse
"Golem had more action than this." Bro really just insulted them to the highest degree.
2004 - 2015: Rocksteady
2024: Geodestable.
All comics are silly, but Suicide Squad is just hilarious as a concept.
"Okay, the Justice League is made up of three practical gods, a guy who can run so fast that anyone he passes by turns into a fine red mist, The Friggin' Batman, and you can't hide in the ocean because there's a really sexy guy down there. How could we contain them?"
"Well; we got a sniper that's, like, super good, a dude with a boomerang, a guy with a really bad skin condition, and a hot goth chick with a baseball bat... oh! Wait! We have a god! South American fire deity guy!"
"... Do you have five more of him?"
"Nah... but we're good to go, I think!"
Suicide squad works as a black ops dirty operations team
Wow. A live service looter shooter with microtransactions. Never saw something like this.
"Gollum had more action going on than this game does,"
So realistically I just need to watch the cut scenes and I'll enjoy the game for free 😂😂
Bet there's some 'Suicide Squad Video Game Movie" stuff out there already lol.
Yes, seriously. This isn't a game it's a soulless product outside of those, like not even in a "ha ha, all games are products" but it's so nonsensical. Just think long and hard, how they have a character named Captain Boomerang, who uses crazy gadget Boomerangs....pick up assault rifles and just shoot things majority of the time. Absolutely creatively bankrupt
I speak for everyone when I say we WILL be playing as soon as they drop the nude harley mod
Done that and I missed basically no content
Enjoy? Would you really?
A moment of silence for Kevin Conroy's final voiceacting role as Batman being wasted on whatever this is
he read the script bro
I hate to break it to you, but Conroy was clearly fine with the script, considering he accepted the job
They could have replaced Wonder Woman's role with Batman and it would make 90% more sense, like he was the last dude u would expect to turn to the dark side.
Kev out here taking the hits so we don't have to, he's basically Jesus, but like, drinks more
I dunno Jesus could turn water into wine, in my mind that's not a superpower a non alcoholic would have
Jesus: I’m sorry, did you think the “water to wine” was a one time thing???
@@Werewolf.with.Internet.Access literally bleeds wine
Jesus: Alcoholism literally runs in my veins
King Shark: Journalism is a higher cause
Warner Bros: mot sending review codes to journalists
that's all folks
“This sucks on ice”
Scout tf2 2009
I thought TF2 came out in 2007
Never pre-order, never buy day 1, and never purchase microtransactions strikes again!
The gameplay reminds me a lot of Sunset Overdrive with the focus on movement, combos and dealing with groups of enemies.
shut your mouth
Yea but the difference is that sunset overdrive is an actual game because this doesn't deserve to be classified as a game, nevermind a good one😂
@@wmj1860so u telling me that Gotham Knights is better than this game and that u rather play GK over SSKTJL
@ricothelegend7549 yes
@@ricothelegend7549Gotham Knights at least made good use of its characters
NOW, after the walking dead, King Kong, and the day before, you start to appreciate the beautiful masterpiece that is Gollum.
Metropolis looks the most originally generic city ever. It really looks like Saints Row IV but in 2024 and without the fun part that saved that game.
WW got a fun send off Batman, GL, Flash got degrading send offs
Sweetbaby Inc.. explains it all
Its because they ARE MEN. Men don't get an HONORABLE SEND OFF unless its a JAPANESE GAME!
Fuck this shit! Sweet baby Inc fucking MURDERED this series!
Yep especially Batman as this is the same universe as Arkham Batman and he dies from a gun shot to his suit (which is bullet proof)
considering we only got time with batman (who had a pretty bad death) killing off any of the justice league would feel bad
Brain rot is real man. See a doctor
Just watched a comparison video of ...this and the 9 years older Arkham Knight. AK doesn’t just look better, the gameplay and fighting is so much more satisfying!
The fact they directly push off the fact dead shot isn't the same is kinda funny
Why not make it bloodsport?
no it isn't. It's just a retcon and a good retcon at it, game has many issues but this isn't one of them lol
@@mncrft3386really explains how this is a good retcon i dare you
@@mncrft3386eh. Small shit but I'll take the smallest thing ever Ober not getting a flash game..at all.
@@mncrft3386 No its not, its a stupid retcon 😂 they basically said that the deadshot we've seen for two games that was obviously deadshot was an imposter the whole time and that the new one who we've never seen before is supposed to be the real one.
You better do a 'I beat Suicide Squad so you don't have to', I'm not buying it to see how it ends
"You can pop all the balloons."
You can also pop the game
Marvel flopped with The Avengers live service garbage...So DC decides to do the same thing.
Makes total sense🤦🏾♂
"Big delusional corporations trying to understand what people really want" mission impossible
@@zekkekeipa6521 Ikr? Reminds me of Blizzard telling all the long-time PC Diablo fans that we want a mobile Diablo game because we own cell phones...
@@tizodd6Let's not forget Blizzard giving the middle finger when they announced the PVE mode for Overwarch and cancelled it.
@@MikeTheEnforcer I was really looking forward to that tbh. I've always liked the aesthetics of Overwatch, but I've never been a fan of PvP.
@@tizodd6oh sweet summer child, you did that’s why it made so much money.
So many people who clowned them were playing it day 1 anyway.
Bruh how he foreshadowed the intense amount of cut scenes near the beginning of the game 😂 I'm quite a DC fan so I'd sit through it all but it must be a pain for most
They really did Flash dirty.
Especially with that poor attempt of a pp joke after he died.
10/10, peak gaming writing there
Have you ever thought about who killed him? The suicide squad, they don’t care about respect or class
Well to be fair, I could totally see Boomerang doing something like that
@@cooldude2027 Well, to be fair, just one brainiac thug could've just beat the shit out of the suicide squad but they didn't. Why?
@@TheBatCat101 Same reason Harley was able to beat Nightwing in her Arkham Knight DLC? Also I wouldn’t go that far, I doubt King Shark could be taken down by one brainiac thug
@@cooldude2027isn’t king shark a demi god or something?
They took a look at Gotham Knights and went "Well people hated that game soooo... make annnother onnnne?" With uncertainty
I've found that the games that have the most REPEATED ads are gonna be the WORST. There are a few exceptions but for the most part this is how I keep my streak of which games are bad and which are good
The Skyrim loading screen joke was so accurate!
"well i got a surprise of my own"
* Kratos dives off the building
Let's make something perfectly clear here...this is Rocksteady by name only...anything that was connected to the beloved Arkham games are long gone and made their own studio
Funny how Cere Junda stopped being a Jedi just to take control of the Suicide Squad🤣🤣
This game couldve been good if it was a singleplayer/coop story game and in its own established universe
When i heard loot boxes I just knew this is gonna be a bad game cuz a good one doesn't need these things
PS: thanks for the likes, second what I meant is that on the DC genre of games loot boxes/ chests didn't had any of this yet it blew up for example injustice 1&2 you get cosmetics by doing missions and playing the game more and what's worse is this game is becoming more like cyberpunk where you can get better things by luck and that doesn't really get a good rep these past years.
Og overwatch had them and in it's prime it was one of the best games around. Loot boxes dont immediately mean trash.
They are not lootboxes, they are loot chests that you earn after doing a mission, typical of a lotther shotter like in booderlands
@@lapisgaming6093 it wasn't though, Battlefield 1, Titanfall 2, Xcom 2, Dark Souls 3, Witcher 3, Uncharted 4, Stellaris, Killing Floor 2. All games much better than Overwatch ever was. Fifa 17 also came out that year which according to 'fifa fans' it was the best one.
@@TheVincenzoGaming one of not the best. I'm just saying loot boxes doesn't make a game bad. If a game is ass with loot boxes it's because the loot boxes are the main focus and not the gameplay/actives.
@@TheVincenzoGaming for me I was more into shooters so overwatch around that era was my favorite good game. I played so much that I was a top 500 player but I know there was other good games out there and i wouldn't say overwatch is the best game ever in the era. But it's a good example that loot boxes doesn't immediately make a game bad. A lot it was due to how easy it was to farm them tho.
When monetization takes priorities before actual gameplay you know it will be bad. And it is. There was a solid game before upper management told them to monetize it to hell and back.
The skyrim loading screen joke got me... XD
The game is like another example of "dont judge a book by its cover:" it has a pretty facade but ugly on the inside when you really pay attention to the story.
Nah. The cover tells everything I need to know.
King Shark is kind of a cross between MCU Drax and Sonic movie Knuckles.
You know, I was thinking Drax, but something was missing. This makes perfect sense.
I'm so glad the Gollum-likes are still coming strong with this heavy hitter of a title.
Yeah, the game showed Rocksteady were NOT experts in making a multiplayer game (first rule, LESS FORCED CUTSCENES! Multiplayer means players are playing for the action and LESS for the story. If you want to be cutscenes heavy. You DO NOT BE A LIVE SERVICE GAME where the servers can go down at a moment notice while some poor slob is stuck in a 4 minute cutscene! You want to be a 4 minute cutscene with another 4 minutes after. You be an offline single-player)
please know that the founders of rocksteady left to make their own new studio for gaming before this game was released, that tells you everything you need to know
@@saikaamri5871Frankly my "Four Delays too many" rule told me what I needed to know! Doesn't really need to be FOUR but I've learned TWO DECADES AGO that if a game gets delayed TOO long and too many times without a good enough reason (Last one before this one was Mighty Number 9 back on the WiiU....Man em I old LOL) then it's likely a good idea to wait and see.
Frankly in the last 5 or so years since Fallout 76, I evolved it into "not preordering anything I've yet to see a gameplay video of! And I mean a REAL gameplay video! Frankly if "The Division" and "The Days Before" didn't teach you to tell the difference between FAKE gameplay videos designed to LOOK like gameplay to deceive! Then I don't know what to say to you then! (I learned to spot this shit back in the "Aliens Colonial Marines" years LOL) but yeah I don't Day 1 buy shit unless I KNOW what I'm getting (Last One I can remember is Fire Emblem Engage back in the January of last year! I haven't pre-ordered since! I did want to with Star Ocean 2 remake, but I'm in "savings mode" right now to get some extra stuff. So I have to get it on a sale or whatever (when I'm in this m)
They lost me at loot boxes, no thanks; I'm over it!!!
The UI looks like a casino
The Skyrim loading screen music got me😂😂
I'm glad that you still spoke about and didn't ignore the food parts of the game. It's not inherently all round bad it's just bogged down by unnecessary cutscenes and samey gameplay
9:20 i always found that funny like even in the future villans just steal gear from these places hell a hero called booster gold was just a janitor that stole some time travel tech and hero gear from the museum he worked at to go back into the past and become a hero there
They missed an opportunity to have a running gag with King Shark where he’s dumb af but randomly when no one is around he says something extremely intellectual to Captain boomerang. So no one ever believes him when he tries to tell them king shark is actually smart.
I now understand what The Last of Us fans felt with the second game.
I'll never forgive them for that huge slap in the face.
Straight up I think this game could have been fun if it weren’t something fans have waited 9 years for, and if we were taking out a different version of the Justice League it could admittedly be funny. Have me take out George Clooney’s Batman or something that would be funny af
there was just so more that could have gone way better. At the core of it, the game isn't bad, but there's so much BAD that it washes the good stuff down the drain
@@mr.rungus2516 And the launch issues weren’t doing it many favors either
@@b-reel5298 I really cant be that upset with rocksteady. If the game wasn't live service and tweaked how things were done, it honestly would have been the best game of ALL TIME
@@mr.rungus2516 You're delusional, sorry
@@TheBatCat101delusional for having their own opinion? Make it make sense
5:25 this is such a giant red flag for a game to unironically say. Holy cow.
I had this idea that the next game could tie into batman beyond where Bruce survived knightfall and is mission control for Terry while we play as Terry's batman. And this batman beyond game actually felt like an Arkham game. But what do I know
I finally played it. It's not that bad but people just hate.
it's not that bad yeah but i played guardians of galaxy game before this and i didn't like this one. Story is cool but combat too repetitive
From the intros explanation, it looks like the game was good until every common plaster in mistake the industry had was added
Cutscenes cutting in on the action
It has it all!
"Well written charcters"? Arkham Harley lecturing Batman on moralty is a real well written scene. Not like Arkham Harley didn't kill children, torture Jason with Joker, or killed thousands, or anything. XD
This is it, this is how Arkham Batman ends.. with zoomer jokes and Square Enix's The Avengers
I love how this guy had to motivate himself by saying, Keep an open mind, before the game even starts
Did flash lose to batman?, hand to hand?, after intercepting a bullet? The fastest man alive?
Ok buddy, this is some CW type bullshit
This is how it happens in comics as well, DC loves wanking Batman and hates Flash.
Batman is built different
"Im fastest man ali-Hey hey where are you going dont walk off screen......Hes gone ive searched the entire city!!" -CW Flash
It’s like Rocksteady fired every single person who ever worked on an Arkham game, and WB then fired every single person who worked on Origins, and both only exclusively looked for people who never played or even knew what the Arkham games were, and we got this game.
To add salt to the wound, they slapped in music from the Arkham games and Easter eggs to be like “Remember Arkham? Remember when we were cool? We still could be… just play our cutscene game!”
[❌] Making a Spin-off for the Arkham franchise where you play as Nightwing or Red Hood after Batman's death.
[✔] Making a lazy live-service shooter where you play with TikToker Harley and the rest of her modern crew to kill the entire Justice League.
They already did that lol and that game was HUGE FLOP Ik Gotham Knights isnt connected to the Arkham timeline but they prob weren’t trying to make the same game again just in this timeline 😂
@@TropicalBishes Gotham Knights sort of has a different time-line.
I'm speaking about a direct Spin-off for the Arkham time-line. The one where Batman died after defeating Scarecrow... Only well made, unlike Gotham Knights, of course.
Suicide Squad has so much more interesting members with powers and they managed to choose the most boring humans with guns
It would have been so much more interesting to me if the justice league had fought together with the suicide squad against a bigger evil. And the suicide squad had to do the morally more questionable tasks.
Justcie League Vs Sucide Squad Comic. Enjoy
Game being set in the Arkham Universe feels like they want to either make more games in that universe in the future or piggyback off the clout the arkham games.
Then why kill Batman, Flash and Wonderwomam?
Why does Amanda look exactly like Cere from the Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order and Survivor games?
It’s based off a real person.
Because it's the same actress.
Edit: Debra Wilson
I love how all the JL members deaths are so... unceremonious. You'd expect for these super iconic characters to have epic and dramatic deaths but nah. You riddle them with bullets for 5 minutes and then at the end they just fall over and die without a word. It's honestly kind of hilarious how anticlimactic these deahts are, especially Batmans. Guy just sits on a park bench and gets shot in the head by Harley Quinn after getting lectured about "trauma". So much for Kevin Conroy last role as Batman, they definitely didn't send him off in style.
You one of those sweetbaby inc freaks per chance? 😂
Ironically this was the most positive review I've heard of the game so far
Every battle is exactly the same, how is that enticing? 😂
0:48 also, they killed Kevin Conroys Batman with shot in the head instead of a proper send off, but that’s just me and I’d love to be proven wrong if you’d like to talk about it
You cannot say the writing is good after what they did with green lantern..
Don’t care how cool it looks..
I didn't know you knew what a green lantern with whatever braniac did would be able to do with his ring
They didn't read ANY DC, obviously.. or watch even watch the movies/series.. this is just what sweetbaby inc believes it to be
@Birdbrain Brainiac has no power over the fundamental operations of a Green Lantern ring. It should have sought out a new wielder immediately upon GL's death. Begone, tourist!
I thought I was dreaming honestly. This is literally one of the basic stuff in DC, it's the equivalent of explaining the Bat signal. There's NO way someone can miss that if they've even red a wikipedia page of GL.
the motto of a comic book gl fan. be prepared to never be properly represented in any media
It truly is sad seeing games that could've been great end up as garbage
*Cutscene Squad*
The intro with Skyrim music absolutely killed me!
Rocksteady is dead. 7 years for this? RIP.
7:30 all jokes aside. The skyrim music fits way better in this scene, more comedic too.
Thank you for enduring madness for our entertainment
You have to finish the game. That’s literally still introduction. It’s much better with friends and the boss fights are the best part. The first Batman fight is literally tutorial
He really doesn't. Thats cruel and unusual punishment.
Silly Kev, he got the cutscene edition
it's like they looked at marvel's avengers and went "yeah, we can do worse"
Who did they make this game for ? Like who is the target audience ?
Garth Ennis, probably.
"AAA" game design: If its the campaign, you can have your minute of fun once you've finished all your cutscenes. If its the "endgame", then you can have your minute of fun once you've finished all your grinding.
I can't tell if I'm playing a video game, or doing chores for my Mom...
If you want a good third person shooter, just play Armored Core 6.
Its got Mechs.
On my bucket list for sure
This is literally the Saints Row of the DCAU games and not any Saints Row, ohhhh no, that would actually be entertaining. This is the SAINTS ROW 4 of the DCAU.
Jokes on you, Saints Row 4 is way more fun then Suicide Squad.
@@aaronlaughter6471 You know what, fair.
I get why the studio founders left.
So they just made king Shark into Drax
The Skyrim music was more fitting than what was actually in the game.
Im so sorry kevin, oh wait your still alive after playing that, well im still sorry
After playing this I wish that... Actually, never mind I don't think RUclips would like that.
Note: This is a joke don't take seriously, I'm perfectly fine.
I am enjoying the fact Rocksteady is so woke that they accidentally prompted homophobia AND the idea that men cannot be SA.
You want to talk about it?
nah he just wants his money back@@nickfury5536
I don’t get the joke, but I do wish Harley Quinn was oiled up
@@captaincranch1668 Wouldnt do much for this particular Harley I think.
*"These are just cutscenes without the effort."*
Modern AAA gaming in a nutshell.