I have to say that touch typing and driving are the two best skills I’ve ever learnt. 23 years ago when I was 18 I was temping in offices mostly filing for very little money. I learnt to type properly and significantly increased my earning potential. Being able to type accurately at 70 words per minute also helped me massively when typing out my assignments and dissertation at University.
This works I started off typing 13 wpm with three mistakes. Now I am around 48 wpm with like 4 mistakes. I never look at the keyboard anymore. Speed typing online is where I learned to get my speed up. Its free online typing test.
@@presidentcheese3897 It depends on how long you practice. Just like a video game, the more you play the better you get. The more you practice typing the faster you get. I am still using the free online typing and I already made it up to 57 wpm.
This was an amazing video to watch, I never really learned the correct basics and my hand was always in pain. I came across this videos and saw how I was supposed to type. Now I type faster than I did the wrong way that I was used to!
As someone who can type at 142 words per minute, this was very helpful for me. Watching this video feels like going back to where I started from (50 WPM).
I spent over 12 years in the military typing messages all day long. I went over 120 wpm, people used to stand behind me just watching how fast I typed with out looking once at the keyboard. Now.... not sure how fast I type anymore.
When i was in first grade, there was someone who would be crowned the typing king every year when it reached summer break and there was a king for each grade (1-5 grade) There would be five people from each grade chosen to compete against each other. I was chosen when as one of the five people in fourth grade. When it was my turn to compete, I obviously didn't make just because about 2/3 of the keys on my keyboard were jammed and only worked if I shoved my finger onto the key.
Usually I do not use my pinky when I type. The reason behind it is because that my pinky is neither heavy or powerful enough to push the key down. I usually use my ring finger to type a and s for the left and l and ; for the right
Just came here to say that i've been practicinf a lor with this softwaye and so far so good, still need to memorize the keys better. Hopefully i will be writing without any mistales soon. Thanks a lot
When you have to type a capital letter which is on the RIGHT side of you keyboard, you press the shift key with LEFT PINKY. For capital letters on the LEFT of your keyboard, use your RIGHT pinky, press and hold the shift key and type the letter that you want in capital letters with your LEFT hand.
The reason why I never learned is because it felt stressful and I would make tons of mistakes while my hands would hurt. But now I have flashbacks of when I was learning cursive and I had these same problems. But now I write completely in cursive and my writing is a lot neater. Maybe I’ll give typing another try lmao. Even though I’m in 10th grade.
Same, I never learned this because it felt weird/stressful, so started out practicing normally , without the asdf jkl; method. I got to 70 words per minute after few months. BUT getting past that point is very hard without this method unless you are at superhuman speed. So practice this method since the beginning, its hard at first , and super easy to improve your speed after you get used to it. Trust in the process, youll not regret it :)
It's a wonderful software to learn typing specially for beginners like me. However, the dictating words and the keyboard layout on the screen are very tiny to read if there is a way to zoom out for eye comfort it would be great. I bout recently the version # Plus 4.02, I like it: great product!!
I would make a few modifications as to which finger should reach for which keys - for example, reaching the 3 is hard with the Index finger. For me its simply easier to do with the ring-finger.
I are ready know how to type fast I don’t need help but this is good to teach me how to texts even faster thank you this really helped a a lot thank you 😊
বিদেশে বসে দেশের বিরুদ্ধে ষড়ষন্ত্রের গোয়েন্দা অভিযোগ যাদের বিরুদ্ধে সদরুল অাইন : সাম্প্রতিক সময়ে বাংলাদেশের পরিস্থিতি অস্থির করার জন্য একটি পরিকল্পিত ষড়যন্ত্র হচ্ছে বলে একাধিক গোয়েন্দা সংস্থা নিশ্চিত করেছে। গোয়েন্দা সংস্থাগুলো মনে করছে যে, লাগামহীন পেঁয়াজের মূল্য বৃদ্ধি চালের বাজারে অস্থিরতা, লবন নিয়ে গুজব এবং রেল দুর্ঘটনা বা পরিবহন সংকট সবই একই সূত্র গাঁথা। এগুলো করা হচ্ছে পরিকল্পিত ষড়যন্ত্রের অংশ হিসেবে। একটা নির্বাচিত সরকারকে অস্থিতিশীল এবং অস্বস্তির মধ্যে ফেলার জন্যই এই পরিকল্পিত ষড়যন্ত্র করা হচ্ছে। অনুসন্ধানে দেখা গেছে, দেশে অস্থিতিশীলতা সৃষ্টির জন্য নীলনকশা করা হয়েছে দেশের বাইরে থেকে। গোয়েন্দা সংস্থাগুলো এই ষড়যন্ত্রের সঙ্গে পাঁচজন ব্যক্তির সংশ্লিষ্টতার প্রমাণ পেয়েছে, যারা প্রত্যেকেই বিদেশে অবস্থান করছে। এরা বিএনপি-জামাত এবং যুদ্ধাপরাধী গোষ্ঠীর সঙ্গে সম্পৃক্ত। তারেক জিয়া : গোয়েন্দা অনুসন্ধানে দেখা গেছে যে, সাম্প্রতিক সময়ের ষড়যন্ত্রগুলোর মূলহোতা হলো লন্ডনে পলাতক বিএনপির ভারপ্রাপ্ত চেয়ারম্যান তারেক জিয়া। যেকোনো মূল্যে বাংলাদেশে অস্থিরতা সৃষ্টির জন্য তারেক জিয়া মরিয়া হয়ে উঠেছেন। বিশেষ করে পেঁয়াজ সিন্ডিকেট করা, গুদামে পেঁয়াজ পঁচিয়ে ফেলা এগুলোর সঙ্গে তারেকের সংশ্লিষ্টতার সুস্পষ্ট প্রমাণ পেয়েছে গোয়েন্দারা। মোসাদ্দেক আলী ফালু : দুবাইয়ে অবস্থানরত বিএনপি নেতা এবং বেগম খালেদা জিয়ার সাবেক একান্ত সচিব মোসাদ্দেক আলী ফালুর নামও উঠে এসেছে ষড়যন্ত্রকারীদের তালিকায়। সাম্প্রতিক সময়ে ফালুর কিছু সম্পত্তি ক্রোক করার প্রক্রিয়া শুরু হয়েছে। এরপর থেকেই শুরু হয় পেঁয়াজের বাজারে অস্থিরতা। এই দুটোর মধ্যে একটা যোগসূত্র খোঁজা হচ্ছে। হারিছ চৌধুরী : হারিছ চৌধুরী দীর্ঘদিন ধরেই নিখোঁজ। তিনি লন্ডন, ভারতসহ বিভিন্ন দেশে পালাক্রমে ঘুরে বেড়াচ্ছেন। বিএনপির সঙ্গে তিনি সংশ্লিষ্ট রয়েছেন। সাম্প্রতিক সময়ে অস্থিরতা সৃষ্টির পেছনে তার যোগসাজশের প্রাথমিক তথ্য পাওয়া গেছে। আহমেদ বিন কাসেম : সাম্প্রতিক সময়ের ষড়যন্ত্রগুলোর অর্থের যোগানদাতা এবং অন্যতম হোতা হলো মীর কাসেম আলীর পুত্র আহমেদ বিন কাসেম। তিনি বর্তমানে যুক্তরাষ্ট্রে অবস্থান করছেন। চট্টগ্রামের খাতুনগঞ্জে বাজার নিয়ন্ত্রণ করা এবং অস্থিরতা সৃষ্টির পেছনে তার হাত রয়েছে বলে একধিক দায়িত্বশীল সূত্র নিশ্চিত করেছে। আলী আহমেদ মাবরুর : ষড়যন্ত্র প্রক্রিয়ার সঙ্গে জামাতের সাবেক সেক্রেটারি জেনারেল আলী আহসান মোহাম্মদ মুজাহিদের পুত্র আলী আহমেদ মাবরুরের নামও এসেছে। তিনি পরিকল্পিতভাবে দেশকে অশান্ত করে তোলার ষড়যন্ত্র করছেন বলে অভিযোগ পাওয়া গেছে। সংশ্লিষ্ট সূত্রগুলো বলছে, এই পাঁচজন ব্যক্তির নাম এলেও এদের সঙ্গে আরও কয়েকজন জড়িত রয়েছে। খুব শিগগিরই আইনপ্রয়োগকারী সংস্থা এবং গোয়েন্দারা এ সমস্ত ষড়যন্ত্রের মূল হোতাদেরকে খুঁজে বের করবে বলে জানিয়েছে।
~i never thought of how to type but it makes perfect sense looking at the layout of the fingers on the keyboard . . . this took ages for me to type without looking at the keyboard lol
Im a gamer and kind of developed my own style of typing which has been getting in my way lately its slow so im trying to relearn a proper typing technique
This is so cool, it seems that the people who say that they "still can't type" in the comments CAN TYPE I MEAN HOW DID YOU GET TO THE VIDEO Without typing?
Do you have any tips on finger placement memorization along with keyboard memorization? I continue to make the same mistakes and as time goes by when I am practicing constantly my typing is getting worse.
Interestingly, I started learning how to type, as a class, way back in 1990. It was pretty hard at first. I thought I could never master it. Wonder how long it finally took me to master typing? Ten (10) years. Meaning, I finally mastered the art of typing by the year 2000. As of event date, I am typing my comments using the touch finger.
I wish typing classes were more common nowadays. I learned around 2010 in middle school how to type and now computers in many homes and classrooms have been replaced with iPads and kids don't learn to type properly anymore. Now that i'm learning to program, i'm so glad that I can type any symbol on my keyboard quickly without ever having to look around to find it.
@@antxv713 Honestly, I only ever practiced touch-typing in a single typing class I had in middle school for like an hour each school-day. That was 12 years ago and still to this day I can touch type very accurately and fast.
I find it it easy to use my left index finger to press “c” than my left mid middle finger. Will it be disadvantages in the long run if i use my index finger to press “c”. Anyone with this problem but me?
I actually watch this because i type slow when using a computer.... And my teacher always rate our grades on how fast we type over how quality our works are....i hate him.
ooh lord it s hard to start typing correctly :( , could we switch our fingers , i ll give you mine and give me yours ? work with them until they become perfect and come to get yours ;)
I have to say that touch typing and driving are the two best skills I’ve ever learnt. 23 years ago when I was 18 I was temping in offices mostly filing for very little money. I learnt to type properly and significantly increased my earning potential. Being able to type accurately at 70 words per minute also helped me massively when typing out my assignments and dissertation at University.
Thank you for sharing your story! We are excited to see our clients grow and excel with our products.
This works I started off typing 13 wpm with three mistakes. Now I am around 48 wpm with like 4 mistakes. I never look at the keyboard anymore. Speed typing online is where I learned to get my speed up. Its free online typing test.
Where can I get it for free? I need it badly.
@@thebossman60 its not free i think
how long did itt ake
@@presidentcheese3897 It depends on how long you practice. Just like a video game, the more you play the better you get. The more you practice typing the faster you get. I am still using the free online typing and I already made it up to 57 wpm.
Ugh, I'm so frustrated w this so much. I'm bouncing between 17 n 20wpm. I WANT TO SCREAM!
This was an amazing video to watch, I never really learned the correct basics and my hand was always in pain. I came across this videos and saw how I was supposed to type. Now I type faster than I did the wrong way that I was used to!
I loved Keyboarding class when I was a high school senior. I passed the exam. It was fun and easy to type as an intermediate level.
As someone who can type at 142 words per minute, this was very helpful for me. Watching this video feels like going back to where I started from (50 WPM).
The hell teach me plzzz I need to type fast for my new job😖
SO USEFUL. I just hit 81 wpm with a accuracy of 92%. I really think that this is a helpful video. really enjoyed it and also recommended it.
Thanks Trevor, I am 60 and never type before. I need to keep working and must learn this skill.
TY I am excited to finally start learning. This is my only new years resolution. LOL
I've been putting this off long enough.
Same, how did it go?
Makes three of us lol
This is mine for this year. I want to finally learn once and for all.
new year 💀
Did it end well?
I spent over 12 years in the military typing messages all day long. I went over 120 wpm, people used to stand behind me just watching how fast I typed with out looking once at the keyboard. Now.... not sure how fast I type anymore.
any tip or software for me?
Any tips for new comers??
Look like middle finger job
Kit Wadka😂
I am skillful in typing without looking at a keyboard. Taught myself!
When i was in first grade, there was someone who would be crowned the typing king every year when it reached summer break and there was a king for each grade (1-5 grade) There would be five people from each grade chosen to compete against each other. I was chosen when as one of the five people in fourth grade. When it was my turn to compete, I obviously didn't make just because about 2/3 of the keys on my keyboard were jammed and only worked if I shoved my finger onto the key.
I have IT Exam Tomorrow.
Thank you savior.
Thank you so much. I'll start the lessons from today.
How is your typing coming along?
I Got It! Just relax your fingers to the caps left to right and Slowly and to faster and to learning about Tapping.
I feel like I watched a 15 min long video. This video helped me out a lot 5 years ago, just wanted to let you know :)
Usually I do not use my pinky when I type. The reason behind it is because that my pinky is neither heavy or powerful enough to push the key down. I usually use my ring finger to type a and s for the left and l and ; for the right
Same. I do not use my pinky finger either.
Just came here to say that i've been practicinf a lor with this softwaye and so far so good, still need to memorize the keys better. Hopefully i will be writing without any mistales soon. Thanks a lot
very helpful to me as a beginner with this basic lesson video thank you.
Thanks for watching!
Have you improved since then?
How does capitalization work? Do we use the pinky to press the shift key? If so, how to write capital A?
When you have to type a capital letter which is on the RIGHT side of you keyboard, you press the shift key with LEFT PINKY.
For capital letters on the LEFT of your keyboard, use your RIGHT pinky, press and hold the shift key and type the letter that you want in capital letters with your LEFT hand.
Thank you, this is the guide I am searching for. starting my typing journey now. hope I will be good at it after soon
this actually helped me a lot thank you so much!
I have most of the letters memorized, it's just I have no speed and make a lot of mistakes when trying to go fast
Piper 1212 نممممءىممذمىمسمنس
I'm also stuck there
home row keys hurt my fingers so i have to resort to some weird way of typing that gives me like 75 wpm which is good I guess
I’d love to learn how to type really fast it’s a skill am desperate to learn. Will watch more vidoes like this for tips. Thank you.
One of my goals for 2024 is to type faster. My hand placement has been incorrect my whole life 😅
More Grease to your elbows, link up for more tips.
Thank you for such informative instructions.....
You're right sir.
most intelligent words I've heard.
Crypto is the new gold.
I'm a huge fan of crypto, I hold some few coins in my wallet..
crypto is the act of speculating an cryptocurrency price..
Installed, everything works, thanks!
Thankyou so much. I'm just 25 wpm and I wanted it to 40 wpm. I think this video may help me a lot ❤
did it?
Thanks a lot
It is really helpful especially for the beginners...
Great job👍🏻
Nice tutorial, nicely describe the finger and hand positions.
Thanks for watching!
Bro I really do appreciate you for this help, Thanks! I subscribed and Liked the video.
i am very excited about the technic you use in your typing program
The reason why I never learned is because it felt stressful and I would make tons of mistakes while my hands would hurt. But now I have flashbacks of when I was learning cursive and I had these same problems. But now I write completely in cursive and my writing is a lot neater. Maybe I’ll give typing another try lmao. Even though I’m in 10th grade.
Same, I never learned this because it felt weird/stressful, so started out practicing normally , without the asdf jkl; method. I got to 70 words per minute after few months. BUT getting past that point is very hard without this method unless you are at superhuman speed. So practice this method since the beginning, its hard at first , and super easy to improve your speed after you get used to it. Trust in the process, youll not regret it :)
This was really helpful
Thank you man for sharing this stuff
im trying to use what ever principle used here and apply it to learning the notes on my guitar
It's a wonderful software to learn typing specially for beginners like me. However, the dictating words and the keyboard layout on the screen are very tiny to read if there is a way to zoom out for eye comfort it would be great. I bout recently the version # Plus 4.02, I like it: great product!!
I type all the time and I can touch type at about 60 wpm, however if I type when looking occasionally I can do like 120 wpm
So what are you doing here?
@@gabesegun7966 😂😂😂😂
i now understand the true basic of typing TRYHANK YOU VERY MUCH
Wicked, now I can type asdfg ;lkjh without looking
asdf lkjh;
Camberwell86 a
Camberwell86 xxfgauudvdbuuabhhdvvsbhjajbbshhsbsbbj
you cant
Thanks really that tutorial for that it helped me a lot.
Thank you I need to memorize the keys
Thank you so much for the best information and Technic
know where to start a new soft and I didn't know how to switch from soft to . You are the best THANK YOU FOR NOT
I type at 140wpm and I don't use my little fingers for any letters, instead I reserve them for Shift/CTRL/Enter/Tab/etc.
Destiny ok
DuuAlan gjhfghg
what fingers do you use to type for the little finger keys instead of your little fingers?
Brag much? Ugh... I guess if your going to get appply for that secretary job you'll win
now I learn a lot how to proper put my
hand in the keyboard.
Thank you. It's really helpful
Z xcv
congratulations fam!!!
I would make a few modifications as to which finger should reach for which keys - for example, reaching the 3 is hard with the Index finger. For me its simply easier to do with the ring-finger.
for me its easier to use my thumb
I are ready know how to type fast I don’t need help but this is good to teach me how to texts even faster thank you this really helped a a lot thank you 😊
I thank you a lot for this! 🙏🏼
Thank you soo much! This helped a lot!
Great video!
The intro was so relatable😂😭
thank you .. very helpful !
বিদেশে বসে দেশের বিরুদ্ধে ষড়ষন্ত্রের গোয়েন্দা অভিযোগ যাদের বিরুদ্ধে
সদরুল অাইন :
সাম্প্রতিক সময়ে বাংলাদেশের পরিস্থিতি অস্থির করার জন্য একটি পরিকল্পিত ষড়যন্ত্র হচ্ছে বলে একাধিক গোয়েন্দা সংস্থা নিশ্চিত করেছে।
গোয়েন্দা সংস্থাগুলো মনে করছে যে, লাগামহীন পেঁয়াজের মূল্য বৃদ্ধি চালের বাজারে অস্থিরতা, লবন নিয়ে গুজব এবং রেল দুর্ঘটনা বা পরিবহন সংকট সবই একই সূত্র গাঁথা।
এগুলো করা হচ্ছে পরিকল্পিত ষড়যন্ত্রের অংশ হিসেবে। একটা নির্বাচিত সরকারকে অস্থিতিশীল এবং অস্বস্তির মধ্যে ফেলার জন্যই এই পরিকল্পিত ষড়যন্ত্র করা হচ্ছে।
অনুসন্ধানে দেখা গেছে, দেশে অস্থিতিশীলতা সৃষ্টির জন্য নীলনকশা করা হয়েছে দেশের বাইরে থেকে। গোয়েন্দা সংস্থাগুলো এই ষড়যন্ত্রের সঙ্গে পাঁচজন ব্যক্তির সংশ্লিষ্টতার প্রমাণ পেয়েছে, যারা প্রত্যেকেই বিদেশে অবস্থান করছে। এরা বিএনপি-জামাত এবং যুদ্ধাপরাধী গোষ্ঠীর সঙ্গে সম্পৃক্ত।
তারেক জিয়া :
গোয়েন্দা অনুসন্ধানে দেখা গেছে যে, সাম্প্রতিক সময়ের ষড়যন্ত্রগুলোর মূলহোতা হলো লন্ডনে পলাতক বিএনপির ভারপ্রাপ্ত চেয়ারম্যান তারেক জিয়া।
যেকোনো মূল্যে বাংলাদেশে অস্থিরতা সৃষ্টির জন্য তারেক জিয়া মরিয়া হয়ে উঠেছেন। বিশেষ করে পেঁয়াজ সিন্ডিকেট করা, গুদামে পেঁয়াজ পঁচিয়ে ফেলা এগুলোর সঙ্গে তারেকের সংশ্লিষ্টতার সুস্পষ্ট প্রমাণ পেয়েছে গোয়েন্দারা।
মোসাদ্দেক আলী ফালু :
দুবাইয়ে অবস্থানরত বিএনপি নেতা এবং বেগম খালেদা জিয়ার সাবেক একান্ত সচিব মোসাদ্দেক আলী ফালুর নামও উঠে এসেছে ষড়যন্ত্রকারীদের তালিকায়।
সাম্প্রতিক সময়ে ফালুর কিছু সম্পত্তি ক্রোক করার প্রক্রিয়া শুরু হয়েছে। এরপর থেকেই শুরু হয় পেঁয়াজের বাজারে অস্থিরতা। এই দুটোর মধ্যে একটা যোগসূত্র খোঁজা হচ্ছে।
হারিছ চৌধুরী :
হারিছ চৌধুরী দীর্ঘদিন ধরেই নিখোঁজ। তিনি লন্ডন, ভারতসহ বিভিন্ন দেশে পালাক্রমে ঘুরে বেড়াচ্ছেন। বিএনপির সঙ্গে তিনি সংশ্লিষ্ট রয়েছেন। সাম্প্রতিক সময়ে অস্থিরতা সৃষ্টির পেছনে তার যোগসাজশের প্রাথমিক তথ্য পাওয়া গেছে।
আহমেদ বিন কাসেম :
সাম্প্রতিক সময়ের ষড়যন্ত্রগুলোর অর্থের যোগানদাতা এবং অন্যতম হোতা হলো মীর কাসেম আলীর পুত্র আহমেদ বিন কাসেম।
তিনি বর্তমানে যুক্তরাষ্ট্রে অবস্থান করছেন। চট্টগ্রামের খাতুনগঞ্জে বাজার নিয়ন্ত্রণ করা এবং অস্থিরতা সৃষ্টির পেছনে তার হাত রয়েছে বলে একধিক দায়িত্বশীল সূত্র নিশ্চিত করেছে।
আলী আহমেদ মাবরুর :
ষড়যন্ত্র প্রক্রিয়ার সঙ্গে জামাতের সাবেক সেক্রেটারি জেনারেল আলী আহসান মোহাম্মদ মুজাহিদের পুত্র আলী আহমেদ মাবরুরের নামও এসেছে।
তিনি পরিকল্পিতভাবে দেশকে অশান্ত করে তোলার ষড়যন্ত্র করছেন বলে অভিযোগ পাওয়া গেছে।
সংশ্লিষ্ট সূত্রগুলো বলছে, এই পাঁচজন ব্যক্তির নাম এলেও এদের সঙ্গে আরও কয়েকজন জড়িত রয়েছে।
খুব শিগগিরই আইনপ্রয়োগকারী সংস্থা এবং গোয়েন্দারা এ সমস্ত ষড়যন্ত্রের মূল হোতাদেরকে খুঁজে বের করবে বলে জানিয়েছে।
I love this video and I want you will give us more this type of video 😊😊
thanks this is very helpful
~i never thought of how to type but it makes perfect sense looking at the layout of the fingers on the keyboard . . . this took ages for me to type without looking at the keyboard lol
wov...thank you very much ....best vdo I sow ever in typing tutorial
Im a gamer and kind of developed my own style of typing which has been getting in my way lately its slow so im trying to relearn a proper typing technique
i want to start typing.
Just bought signature edition and tNice tutorials tutorial I've watched a few tis. Am having a blast atm lol
This is so cool, it seems that the people who say that they "still can't type" in the comments CAN TYPE
Without typing?
Bobatea:3 -My vids are totally cool -w- STILL CANT "TOUCH TYPE"
My sister taught me how to type without looking at the keyboard. I am pretty good at it. It saves one a lot of time
mam thanks a lot for giving us a link.....it helps me a lot
This is really a big help for me ..thank you!
Really amazing tool, thank really very much for creating such magical tool
Ya really amazing
Single best typing lesson!!
Yep , this is what I need ...... highschool typing
was 38 years ago , IBM ball
Man we learned this in 8th grade in keyboarding class. Haven't had to look at the keyboard while typing since then, that was 2001.
nice video! i can practice all day! :)
Quite a good tutorial.
Thank you. Help ful!
This is an excellent tutorial.
how could i thank u i have learned typing without looking by that app link.
I liked this video because it told me exactly where to place my fingers.
Good job- thank you!
What about Shift-Q? They both use the same finger
Do you have any tips on finger placement memorization along with keyboard memorization? I continue to make the same mistakes and as time goes by when I am practicing constantly my typing is getting worse.
add reply
Interestingly, I started learning how to type, as a class, way back in 1990. It was pretty hard at first. I thought I could never master it. Wonder how long it finally took me to master typing? Ten (10) years. Meaning, I finally mastered the art of typing by the year 2000. As of event date, I am typing my comments using the touch finger.
I wish typing classes were more common nowadays. I learned around 2010 in middle school how to type and now computers in many homes and classrooms have been replaced with iPads and kids don't learn to type properly anymore. Now that i'm learning to program, i'm so glad that I can type any symbol on my keyboard quickly without ever having to look around to find it.
Damn dude 10 years?? I just started today...
I ain't got no 10 years bruh. Going to devote at least 5 hours a day and keep it consistant.
@@antxv713 Honestly, I only ever practiced touch-typing in a single typing class I had in middle school for like an hour each school-day. That was 12 years ago and still to this day I can touch type very accurately and fast.
@@antxv713 Dude 5 hours? hell no. no non ononononono no I've got Math homework.
i tiped thid eithoit loojinh on thr kryboarf. trll mr thae clear
I want to learn more about this
Hello, thank you for your interest in our software. You can learn more and download KeyBlaze here: www.nchsoftware.com/typingtutor/index.html
It improve my typing
Same here
In mobile I type very fast
Shut up
this video is very helpful for my friend. Greetings from Uganda!
I find it it easy to use my left index finger to press “c” than my left mid middle finger. Will it be disadvantages in the long run if i use my index finger to press “c”. Anyone with this problem but me?
ME! I can't force myself to use the middle finger for the C. It's the only key I have problems with for me
Tommaso Piola so what finger do you use to press letter ‘b’? Same finger for all the letters, c,v,b?
Same to u, I also use index finger for c
I type at 143 wpm and I used to be 20 wpm three months ago lol and I touch type.
That's actually inspiring xD thanks. I currently type at 40wpm and aiming for 200
why are you here then?
Because, r/iamverysmart
@@sheepylamb335 Thats a big difference, Aim lower so you wont be disappointed when you miss your target.
@@hanf4415 hahaha nic questions
how do i increase the size of the font its so small
Where to do these exercise.
KeyBlaze is available for download here: www.nchsoftware.com/typingtutor/
Is the six finger technique advisable?
I get mom told me to review and I totally got it 😄
Very helpful vid 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Thanks for watching!
Tqqqqqq sm......
This is very helpful
I actually watch this because i type slow when using a computer.... And my teacher always rate our grades on how fast we type over how quality our works are....i hate him.
i have an expensive mechanical keyboard yet the fastest ive ever typed is 35 words per minute :(
mehanical keyboardaasasd suckkkk dfor ryping justr use a menbreane
Nch is very help softwares developers. Thank You.
Thank you!
I think now i will be typing with highly speed
works, chock-full thanks!
It was so amazing!
Thank you for your initiative...
Thanks for watching!
ooh lord it s hard to start typing correctly :( , could we switch our fingers , i ll give you mine and give me yours ? work with them until they become perfect and come to get yours ;)