If you like Warburtons, then try Warburtons gluten free tiger bread and Warburtons gluten free sourdough cob , which are excellent, they aren’t sliced and look and cut like a real loaf of bread. They are still nicer toasted but when fresh are nicer untoasted than the sliced type.
This was really *whole* -some bread content haha ;)
If you like Warburtons, then try Warburtons gluten free tiger bread and Warburtons gluten free sourdough cob , which are excellent, they aren’t sliced and look and cut like a real loaf of bread. They are still nicer toasted but when fresh are nicer untoasted than the sliced type.
Thank you for you comment Jim! I remember trying Warburtons tiger loaf a few years ago and enjoying it, I’ll have to get it again!