Mage fan?! I gotchu covered, I went back and looked at sorcerer to show just how wrong I was:видео.html Mystic Knight or Magick Archer fan? DUDE I got a video for that too because I live in dragons dogma nowвидео.html Reupload: some footage replaced with CC footage, appropriate attribution given in description. Added a video of look-alike Phil Collins standing in the rain cause I thought it was amazing. I want to apologise for some audio crackle I've only just noticed. I switched to Sony Vegas 18 around here and it did not import my old audio settings Thank you for your support, patience and understanding with these reuploads. Thank you. Goes without saying if you need Dragons Dogma footage, feel free to take it from my review.
Holy smokes bless you I swear, thank you dude for real. I'm chugging through these a bit slower than I'd hoped, I just am so grateful for the patience of yourself and others who have seen these go up once before. Thank you so much!
@@reallylatereviews Hey we’re all fine with waiting. These need to be re uploaded so others can find them like we originally did :D But yeah there’s no rush they’ll be done when they’re done. Gives me something to listen to whilst I grind out these awful AC Valhalla mastery challenges XD
@@MadnlooneyJR Oh my goodness, I swear if you have to turn every radio tower in that I feel for you I really do :D but in all seriousness, the Valhalla entry looks like the most interesting of the AC series, along with Odyssey! I haven't played any AC games but if I had to go on looks and themes alone, I'd probably pick one of those. Do you get anything good for challenges? :O And thank you, I really mean it. I'm gonna pop up a little update/100 subs (thank you!) video tomorrow which I wanna do because it is a landmark for me, but it won't slow anything down because I will be rendering/checking Sin Emergence tomorrow anyway.
@@reallylatereviews So they are like combat challenges that you need to do flawlessly to get gold medals. It’s a fixed difficulty so you can’t really cheese it and they select your loadout for you. They’re alright end game activities but require a lot of patience to get through. As for if the game is good it’s definitely an acquired taste. Some people hate them some love them. Ubisoft has a tendency to morph all their games to fit an identical design structure. So it has a gear system now with abilities etc. The usual icon vomit on your map is present but I don’t know they are just nice to explore as well. The game isn’t perfect but it’s like a comfort food almost XD I’m also fairly invested in the lore having played basically every entry, I try to read all in game lore and have read most of their printed media as well be it books or graphic novels. Of the three newest in the series that follow this heavy RPG formula I’ve got to say Odyssey was the one I had most fun with then Valhalla and finally Origins. But I know they aren’t for everyone so there is perhaps a chance you don’t enjoy them. I’m not sure if PC Gamepass has access to Ubisofts subscription thing like EA does. As perhaps that might be a better way of trying them. Just dropping £1 for a month if that deal is still a thing for new subscribers.
It is so underrated, I honestly almost missed it and I'm so glad I found it. I think it's one of the rare occasions where the RPG elements complement and blend seamlessly with the action gameplay, rather than hinder or supress it. Bless you Banana as well for watching my videos and commenting, I really appreciate it, thank you! I replied to your console question on Bayo as well in case that doesn't notify ya. You're right I just love my PC though :P
That is true, a few people have said that and I do respect it for that, but I'm not gonna lie it's frustrating when you're totally unaware your own progress is responsible for that happening. I like the idea of the moving world though, it gives me a bit more respect for the system. Thank you for watching and for stopping to comment, I really appreciate it!
@@reallylatereviews for me made me exited about replaying it over and over again and so I did with the new game plus, and I've been finding hidden content for almost a decade, I grew to absolutely love this system
Yes for me one of the best features of this game, other than combat. Wish more RPG's would do this instead of the whole world essentially being paused while you mess around with what ever you feel like at the time. Makes it feel way more alive!
I love the quests on here besides the go here kill ten rabbits thing. But when you can actually fail a quest it makes the game much better. I always make sure to head back to cassardis to see if my cousins need help
The reason the eternal ferrystone was in the storage (sorry if somebody else beat me to this), is because this was not a thing in the base game when it first came out. You had to buy ferrystones (or find them in specific locations). You also did not have all the different fast travel points that dark arisen added (you only had a couple of fast travel points by default). You had to buy/find the fast travel points at very select story points, and then place them down at the places you wanted. I had played this game so much that I had the perfect fast travel system figured out by the time dark arisen came out and it cancelled half my 'work' 😅. Glad more people are trying this game out! Has a special place in my heart and I've played it well over 1000 hours across multiple versions!
THAT explains it holy shit! Fuckin ell I wondered why there were two versions haha. I won't lie buying those sounds very tedious but I did come to appreciate the system after I found the Eternal ferrystone. Especially if they didn't even have many fast points. Thank you for sharing this, I would have never known at all, and also thank you for taking the time to comment and watch. I really appreciate it!
@@reallylatereviews I think the point originally was to add to the importance of planning your travel. I remember the importance of picking up a quest and then sleeping at the inn to make sure we avoided nightfall. It added to the charm. Of course by the time you get to Ng+ you just want to quickly get those escort quests out of the way.
@@CephalonKet Yeah I can respect that. I think my main gripe was that so much of that is front loaded towards the start of the game. Slaying a dragon feels less of a burden than running back and forth if that makes sense. I do have a new appreciation for it after reading what you said though, and there is a charm to it. Yeah night time PFFT we hate that!
@@reallylatereviews First time I played I was actually scared of having to travel during the night because everything was so dark and I'd stumble on hard bosses. Good times! Anyway, your video was great, great editing! Keep up the good work!
I have to mention that even the character creation has so much depth to it. Your character is small? He can fit into small spaces. He is tall? He can reach higher heights. He is skinny? He can climb faster. He is fat? He can't be knocked down easily. He isn't ripped? He can regen stamina faster. He is bulky? He can carry a lot more items.
I genuinely can't wait for that! I've heard that a lot of stuff was trimmed for time from DD so hopefully some of those concepts will make it into the sequel!
Not really. IIRC it didn't do the numbers they wanted, and it was compared unfavorably to games like Witcher 2, Skyrim, and even Dark Souls. It was even intended to be a hit in the west and wound up doing better in Japan.
It can be a frustration to some people, but this game hits all the right spots for me. Every class feels awesome to play, I've played as a Mystic Knight and I feel like you missed the best part of it. I wish I could erase my memory, play with each class and explore everything anew. All I can say is they're masterworks all, you can't go wrong.
After playing sorcerer a bit I've also been recommended to dig further into mystic knight, especially as my character will be better built for it now. So I will definitely get around to it haha. I think that's wonderful though, loving a game so much you wish it could be fresh again. That's a testament to a great game. Thank you as well, for taking the time to comment and watch my videos. Thank you!
I like that it doesn’t tell you which quests are lockable. It means you’re playing as a character as you should in an RPG and letting the story take over.
Same! Some People down play grigori because he is "Too Easy" Well, he IS easy but can kick ass if given the opportunity, but honestly i like the fact that his fight is more cinematic than difficult😅
Fun fact: due to time and budget constraints, the finished product is only about 40% of the original story. Ever notice the lack of a moon? That's because it was supposed to be the final boss fight and was connected to the online worlds like the rift
rofl I heard they were going to the moon not that it was a final boss. that's amazing ffs, what a missed opportunity! Thank you as well for sharing this, and for watching!
@@geleiou I think there was meant to be a mega-moon boss that got cut sadly. But the Daimon and Daimon 2 are both the proper bosses I guess, now that the Seneschal is just really easy to beat. I don't think there's anything above the Seneschal in the pecking order lore wise though but I can't be sure!
Dragon's Dogma has some pretty low lows but some of the highest highs in all of gaming for me. I'll never forget the first time my Sorcerer pawn dropped Bolide and wiped an entire encounter by himself after the incredibly long cast time and wind-up. The mages in Dragon's Dogma are TRULY forces of nature, bringing downright BIBLICAL levels of destruction at the highest levels. The Warriors are among the most powerful in gaming as well, with the mighty swings and arc of Obliteration able to one-shot even incredibly sturdy foes. The rogue characters are incredibly nimble and the amount of damage they can pump out while weaving in and out of combat is super impressive. The hybrid vocations are unlike most other options in gaming and they're SO MUCH FUN. Shoutout to Mystic Knight's focus on parrying and magic cannon spam. Bitterblack Isle has some of the dopest upgrades and equipment in the game but i wish there was some kind of transmog system like what Monster Hunter adapted in Gen 5 since style is the true endgame. Also something a lot of folks don't realize is all of Dragon's Dogma's numbers for damage and defense are additive/subtractive. Example: Enemy has 100 defense and you have 110 attack. You will deal 10 damage to that enemy. but, if you go and upgrade your weapon and get 150 attack, you'll deal 50 damage instead. 5x the damage. The menu system can be a bit wonky to deal with but knowing how important gear upgrades are is crucial for enjoyment and actually clearing the harder content.
Ya know, I'm gonna be honest. Transmog/glamour/layered armour whatever you want to call it, is absolutely essential for me. I know it's completely cosmetic but it's absolutely a necessity. So I completely agree. I had no idea about the damage numbers, I gotta admit I didn't dig into it that far but I bet for endgame it really starts to matter! It's honestly one of the best games I've ever played, because it really is fun and I've been informed that the mages take a minute to warm up before you really enjoy them haha! So I believe you when you say they becoming forces of nature :D I'd honestly give it a more confident recommendation it's just, it is a game you need patience with right at the start. After that first bit the game becomes mostly highs and I dig it, especially with bitterblack isle as you said. They need to waterproof that fuckin lantern though. Thank you so much for taking the time to comment and for watching. I love to see people's passion about games they love and so I'm really grateful you're sharing it, thank you!
Mystic Knight's Magic Cannon combined with the skill that throws multiple attacks in a short time...priceless also, the first time i ran into the big wolf boss (Fenrir?) in Bitterblack Isle, i honestly had to just climb out of it's reach and just spam it with area spells, took me like 30 minutes to take it down
@@reallylatereviews they kinda waterproofed it in BBI, one of the items you can get from BBI Cursed Gear purification is a ring that prevents you from getting drenched. Rings are not that useful anyway unless you're going for max optimization so it's somewhat of a doable compromise
The magic in this game is one of the best I have ever experienced in my gaming life. The meteorite shower and the Maelstrom were simply dope. Seeing the havoc of destruction that those spells could bring is one of the most powerful and satisfying sensations I have ever experienced playing a game.
I just wanna say real quick thank you for watching and commenting on my videos, I really appreciate it so thank you! And you're right in both cases. About the magic in DD, and the kicking in Dark Messiah haha! I'm putting a magic DD video up soon to rectify my error here. Fun video not a serious review, but yeah I missed a trick here. Magic is 10/10. Thank you!
I will never forget fighting the Orge in the Everfall the first time. It was my first time facing one, I had a 3-1 female party, I assumed it would be slow like the Cyclops or that the same tactics would work. Jumped on its back and started smacking its head, he jumps back slamming my rogue into the stone to shake me off. Heal, create some distance and start peppering its hands and face with arrows, he sprints and does a drop kick launching me up the spiral. We ended up setting it on fire and dropping it to low HP, by this time my pawn party collectively decided to grapple the thing to slow it down. Now i want you to imagine this, three women are grabbing these flaming beast as it stand inches from the edge. My rogue shoots into a short sprint with daggers in hand and leaps onto its face to start stable, that's enough, he topples over and my character alone rides the beast into the bottom of the pit, it dying on impact where as my rogue auto does a jaunting hop off its chest ignoring all momentum a few seconds prior. I am at the bottom by my self. All pawns steadily dying to undead as they desperately try to path find down to me. I interact with the gate and tentacle hell spawns. I lose everyone. My knight fell to her death, batted off the top by some creature, my pawn mage eaten by tentacles as she repeated aided me in my exhausted sprint. The archer bled out somewhere, somehow. A near TPK. Such a damn rush.
That story is amazing holy shit. Thank you for sharing this I love it! And bless you for taking the time to watch also, thank you! I know it's terrible but all I can think of is not dismissing a hunter pet in WoW before jumping off a ledge - same thing, you aggro every single enemy while your dinosaur runs down to you.
I rode the rodeo for a bit with the first ogre before I got yeeted down to die on the throne. Next time I admit I shamelessly ran around the ogre and just as shamelessly ran back up from the tentacles only heading back to pick up my failing pawns to run again.
I remember heading to everfall ealry game and running into all the tentacles lol. It was a mad dash to gtfo especially since I was on hard mode and those things were damn near impossible to beat. We ran out of there but got caught at the ogre I ran past lol. Once I respawned I realized I had that eternal ferrystone and just got us tf out. That’s when I knew this game was different lol
YOU HAVE TO LISTEN TO THE OG MUSIC FOR DRAGONS DOGMA "Into Free" Edit: Also the escort for the Hydra head quest, it was like my 13th playthrough where I found out you can kick it to make it go faster for about 5 seconds xD
Great review! It's one of my favorite games , the atmosphere is unlike any other game. Really enjoyed your sense of humor and will watch your next videos. +1 for the Michael Keaton joke!
Thank you! Ayyy I'm glad it made ya laugh, that is always worrying me if my humor comes across haha! And it is such a good game so I don't blame you, you are right I can't really associate it's atmosphere with anything else. Truly got a unique vibe. And thank you again for watching, and sending kind words, it does really mean a lot to me! We love Michael Keaton here yo! +1
To this day I think the combat in Dragon's Dogma is better than the vast majority of RPG and Souls-like games. As you said in your review, the combat just seems so visceral, and the idea that you can climb the giant monsters and strike their weakpoints really added to the depth and excitement of taking those behemoths down. The way sorcery was done in the game is also second to none - while I didn't enjoy playing a Sorcerer myself, I did enjoy renting out pawns that performed these grandiose and devastating spells. While the casting times might be slow, the game has a clever spell syncing system to allow for acceleration of casting if multiple players/pawns possess the same spell. Pawns will literally copy the spell another is casting to spell sync. This game also had a phenomenal expansion in Bitterblack Isle, which basically played right into this games strengths (excellent exploration, upgrade systems, and of course combat). Bitterblack Isle also featured a combat track that is my favorite of any game (track name is "Battle of Despair"). I remember walking through some of the depths of Bitterblack Isle in eerie silence, and all of a sudden one of my pawns would shout "Eliminator" and a sense of dread would build as the heavy guitar riff and chanting would kick it into gear. Phenomenal. I also really liked the pawn system, and how surprisingly deep it is. Pawn can learn from fighting monsters and completing quests, and perform better for any future renters of those pawns. Pawns also have a complex disposition system that affects their general behavior in battle and when exploring. There was a small group of us back when the game came out that held pawn competitions in the final post-game area - we would see if the pawns would be strong enough to take down those giant bosses by themselves, and based the competition around the speed of the boss takedowns. This game is in dire need of a sequel, so long as they preserve the core of what made the combat and gear upgrade systems so good.
Those competitions sound really inventive, I like that! Pawn arena! It really is, I do hope in the sequel they iron out some of the grievances but keep it complex and deep. I am the same as well I preferred rental mages :D Thank you for taking the time to comment, share your experiences it's lovely to read, and for watching!
It's honestly unreal. It shows how so many games took a step forward, two steps back. Thanks as well for commenting and taking the time to watch my vid, I really appreciate it!
Dragon's Dogma is (in my opinion) one of the greatest and most enduring games ever made. It always does my heart good to see reviews of it pop up and hopefully get it into the hands of a broader audience. I got it when it first came out and had a great time with it. What REALLY hooked me was when the expansion (Bitterblack Isle) was released. The story and setting are incredible, the creatures all have deep dark stories about them and lore, and the way they use the lighting makes it an incredibly beautiful area. If you haven't gone through Bitterblack yet I highly recommend dropping what you're doing now and going there. Also, Hardmode changes the game in ways you wouldn't expect particularly in Bitterblack. You'll want to have that turned on for the full experience. Great video. I'm definitely subbed
Haha I tell ya I have a Bitterblack thing in the future. I love how passionate DD fans it's just so lovely to see everyone have different stories about what hooked you. The lighting is definitely one of the strongest in games I've seen from that era, just so good. Oooh the hard mode, yeee. Maybe I'll save that for when I'm better at the game haha! Thank you so much! For taking the time to comment, watch and for subscribing, it means a lot to me, thank you!
Hard mode keeps your character level and gear. Generally it's meant for level 20 and above. Basically where you'd be after a quick base story completion. I do love that you played as a warrior too xD it's considered one of the hardest classes to complete with. Sorcerer actually pops off when you get the vocation up. The early game fireball is super boring but when you're conjuring tornadoes and meteors it gets wild.
@@JVLajinWolfe :O I had no idea, I just loved the big sword haha! But yeah the tornadoes and disaster level spells sound great, I'm really looking forward to them now!
Nice review! I don't mind longer videos tbh This game has some flaws but so many good ideas and the combat feels so good, I hope the sequel will fix these issues and it might just be a perfect game (oh and you can kick the ox to make it go faster during the escort quest to Gran Soren)
OH my goodness IF I had known that I would have been kicking that poor ox all the way there hahaa for fuck sake! Thank you. And I hope so too, I really do feel like it's a near perfect diamond, but it's that the flaws are so frustrating you need to have patience with it or you'll never see it. Dragons Dogma 2 Perfect 100% lets go :D And thank you as well for taking the time to watch and send kind words, thank you! I tell you there is a longer video coming up about Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous. It's not a "retro" review, but I really wanted to play the game, and it is a year late so I'll allow it.
I did not expect to sit through the whole video considering I beat this game more than once, but I think you captured the experience really well! When I think back on the game with my nostalgia goggles on I just remember it as a great game with some kickass mechanics, but really there were a few times that something felt clunky or annoyed me or I had to reload a prior save because of missing out on delicious side quests. However, this game will still always be on the top of my "I wish this had a sequel" list. Great video overall!
Thank you so much honestly, it's really lovely to hear I can do it justice, cause it is a great game. Oh the side quests, tell me about it haha :D but yeah enough awesome stuff to keep us going I suppose! Thank you again for taking the time to comment, bless you!
The fact that it's been stated in interviews that the original game was only about 30% of what they wanted to make so if this classic is 30% I can't wait for a complete game
One of the greatest games I have ever played. I also played this game 10 + years after it came out. I remembered that I never got to play it. So I gave it a chance. It was such a great game because it was such a hidden gem. I did not expect the combat and progression to be so well done. This game was ahead of it's time.
Ayyy thank you, glad to hear you enjoyed them haha! And I tell ya I hope I can keep making videos worth your time, I really do. Thank you for watching and leaving kind words!
This is one of my all time favorite games and am over the moon excited for a sequel. Really like the review, glad you were able to witness what this hidden gem had to offer. To bad you didn't play sorcerer, being able to summon a tornado or cause a meteor storm mid combat is pretty great. Loved the video
Wow!!! Just found this video because the game is on sale. I love being surprised by smaller youtube creators! Immediately subscribed and can't wait to watch more of your stuff. You've also fully convinced me to buy the game! Thanks for all of the work you do to make this sort of content!
Ayyy no thank you! It really means a lot to me that you checked out my video and subscribed too! Thank you! I hope you enjoy the game I really do, I love Dragons Dogma even if it has made me pull out all of my hair. It's gone. In all seriousness, thank you for watching and taking the time to leave such kind words. I appreciate it, thank you! Enjoy Dragons Dogma!
Excellent review, I love to see new players enjoying this hidden gem. The pawn system is unique - it’s lots of fun to hire other players pawns, it changes the way the missions go. Combat, incredible. But oh, that ox is soooo incredibly slow, you can kick it to speed it up a little, but that feels like bad karma. I watched an old RUclips video on the making of the game, and the world was going to be even bigger but the budget wasn’t there. Bet they’ll have more resources on the next one. Time to go start a new DD game. :)
It really is a gem! I really dig the pawn system as well, I think having that level of customisation, and instant ability to share that pawn with someone is phenomenal. True I hope they do, especially since I heard they were going to take the player to the moon but it got cut! Dragons Dogma 2: Space Ayyy have fun! And thank you again for watching and commenting, bless you!
Great work! I really like the mix of informative and comedic, it's a great style and you nail it really well with the small snippets for the jokes. Hope to see more in the future. I absolutely adore DD and it is a bit of a flawed gem.
The eternal ferry stone was in your storage and not given to you right away because it was not in the original version of the game. Fairy stones were but the fast travel system was something you had to unlock progressively. Fast traveling is a little overrated though it's actually kind of good for you to fight your way through enemies and gain experience and collect the loot. All that s*** helps you in the long run. Plus it allows you and your pawns to gain more experience fighting different types of enemies.
This has to be the first time I've watched a game review & laughed at every meme/joke thrown in without finding any of them cringy. You've got an awesome sense of humour, liked & subbed.
I always worry my memes are a little dated but that is on brand for me haha. Thank you! Not just for watching and subscribing, but for taking the time out of your day to leave kind words. I really appreciate that! Thank you!
I absolutely love Dragon's Dogma and am so excited about the second game. I am replaying it for the millionth time. Dark Arisen is so so much fun for tough enemies, amazing loot and general hair pulling out frustration when you lose the final fight in the DLC over and over again. Yeah, my party is all men and in the DLC, every ogre absolutely rages against my squad as they prefer men! I start as rogue characters then move onto being a magic OP when levelled up!
Haha those ogres I swear. I had to take a minute when that came up on my screen. Just did not expect it at all. Yeah I've heard the DLC is painful and amazing, so I really need to dig into it a bit more. I respect the all dude challenge squad play as well. And thank you! For taking the time to comment and for watching, I really appreciate it!
Fantastic & Funny Review. Thank you for taking the time to create this and to leave the links below to improve visuals. I am leaving here to go and order the game now. Ty Ty Ty!!!
Thank you so much holy smokes, I'm glad I could be of some help haha! I can only say I hope you enjoy it! That and thank you of course for watching, and for taking the time to leave kind words, thank you!
You're right my dude, I did go back and revisit sorcerer in another video. I dropped the ball on this big time but also, holy shit I just got done with that mountain run. I could not take being scrub gandalf after that I wanna say thank you! For both watching and commenting, I appreciate it!
The gryphon fight is just so good, my only wish is it stuck around in the open fields a little longer. But I can't complain, the lightning, the chase, such a good fight in the tower. Thank you for watching and commenting on my video as well! I appreciate ya taking the time out of your day, thank you!
*'Look, Master, the walking dead!'* Rick Grimes: *'We are the walking dead!'* I have 200+ hours and the Sorcerer is my favorite class! I love using High Maelstrom especially in high vantage points where enemies can't reach me.
So I only really watched the first two seasons but I try to keep up with ricky dicky doodah grimes and for the first time, I get the name of the whole franchise. Holy shit. Also you know what I love malestrom too haha! I went back to try sorcerer, and I was just so wrong, it's such a blast. Well the first rank sucks but yeah blowing guys about from cliffs is great Thank you as well for watching, commenting and just blowing my mind about that title that's nuts. Thank you!
I love this janky game. Great review and you hit all the same highlights and lowlights as I did. I just keep coming back to play this game time and time again.
Haha glad to hear someone shared my lows :D I get the coming back part, I tend to take long breaks before coming back to play a game again (usually) but DD is definitely something I can come back to play. It's got charm! Thank you for watching and for leaving a comment as well! Thank you!
Capcom is on such a tear right now, releasing consistent 9/10 and 10/10 games over and over again these last few years. I can’t wait to see what they do with DD2.
This is so true. I really have enjoyed MHRise despite my reservations and Resident Evil Village was a banger. Capcom sort of killing it and I'm glad for them and us! Lets hope DD2 follows suit honestly Thank you as well for watching my vid! And for leaving a comment, I'm grateful so thank you!
Thank you so much holy smokes. I'm grateful for your kind words and for letting me know I did the game justice - I always worry about this. Thank you as well for watching, I really appreciate it!
@@reallylatereviews Your welcome. I've noticed that most people comment on the game only, rather than on your review. So if you like a bit more feedback I can share more of my thoughts. Of course, this is only my opinion. Because I like this game a lot, I've watched a plethora of reviewes here on YT. The majority is very thorough and lengthy but most of these reviews explain the main plot as well as the story of Bitterblack Isle. If I would be a player new to this game, this would be a real turn off, because one has to discover the different quests and plotlines for themselves, rather than watch the whole thing on YT. Your review on the other hand is rather short, still it covers all major points of the game, as well as it's strengths and weak points. Furthermore, there are no major spoilers, which is a big plus in my book. Because nothing is more frustrating (especially when watching RPG reviews) than getting major plot spoilers. I've watched your video a second time now and one can clearly see how much work you've put into this review, making it interesting, informative and funny at the same time. So yes, I like your style and I would love to see reviews from you of some classic RPG's (favorites of mine) like Morrowind, Oblivion, Dragon Age Origins or Pillars of Eternity. In any case, keep up the good work!
@@lf7877 Holy moly, thank you! I really am grateful for this because I try to do the game justice, and have my reviews be useful as well as entertaining. I can't claim to be an objective reviewer but I am honest in every story or opinion. I try to avoid spoilers as much as possible, I'm a little guilty in my last video (not plugging it haha) of highlighting major plot threads up until a point - but they're directly linked to unlocking game mechanics. I work on the principle that I can say our heroes are fighting orcs at helms deep after a long journey, but not explain Gandalf's wardrobe change or who this Mordor guy is. It's telling you what to expect when you get there but leaves you to experience the context. Hopefully! Sorry for rambling I just want to say that I appreciate the feedback because I do put careful thought into just how much I spoil. I have to admit the prospect of doing a big RPG like you've mentioned is a bit away at the moment as they are very big projects and I just finished one. But when I have the time I'd love to tackle one of those, probably Morrowind as I've genuinely never got very far into that. Lastly I want to say thank you again, just the thought that my videos are entertaining enough to be watched twice means a lot to me. Thank you!
@@reallylatereviews You really should play Morrowind. The depth of the main story as well as many of the side quests are unrivaled. Don't be put off by the rather clunky game mechanics or the dated graphics because the lore, the setting and the immersion in this game are second to none (as always only my opinion). At least for me, to this day Morrowind is the best game of the TES-series. And it's even better with mods.
@@lf7877 Aw if I can mod it I will love it haha! It's the reason I enjoy Skyrim so much, I realise it isn't the best Scrolls game but it has the most solid framework for modding. And nah for me the brutality is the only thing putting me off Morrowind. The first mudcrab killed me. I've always loved the setting and atmosphere (as an outsider looking in I suppose) Perhaps I'll give it a go in the future, but for such a large game it'll either be a long way off or a less detailed review just to make up for the sheer scope of those games.
Dude that forest looked so dark and terrifying that anyone willingly going in there to pick fucking flowers deserved to perish. And it was filled with fog. Zero sympathy (Also thank you! For watching my video and taking the time to leave a comment! I appreciate it, so thank you!)
@@reallylatereviews She went in there to seek advice from the late Arisen, a mage, known by the people as the Witch, on how to heal your wounds but yea the second i failed the flower quest i immediately knew what kind of game this was and finished side quests immediately as i got them great video man
@@knightgallade8431 rofl that is fair honestly, you can't sleep on side quests at all in DD. I'd forgotten why she went in there too. Shit now I feel bad. And thank you!
It really is, I give it some grief but it's one of my favourites after playing it. Thank you so much as well for watching and taking the time to comment, hope the other videos are okay :D Thank you!
@@reallylatereviews I don't know if you are considering requests but maybe look at Dragon Age: Origins, Mount and Blade: Warband and Dark Souls 1. I think all of those games were made between 2008-2012, are all pretty good but sort of janky in their own ways. Sounds kind of perfect from what I saw of this Dragons Dogma video.
Ayyy thank you dude! Not just for taking the time to leave kind words but for watching, and for subscribing too! Thank you I really appreciate that! I worry a lot about going off topic with that balance - I let myself do it a little more now but I always try and keep it entertaining to respect someone's time! So I hope I don't waste yours is what I'm saying haha! Thank you!
Great review! As a small side note if you really liked the soundtrack, the opening music was a much different tone until the Dark Arisen expac released. Much more Hype, almost sounded like an anime opening. If your interested in listening, it was called "into free dangan"
Great video! I restarted playing DDDA and have been praying the youtube algorithms feed me good stuff. I feel you on the mage combat, getting the core skills and augments made it more bearable, but what really made it fun was the maelstrom spell
Thank you first of all for commenting and watching, it means a lot to me. Okay so I checked that out, and that spell does look amazing haha! I really will be playing this game again in the future, so I will be sure to play mage and get past the initial steps. I bet with the augments as well it's a lot nicer to play.
@@reallylatereviews happy to help! there's a ton of guides online on comp synergies, how you can influence pawns and anything else. Take your time with the game and explore in a way you enjoy
Still haven't played this. I've just been watching videos about it to see what I'm in for. This video has definitely been the one I feel gave me the best insight into this game alongside some chuckles. Good stuff, thank you.
Thank you! Holy smokes I really appreciate your kind words and if I can suffer a bit to inform people I'm even happier haha! Although after reading comments I feel like I only scratched the surface in some areas. And thank you for watching as well!
I feel you really missed out by rejecting a magic character right off. I have taken a team of four sorcerers to Bitterblack and it is truly spectacular. Sorcerer sync is a blast and that holy focused bolt is really powerful. It was thrill to surround that dad gom knight and blast him to oblivion with a four way fulmination. Four grand bolide or maelstrom really do a number on those prisoner cyclops and it looks amazing. Exequay gives you the ability to deal with golems without having a melee pawn. I love all the vocations but sorcerer is my favorite, no doubt. So fun. There are ways to speed up casting and one of the best is sorcerer sync, but the ring and augments too really help. I think you should try it again, give it a chance. The casting adds a delicious tension to combat that is so satisfying to pull off. After you four way bolide an archhydra you may never go back. Happy gaming!
I am actually giving it a go right now for an apology video rofl. It's hit and miss, but I am enjoying it not gonna lie. I feel like it's the slowest vocation to get the ball rolling though!
Thank you holy smokes! I'm grateful for your kind words, and for watchin my video! Thank you! And if I'm honest I don't mind the small following haha! It means I can read every comment and reply to a large percentage. That's a big deal for me, so I'm happy!
truly a great review, critical and open minded. most people get bored of the game shortly after gran soren, and miss out on the beauty of the game after that point. the games combat is unrivaled, the pawn system so unique and fun, and moments that kept me coming back years after playing as a kid. I had fond memories as a kid playing DDDA after my older brother got bored of it and finished the mainstory only once but missing out on alot of content, i came back early this year when i found it on steam and made it my mission to both: A - Do a full guts playthrough solo (did it) B - get all the achievements and do all content (did it) the game is an acquired taste but for those who played it, love it to pieces. until next time dragons dogma :D
Aw man I tried to find that Rusted Greatsword and didnt get it until new game plus! I wanna say thank you for this helpful tip because I really should try this out if I don't forget I also want to thank you for watching my video! And stopping to comment, I appreciate it! Thank you!
Thank you, I really mean it! I never would have given myself an 8/10 rofl so I'm stoked with that I'm gonna try to keep making them meet these standards. Thank you for stopping to comment and for watching as well!
Thank you holy smokes, for your kind words, for watching, and for trusting my video to make a purchase. Pace yourself with Dragons Dogma don't be like me and rip your hair out rofl, but it is a great game. Thank you again!
Holy smokes thank you! And thanks for taking the time to watch more of my garbage rofl! But I really do appreciate it, and I'm thankful ya took the time to comment too, thank you!
Both this, and the game will ruin you also. Nah I joke, but Dragon's Dogma does bully the player at times Thank you as well for watching and commenting on my video! I really appreciate it, so thanks!
Ayyy thank you so much holy smokes! I'm glad you enjoyed it and I hope I can keep making videos that deserve your subscription! I also want to say thanks for taking time out of your day to watch and leave kind words, thank you!
Ayyy Mr Snugz! Thank you! It really is lovely to know someone's come back to watch another video, and your kind words as well. Just thank you! Hope I can keep making more vids ya enjoy :D
NGL traversing without the Teleport stone is one of my favorite things to do in Dragons Dogma. It reminds me of old-school RPG adventure, where you enjoy the journey more than the destination. You would prepare yourself a lot of healing items before embarking on an adventure. Reminds me of BOTW a bit. In newer gen open-world games like Elden ring, the fast travel is absolutely abused to the point that you’d appreciate less about the small details you’d find in your journey. Unrelated but I really like the gameplay. It's reactive and you fight with the same pace as the enemy, unlike Dark Souls game where you are in disadvantage and “sluggish” and less mobile. And DD’s bow combat is the best I've come across, better than the shtty Dark Souls/Elden Ring bows. They should take notes from DD
Hands down one of my all time favorite games. I really loved the pawn system. Mines grew to be a complete monster and it was nice having someone reliable to have your back. From a meat shield/distraction early game. To a complete demon, who sometimes 1 upped me in fights, saving me many times. They were derpy at times, but man. Being able to walk into a place full of enemies, even in bitterblack and just go..... nah he got this. But shoutout to getting overly confident while exploring, not paying attention to the time, while also not having bought oil for the lantern. Quickly turns into a horror game when the sun goes down. Pitch black, undead moaning, bones clacking, strange lights and laughter in the distance, roars from a chimera somewhere, all while not being able to see where they are, or where you're going. Maybe you're walking away? Maybe you're walking towards them? Maybe you'll not forget to stock up on oil, multiple times throughout the playthrough? Who knows! God I can't wait for the sequel. Also while I was never really into the magic. Some of them were cool and the higher lvl spells were epic.
This is all the things I think that make the game so good. Such ambience and combat that can turn around in an instant. Thank you for sharing your experience with this absolute gem and I can't wait for the sequel either! Thanks for watching also, bless you!
Thank you holy smokes! Really glad you enjoyed the video especially as you've been playing since 2015, I wanted to do the game the justice is deserved. So thank you for your kind words, and thank you for watching as well! Aw and the trailer looks good, I'm optimistic about the sequel haha!
Well this review really nails it, as a some sort of fan of the game, the cut you backtracking only to discover later the eternal ferristone is crucial, because that is one of the major problems the original game had for many people. Also very accurate with the pros/cons 10/10 review.
Thank you, genuinely, it's nice to hear! I wanna do the games justice, but also tell the truth of my experience with them. Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment, and for watching of course!
Thank you, I'm gonna lean into it a bit more if I can keep the videos tight. It keeps my reviews different and I like to think more useful. Maybe they're a bit spoilery but there are dozens of spoiler-free reviews out there. Thank you again not just for your kind words but for watching my video, I really do appreciate it!
one thing you missed was that the high level magic is awesome. I hate that the warrior class only gets 3 skills while all the rest have 6. but the real Achilles heel in the game is that it needs a better story, longer. more fleshed out, with more room for the character to interact and experiment with the moving parts and explore their own motivations. and leave out the bizare out of place last act in the sequel please.
I think you're absolutely right about the story. There was so much potential there, especially around the court with the different schemes going on. All of them went nowhere with little character interaction. Self contained maybe but some felt like dead-ends. I trimmed the bit about warrior having 3 skills for time, but it did bother me. I've been told I did miss the best magic haha, my next playthrough for sure :P And thank you for watching my video and for taking the time to comment. Bless you!
In my notifications that cut off to "honestly expected more" and I was like 'maaaan i gotta make better videos' haha! Let me say thank you for taking the time to watch and leave kind words, I really do appreciate it! Right now I work on a fun side video (christmas special follow up to this) and then I have Bloodrayne, maybe Bloodrayne movie with some edits, and Pathfinder. No schedule though just this is what's on the table so far!
You wanna know what's even more amazing about all of this? The game is missing 60% of it's content...that's right, you only played 40% of it. Also about the Family Eviction, you can actually talk to Fournival and he will suggest that YOU pay for the deed, hand it over to the family, and now they're not forced to move out. That is what i love about it, you can complete certain quests Differently, just because the quest says Do This, doesn't mean it Has to be done in That way, think outside the box. Another example is the final fight vs Grigori, when you are given the Choice, your beloved, or certain doom, if you are an Archer class, and you've spent 200k gold on The Maker's Finger, you can shoot Grigori, and kill him before the fight even start. (it is VERY anti climatic, don't even get a cutscene, just you walking outside to find your romantic choice) you're gonna miss out of a hell of a lot of lore, gear, items, exp and the 100% Dragon Forging, but the option IS There. Another example is the first time you fight the Gryphon and it flies away which makes you chase it to the Blue Moon Tower and fight it there, if you have the correct enchantment (Fire) or use other explosively fiery items, it cannot fly away, and if you kill it fast enough, you Completely skip the Blue Moon Tower, and non of Mercedes soldiers die, to her delight. Also about the Dragon wasted time killing 7 drakes to DF ONE piece? You could've just killed Grigori and gotten your entire worn gear Dragon Forged at 100% proc chance.
Okay so don't judge me. But there's no fuckin way I was gonna pay off their debt, I got worlds to save and upgrades are expensive haha! But you are right I love that there is so much going on and it's clear they put a lot of thought into the less obvious paths you can take. I would not have guessed to use fire to ground the gryphon but now it makes complete sense why it just plummets when that NPC mage uses fire magic! I get it now! The truth is I both wanted to make a joke about dragonforging and I thought just doing a little dragon again might be faster haha :D Thank you as well for sharing all this, I had no idea about the archer option, thats nuts to think that's in there. Thank you for watching also, bless you!
@@reallylatereviews Better to evict them anyway. If you pay their debt (or don't do the quest at all) then...well, you make Pip an orphan come endgame. And yes, he fully blames you. Ingrate...
Holy smokes thank you! I've heard it's on sale as well so hopefully a good time to get it, and I hope ya enjoy I really do! Thank you again for your kind words and stopping to comment! And for trusting my review to try the game, it means a lot to me, so thank you!
Woo, hoo! Excellent review! I love this game, loved your review, and you nailed it on just about everything. Kudos! I normally play solo as a magic archer and at this time I have over 25,000 hours in it and still going.
Holy smokes I believe that you love this game! Solo as well I mean, as much as I ended up doing a lot of the work haha, that must be a real challenge just going in solo without pawns, I respect that! I really am grateful to hear your kind words as well, it really is such a great game and I love it too! Thank you and bless you!
I understand Fournival gives significant discounts and sells highly useful items right from your door after becoming beloved! So I understand this choice completely Also let me say thank you for watching and commenting, I appreciate it! Thank you!
Great video, your early adventures are similar to my own. At the beginning I was ready to rage quit twice because of the difficulty level, but the game sinks its claws into you and you can't stop thinking about ways of defeating those bosses. After careful consideration, you come back and win. The best word for Dragon's Dogma is "satisfying".
I couldn't agree more haha, it really is a satisfying game, if a little headsmacking at times! It's a game that draws you back with it's challenges Thank you as well for sharing your experience, and for watching of course! Thank you!
Thank you! Holy moly I really appreciate your kind words, thank you. I just hope I can keep making videos you enjoy! And ya I really agree (about the game haha) it is something really special if you can sit with it a moment.
Maaaaan thank you! I dunno what else to say except thank you so much for your kind words, and just taking the time to watch my video. I appreciate it, I really do. Thank you!
First let me say thank you! For watching and commenting, I really do appreciate it! And I tell ya I already have a backlog to work through but I always check out every request, I'll take a look at it :D
Good review, pretty funny too. One of the great problems with the game that you failed to mention. Is that the calculation for dealing damage is exactly Damage Output - Armor = Final Damage. So if you deal 10 damage and the enemy has 10 armor you will deal 0 damage. As it happens, it often occurs in the game that the values match or a single enemy has much stronger armor and becomes funtionally unbeatable until you learn to buy Conquerer's Periapts and cheese the system. I would never have known about it if it wasn't for the fact that I ran into this problem constantly. That is the greatest flaw of Dragon's Dogma. But also, you intentionally handicap your enjoyment of PC games by refusing to use a controller? PC has always been about being everything at once and controllers are insanely cheap. Do zoomers just think they should lock themselves out of using a controller?
I've been told about the damage system but I had no idea it was such a problem! And everyone assumes I can use a controller haha! I can just about manage Pokemon. But I am flattered you think I'm a young zoomer and for your kind words, thank you I really mean it!
Thank you so much holy smokes! I try to keep things amateur but I won't lie I do spend some time editing, so it's lovely to hear. Thanks for watching and taking the time to leave kind words, really glad I could make you laugh!
I've been informed I made a massive mistake yeah haha! But I did get to see my pawn using the ice spikes and lightning whip, and they do look amazing! I'd just got past the mountain and at that point I could not handle another "slow burn" ya know? Next time I play it, I will be on a mage though :P And thank you ever so much for commenting and for watching, I appreciate it big time!
Haha yeah this really is a game there's no shame in double checking a quest guide, purely because you can miss so much. And yes, many ups and downs :D And thank you! For your kind words and of course for watching as well, I really appreciate it, so thank you!
I played this when it released and just the pawn mechanic made it one of the best games ever. Mounting (oh my) large monsters, coupled with the pawns, and the game got very little of the praise it deserved. Great video. Subscribed.
Thank you! I really appreciate it, and thanks for commenting as well! Aw it really deserved more praise, I barely heard about it at all back when it came out.
What a fantastic review. Nicely done and humorous; I noticed that it was on sale on Xbox and decided to look into reviews. I didn't need to view any other reviews because yours convinced me to buy the game. Thanks and keep up the good work = subscribed 👍
Holy smokes I dunno what to say, except thank you! For watching my video, for subscribing, commenting and trusting my word to make a purchase. Thank you! I always worry to hear someone's bought a game based on my videos (it's a big deal haha!), but I do stand by what I say. With a bit of patience it's a real gem of a game, I really hope you enjoy it!
33:36 the hill where the Dragonforged lives, or the nearby castle ruins at sunrise just has to be my favorite places in the game, when it comes to looks and scenes
Haha after this video I did kick the ox, and heal it by standing next to it while injured and letting my pawns cast. I got there eventually. And holy smokes thank you for your kind words, and for watching! I really appreciate it, so thank you!
Ayyy thank you! I worried at first about the half story/half analysis thing but it seemed to work out I just want to repeat myself and say thank you for your kind words holy smokes, and for taking the time to watch my video! I appreciate it!
Aside from my disagreement about the sorcerer class (it's fucking amazing and no one will ever convince me otherwise), I loved your video. Very accurate for the most part, though some inaccuracies (such as the fast travel and how it works and why it's the way it is). I might actually die from sheer desperation for the next game lol
I am excited for the next game too haha! I do hope they address the bigger contrivances while maintaining the core of what makes this a great game. You're right as well, the fast travel isn't a weak system! I just wish they communicate it to the player better. Also I gotchu fam, sorcerer video already up to apologise for my heresy here! TLDR: I love it too! Lastly, thank you for taking the time to leave a comment with kind words, and for watching my video, I really appreciate it!
Your review was as captivating as the game seems to be. Your dialog and editing held me leaning forward in my seat. I will purchase due to your review. To top everything positive about this game, Steam pust it on sale under $5 for the base game.
Thank you so much, holy smokes I don't know what to say to that but thank you for watching and leaving your kind words! Thank you for trusting my review to make a purchase as well, it really is an up and down game but I think it's definitely worth your time! Also to reply to your other comment, looking back at it I see it exactly like that, the mishaps of D&D haha! For every frustration in this game it makes up for it with sheer comedy.
Haha aw I can laugh at it now, at the time my eyes were locked open in frustration. Glad you're enjoying it though, it's a game you really can get hooked on easily! And thank you as well for watching and also leaving a comment, I appreciate it a lot so thank you!
👀 the game said that was the optimal gear, it was the best i had i swear (Also thank you for watching my video, stopping to comment and for calling me out, I appreciate it! Thank you!)
If what I heard is true, what we got in Dragon's Dogma was only around 40% of content of what the director envisioned. It explains all the storylines that ultimately went to nowhere and the generally unfinished feeling of the entire game. There should have been even elves beyond Witchwood, but the only thing that remained from that content is the pointy ears in the character creation. I really hope that the team will be able to fully realize everything they want in the upcoming sequel, cause Dragon's Dogma was indeed a diamond in a rough, the best action RPG that never got copied and nothing ever come close to the combat and the exploration that this game has since 2012.
I've heard a few things about the pulled content but elves? Holy smokes this game was gonna be massive by the sound of it! Still hope for the sequel to complete the picture though! Thanks as well for stopping by to watch and for commenting as well, thank you!
The Eternal Ferrystone was added in the Dark Arisen release of the game, and it should never have been added. In the original release Ferrystones were rare and cost 10k each which was huge in the early game, then Capcom unfortunately changed the price to 2k. The limited fast travel is what made Dragon's Dogma interesting to play. That story you told of you running back to Mistwood, the day changing to night and getting lost is what true RPG adventure should be about, teleporting all over the place renders open worlds useless as far as I'm concerned. I pray to god that Dragon's Dogma II keeps this system.
One of the best ways I've heard someone describe this game as is "Not afraid to take it's hand off the reigns so you can drive it off as many cliffs as you'd like."
That's such a good description. Sometimes I feel like Dragons Dogma is a car you just straight up push off the cliff, just so you can watch it smash. Then you magically get back in for another drive. Thank you! For watching and commenting, and sharing this I really like this description rofl. Thank you!
I bought this game yesterday for $5. installed, played an hour. Day later, I'm watching this video and I realized I'm also watching one of my new favorite channels.
Ayyyy thank you! I'm glad you gave DD a shot and glad you ended up here, that's lovely thank you! And thank you for taking the time to leave kind words too! I appreciate it! I love DD, it makes me pull my hair out but I love it.
Battle Panties confirmed. Definitely a JRPG in my book then :D. And thanks for mentioning those reshade mods. Here's hoping the sequel improves upon the high points in Arisen, and fixes things regarding questing (better indicators about potentially being locked out of quests for example).
Aw I hope so I really do haha. I feel there's a way to stay true to the original and take out some of the things that just exist to waste your time. The sequel looks good already so I am hopeful. And ayy don't mention it, honestly on PC that Capcom blur is just overpowering without reshade :D I want to say thank you, my videos are not short by any stretch of the imagination, and looking back there's lots of audio problems and such. So to see someone's watched and commented on more than one is lovely. I really appreciate it, thank you so much and I hope you have a really great day! And rofl yes confirmed JRPG
Lovely review and good fun haha. I was personally never bothered by the quest locking because I don't focus a lot on the side quests to begin with. What really shines is, after all, the combat. It also bears repeating just how fucking stellar the animation work is in this game. You can really tell it's got a lot of DMC DNA. Can't wait for DD2!
The combat absolutely shines and on the animation, I only just found out about the DMC connection, another game I've never played. But I can believe they share some of the same fantastic animators! I'm cautiously optimistic for DD2, it does look good though haha! Thank you as well for watching my video, and taking the time to leave kind words. I really appreciate it!
Mage fan?! I gotchu covered, I went back and looked at sorcerer to show just how wrong I was:видео.html
Mystic Knight or Magick Archer fan? DUDE I got a video for that too because I live in dragons dogma nowвидео.html
Reupload: some footage replaced with CC footage, appropriate attribution given in description. Added a video of look-alike Phil Collins standing in the rain cause I thought it was amazing.
I want to apologise for some audio crackle I've only just noticed. I switched to Sony Vegas 18 around here and it did not import my old audio settings
Thank you for your support, patience and understanding with these reuploads. Thank you. Goes without saying if you need Dragons Dogma footage, feel free to take it from my review.
Nice work again time for a re watch ;D
Holy smokes bless you I swear, thank you dude for real. I'm chugging through these a bit slower than I'd hoped, I just am so grateful for the patience of yourself and others who have seen these go up once before. Thank you so much!
@@reallylatereviews Hey we’re all fine with waiting. These need to be re uploaded so others can find them like we originally did :D
But yeah there’s no rush they’ll be done when they’re done. Gives me something to listen to whilst I grind out these awful AC Valhalla mastery challenges XD
@@MadnlooneyJR Oh my goodness, I swear if you have to turn every radio tower in that I feel for you I really do :D but in all seriousness, the Valhalla entry looks like the most interesting of the AC series, along with Odyssey! I haven't played any AC games but if I had to go on looks and themes alone, I'd probably pick one of those. Do you get anything good for challenges? :O
And thank you, I really mean it. I'm gonna pop up a little update/100 subs (thank you!) video tomorrow which I wanna do because it is a landmark for me, but it won't slow anything down because I will be rendering/checking Sin Emergence tomorrow anyway.
@@reallylatereviews So they are like combat challenges that you need to do flawlessly to get gold medals. It’s a fixed difficulty so you can’t really cheese it and they select your loadout for you. They’re alright end game activities but require a lot of patience to get through.
As for if the game is good it’s definitely an acquired taste. Some people hate them some love them. Ubisoft has a tendency to morph all their games to fit an identical design structure. So it has a gear system now with abilities etc. The usual icon vomit on your map is present but I don’t know they are just nice to explore as well. The game isn’t perfect but it’s like a comfort food almost XD I’m also fairly invested in the lore having played basically every entry, I try to read all in game lore and have read most of their printed media as well be it books or graphic novels.
Of the three newest in the series that follow this heavy RPG formula I’ve got to say Odyssey was the one I had most fun with then Valhalla and finally Origins. But I know they aren’t for everyone so there is perhaps a chance you don’t enjoy them. I’m not sure if PC Gamepass has access to Ubisofts subscription thing like EA does. As perhaps that might be a better way of trying them. Just dropping £1 for a month if that deal is still a thing for new subscribers.
This is one of the most underrated games of all time. I've never had more fun with an RPG battle system.
It is so underrated, I honestly almost missed it and I'm so glad I found it. I think it's one of the rare occasions where the RPG elements complement and blend seamlessly with the action gameplay, rather than hinder or supress it.
Bless you Banana as well for watching my videos and commenting, I really appreciate it, thank you!
I replied to your console question on Bayo as well in case that doesn't notify ya. You're right I just love my PC though :P
It really was. It was my crack for a while back in the day
@@ded2thaworld963 the fuck😖👌
It's here
I love the quest failing thing, makes it feel like the world moves without the arisen
That is true, a few people have said that and I do respect it for that, but I'm not gonna lie it's frustrating when you're totally unaware your own progress is responsible for that happening. I like the idea of the moving world though, it gives me a bit more respect for the system.
Thank you for watching and for stopping to comment, I really appreciate it!
@@reallylatereviews for me made me exited about replaying it over and over again and so I did with the new game plus, and I've been finding hidden content for almost a decade, I grew to absolutely love this system
@@reallylatereviews That's why there's NG+ in-built; the cycle of eternal return
Yes for me one of the best features of this game, other than combat. Wish more RPG's would do this instead of the whole world essentially being paused while you mess around with what ever you feel like at the time. Makes it feel way more alive!
I love the quests on here besides the go here kill ten rabbits thing. But when you can actually fail a quest it makes the game much better. I always make sure to head back to cassardis to see if my cousins need help
The reason the eternal ferrystone was in the storage (sorry if somebody else beat me to this), is because this was not a thing in the base game when it first came out. You had to buy ferrystones (or find them in specific locations). You also did not have all the different fast travel points that dark arisen added (you only had a couple of fast travel points by default). You had to buy/find the fast travel points at very select story points, and then place them down at the places you wanted. I had played this game so much that I had the perfect fast travel system figured out by the time dark arisen came out and it cancelled half my 'work' 😅. Glad more people are trying this game out! Has a special place in my heart and I've played it well over 1000 hours across multiple versions!
THAT explains it holy shit! Fuckin ell I wondered why there were two versions haha. I won't lie buying those sounds very tedious but I did come to appreciate the system after I found the Eternal ferrystone. Especially if they didn't even have many fast points.
Thank you for sharing this, I would have never known at all, and also thank you for taking the time to comment and watch. I really appreciate it!
@@reallylatereviews I think the point originally was to add to the importance of planning your travel. I remember the importance of picking up a quest and then sleeping at the inn to make sure we avoided nightfall. It added to the charm. Of course by the time you get to Ng+ you just want to quickly get those escort quests out of the way.
@@CephalonKet Yeah I can respect that. I think my main gripe was that so much of that is front loaded towards the start of the game. Slaying a dragon feels less of a burden than running back and forth if that makes sense. I do have a new appreciation for it after reading what you said though, and there is a charm to it. Yeah night time PFFT we hate that!
@@reallylatereviews First time I played I was actually scared of having to travel during the night because everything was so dark and I'd stumble on hard bosses. Good times! Anyway, your video was great, great editing! Keep up the good work!
I always tend to place the Portcrystals in the areas npcs want to be escorted too, use the eternal ferrystone, easy experience
I have to mention that even the character creation has so much depth to it. Your character is small? He can fit into small spaces. He is tall? He can reach higher heights. He is skinny? He can climb faster. He is fat? He can't be knocked down easily. He isn't ripped? He can regen stamina faster. He is bulky? He can carry a lot more items.
Wow didnt knew that
Dragons dogma is the best mmorpg i ever played
There are always new things to discover
Its really a mystery why there's been no sequel to this gem.
To be fair, they are working on it currently
I genuinely can't wait for that! I've heard that a lot of stuff was trimmed for time from DD so hopefully some of those concepts will make it into the sequel!
i think there's a teaser
Not really. IIRC it didn't do the numbers they wanted, and it was compared unfavorably to games like Witcher 2, Skyrim, and even Dark Souls. It was even intended to be a hit in the west and wound up doing better in Japan.
A sequel has been announced, they are currently working on it
It can be a frustration to some people, but this game hits all the right spots for me. Every class feels awesome to play, I've played as a Mystic Knight and I feel like you missed the best part of it. I wish I could erase my memory, play with each class and explore everything anew. All I can say is they're masterworks all, you can't go wrong.
After playing sorcerer a bit I've also been recommended to dig further into mystic knight, especially as my character will be better built for it now. So I will definitely get around to it haha. I think that's wonderful though, loving a game so much you wish it could be fresh again. That's a testament to a great game.
Thank you as well, for taking the time to comment and watch my videos. Thank you!
I like that it doesn’t tell you which quests are lockable. It means you’re playing as a character as you should in an RPG and letting the story take over.
honestly the Fight with Grigori and the entire run from him and the flight was the single best fight i have ever seen in any game honestly.
Same! Some People down play grigori because he is "Too Easy"
Well, he IS easy but can kick ass if given the opportunity, but honestly i like the fact that his fight is more cinematic than difficult😅
Fun fact: due to time and budget constraints, the finished product is only about 40% of the original story. Ever notice the lack of a moon? That's because it was supposed to be the final boss fight and was connected to the online worlds like the rift
rofl I heard they were going to the moon not that it was a final boss. that's amazing ffs, what a missed opportunity!
Thank you as well for sharing this, and for watching!
@@reallylatereviews What the hell? There is a being above the Seneschal?
@@geleiou I think there was meant to be a mega-moon boss that got cut sadly. But the Daimon and Daimon 2 are both the proper bosses I guess, now that the Seneschal is just really easy to beat.
I don't think there's anything above the Seneschal in the pecking order lore wise though but I can't be sure!
Dragon's Dogma has some pretty low lows but some of the highest highs in all of gaming for me.
I'll never forget the first time my Sorcerer pawn dropped Bolide and wiped an entire encounter by himself after the incredibly long cast time and wind-up.
The mages in Dragon's Dogma are TRULY forces of nature, bringing downright BIBLICAL levels of destruction at the highest levels.
The Warriors are among the most powerful in gaming as well, with the mighty swings and arc of Obliteration able to one-shot even incredibly sturdy foes.
The rogue characters are incredibly nimble and the amount of damage they can pump out while weaving in and out of combat is super impressive.
The hybrid vocations are unlike most other options in gaming and they're SO MUCH FUN. Shoutout to Mystic Knight's focus on parrying and magic cannon spam.
Bitterblack Isle has some of the dopest upgrades and equipment in the game but i wish there was some kind of transmog system like what Monster Hunter adapted in Gen 5 since style is the true endgame.
Also something a lot of folks don't realize is all of Dragon's Dogma's numbers for damage and defense are additive/subtractive.
Example: Enemy has 100 defense and you have 110 attack. You will deal 10 damage to that enemy.
but, if you go and upgrade your weapon and get 150 attack, you'll deal 50 damage instead. 5x the damage.
The menu system can be a bit wonky to deal with but knowing how important gear upgrades are is crucial for enjoyment and actually clearing the harder content.
Ya know, I'm gonna be honest. Transmog/glamour/layered armour whatever you want to call it, is absolutely essential for me. I know it's completely cosmetic but it's absolutely a necessity. So I completely agree.
I had no idea about the damage numbers, I gotta admit I didn't dig into it that far but I bet for endgame it really starts to matter!
It's honestly one of the best games I've ever played, because it really is fun and I've been informed that the mages take a minute to warm up before you really enjoy them haha! So I believe you when you say they becoming forces of nature :D I'd honestly give it a more confident recommendation it's just, it is a game you need patience with right at the start. After that first bit the game becomes mostly highs and I dig it, especially with bitterblack isle as you said. They need to waterproof that fuckin lantern though.
Thank you so much for taking the time to comment and for watching. I love to see people's passion about games they love and so I'm really grateful you're sharing it, thank you!
Mystic Knight's Magic Cannon combined with the skill that throws multiple attacks in a short time...priceless
also, the first time i ran into the big wolf boss (Fenrir?) in Bitterblack Isle, i honestly had to just climb out of it's reach and just spam it with area spells, took me like 30 minutes to take it down
@@reallylatereviews they kinda waterproofed it in BBI, one of the items you can get from BBI Cursed Gear purification is a ring that prevents you from getting drenched. Rings are not that useful anyway unless you're going for max optimization so it's somewhat of a doable compromise
Okay that sounds like a thing I wish I'd had earlier haha! Thanks!
@@reallylatereviews Make tall character and lantern don't get wet.
The magic in this game is one of the best I have ever experienced in my gaming life.
The meteorite shower and the Maelstrom were simply dope.
Seeing the havoc of destruction that those spells could bring is one of the most powerful and satisfying sensations I have ever experienced playing a game.
I just wanna say real quick thank you for watching and commenting on my videos, I really appreciate it so thank you!
And you're right in both cases. About the magic in DD, and the kicking in Dark Messiah haha! I'm putting a magic DD video up soon to rectify my error here. Fun video not a serious review, but yeah I missed a trick here. Magic is 10/10. Thank you!
I just starting playing this myself. It's definitely one of those hidden gems.
Niiice hope you enjoy it! For sure, it's got so much going for it!
Thank you for taking the time to stop by, watch and comment, thank you!
I will never forget fighting the Orge in the Everfall the first time. It was my first time facing one, I had a 3-1 female party, I assumed it would be slow like the Cyclops or that the same tactics would work. Jumped on its back and started smacking its head, he jumps back slamming my rogue into the stone to shake me off. Heal, create some distance and start peppering its hands and face with arrows, he sprints and does a drop kick launching me up the spiral. We ended up setting it on fire and dropping it to low HP, by this time my pawn party collectively decided to grapple the thing to slow it down. Now i want you to imagine this, three women are grabbing these flaming beast as it stand inches from the edge. My rogue shoots into a short sprint with daggers in hand and leaps onto its face to start stable, that's enough, he topples over and my character alone rides the beast into the bottom of the pit, it dying on impact where as my rogue auto does a jaunting hop off its chest ignoring all momentum a few seconds prior. I am at the bottom by my self. All pawns steadily dying to undead as they desperately try to path find down to me. I interact with the gate and tentacle hell spawns. I lose everyone. My knight fell to her death, batted off the top by some creature, my pawn mage eaten by tentacles as she repeated aided me in my exhausted sprint. The archer bled out somewhere, somehow. A near TPK. Such a damn rush.
That story is amazing holy shit. Thank you for sharing this I love it! And bless you for taking the time to watch also, thank you!
I know it's terrible but all I can think of is not dismissing a hunter pet in WoW before jumping off a ledge - same thing, you aggro every single enemy while your dinosaur runs down to you.
With me I got the shit bashed in by an ogre in a tight catacombs area😝
I rode the rodeo for a bit with the first ogre before I got yeeted down to die on the throne. Next time I admit I shamelessly ran around the ogre and just as shamelessly ran back up from the tentacles only heading back to pick up my failing pawns to run again.
I remember heading to everfall ealry game and running into all the tentacles lol. It was a mad dash to gtfo especially since I was on hard mode and those things were damn near impossible to beat. We ran out of there but got caught at the ogre I ran past lol. Once I respawned I realized I had that eternal ferrystone and just got us tf out. That’s when I knew this game was different lol
Edit: Also the escort for the Hydra head quest, it was like my 13th playthrough where I found out you can kick it to make it go faster for about 5 seconds xD
tho dont kick too much lol it'll drop the health
Great review! It's one of my favorite games , the atmosphere is unlike any other game. Really enjoyed your sense of humor and will watch your next videos.
+1 for the Michael Keaton joke!
Thank you! Ayyy I'm glad it made ya laugh, that is always worrying me if my humor comes across haha! And it is such a good game so I don't blame you, you are right I can't really associate it's atmosphere with anything else. Truly got a unique vibe. And thank you again for watching, and sending kind words, it does really mean a lot to me!
We love Michael Keaton here yo! +1
To this day I think the combat in Dragon's Dogma is better than the vast majority of RPG and Souls-like games. As you said in your review, the combat just seems so visceral, and the idea that you can climb the giant monsters and strike their weakpoints really added to the depth and excitement of taking those behemoths down. The way sorcery was done in the game is also second to none - while I didn't enjoy playing a Sorcerer myself, I did enjoy renting out pawns that performed these grandiose and devastating spells. While the casting times might be slow, the game has a clever spell syncing system to allow for acceleration of casting if multiple players/pawns possess the same spell. Pawns will literally copy the spell another is casting to spell sync.
This game also had a phenomenal expansion in Bitterblack Isle, which basically played right into this games strengths (excellent exploration, upgrade systems, and of course combat). Bitterblack Isle also featured a combat track that is my favorite of any game (track name is "Battle of Despair"). I remember walking through some of the depths of Bitterblack Isle in eerie silence, and all of a sudden one of my pawns would shout "Eliminator" and a sense of dread would build as the heavy guitar riff and chanting would kick it into gear. Phenomenal.
I also really liked the pawn system, and how surprisingly deep it is. Pawn can learn from fighting monsters and completing quests, and perform better for any future renters of those pawns. Pawns also have a complex disposition system that affects their general behavior in battle and when exploring. There was a small group of us back when the game came out that held pawn competitions in the final post-game area - we would see if the pawns would be strong enough to take down those giant bosses by themselves, and based the competition around the speed of the boss takedowns.
This game is in dire need of a sequel, so long as they preserve the core of what made the combat and gear upgrade systems so good.
Those competitions sound really inventive, I like that! Pawn arena! It really is, I do hope in the sequel they iron out some of the grievances but keep it complex and deep. I am the same as well I preferred rental mages :D
Thank you for taking the time to comment, share your experiences it's lovely to read, and for watching!
Oh man the mage vocation is just for support. Sorceror on the other hand has some of the most spectacular, ridiculous displays of power
Hell yeah. My favorite vocation. Sorcerer feels so powerful.
This was a great video. Dragon's Dogma is amazing. Can't wait for the sequel. Subscribed.
Thank you! Holy smokes I really appreciate it, and your kind words! It is amazing ya know, I love it. Even if it slapped me about a bit :D
It’s unbelievable that this is a game from 2012. It’s got better animations, gameplay, and just so proper compared to other games that came after
It's honestly unreal. It shows how so many games took a step forward, two steps back.
Thanks as well for commenting and taking the time to watch my vid, I really appreciate it!
Dragons Dogma 2 looks absolutely breathtaking…especially on PC running 120 FPS
Dragon's Dogma is (in my opinion) one of the greatest and most enduring games ever made. It always does my heart good to see reviews of it pop up and hopefully get it into the hands of a broader audience. I got it when it first came out and had a great time with it. What REALLY hooked me was when the expansion (Bitterblack Isle) was released. The story and setting are incredible, the creatures all have deep dark stories about them and lore, and the way they use the lighting makes it an incredibly beautiful area. If you haven't gone through Bitterblack yet I highly recommend dropping what you're doing now and going there. Also, Hardmode changes the game in ways you wouldn't expect particularly in Bitterblack. You'll want to have that turned on for the full experience.
Great video. I'm definitely subbed
Haha I tell ya I have a Bitterblack thing in the future. I love how passionate DD fans it's just so lovely to see everyone have different stories about what hooked you. The lighting is definitely one of the strongest in games I've seen from that era, just so good.
Oooh the hard mode, yeee. Maybe I'll save that for when I'm better at the game haha!
Thank you so much! For taking the time to comment, watch and for subscribing, it means a lot to me, thank you!
Hard mode keeps your character level and gear. Generally it's meant for level 20 and above. Basically where you'd be after a quick base story completion. I do love that you played as a warrior too xD it's considered one of the hardest classes to complete with. Sorcerer actually pops off when you get the vocation up. The early game fireball is super boring but when you're conjuring tornadoes and meteors it gets wild.
@@JVLajinWolfe :O I had no idea, I just loved the big sword haha! But yeah the tornadoes and disaster level spells sound great, I'm really looking forward to them now!
Nice review! I don't mind longer videos tbh
This game has some flaws but so many good ideas and the combat feels so good, I hope the sequel will fix these issues and it might just be a perfect game
(oh and you can kick the ox to make it go faster during the escort quest to Gran Soren)
OH my goodness IF I had known that I would have been kicking that poor ox all the way there hahaa for fuck sake! Thank you. And I hope so too, I really do feel like it's a near perfect diamond, but it's that the flaws are so frustrating you need to have patience with it or you'll never see it. Dragons Dogma 2 Perfect 100% lets go :D
And thank you as well for taking the time to watch and send kind words, thank you! I tell you there is a longer video coming up about Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous. It's not a "retro" review, but I really wanted to play the game, and it is a year late so I'll allow it.
Hahahaha. No one knows this really. Surprised to see it said here tbh
The ox is immortal when kicking but will fall and stop for a second when it's life is low it can also be healed with anodyne like a follwer
I love this game. Have been re-paying it recently. Its an underrated gem. So glad its getting a sequel, finally.
Me too holy smokes, it really is as well. Thank you! Really appreciate you taking the time to watch and comment!
I did not expect to sit through the whole video considering I beat this game more than once, but I think you captured the experience really well! When I think back on the game with my nostalgia goggles on I just remember it as a great game with some kickass mechanics, but really there were a few times that something felt clunky or annoyed me or I had to reload a prior save because of missing out on delicious side quests. However, this game will still always be on the top of my "I wish this had a sequel" list. Great video overall!
Thank you so much honestly, it's really lovely to hear I can do it justice, cause it is a great game. Oh the side quests, tell me about it haha :D but yeah enough awesome stuff to keep us going I suppose!
Thank you again for taking the time to comment, bless you!
The sequel is coming out on March 22, 2024.
The fact that it's been stated in interviews that the original game was only about 30% of what they wanted to make so if this classic is 30% I can't wait for a complete game
One of the greatest games I have ever played. I also played this game 10 + years after it came out. I remembered that I never got to play it. So I gave it a chance. It was such a great game because it was such a hidden gem. I did not expect the combat and progression to be so well done. This game was ahead of it's time.
I loved all the comments and anecdotes I'll say you found your signature style hope to see more older games reviewed as this one
Ayyy thank you, glad to hear you enjoyed them haha! And I tell ya I hope I can keep making videos worth your time, I really do. Thank you for watching and leaving kind words!
This is one of my all time favorite games and am over the moon excited for a sequel. Really like the review, glad you were able to witness what this hidden gem had to offer. To bad you didn't play sorcerer, being able to summon a tornado or cause a meteor storm mid combat is pretty great. Loved the video
Wow!!! Just found this video because the game is on sale. I love being surprised by smaller youtube creators! Immediately subscribed and can't wait to watch more of your stuff. You've also fully convinced me to buy the game! Thanks for all of the work you do to make this sort of content!
Ayyy no thank you! It really means a lot to me that you checked out my video and subscribed too! Thank you! I hope you enjoy the game I really do, I love Dragons Dogma even if it has made me pull out all of my hair. It's gone.
In all seriousness, thank you for watching and taking the time to leave such kind words. I appreciate it, thank you! Enjoy Dragons Dogma!
Excellent review, I love to see new players enjoying this hidden gem. The pawn system is unique - it’s lots of fun to hire other players pawns, it changes the way the missions go. Combat, incredible. But oh, that ox is soooo incredibly slow, you can kick it to speed it up a little, but that feels like bad karma. I watched an old RUclips video on the making of the game, and the world was going to be even bigger but the budget wasn’t there. Bet they’ll have more resources on the next one.
Time to go start a new DD game. :)
It really is a gem! I really dig the pawn system as well, I think having that level of customisation, and instant ability to share that pawn with someone is phenomenal.
True I hope they do, especially since I heard they were going to take the player to the moon but it got cut!
Dragons Dogma 2: Space
Ayyy have fun! And thank you again for watching and commenting, bless you!
Great work! I really like the mix of informative and comedic, it's a great style and you nail it really well with the small snippets for the jokes. Hope to see more in the future. I absolutely adore DD and it is a bit of a flawed gem.
Thank you! Holy smokes it's nice to hear!
The eternal ferry stone was in your storage and not given to you right away because it was not in the original version of the game. Fairy stones were but the fast travel system was something you had to unlock progressively. Fast traveling is a little overrated though it's actually kind of good for you to fight your way through enemies and gain experience and collect the loot. All that s*** helps you in the long run. Plus it allows you and your pawns to gain more experience fighting different types of enemies.
This has to be the first time I've watched a game review & laughed at every meme/joke thrown in without finding any of them cringy. You've got an awesome sense of humour, liked & subbed.
I always worry my memes are a little dated but that is on brand for me haha. Thank you! Not just for watching and subscribing, but for taking the time out of your day to leave kind words. I really appreciate that! Thank you!
I absolutely love Dragon's Dogma and am so excited about the second game. I am replaying it for the millionth time. Dark Arisen is so so much fun for tough enemies, amazing loot and general hair pulling out frustration when you lose the final fight in the DLC over and over again. Yeah, my party is all men and in the DLC, every ogre absolutely rages against my squad as they prefer men! I start as rogue characters then move onto being a magic OP when levelled up!
Haha those ogres I swear. I had to take a minute when that came up on my screen. Just did not expect it at all. Yeah I've heard the DLC is painful and amazing, so I really need to dig into it a bit more. I respect the all dude challenge squad play as well.
And thank you! For taking the time to comment and for watching, I really appreciate it!
Fantastic & Funny Review. Thank you for taking the time to create this and to leave the links below to improve visuals. I am leaving here to go and order the game now. Ty Ty Ty!!!
Thank you so much holy smokes, I'm glad I could be of some help haha! I can only say I hope you enjoy it! That and thank you of course for watching, and for taking the time to leave kind words, thank you!
Tbf with the magic classes, they do in fact start slow, but those later spells carry
You're right my dude, I did go back and revisit sorcerer in another video. I dropped the ball on this big time but also, holy shit I just got done with that mountain run. I could not take being scrub gandalf after that
I wanna say thank you! For both watching and commenting, I appreciate it!
This game had moments that were truly unforgettable. The first time I fought the gryphon at the tower it completely blew my mind.
The gryphon fight is just so good, my only wish is it stuck around in the open fields a little longer. But I can't complain, the lightning, the chase, such a good fight in the tower.
Thank you for watching and commenting on my video as well! I appreciate ya taking the time out of your day, thank you!
*'Look, Master, the walking dead!'*
Rick Grimes: *'We are the walking dead!'*
I have 200+ hours and the Sorcerer is my favorite class! I love using High Maelstrom especially in high vantage points where enemies can't reach me.
So I only really watched the first two seasons but I try to keep up with ricky dicky doodah grimes and for the first time, I get the name of the whole franchise. Holy shit.
Also you know what I love malestrom too haha! I went back to try sorcerer, and I was just so wrong, it's such a blast. Well the first rank sucks but yeah blowing guys about from cliffs is great
Thank you as well for watching, commenting and just blowing my mind about that title that's nuts. Thank you!
I love this janky game. Great review and you hit all the same highlights and lowlights as I did. I just keep coming back to play this game time and time again.
Haha glad to hear someone shared my lows :D
I get the coming back part, I tend to take long breaks before coming back to play a game again (usually) but DD is definitely something I can come back to play. It's got charm!
Thank you for watching and for leaving a comment as well! Thank you!
Capcom is on such a tear right now, releasing consistent 9/10 and 10/10 games over and over again these last few years. I can’t wait to see what they do with DD2.
This is so true. I really have enjoyed MHRise despite my reservations and Resident Evil Village was a banger. Capcom sort of killing it and I'm glad for them and us! Lets hope DD2 follows suit honestly
Thank you as well for watching my vid! And for leaving a comment, I'm grateful so thank you!
One of the best reviews I've seen so far. You nailed every aspect of this truly wonderful game. Also, I quite like your humour! Liked and subscribed!
Thank you so much holy smokes. I'm grateful for your kind words and for letting me know I did the game justice - I always worry about this. Thank you as well for watching, I really appreciate it!
@@reallylatereviews Your welcome. I've noticed that most people comment on the game only, rather than on your review. So if you like a bit more feedback I can share more of my thoughts. Of course, this is only my opinion.
Because I like this game a lot, I've watched a plethora of reviewes here on YT. The majority is very thorough and lengthy but most of these reviews explain the main plot as well as the story of Bitterblack Isle. If I would be a player new to this game, this would be a real turn off, because one has to discover the different quests and plotlines for themselves, rather than watch the whole thing on YT.
Your review on the other hand is rather short, still it covers all major points of the game, as well as it's strengths and weak points. Furthermore, there are no major spoilers, which is a big plus in my book. Because nothing is more frustrating (especially when watching RPG reviews) than getting major plot spoilers.
I've watched your video a second time now and one can clearly see how much work you've put into this review, making it interesting, informative and funny at the same time.
So yes, I like your style and I would love to see reviews from you of some classic RPG's (favorites of mine) like Morrowind, Oblivion, Dragon Age Origins or Pillars of Eternity.
In any case, keep up the good work!
@@lf7877 Holy moly, thank you! I really am grateful for this because I try to do the game justice, and have my reviews be useful as well as entertaining. I can't claim to be an objective reviewer but I am honest in every story or opinion. I try to avoid spoilers as much as possible, I'm a little guilty in my last video (not plugging it haha) of highlighting major plot threads up until a point - but they're directly linked to unlocking game mechanics. I work on the principle that I can say our heroes are fighting orcs at helms deep after a long journey, but not explain Gandalf's wardrobe change or who this Mordor guy is. It's telling you what to expect when you get there but leaves you to experience the context. Hopefully! Sorry for rambling I just want to say that I appreciate the feedback because I do put careful thought into just how much I spoil.
I have to admit the prospect of doing a big RPG like you've mentioned is a bit away at the moment as they are very big projects and I just finished one. But when I have the time I'd love to tackle one of those, probably Morrowind as I've genuinely never got very far into that.
Lastly I want to say thank you again, just the thought that my videos are entertaining enough to be watched twice means a lot to me. Thank you!
@@reallylatereviews You really should play Morrowind. The depth of the main story as well as many of the side quests are unrivaled. Don't be put off by the rather clunky game mechanics or the dated graphics because the lore, the setting and the immersion in this game are second to none (as always only my opinion). At least for me, to this day Morrowind is the best game of the TES-series. And it's even better with mods.
@@lf7877 Aw if I can mod it I will love it haha! It's the reason I enjoy Skyrim so much, I realise it isn't the best Scrolls game but it has the most solid framework for modding.
And nah for me the brutality is the only thing putting me off Morrowind. The first mudcrab killed me. I've always loved the setting and atmosphere (as an outsider looking in I suppose)
Perhaps I'll give it a go in the future, but for such a large game it'll either be a long way off or a less detailed review just to make up for the sheer scope of those games.
Dragons dogma is a top 5 game of all time for me. I cannot wait for the 2nd game we saw teased a bit back.
Man leaves Quina alone in the woods with wolves and is surprised that she perished
Dude that forest looked so dark and terrifying that anyone willingly going in there to pick fucking flowers deserved to perish. And it was filled with fog. Zero sympathy
(Also thank you! For watching my video and taking the time to leave a comment! I appreciate it, so thank you!)
@@reallylatereviews She went in there to seek advice from the late Arisen, a mage, known by the people as the Witch, on how to heal your wounds
but yea the second i failed the flower quest i immediately knew what kind of game this was and finished side quests immediately as i got them
great video man
@@knightgallade8431 rofl that is fair honestly, you can't sleep on side quests at all in DD. I'd forgotten why she went in there too. Shit now I feel bad.
And thank you!
Excellent job. Going to check out some more of your videos. Dragons Dogma is a classic.
It really is, I give it some grief but it's one of my favourites after playing it. Thank you so much as well for watching and taking the time to comment, hope the other videos are okay :D Thank you!
@@reallylatereviews I don't know if you are considering requests but maybe look at Dragon Age: Origins, Mount and Blade: Warband and Dark Souls 1. I think all of those games were made between 2008-2012, are all pretty good but sort of janky in their own ways. Sounds kind of perfect from what I saw of this Dragons Dogma video.
Great video, your humour is spot on and the balance between wit/information is just right.
Good job my G, liked and subbed
Ayyy thank you dude! Not just for taking the time to leave kind words but for watching, and for subscribing too! Thank you I really appreciate that!
I worry a lot about going off topic with that balance - I let myself do it a little more now but I always try and keep it entertaining to respect someone's time! So I hope I don't waste yours is what I'm saying haha! Thank you!
Great review! As a small side note if you really liked the soundtrack, the opening music was a much different tone until the Dark Arisen expac released. Much more Hype, almost sounded like an anime opening. If your interested in listening, it was called "into free dangan"
Thank you so much, and for taking the time to comment as well! I have given it a listen and you're right it's a banger haha!
@@reallylatereviews As good as the second intro song is the first one was so good!
@@Hydroviper420 Aw it really is, I was surprised at how different it was but it works. I can't believe it works but it works haha!
Great video! I restarted playing DDDA and have been praying the youtube algorithms feed me good stuff. I feel you on the mage combat, getting the core skills and augments made it more bearable, but what really made it fun was the maelstrom spell
Thank you first of all for commenting and watching, it means a lot to me.
Okay so I checked that out, and that spell does look amazing haha! I really will be playing this game again in the future, so I will be sure to play mage and get past the initial steps. I bet with the augments as well it's a lot nicer to play.
@@reallylatereviews it definitely is! If you get a mage pawn you can have a sync spell woth amazing effects
@@lordcockula683 :O worth having another mage along then even if I start to feel like gandalf, nice! I like that, thank you!
@@reallylatereviews happy to help! there's a ton of guides online on comp synergies, how you can influence pawns and anything else. Take your time with the game and explore in a way you enjoy
@@lordcockula683 This is the best sentiment for any game, I absolutely agree!
Still haven't played this. I've just been watching videos about it to see what I'm in for. This video has definitely been the one I feel gave me the best insight into this game alongside some chuckles. Good stuff, thank you.
Thank you! Holy smokes I really appreciate your kind words and if I can suffer a bit to inform people I'm even happier haha! Although after reading comments I feel like I only scratched the surface in some areas. And thank you for watching as well!
I feel you really missed out by rejecting a magic character right off. I have taken a team of four sorcerers to Bitterblack and it is truly spectacular. Sorcerer sync is a blast and that holy focused bolt is really powerful. It was thrill to surround that dad gom knight and blast him to oblivion with a four way fulmination. Four grand bolide or maelstrom really do a number on those prisoner cyclops and it looks amazing. Exequay gives you the ability to deal with golems without having a melee pawn. I love all the vocations but sorcerer is my favorite, no doubt.
So fun. There are ways to speed up casting and one of the best is sorcerer sync, but the ring and augments too really help. I think you should try it again, give it a chance. The casting adds a delicious tension to combat that is so satisfying to pull off. After you four way bolide an archhydra you may never go back.
Happy gaming!
I am actually giving it a go right now for an apology video rofl. It's hit and miss, but I am enjoying it not gonna lie. I feel like it's the slowest vocation to get the ball rolling though!
Surprised to see such a small following. Your content was great here. Keep at it!
Thank you holy smokes! I'm grateful for your kind words, and for watchin my video! Thank you!
And if I'm honest I don't mind the small following haha! It means I can read every comment and reply to a large percentage. That's a big deal for me, so I'm happy!
truly a great review, critical and open minded. most people get bored of the game shortly after gran soren, and miss out on the beauty of the game after that point. the games combat is unrivaled, the pawn system so unique and fun, and moments that kept me coming back years after playing as a kid.
I had fond memories as a kid playing DDDA after my older brother got bored of it and finished the mainstory only once but missing out on alot of content, i came back early this year when i found it on steam and made it my mission to both:
A - Do a full guts playthrough solo (did it)
B - get all the achievements and do all content (did it)
the game is an acquired taste but for those who played it, love it to pieces. until next time dragons dogma :D
I have big respect for those challenge feats you set yourself! And thank you as well!
the torpor debilitation from an enhanced rusted weapons really helps a lot, especialy when fighting big monsters
Aw man I tried to find that Rusted Greatsword and didnt get it until new game plus! I wanna say thank you for this helpful tip because I really should try this out if I don't forget
I also want to thank you for watching my video! And stopping to comment, I appreciate it! Thank you!
Bones! Walking bones!
first vid I've seem from you and it was as entertaining as it is informative. High quality and genuinely funny. 8.7/10
Thank you, I really mean it! I never would have given myself an 8/10 rofl so I'm stoked with that
I'm gonna try to keep making them meet these standards. Thank you for stopping to comment and for watching as well!
Amazing video
Im buying
Thank you holy smokes, for your kind words, for watching, and for trusting my video to make a purchase. Pace yourself with Dragons Dogma don't be like me and rip your hair out rofl, but it is a great game. Thank you again!
after watching your hilarious dark messiah review. your channel is one of my favorite channels ever!
Holy smokes thank you! And thanks for taking the time to watch more of my garbage rofl! But I really do appreciate it, and I'm thankful ya took the time to comment too, thank you!
This seems like the type of game that would ruin other games for me because of how good it is and how much it allows you to do
Both this, and the game will ruin you also. Nah I joke, but Dragon's Dogma does bully the player at times
Thank you as well for watching and commenting on my video! I really appreciate it, so thanks!
My god I was dying laughing during the frantic reload that you went thru. Subbed!
Ayyy thank you so much holy smokes! I'm glad you enjoyed it and I hope I can keep making videos that deserve your subscription!
I also want to say thanks for taking time out of your day to watch and leave kind words, thank you!
I love the amount of customization this game has. All the classes and armor got me hooked!
Bro your comedy is hilarious af 😂 loving the content 👍
Ayyy Mr Snugz! Thank you! It really is lovely to know someone's come back to watch another video, and your kind words as well. Just thank you! Hope I can keep making more vids ya enjoy :D
@@reallylatereviews Of course my dude! Np at all. Your reviews are really great man, makes me laugh and stuff too aha 👍😁
NGL traversing without the Teleport stone is one of my favorite things to do in Dragons Dogma. It reminds me of old-school RPG adventure, where you enjoy the journey more than the destination. You would prepare yourself a lot of healing items before embarking on an adventure. Reminds me of BOTW a bit. In newer gen open-world games like Elden ring, the fast travel is absolutely abused to the point that you’d appreciate less about the small details you’d find in your journey.
Unrelated but I really like the gameplay. It's reactive and you fight with the same pace as the enemy, unlike Dark Souls game where you are in disadvantage and “sluggish” and less mobile. And DD’s bow combat is the best I've come across, better than the shtty Dark Souls/Elden Ring bows. They should take notes from DD
I agree big time with the combat part. I want my character to move when I push a button.
Thanks as well for commenting and watching! Bless you!
Hands down one of my all time favorite games. I really loved the pawn system. Mines grew to be a complete monster and it was nice having someone reliable to have your back. From a meat shield/distraction early game. To a complete demon, who sometimes 1 upped me in fights, saving me many times. They were derpy at times, but man. Being able to walk into a place full of enemies, even in bitterblack and just go..... nah he got this.
But shoutout to getting overly confident while exploring, not paying attention to the time, while also not having bought oil for the lantern. Quickly turns into a horror game when the sun goes down. Pitch black, undead moaning, bones clacking, strange lights and laughter in the distance, roars from a chimera somewhere, all while not being able to see where they are, or where you're going. Maybe you're walking away? Maybe you're walking towards them? Maybe you'll not forget to stock up on oil, multiple times throughout the playthrough? Who knows!
God I can't wait for the sequel. Also while I was never really into the magic. Some of them were cool and the higher lvl spells were epic.
This is all the things I think that make the game so good. Such ambience and combat that can turn around in an instant. Thank you for sharing your experience with this absolute gem and I can't wait for the sequel either! Thanks for watching also, bless you!
Been in love with this game since at least 2015. Loved you video, and dragon dogma 2 is confirmed. Trailers already out
Thank you holy smokes! Really glad you enjoyed the video especially as you've been playing since 2015, I wanted to do the game the justice is deserved. So thank you for your kind words, and thank you for watching as well!
Aw and the trailer looks good, I'm optimistic about the sequel haha!
Well this review really nails it, as a some sort of fan of the game, the cut you backtracking only to discover later the eternal ferristone is crucial, because that is one of the major problems the original game had for many people. Also very accurate with the pros/cons 10/10 review.
Thank you, genuinely, it's nice to hear! I wanna do the games justice, but also tell the truth of my experience with them. Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment, and for watching of course!
The anecdote stuff is the future of this channel. Great job.
Thank you, I'm gonna lean into it a bit more if I can keep the videos tight. It keeps my reviews different and I like to think more useful. Maybe they're a bit spoilery but there are dozens of spoiler-free reviews out there.
Thank you again not just for your kind words but for watching my video, I really do appreciate it!
one thing you missed was that the high level magic is awesome. I hate that the warrior class only gets 3 skills while all the rest have 6. but the real Achilles heel in the game is that it needs a better story, longer. more fleshed out, with more room for the character to interact and experiment with the moving parts and explore their own motivations. and leave out the bizare out of place last act in the sequel please.
I think you're absolutely right about the story. There was so much potential there, especially around the court with the different schemes going on. All of them went nowhere with little character interaction. Self contained maybe but some felt like dead-ends. I trimmed the bit about warrior having 3 skills for time, but it did bother me. I've been told I did miss the best magic haha, my next playthrough for sure :P
And thank you for watching my video and for taking the time to comment. Bless you!
@@reallylatereviews you definitely need to give magic archer a try too prob my favorite class and i usually am a warrior type of player
i checked your channel and honestly expected more videos considering how good this was. Keep it up!
In my notifications that cut off to "honestly expected more" and I was like 'maaaan i gotta make better videos' haha!
Let me say thank you for taking the time to watch and leave kind words, I really do appreciate it! Right now I work on a fun side video (christmas special follow up to this) and then I have Bloodrayne, maybe Bloodrayne movie with some edits, and Pathfinder. No schedule though just this is what's on the table so far!
You wanna know what's even more amazing about all of this?
The game is missing 60% of it's content...that's right, you only played 40% of it.
Also about the Family Eviction, you can actually talk to Fournival and he will suggest that YOU pay for the deed, hand it over to the family, and now they're not forced to move out.
That is what i love about it, you can complete certain quests Differently, just because the quest says Do This, doesn't mean it Has to be done in That way, think outside the box.
Another example is the final fight vs Grigori, when you are given the Choice, your beloved, or certain doom, if you are an Archer class, and you've spent 200k gold on The Maker's Finger, you can shoot Grigori, and kill him before the fight even start. (it is VERY anti climatic, don't even get a cutscene, just you walking outside to find your romantic choice)
you're gonna miss out of a hell of a lot of lore, gear, items, exp and the 100% Dragon Forging, but the option IS There.
Another example is the first time you fight the Gryphon and it flies away which makes you chase it to the Blue Moon Tower and fight it there, if you have the correct enchantment (Fire) or use other explosively fiery items, it cannot fly away, and if you kill it fast enough, you Completely skip the Blue Moon Tower, and non of Mercedes soldiers die, to her delight.
Also about the Dragon wasted time killing 7 drakes to DF ONE piece?
You could've just killed Grigori and gotten your entire worn gear Dragon Forged at 100% proc chance.
Okay so don't judge me. But there's no fuckin way I was gonna pay off their debt, I got worlds to save and upgrades are expensive haha!
But you are right I love that there is so much going on and it's clear they put a lot of thought into the less obvious paths you can take. I would not have guessed to use fire to ground the gryphon but now it makes complete sense why it just plummets when that NPC mage uses fire magic! I get it now!
The truth is I both wanted to make a joke about dragonforging and I thought just doing a little dragon again might be faster haha :D Thank you as well for sharing all this, I had no idea about the archer option, thats nuts to think that's in there. Thank you for watching also, bless you!
@@reallylatereviews Better to evict them anyway. If you pay their debt (or don't do the quest at all) then...well, you make Pip an orphan come endgame. And yes, he fully blames you. Ingrate...
Holy shit this really IS the most realistic game I've played so far
@@ThePawnedPawn Well, why do you think i keep paying off their debt for?
This was such thorough and funny review. DD was always on my radar, just downloaded based on this vid, thnx
Holy smokes thank you! I've heard it's on sale as well so hopefully a good time to get it, and I hope ya enjoy I really do! Thank you again for your kind words and stopping to comment! And for trusting my review to try the game, it means a lot to me, so thank you!
Woo, hoo! Excellent review! I love this game, loved your review, and you nailed it on just about everything. Kudos! I normally play solo as a magic archer and at this time I have over 25,000 hours in it and still going.
Holy smokes I believe that you love this game! Solo as well I mean, as much as I ended up doing a lot of the work haha, that must be a real challenge just going in solo without pawns, I respect that! I really am grateful to hear your kind words as well, it really is such a great game and I love it too! Thank you and bless you!
Why was madeline your beloved? Fournival beloved gang all day every day.
I understand Fournival gives significant discounts and sells highly useful items right from your door after becoming beloved! So I understand this choice completely
Also let me say thank you for watching and commenting, I appreciate it! Thank you!
Great video, your early adventures are similar to my own. At the beginning I was ready to rage quit twice because of the difficulty level, but the game sinks its claws into you and you can't stop thinking about ways of defeating those bosses. After careful consideration, you come back and win. The best word for Dragon's Dogma is "satisfying".
I couldn't agree more haha, it really is a satisfying game, if a little headsmacking at times! It's a game that draws you back with it's challenges
Thank you as well for sharing your experience, and for watching of course! Thank you!
Somehow this review feels just as amazing as the game itself, and like the game your channel is a diamond in the rough.
Instant L+S
Thank you! Holy moly I really appreciate your kind words, thank you. I just hope I can keep making videos you enjoy!
And ya I really agree (about the game haha) it is something really special if you can sit with it a moment.
Dude! One of the best reviews I’ve ever watched. Your banter is outstanding! Made my day! 😂
Maaaaan thank you! I dunno what else to say except thank you so much for your kind words, and just taking the time to watch my video. I appreciate it, I really do. Thank you!
Still one of, if not the most fun game I ever played :D
Your sense of humor is great.
This game is top 5 all time for me.
This video is a fun watch.
This channel deserves way more subs.
Thank you! Holy moly! It really is a great game as well. Thank you for taking the time to leave kind words, and for watching, I really appreciate it!
Please review Elex
First let me say thank you! For watching and commenting, I really do appreciate it!
And I tell ya I already have a backlog to work through but I always check out every request, I'll take a look at it :D
Love your review style as it's very engaging.
Thank you so much! And thanks for letting me know, I'm gonna try and keep it up!
Good review, pretty funny too.
One of the great problems with the game that you failed to mention. Is that the calculation for dealing damage is exactly Damage Output - Armor = Final Damage. So if you deal 10 damage and the enemy has 10 armor you will deal 0 damage. As it happens, it often occurs in the game that the values match or a single enemy has much stronger armor and becomes funtionally unbeatable until you learn to buy Conquerer's Periapts and cheese the system. I would never have known about it if it wasn't for the fact that I ran into this problem constantly. That is the greatest flaw of Dragon's Dogma.
But also, you intentionally handicap your enjoyment of PC games by refusing to use a controller? PC has always been about being everything at once and controllers are insanely cheap. Do zoomers just think they should lock themselves out of using a controller?
I've been told about the damage system but I had no idea it was such a problem! And everyone assumes I can use a controller haha! I can just about manage Pokemon. But I am flattered you think I'm a young zoomer and for your kind words, thank you I really mean it!
Absolutely top notch editing and narration, laughed hard at 13:15
Thank you so much holy smokes! I try to keep things amateur but I won't lie I do spend some time editing, so it's lovely to hear. Thanks for watching and taking the time to leave kind words, really glad I could make you laugh!
Ah unfortunate you quit mage before getting to the massive spells.
I've been informed I made a massive mistake yeah haha! But I did get to see my pawn using the ice spikes and lightning whip, and they do look amazing! I'd just got past the mountain and at that point I could not handle another "slow burn" ya know? Next time I play it, I will be on a mage though :P
And thank you ever so much for commenting and for watching, I appreciate it big time!
i liked it, felt informative. let me know to expect some great highs and real lows if i don't get my hands on a quest guide LOL. thank you!
Haha yeah this really is a game there's no shame in double checking a quest guide, purely because you can miss so much. And yes, many ups and downs :D
And thank you! For your kind words and of course for watching as well, I really appreciate it, so thank you!
I played this when it released and just the pawn mechanic made it one of the best games ever. Mounting (oh my) large monsters, coupled with the pawns, and the game got very little of the praise it deserved. Great video. Subscribed.
Thank you! I really appreciate it, and thanks for commenting as well! Aw it really deserved more praise, I barely heard about it at all back when it came out.
What a fantastic review. Nicely done and humorous; I noticed that it was on sale on Xbox and decided to look into reviews. I didn't need to view any other reviews because yours convinced me to buy the game. Thanks and keep up the good work = subscribed 👍
Holy smokes I dunno what to say, except thank you! For watching my video, for subscribing, commenting and trusting my word to make a purchase. Thank you!
I always worry to hear someone's bought a game based on my videos (it's a big deal haha!), but I do stand by what I say. With a bit of patience it's a real gem of a game, I really hope you enjoy it!
33:36 the hill where the Dragonforged lives, or the nearby castle ruins at sunrise just has to be my favorite places in the game, when it comes to looks and scenes
Great review of this classic game. I’m subscribing to your channel for more
Thank you so much bless you! I'm gonna try and make more good vids for ya! And thanks for watching and stopping to comment!
Kick the Ox, Arisen!
Fantastic video, great narration and editing 10/10
Haha after this video I did kick the ox, and heal it by standing next to it while injured and letting my pawns cast. I got there eventually. And holy smokes thank you for your kind words, and for watching! I really appreciate it, so thank you!
Great review, you are really good and I love how you focus on gameplay .
Ayyy thank you! I worried at first about the half story/half analysis thing but it seemed to work out
I just want to repeat myself and say thank you for your kind words holy smokes, and for taking the time to watch my video! I appreciate it!
Aside from my disagreement about the sorcerer class (it's fucking amazing and no one will ever convince me otherwise), I loved your video. Very accurate for the most part, though some inaccuracies (such as the fast travel and how it works and why it's the way it is). I might actually die from sheer desperation for the next game lol
I am excited for the next game too haha! I do hope they address the bigger contrivances while maintaining the core of what makes this a great game.
You're right as well, the fast travel isn't a weak system! I just wish they communicate it to the player better.
Also I gotchu fam, sorcerer video already up to apologise for my heresy here! TLDR: I love it too!
Lastly, thank you for taking the time to leave a comment with kind words, and for watching my video, I really appreciate it!
@@reallylatereviews Yea, I literally just finished watching it lol.
Your review was as captivating as the game seems to be. Your dialog and editing held me leaning forward in my seat. I will purchase due to your review. To top everything positive about this game, Steam pust it on sale under $5 for the base game.
Thank you so much, holy smokes I don't know what to say to that but thank you for watching and leaving your kind words! Thank you for trusting my review to make a purchase as well, it really is an up and down game but I think it's definitely worth your time!
Also to reply to your other comment, looking back at it I see it exactly like that, the mishaps of D&D haha! For every frustration in this game it makes up for it with sheer comedy.
Played a bit yesterday. Looks like I’m here for a while. Thanks again~
Just picked this up a few days ago, been hooked hard and chuckled good at your experience with the hidden ferrystone
Haha aw I can laugh at it now, at the time my eyes were locked open in frustration. Glad you're enjoying it though, it's a game you really can get hooked on easily!
And thank you as well for watching and also leaving a comment, I appreciate it a lot so thank you!
17:23 ah yes, a fellow Dragon's Dogma gamer of culture
👀 the game said that was the optimal gear, it was the best i had i swear
(Also thank you for watching my video, stopping to comment and for calling me out, I appreciate it! Thank you!)
@@reallylatereviews you’re welcome 😉
If what I heard is true, what we got in Dragon's Dogma was only around 40% of content of what the director envisioned. It explains all the storylines that ultimately went to nowhere and the generally unfinished feeling of the entire game. There should have been even elves beyond Witchwood, but the only thing that remained from that content is the pointy ears in the character creation.
I really hope that the team will be able to fully realize everything they want in the upcoming sequel, cause Dragon's Dogma was indeed a diamond in a rough, the best action RPG that never got copied and nothing ever come close to the combat and the exploration that this game has since 2012.
I've heard a few things about the pulled content but elves? Holy smokes this game was gonna be massive by the sound of it! Still hope for the sequel to complete the picture though!
Thanks as well for stopping by to watch and for commenting as well, thank you!
Man I love might and magic dark messiah, yet another underrated gem.
The Eternal Ferrystone was added in the Dark Arisen release of the game, and it should never have been added. In the original release Ferrystones were rare and cost 10k each which was huge in the early game, then Capcom unfortunately changed the price to 2k.
The limited fast travel is what made Dragon's Dogma interesting to play. That story you told of you running back to Mistwood, the day changing to night and getting lost is what true RPG adventure should be about, teleporting all over the place renders open worlds useless as far as I'm concerned. I pray to god that Dragon's Dogma II keeps this system.
One of the best ways I've heard someone describe this game as is "Not afraid to take it's hand off the reigns so you can drive it off as many cliffs as you'd like."
That's such a good description. Sometimes I feel like Dragons Dogma is a car you just straight up push off the cliff, just so you can watch it smash. Then you magically get back in for another drive.
Thank you! For watching and commenting, and sharing this I really like this description rofl. Thank you!
I bought this game yesterday for $5. installed, played an hour. Day later, I'm watching this video and I realized I'm also watching one of my new favorite channels.
Ayyyy thank you! I'm glad you gave DD a shot and glad you ended up here, that's lovely thank you! And thank you for taking the time to leave kind words too! I appreciate it! I love DD, it makes me pull my hair out but I love it.
“He sounds kind of familiar.”
I bet that in an alternate universe he went to the Cloud District very often…
Battle Panties confirmed. Definitely a JRPG in my book then :D. And thanks for mentioning those reshade mods. Here's hoping the sequel improves upon the high points in Arisen, and fixes things regarding questing (better indicators about potentially being locked out of quests for example).
Aw I hope so I really do haha. I feel there's a way to stay true to the original and take out some of the things that just exist to waste your time. The sequel looks good already so I am hopeful. And ayy don't mention it, honestly on PC that Capcom blur is just overpowering without reshade :D
I want to say thank you, my videos are not short by any stretch of the imagination, and looking back there's lots of audio problems and such. So to see someone's watched and commented on more than one is lovely. I really appreciate it, thank you so much and I hope you have a really great day!
And rofl yes confirmed JRPG
@@reallylatereviews No problem!
Lovely review and good fun haha. I was personally never bothered by the quest locking because I don't focus a lot on the side quests to begin with. What really shines is, after all, the combat. It also bears repeating just how fucking stellar the animation work is in this game. You can really tell it's got a lot of DMC DNA. Can't wait for DD2!
The combat absolutely shines and on the animation, I only just found out about the DMC connection, another game I've never played. But I can believe they share some of the same fantastic animators! I'm cautiously optimistic for DD2, it does look good though haha!
Thank you as well for watching my video, and taking the time to leave kind words. I really appreciate it!