It really broke my heart, I suffer from two disorders, bipolar mood disorder from 19,and parkinson from 39 ,I am now 47. I lost many opportunities, I was very smart , with very good grades in high school. Now I am single,unemployed, but not alone ,having a very very supportive family from the beginning. But I realized that there are people who are really helpless and alone. I realized for the first time I am not the most unfortunate person. And it is not just a soothing slogan to hear there are really people much more unfortunate than you. Thanks Frontline!
My lil sister just arrived yesterday to serve her 2yr sentence. I am praying everyday passes with no incidents and she is able to do her time and come home to be with her family her children and her grandkids
Excellent documentary short from Academy Award-nominated filmmaker Elaine McMillion Sheldon. It's heartbreaking to see these mothers get separated from their newborns in less than 24 hours.
@@ahmedaboukoura6035 Yeah, hell, turn them loose. While you're at it just open ALL the jails/prisons and turn EVERYBODY loose. What could go wrong? Better yet, quit arresting offenders, quit locking them up. Shoot, we'd have a fucking Utopia then, huh? Well, wouldn't we Ahmed?
Extremely hard to watch and extremely important. It has been this way in the USA for decades. I contributed to the research of a report published in 1999 documenting the shackling of pregnant and labouring women in custody in the USA, as well as poor health provision, sexual abuse by prison staff and the isolation of women in high security (Not Part of My Sentence). The human rights violations that occur within the US criminal justice system are a travesty that the world continues to turn a blind eye to.
I managed to keep myself together almost to the end but what finally got me was seeing so many women come and comfort Elijah's mom when she got back. I could almost hear her pain. If you've ever seen the film about Chess Records and Muddy Waters and his crew there's the scene when the harmonica player dies. When Muddy finally goes up to the bathroom and closes the door there then comes a wail like nothing I've ever heard. It is true pain, true friendship, true love that comes from the deepest places within Muddy Waters' soul. Even his pain can't come close to the pain of a woman whose child has been forcibly taken from her at birth.
You ladies deserve a chance to bond with your babies - I know abuse and how it affects for the rest of life - I could cry seeing your sadness - I know how hard it is to rise above shame guilt and fear - and to love myself and manage the scars
My mind is blown and I can't unhear or unsee this video my sister isn't pregnant but this prison does have a horrible reputation and it's so scary. All we can do is pray it's over quickly and she's home safely. 🙏🙏🙏🙏
What a needless bureaucracy,,,these ladies should be on house arrest with a treatment officer visiting them each don't need to waste all that taxpayer money.
Pretty sure jail saved almost or all of these babies from being born addicted. A lot of these woman were using drugs knowing they were pregnant, house arrest and someone checking up on them isn’t going to keep them from using. Yes, they can still use in jail, but it’s not as easy to use in there because drugs in jail are expensive, they drug test them so they will get caught and then be monitored more frequently and tested more often, punished and possibly segregated to keep them from using. These mothers having access to treatment classes and parenting classes is the best thing for them. I think they should be allowed to keep their babies in prison with them. Some states allow it and I think it strengthens the bond the mother has with the baby. On the outside they may have other things keeping them from spending that much time and if they don’t get help they may still use after giving birth further distancing themselves from the newborn and causing them to not have an as deep attachment. When you see the mothers that are in the program that allows them to stay with their baby in prison they grow extremely close to them. They have nothing else to distract them, their whole life in their revolves around the baby. They build a relationship that I think will help them stay focused and realize all the reasons they should stay clean and the motivation to do the work for their baby. I’m sure it doesn’t make everyone change, but I think it is the best option out of the two.
@@brittanyadams217Please don't spread the lie that prisons keep people off drugs. Prisons are for deterrence not for rehabilitation. These women could've easily been forced into a rehab away from violent offenders. I don't know what the answers are or what these women need but prison in Alabama is definitely not the solution.
There’s a special place in Hell for those who criminalize drug addiction. The women are victims of a cycle of addiction and abuse and there are medical and therapeutic interventions that can save lives! A counselor telling these broken souls living in poverty to “find better ways to entertain themselves” is NOT the answer!
Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACA) is a free program people can check out. It's a bit like AA for those who grew up in addicted, abusive, dysfunctional homes.
Meg you tell the person they robbed at gun point how hard these poor women's lives have been. They chose to take drugs and commit crime in order to get them.
@@vsculpt just because they are inmates it doesn't mean they deserve to be treated like animals okay! Would you rather have a former who was locked up and treated like a caged zoo animal for weeks, months, or years? Or would you rather have a former inmate who was locked up and treated like a human being with respect and dignity living nextdoor to you? I don't know about you but I would like to go to sleep at night knowing I am going to be safe in my own home!
I started watching this to see if I'd see anyone I recognized. (I ran with the "wrong crowd" for a long time, and I live in Southern Alabama, so I know a few women in tuttwiler). But the content was so captivating that I forgot to even look. I was full on bawling by the end. This is so unfair to everyone, the mom, the child, the jail (moms are depressed, depression leads to more problems for the staff, ect), the state (foster care is already overwhelmed), literally everyone involved except those at the very top who's pockets are getting fatter. As a mother of 2, I cannot imagine being ripped away from my child 24 hours after birth. That is literally insane in my mind. Not to mention the medical consequences for both mother and baby. I know I was in the hospital a full 72 hours with each birth, and even then I had trouble walking more than a short distance by myself. I can't imagine being forced back into the rules and structure of prison, where you're only allowed x amount of pads a day, no breastpada if you leak, you leak, no Tylenol or ibuprofen to take the edge off, no heating pad, or ice pack, or cabbage leaves. The risk of infection has got to be absolutely insanely high. Can you imagine giving birth, getting stitched up, and then 24 hours later forced to shower in the same shower that a thousand other women shower in dairy, that isn't cleaned with any proper sanitization? I'm surprised any of them stay healthy. That to me just screams infection, which of course the staff ignores until it's almost too late, which quite probably caused long term problems. The whole thing is absolutely insane. We HAVE to do better America. This IS NOT the way it should be done. This does nothing but cause problems and long-term issues for everyone. This is going to eat at me for days. How can I as an individual help? What can I do to change this? This HAS TO STOP. And not just this, but we're incarcerating broken, damaged people, not criminals. They need help, not prison. We as a society HAVE to do better!
There is a real problem in this country regarding mental health and substance abuse care. There is a real lack of resources for victims of domestic abuse. These women deserves love and support and help. They have never known self love. They have never known self worth. Throwing them away and locking up the key is no solution. I do admire what this prison has done to implement these resources for pregnant women, I really do. Not once, however, did I hear anything about the mother themselves being worthy of love, hope and change. These women need to know that they aren’t just being treated special because they are cranking out a baby. They are only being treated well until they aren’t pregnant anymore. The women in this video should be treated well because they are humans worthy of love, not because they are carrying a baby. In my humble opinion, this is another example of conditional love. We are caring about you because you have a baby inside you. We are treating you special because you are pregnant. We only love you until the baby is out of you. Once you give birth, you don’t get special treatment anymore. That screams, we only love you when you have something to offer or a purpose to serve. The problem starts long before these women were old enough to make their own decisions. Mental health and substance abuse in this country are just dispicable. Private prison for profit is where you go if you are poor in America and have the obstacles. These women have been shit on all their lives. They have never been given the opportunity to be anything other than drug addicts and prisoners and someone’s toy to abuse.
Such a great film. I recommend people watch Elaine McMillon Sheldon’s other work like heroin(e) and recovery boys. Such good films following similar the lives of those caught in the opioid epidemic. Really inspiring stories
Unlike other countries prison in America is another capitalistic business private business and that's why people are thrown in jail for small things.. because it's profitable to do so..
Because that would cost money, lowering profits, resulting in absolutely not possible, the people who set that policy probably think that they are very generous already for allowing 24h, welcome to the plaque US has spread into the world, as any part of life is optimized by this logic, profit, profit, profit.
My mom was there while pregnant and had me in 12-26-1985 and she did 4 more years after I was born and the cycle did not continue ❤ but it's my first memory seeing my mom in prison and i have life long trauma and issues from it 💔 i recognize some of these women from my county to
Sorry Frontline, gonna take a knee on this one. Can’t do it, too sad. I can’t go there now, today, this week, this month, THIS YEAR. I’ll watch the next one twice.
18:19 hearing her say that her first time smoking marijuana was at EIGHT YEARS OLD! I mean seriously! Some of these children don’t have a chance from the start. Unfortunately, these ladies have these babies and send them right back to the toxic environments that they grew up in to be raised by their own parents, the baby’s grandparents. I always wonder why not put them up for adoption and give them an actual chance at life?
Heartbreaking 😞. The strength it must take to endure a living hell. AND... these preconceived notions of women subjugating women by making them have the babies is archaic.
The rules and laws and treatment these women receive are inhumane. Work on recovery, rehabilitation, mental health is much more needed than bars and chains.
I live right down the way from this prison. Half or more of these inmates should never have been incarcerated to begin with. Prosecution of victimless crimes needs to stop, and sadly its the very religion that many of these ladies follow that is the original lever advocating prosecution.
I thought it was the JulianTutweiler Prison. I remember Geraldo Rivera doing a week of Segments called Bad Girls. They are also very popular in the Arabian world as well.
I was in prison with these women. In that dorm. I was not pregnant though. They had to have able body women to help out with things them and the elderly couldn’t do. But anyways I know every woman on her and they are amazing beautiful inside and out women. I believe they are all home and doing good with there babies now. I keep in touch with Misty all the she was a good friend of mine I am so glad I finally got to see this
Tutwiler is the only women's prison in the state of Alabama. I was there, for crimes I did not commit. My time is over now. I served for somebody else's crimes. I wouldn't have a problem saying I was guilty if I was, but I wasn't. That's what makes it harder, knowing you shouldn't be there and the one who did the crime you are serving for is free on the street. We really have a sad "justice" system.
So no family and another baby to a shelter or foster parents or adoption agency. Seen them left and right sign away their babies, have to earn them back later and that was Texas. Seen them be told they have family that has died and not get to go to the funeral and on and on. They don’t get to see them when they sign away parental rights in prison. It’s at a desk, just them and paperwork. Had a girl file on sexual (not unusual) advances from guards from point A to point B while shackled on ankles and wrist cuffs.
Of course it's going to be a cycle . No pro choice in that state, So out of prison into poverty ,raising kids in poverty so one day you can go back to prison to visit them .
Birth control and prevention is free way less expensive than an abortion..... that was created r ed to be a last resort.... not because you are poor...... i was a criminal had one kid..... didn't go in and out of jail with numerous kids..... how'd I do that?? Birth control
The reason why you have to three generations is the first one goes to jail when she comes out people don't give her a chance Society is on the forgiving so they go back into crime they have a kids that kids grow up and now they going to crime and so on.. do I feel sorry for them not to really because they had a choice to begin with.
Back in the early 2000’s, My Church done Ministry work in this Prison. I got to actually work with many of Women in this Prison from all walks of life. I really hope that this Prison has improved so much since then. This Women’s Prison was one, if not the worst, in the Nation. I also was Blessed to work in the Adullam House, which houses children of incarcerated mothers while in Prison. This is a True Calling of Mine to get to share the love of God with these Women, regardless of what they have done, because We are all still God’s Children.
Throwing pregnant women in prison, does it get any lower than that? I'm talking for getting caught with drugs? I don't understand why they couldn't make them just attend drug meetings. 😒 😳
Who are you to judge what is good or bad? This is a subjective term, I would argue it doesn't even exist. Be careful placing your bets on something you are ignorant in.
@@dadikkedude Sam who is Neal to consider what is bad he is part of society. And they get to decide . Let's see holding some poor inocent store clerk up at gun that's not subjective by any ones opinion that is just plain bad.Stealing from your own family also just play bad . There you go just to name two.
SHAME on American goverment, but American government all abt money and prison business also money, American government dont care abt human , SHAME ON , American president
Even when you are not behind bars you still have drugs everywhere, you have to say no. That is your responsibility not someone else. Are any of you thankful for everything that the tax payers, that said no to drugs and crime, are doing for you
It really broke my heart,
I suffer from two disorders, bipolar mood disorder from 19,and parkinson from 39 ,I am now 47.
I lost many opportunities, I was very smart , with very good grades in high school.
Now I am single,unemployed, but not alone ,having a very very supportive family from the beginning.
But I realized that there are people who are really helpless and alone.
I realized for the first time I am not the most unfortunate person.
And it is not just a soothing slogan to hear there are really people much more unfortunate than you.
Thanks Frontline!
Ask Jesus to heal and touch you.
My lil sister just arrived yesterday to serve her 2yr sentence. I am praying everyday passes with no incidents and she is able to do her time and come home to be with her family her children and her grandkids
Excellent documentary short from Academy Award-nominated filmmaker Elaine McMillion Sheldon. It's heartbreaking to see these mothers get separated from their newborns in less than 24 hours.
That last scene where they're all holding her and showing the most human kindness to their fellow mate, just breaks me. 😢
bUt JoE eXoTiC iN tIgEr KiNg Iz DoPe!
Sad why are so many women in prison for minor drug crimes and theft. Oh I forgot! Prison is a growing private business in the US. Congrats
Rosanne Lin Truly disgusting. Legalized slavery.
release them. problem solved.
@@ahmedaboukoura6035 Nah. You have to break the rotten system and build it anew. As long as profit > anything else, shit will continue.
I'm,so sad - im,so sorry - I feel their pain - I could not do it - my god bless these beautiful mothers and thank you
@@ahmedaboukoura6035 Yeah, hell, turn them loose. While you're at it just open ALL the jails/prisons and turn EVERYBODY loose. What could go wrong? Better yet, quit arresting offenders, quit locking them up. Shoot, we'd have a fucking Utopia then, huh? Well, wouldn't we Ahmed?
Extremely hard to watch and extremely important. It has been this way in the USA for decades. I contributed to the research of a report published in 1999 documenting the shackling of pregnant and labouring women in custody in the USA, as well as poor health provision, sexual abuse by prison staff and the isolation of women in high security (Not Part of My Sentence). The human rights violations that occur within the US criminal justice system are a travesty that the world continues to turn a blind eye to.
I managed to keep myself together almost to the end but what finally got me was seeing so many women come and comfort Elijah's mom when she got back. I could almost hear her pain. If you've ever seen the film about Chess Records and Muddy Waters and his crew there's the scene when the harmonica player dies. When Muddy finally goes up to the bathroom and closes the door there then comes a wail like nothing I've ever heard. It is true pain, true friendship, true love that comes from the deepest places within Muddy Waters' soul. Even his pain can't come close to the pain of a woman whose child has been forcibly taken from her at birth.
Thank you that was the hardest thing I ever done in my life. But think God I was only away from him a month. He is 14 month now we are doing good
@misty cook
How are you & Elijah? Xx.
Much much different atmosphere then the men’s Bama prisons.
@@mistycook3993I’ve been looking for a follow up or information about Elijah. So glad you’re good ❤
It's great to see these women open up talk. Sharing feelings and experiences helps lighten the burden.
This system is cruel. Change it now.
You ladies deserve a chance to bond with your babies - I know abuse and how it affects for the rest of life - I could cry seeing your sadness - I know how hard it is to rise above shame guilt and fear - and to love myself and manage the scars
My mind is blown and I can't unhear or unsee this video my sister isn't pregnant but this prison does have a horrible reputation and it's so scary. All we can do is pray it's over quickly and she's home safely. 🙏🙏🙏🙏
What a needless bureaucracy,,,these ladies should be on house arrest with a treatment officer visiting them each don't need to waste all that taxpayer money.
This is a great idea.
Pretty sure jail saved almost or all of these babies from being born addicted. A lot of these woman were using drugs knowing they were pregnant, house arrest and someone checking up on them isn’t going to keep them from using. Yes, they can still use in jail, but it’s not as easy to use in there because drugs in jail are expensive, they drug test them so they will get caught and then be monitored more frequently and tested more often, punished and possibly segregated to keep them from using. These mothers having access to treatment classes and parenting classes is the best thing for them. I think they should be allowed to keep their babies in prison with them. Some states allow it and I think it strengthens the bond the mother has with the baby. On the outside they may have other things keeping them from spending that much time and if they don’t get help they may still use after giving birth further distancing themselves from the newborn and causing them to not have an as deep attachment. When you see the mothers that are in the program that allows them to stay with their baby in prison they grow extremely close to them. They have nothing else to distract them, their whole life in their revolves around the baby. They build a relationship that I think will help them stay focused and realize all the reasons they should stay clean and the motivation to do the work for their baby. I’m sure it doesn’t make everyone change, but I think it is the best option out of the two.
@@brittanyadams217Please don't spread the lie that prisons keep people off drugs. Prisons are for deterrence not for rehabilitation. These women could've easily been forced into a rehab away from violent offenders. I don't know what the answers are or what these women need but prison in Alabama is definitely not the solution.
Frontline holding it down during quarentine
There’s a special place in Hell for those who criminalize drug addiction. The women are victims of a cycle of addiction and abuse and there are medical and therapeutic interventions that can save lives! A counselor telling these broken souls living in poverty to “find better ways to entertain themselves” is NOT the answer!
Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACA) is a free program people can check out. It's a bit like AA for those who grew up in addicted, abusive, dysfunctional homes.
Meg you tell the person they robbed at gun point how hard these poor women's lives have been. They chose to take drugs and commit crime in order to get them.
Where was this for black people in the 1980s and 90s?
@@vsculpt just because they are inmates it doesn't mean they deserve to be treated like animals okay! Would you rather have a former who was locked up and treated like a caged zoo animal for weeks, months, or years? Or would you rather have a former inmate who was locked up and treated like a human being with respect and dignity living nextdoor to you? I don't know about you but I would like to go to sleep at night knowing I am going to be safe in my own home!
I started watching this to see if I'd see anyone I recognized. (I ran with the "wrong crowd" for a long time, and I live in Southern Alabama, so I know a few women in tuttwiler). But the content was so captivating that I forgot to even look. I was full on bawling by the end. This is so unfair to everyone, the mom, the child, the jail (moms are depressed, depression leads to more problems for the staff, ect), the state (foster care is already overwhelmed), literally everyone involved except those at the very top who's pockets are getting fatter. As a mother of 2, I cannot imagine being ripped away from my child 24 hours after birth. That is literally insane in my mind. Not to mention the medical consequences for both mother and baby. I know I was in the hospital a full 72 hours with each birth, and even then I had trouble walking more than a short distance by myself. I can't imagine being forced back into the rules and structure of prison, where you're only allowed x amount of pads a day, no breastpada if you leak, you leak, no Tylenol or ibuprofen to take the edge off, no heating pad, or ice pack, or cabbage leaves. The risk of infection has got to be absolutely insanely high. Can you imagine giving birth, getting stitched up, and then 24 hours later forced to shower in the same shower that a thousand other women shower in dairy, that isn't cleaned with any proper sanitization? I'm surprised any of them stay healthy. That to me just screams infection, which of course the staff ignores until it's almost too late, which quite probably caused long term problems. The whole thing is absolutely insane. We HAVE to do better America. This IS NOT the way it should be done. This does nothing but cause problems and long-term issues for everyone. This is going to eat at me for days. How can I as an individual help? What can I do to change this? This HAS TO STOP. And not just this, but we're incarcerating broken, damaged people, not criminals. They need help, not prison. We as a society HAVE to do better!
I'm on board with you
There is a real problem in this country regarding mental health and substance abuse care. There is a real lack of resources for victims of domestic abuse. These women deserves love and support and help. They have never known self love. They have never known self worth. Throwing them away and locking up the key is no solution. I do admire what this prison has done to implement these resources for pregnant women, I really do. Not once, however, did I hear anything about the mother themselves being worthy of love, hope and change. These women need to know that they aren’t just being treated special because they are cranking out a baby. They are only being treated well until they aren’t pregnant anymore. The women in this video should be treated well because they are humans worthy of love, not because they are carrying a baby. In my humble opinion, this is another example of conditional love. We are caring about you because you have a baby inside you. We are treating you special because you are pregnant. We only love you until the baby is out of you. Once you give birth, you don’t get special treatment anymore. That screams, we only love you when you have something to offer or a purpose to serve. The problem starts long before these women were old enough to make their own decisions. Mental health and substance abuse in this country are just dispicable. Private prison for profit is where you go if you are poor in America and have the obstacles. These women have been shit on all their lives. They have never been given the opportunity to be anything other than drug addicts and prisoners and someone’s toy to abuse.
U said everything I was thinking! 👏🏾
This whole documentary broke my heart.
Such a great film. I recommend people watch Elaine McMillon Sheldon’s other work like heroin(e) and recovery boys. Such good films following similar the lives of those caught in the opioid epidemic. Really inspiring stories
The amount of pain and suffering women are expected to experience is honestly unthinkable.
We are so STRONG
Unlike other countries prison in America is another capitalistic business private business and that's why people are thrown in jail for small things.. because it's profitable to do so..
Prisons in Canada and the US are nothing more than inmate warehouses which is awful
@@annetteslife that is so true
The part where she’s walking, a day after giving birth…Makes me want to cry.
I walked 45 minutes after giving birth. I had natural childbirth with all 4 of my babies. 3 girls 1 boy.
@@eunicestone6532 I’m not talking about the walking. I’m talking about how she’s walking, it looks like she’s dejected
Why on earth would you take a mother away from a newborn so soon? That is so counterintuitive. Whoever decided 24 hours is enough is a criminal.
The mother did, when she committed a crime......
@@marconius101 A child without love is creating a huge problem in later life. The child is not on trail.
@@marconius101 No they didn't have anything to do with that policy. The shitty policy is set by the prison.
Because that would cost money, lowering profits, resulting in absolutely not possible, the people who set that policy probably think that they are very generous already for allowing 24h, welcome to the plaque US has spread into the world, as any part of life is optimized by this logic, profit, profit, profit.
@@marconius101" committing a crime" yall are so pathetic, most of them are just addicts, they need rehabilitation not this...
That little baby by himself in the car seat without his Momma, that broke me :'(
Now I have the Frontline theme song stuck in my head, in anticipation.
My mom was there while pregnant and had me in 12-26-1985 and she did 4 more years after I was born and the cycle did not continue ❤ but it's my first memory seeing my mom in prison and i have life long trauma and issues from it 💔 i recognize some of these women from my county to
Sorry Frontline, gonna take a knee on this one. Can’t do it, too sad. I can’t go there now, today, this week, this month, THIS YEAR. I’ll watch the next one twice.
Yep...I'm with you. Hugs Jennifer Lynn🥀
18:19 hearing her say that her first time smoking marijuana was at EIGHT YEARS OLD! I mean seriously! Some of these children don’t have a chance from the start. Unfortunately, these ladies have these babies and send them right back to the toxic environments that they grew up in to be raised by their own parents, the baby’s grandparents. I always wonder why not put them up for adoption and give them an actual chance at life?
Inhumane!! Those women aren’t dangerous. The system is taking those babies to feed the adoption pipeline. Sick
Heartbreaking 😞. The strength it must take to endure a living hell. AND... these preconceived notions of women subjugating women by making them have the babies is archaic.
Another demonstration of the damage that single parenthood is doing to this country.
The rules and laws and treatment these women receive are inhumane. Work on recovery, rehabilitation, mental health is much more needed than bars and chains.
This is so sad we should work to help them
This had me in tears...
Heartbreaking........I can't even imagine it.
I feel like all these babies are mine because I'm a tax payer 😂
well dont let criminals have babies, its like a free ticket for better jail life.
ADDICTS ARE NOT CRIMINALS!! THERE ARE CRIMINALS WHO ARE ADDICTS BUT just cause someone is addicted to drugs doesn't in them make them a criminal
Addicts are not criminals but criminals can be addicts
I live right down the way from this prison. Half or more of these inmates should never have been incarcerated to begin with. Prosecution of victimless crimes needs to stop, and sadly its the very religion that many of these ladies follow that is the original lever advocating prosecution.
I GUARANTEE if they werent locked up those babies would never taste breast milk.
This video is sad and disturbing. I feel sorry for these women getting their babies tooken away from them.
I just can't imagine... I hope the program is not canceled for the women.
My mother and aunt was here . I remember visits
The child is ALMOST ALWAYS best with their birth mother..THIS IS AN AWESOME PROGRAM!
How many of these babies belong to officers JS
That moment when you see your older sister at the 16:40-16:46 mark sitting at the table.
End.... soul crushing 32min
Frontline 👍
I live in alabama.probably 45 min from this prison.i never knew it was the worst in the united states
I live in Alabama also. Yes! There has been complaints and they have been “investigating” for years.
I know prison officials mean well. But not like this.
The way there were so many people around that baby the day it came home tho 😭
No thank you😭
That moment when you find out that Russia has a way better prison system for mother-child than in the US.
Yes we know, we've heard about Russia's prisons. Are you kidding me? Russia has little money for any program.
@@gaylemc2692 I was referring to that specific issue
Women on drug charges belong in rehab, not better Alabama
I had Miss Robinson...she is the best!! GO MISS ROBINSON
Don't be scared
How old is the first lady??
I thought it was the JulianTutweiler Prison. I remember Geraldo Rivera doing a week of Segments called Bad Girls. They are also very popular in the Arabian world as well.
I was in prison with these women. In that dorm. I was not pregnant though. They had to have able body women to help out with things them and the elderly couldn’t do. But anyways I know every woman on her and they are amazing beautiful inside and out women. I believe they are all home and doing good with there babies now. I keep in touch with Misty all the she was a good friend of mine I am so glad I finally got to see this
Goes to show you that they aren’t bad people, they just had problems they couldn’t deal with
Haha okay Kevin, I'm going to assume they didn't let you into a women's prison and you're just posting from someone else's account
All LIPSERVICE. On the way home from prison they are making a pit stop.
Does anyone know who or what is tutwiler ?
Michael Warsing It's the name of the prison
Prison for women in Alabama
Julia Tutwiler Women's Prison. Wetumpka Alabama
Tutwiler is the only women's prison in the state of Alabama. I was there, for crimes I did not commit. My time is over now. I served for somebody else's crimes. I wouldn't have a problem saying I was guilty if I was, but I wasn't. That's what makes it harder, knowing you shouldn't be there and the one who did the crime you are serving for is free on the street. We really have a sad "justice" system.
So no family and another baby to a shelter or foster parents or adoption agency. Seen them left and right sign away their babies, have to earn them back later and that was Texas. Seen them be told they have family that has died and not get to go to the funeral and on and on. They don’t get to see them when they sign away parental rights in prison. It’s at a desk, just them and paperwork. Had a girl file on sexual (not unusual) advances from guards from point A to point B while shackled on ankles and wrist cuffs.
Of course it's going to be a cycle . No pro choice in that state, So out of prison into poverty ,raising kids in poverty so one day you can go back to prison to visit them .
Birth control and prevention is free way less expensive than an abortion..... that was created r ed to be a last resort.... not because you are poor...... i was a criminal had one kid..... didn't go in and out of jail with numerous kids..... how'd I do that?? Birth control
Yeah actually there is legal abortion in Alabama.
It made me so angry hearing that these women were kept from their children for using drugs, sometimes only marijuana possession.
The reason why you have to three generations is the first one goes to jail when she comes out people don't give her a chance Society is on the forgiving so they go back into crime they have a kids that kids grow up and now they going to crime and so on.. do I feel sorry for them not to really because they had a choice to begin with.
Back in the early 2000’s, My Church done Ministry work in this Prison. I got to actually work with many of Women in this Prison from all walks of life. I really hope that this Prison has improved so much since then. This Women’s Prison was one, if not the worst, in the Nation. I also was Blessed to work in the Adullam House, which houses children of incarcerated mothers while in Prison. This is a True Calling of Mine to get to share the love of God with these Women, regardless of what they have done, because We are all still God’s Children.
Premiers in 20 hours? Well, alright! First comment.
5% of Worlds Population.. USA
25% of Worlds Prisoner's.. USA
All da best righteous people..
Throwing pregnant women in prison, does it get any lower than that? I'm talking for getting caught with drugs? I don't understand why they couldn't make them just attend drug meetings. 😒 😳
Are the men that got these women pregnant getting the help they need as well?
Are they pregnant? Only woman get pregnant.
Let’s check hair and fingernails. That’s really important. 😒
Read Corrupt Officer's Guide to Love based on a love affair at Tutwiler's prison.
3% of the world's population 25% of the world's prisoners the land of the free where keeping people incarcerated is profitable.
Well,Alrighty then!2nd to comment,lol! Xlnt Program as Alway's,wait... I haven't seen it yet but that's OK,There are No Bad Frontline Programs,Ever!
What happened to the babies?
With their babies for 6-12 months & then have to give them up? Oh no.
A reason to not get locked up 🤷🏿♂️
36 looks 56 from drugs
I thought they kept there babies in prison?
And people think Alabama is sweet🤣🤣
Every child born here will be incarcerated in 15 years. No worries though, they’ll keep cranking out the cute little babies.
It’s a generational cycle purposely created to make money off these women via different institutions and agencies such as prison and Childrens Aid
Is Misty out of prison now?
and we have to pay for it
Well said disgraceful isn't it!!!
I love Captain Roads, but the prison is a joke...pergant women are on the hall with violent people!!!!
Misty is 36...but she looks like 50...Is that what prison does to you?
Conveniently not mention what they're in prison for. I bet it's not just petty drug use, probably something bad
Who are you to judge what is good or bad? This is a subjective term, I would argue it doesn't even exist. Be careful placing your bets on something you are ignorant in.
@@dadikkedude Sam who is Neal to consider what is bad he is part of society. And they get to decide . Let's see holding some poor inocent store clerk up at gun that's not subjective by any ones opinion that is just plain bad.Stealing from your own family also just play bad . There you go just to name two.
system gotta do better or the next generation will contiunue the cycle fr fr mark my word 20 years from now
What! This is inmate control. No men jail does what these women prison does. Checking nails and hair, etc.. nah mehn. This is not normal but control.
plz be Will Lyman plz be Will Lyman !!!!
Can’t wait, I would listen to Will reading recipes
Search YT for Will Lyman docs
@@GogglzPisano lol same
Thats where we tell little girls they gonna go if they act bad
Are you joking or insane???
SHAME on American goverment, but American government all abt money and prison business also money, American government dont care abt human , SHAME ON , American president
Hang on they put themselves in prison. They committed the crime no one else the need to take responsibility
11:57 bruh straight fell out zzZzZZ
Me watching trying to see if a woman I went to high school with is in here 👀
These people tell the world how run their countries... comedy
Even when you are not behind bars you still have drugs everywhere, you have to say no. That is your responsibility not someone else. Are any of you thankful for everything that the tax payers, that said no to drugs and crime, are doing for you
I have empathy only for victims...can find myself feeling bad because they are in jail for murder
Most of these women are drug addicts in for low-level offences.
ဒီလိုေဘးဆိုးနဲ႔ၾကဳံေနရၿပီး အရင္က မင္းတို႔မေလ့လာလို႔
သစ္ကိုင္းေကာက္တာျမင္တယ္ လုေတြတခ်ိဳ႕စိတ္ေကာက္တာမျမင္ဘူး ပညာသုံးသပ္ၾကည့္ပါ
တခုေျပာျပမယ္ တျခားၿမိဳ႕ရြာႏိုင္ငံကိုမၾကည့္နဲ႔
ကိုေနတဲ့ ေဆြမ်ိဳးေမာင္ႏွမ ကိုေနတဲ့ၿမိဳ႕ရြာကိုဘဲၾကည့္ေလ့လာ မေကာင္းတဲ့စိတ္ေတြ ေအာက္လမ္းေမ့ေဆးေတြ မနာလိုတိုက္ေနၾကတာမသိဘူးလား
အရင္ကေျပာျပတာေနာ္ ရန္တိုက္ေနတာ အတြင္းထဲက
အခုဒီလိုမ်ိဳးအျပင္ကျပန္႔ႏွ့ံေနတာဘာေၾကာက့္လဲ ေဂါင္းက ဆံဘင္ ႐ုွပ္ပြေလိုမ်ိဳး ပူးေနၾကတာ လူတိုင္းက ပါရမီရိွတယ္ အခုေခတ္ သိပၸံပညာရိွသူေတြ ကိုင္တြယ္ေနတာမ်ားလို႔
စက္နဲ႔ပတ္သက္ေနတာ ကိုင္သုံးသပ္မတတ္ရင္
ေဘးဆိုးၾကဳံေနရတတ္တယ္ ပညာဆိုတာ သုံးေနရင္
အမ်ိဳးမ်ိဳးဘဲဟာ က်မစိတ္ထဲက ဦးေႏွာက္ေတြက တခုခုျဖစ္ေတာ့မယ္ဆိုရင္ ႀကိဳတင္သိထားတယ္ က်မကလူေတြေျပာျပရင္ က်မကိုအ႐ူးမလို႔ျပန္ေျပာေနတာ
ဗမားအုပ္ခ်ဳပ္ေနတဲ့တိုင္းရင္းသားေတြ တခ်ိဳ႕သူပညာတတ္ၿပီး ပညာမရိွဘူး မေလ့လာဘူး လူသားအခ်င္းခ်င္းမနာလိုၾကဘူး
အခုကူးစက္ေနတာ ေရာဂါရတာတမ်ိဳးမဟုတ္ဘူး
လူမႈဆက္ဆံေရး ႏိုင္ငံတကာအာဏပိုင္လူႀကီးေတြကအစ အကုန္စီးပြားေရးပါေဘးဆိုးက်ိဳးၾကံဳေနရတယ္
ဘာေၾကာင့္လဲဆိုေတာ့ က်မအေပၚမွာ သူငယ္ခ်င္းေတြက တစ္ အုပ္ခ်ဳပ္လူႀကီးေတြပါ
မနာလိုတာလား ေလာဘမ်ားတာလား
က်မကို လုပ္ၾကံေနတဲ့ပတ္သက္လူေတြ
ခုေတာ့ တကမာၻလုံး ေဘးဆိုးအမ်ိဳးမ်ိဳးခံေနရတာ
အျမန္မေျ႐ႇင္းရက္ ဒီထက္ပိုၿပီးေဘးဆိုးၾကဳံေနမယ္ အဓိက တကမာၻလုံး အုပ္ခ်ဳပ္ေနတဲ့ အာဏာပိုင္ အုကီးအကဲ့အႀကီးဆုံးတေယာက္ကို သူ႔အတြက္ ပိုၿပီး စိုးရိပ္ရမယ္ လူယုံသတ္လို႔ဥပါဒ္ျဖင့္မယ္
ဒါကိုေျပျပေနတာ က်မအေဖမဆုံးခင္ ႀကိဳတင္ေျပာျပတာ
ဒါဘဲေနာ္ က်မစာေတြသိမ့္မေရးခ်င္ဘူး
အႀကီးဆုံးအဲလူႀကီးမင္းဒီအမႈကိုအျမန္ေျဖ႐ွင္းဘို႔ က်မနားစြင့္ၿပီးေစာင့္ေနတာ
အားလုံး ေသးေတြကင္းပါေစေနာ္ ဆုေတာင္းေပးေနတယ္ က်မကseeကိုယ္တိုင္ရိွၿပီးသားပါ သိထားပါေနာ္ က်မလူ႔ျပည္ေရာက္လာတာ လူေတြအသက္ကိုသတ္ဘို႔ေရာက္လာတာမွမဟုတ္တာ
မရိွအတူ ရိွအတူ မ်ွေဝခံစားေပးေနၾကပါ
ဘာေၾကာင့္က်မသူငယ္ခ်င္းေတြေဆြမ်ိဳးကအစေပါ့ က်န္တာေျပာေတာ့ဘူး
Do any of you know what it cost to have a baby. Sorry, no sympathy here. My family and children are more important to me than crime and drugs.
I had my baby in 2019 at tutwiler! Not fun at all