Been looking for Hidden Soldier videos with best gears to see the class full potential, your videos gives a good idea and information about the class and especially with the storm claw amulet which this amulet increases skill delay. Thanks for sharing! Hope to see more videos from you!
Manteb abis char + ownernye nih, cuma masukan dari ane mas knp ga make fitur auto target yang mencet tab aja? Enak tuh drpd susah ngelock yg lari2 pake mouse kan hehehe.
4:16 wkwk itu wr 2 pressure barengan
Been looking for Hidden Soldier videos with best gears to see the class full potential, your videos gives a good idea and information about the class and especially with the storm claw amulet which this amulet increases skill delay. Thanks for sharing! Hope to see more videos from you!
Thankyou broo 🙏
Its not increase, its
RANGER (HS) emang asik dimainin
Itu becengnya kegedean bang Kaya mau foging..mantapz
baru tau kalo HS bisa sakit begini. Coba ah di classic.
Baru tau effect baalhamon klo copot pasang bisa ningkatin darah terus..
wkokwowko GG emng
Bang ranger main hind kh
Stun gak nahan
selamat 100 subscribe
Klo di RF Classic ampun2nan HS krg sakit
HS sakit cuman F35 udh itu aja wkwkkw
beli pot quickness dimana kk ?
HS mah kritikalnya yg sakit banget
Suara machine gun itu lo.. hehe
Panutan gue di cerberus 😍😍, di tunggu video selanjutnya mas haq
karna char saya masuk yt :v sudah saya likw :v
Manteb abis char + ownernye nih, cuma masukan dari ane mas knp ga make fitur auto target yang mencet tab aja? Enak tuh drpd susah ngelock yg lari2 pake mouse kan hehehe.
Adil Saktiansyah emang masih bisa ya ? Punya ku kok kudu mouse mode kalo mau auto target pake tab
Ngeliat beginian jadi semangat naekin char ranger wkwk
Faisal Al Fajri colok lah rare d nya wkwk
Tanggung ah kalo 67 mah wkwk
Gan itu senjatanya colok igno atau chaos? + brapa?
Gg pisan ui
unch unch
mantop dewan terGG kuh
Sakit amat senjatanya gan. Rare D +6 yah?
om itu armor pojok kanan 2 biji opsinya apa aja?
Bikin live dong
Pensi fal pensi Hahahaha
Rifqi adi main santai aja kalo gabut ewkkw
ini gem apa bang?
lha ini char sendiri mati d skip