For the auto pop platinum on the ps4 version I miss the “complete 40 seasons” trophy, is it possible to create a new account on the same ps account or do I need to complete one more season?
I did get it a few hours after that comment, thanks! BTW the comment above makes no sense as with a new account I would have needed to get to 40 again instead of just doing one 😂
Its really nice platinum its funny and easy
Yes! It's pnly time consuming but playing 1hs per day it's enough
For the auto pop platinum on the ps4 version I miss the “complete 40 seasons” trophy, is it possible to create a new account on the same ps account or do I need to complete one more season?
Why you miss it? you just have to complete 1 more season and the trophy should pop.
I did get it a few hours after that comment, thanks! BTW the comment above makes no sense as with a new account I would have needed to get to 40 again instead of just doing one 😂
Glad to hear that and congrats!!