Secrets Behind Salah Al Jumu'ah | Ep 25 | Surah Al Jumu'ah | Nouman Ali Khan | Ramadan 2024

  • Опубликовано: 2 апр 2024
  • In episode twenty five of A Deeper Look Surah Al-Jumu'ah, Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan explores the essence of Salah as a means to soften and purify the heart, akin to warming oneself by a fire. He emphasizes the significance of the Jumu'ah prayer as a profound act of worship that connects us deeply with Allah and the Muslim community. Through insights into the linguistic and spiritual dimensions of Salah, Ustadh Nouman highlights the importance of approaching Jumu'ah with a heart ready for remembrance, strengthening the bonds between the individual, the community, and the divine.
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Комментарии • 82

  • @bayyinah
    @bayyinah  3 месяца назад +4

    Download the Surah Al-Jumu'ah guided workbook at
    🎁 Over 50,000 students in need are waiting for your gift sponsorship to study the Quran on Bayyinah TV. Support them at
    📚 Start your own Qur'an journey at

  • @sabaparveen9810
    @sabaparveen9810 3 месяца назад +53

    So true, that dhikr is not just saying sacred words with your lips but to say it with your heart & with full concentration.

    • @armaan-xt6ke
      @armaan-xt6ke 3 месяца назад

      E#xmuslimsahil and a#dam s#eeker youtube c#hannel
      ISLAM is s#preading h#atred v#iolence
      These v#ersus of Q#uran and h#atred of Q#uran are s#creaming and saying k#ill the non b#elievers then s#hut your m#outh if you don't know anything about it
      Q#uran 2:191, Q#uran 3:28 , 3:85
      Q#uran 5:53, Q#uran 8:12, 8:65 , 8:60
      Q#uran 9:5 ,9:30 , 9:123
      Q#uran 22:19 ,Q#uran 47:4
      1.M#uhammad made many S#uicide attempts (Bukhari 6982)
      2.M#uhammad use to h#allucinating and imagine things which did not happen.(Bukhari 5765
      3.M#uhammad’s allowed and performed s#ex with s#lave w#omen(sahih Muslim 3371,1456a),Q#uran 4:24)
      4.M#uhammad according to hadith was involved having s#ex with most of his w#ives in a day (Bukhari 268, Q#uran 33:53)
      5.M#uhammad was specially found of y#oung v#irgin g#irls (Bukhari 5080)
      6.M#uhammad’s f#ondling of his c#hild w#ife(sahih bukhari 299,300,301)
      7.M#uhammad allowed M#arriage of a#dopted d£aughter(Q#uran 4:23)
      8.M#uhammad’s m#arriage with the w#ife(zainab) of his son(zaid) because his l#ust comes out(Q#uran 33:36-37)
      9.M#uhammad and T#emporary M#arriage i.e. p#rostitution(Bukhari 5119)(sahih muslim 3255,3410)
      10.M#uhammad could not differentiate between Gabriel the angel and Satan(Q#uran 22:52)
      11.M#uhmmad has been a#ccusing to be a theif then v#erse came out(Q#uran 3:161)
      12.M#uhmmad k#illed children (Sahih Muslim 4550)
      13.If woman d#ivorced(khula) her she need his #husband p#ermission
      14.M#uhmmad allowed b#eating then 70 w#omen came to prophet house (sunan ibn majah 1985)(Bukhari 5204,5825)
      15.M#uhmmad called women h#alf m#inded due to m#enes(Bukhari 304,2658)
      16. Five things necessary (it includes c#ircumcision)to be a m#uslim not mention only for m#en(Bukhari 5889)
      17.If w#omen did not o#bey her h#usband (not go to b#ed) then angles c#urse him(Bukhari 1436a,1436b,5246) (sahih muslim 5193)
      18.H#alala(Bukhari 5260)(Quran 2:230)
      19.M#uhmmad h#atred against non b#elievers (they exist before islam)(Q#uran 19:71,19:72,9:39,9:71,47:4)(Bukhari 3222) (sahih Muslim 21a,20,22)
      20.M#uhmmad l#ust by seeing w#oman in street(sahih Muslim 3407,3408,3409,302,371,4212,5068)(Q#uran 4:3)
      21.M#uhmmad justice by k#illing of a unborn c#hild(sunan an nasai 4070)
      Be smart to choose I#slam is a good
      Because there is no rights for l#adies
      In i£slam w£omen has to go through
      1.c#hild m#arriage
      4.for a#dultery w#omen p#unishment d#eath by s#tone but man nothing
      5. W#omen in I#slam h#alf m#ind h#alf vote
      6. W#omen can't say no to her h#usband for s#ex
      7. If h#usband b#eating w#oman there will be nobody to ask even G#od not 8. In I#slam you can m#arry his d#aughter his g#randdaughter
      9. In I#slam s#lavery is allowed
      10. In i#slam w#omen has to hide face means no identity in the s#ociety
      👉👉P#rophet was a r#ubbish person
      1. He m#arried A#isha at age of 6 i#ntercourse with her at age of 9
      2. He m#arried his s#on(z#aid) w#ife (z#ainab)
      3. He k#illed S#affiya h#usband and f#ather then he m#arried to her
      4. He also give p#ermission to k#ill c#hildren of p#olytheist
      5.He is the one who k#illed d#isbelivers like J#ews, C#hristians etc
      6. He also allow his followers to k#ill her s#laves and allow i#ntercourse with them and he also give p#ermission to s#ell them after having i#ntercourse with them and there is no p#unishment for k#illings as s#lave
      7. He is the one who gave p#ermission to m#arry his m#other, d#aughter if her m#other and d#aughter is p#olytheist before m#arriage
      8. He also stay that w#omen are h#alf m#inded due to m#enses
      9. He also allow m#en to b#eat their w#omen
      10. In I#slam a man can have m#ultiple r#elation even his wife or his slave there is no p#unishment for that but if a w#oman having his p#hysical r#elation with any other guy other than her h#usband she will be s#toned to d#eath
      11. He also s#natch w#oman i#dentity (burqa)
      12. He also give p#unishment w#omen through d#ivorce by men going through h#alala process
      14. If a w#oman is giving d#ivorce to her h#usband she also n#eed her h#usband p#ermission if her h#usband d#ivorce her he does not n#eed her p#ermission
      15. He also stay that most of the w#omen are in h#ell due to m#enses because they are i#mpure
      16. W#omen has to go through c#ircumcision which is very hard for w#omen you can see video on You#Tube too
      17. W#omen cannot d#eny her h#usband for i#ntercourse if she d#eny A#ngels will c#urse her
      18. If a w#oman want to make a p#erson M#aharam for h#erself she has to f#eed h#er milk from b#reast s#uckling
      19. A m#an can have many w#ife but w#omen can have only one h#usband
      Many more points to tell before to accept i#slam you must study about it what are the d#isadvantage of it what are the p#roblem in I#slam being w#omen it is not easy for you to s#urvive because all the things all the r#ights will be s#natch from you

  • @storycharms
    @storycharms 3 месяца назад +27

    I'm here to appreciate Nouman Ali Khan's dedication to his mission because I know he could have chosen to live very differently - and he still could! I'm determined to never take him or his contributions for granted.

  • @aminakakar7242
    @aminakakar7242 3 месяца назад +40

    Ma Sha Allah❤ I have never heard anyone explaining the WORD OF ALLAH so efficiently and clearly but a few, and this man is definitely chosen from Allah to spread HIS word.
    May Allah accept his efforts Ameeen❤

  • @jakeedaine949
    @jakeedaine949 3 месяца назад +33

    I'm a revert from 🇵🇭 Philippines (watching here from Abu Dhabi UAE)

  • @parkhawisal3155
    @parkhawisal3155 3 месяца назад +9

    The way you have changed my life ,I cant even put into words.You are a blessing and I am forever grateful to Allah for you Ustaad.

  • @MdFarhanurRahman
    @MdFarhanurRahman 3 месяца назад +3

    One of the spiritual meanings of Salah is that its intensity humbles you, it softens you, it softens your heart, your feelings, and thoughts.
    Our fuqaha looked at the reason why Jumu’ah is 2 rakats and not 4 rakats like Juhur is that 2 rakats of the Juhur becomes equal to the Khutba and 2 rakhats are the prayer of Jumu’ah. That’s why Khutba is very important, it’s like a part of the prayer and we should avoid talking, or doing unnecessary things during khutba just like in prayer.
    The ultimate goal of the Friday prayer is to truly engage in the remembrance of Allah. The ultimate Zikr according to the Quran is the Quran. The more intimate we become with the Quran, our recitation of the Quran will become more spiritual. The more you start learning about the Quran, the more it will become spiritual.

  • @radiaiffath5272
    @radiaiffath5272 3 месяца назад +4

    Subhan Allah. Ustadh Nouman never fails to provide the perfect examples along with the wisest discussion. Jazakallahu khair.

  • @lamaelcharif1523
    @lamaelcharif1523 3 месяца назад +5

    I understand the Quran so much better when I listen to Ustadth Nouman Ali Kahn. Deep contemplation is on point and in English it is so much easier than arabic.

  • @dilyaradean
    @dilyaradean 3 месяца назад +5

    Kind advice, if you have a tracking system where you cancel the donated subscription of the student who is not learning and giving to those who actually study, then it's better to mention that on your adds,
    cause most people know that when it's granted for free it's usually not valued and missed, but showing that it's under control, that way investors will be sure that their Sadaqah in knowledge will not be wasted, that
    In Sha Allah should motivate them to actually to buy and donate for free

  • @zafarinstitute124
    @zafarinstitute124 3 месяца назад +6

    Allah Pakistan mein ap jesy bndo ki ksrat kry... Idhr to firqa wariat hi bht he

  • @zafarinstitute124
    @zafarinstitute124 3 месяца назад +5

    Ustadh love you... Main apko Pakistani hony py fakhr mehsoos krta.....

  • @zafarinstitute124
    @zafarinstitute124 3 месяца назад +4

    Pakistan mein kaam k bndy bht km hn un mein apka shumar he.. Rare people like you

    • @YoSpongebob
      @YoSpongebob 3 месяца назад

      I used to think this way as well but something in these last 6 months changed my mind. We Pakistanis just generally aren’t able to appreciate the people around us unfortunately. I attend these classes and those teachers are living in different cities in Pakistan and they are some of the best Pakistani teachers and people I have come across.
      Maybe we need to have empathy and compassion for our own people and be unapologetically Pakistani and grateful because no other land apart from Madina and Makkah were taken because of لا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله
      It is an honor from Allah AWJ. Yes there are some bad people in it too but know that there were munafiqoon when Allah AWJ’s most beloved and honorable and our Habibi صَلَّى اللّٰهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ was alive. So there is bound to be some bad people in every place you go. May Allah AWJ increase the good and place Barakah in our mulk and bless us with imaan and make us truly His people who walk according to the way of Rasool Allah صَلَّى اللّٰهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ and according to the light that Allah AWJ blessed us with “Quran”
      (JazakAllah khair for reading this far, I know its a bit lengthy to read)

  • @asifnayan8466
    @asifnayan8466 3 месяца назад +1

    Ma Sha Allah ustaad❤❤❤🇧🇩

  • @muhuboidle2333
    @muhuboidle2333 3 месяца назад +1


  • @nusratpopy8724
    @nusratpopy8724 Месяц назад

    I listen to you, and I feel like that I understand you what you are pointing or trying to explain. I wish my parent and siblings would listen to your episodes to start thinking.
    Subhan Allah Taa’la! Alhamdulillah!

  • @habbbouba
    @habbbouba 3 месяца назад +1

    بارك الله فيكم. و جزاكم الفردوس الاعلى

  • @everseeking60
    @everseeking60 3 месяца назад +2

    MashaAllah ❤ I wish Allah would bless me to understand and love the Quran as deeply as our beloved brother. He is truly blessed to have dedicated his life to the Quran. It is truly the best investment and Allah has really honoured him. I would love to hear more about his experience in Oman. Sounds out of this world.❤

  • @salmaelbehary3103
    @salmaelbehary3103 3 месяца назад +1

    Jazakum Allah khier ❤

  • @chytra_nataraj
    @chytra_nataraj 3 месяца назад +1

    Allah give everything tht you wish for... Ameen summa ameen each word u say is so much meaningful subhanallah

  • @amggarage
    @amggarage 3 месяца назад +1

    Beshaq Allah k zikr se dilo ko sukoon milta he❤❤❤

  • @nhaz652
    @nhaz652 3 месяца назад +1

    subhanallah..enjoyed learning from him since 2013

  • @zaigambashir
    @zaigambashir 3 месяца назад +1

    Jazak Allah ustad Nouman

  • @user-rk4yw7hr6t
    @user-rk4yw7hr6t 3 месяца назад +1

    May Allah protect you always 🤲🌹

  • @annayahonlyonequeen
    @annayahonlyonequeen 3 месяца назад +2

    Shukriyah nouman uncle

  • @awaiskhan-ou5zd
    @awaiskhan-ou5zd 3 месяца назад +3


  • @amirsidiqui9136
    @amirsidiqui9136 2 месяца назад

    Alhamdulillah my name is Arooba and finally I found something really amazing to tell to the people because according to Surah Al waqia the word Arooba means "women loves her husband" and I was really hesitate to tell it to people 😂 I am really thankful to ustaaz that he shared something really beautiful about this name

  • @simonetbaini7571
    @simonetbaini7571 3 месяца назад

    May Allah bless you and yours ALWAYS! Ameen

  • @YoSpongebob
    @YoSpongebob 3 месяца назад

    22:54 truly. Whenever something happens that would not have happened had Allah AWJ not opened/ unlocked a certain door in your heart or mind you truly feel and realize how Allah AWJ blesses us.

  • @noorzainab28
    @noorzainab28 3 месяца назад +1

    Don’t want to end these sessions everyday ♥️

    • @Em-Ali
      @Em-Ali 3 месяца назад


  • @peacefulpakistan2455
    @peacefulpakistan2455 3 месяца назад +2

  • @user-dr3wo8gz3b
    @user-dr3wo8gz3b 3 месяца назад

    May allah have mercy over you and us.

  • @nour96128
    @nour96128 3 месяца назад

    Ma Shaa Allah ....❤❤❤

  • @shaikhamin7415
    @shaikhamin7415 3 месяца назад


  • @alaa-xw1jz
    @alaa-xw1jz 3 месяца назад

    بارك الله فيك ونفع بك الأمة

  • @farhasaeed606
    @farhasaeed606 3 месяца назад +2

    Please ustad aap apne lectures urdu m translate bhi karwaya karye...

  • @suhud-al-yeqeen
    @suhud-al-yeqeen 3 месяца назад

    جزاكم الله خيرا

  • @durdurdikir4021
    @durdurdikir4021 3 месяца назад

    🎉Maa'Shaa'Allah...This Series is a Groundbreaking...and Heart MELTING❤🎊

  • @hmnews2473
    @hmnews2473 3 месяца назад

    Watch from Bangladesh.
    Pray for me 😢.

  • @GuardianMehmed
    @GuardianMehmed 3 месяца назад

    I feel soft (spirtually) after I pray (salah)

  • @sabafarman4088
    @sabafarman4088 3 месяца назад

    Beautiful description.

  • @mohamedbashith2991
    @mohamedbashith2991 3 месяца назад

    This man ❤️

  • @t1986100
    @t1986100 3 месяца назад +1

    Great vision to understand „Ayat of Quran“. May Allah accept your work as highly good deed!
    By the way I am an Arabic-speaker. I learn very much from your videos about wording, though.
    One brotherly comment: your example about „don’t pee“ is totally comprehensive. However, I would avoid mocking non-Arabic speaker, who tries memorizing and practicing some expressions to sound more Islamic. This can be interpreted by some Muslims as accusing them hypocrisy.
    I hope you don‘t misunderstand me bro!

  • @Abu_Fajal1947.
    @Abu_Fajal1947. 3 месяца назад

    U r one the best way

  • @javeriasiddiqui9781
    @javeriasiddiqui9781 3 месяца назад

    Allahu akbar

  • @muryamajmal4559
    @muryamajmal4559 3 месяца назад +3

    Plz brother noman don't make announcements between your lecturer. Request

  • @mostummesalma6693
    @mostummesalma6693 3 месяца назад

    ❤ ❤❤

  • @YoSpongebob
    @YoSpongebob 3 месяца назад

    21:35 daura Quran

  • @aniealja438
    @aniealja438 3 месяца назад

    Episode 25, Alhamdulillah...

  • @zafarinstitute124
    @zafarinstitute124 3 месяца назад +2

    First comment

  • @YoSpongebob
    @YoSpongebob 3 месяца назад

    19:42 Quran is zikr

  • @miraaqib8585
    @miraaqib8585 3 месяца назад

    Ustad i love your shirt.

  • @user-hy4zj7pk3t
    @user-hy4zj7pk3t 3 месяца назад

    16- برج الثور. الجزائر عنابة بنزرت.

  • @faryalazam5736
    @faryalazam5736 3 месяца назад

    Even your sense of humor is amazing 😂

    • @maverich767
      @maverich767 3 месяца назад

      You should listen to his earlier lectures when he started .
      More than the knowledge aspect, the reason why no new dae'i unable match him is because of his sense of humour and eloquence

  • @maxmorris4562
    @maxmorris4562 3 месяца назад

    0:40, 3:57, 11:42, 13:28, 15:13,

  • @hatmaserat2910
    @hatmaserat2910 3 месяца назад +3

    how many episodes are remaining?

  • @YoSpongebob
    @YoSpongebob 3 месяца назад


  • @user-xk7wb9en5q
    @user-xk7wb9en5q 3 месяца назад

    للأسف هنا في مصر يأتي بعض الناس ويبولون على الجدار الذي كتب عليه الأذكار، حتى الأطفال ولا أحد ينهاهم

  • @toemsiriahmad
    @toemsiriahmad 2 месяца назад

    When did the calendar with the day Friday or Jumna invented and how the people understood the word Jumna before this calendar was created?

  • @uroob__
    @uroob__ 3 месяца назад

    Urooba here - no wonder all i do is relax 😂

  • @user-hy4zj7pk3t
    @user-hy4zj7pk3t 3 месяца назад

    14-ترازو! جزایر بیسمارک سلیمان

  • @UnfunnyMayonaise
    @UnfunnyMayonaise 15 дней назад


  • @IrodaAgz
    @IrodaAgz 3 месяца назад

    What can i say I had good laugh with hard truths 😅

  • @samiraqurbani3324
    @samiraqurbani3324 3 месяца назад

    When you pray, make the mindful effort to pray the words with your heart and not with your lips and tongue. Let your heart speak the words, not your mouth. Your prayers will slow down, the words will slow down, the dhikr will slow down. It’s like chewing for the sake of eating or chewing for the sake of tasting.

  • @spursyankeesfan1306
    @spursyankeesfan1306 3 месяца назад

    hes in the UK?

  • @Tasasha__
    @Tasasha__ 3 месяца назад +1

    That machine gun zikr🤣🤣

  • @saniaaziz8134
    @saniaaziz8134 3 месяца назад

    If a man has a wife who do parda and young daughter what is necessity of aitkaf when ur family is getting disturb every Ramada

  • @YoSpongebob
    @YoSpongebob 3 месяца назад

    21:44 Pakistani 🥺

  • @khadijabenassou8996
    @khadijabenassou8996 28 дней назад +1

    Nouman Ali Khan
    Message to the whole world.
    STOP talking. It's enough. It's Time.
    Following pagan ahadith books claiming it's from
    Allaah ❤❤❤The Almighty The Creator of all The Most Just The Most Loving The Most Merciful The SHIRK SHIRK SHIRK.
    The Qoraan is The Perfect and fully detailed Word of
    Allaah ❤❤❤The Almighty The Creator of all.
    Allaah ❤❤❤The Almighty The Creator of all Will INTERVENE.
    This is a promise from
    Allaah ❤❤❤The Almighty.
    Woe to the mouchrekeen.
    Don't believe me....just watch.
    It's enough

  • @trustworthy123456
    @trustworthy123456 3 месяца назад

    Important message to Mr Noman Ali Khan sab.
    Dear bro, there was a channel named Tafseer 1-114. It was all about your speeches. It was made very beautifully and thousands of people were listening it. But duddenly it disappeared. I don't know what happened. But I guess your team is responsible for its disappearance. Did bayyanah team did this or not. Please clear.

  • @ShonMardani
    @ShonMardani 3 месяца назад

    Why anyone cares about what an arab thinks about marriage or anything else for that matter, they are still fighting over everything about everything.

  • @user-rw3ve6sd5w
    @user-rw3ve6sd5w 3 месяца назад

    Was ist mit den Frauen? Ist jumuah nur für männer pflicht? Bitte um eine Antwort. Danke

  • @malkafareed0117
    @malkafareed0117 2 месяца назад

    choosen people❣️your one them🤍🤍❤️

  • @superwoman8785
    @superwoman8785 3 месяца назад +2