Let me get this with flagship specs, the camera from the S20 Ultra, and a telescoping S-Pen, and I'm sold. That would be the only phone worth over $1000. Everything else right now is a complete rip-off.
Straight up looks like a Gameboy when it’s part folded, and I gotta say that I actually really like that and would love to see how it feels in real life
Allan Canon I am 3 months late but don’t buy one, the screen is glass however it isn’t fully glass, the top layer is plastic which you cannot remove from the phone to work properly, the part that is glass is the layer below the plastic screen
@@YahwehJesus777 what did you expect? when you fold a piece of paper and re-open it there is a crease so I don't know why this one seems to bother so many people
I remember reading in elementary school in like 2002 that in the future we'll have folding screens, it took that long for the tech to mature but cool to see it finally happening
They had them in 2010, Sony did. It's just that they weren't profitable, Samsung the same year after Sony was making a prototype. Remember that in 2002 Minority report projected fold-able screens in 2054. We are way ahead of what past projections are. People think because we don't have flying cars that we aren't way ahead. But technologically we are in Science Fiction. The rate of change is so exponential that people don't even notice it anymore.
Considering it was a huge far fetched idea back in 2002 it took 18 years to come around, In the grand scheme thats not really a long time! Imagine what 50 years could bring about...
Ok let's talk ideas now are you saying rolling it up hamburger style or rolling it sideways hotdog style? I'm thinking hamburger style for a little rolled up wad in your pocket!
@@scarcesense6449 that's hotdog style where it's vertical instead of hamburger style horizontal, I'm thinking make it like a rolled wad like the size of a small canister, but I'm still here for the idea
ironically the coolest thing from this phone IMO. its the little things that make things special these days. still wont be paying 1.4k for a folding phone with a crease in it. will wait until they can figure that out.
Zumaki Yuki Remember Apple is always late giving features in iphones where Samsung is on the top of innovation.Motorola doesn't stand a chance infront of Samsung.
We all know in the next couple of months apples gonna introduce “their all new original” folding phone which is going to be the same thing as the Samsung one but with an apple logo slapped on it... Oh yeah i also forgot apple’s phone will be worst quality and overpriced
taher Akolawala no 2020 is already planned. March will release iPhone SE2/iPhone 9(whatever it’s called) then later they will release the new iPads and maybe iPhone 12. Also i’m curious what makes apple products have the worst quality. I’ve owned multiple phones from both apple and samsung so i don’t have a bias, it just seems that apple fans are just “imagine not having an iphone” and samsung fans are just “apple phones suck” Why can’t people enjoy both?
@@kardnails8729 the razr screen comes off the phone when you told it... Leaving a Gap between the phone and screen so literally dust will be in there in less than a week
@Jack McClendon How do you steal a comment? This is so ridiculous. Just because someone else has said it.. OH NO THAT GUY STOLE WHAT I SAID CALL THE FEDZ
I am liking your new video formats - more relaxed, you're walking around in the studio, and yet... your audio is exactly the same the entire 10 minutes - well done with the audio!
Within 3 months you will drop it 5 times and have to replace it. wonder how many times will Samsung accept " well it just stopped working"? Drop ?? what are you talking about I never open the thing...
@@barrychuckel5079 It wasn't a review - it was a hands on. Lew is one of the biggest promotional youtubers around. On a review he'd compare it side by side with the razr, for sure. But I bet they didn't allow that.
Woah, it's been awhile since I've watched unbox therapy. The video quality has increased so much, its doesn't seem like just the same video over and over again. Great job!
the main reason why i'm going for "ze flip" is due to the innovation and new tech. Out with old phone bars; welcome nostalgia of razr quality with better specs to boot!!
jerryrig is biased and specifically wants the phone to break. If you look at other reviews from people that actually like the phone and take care of it, you'll find that no one has complained about the screen.
The phone has a protective plastic layer. You can scratch that protective layer and replace it. Thats why it scratches so easily. Its still glass, but in a plastic suit
@@comment514 the plastic is pretty much apart of the screen, not a protective layer. doing damage to the plastic does permanent damage to the screen and the replacement for the plastic layer costs a shit ton + the fact that it has plastic durability
This phone seems really cool. I could see myself getting an advanced/successor of this in the future. But rn, this would be a personal downgrade. I have an s10, and this would have me 1400 down the drain for one less camera, and less battery and performance. All the same, good job being innovative Samsung. Keep up the good work!
@@reallycarson it doesn't have real 5G standards checkout MKBHD videos on the new Samsung series. It's not a true 5G standard only slightly faster than 4G.
The fold protects the screen from drops and other damage while its folded! This is awesome, I hope more manufacturers follow this trend and it dosnt become just a gimmick but the next form factor once all the kinks are ironed out.
Might break both screens at once! All depends on how close the two screens come together when closed. Nothing breaks easier than glass on glass. Slam it closed too quickly, and hang that call up permanently. !
Unbelievable that for years now every time I want to see what is up with the newest phones out there with a decent review, unbox therapy is still the go to videos. They are still killing it when it comes to just a quick and straight up first look and honest first opinions. You couldn't get it any better without literally holding the device in your own hands.
I bet 80% of people are watching on cheap phones, i look forward to ordering a a51, then i will put a s20 wallpaper on it, all the glory but no $1000 price tag
Because the entire point of flip phones was because you had to separate the screen and the keyboard back when we didn't have touchscreens with dynamic keyboards that just pop up when you need them. Now that we do, this design is 100% pointless and just adds problems like having to deal with a hinge that will eventually fail on you and a crease in the screen. It's a terrible idea.
Exactly but I have to tell you that currently the likes of me and you are not the prime target market for the phone. For anyone with enough money and an interest in technology this will be perfect but that's not to say this "1st gen" model won't be of any use as most of us are just waiting for it to be affordable have better specs etc but if you can easily afford it wouldn't u get it?
Even at its best, I doubt very many people will find a practical need for it. Because no matter how good it gets, it'll always be at least somewhat more expensive than a non-folding equivalent...and are most people really gonna shell out even $100 more for something that doesn't really benefit them?
Your monotone demeanor while showcasing the split screen feature as well as the adorable/genius baby camera diminish its EPICNESS! Those are futuristic, next level features!!
"Its a thin glass" Ya know I think we are about to hear "folding phone" and "scratches at a level 6 with deeper grooves at al level 7" in the SAME Jerryrig video.
I would be afraid of the screen shattering under his picks, or the handful of rocks test. It is after all a THIN glass which is what allows it to fold. It will be really interesting to see zach's durability test, it's almost like this phone was made for him
@@ThinkerHaistTV dont tell wrong information, you can even fold/ bend wood, now think about glas... humans are getting better and better with technology...
We have phones with folding displays and to top it off, Samsung has folding glass!! However people have the nerve to complain about a crease.. smh 🤦🏾♂️🤷🏾♂️
Samsung innovates and rest follows. There are lots of technology breakthroughs in these folding phones. If these folding phones are just a phone then why spend more than $50. Get an old Galaxy S5 or even S3 they still work fine as a phone and more.
I picked up this phone yesterday. I like it but I use two hands to open it. That little screen on the outside is also a touch screen. Swipe right to view notifications, left to control music if you have it playing. Pretty cool little phone.
I honestly really love the aesthetic of the Galaxy Z Flip, I held off from getting it for myself when I got my new phone awhile ago specifically because I'm an artist and wanted to draw on my phone. However, I saved up to buy myself an iPad (yay!!) So I won't need to be able to do that on my phone anymore. Idk when I'll get my new phone, but I hope they release a better version of the Z Flip that folds into the same square shape. Thank u for the video :)
Little over 10 years ago you could easily differentiate the first wave of smartphones, the tiny square iphone, the blackberry with that keyboard, the HTC phones with that little metal kickstand, the unique first galaxy phones, the sliding screen ones. Now all smartphones look the same, you can’t tell one from another, it can be a cheapy phone or a samsung top of the line. But this past 6 months, things seem to be changing, the galaxy fold, big smartphone turns into a tablet, razor and their old school phone combination with smartphone and foldable screen. The iphone just have the 3 big lenses but at least you can tell its an iPhone because of it, and my favorite so far the galaxy flip, similar to the razor but much improved. Hope this marks the beginning of new wave of designs and the boring all screen squares/rectangle design of phones changes. Btw Samsung is not getting enough credit on their innovations! The foldable design is an incredible achievement. A work of art on engineering!
This is the type of foldable phone I'd get behind once it's perfected in the next 3-5 years.
Same with the galaxy fold and the Motorola. two or three generations in it’ll be just about perfected that would be when you wanna pick one up
Probably around 2025 these foldable phones will be at their peak we’ll probably hit the golden age of foldable screen phones around that time
Let me get this with flagship specs, the camera from the S20 Ultra, and a telescoping S-Pen, and I'm sold. That would be the only phone worth over $1000. Everything else right now is a complete rip-off.
Yeah for now I'm gonna stay with my s10e and wait till they perfect the z fold.
Straight up looks like a Gameboy when it’s part folded, and I gotta say that I actually really like that and would love to see how it feels in real life
Are you straight outta Wuhan or something?
Glad you said straight up as I would have assumed you were bent down
Yeah it reminds me of the gameboy advanced sp
Gameboy sp broski be more specific
I want one so bad! The mirror purple is so pretty and I want to switch from an Apple, I think this would be a great phone to do so.
Buy me one👉👈🥺
Literally and samsung phone beats apple
Allan Canon I am 3 months late but don’t buy one, the screen is glass however it isn’t fully glass, the top layer is plastic which you cannot remove from the phone to work properly, the part that is glass is the layer below the plastic screen
@pablo gonzalez any other brand you recommend
My girlfriend drop her iPhone get a flip.
2020: Folding phones exist
2030 Apple: Ok world, we just invented something
Apple thinks they make everything SMH
Apple haters
@@randomvidz8742 Apple is billion dollar company they dont need you to whiteknight them
@@GinkgoPete Oof
i don't know who the "target audience" is behind this phone but consider me targeted.
Me (one)
This phone is badass scifi dopeness!
Right lol i have the s10 plus but i just ordered this one, even though i dont need it lol
dude im saying! Im not really even into staying updated on new phones but i want it 😭
I want it... but so expensive
2020: We're bringing back folding phones
2040: *O R I G A M I P H O N E S*
I want to see that now
That actually sounds really dope
Churro 224 yeah lmao
I answer quickly
Play subwat surfers on an elephant
People: this is too expensive
Also people: I see nothing wrong with Iphone prices.
This Tho
movie& tv didn’t see the price of these? How much?
this is like over $1400 my iphone 11 was $700 like. it's a way better deal and i don't have a crease down my screen
its more expensive though
iPhone 11 cost about $700 while the Z flip cost $1400,I recommend getting the S20 Ultra if you have the budget
finally a phone that might actually fit in womens pockets
Ikr, why is womans pockets so small
@@minakochan6258 Because of fAshIoN
random person lol ikr
@@minakochan6258 they dont have enough rights to have pockets.
@@minakochan6258 Because manufacturers are dumb.
Z flip's hinge, spec, price were better than razr's.
of coz man that is the world leading company dude(atleast for phone)
D.K. KIM yea right after they screwed up with the fold and saw razor and was like okay we gotta do better than them. Samsung always the second
But the C R E A S E
@@YahwehJesus777 what did you expect? when you fold a piece of paper and re-open it there is a crease so I don't know why this one seems to bother so many people
@@Jur1_00 I understand that but I personally don't want a crease in the middle of my screen
I remember reading in elementary school in like 2002 that in the future we'll have folding screens, it took that long for the tech to mature but cool to see it finally happening
They had them in 2010, Sony did. It's just that they weren't profitable, Samsung the same year after Sony was making a prototype. Remember that in 2002 Minority report projected fold-able screens in 2054. We are way ahead of what past projections are. People think because we don't have flying cars that we aren't way ahead. But technologically we are in Science Fiction. The rate of change is so exponential that people don't even notice it anymore.
Considering it was a huge far fetched idea back in 2002 it took 18 years to come around, In the grand scheme thats not really a long time! Imagine what 50 years could bring about...
@@letsplayblis1115 true man , who used 16 gb ram phone those days not even 16 gigs of memory
@letsplayblis yep you are correct
I just hope they have been tested to death and that it will stand up to thousands of folding and unfolding actions without any degradation.
2010: Tries to flatten the phone.
2020: Tries to fold the phone back again.
Things always came back xD
I'm glad fold phones are making a come back I missed them actually.
Karma bro karma
@@John-core you can buy a flip phone for dirt cheap, I have one for nostalgia reasons
@@John-core true!! I always thought they were cool! Glad I'm not the only one excited for their comeback
"You know you're rich if your phone has a crease"
😂😂😂good comment!!
Shaheer Ali you know your poor when u have a android lmao
Strange trend
@@plug2234 samsung is more expensive.
When folded it reminds me of Gameboy advance SP.
ikr lol brings back memories
Yeah your right!! Damn makes me like the phone more haha
Ikr, I was thinking about the emulating possibilities. Gameboy, DS, etc
My first thought. Clamshell folding's great.
Samsung's world records:
World's biggest aspect ratio
World's smallest aspect ratio
Just with a single phone
It's not! Xperia 1 has 21:9 ratio.
@@Wunderwaffe9828Z Flip has I think 22:9 aspect ratio
@@Wunderwaffe9828 Z flip has 22:9
I think he means screen to body ratio
@@sadurrab1512 no
"You couldn't live with your own failure and we're did that take you, back to me"
- foldable cellphones from 2002
Lol true
we are did that take you? Nice apostrophe, english language too hard
Damn English teachers are everywhere these days
@@clutchkick4116 it's better than letting people be illiterate
I'm still waiting for a samsung scroll: a 12 inch screen that rolls up into a cylinder as narrow as physically possible.
Keep waiting
Ok let's talk ideas now are you saying rolling it up hamburger style or rolling it sideways hotdog style? I'm thinking hamburger style for a little rolled up wad in your pocket!
@@edwardloks1 what? who rolls a hamburger? I'm thinking like a can of red bull, but hopefully even slimmer.
the screan cylinder its easy, the problem its the battery and circuits
@@scarcesense6449 that's hotdog style where it's vertical instead of hamburger style horizontal, I'm thinking make it like a rolled wad like the size of a small canister, but I'm still here for the idea
*Folds wallet open*
*Folds wallet closed*
"I think that's enough folding for today."
Hi bro
that little screen for the camera when its closed is awesome
Yh people are hating on it saying it isn't as useful as the razr's but I disagree I love the small screen lol
Yea for some reasons lol
ironically the coolest thing from this phone IMO. its the little things that make things special these days.
still wont be paying 1.4k for a folding phone with a crease in it. will wait until they can figure that out.
Imo it looks like one of those 1920's TV's that's a big box with a teeny tiny screen in the corner.
Samsung improve future
It's the return of the ragecalls, when you used to close your phone really hard when hanging up on someone
Lmao 😂
😭😭😭😭 I can't wait to buy one
The difference is that one breaks lol
Apple: "Write that down."
Billy Chang Samsung looking at motorola and apple: WRITE THAT DOWN
Zumaki Yuki Remember Apple is always late giving features in iphones where Samsung is on the top of innovation.Motorola doesn't stand a chance infront of Samsung.
We all know in the next couple of months apples gonna introduce “their all new original” folding phone which is going to be the same thing as the Samsung one but with an apple logo slapped on it... Oh yeah i also forgot apple’s phone will be worst quality and overpriced
taher Akolawala no 2020 is already planned. March will release iPhone SE2/iPhone 9(whatever it’s called) then later they will release the new iPads and maybe iPhone 12. Also i’m curious what makes apple products have the worst quality. I’ve owned multiple phones from both apple and samsung so i don’t have a bias, it just seems that apple fans are just “imagine not having an iphone” and samsung fans are just “apple phones suck” Why can’t people enjoy both?
@@relentlesssume3047 I thought they were going to release a new ipad 😢 i am hoping they'll release an ipad so i can buy the ipad 2018 at a lower price
Every other smartphone maker making foldables: “yeah plastic is fine...”
Samsung: “we gonna pull an apple on all these mofos”
PJ Broke why apple?
Clicksi maybe bc apple is a glass material addict?
@@clicksi3572 first smartphone to use glass
Jos no because apple first to use glass on phone
Jos no the iPhone was the original phone to use glass
"For their $1400, you best believe they gon' be rubbing that crease!"
The Razr doesn't have such a prominent crease, which is a big plus in my opinion.
@@kardnails8729 because the screen is a bendable plastic , which you can damage even with your fingernail , but the z flip has glass instead
@@kardnails8729 the razr screen comes off the phone when you told it... Leaving a Gap between the phone and screen so literally dust will be in there in less than a week
@@kardnails8729 meh this is a bit more resistant to fingernails apparently
The middle has to be plastic or at least plexi glass. Something that bends. Glass isn't flexible unless it's microscopic liked in fiber optic wires.
Samsung in 2010: **tries to disable folding feature**
Samsung in 2020: **brings back fold**
Well, you gotta keep up with the market.
Times change
@Jack McClendon How do you steal a comment? This is so ridiculous. Just because someone else has said it.. OH NO THAT GUY STOLE WHAT I SAID CALL THE FEDZ
@@Sirdiggar calm down... this guy is just trying to get a lot of like by copying a comment that s some dirty fat nerd stuff hahaha
no one:
literally no one:
2020: introducing the foldable phone
2030: introducing the GALAXY S mini SHAPESHIFT 5 TELEPORTATION 2 lite QUANTUM PRO
Oujury chill 😂
@@nevukee6131 LOL XD🤣🤣
Apple after release: *italian voice* Revolution
"there is no bend in them" did you really think there would be a bend in the photo because the screen was bent? the screen doesnt take the photo ;)
😂😂 I came looking for this comment
Heard of a joke?
He did say : ''Now of course, there's no bend in them.'' The show is for a general audience so...
He meant that maybe the phone alters the photos in a way to avoid any kind of distortion or to compensate the screen curve in the crease.
Now i can play gameboy emulators while being fully immersed
take my like
Right now, that's the ONLY advantage of a folding phone. Hahaha
@@submarinemagnet7965 truth. The abilty to fold does not justify the price
@@submarinemagnet7965 so true
First thing I thought watching this was Gameboy sp hehe
I am liking your new video formats - more relaxed, you're walking around in the studio, and yet... your audio is exactly the same the entire 10 minutes - well done with the audio!
Finn: They fold now?
Poe: They fold now!
When Jack spoke I was a little shook. I figure he'd just zoom into the one he wanted.
Same but I'm glad for the suprise.
@@Charles-fc9gi watch the video
And my pp is not small
that was what i think
Unbox therapy uploads 3 times today
Everybody wait that's illegal
All the tech guys are, they're just trying to keep up with each other with the Samsung drop
Shitty profile pic
It was about time
Everyone uploads 3 TIMES A DAY marques did only does once a week
Apple: take notes, in 10 years we will use them notes.
@Akil K Musawwir What's that idiom?
it looks so cute when its folded
Within 3 months you will drop it 5 times and have to replace it. wonder how many times will Samsung accept " well it just stopped working"?
Drop ?? what are you talking about I never open the thing...
@@mickavellian why so salty dude
mickavellian you jealous?
@@mickavellian samsung's AS is better than dat *SALTY FRUIT*
You're cute.
Yeah, this phone looks pretty dope. I can’t wait for the future when this tech is a mainstay and perfected by innovation.
How did Lew get to do it in his warehouse, when everyone else had it in a contorlled environment.
They paid him off FAKE REVIEW
@@barrychuckel5079 Great deduction, Sherlock. You never fail to disappoint.
@@barrychuckel5079 its a fake review because he got a paid promotion to review it? I got some news for you! You dont know how to market for shit!
@@barrychuckel5079 It wasn't a review - it was a hands on. Lew is one of the biggest promotional youtubers around. On a review he'd compare it side by side with the razr, for sure. But I bet they didn't allow that.
He has 10+million sub thats how
Woah, it's been awhile since I've watched unbox therapy. The video quality has increased so much, its doesn't seem like just the same video over and over again. Great job!
Me: I need to watch it
My Brain: u already watched like 3 reviews
My wallet: U cant even get it
Life: I’m comin for ya booty
Yeah...I'm about to go rob a bank. I'm tired being of broke 😂
Asking your brain to gtfo is crazy
@@2021-c1r how to sell drugs online (fast)
the main reason why i'm going for "ze flip" is due to the innovation and new tech. Out with old phone bars; welcome nostalgia of razr quality with better specs to boot!!
@Jaime Beauchamp actually it's around 200,000...if you open it 150 times a day, it will last around 5 years or longer
when its flipped over it kinda looks like a gameboy sp
Right my first thought
First thought as well lol
I still flip my Game Boy Advance SP to date!
Bauernkind 85 me too man, but with my DS lite. I friggin love that thing, best portable ever made!
That's exactly how I described it to ppl lol
Samsung: "Z Flip has a screen glass"
JerryRig: "Deeper groves at level 2, glass doesn't scratch at level 2"
$1400 i probably buy the s20.
jerryrig is biased and specifically wants the phone to break. If you look at other reviews from people that actually like the phone and take care of it, you'll find that no one has complained about the screen.
@@jepppe11 it's not about complaining, is the about samsung's presentation of the device having a glass screen which it clearly has not
The phone has a protective plastic layer. You can scratch that protective layer and replace it. Thats why it scratches so easily. Its still glass, but in a plastic suit
@@comment514 the plastic is pretty much apart of the screen, not a protective layer. doing damage to the plastic does permanent damage to the screen and the replacement for the plastic layer costs a shit ton + the fact that it has plastic durability
JerryRig made a follow up video and mentioned the second layer is made of thin glass like Samsung advertises.
"Everything's gonna fold, eventually"
Seems like a JerryRigEverything quote
I read that in Zack's voice
Who's Jerry? It's Jury rig🧐
Everyone ever:
the book of life will fold too..
*2010 : oh! Finally upgrade from flip to touch*
*2020 : whatt!! Ok old is gold.*
😂🤣🤣very nice
Reply to me with a crying laughing emoji if ur gay then show it to your family
@@XXXTentaclez 😂
@@Marcus_Zothanmawia did it work?
@@XXXTentaclez what do you mean
Notch: Goodbye
Crease: A challenger is near.
Imagine u are fighting on phone and flip the phone to end it....
I love it 😂 reminds me early 2000....
This phone seems really cool. I could see myself getting an advanced/successor of this in the future. But rn, this would be a personal downgrade.
I have an s10, and this would have me 1400 down the drain for one less camera, and less battery and performance.
All the same, good job being innovative Samsung. Keep up the good work!
Jonathan Parker when this has 120hz and real 5G imma get one
Supposedly the performance is the same as the S10, but IDK yet. Is pretty expensive though
Ooo bhai maaro mujhe maaro Kitne ameer log hai idhar
@GOOGLE GUIDE I like the clamshell design
@@reallycarson it doesn't have real 5G standards checkout MKBHD videos on the new Samsung series. It's not a true 5G standard only slightly faster than 4G.
The fold protects the screen from drops and other damage while its folded! This is awesome, I hope more manufacturers follow this trend and it dosnt become just a gimmick but the next form factor once all the kinks are ironed out.
Finn : soon everything will be fold eventually
Me : my wallet and bank account has been folding since 1999
addin8585 oof size: large
@@LordHogWaterer 😅
u old af i wasnt even alive in 1999
😂 LoL
"... for me."
2:32 he scrolled past that VPN hub one so fast I had to pause the video to confirm it wasn’t porn lmao
agree lmao
Omfg your right lmfao.
"You best believe they gon' be rubbin' that crease"
motola razr has no crease...
@@thewackykid would rather have a crease than a remove able screen
@@notomnithegodking what removable screen...??
@@thewackykid you can peel off the screen with little effort if you had one in your hands you would know what I'm talking about
@@notomnithegodking not sure why u wanna to do that though... 🤣
When it's in your pocket already it feels bigger
Omg he is a genius
@@Nico-jc7zr why did u comment
@@ali_navarrete5502 Because i dont get it. Why is he a genius?
@@Nico-jc7zr Its a meme so dont get literal
I need the z flip it actually has everything I want compact design good software average camera everything about it is perfect for me
Light Yagami it can fit in female pockets...... IT CAN FIT IN FEMALE POCKETS. it’s already better then every other phone in existence
This form factor will save a lot of screens from cracking when dropped.
The screen will find a way to crack.
JRE: glass is glass & glass breaks !
Might break both screens at once! All depends on how close the two screens come together when closed. Nothing breaks easier than glass on glass. Slam it closed too quickly, and hang that call up permanently. !
More like breaking the hinges
This glass is ultra thin so it will get cracked from shock not impact
Lew, can you please go back to the previous style of reviewing phones
The style where you review the phones on the table
Yes please!
unbox is in middle of changing location currently
I like this style to be fair feels more personal
jonah daniel. No. Just no. Chill bro
Ten years later I would have one of a kind of this foldable device when the price is low.
You can get it sooner. Just put your mind to it. Anything is possible.
@@162mikey Aamen
Unbelievable that for years now every time I want to see what is up with the newest phones out there with a decent review, unbox therapy is still the go to videos. They are still killing it when it comes to just a quick and straight up first look and honest first opinions. You couldn't get it any better without literally holding the device in your own hands.
2020: bringing back folding phones
2040: bringing back Nokia phones
Yeah, I'm still waiting for the next generation Self-Defense-Brick™
Nokia released a phone last year with a 42mp camera!
@@ULaughUntillUCry Yeah but you can't kill burglers with it
노키아 폰을 왜 갖고 와 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
@Thomas Holland wooooo
iPhone: we skipped 1 model
No iphone
Huawei did it first lol
Huawei 40 models altogether (including the mate series)
@@Marcazz123 also the samsung upcoming note series
I was wondering about that b.c I have the S8 that came out 2017, it's only been three years and how its S20???
lew: try 5000$ worth of smartphones today
me: watching on my 100$ 3 years old xiaomi
Same here bro 😂✌
I bet 80% of people are watching on cheap phones, i look forward to ordering a a51, then i will put a s20 wallpaper on it, all the glory but no $1000 price tag
Yup my Xiaomi Mi A2 lite. Runs games at 80 FPS though (better than a PS4 Pro)
Edit: the game I'm talking about is Minecraft
Same bro
Meh watching with j2 pro 2018
Kids in the future:
"lmao post-boomers still use flip phones"
*"We use holographic screens."*
My wallet will stay fold until that the price of this phone will be fold
This is the most time Jack has been on scene ever in Unbox Therapy's history
Who did the math?
People making fun of flip phones
Me: shows this video
People: you weren't suppose to do that
You weren’t supposed to do that because it just gives them more material to make fun of. They are still trash.
Because the entire point of flip phones was because you had to separate the screen and the keyboard back when we didn't have touchscreens with dynamic keyboards that just pop up when you need them. Now that we do, this design is 100% pointless and just adds problems like having to deal with a hinge that will eventually fail on you and a crease in the screen. It's a terrible idea.
At least when u fold the phone it protect the screen I don't have to worry about dropping it
Headed to a day where my kids will appreciate MY appreciation for the "old fashioned" flip phones and liberated pocket space.
I'd love to buy like the 5th version of this phone, when they have most of the kinks figured out
Exactly but I have to tell you that currently the likes of me and you are not the prime target market for the phone. For anyone with enough money and an interest in technology this will be perfect but that's not to say this "1st gen" model won't be of any use as most of us are just waiting for it to be affordable have better specs etc but if you can easily afford it wouldn't u get it?
I don't think itd take that long, maybe the third iteration would be perfected
Even at its best, I doubt very many people will find a practical need for it. Because no matter how good it gets, it'll always be at least somewhat more expensive than a non-folding equivalent...and are most people really gonna shell out even $100 more for something that doesn't really benefit them?
Most of the kinks are already figured out.
Yeah right now the kinks are all weird like feet and traps. I cant wait till it gets to big tits and other better kinks
Samsung: We introduce the Z Flip, with a glass.
Jerry: *Hold my knives*
Yeah he said glass.... We'll see.
@@jhj1016 jerry rig everything is the name of his channel he basically durability test phones and fucks em all up, fun to watch
@@dopeness5848 ye
@Tu Bol Thanks
@@lakijo265 it's plastic screen
My face when man's say 'we taking a step back' to SnapDragon 855 and you're still rocking SnapDragon 821
It's actually the 855+
Google Pixel?
Snapdragon 730😅
636 and exynos 8890 😂
Your monotone demeanor while showcasing the split screen feature as well as the adorable/genius baby camera diminish its EPICNESS! Those are futuristic, next level features!!
Unbox Therapy: "let's do a pocket comparison"
Pocketnow: "am I a joke to you?"
It's amazing how far technology has come.
Imagine not scrolling at the bottom of your phone...
me: oh! another foldable phone.
also me: oh and i forgot. Got no money. So nevermind.
"Its a thin glass"
Ya know I think we are about to hear "folding phone" and "scratches at a level 6 with deeper grooves at al level 7" in the SAME Jerryrig video.
Im excited to see his video about this phone, it should be interesting.
Nah. Probably will scratch at a level 3 or 4. Thin glass isn't as durable.
I would be afraid of the screen shattering under his picks, or the handful of rocks test. It is after all a THIN glass which is what allows it to fold. It will be really interesting to see zach's durability test, it's almost like this phone was made for him
It’s a thin sheet of plastic, not glass. You can’t fold glass silly...
@@ThinkerHaistTV dont tell wrong information, you can even fold/ bend wood, now think about glas... humans are getting better and better with technology...
Unbox Therapy uploading 3 times today?
Looks like i don't need my therapist today
Basically christmas
How about you Jack?
We Never Ask You.
Sad guy,lol.
He said "We never asked you"
@@vidhya6289 Sorry, but it doesn't matter.
Me at a poker game: 'Everything is going to fold now'
We have phones with folding displays and to top it off, Samsung has folding glass!! However people have the nerve to complain about a crease.. smh 🤦🏾♂️🤷🏾♂️
Flame On The Beat - We want holographic display’s, not stupid folding glass.
@The Inquirer I do
I love how this video is so casual when these r some of the most important phones of the year
I'm not liking this new style
still just phones...
Samsung innovates and rest follows. There are lots of technology breakthroughs in these folding phones.
If these folding phones are just a phone then why spend more than $50. Get an old Galaxy S5 or even S3 they still work fine as a phone and more.
Is jack just gonna casually start showing on episodes like he had never been a mythical creature of this channel for the past 5 years or so?
He did a face reveal tho
@@andresarias4510 where? Which video?
Watching this on my Z flip 5, its amazing how far we come while also essentially having the same thing. Very cool tech
Yessssss, last time I was this early the Motorola G3 Razor was a foldable
Its time for Jerry Rig bend test. xD
@@kungfublob5951 I'd watch Aang
Made a really good point. We've gotten so far with phones, really makes you wonder what will the next breakthrough be!
Sae Park We’ll wear the phones on our faces like glasses. audio only will be a thing of the pass. All visual.
"For their $1,400 you best believe they're gon' be rubbin that crease"
Others: I got fold z for few hours.
Lew: I'll take it home, period.
who scrolls with their finger on the entire length of the screen?🤨
Oh god ikr
I’m guilty on that 😂
Using only the bottom of the screen sure doesn't feel right for the thumb tho
@@joakim5486 you got long ass thumbs
@@jinn8300 in fact they're fairly short lol
Can't you just sit down and do all the Unboxing and all? Just like good old days
I picked up this phone yesterday. I like it but I use two hands to open it. That little screen on the outside is also a touch screen. Swipe right to view notifications, left to control music if you have it playing. Pretty cool little phone.
3:46 "Rubbing that crease" 😉
Samsung is surprising the whole world by its features 🔥🔥🔥
Yes specially the Robot Sound Stupid lady
Lew is crushing it today! This new format is obviously way more productive. Keepitup!
I honestly really love the aesthetic of the Galaxy Z Flip, I held off from getting it for myself when I got my new phone awhile ago specifically because I'm an artist and wanted to draw on my phone. However, I saved up to buy myself an iPad (yay!!) So I won't need to be able to do that on my phone anymore. Idk when I'll get my new phone, but I hope they release a better version of the Z Flip that folds into the same square shape. Thank u for the video :)
2020: screens fold.
2025: sliding screens.
@@mystxuwu well it seems they're reinventing the flip phones so why not sliding phones???.....plus they were cool😎
Imagine having this phone to play gba emulated games hahaha
probably Nintendo Ds
Gameboy SD
I see this comment EVERYWHERE.
It would be weird to play on such a small phone ( portrait mode)
Love to see some sort of emulator for this, Like a Gameboy emulator and controls on bottom and screen on top.
That would be crazy
I like the flip phones however I am going to wait till they get cheaper
2019- Glass is Glass and glass breaks
2020- Glass is Glass and Glass Folds
Still Jerryrigg is going to destroy this phone
@@GamerBoss1013 sentences are sentences and sentences can match with someone else 🙏🏻
@@GamerBoss1013 chill bro
Waiting for Jerry Rig Everything's durability test
I'm curious is that really a glass screen
@@froggyman9588 He will confirm what level this is
M Keith bhd lol
Have to admit, I've gotten used to watching videos at 2X playback speed... am now at the point where I wish there was a 3X playback option.
Hahahahaha same
DUDE!!! Thanks man...saving a lot of quality time right here :O
Little over 10 years ago you could easily differentiate the first wave of smartphones, the tiny square iphone, the blackberry with that keyboard, the HTC phones with that little metal kickstand, the unique first galaxy phones, the sliding screen ones.
Now all smartphones look the same, you can’t tell one from another, it can be a cheapy phone or a samsung top of the line.
But this past 6 months, things seem to be changing, the galaxy fold, big smartphone turns into a tablet, razor and their old school phone combination with smartphone and foldable screen.
The iphone just have the 3 big lenses but at least you can tell its an iPhone because of it, and my favorite so far the galaxy flip, similar to the razor but much improved.
Hope this marks the beginning of new wave of designs and the boring all screen squares/rectangle design of phones changes.
Btw Samsung is not getting enough credit on their innovations! The foldable design is an incredible achievement. A work of art on engineering!