With the money that will save for them not absorbing our resources From the system, this operation will pay for its self and the fruits will be enormous.
No. They were not suspected. Illegal. Ice knows what they're doing. They are able to get and find out backgrounds and where they are wanted for illegal activity. Come on Regina. Do your homework.
Cheaper than keeping them here!
Wrong elderly MAGA M0R0N.
With the money that will save for them not absorbing our resources From the system, this operation will pay for its self and the fruits will be enormous.
WAVY reads the Narrative Every day
I am gladly paying this. Housing is already cheaper.
Lmfao gtfo
It's been three weeks ....your telling me they municipal government lowered property taxes? Nope
@@MonjeMtzG These clowns have a whole new flavor of koolaid they are drinking.
No. They were not suspected. Illegal. Ice knows what they're doing. They are able to get and find out backgrounds and where they are wanted for illegal activity. Come on Regina. Do your homework.
raping social security and medicaid to fund deportations is the level of stupid you probably enjoy.
Why did she say suspected? They are confirmed. Do better, reporter