I am rather offended by a comment made by one of the folks on the sex offender video. She mentioned that we judge a society by how it treats the least of its members. Sex offenders are not the least members of our society. It is domestic adoptees foster kids and foundlings we have the fewest rights for no other reason then the decisions of the adults. Alot of us dont even have intact medical histories. This information is very important and kids can die for lack of it.
Great piece. Not heard anything about this in the mainstream.
Thank you 🙏🏾
I am rather offended by a comment made by one of the folks on the sex offender video. She mentioned that we judge a society by how it treats the least of its members. Sex offenders are not the least members of our society. It is domestic adoptees foster kids and foundlings we have the fewest rights for no other reason then the decisions of the adults. Alot of us dont even have intact medical histories. This information is very important and kids can die for lack of it.
Lil rider with us... this is why i only evacuate in the pooh pipes of men to avoid pregnant
And I had to leave this comment on the wrong video because you guys censored the comment section of the other video