I am about to go to NTU this fall and I do not speak Mandarin (my high school did not offer to teach it). I am so nervous to go as someone who doesn’t know Mandarin, but these students make me feel so much more comfortable. Taiwanese people are so kind and welcoming!
World goal: More native Chinese learn to speak English and more native English learn to speak Chinese. Grammar is definitely less important the communicating in real time (speaking). Another thought provoking vlog, Jay!
A very practical method to build confidence is one on one conversation using "what if" questions...Hypothetical ...I teach conversation english using this method. My students like it and feel it is very productive.
However, when you ask the the students to make a formal presentation in public instead of tons of paper work, some of them either get cold feet or ruin everything. Anyways, it's still a long way to go with our educational system :=)
As a trilingual country (NZ) I would recommend finding and studying a funny TV series and your fav hobby. It will remove the stress from achieving fluency. For your communication to be fluent, you need to understand language in a relaxed state. The whole bullying, trolling, shaming, judgemental, competitive and hierarchical culture, is an obstacle that just slows any progress toward becoming fluent in another language. When you understand the humour in the culture, the language becomes easier and most importantly enjoyable. Don't be shy. Make a friend with an English speaker that wants to learn Taiwanese and practice with them. It's a win/win. Also practice singing songs in your chosen language. Although you may not understand the lyrics at the time, you'll get the pronunciation down a lot better.
發現有許多人混淆”口音(腔調)”與”發音(咬字)”: Pronunciation is important, having a correct pronunciation helps people understand you better. Accent is not. We can see a lot of people think British accent is superior these days, but one thing to understand is that accent is something which evolves organically within a culture, it can’t be forced. And so if you’re forcing yourself learning a particular accent, you’ll running the risk of sounding fake and insincere. If you’re judging people by their accent, well, you’re not very well educated. But if you just like it, go for it, no one’s gonna stop you. Lastly, cultural expression and idioms are very important, it makes your utterance more interesting and also makes you more relatable, and in turn a more effective communication.
Not to be super cynical, but as much as the US is a progressive country, I must say that a person’s accent MAJORLY influences how an American may perceive a person. I feel like, no matter how knowledgeable a person is on a subject, if they speak even slightly imperfect English and with an accent, an American may not take the person seriously, or at least subconsciously have a bias against the person. So I would say accent is a pretty important thing. We Americans can impose stereotypes on a person based on the accent they speak, if not overtly, then at the very least, subconsciously. I mean, take regional accents. As a prime example, people may wrongly assume that a person with a southern accent may not be as smart as a person with a “normal” accent from the east coast.
The problem with Singapore's multi-lingual culture is that while they can speak several languages including English, Mandarin, Hokkien, Malay and Tamil, they really don't speak any of them really well. They tend to speak a mish mash of all the languages such as Singlish.
After watching this video, I suddenly realized why we are heading to become a bilingual country, just look at HK and Singapore, it's a long-term policy that has more to do with political things than economic things.
so much depression guy is literally me 😩😩i really wanted to study at NTU but can't go there bcz of the uni where i study rn is not in the MOE list of Taiwan 😭😭
I understand the frustration that many Taiwanese may have with the world. The fact that they have been neglected by the rest of the world does not mean that you cannot keep yourself learned. Some people in Taiwan might not see it, but a lot of the countries in the world have come to appreciate Taiwan as their partner in the past few years, not just the US. Many European countries have a high regard for Taiwan despite not having formal diplomatic relations. It’s sometimes not the quantity but the quality of your friends that matters. It will not be easy in the beginning and it might take more than a generation for Taiwan to be the likes of Japan or South Korea. However, if you are unwilling to help yourself by being strong, others will find it hard to help you even if they want to.
雖然視頻裏有人覺得accent不重要但我沒支持也沒反對,嘛畢竟什麼話題在這現今社會已經變得很主觀了不管是看法還是意見…(純粹當做他立場與觀點和我不同,就衹是這樣,無感…無需吵架惡言評論 But for me!Honestly我覺得我本人比較prefer需要注重accent的,這樣發音也比較正確,不然就衹是純vocabulary與寫作而已… 所以如果換成是我給advice的話我真的覺得accent是重要的。所以一個人學英文如果要International的話,選擇非自己國家地道腔調,而是從British Accent 或USA選一個自己喜歡的來學習。如果prefer比較有韻味比較Gorgeous & Charming可以選擇England,喜歡Fancy and more cooler可以選擇USA accent,總之從這兩者選一個自己喜歡的,不要選其他的英文發音(如果是鍛煉accent) 所以雖然立場不同與視頻的某位採訪者,但就衹是觀點不同,沒什麼好吵。but for me我比較注重accent。比較跟得上潮流,學的至少也是外國人比較可以聽得懂的方式。 也許說了那麼多大家又會有更主觀的看法寫來更是區分「咬字,發音,…」然後在那裡大吵 "誒妳懂不懂咬字和發音和口音差別?" 之類的… 但最後的最後,是不是鍛煉一下您的accent是不是會有所進步?而不是只會盲目的背vocabulary和微寫作?也在溝的過程中讓聽者覺得有不錯的聽覺與容易讓人懂??? 最後總的來說,都要注重就對了好嗎…不管是accent,您的pronunciation都必須注重的呐…好嗎… 鍛煉accent的同時會稍微提昇自己的咬字口音導向更正確的英文說話方式。不是更好嗎? 不是說什麼 "鍛煉什麼不重要accent我們又不是地道美國人英國人"………嗯honestly沒人要説您必須成為美國人英國人,衹是學習更地道與更正確…
I thinking environment is a crucial part for most Taiwanese can't reach a higher level. Most Asian countries have the same problem, except Singapore, and Philippine.
Hmm. I would think Taiwanese English is just ok. Most who study in the US do very well with written vocabulary and know plenty of words, but are behind others when it comes to speaking. Also, I find outside the tourist industry very few people are comfortable speaking English to a foreigner (which is fine, as I need to use my Chinese anyway). Of course maybe I shouldn’t talk as my country is terrible at almost all languages :)
The interview made it clear that Taiwan's education system really needs to change. It's way behind compared to other countries. I've been living in Taiwan for three years and have been coming here since 2016. It's surprising how many people here struggle with English. It's not because they're not smart, but because they're always told to avoid mistakes and just follow orders. This makes people afraid to try new things. Also, the universities here don't keep up. The best students from Taiwan go overseas, and students from other countries don't really want to come here. NTU ranks #1 in Taiwan, but over #200 compred world wide. Even at work you can see how this style of education affects people. They just do what they're told and don't think for themselves. For a place like Taiwan, which is struggling internationally, this old-fashioned way of teaching doesn't help.
it depends on the field of study and the subject I would argue. I would rank undergraduate LAW, medical, and Engineering #25-50. Liber arts #500~#1000 levels of English proficiency >1000. what do you think?
Accent is incredibly important...these students seem a bit sheltered and likely lack perspective due to inadequate exposure to the outside world. Accent is one of the most important things in LIFE. The way in which you express yourself...this cannot be understated. Accent is important even in Chinese! Also, the purpose of learning a language isn't just to be "understood" but rather, to be understood in a way that is effortless or near-effortless to the native speaker - this holds true across ALL languages. This is why learning languages from a textbook and studying grammar all day long are ridiculous methods of learning. Exposure is key and is the main reason that Europeans tend to speak so many languages.
People may encounter discrimination, where it is not explicitly expressed through verbal criticism but rather manifested through subtle behaviors such as avoiding, intentionally maintaining a certain distance, or displaying preferences towards colleagues in a professional setting. Additionally, some individuals may resort to using accents as a means to distinguish social classes. This highlights a form of discrimination that extends beyond verbal communication, encompassing various actions and societal interactions.
@@deepdark795 Yeah lol, I meant, people may face discrimination by their accent on work or schools, especially assian immigrant or Hispanic people, but I get what you meant. I just wanted to do some extension from that.
pronunciation is definitely important, with incorrect pronunciation, it can be a different word accent 跟 pronunciation (口音跟發音) 不一樣, 馬來西亞有他們的accent但發音正確 台大學生~ confidence vs confidential 主持~ specifically speci-fi-cal-ly 台灣學生習慣用中文的邏輯直接翻英文, see some new countries XXX explore would be a better word and without the word "new" 沒想到台大.... 就只有國外回來的女生比較在水準以上
口音的確沒有很重要,就連美國本土、英國、澳洲等英語國家都會有獨特的口音。但是發音很重要,不論我們怎麼訓練,都很難扭轉口音,那真的要是母語使用者或是難得一見的語言奇才,像我在NYU研究所的台灣同學,老師、同學都以為他是美國人,但其實他研究所之前,從來沒出國過,在台南也都是公立學校這樣讀上來的。除此之外,我的美國老師告訴我,要把發音練習正確,帶著自己特色與美麗口音他是說your own and beautiful accent ),這樣會讓溝通更有效率跟減少誤解。 我後來仔細思考,的確像是我們遇到外國人說中文,我們可以透過口音來辨別他的背景,但如果他發音都正確,其實無礙於我們的理解
Accent is important ,you start to learning English ,you not get good accent .your English difficultly to change good accent .Accent wrong ,sometimes English meaning is wrong. The girl speaking English is good.
I'm not sure I understand what the value is to make Taiwan a bilingual culture. If it's to gain more global visibility or integration into the world community, that has more to do with politics and getting rid of China's pressure than anything to do with the average Taiwanese's linguistic ability.
🌟以人工智慧分析和糾正你英語發音的準確度 🌟
🤩 免費7天高級會員資格 下載【ELSA】👉bit.ly/ELSAxJAYCHEN
I am about to go to NTU this fall and I do not speak Mandarin (my high school did not offer to teach it). I am so nervous to go as someone who doesn’t know Mandarin, but these students make me feel so much more comfortable. Taiwanese people are so kind and welcoming!
在澳洲八年分享,口音雖然不是最重要,但是發音正確性是蠻重要的~ 並且了解不同國家的口音也可以增加 comprehension, 畢竟不同英語國家差異真的蠻大的 😂
其實臺灣的學生比想像中的更棒 大家一起加油💪🏼
感謝你的支持☀我在街訪的時候有發現到這個現象, 之後的訪問可以延伸這一主題去討論
World goal: More native Chinese learn to speak English and more native English learn to speak Chinese. Grammar is definitely less important the communicating in real time (speaking).
Another thought provoking vlog, Jay!
Thank you as always
A very practical method to build confidence is one on one conversation using "what if" questions...Hypothetical ...I teach conversation english using this method. My students like it and feel it is very productive.
我很喜歡Catherine 說英文 會搭配一些手勢 讓人更融入情境以及說服力 👍
Being a bilingual country isn’t the sole way to enhance people’s English. The more crucial step is to revamp the teaching methodology of English.
最後一個人講的很對 可能他的英文不是全對 但他願意學有自信有一天他就會變超強
"...it's all about work and homework and I have a lot of stress." Yep, that's Taiwan.
However, when you ask the the students to make a formal presentation in public instead of tons of paper work, some of them either get cold feet or ruin everything. Anyways, it's still a long way to go with our educational system :=)
As a trilingual country (NZ) I would recommend finding and studying a funny TV series and your fav hobby. It will remove the stress from achieving fluency. For your communication to be fluent, you need to understand language in a relaxed state.
The whole bullying, trolling, shaming, judgemental, competitive and hierarchical culture, is an obstacle that just slows any progress toward becoming fluent in another language.
When you understand the humour in the culture, the language becomes easier and most importantly enjoyable. Don't be shy. Make a friend with an English speaker that wants to learn Taiwanese and practice with them. It's a win/win. Also practice singing songs in your chosen language. Although you may not understand the lyrics at the time, you'll get the pronunciation down a lot better.
感謝支持 其實我也滿好奇如果不是台大的學生ㄋ
有看過Asian Boss頻道訪問東大學生的影片就知道,這支片裡台大學生的英文能力遠勝那部影片中的東大學生
我不知道這部影片有沒有cherry picking,但從發音、字彙選擇上,台大學生都好上非常多
我沒有特別挑選ㄟ ~ 願意上鏡頭我想基本上對自己有自信😎
但每次我回台大,看到校園有更多各國來的同學、圖書館裡的年輕人讀起原文書比我那時候好像還要更專心(沒有去偷看RUclips XD)、每台電腦上大家好像都在學coding或跑統計軟體。我就覺得一代應該還是勝過一代的!
有ㄟ 我這次去台大 國際學生真的很多 !
台灣一直把重點放在雙語根本問號,人力銀行上面多的是 英日精通 薪水30k 的職缺,台灣需要的是產業發展,除了高科技人才以外的人力該如何配置流動,也沒有外商來設廠 設公司 島內自己在那邊一攤死水 沒太多 多元產業發展。
Pronunciation is important, having a correct pronunciation helps people understand you better. Accent is not. We can see a lot of people think British accent is superior these days, but one thing to understand is that accent is something which evolves organically within a culture, it can’t be forced. And so if you’re forcing yourself learning a particular accent, you’ll running the risk of sounding fake and insincere. If you’re judging people by their accent, well, you’re not very well educated. But if you just like it, go for it, no one’s gonna stop you.
Lastly, cultural expression and idioms are very important, it makes your utterance more interesting and also makes you more relatable, and in turn a more effective communication.
對我來說常要看英文(網頁)而不常聽英語(也是媒體的), 所以閱讀能力重於說聽能力.
那麼長此以往, 閱讀強, 聽說很差, 是不是正常的是呢?
我這樣的人很多, 這是環境際遇,命運.
難道街上有滿滿的英美語系的觀光客? 需要我們做國民外交?
我知道台灣有老人搬去加州, 住了二十年都不講英語.
出入的菜市場叫大華超市, 越韓華裔的移民都來買菜.
像啞巴一樣的都能活在美國. 我們為什麼要全民學美國口音活在台灣?
我在歐洲玩的時候都覺得歐洲人比較自在,法國人只說法文 德國人只說德文 西班牙人只說西班牙文 ... 誰管你會不會英文 XDD
Besides, its not the most intelligent language in the world. Intelligent languages are written from right to left, not left to right.
Not to be super cynical, but as much as the US is a progressive country, I must say that a person’s accent MAJORLY influences how an American may perceive a person. I feel like, no matter how knowledgeable a person is on a subject, if they speak even slightly imperfect English and with an accent, an American may not take the person seriously, or at least subconsciously have a bias against the person. So I would say accent is a pretty important thing. We Americans can impose stereotypes on a person based on the accent they speak, if not overtly, then at the very least, subconsciously. I mean, take regional accents. As a prime example, people may wrongly assume that a person with a southern accent may not be as smart as a person with a “normal” accent from the east coast.
大部分人沒有在美國生活的需求,所以不會重視這樣的情況,多的是假裝沒看見這種現象,並表達跟別人溝通還是沒問題。 但長久生活起來真的是這樣? 同樣的情況在中文使用者圈也是一樣的在發生。
@@楊遠準 對方是boss當然沒問題
一天會遇到好幾個外國客人 基本上都能正常對話
雖然他會講英文跟中文 但是他的口音我完全聽不懂 英文聽不懂就算了還有可能是我的問題
有夠沒禮貌欸先生 也不先聽聽你自己的發音有多瞎😍
台灣人的友善某種意義上有雙重標準,也是之後要拍攝的主題 !
台灣人普遍有英語自卑症. 台灣教育部語補習班也推波助瀾.
新加坡算是進步國家, 他們的英語也是新馬口音, 也不比台灣人正確.
日本學生的英語更滑稽. 他們沒有國際化?
@@a58602064 我不想對外人主動講外語.就算會說也不開口.我的意識是你來台灣這麼久了應該學我們語言與我溝通.我們不是你的旅館櫃檯員,我們不是你免費導覽員.
除非你有急事, 否則不關我的事.
如菲律賓移工初來, 買菜不懂本地人講的話, 可以幫一下溝通.
我學外語是工作上, 生活上,文學欣賞上的需要.
那就如同學習古文, 考證文字. 不是想和古人講話.
加上台灣的母語也不是英文 你像菲律賓 新加坡 馬來西亞大第二母語就是英文
從鼓勵學生的角度來說,accent是不重要的,信心比較重要;但從實務來講,Accent其實蠻重要的,越接近native 的accent, 他們越容易意會你要表達的,且快速主動在腦中幫你濾掉語法上的bugs。儘量練就是,其實片中那些說accent 不重要的學生,自己講英語的腔調都明顯表現不俗,該上揚的尾音也都刻意揚了一下。
@@ambarvalia9757 至少中產吧,而且我媽娘家算至少不會為錢煩惱的程度。
看過上海復旦的街頭英文採訪 感覺屌打這幾位
The problem with Singapore's multi-lingual culture is that while they can speak several languages including English, Mandarin, Hokkien, Malay and Tamil, they really don't speak any of them really well. They tend to speak a mish mash of all the languages such as Singlish.
I want to study my bachelor's in Taiwan. Is it worth it? As a foreigner
@@jianhuang0124 口音跟咬字是兩碼子的事情。不要吹毛求疵謝謝
@@GarySung1212 你说的对,我因为是移民美国20多年看到很多华人很有才华,可是英文口音太可怕了以至于影响了他们的晋升。
@@jianhuang0124 是的,尤其是涉及到職場層次,當競爭者都能夠比你快速的歸納邏輯並表達,且輕鬆易懂又討人喜歡。那我想結果也不需多言了。
After watching this video, I suddenly realized why we are heading to become a bilingual country, just look at HK and Singapore, it's a long-term policy that has more to do with political things than economic things.
so much depression guy is literally me 😩😩i really wanted to study at NTU but can't go there bcz of the uni where i study rn is not in the MOE list of Taiwan 😭😭
我小時候在三重都是閩南話~ 其實我發現常常聽全英文的內容,口語會進步很快 ! 持續學習中 ~
全世界各地的人都有口音 兒子一直是全美語上來的 現在大學也是全英語班 沒有中文授課的 班上一半外籍生 從四面八方來的 大家英文多少有點口音 能溝通才是重要的 明年兒子要去美國留學了
@@itut550 沒錯!口音跟發音是不一樣的 所以發音正確很重要!就像兒子打去馬來西亞 接電話的人員口音很重 兒子要聽得很「用力」 ,可是至少聽得懂而不會誤會其意 從小聽美籍 加拿大籍 法籍 南非籍….各種國籍老師的授課 還是有幫助的😆
英文口音重不重要,要看自己的生涯規劃。如果未來想做的是技術研發國際銷售marketing 這樣的職涯、其實英文流利清楚明確的發音就行。如果有一天想從事頂級的國際性的金融投資或外交官那口音就非常重要。因為人生的際遇、我有一段時間的工作有幸必須跟新加坡香港的華人頂級家族成員來往,這些人都是亞洲華人家族精心培養的,他們通常英文操類似柴契爾夫人的英格蘭貴族名校腔或美國東部傳統央格魯薩克遜白人富貴家族的口音(如蔣宋美齡夫人的英文口音)。更重要的是他們告訴我,他們能從口音跟舉止就能判斷這個人的家世背景跟父母對他(她)的教育要求。這個會影響到他們是否跟這個人交朋友跟合作! 不過其實中國也是這樣、真正傳統的官式北京腔也是非常優美。我有位朋友是某美國投資公司的執行董事,她的腔調優美到她來台灣找我、在電梯裡人家會特別回頭瞄她(不過人也很漂亮)。我會知道她應該家世非凡、也是因為她很優美的北京官腔舉止跟手上的玉環(在共產中國北京、手腕上戴了個臭老九黑五類才會戴的大玉環!!!!)。後來找了個適當機會問她,才知道她外公曾經是中華民國跟中華人民共和國某軍軍長! 我自己的人生經驗如上,口音重不重要、就自己判斷囉!
Accent is definitely important because it can clearly accent the point that you want the listeners to know.
看完哭哭ㄉ窩,我的英文超廢小學等級= =
I'm trying to practice my Chinese it's bad 😅
@@heatherbrown1503 馬的,那我們來互補吧哈哈哈哈哈
哈哈 沒事看看英文影片練一下聽力 ~
他老百姓沒工作, 來台灣當血汗工.
烏干達全民英語, 海地全民英語.
I understand the frustration that many Taiwanese may have with the world. The fact that they have been neglected by the rest of the world does not mean that you cannot keep yourself learned. Some people in Taiwan might not see it, but a lot of the countries in the world have come to appreciate Taiwan as their partner in the past few years, not just the US. Many European countries have a high regard for Taiwan despite not having formal diplomatic relations. It’s sometimes not the quantity but the quality of your friends that matters. It will not be easy in the beginning and it might take more than a generation for Taiwan to be the likes of Japan or South Korea. However, if you are unwilling to help yourself by being strong, others will find it hard to help you even if they want to.
What’s Taiwan’s culture? If we could put forward our fluency, why not improving the accent??? Have confidence in yourself!!
But for me!Honestly我覺得我本人比較prefer需要注重accent的,這樣發音也比較正確,不然就衹是純vocabulary與寫作而已…
所以如果換成是我給advice的話我真的覺得accent是重要的。所以一個人學英文如果要International的話,選擇非自己國家地道腔調,而是從British Accent 或USA選一個自己喜歡的來學習。如果prefer比較有韻味比較Gorgeous & Charming可以選擇England,喜歡Fancy and more cooler可以選擇USA accent,總之從這兩者選一個自己喜歡的,不要選其他的英文發音(如果是鍛煉accent)
所以雖然立場不同與視頻的某位採訪者,但就衹是觀點不同,沒什麼好吵。but for me我比較注重accent。比較跟得上潮流,學的至少也是外國人比較可以聽得懂的方式。
也許說了那麼多大家又會有更主觀的看法寫來更是區分「咬字,發音,…」然後在那裡大吵 "誒妳懂不懂咬字和發音和口音差別?" 之類的…
最後總的來說,都要注重就對了好嗎…不管是accent,您的pronunciation都必須注重的呐…好嗎… 鍛煉accent的同時會稍微提昇自己的咬字口音導向更正確的英文說話方式。不是更好嗎?
不是說什麼 "鍛煉什麼不重要accent我們又不是地道美國人英國人"………嗯honestly沒人要説您必須成為美國人英國人,衹是學習更地道與更正確…
I thinking environment is a crucial part for most Taiwanese can't reach a higher level. Most Asian countries have the same problem, except Singapore, and Philippine.
it's "The Philippines" to spell the name of the country, by the way
I'm Japanese. I can't speak English as well as Taiwanese students. I have to make an effort.
You can do it !
We have to keep our Taiwanese identity, not melting with others
Hmm. I would think Taiwanese English is just ok. Most who study in the US do very well with written vocabulary and know plenty of words, but are behind others when it comes to speaking. Also, I find outside the tourist industry very few people are comfortable speaking English to a foreigner (which is fine, as I need to use my Chinese anyway). Of course maybe I shouldn’t talk as my country is terrible at almost all languages :)
What's the name of that AI APP
🌟以人工智慧分析和糾正你英語發音的準確度 🌟
🤩 免費7天高級會員資格 下載【ELSA】👉bit.ly/ELSAxJAYCHEN
The Taiwanese Miss Swan Engrish Show on Mad TV. lol
Speaking should
Be assessed
The interview made it clear that Taiwan's education system really needs to change. It's way behind compared to other countries. I've been living in Taiwan for three years and have been coming here since 2016. It's surprising how many people here struggle with English. It's not because they're not smart, but because they're always told to avoid mistakes and just follow orders. This makes people afraid to try new things. Also, the universities here don't keep up. The best students from Taiwan go overseas, and students from other countries don't really want to come here. NTU ranks #1 in Taiwan, but over #200 compred world wide. Even at work you can see how this style of education affects people. They just do what they're told and don't think for themselves. For a place like Taiwan, which is struggling internationally, this old-fashioned way of teaching doesn't help.
it depends on the field of study and the subject I would argue. I would rank undergraduate LAW, medical, and Engineering #25-50. Liber arts #500~#1000 levels of English proficiency >1000. what do you think?
Accent is incredibly important...these students seem a bit sheltered and likely lack perspective due to inadequate exposure to the outside world. Accent is one of the most important things in LIFE. The way in which you express yourself...this cannot be understated. Accent is important even in Chinese! Also, the purpose of learning a language isn't just to be "understood" but rather, to be understood in a way that is effortless or near-effortless to the native speaker - this holds true across ALL languages. This is why learning languages from a textbook and studying grammar all day long are ridiculous methods of learning. Exposure is key and is the main reason that Europeans tend to speak so many languages.
People may encounter discrimination, where it is not explicitly expressed through verbal criticism but rather manifested through subtle behaviors such as avoiding, intentionally maintaining a certain distance, or displaying preferences towards colleagues in a professional setting. Additionally, some individuals may resort to using accents as a means to distinguish social classes. This highlights a form of discrimination that extends beyond verbal communication, encompassing various actions and societal interactions.
@@Arnott_me thank you for this weird comment? Lol
@@deepdark795 Yeah lol, I meant, people may face discrimination by their accent on work or schools, especially assian immigrant or Hispanic people, but I get what you meant. I just wanted to do some extension from that.
where did you copy and paste those weird comment from@@Arnott_me
@@itut550 No, I meant accent.
Taiwan should make english as an official language.😊
Second hand mobile phone price in taiwan please info me
但有些英語系國家 黏到聽不懂
真的ㄇ 😂
但你的英文比他好很多 哈哈哈哈
雷先生的excuse me 永遠說不清楚🙊
pronunciation is definitely important, with incorrect pronunciation, it can be a different word
accent 跟 pronunciation (口音跟發音) 不一樣, 馬來西亞有他們的accent但發音正確
台大學生~ confidence vs confidential
主持~ specifically speci-fi-cal-ly
台灣學生習慣用中文的邏輯直接翻英文, see some new countries XXX explore would be a better word and without the word "new"
沒想到台大.... 就只有國外回來的女生比較在水準以上
七天試用期太少了,能不能爭取30天試用期 XD
哈哈 欣賞你
口音的確沒有很重要,就連美國本土、英國、澳洲等英語國家都會有獨特的口音。但是發音很重要,不論我們怎麼訓練,都很難扭轉口音,那真的要是母語使用者或是難得一見的語言奇才,像我在NYU研究所的台灣同學,老師、同學都以為他是美國人,但其實他研究所之前,從來沒出國過,在台南也都是公立學校這樣讀上來的。除此之外,我的美國老師告訴我,要把發音練習正確,帶著自己特色與美麗口音他是說your own and beautiful accent ),這樣會讓溝通更有效率跟減少誤解。
ELSA AI 很有趣 可以下載7天免費試用看看 ~
我喝啤酒之後英文也會提升一個檔次 😂 其實就是不要想太多ㄚ
talk about retaliation
如果是我講出這些英文的話,我也會覺得很丟臉 IELTS 8 band路過
口音很重要 要切換英美澳紐印
上次跟紐西蘭朋友說Do you need water
他一時反應不過來 因為他說 窩特😮
Dhe doesn't sound like a CBC at all
Accent is important ,you start to learning English ,you not get good accent .your English difficultly to change good accent .Accent wrong ,sometimes English meaning is wrong. The girl speaking English is good.
Maybe people are more willing to hear proper grammar and clear meaning than to hear an accurate accent lol
I'm not sure I understand what the value is to make Taiwan a bilingual culture. If it's to gain more global visibility or integration into the world community, that has more to do with politics and getting rid of China's pressure than anything to do with the average Taiwanese's linguistic ability.
Accent it's not important , but cram schools only want American Accent teachers
我是想說 舊金山是美國文化大熔爐,很多人種的口音也不盡相同,根本沒有人在意口音要多準確。
是的。在學校裏教授不會要求太多。由其在graduate school. 但under 就會很難、由其是liberal arts courses。如果要在美國工作英文要完全流利、口音accent 不是第一重要。但是你要在corporate當主管、你的發音的確不能錯。否則很難帶team. 30 多年前我其中一在美國大學台大graduate的cousin 在complained 在教medical school 時那些medical學生說她的英文發音不好。30年後我又heard我台大graduate的niece說她在教美國大學的學生時學生說她英文差、她認為他們是racist. 但是大部份台大生永遠不知道他們的英文多差。 或許他們不知他們的成就跟語言是完全兩碼事。我認為他們的英文levels of fulency 大約跟小學生一二年級差不多。美國已經是最不在意如果是歐洲如德語法語、就算你無口音他們也說你差。每個語言都一樣。如果不是小時學、長大是非常難的,你如要學好、第一需調整心態。第二更native speakers一個字學含wordings, tones, stress, and pitch。付錢他們就會認真有patience告知你每一個錯。以上是我個人一些人生經驗@@picacoman
只有台灣在意口音,全球call centers幾乎都在印度跟菲律賓,都是滿滿印度菲律賓口音。雅思並沒有把口音列入評分
為啥都2023了,有好幾個還是口音這麼重,模仿一下很難? 坦白說說出一口台式口音也是一種環境模仿
有美國腔會有身分認同問題 像我就一直覺得自己是美國人