Sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) was first recognised as an antibacterial agent in 1843 when hand washing with hypochlorite solution between patients produced unusually low rates of infection transmission between patients. It was first recorded as an endodontic irrigant in 1920 and is now in routine worldwide use. Sodium hypochlorite is used as an endodontic irrigant as it is an effective antimicrobial and has tissue-dissolving capabilities. It has low viscosity allowing easy introduction into the canal architecture, an acceptable shelf life, is easily available and inexpensive. The toxicity of its action to vital tissues and corrosion of metal are its main disadvantages in dental use. Sodium hypochlorite reacts with fatty acids and amino acids in dental pulp resulting in liquefaction of organic tissue. There is no universally accepted concentration of sodium hypochlorite for use as an endodontic irrigant. The antibacterial and tissue dissolution action of hypochlorite increases with its concentration, but this is accompanied by an increase in toxicity. Concentrations used vary down from 5.25% depending on the dilution and storage protocols of individual practitioners. Solution warmers are available to increase the temperature up to 60ºC. Increasing the temperature of a solution of hypochlorite improves the bactericidal and pulp dissolution activity, although the effect of heat transfer to the adjacent tissues is uncertain. As a bleaching agent, inadvertent spillage of this agent can result in damage to clothing and soft tissues. Inadvertent introduction of sodium hypochlorite beyond the root canal system may result in extensive soft tissue or nerve damage, and even airway compromise. This article reviews the potential complications that can occur with sodium hypochlorite in clinical practice, discusses measures that can be taken to minimise risk, and provides details of appropriate management in the rare cases of suspected tissue damage.
ان شاء الله فى سلسله فيديوهات هنعملها قريب بأذن الله هنتكلم عن فيها عن الـ Endodontic treatment Mechanical preparation obturation Step by Step ان شاء الله
Sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) was first
recognised as an antibacterial agent
in 1843 when hand washing with
hypochlorite solution between patients
produced unusually low rates of infection
transmission between patients.
It was first recorded as an endodontic
irrigant in 1920
and is now in routine
worldwide use.
Sodium hypochlorite is used as an
endodontic irrigant as it is an effective
antimicrobial and has tissue-dissolving
It has low viscosity allowing
easy introduction into the canal
architecture, an acceptable shelf life, is
easily available and inexpensive. The
toxicity of its action to vital tissues
and corrosion of metal
are its main
disadvantages in dental use. Sodium
hypochlorite reacts with fatty acids and
amino acids in dental pulp resulting in
liquefaction of organic tissue.
There is no universally accepted concentration of
sodium hypochlorite for use as an endodontic
The antibacterial and
tissue dissolution action of hypochlorite
increases with its concentration,
but this is accompanied by an increase in toxicity.
Concentrations used vary down
from 5.25% depending on the dilution
and storage protocols of individual practitioners.
Solution warmers are available
to increase the temperature up to 60ºC.
Increasing the temperature of a solution
of hypochlorite improves the bactericidal
and pulp dissolution activity, although
the effect of heat transfer to the adjacent
tissues is uncertain.
As a bleaching agent, inadvertent spillage
of this agent can result in damage
to clothing and soft tissues. Inadvertent
introduction of sodium hypochlorite
beyond the root canal system may result
in extensive soft tissue or nerve damage,
and even airway compromise. This article
reviews the potential complications
that can occur with sodium hypochlorite
in clinical practice, discusses measures
that can be taken to minimise risk, and
provides details of appropriate management
in the rare cases of suspected tissue
دكتور مفيش بعدك بجد.الله يباركلك
اسلوبك فى الشرح رائع جدااا و فعلا شجعتنى ان اشترى Endo irrigation Needles ياريت يا دكتور تفيدنا اكتر فى الاندو
ان شاء الله فى سلسله فيديوهات هنعملها قريب بأذن الله
هنتكلم عن فيها عن الـ
Endodontic treatment
Mechanical preparation
Step by Step
ان شاء الله
معلوماتك رااائعه تسلم دكتور الله يجزيك الجنه
thank you Dr. Mostafa this is the best way ever to root canal treatment
Thank you 🙏
هل بتتعقم يدكتور وتستخدم تاني ولا single use علشان تضاربت الأقاويل بس ؟
فعلاً يا دكتور دى اسهل طريقه تعمل بيها disinfection of root canal
بظبط لانك بتقدر توصل
irrigant solution to the full working length of the Root Canal
و فى نفس الوقت
بعيد عن اى مشاكل زى
sodium hypochlorite accident
كل الحب والتوفيق الك دكتور .. ربي يوفقك .. متابعك من العراق 😍😍😍
الله يسعدك يارب و يكرمك 🤗😍
بس مرات بيكون فيه نارو كانال يادكتور خاصه باللور 6 بحس محتاج استخدم اصغر من 0.3
دكتور الشرح اكثر من روعة
ممتاز جدا
الله يرضي عليك يارب شكراً
دكتور حصل لي fractureللتيب تبع irrigation needle
دكتور ممكن تكمل ال irrigation الجزء الثاني
شكرا جداااا يا دكتور
جزاك الله كل خير
Khaled Walid العفو دكتور
الله يكرمك يارب
شوف باقى فيديوهاتنا على القناه و لو فى حاجه مش واضحه ابعتلى او اكتبلى فى كومنت
شرحك جميل جدا بس شويه سريع 😟
شكرا يا دكتور😊
عاشت ايدك 💙💙
ممكن استخدم سرنجه انسولين
جربتها يا دكتور قصيره
و مش side vent needle
شكراً كتييير
العفو 😊
ماجاي استوعب الاحجام شنو الربط شجاي بصير سوعبوني
بس خدمي عقلك رح سوعبي
شكرا الك على المعلومات القيمة.. بس عندي تعليق اذا ممكن تقلل من استعمال الكلمات الانكليزية.. في كلمات كثير ممكن تحكيها بالعربي.
ان شاء الله
اكتر من رائع
Thank You
دكتور هى المفروض تكون اقصر من Root canal working length بقد ايه تقريبا
2 mm shorter than The Full working length of the Root canal
Apple Dentistry شكد استفاديت منك يا دكتور
بجيبها منين ؟
بقت موجوده و منتشره اكتر الفتره دى
و ممكن تسأل عنها فى القصر العينى
جيبتها من فترة من محل tri group في شارع بستان الفاضل جنب شارع القصر العيني
عايزين فيديو ازاي نتحكم ف sodium hypocloride accident
موجود قبل الفيدو هذا بتاريخ 08/03/2018
@@foufa5193 ممكن اللينك ؟
ممكن تليفونك من فضلك ، انا د احمد شهوان