Turah Tidbit | Do the Dead Watch over the Living??

  • Опубликовано: 30 сен 2024
  • In today's Turah Tidbit we discuss the topic of familial "angels". Do your dead relatives become guardians angels for the living? Do the dead have conscious awareness? Can and should you communicate with the dead? We will discuss these things and more in this session of our Turah Tidbit as we go to scripture to see what it says about communicating with the dead.
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Комментарии • 41

  • @TanyahB
    @TanyahB Месяц назад +4

    Yahuah be praised, never believed that the dead could come back. Thank you for the lesson. Yahuah Barak Athah

    • @TrumpetsCall_AmarYaH
      @TrumpetsCall_AmarYaH  Месяц назад

      YAHUAH be praised for revealing that to you beloved. Thank you for being here and thank you for sharing. Shalum, shalum.

  • @NurahYah
    @NurahYah Месяц назад +2

    I learned years and years ago that they are Familiar Ruachs, evil Ruachoth❗️

  • @CalledApart
    @CalledApart Месяц назад +2

    Shalom sister, I am grateful to YAH for being led to you. A sister in my study group was trying to explain (we got sabbath wrong) and I found your video "The New Moon" and praise YAH, I understand now. This is the other sabbath she was trying to explain. We are growing and Father is raising up people like you to help in that growth. HalleluYAH

    • @TrumpetsCall_AmarYaH
      @TrumpetsCall_AmarYaH  Месяц назад +1

      Shalum, shalum dear one. YAHUAH be praised for Him revealing truth to His children at this time. Thank you for being here and thank you for commenting beloved.

  • @sifelanimutetwa6677
    @sifelanimutetwa6677 Месяц назад +3

    Halal Yahuah

  • @daniellehenry7088
    @daniellehenry7088 Месяц назад

    Thank you so much for this teaching! HalleluYah!

    • @TrumpetsCall_AmarYaH
      @TrumpetsCall_AmarYaH  Месяц назад +1

      YAHUAH be praised, as He is the source of it all. Thank you for being here and thank you for commenting beloved.

  • @micheleW1776
    @micheleW1776 Месяц назад +1

    Also this teaching is mixing old testament scriptures prior to Yahushua's coming vs the scriptures after His coming.

    • @TrumpetsCall_AmarYaH
      @TrumpetsCall_AmarYaH  Месяц назад +1

      There is a resurrection of the dead. That means that they are currently dead and in the grave.

  • @NurahYah
    @NurahYah Месяц назад +1

    HALALYAHUAH ... I knew it. Lots of ppl, including Family members believe that the Dead are guiding and watching over us. Thank you Murah❗️

    • @TrumpetsCall_AmarYaH
      @TrumpetsCall_AmarYaH  Месяц назад

      YAHUAH be praised for revealing Truth to His children at this time. HallaluYAHUAH. Thank you for being here Dudah.

  • @johncrouch1772
    @johncrouch1772 Месяц назад

    According to the Bible the answer is no.

  • @SisterYaYa
    @SisterYaYa Месяц назад +1

    Tudah Achoti. I know what you are saying is True

  • @SisterYaYa
    @SisterYaYa Месяц назад +1

    Familiar spirits

  • @BondservantofYah926
    @BondservantofYah926 Месяц назад +1

    Can you explain Lazarus and the rich man?

    • @BondservantofYah926
      @BondservantofYah926 Месяц назад

      Good teaching

    • @TrumpetsCall_AmarYaH
      @TrumpetsCall_AmarYaH  Месяц назад

      Yahusha was speaking a parable. You know what a parable is - it is a story that teaches truths using symbols in direct and indirect ways.

    • @TrumpetsCall_AmarYaH
      @TrumpetsCall_AmarYaH  Месяц назад +1

      "Paradise" is the place where the righteous dead dwell in Sheol. It is also called Abraham's Bosom.

  • @Benyahdee
    @Benyahdee Месяц назад

    Shalawam, all praises, thank you sharing this message, live in truth of the word not in the lies of darkness & death

    • @TrumpetsCall_AmarYaH
      @TrumpetsCall_AmarYaH  Месяц назад

      Yes dear one. YAHUAH be praised for revealing Truth to His children at this time. Thank you for sharing beloved. Shalum.

  • @CalledApart
    @CalledApart Месяц назад

    This was very helpful, I was just the other day on my FB trying to explain to a friend that we can not expect or look to any word or comfort from the dead, they are "asleep" or "resting" until Messiah Yahusha returns. I have something to share with them now. Ppl would understand this if the church hasn't "largely" taught ppl that the dead go right to heaven....."crazy" Heaven is coming here, not the other way around.

    • @TrumpetsCall_AmarYaH
      @TrumpetsCall_AmarYaH  Месяц назад +1

      Yes dear one. Yes. I believed this as well. Thank you for sharing. YAHUAH be praised.

    • @CalledApart
      @CalledApart Месяц назад

      @@TrumpetsCall_AmarYaH HalleluYAH

  • @roderick2722
    @roderick2722 Месяц назад

    Such a good word! Thanks

    • @TrumpetsCall_AmarYaH
      @TrumpetsCall_AmarYaH  Месяц назад +1

      All praises to The Most High YAHUAH, as He is the source of it all. Thank you for being here dear one and thank you for commenting. Shalum, shalum.

  • @mzanziletstalk7456
    @mzanziletstalk7456 Месяц назад +1

    I disagree, the dead do watch over you. Your Ancestors do watch and guide you according to Christ’s destiny, if you let them. Here are the Bible verses that speak of this:
    Book of Jasher 42: 29-40 30 And Joseph reached his mother's grave, and Joseph hastened and ran to his mother's grave, and fell upon the grave and wept. And Joseph heard a voice speaking to him from beneath the ground, which answered him with bitterness of heart, and with a voice of weeping and praying in these words: 38 My son, my son Joseph, I have heard the voice of thy weeping and the voice of thy lamentation; I have seen thy tears; I know thy troubles, my son, and it grieves me for thy sake, and abundant grief is added to my grief. 39 Now therefore my son, Joseph my son, hope to the Lord, and wait for him and do not fear, for the Lord is with thee, he will deliver thee from all trouble. 40 Rise my son, go down unto Egypt with thy masters, and do not fear, for the Lord is with thee, my son. And she continued to speak like unto these words unto Joseph, and she was still.
    Hebrew 12:1,
    Book of Enoch 39:4-5, There I saw another vision; I saw the habitations and couches of the saints. There my eyes beheld their habitations with the angels, and their couches with the holy ones. They were entreating, supplicating, and praying for the sons of men; while righteousness like water flowed before them, and mercy like dew was scattered over the earth. And thus shall it be with them for ever and for ever. 5. At that time my eyes beheld the dwelling of the elect, of truth, faith, and righteousness.
    1 Maccabees 2:69 mattathias was gathered to his fathers.
    Ecclesiasticus 7:33A gift hath grace in the sight of euery man liuing, and for the dead deteine it not.
    Ecclesiastes 4:2 Wherefore I praised the dead which are already dead, more then the living which are yet alive.
    Adam also spoke from the dead, when his body was in the ark, as Noah was instructed to take his body with him into the ark before the flood.
    It’s not just a relative that speaks to you in your dreams, or through a voice, it’s you ancestors from your lineage, they speak to their prosperity. But they have to get permission from God to do so. Even the scripture with Lazarus and the rich wicked man who died, shows you that the dead are not sleeping spiritually, asleep in the flesh/body but not in spirit. The rich man died (who now was in torment) and saw the poor man being escorted above him, and asked for a message to be sent to his family to live right. If the dead are not conscious why did the dead rich man speak, why did Adam speak, why did Abraham speak, why did Joseph’s mother speak - from the dead?
    It is however very important to know who is the ancestor(s) God has assigned to you to guide you, protect you and discipline/warn you. You also have to be careful of familiar spirits. You have to pray and ask God to show you who is/are your guardians first, before acknowledging them.

    • @TrumpetsCall_AmarYaH
      @TrumpetsCall_AmarYaH  Месяц назад +1

      Not everything in the extra-biblical books can be confirmed as truth. We must eat the meat and spit out the bones. The dead are asleep awaiting reward or judgment.

    • @elee573
      @elee573 Месяц назад +1

      @@TrumpetsCall_AmarYaHShalom Akhuty, I just want to bring these scriptures to mind and see what is your take. You rightly mentioned not to put extra biblical text in the same pedestal as the inspired text, so I would present scriptures that are Not Extra Biblical and see what you think about them:
      1) Heb 12:1 - “Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us” the word “witness” is the Greek word “martys” from which we get the English word “Martyr” which is a faithful follower of HaMashyak that remained steadfast in the face of persecution leading to death. Paul (Shaul) now uses the phrase “Cloud of witnesses” referencing the analogy of a race like the Olympics where you find people surrounding the participant and cheering them on but he uses the term “Cloud of Witnesses” meaning those who have been martyred and are still cheering the participant to keep running the race.
      2) Heb 12:22 - “But ye are come unto mount Sion, and unto the city of the living Aluahym, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels,
      Heb 12:23 - To the general assembly and church of the firstborn, which are written in heaven, and to YAHAUH the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect,” Here the writer of the book of Hebrews clearly states a “present reality” of the inhabitants of Mount Tsyon that we have come to by the blood of Yahusha HaMashyak. Note that he includes “the spirits of just men made perfect” that is remarkable for him to say that we have come by faith in Yahusha to a place that includes “Spirits of just men made perfect”
      3) Rev 6:9 - And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of YAHUAH and for the testimony which they held:
      Rev 6:10 - “And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Adonai, set apart and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?
      Rev 6:11 - And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellowservants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled” Here again we can clearly see that Yahuchanan saw a vision of those slain for the word of YAHUAH complaining to YAH about their blood not being avenged, and we can see that a response was actually given to them so there was communication going on between them and YAH. That is fascinating to see.
      And lastly;
      4) Rev 22:8 - “I, John, am the one who heard and saw these things, and when I heard and saw them, I threw myself down to worship at the feet of the angel who was showing them to me.
      Rev 22:9 - But he said to me, "Do not do this! I am a fellow servant with you and with your brothers the prophets, and with those who obey the words of this book. Worship YAHUAH!" Now this verse is very striking to say the least; you can see here that Yahuchanan is about to bow down and worship at the feet of the Malak (messenger) that is giving him this prophecy but the Malak stops him and gives him the reason why, and that is because he is a “Fellow servant” that phrase fellow servant qualifies the kind of servant he is, which can also mean a “colleague” and he further qualifies it by telling Yahuchanan that he is a fellow servant like him (Yahuchanan) and “The Prophets” this is a remarkable thing to say by a messenger of YAH, he doesn’t say like Gabriel or Michael or a messenger made by Flames of fire (Heb 1:7) he says like him (Yahuchanan) and the “Brethren the Prophets) remember that this messenger is also the one giving Yahuchanan the prophecy and that’s why he also mentions the “brethren the prophets” that is truly fascinating.
      So I would really love to hear your take on these verses and then see how the understanding you have can balance the scriptures you have brought forth with these scriptures. I have other scriptures but I’ll leave it at that for now.
      For me, I do have a premise that balances the scriptures you have presented with these scriptures but I would love to hear your own take. I always try to see how competing narratives that both have scriptural backing can be harmonized because it leads to better understanding for all.
      Thank you for allowing me to post on your platform. I pray that Yahuah will continue to favor you and bless you as you keep availing yourself to be used by him to bless us and the community. Shalum.

  • @micheleW1776
    @micheleW1776 Месяц назад +2

    I do not agree with this interpretation. This is only focuses on the certain scriptures that speak of the dead "sleeping". What about new testament scriptures that speak of going to be in paradise with Christ Luke 23:43 and what about the different meanings that words had? "Know" has also been used to mean "experience", so when the referenced scripture for "the dead know nothing about life", that could they do not experience life in the way a living person does? What about the following: “For as the body apart from the spirit is dead, even so faith apart from works is dead.”
    ‭‭James‬ ‭2‬:‭26‬ "the body apart from the Spirit is dead". It does not say the Spirit is sleep! I think Christianity has did a job on us and removed our Spiritual eyes. 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

    • @shawnstovall6861
      @shawnstovall6861 Месяц назад

      You may have some good points but the part about faith’, faith without works is dead could mean hearing the voice of Yah and not working towards the mark for eternal life according to His Words…The Faith is the voice of the Lord God and not faith as in having hope for human needs..we’re dead in the spirit from walking away from and disobeying The Faith and need to rekindle the fire of our faith in Him through our works and complete obedience to His Word..I hope this helps.

    • @TrumpetsCall_AmarYaH
      @TrumpetsCall_AmarYaH  Месяц назад +1

      It is okay that you do not agree. 🕊️

    • @micheleW1776
      @micheleW1776 Месяц назад

      @@shawnstovall6861 read the below scripture from mzanziletstalk7456 reply with verses. Whose to say we should not use Enock or Jasher. Remember Christianity decided which books to use.

    • @anjelicamoon6217
      @anjelicamoon6217 Месяц назад +1

      I agree, im not so good with characters name but Saul called the prophet form the dead to communicate. Messiah was also visited by deceased prophets before what he went through.