I know this comment is like 2 years late, but I just saw this video for the first time. I'm an electrical engineer and I work on large scale power projects. The concept of this project is impossible at worst and implausible at best. There's no way that a car-juggling robot can be built as depicted in the animation (as any sensible person might have guessed). It would take a tremendous amount of force to propel a car into the air, it would take huge hydraulic cylinders that couldn't possibly be supported on a 2-legged human-style frame of that height. (There's no way that thing will stay up, the stability physics would be impossible). The amount of hydraulic fluid pressure needed would require a huge HPU unit and generator to power it. The HPU unit itself would probably cost 2 million dollars. Plus you would need motion control PLCs to perform very sophisticated load-moment calculations for the arms, you'd need force-controlled cylinder feedback, etc. This kind of stuff can't be done by an average computer programmer. You'd need a mechanical engineering and automation engineering staff to design this kind of thing. Plus, what are you going to make the frame out of? You can't catch a falling car with an arm made out of a piece of tube steel. Good grief. A non-anthropomorphic robot that wouldn't tip over and successfully juggle 3 cars might be able to be built, but it would probably cost closer to 60 or 70 million dollars.
Can you explain why it's different from a very large human juggling very heavy balls ? I can juggle balls which weight several hundreds of grams (about 1kg) per ball, why would it not scale ?
htomerif Hey, he isn't just "some guy reviewing chinese ripoff action figures on a brown couch", he's some British guy reviewing chinese ripoff action figures on a brown couch, and I would watch either.
I plan on building a train, that can eat aircraft carriers. Yeah you heard right, a FUCKING TRAIN THAT EATS AIRCRAFT CARRIERS. Now please give me 100000$ to build a model.
Robotics has almost unanimously stated that bipedal robots are much harder and less efficient than wheeled or quadrupeds and also the cars would almost definitely be destroyed and the robot will be high maintenance.
But Idubbbz!!!! You're missing the bigger picture, first we get a car juggling robot prototype, then we get the prototype half size robot, then the full model, and in 50 years when all this is finally done.... We get Megas XLR.
Obviously a guy who knows nothing about robotics, power, motion contol, or sensors. He wouldn't know how to get the robot to stand upright in the first place
Money4Nothing That's not the point. The point is that a car juggling robot is the stupidest fucking idea anyone has ever had, much less a fucking ex NASA engineer! You'd think he's be smarter than to design a fucking car juggling robot!
The full size robot is not only expensive but physically impossible. You may be able to make it, but it would either bend itself out of shape and collapse or be so reinforced and heavy it could not move. Because of the square-cube law you cannot just scale up something to that size and expect it to work. We've been primed by unrealistic Hollywood movies, to think that gigantic versions of human sized stuff is possible. Think of a real thing that size, like a boom lift or a crane, have you ever seen them move anything near how fast it needs to move to juggle cars? It can't, because it would break and fall over.
Not only that, as the video shows one of the cars will get fucked up every time that shit is turned on. So you'll be spending way too much on keeping it running.
+mrkiky Imagine all the bits of fucked up car falling on to anybody below. The insurance to have something like that at any event would be so expensive that it would never get a booking. And if it did - how th fuck would they get it there? What a load of shit. lol
I mean, the square cube law *can* be overcome, but it will require advanced materials like carbon nanotubes (the shit that’ll probably get used for our first space elevator). But I doubt the car juggling robot guy is going to figure out carbon nanotube mass production.
Derek corpsegrinder I think that's part of the "fun." Apparently, the guy envisioned (envisions?) this thing to be prominently displayed at monster truck rallies.
The robot will eventually snap because of how mundane that task would be and kill his creators then go on a rampage around the city. Actually, this is exactly why they should make this shit!
They didn't even think of how it's going to stop. Think about it, it can hold two at once, and have one up in the air. Would it just drop the cars? If so, health and safety are probably gonna be on their asses
+hgpo27 yeah but like wouldn't some glass be broken and what if the robot drops it, the car would be ruined and someone might be killed. How would the robot put the cars down and how will they give the robot the cars?
andymegaboy Take out the glass of the cars prior. even if glass is broken how does that affect anything? and if it drops a car it is ruined. Well shit, buy a new car. but I would assume they wouldn't make a robot that drops cars. But lets say it dropped one. First, cars are cheap as hell. my friend bought a truck 500 and running. The car could kill someone? you obviously wouldn't be standing that close to the fucking thing, you can see it a mile away. How would it put cars down and pick them up? That is a good question but that wasn't something I was arguing.
+hgpo27 in the animation you can clearly see people standing meters away from it. The animation its self is claiming the robot is safe enough to watch from a close distance, which is completely bullshit because even robots can fuck up, and it could easily drop the car and kill somebody. And if you knew anything about cars, they crush easily as shit. "crush zones" on a car were designed and are made to absorb impact for crashes. a "15 foot drop" would easily damage the car like shit, even so, the animation clearly shows the cars being thrown at WAY higher than 15 feet anyway so.
Uhh...Nope. I'm not retarded! (To be completely honest I completely misread the comment when I made the joke so there's where my confusion. I'll just pretend I was trolling though.)
"Hey bro cool "Bug Juggle" shirt. Where'd you get it?" "I got it when I donated $50 to a kickstarter for a prototype for a robot arm for a giant car juggling robot."
It was of course unsuccessful. He later posted this: Loyal minions- all 51 of you! Giant Robot geeks, short robot geeks, friends, relatives, lovely trepidatious brief acquaintances, Alas, the flame dwindles, yet the quixotic quest will be carried on quietly, a valve here a cylinder there. I wish each of you could be given a car juggling robot. Just what you've always wanted. That seems to be the formula for a successful KS campaign: give everybody one of what you are promoting. Well, I'm designing a desktop toy robot that will actually juggle 3 small soft VW's. Maybe for the next campaign we will offer these to the backers. And next time I will seek professional help (not for me personally, although it wouldn't hurt) from an enthusiastic marketer/publicity person. There are actually people who do that for a living - And Enjoy it! Who knew ? We have made interesting new friends and uncovered a few connections that may eventually lead to financial support. So keep glued to your radios or implanted chips or WiFi nose rings (hey there's a campaign idea!) and you may hear of the resurgence of the ........BugJuggler.................................. Your humble mad scientist, Dan Granett
Why were the cars running when the robot was juggling them in the animation? Were they aware they were being juggled and they were trying to escape? Is it because the robot just took the cars from a random roadway and began juggling them while they were still running? Are the people watching the robot actually the owners of the cars begging the metal giant to give them back their transportation? I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS!!
Vasovagal syncope (vay-zoh-VAY-gul SING-kuh-pee) occurs when you faint because your body overreacts to certain triggers, such as the sight of blood or extreme emotional distress. It may also be called neurocardiogenic syncope. The vasovagal syncope trigger causes your heart rate and blood pressure to drop suddenly. That leads to reduced blood flow to your brain, causing you to briefly lose consciousness.
Something tells me that the mind that comes up with a giant, car juggling robot is a mind that has no idea how to engineer a giant, car juggling robot lol.
I love how there are children who don't have access to shoes or even clean water out there, but we're worried about donating our money to help create a car juggling robot, not even the whole robot, just an arm. That's awesome, lol. 👏🏼
Jungle Japes is the name of one of the more famous Donkey Kong songs. It's the first one I think of when I think of Donkey Kong music. Written by the great Grant Kirkhope.
iDubbz talking about budgeting estimates is actually pretty accurate. I remember when the Indiegogo for the game Indivisible went live and peons tried to bitch about it because the funding goal was actually reasonable for game development (over 1million). And yet, it got funded and came out and was great, because it was actual professionals on the project.
I feel it would be much better to build a real version of Liberty Prime from Fallout 4 then this shit. At least you would get a robot that throws mini nukes like a football. We could use that to end North Korea XD
Yeah, cause wiping out a whole country would be a great idea. It could have no consequences whatsoever. Not like any other country would try that as well, on another country. Not like it could start multiple world wars. Also, not *everyone* in North Korea is bad. It's not like everyone born there is evil.
I really hate that I laugh everytime @ 5:28 IDK why but that sound just makes me chuckle. Well, thank god I grew up in California, so at least my body will be more acclimated to the temperatures of hell.
Even back in 2014, the camera really *loves* Ian (iDubbbz). Why a TV network or HBO/Netflix/Amazon hasn't gobbled him up beats me. He's a truly natural talent.
what the hell man. this sounds like it can only end in disaster. [robot juggles cars] [robot breaks down mid juggle] [cars fly into crowd killing many]
We don't even know how to throw a car into the air and catch it, and the dude wants to make it where it throws, flows, and maneuvers three of them at the same time?
So uh, how the fuck are you going to get three cars up in the air like that? Does the robot bend down and pick two of them up? If so, how do you get the third one up there? The thing obviously can't hold two cars in one hand, so where the shit do you put the third car before it starts juggling?
If you look closely at 0:39, there's a cage compartment thingy that holds a car in place- which doesn't look safe btw- and I guess they go from there. LOL
While I do agree that a car juggling robot has no application as a finished product, I disagree that no one would get anything out of it. Given how no one has yet managed to create a robot that can perfectly emulate any activity as complicated as juggling or walking, it would be a huge leap forward in robot and AI technology to get the programming on something like this right. When a human does something like juggle or walk, an insane amount of advanced calculations on how to move each body part, interpreting feedback, adjusting based upon that feedback and predicting the following moves based on all the calculations done so far, are performed with each minimal movement just to make sure we come out of the action as intended. But given that robotics engineers and mathematicians have tried to do something as complex as this for quite a while now with only marginal success, I very much doubt a random person (or group of people) from Kickstarter would magically have the solutuion at hand. And if they did, they would not need to be on Kickstarter.
A weapon to surpass metal gear
+ATodCo this is like one of my Japanese animes
+Addison Thompson (Damian Frost) You're that ninja...
that metal gear solid reference tho
kept you waiting huh? !)!))!)!)!))!
I know this comment is like 2 years late, but I just saw this video for the first time. I'm an electrical engineer and I work on large scale power projects. The concept of this project is impossible at worst and implausible at best.
There's no way that a car-juggling robot can be built as depicted in the animation (as any sensible person might have guessed). It would take a tremendous amount of force to propel a car into the air, it would take huge hydraulic cylinders that couldn't possibly be supported on a 2-legged human-style frame of that height. (There's no way that thing will stay up, the stability physics would be impossible). The amount of hydraulic fluid pressure needed would require a huge HPU unit and generator to power it. The HPU unit itself would probably cost 2 million dollars. Plus you would need motion control PLCs to perform very sophisticated load-moment calculations for the arms, you'd need force-controlled cylinder feedback, etc. This kind of stuff can't be done by an average computer programmer. You'd need a mechanical engineering and automation engineering staff to design this kind of thing.
Plus, what are you going to make the frame out of? You can't catch a falling car with an arm made out of a piece of tube steel. Good grief.
A non-anthropomorphic robot that wouldn't tip over and successfully juggle 3 cars might be able to be built, but it would probably cost closer to 60 or 70 million dollars.
You sir, deserve to be praised.
Can you explain why it's different from a very large human juggling very heavy balls ? I can juggle balls which weight several hundreds of grams (about 1kg) per ball, why would it not scale ?
+xl heavy Balls don't weigh 40,000 pounds
Coolmaster X but motors and servos scale.. ?
A robot that juggles cars. What could possibly go wrong?
+CurtisAlfeld Step right up and put your newborn babies in the car! the car juggling robot can juggle at least 3 baby filled cars! Results may vary
+CurtisAlfeld Robot that juggles car prank (gone wrong) (gone sexuaaaaal)
+Alexander Miller terminal lack of spacebar.
+CurtisAlfeld What would you rather watch, a robot juggling cars or some guy reviewing chinese ripoff action figures on a brown couch?
Hey, he isn't just "some guy reviewing chinese ripoff action figures on a brown couch", he's some British guy reviewing chinese ripoff action figures on a brown couch, and I would watch either.
Someone must have hopped on KickStarter after watching the Iron Giant :D
That is a great movie.
Fuck I love iron giant
or spy kids 2? i believe the second one had a giant juggling robot.
Newgrounds got me fucked up.
If it can juggle cars, can it throw nukes? LIBERTY PRIME ACTIVATED
It's Linda's ISIS destroying robot. Linda Prime has activated.
Ad Victorium, Brother!
Ad victoriam brother
I was trying to remember the damn name of that robot to make a comment about it, but you beat me to it XD Ad Victorium
+Impossibear Ad victoriam
I'm crowdfunding a robot that juggles car juggling robots.
Snorlax this is the only logical move
*Imception horn sounds*
I'll fund it
Can i get one of these to throw cars at my neighbors house when his dog shits on my lawn
yes, for the 2.3 billion dollar tier.
Oh thats not 300 million...Not 500 million...Just A Tiny 10.7 Billion!
Pay us were poor
Yes me too
Can the robot throw the dog at your neighbors house?
I want to make a car juggling robot
but alas
I cannot afford 26.95
That fucking callback.
I plan on building a train, that can eat aircraft carriers.
Now please give me 100000$ to build a model.
+Taxtro start a kickstarter, and ill consider
+Taxtro Dude I'm creating a machine that TOASTS BREAD!1!1!!1!
I deserve that money you butt >:c
+Taxtro Ha, I got you. Actually it's 1 billion not 1 mil dollars. Did you wanna trick us?
+Nikita Yudin he said 100,000 lmao
Super Savage Beats Oh boy oh boy, I smell a guy who doesn't understand jokes ._.
a car juggling robot? did a twelve year old make this
go back to homeworld peridot
the irony when ur RUclips pic is from a cartoon for 12 year olds lol
+White People smokeweed stevverse
Corporal Bambi lol
+White People nigga stfu if it was my choice in the 60s we should have used wattermellownnnnnnnn cannons...jk but still that would be runny
why couldn't it just be smaller and juggle hotwheels cars?
Cause logic is for smart people. I am not a smart people
+Nebula_Blaze Smart people is hard :(
Smart people tastes yucky :(
Isn’t that just a human?
That sounds adorable
the robot looks like a gmod dupe
Exactly what I thought.
Kaelan Simmons yea me and you
***** um wtf
+Fa Mulan Mr. Robot reference?
Robotics has almost unanimously stated that bipedal robots are much harder and less efficient than wheeled or quadrupeds and also the cars would almost definitely be destroyed and the robot will be high maintenance.
The brain power and muscle memory and hand eye coordination required for juggling is mind boggling even for humans
The Robot in the scene is from spykids
@@jakes4310 looks like there wasn’t high demand for “first” even after 4 years
@@13v1 what's baffling is that there was any demand at all
@@jakes4310 okay tard
But Idubbbz!!!! You're missing the bigger picture, first we get a car juggling robot prototype, then we get the prototype half size robot, then the full model, and in 50 years when all this is finally done.... We get Megas XLR.
Jack Ream oh shit I never thought about it like that
i miss that show
Isn't that car juggling robot animation from Spy Kids 2?
Kira Tahj thought I was the only one
does nobody else realize this shit is from spy kids
damn.. just realized that
+Undead Indigo i noticed that.
+Undead Indigo Exactly what I thought of!
Did somebody ring the dinkster.
the outro song sounds like a robot with diarrhea
I laughed out loud.
That's shreked up.
I think I like it better than the last one.
Kezzraw sherk loves you too
loool. the name of it is electric diarrhea
Made by a fucking ex NASA engineer too.
Cancer? Nasa CEO: "Okay team, we need a new shuttle to go to Mars and back." This fucking idiot: "How about a robot that juggles cars?"
That's why he ain't working for NASA anymore.
Obviously a guy who knows nothing about robotics, power, motion contol, or sensors. He wouldn't know how to get the robot to stand upright in the first place
Money4Nothing That's not the point. The point is that a car juggling robot is the stupidest fucking idea anyone has ever had, much less a fucking ex NASA engineer! You'd think he's be smarter than to design a fucking car juggling robot!
+Battleboy43 hence, the word EX
This robot is powered by a CAT Diesel or something? Wow imagine the amount of fuel it needs.
RiptideTheShark98 And how much hydraulic shit they'd need
The full size robot is not only expensive but physically impossible. You may be able to make it, but it would either bend itself out of shape and collapse or be so reinforced and heavy it could not move. Because of the square-cube law you cannot just scale up something to that size and expect it to work.
We've been primed by unrealistic Hollywood movies, to think that gigantic versions of human sized stuff is possible. Think of a real thing that size, like a boom lift or a crane, have you ever seen them move anything near how fast it needs to move to juggle cars? It can't, because it would break and fall over.
Not only that, as the video shows one of the cars will get fucked up every time that shit is turned on. So you'll be spending way too much on keeping it running.
+lewis clark Well, the cars would get fucked up anyway.
+mrkiky Imagine all the bits of fucked up car falling on to anybody below.
The insurance to have something like that at any event would be so expensive that it would never get a booking. And if it did - how th fuck would they get it there? What a load of shit. lol
+Stein Gauslaa Strindhaug neeeeh itl work trust me (the robot breaks) OH SHIT!
I mean, the square cube law *can* be overcome, but it will require advanced materials like carbon nanotubes (the shit that’ll probably get used for our first space elevator). But I doubt the car juggling robot guy is going to figure out carbon nanotube mass production.
What if it loses charge?
What if it overheats?
What if it misses?
What if it fails?
No refunds
It's a robot, robots don't fail
what if it's actually a storm drain
Jwrap who cares!??! It's a frickin giant robot juggling cars!!! WOOOOOOOO!!!
it's doesn't have a battery tf
If Ian says it’s bad, you know it’s true. He is an electricians apprentice after all
And has been for years. At what point does he just become an electrician?
Families of three tourists crushed to death by world's first car juggling robot. Creators sued literally out of existence.
"What is my purpose?"
-"You juggle cars"
"Oh my God"
Least he's not passing butter
I would expect this from an ex Disney imagineer... but an ex NASA scientist?
zachary rapoza Alzheimers does not discriminate.
zachary rapoza That's why he is an EX NASA scientist
Funny, seeing as the final product would probably cost about the price of a NASA rocket to set up.
Sinji from Evanglion?
No shinji from raphexeon.
no shinji from bleach
More like get into the car getting juggled by the robot Shinji.
anyone else's thinking "what if the robot messes up and someone dies"
ok thankyou was only looking in the comments for someone to say that. because nobody seemed concerned
Because who the fuck cares about humans lol
Derek corpsegrinder I think that's part of the "fun." Apparently, the guy envisioned (envisions?) this thing to be prominently displayed at monster truck rallies.
The robot will eventually snap because of how mundane that task would be and kill his creators then go on a rampage around the city. Actually, this is exactly why they should make this shit!
They didn't even think of how it's going to stop. Think about it, it can hold two at once, and have one up in the air. Would it just drop the cars? If so, health and safety are probably gonna be on their asses
wouldn't the cars get completly destroyed by the impact when it picked them back up after flinging them into the air?....
yeah most likely
+Greywall Gaming What do you mean by completely destroyed? cars don't combust or pancake at a 15 feet drop, they are still juggleable
+hgpo27 yeah but like wouldn't some glass be broken and what if the robot drops it, the car would be ruined and someone might be killed. How would the robot put the cars down and how will they give the robot the cars?
andymegaboy Take out the glass of the cars prior. even if glass is broken how does that affect anything? and if it drops a car it is ruined. Well shit, buy a new car. but I would assume they wouldn't make a robot that drops cars. But lets say it dropped one. First, cars are cheap as hell. my friend bought a truck 500 and running. The car could kill someone? you obviously wouldn't be standing that close to the fucking thing, you can see it a mile away. How would it put cars down and pick them up? That is a good question but that wasn't something I was arguing.
+hgpo27 in the animation you can clearly see people standing meters away from it. The animation its self is claiming the robot is safe enough to watch from a close distance, which is completely bullshit because even robots can fuck up, and it could easily drop the car and kill somebody. And if you knew anything about cars, they crush easily as shit. "crush zones" on a car were designed and are made to absorb impact for crashes. a "15 foot drop" would easily damage the car like shit, even so, the animation clearly shows the cars being thrown at WAY higher than 15 feet anyway so.
I should make a kickstarter for sex robots.
They already exist, you can even buy one, though it's expensive as fuck.
did you know that offhand?
I'm in
BlueDiamond you know it!
Actually, he knew it onhand.... as in his hand was probably on his dick as he typed that.
I don't think hydraulics of that size would move that fast anyway.
He actually did a Jungle Japes video with Max and Frank
+Darth Sceledrus They played on Jungle Japes in Super Smash Bros?
Man, this Iron Giant remake fucking sucks.
Iron giant remake? When?
+Meatis Omalley are... are you serious?
Uhh...Nope. I'm not retarded! (To be completely honest I completely misread the comment when I made the joke so there's where my confusion. I'll just pretend I was trolling though.)
"Hey bro cool "Bug Juggle" shirt. Where'd you get it?"
"I got it when I donated $50 to a kickstarter for a prototype for a robot arm for a giant car juggling robot."
It was of course unsuccessful. He later posted this:
Loyal minions- all 51 of you! Giant Robot geeks, short robot geeks, friends, relatives, lovely trepidatious brief acquaintances,
Alas, the flame dwindles, yet the quixotic quest will be carried on quietly, a valve here a cylinder there. I wish each of you could be given a car juggling robot. Just what you've always wanted. That seems to be the formula for a successful KS campaign: give everybody one of what you are promoting. Well, I'm designing a desktop toy robot that will actually juggle 3 small soft VW's. Maybe for the next campaign we will offer these to the backers.
And next time I will seek professional help (not for me personally, although it wouldn't hurt) from an enthusiastic marketer/publicity person. There are actually people who do that for a living - And Enjoy it! Who knew ?
We have made interesting new friends and uncovered a few connections that may eventually lead to financial support. So keep glued to your radios or implanted chips or WiFi nose rings (hey there's a campaign idea!) and you may hear of the resurgence of the ........BugJuggler..................................
Your humble mad scientist,
Dan Granett
Why do I like this wtf?
This has to be my favourite series made by you idubbz
Spy kids 2 : the juggler ride anyone?
Why were the cars running when the robot was juggling them in the animation?
Were they aware they were being juggled and they were trying to escape?
Is it because the robot just took the cars from a random roadway and began juggling them while they were still running?
Are the people watching the robot actually the owners of the cars begging the metal giant to give them back their transportation?
Can't wait for liberty prime
fallout 4 master race
+Clorox Bleach Fallout Series.* Get your facts right you cute little offensive lad.
+TheBiggaproductions lmao he deleted his comment
Liberty Prime is online. All systems nominal. Weapons hot. Mission: the destruction of any and all kickstarter crap.
Vasovagal syncope (vay-zoh-VAY-gul SING-kuh-pee) occurs when you faint because your body overreacts to certain triggers, such as the sight of blood or extreme emotional distress. It may also be called neurocardiogenic syncope.
The vasovagal syncope trigger causes your heart rate and blood pressure to drop suddenly. That leads to reduced blood flow to your brain, causing you to briefly lose consciousness.
RUclips Commentator It's actually a storm drain
The robot isnt going to juggle. Its a secret. Its a killing robot!
+Derikimi The world's largest terminator.
Fagatron, the car juggling robot.
+Derikimi hes gonna drop cars on people and pretend its an accident haha.
+Derikimi you're everywhere
5:29 I couldn't stop laughing
+Isai Gutierrez
I couldn't stop laughing through this whole vid. One of the funniest videos he's done. This kid is hilarious!
I love how in the model of the robot the car moved so slow and unrealistic in the picture. It was funny.
Nearly ten years later. Where's my Jungled Japes, Ian?
Something tells me that the mind that comes up with a giant, car juggling robot is a mind that has no idea how to engineer a giant, car juggling robot lol.
Idk how Ian can argue with this one. It’s the best idea Kickstarter has had yet.
Hope that English woman is ready to donate soon.
I love how there are children who don't have access to shoes or even clean water out there, but we're worried about donating our money to help create a car juggling robot, not even the whole robot, just an arm. That's awesome, lol. 👏🏼
I don't think a car would survive being thrown around more than a few times before breaking apart
Jungle Japes is the name of one of the more famous Donkey Kong songs. It's the first one I think of when I think of Donkey Kong music. Written by the great Grant Kirkhope.
That car juggling robot reminds me of “The Juggler” ride in spy kids...same concept right?
iDubbz talking about budgeting estimates is actually pretty accurate. I remember when the Indiegogo for the game Indivisible went live and peons tried to bitch about it because the funding goal was actually reasonable for game development (over 1million). And yet, it got funded and came out and was great, because it was actual professionals on the project.
I feel it would be much better to build a real version of Liberty Prime from Fallout 4 then this shit. At least you would get a robot that throws mini nukes like a football. We could use that to end North Korea XD
imagine liberty prime walking over your town /city XD
+Hollis Borlow lets make him fly. just add to the confusion
or you could use the money to make a better game than Fallout 4
Yeah, cause wiping out a whole country would be a great idea. It could have no consequences whatsoever. Not like any other country would try that as well, on another country. Not like it could start multiple world wars. Also, not *everyone* in North Korea is bad. It's not like everyone born there is evil.
someone overreacted
I can only imagine idubbz does this the whole time he’s away from RUclips. Spends it on Kickstarter
This reminds me of the juggling robot from spy kids lol
+Bryan Biros no.
make a robot that sells drugs
A robit that dispenses drugs? Like a vending machine?
@@SirBlueWhale no a robot, you stupid phone
@@ethanvlogseverynowandthen no, a robot!
Finally a good idea
PANZERFAUST90 you stupid tank
Rewatching these years later you can really see how idubbz has grown
I really hate that I laugh everytime @ 5:28
IDK why but that sound just makes me chuckle.
Well, thank god I grew up in California, so at least my body will be more acclimated to the temperatures of hell.
To be honest if that thing we're actually built I would pay to see it juggle some cars, and you can't tell me you wouldn't too.
I wouldn't.
Can't wait for that british lady to devote her life savings for that 3d printer
I think we all know what he needs the robot arm for.
These videos are AMAZAYN
that robot would be literally impossible
drinking game:
everytime idubbz says "car juggling robot"
take 1 shot
Why do they have a powerstroke diesel running in the back ground.?
Even back in 2014, the camera really *loves* Ian (iDubbbz). Why a TV network or HBO/Netflix/Amazon hasn't gobbled him up beats me. He's a truly natural talent.
Maybe HBO, but iDubbbz doesn't have the script that shows like Trailer Park Boys had.
1980: i bet there will be flying cars in the future
2014: car juggling robot
It was possible idea but .. usa and russia petrol
1:26, Idubbbs looks like the banjo kid from deliverance
This isn't a car robot that juggles or a car that juggles robots? Then count me out.
If he’s gonna “make” this thing, might as well make it into a life size Iron Giant.
thats honestly pretty cool. a lotta out of the box thinking in the SF bay area
Fuck it, you buy it, make a cockpit and bam it's a fighting robot.
This is why I love your channel.
The problem...the car would crush the first time it was caught...
i love your videos, still going through them
I shit my pants yesterday.
But did it feel good though?
You shat*
Travis K. This made me crack up. Left field is my side of humor.
The new outro is awesome
Best 'idiot' faces ive ever seen
Dont be selfish iDubbbz, this is a big project that you can take pride in.
A British woman saving dollars.... Nice
This might be my favorite project so far.
5:28 please someone make a gif out of that
what the hell man. this sounds like it can only end in disaster. [robot juggles cars] [robot breaks down mid juggle] [cars fly into crowd killing many]
I have been watching kickstarter crap series over last week. This is the weirdest so far.
I know im a little late to this video...but....have we made the bug juggler yet?
lol you're funny, have fun with life
I don't even know what prompted him to insult me in the first place
Trust me.....When I have an erection...everyone knows about it!
Amsterdamaged They see the little inch worm squirming around down there XD
lol....boom...ill give you that one :)
We don't even know how to throw a car into the air and catch it, and the dude wants to make it where it throws, flows, and maneuvers three of them at the same time?
whats that outro song?
Darude - Sandstorm
Actually would wear one of those promotional tshirts. Idk why but I feel like it would be a great ironic accessory.
So uh, how the fuck are you going to get three cars up in the air like that? Does the robot bend down and pick two of them up? If so, how do you get the third one up there? The thing obviously can't hold two cars in one hand, so where the shit do you put the third car before it starts juggling?
If you look closely at 0:39, there's a cage compartment thingy that holds a car in place- which doesn't look safe btw- and I guess they go from there. LOL
Why did he add Diesel engine sound effects lmao
do one about that femist i keep hearing about forgot the name though everyone hates her kickstarter
Anita Sarkeesian
J Browne yes that little shit indeed
J Browne dat fucking bitch
What is a femist?
Oh ok. So femist bad femenist good. Sexist fucks.
This robot is the kind of thing that's cool to see in a gif for a few seconds one time, then ignore for the rest of eternity.
No dont do it you'll ruin a classic car
:( nazi cars will break (the beetles)
I want a bug juggling mug just cause it rhymes
I just got the legend27 ad again.... Im gonna drink bleach.. ples contrybiutee on mi kikstarter to pai for me bleach
While I do agree that a car juggling robot has no application as a finished product, I disagree that no one would get anything out of it. Given how no one has yet managed to create a robot that can perfectly emulate any activity as complicated as juggling or walking, it would be a huge leap forward in robot and AI technology to get the programming on something like this right.
When a human does something like juggle or walk, an insane amount of advanced calculations on how to move each body part, interpreting feedback, adjusting based upon that feedback and predicting the following moves based on all the calculations done so far, are performed with each minimal movement just to make sure we come out of the action as intended.
But given that robotics engineers and mathematicians have tried to do something as complex as this for quite a while now with only marginal success, I very much doubt a random person (or group of people) from Kickstarter would magically have the solutuion at hand. And if they did, they would not need to be on Kickstarter.