Bonus, how I remember which order to cast for Wordwarden vs Pageflight Dark then Light, the owls take flight Light then Dark, book hits my mark That's not on a mug (yet?🤔) but you can check out the others in the store here:
Personally what works for me is how Dark and Light dictate what will happen → 1st Cast: Who does it affect? If teammates: Light If enemies: Dark → 2nd Cast: What is its purpose? If deal DMG: Dark If provide an effect: Light May seem like a lot but it's really easy to grasp.
Something to note about Tragedy. It scales in damage with status duration if you prime with a weapon. On release it didn't seem to work that way but after a couple patches it started working. If your Dark Verses kill off a group of enemies without having to use Tragedy you can "bank" using your 4 for another group of enemies that get primed by a weapon with status duration mods and blow them up with Tragedy. It scales really well.
I'd not yet checked the wiki and was settling in for 540 capillaries being needed. Was pleasantly surprised when his main BP dropped my first time clearing C rotation! Cut my expected farming in half right then and there.
11:40 Another thing to note about Wordwarden is that it can also proc Noctua's scan-on-kill passive. Obviously, Wordwarden needs to kill the target for that to happen, but it's nice to get the occasional free scan if you subsume Noctua off.
I was really happy to hear someone acknowledge the electric noctua archon stretch energy upkeep method, it's been more than enough for my build so far and I do find it worth giving up heat damage for electric since you can still have viral and it's innate slash to do priming and damage. The quartic scaling bit was AWESOME, can't believe I didn't catch that myself!
Some notes on Wordwarden and Noctua: 1) Multishot and fire rate do not affect wordwarden, so for the build at 21:00 Galv diffusion and lethal torrent are useless 2) The projectiles spawned after hitting an enemy are not homing and they cannot hit the enemy that you originally hit with the main projectile, this brings us to 3) Any kind of bullet magnetism completely shatters noctua's viability, scourge will trap the projectiles until the enemy dies or the effect runs out, at which point the projectiles will fly out in random directions and the void procs from xata's whisper slow down the additional projectiles making it impossible to even hit other enemies by chance, however you do get to watch some fireworks since all projectiles (visually) explode when they hit something or they run out of flight time
Or you can build it for damage as a weapon and not care too much about its synergy with Wordwarden 🤷🏽♂️ I built it to basicall be my primary and it’s incredibly OP.
a note about noctua, it does inherit the arcane on your actual secondary, allowing it to benefit from its arcane as if it had it equipped, this is most obvious with secondary outburst, where swapping to the book will proc outburst and benefit from the crit stats
This is wrong. Secondary outburst is the only secondary arcane that Noctua inherits, all other secondary arcanes have no effect. It can stack up other arcanes, but it does not get the buffs. This is easy to test by looking at the damage numbers.
@@fellchris Did you test that? Because I just did, and it doesn't work. Unmodded noctua with R5 cascadia overcharge should always crit and sometimes orange crit (30+30*3=120), but it still crits at the same 30% rate and never orange crits. Just like the other secondary arcanes, the buff icon appearing does not mean it applies.
@@BobVonBob wait thats fucked, you are right, just tested it and nothing, I kept seeing people saying it works online, misinformation is a powerful enemy
If you choose to subsume off Noctua (you briefly went over this at the end Ken, but I thought I'd connect it for everyone else) you can still use Wordwarden and Archon Stretch, to get energy regen. This pairs quite well with Nourish, which happens to be what I see subsumed on Dante the most.
I still don’t understand subsuming over his 1. Noctua is incredibly OP, and there are so many easier ways to keep energy up (yellow shards, arcanes, Operator abilities, etc). With arcane energize, I haven’t come close to having energy issues. And Noctua is powerful enough to never even need to use my main weapons.
@@matyaskomjathi6511 I mean I get it, just don’t really agree with it too much 🤷🏽♂️ especially with how you can build Noctua to synergize with his kit. Just my opinion though
@@matyaskomjathi6511This Noctua is fine and all but it doesn't hold a candle to incarnons, especially status ones like torid or some such. But that's what multiple loadouts are for, I use noctua when in duviri or EDA because weapon RNG is awful
Also, if you want a DoT Noctua but feel that neither the Slash or Heat builds suffice, you can run 3 Emerald Shards for +90% Toxin Tick Damage and +3 Corrosive stacks. With Archon Continuity, all toxin procs from Noctua will become capable of armor strip, with an average of 5-shots for a full strip with if you opt for 14-stacks of corrosive, on top of a minimum of 14 toxin procs already ticking at nearly double damage compared to slash. It also makes the alt fire of Noctua more viable as well, as it cant be modded for slash and can only provide an additional heat stack if you can slot in Archon Vitality, which will result in a meaty toxin proc with corrosive priming!
I hate that Noctua is such a cool exalted weapon, and yet is the only power that doesn't ruin his entire mechanic when removed. Otherwise, he's pretty much going to be my main for the foreseeable future, i really love how he works!
the thing about Disruption that changed how I felt when I found out the farm for Dante, was that demolishers got a steep cut to their armor. Now I can actually enjoy the game mode!
A cool synergy between archon stretch and word warden is to build noctua for electricity to trigger its energy regen. This works even if you subsume off his 1 and if you put on another combined element on noctua.
Honestly, I think you undervalue Noctua. I have found it both easier to optimise and more versatile than focusing on final verse. Even without arcanes or shards simply modding for 60/60 viral & flat damage combined w/ its slash is remarkably effective. Combining Ceramic Dagger Incanon and Secondary Outburst and Archon Intensify(triggering off his light verse) it can be extremely powerful.
@@hobobeard Having access to Noctua can be an absolutely insane progression leap to a new player who buys Dante. It performs way better than any weapon a new player can access for an incredibly long time. Not to mention it can guarantee you always have a decent weapon in loadout-restriction content like Duviri and Elite Deep Archimedia. For players in the endgame though in non-loadout-restriction content, it generally can't compete with the killrate of the very best, like the best of the Incarnon series i.e. the Torid, or a Sentient Surge Ocucor. For that reason, they'd rather just have a buff. The amount of dips that Roar has with Dante's kit is kind of absurd. Roar is a faction damage buff meaning it double dips on status- for example, the Slash procs from your Dark Verse. This has absurdly strong synergy combined with the Status Vulnerability and Status Damage debuffs from Pageflight. Plus, the bonus is added AGAIN to the ability damage that Tragedy deals after it is detonating those already Roar-boosted slash procs. It's honestly insane to think about and Dante specifically might end up getting Faction damage recoded.
Only streamer I have actual respect for. Man tells it upfront, doesnt demand money or likes or whatever and provides a relaxed atmosphere and great information. Best on the tube :) DE would make a solid move hiring this fella to make videos for each warframe and post them on thier site or in game,
Haven't watched the video so I don't know if it's mentioned, but I wanted to comment before I forget that Dante is so good that with Roar subsumed on him, he can do level cap with just his abilities
As we tend to mod viral on most weapons you could go for cold on support Noctua for extra crit. Also tragedy doesn't care who put the proc on the enemy and heat/slash + viral is meta so there is a 95% chance that every teammate has it on their weapons if you are playing steel path so you can easily outdamage your entire team by sitting back, dispensing unholy amounts of overguard and blowing up all the procs that some teammate with kuva nukor spreads around.
Small tip for handling Necra Demolishers, If you're don't have a lot of good mods or your prefered Incarnon Adapter isn't in the current rotation, try the Phenmor. It doesn't require any galvanized or primed mods, and can even burst down a level 370 voidrig demolisher in one buff rotation. (ie, around 10 seconds) The only mod that is mandatory is Rime or Cyro Rounds to apply 4 stacks of cold, then it's your choice of Corrosive for general purpose, Gas for grouping, or straight Radiation for taking down Necramechs and Hollowed Veins. Due to the status cap on the Necramechs, its actually going to be cheaper and better to slot in 3 120% elemental mods; but, 3 60/60 elemental mods will be more comfortable in general play and will still bring down the sturdiest targets!
If you have the Noctura ability active, even if the book itself is not equipped, you can take advantage of the Ability Efficiency Bonus from Seismic Bond. This is very helpful when other energy options aren't available.
Something I discovered with my own Dante setup is using Nourish in place of Noctua and using the Grimoire's alt fire with the Xata Invocation for energy regen. Because the alt procs multiple electicity statues on enemies its really easy to get the full buff from Xata, which is then boosted by Nourish.
most say that noctua is the least useful part of dantes kit, but i still keep it unsubsumed, why? because its fun, i always wanted a damage grimoire in warframe and for now i have to stick with noctua if i want a damage grimoire, super non meta i know
Noctua? Useless? Bro this thing is broken and gives MANY useful buffs thanks to the unlimited Tome Mods it can use, while also being able to recharge fast as hell with its multishot Shard mechanic and works well with Wordwarden.
I also notices that noctua hates punch through, if you have it the beam doesnt split until the punch through its used and even then the 4 beams created doesnt have it
Haven't watched yet, know it will be an informative video, with amazing info for a nerd like me. Love the videos kengineer, thank you for being amazing Warframe Content creator!
14:20 The quartic scaling - is this the reason sometimes acolytes just pop with 2x Dark + Final Verse? Mostly I deal a few centimeters of damage, but sometimes their entire life bar disappears. (Note: Instead of 2, they get 4 slash procs with Pageflight active and not 6 so capped quartic scaling. )
I went with Prime Flow and Energy Nexus instead of Message and Equilibrium, and then did violet archon shards for energy on health pickup instead of capacity. With a similar companion and Arcane Energize instead of Steadfast, I feel like it flows just a tiny bit better, or at least is more tolerant of sporadic energy density since you have passive buildup and a much deeper pool to help smooth things out at the cost of a tiny bit less duration (which I feel like the smoother energy economy makes up for easily enough).
Regarding efficiency: it may not FIX the low efficiency, but [Seismic Bond] is a great choice. Giving (basically) free 30% Efficiency. That would put you at 75% efficiency combined with whatever you manage to get via Invocations (low enemy density is still a factor of course, but free is free)
For a frame as cast heavy as Dante, I cant recommend Duplex Bond enough. I also highly recommend Verglas on your Diriga, as it has pinpoint accuracy even with Diriga's 70m Precept, and can pile on Status effects in short order, which can be further exploited with Shivering contagion for AoE slows.
I always use Duplex Bond with Helstrum and Momentous Bond so I always have an army of sentinels roaming around spreading statuses to everything. Momentous Bond also adds to Manifold Bond for Diriga's Arc Coil. So it's rare for me to ever see enemies that aren't covered in every status in the game.
Dante (Noctua specifically) is a solid candidate for using Archon mods, each for their separate reasons: Vitality to double heat procs for damage builds (also page flight makes this quite consistent even with the alt fire), Stretch for Energy regen, Continuity for toxin setups allowing for very broad faction coverage at the cost of sacrificing viral...which you can just put somewhere else (this is what I've settled on because Pageflight makes this funny), they target butchered Intensify then Flow just don't. Edit: I did notice that his passive status chance seemed...non existent but I figured it was just me expecting too much. Couldn't tell the birbs were messing with Dark Verse given that they also cover enemies in incessant slash Pageflight birds apply guaranteed slash or do they use 100% status like Dark Verse? Also if you're doing Noctua damage, you can consider Topaz shards to push the primary fire to orange crits and the secondary fire to the chance of red crits.
Worth noting that a very slow yet low-effort way of farming Dante is doing Disruption bounties. You'll probably never roll any Dante pieces since most people leave after the first round, but you build up a lot of capillaries over time. Worth doing IMO if you're like me and didn't start doing Cavia syndicate until recently. Bought all parts I needed for Dante just before hitting Rank 5.
Noctua seems best suited as a primer and support, using his abilities for damage. Whether viral or dot effects is better really depends on if you have a panzer vulpaphyla.
Ive completely dumped duration entirely in my stats, so that i can pump the other 3 stats, its crazy pumping out slash damage from across an entire map
personally I skip on arcane steadfast and go with molt efficiency it's basically 36% ability duration forever. Steadfast is to unpredictable for my liking and molt efficiency allows for some more flexibility with modding
Tbh I run my Noctua with the energy regen and ability efficiency invocations, as a 1 2 punch to gaining basically infinite energy for ability spam. It still does completely fine damage for steel path, thanks to the massive dps as a pure slash weapon.
If you stack Energy Siphon, Energy Nexus, and Archon Stretch, you can outpace noctua's drain with as low as 105% efficiency before you even factor in tome mods. Why 105%, specifically? That accounts for a blind rage with fleeting expertise. With a Transient Fortitude, Intensify, and Primed Continuity, that gets you to around 300% strength and exactly 67% duration. if you instead want better regen rates, drop the blind rage to bring noctua under 1 energy per shot while still hanging around 200% strength.
Noctura is awesome…endless secondary, long range, powerful secondary, penetrates and hits multiple bad guys with the right mods…. He’s fragile, but amazing
He shouldn't be fragile if you're using light verse frequently. It can be tempting to spam dark verse frequently, but remember that light verse not only gives you a lot of overguard but you also get brief invincibility from it.
@@TheKengineer replying to a comment on a video from 6 months ago is crazy dedication my friend I pray the rng gods bestow great fortune upon you Thats the best I got cause I’m already subbed
17:44 im confused by your Cast Support build for Noctua, if the entire point is to use Invocations and the rest of the most are there to help charge up the alt fire, then why not just use all 4 Invocations + Multishot + Fire Rate. That's what I do on my build with him and yeah the Noctua damage is terrible, but it really *really* doesnt need to be, because im getting 180% ability stats and 10 energy per second from it.
Tried Dante. He's great. But I don't think I'm going to keep him. The thing with being a Nidus main is that I'm used to a certain build bc of my play style. It's very simple. Attack with One. Gain stacks, get hit, Regen energy. Every since I slapped on Styanaxes shield he can survive onslaught after onslaught. Then I found Life Steal mods and slapped them onto my melee and it's just been crazy. But the problem is that I have to get in close for Styanax shield. Dantes third ability fixes my little crowd control issue. Larva gets boring after a while. Sometimes it doesn't even work. And it doesn't do damage unless I have the mod equipped. Dark Verse gives me a whole new way to attack. It strikes enemies I overlook. So. I have sadly decided to subsume Dante once I figure out his entire setup. But he has been fun. But I'm finding myself spamming his dark and light verses more than his other two abilities. I can always equip Nidus with the Grimoir. And the maggots can actually get taken out and explode once I use dark verse on them so that's extra damage. So. Larva shall be replaced by Dark Verse. But I highly recommend Dark Verse for any frame. I'm planning on slapping it onto my Atlas Prime in place of that Tectonic Fist attack. Should be fun.
Dark Verse on its own doesn't really do enough damage for high level content, unfortunately. Also it's entirely up to you but I'd suggest getting some Warframe slots. It's useful to have 1 of every Warframe for use in the Circuit or Deep Archimedea.
Hi Ken, superb video as always. Just out of curiosity, will you be able to test out what heat inherited damage does to tragedy? It might be a little broken.
My idea is build Dante for Strength and Range. Then Thermal Sunder -> Kuva Nukor/Tenet Cyclone -> Tragedy, if anyone tested it out plz I want to hear how was it like?
Dante its best played along side a citrine since she can extended all status duration with her 3 which means more overall damage for tragedy dagath or saryn for viral/slash casting combo Or garuda to double down on blood extracting shenanigans.
Im still struggling with modding weapons. Why the Fire element for Noctua? Its a slash weapon with a bane mod. Slash procs ignore armor. I get that fire strips armor and adds some up front damage, but I dont immediately see the benefit of that. Electric and Archon stretch makes sense to me. What am I missing/not understanding about this heat mod?
Could You inform ppl that Entrati Lanthorn drops from summoned Rouge Necramech and it's better to not disrupt alarm on low level mission when Rogue Culverin aka. small necramech makes red alarming mark for summoning them? Most people don't know that's bonus source of Entrati Lanthorns. Have a nice day!
Ran into an interesting quirk with Dante. I was running a Sister of Parvos with a toxin tenet arca plasmor. For some reason the SoP weapon would go right through any amount of overguard. I tried this many times with up to an overguard of around 80k and it would one shot me every time. No clue what's going on. I run netracells and SP with this build all the time.
Noctua is really fun with a Radiation-Toxin build utilizing Archon Continuity, meaning that Noctua and Wordwarden deal Slash, Toxin, Corrosive, and Radiation all at once. Is it meta? No of course not. Is it fun? Yes, it's hilariously stupid.
Now what would it be called if you throw in roar (in place of his first to keep page flight) to increase the direct hit of dark verse, then the slash proc of dark verse, then the final damage hit of tragedy, making it scale with strength seven times?
Um, no? It is a buff, scaling off of *strength* , that increases all damage dealt. Initial hits *and* any status proc DOT the hit deals, allowing for double dipping. For effects like expedite suffering and tragedy, it applies again for triple dipping. Meaning a multiplier, *which scales off of strength* , applies three times.
@@noahedenborg4221 Even if that is true, it still increases the damage of dark verse, thus increasing the slash proc damage, then increases the slash proc directly. If not 7 times scaling with strength, than at least 6.
Ok, you missed something with Dante, from what I have seen he uses your secondary's arcane if you have one equiped. Second build Noctua as a hybrid crit and status then get arcane velocity and see it go brrrrrr.
Can anyone tell me how long Dark Verse takes to cast...? 1 second..? 2 seconds..? 3 seconds..? The wiki doesn't tell me, and for all i know the kengineer could be using casting speed mods to increases its casting speed... I want to know :(
I have a question! Since I have yet to play Dante (got him built, but I'm waiting for an affinity booster so I can do a huge round of levelling things that are sitting in my Foundry), if you do mod his tome for electric then slap in the Archon mod, will you get energy back through Word Warden as well?
the copy of noctua also actived tome mods so if you kill enemy using ability it thing noctua kill it (as grimoire do) and it can target enemy hit by weapons what kill by it self as ferrox
Is it worth running hunter adrenaline since allies overguard can trigger the energy restore effect if you use light verse? I noticed I could cast my light verse and have max energy straight away doing that.
Everyone talking about archon continuity and noctua etc and here i am 130% extra status chance trough the birds and still gettin 1 - 2 proccs toxine from noctua for a full basmu magazine. Doesnt seem woth it or am i missing something
Wait does it really drain part of my energy every time I shoot because I've been using that thing as a primary weapon and my energy bar does not go anywhere I had not noticed it drained energy at all I guess my energy economy is so good 😅. So far I don't seem to have any issues destroying level 300 enemies which has been pretty awesome I was kind of surprised. I use my exalted weapon as a primary and I use the grimoire as a priming secondary because against the level 300 enemies the way I have my grandma is set up it pretty much just crowd controls all the enemies on the screen for me. How to take no damage and still path enemies can't move. They all just sit there CC the whole time and the CC is spreading everywhere because I can't tell if the grimoire and my exalted weapon are shooting multi hits or if it's one projectile and it just bounces between enemies based on multi-hit because if that's the case which it looks like visually unless it's just shooting a bunch of the projectiles really quickly and they're all humming in on the enemies but I'm hitting hordes of enemies with ease with my auto attacks they have to be piercing bouncing or just Auto honing on each individual Target or something. I build up the bus with the grimoire art fire once it's at Max tax before the 22nd timer runs out I cast all my buffs I cast myself into my exalted weapon which I'm hoping all of this is snapshotting the damage increase and just blow everything up dealing millions of damage with the noctua worst case scenario of the damage is miniscule against an enemy I can just switch to one of my actual real primary gun and take them out. Now what I wish it did was allowed you to gain the Tome mod effects from any other tomes you had equipped. Because it feels like because the tone mods also don't give you any stats it doesn't really feel good to use them in place of just something that's more useful like a tax speed multi-shot or damage. So I only use the strength increasing tone mod pl on my grimoire because my exalted weapon is purely for damage
What are invocations are they like a stance mod but for the grimoire The grimoire is the name of the thing is the class of weapon a tome if so my question is are invocations a type of stance mod but for tomes
Would swapping heat for toxin on Noctua and then using Archon Continuity for bonus corrosive be worth it? Or would I just be throwing away damage for a tiny armour strip?
Wouldn't Archon Intensify be better than Umbral since you can keep it up with your light verse? At least in my testing even if you are at full life the light verse trigger it, wouldn't that make it better than the flat 44%?
Archon Intensify's activating on casts of 2 while at full health was considered a bug and patched last week; it now only activates if you're missing health, which is hard to pull off when he has so much Overguard. Umbral Intensify is going to be the correct option going forward. If your testing is more recent than that, and you still had this result, this is still *considered* a bug by DE, and you should likewise be ready for it to be Actually Fixed at some point in the future.
for now i ill wait for then to fix overguard messing with combat discipline and nourish, it is blocking it from triggering, and i love going around exploding a viral wave, passive priming. For now dagoth is still my favorite with Doom doubling my damage on everyone, so i can use my meme weapon like status empowered twin kohmak in high mission without any issue.
Diriga has precepts to constantly damage groups of enemies which triggers Synth Deconstruct. You can use any damaging companion to your preference though
Bonus, how I remember which order to cast for Wordwarden vs Pageflight
Dark then Light, the owls take flight
Light then Dark, book hits my mark
That's not on a mug (yet?🤔) but you can check out the others in the store here:
Personally what works for me is how Dark and Light dictate what will happen
→ 1st Cast: Who does it affect?
If teammates: Light
If enemies: Dark
→ 2nd Cast: What is its purpose?
If deal DMG: Dark
If provide an effect: Light
May seem like a lot but it's really easy to grasp.
He's The Kengineer and a poet 😮
My thought process is that i start with dark for active damage and light for passive damage
You're quite the a-hole in real life. Cute fake youtube personality, though. 🤡👹
light to light for armor's might.
light to dark for booksward
dark to light for owls flight.
dark to dark for murder everything.
Dante is so strong that they made a whole game franchise out of him and even gave him a twin brother
They gave him _two_ video have franchises, even. One is even named after him.
whe going to close the hell gates with this one 🗣️🔥🔥
He is based of the book Dante's Inferno.
@@muntu1221there is tree, actually, though in the third one he is not directly controlled by the player, despite being main character
Something to note about Tragedy. It scales in damage with status duration if you prime with a weapon. On release it didn't seem to work that way but after a couple patches it started working. If your Dark Verses kill off a group of enemies without having to use Tragedy you can "bank" using your 4 for another group of enemies that get primed by a weapon with status duration mods and blow them up with Tragedy. It scales really well.
Thanks for posting this. I was able to repeat this a few times and it's good to know you can reliably bank the procs.
Dante is so good they named an ancient italian poet after him
You did NOT just call Dante Alighieri ancient 💀💀💀
Dante is so good they named gave him an inferno
You mean pizza loving half-demon demon killer.
Dante was so good he got an entire game series about him and his dysfunctional devil family 💀
I'd not yet checked the wiki and was settling in for 540 capillaries being needed. Was pleasantly surprised when his main BP dropped my first time clearing C rotation! Cut my expected farming in half right then and there.
yeah never spent any of the resource on getting Dante's bps DE did real good with his drop chance
Lol I have 3 Dantes and had to buy the weapons
Same! I did about 10 rounds in one go and got 3/4 parts for him. Very satisfying that it didn’t take a long grind and his parts dropped much easier
Spent six plus hours farming him.. Only 2 of his parts and onos BP.. Talking great luck here..
I can't seem to get his chassis or nueroptics to drop🤷🏻♂️
Another thing to note about Wordwarden is that it can also proc Noctua's scan-on-kill passive. Obviously, Wordwarden needs to kill the target for that to happen, but it's nice to get the occasional free scan if you subsume Noctua off.
I was really happy to hear someone acknowledge the electric noctua archon stretch energy upkeep method, it's been more than enough for my build so far and I do find it worth giving up heat damage for electric since you can still have viral and it's innate slash to do priming and damage. The quartic scaling bit was AWESOME, can't believe I didn't catch that myself!
Some notes on Wordwarden and Noctua:
1) Multishot and fire rate do not affect wordwarden, so for the build at 21:00 Galv diffusion and lethal torrent are useless
2) The projectiles spawned after hitting an enemy are not homing and they cannot hit the enemy that you originally hit with the main projectile, this brings us to
3) Any kind of bullet magnetism completely shatters noctua's viability, scourge will trap the projectiles until the enemy dies or the effect runs out, at which point the projectiles will fly out in random directions and the void procs from xata's whisper slow down the additional projectiles making it impossible to even hit other enemies by chance, however you do get to watch some fireworks since all projectiles (visually) explode when they hit something or they run out of flight time
Yep, don't run multi for wordwarden w Noctua slot infused by subsume ability
Or you can build it for damage as a weapon and not care too much about its synergy with Wordwarden 🤷🏽♂️ I built it to basicall be my primary and it’s incredibly OP.
This is more a psa for those that replace his 1 with helminth abilities@@kidkreole7
a note about noctua, it does inherit the arcane on your actual secondary, allowing it to benefit from its arcane as if it had it equipped, this is most obvious with secondary outburst, where swapping to the book will proc outburst and benefit from the crit stats
This is wrong. Secondary outburst is the only secondary arcane that Noctua inherits, all other secondary arcanes have no effect. It can stack up other arcanes, but it does not get the buffs. This is easy to test by looking at the damage numbers.
@@BobVonBob interesting
@@BobVonBob Cascadia Overcharge also works with Noctua
@@fellchris Did you test that? Because I just did, and it doesn't work. Unmodded noctua with R5 cascadia overcharge should always crit and sometimes orange crit (30+30*3=120), but it still crits at the same 30% rate and never orange crits.
Just like the other secondary arcanes, the buff icon appearing does not mean it applies.
@@BobVonBob wait thats fucked, you are right, just tested it and nothing, I kept seeing people saying it works online, misinformation is a powerful enemy
If you choose to subsume off Noctua (you briefly went over this at the end Ken, but I thought I'd connect it for everyone else) you can still use Wordwarden and Archon Stretch, to get energy regen. This pairs quite well with Nourish, which happens to be what I see subsumed on Dante the most.
I still don’t understand subsuming over his 1. Noctua is incredibly OP, and there are so many easier ways to keep energy up (yellow shards, arcanes, Operator abilities, etc). With arcane energize, I haven’t come close to having energy issues. And Noctua is powerful enough to never even need to use my main weapons.
@@kidkreole7cuz ppl have good weapons they want to use instead of noctua and can use other abilities
@@matyaskomjathi6511 I mean I get it, just don’t really agree with it too much 🤷🏽♂️ especially with how you can build Noctua to synergize with his kit. Just my opinion though
Noctua is fine and all but it doesn't hold a candle to incarnons, especially status ones like torid or some such.
But that's what multiple loadouts are for, I use noctua when in duviri or EDA because weapon RNG is awful
Also, if you want a DoT Noctua but feel that neither the Slash or Heat builds suffice, you can run 3 Emerald Shards for +90% Toxin Tick Damage and +3 Corrosive stacks.
With Archon Continuity, all toxin procs from Noctua will become capable of armor strip, with an average of 5-shots for a full strip with if you opt for 14-stacks of corrosive, on top of a minimum of 14 toxin procs already ticking at nearly double damage compared to slash.
It also makes the alt fire of Noctua more viable as well, as it cant be modded for slash and can only provide an additional heat stack if you can slot in Archon Vitality, which will result in a meaty toxin proc with corrosive priming!
I hate that Noctua is such a cool exalted weapon, and yet is the only power that doesn't ruin his entire mechanic when removed. Otherwise, he's pretty much going to be my main for the foreseeable future, i really love how he works!
It ruins word warden
(Light>dark) because it uses nocta mods
@@dankmemes8254Last I checked, it still inherits the mods even if you remove the noctua ability.
@@dankmemes8254 you can still mod the book and sunmon the modded copy even if you sub off the 1.
It doesn't benefit from tome mods, keep that in mind.
@@UncleBalthasarGelt sure, because it can't alt fire.
the thing about Disruption that changed how I felt when I found out the farm for Dante, was that demolishers got a steep cut to their armor. Now I can actually enjoy the game mode!
A cool synergy between archon stretch and word warden is to build noctua for electricity to trigger its energy regen.
This works even if you subsume off his 1 and if you put on another combined element on noctua.
Wait what now?
So his four that spawns a book counts as an ability using electricity?
@@WhenUWalkin ty
Shadow wizard money gang
We love casting spells
This post was sponsored by the shadow government.
Honestly, I think you undervalue Noctua.
I have found it both easier to optimise and more versatile than focusing on final verse. Even without arcanes or shards simply modding for 60/60 viral & flat damage combined w/ its slash is remarkably effective.
Combining Ceramic Dagger Incanon and Secondary Outburst and Archon Intensify(triggering off his light verse) it can be extremely powerful.
Personally i believe noctua is the most powerful part of his kit. So glad they didn't nerf it.
Unless I'm mistaken, or DE flubbed the patch notes again, Archon Intensify no longer triggers off Light Verse
@@ArcNine9Angel I’ll have to have another look at the patch notes
@@hobobeard Having access to Noctua can be an absolutely insane progression leap to a new player who buys Dante. It performs way better than any weapon a new player can access for an incredibly long time.
Not to mention it can guarantee you always have a decent weapon in loadout-restriction content like Duviri and Elite Deep Archimedia.
For players in the endgame though in non-loadout-restriction content, it generally can't compete with the killrate of the very best, like the best of the Incarnon series i.e. the Torid, or a Sentient Surge Ocucor. For that reason, they'd rather just have a buff.
The amount of dips that Roar has with Dante's kit is kind of absurd. Roar is a faction damage buff meaning it double dips on status- for example, the Slash procs from your Dark Verse. This has absurdly strong synergy combined with the Status Vulnerability and Status Damage debuffs from Pageflight. Plus, the bonus is added AGAIN to the ability damage that Tragedy deals after it is detonating those already Roar-boosted slash procs. It's honestly insane to think about and Dante specifically might end up getting Faction damage recoded.
@@felix_patriot This is all good and well but, as I said above, I maintain that it is easier to optimise than Dark Verse.
Even though I left warframe long ago. I still watch this man's vids regularly for some reason. Nostalgia is real.
Why did you leave the game? Was it because there was nothing else left to do or was it because you have to move on in life?
Come back to the game
Same. Left because I'm to busy to play rn. But plan to come back. Still watch all of Ken's vids.
I came back to the game and Its pretty fun. Left destiny 2 for this
@@00Grimreaper00 I play both, right now I'm playing D2, when 1999 launches I'll be playing Warframe and so on
Only streamer I have actual respect for. Man tells it upfront, doesnt demand money or likes or whatever and provides a relaxed atmosphere and great information. Best on the tube :) DE would make a solid move hiring this fella to make videos for each warframe and post them on thier site or in game,
I learned about quartic here at the Kengineer today when i've never even heard of it in school b4
Haven't watched the video so I don't know if it's mentioned, but I wanted to comment before I forget that Dante is so good that with Roar subsumed on him, he can do level cap with just his abilities
As we tend to mod viral on most weapons you could go for cold on support Noctua for extra crit.
Also tragedy doesn't care who put the proc on the enemy and heat/slash + viral is meta so there is a 95% chance that every teammate has it on their weapons if you are playing steel path so you can easily outdamage your entire team by sitting back, dispensing unholy amounts of overguard and blowing up all the procs that some teammate with kuva nukor spreads around.
Dante is soo strong that even a devil may cry.
Ken: "This effect is quadratic!"
Me: ::begins sweating profusely in math::
Best Warframe content right now. Thanks for the great videos!
I was waiting on your take on Dante and you did not disappoint!!!!
Small tip for handling Necra Demolishers,
If you're don't have a lot of good mods or your prefered Incarnon Adapter isn't in the current rotation, try the Phenmor.
It doesn't require any galvanized or primed mods, and can even burst down a level 370 voidrig demolisher in one buff rotation. (ie, around 10 seconds)
The only mod that is mandatory is Rime or Cyro Rounds to apply 4 stacks of cold, then it's your choice of Corrosive for general purpose, Gas for grouping, or straight Radiation for taking down Necramechs and Hollowed Veins.
Due to the status cap on the Necramechs, its actually going to be cheaper and better to slot in 3 120% elemental mods; but, 3 60/60 elemental mods will be more comfortable in general play and will still bring down the sturdiest targets!
If you have the Noctura ability active, even if the book itself is not equipped, you can take advantage of the Ability Efficiency Bonus from Seismic Bond. This is very helpful when other energy options aren't available.
Something I discovered with my own Dante setup is using Nourish in place of Noctua and using the Grimoire's alt fire with the Xata Invocation for energy regen. Because the alt procs multiple electicity statues on enemies its really easy to get the full buff from Xata, which is then boosted by Nourish.
Love your videos, straight to the point and helpful as always!
most say that noctua is the least useful part of dantes kit, but i still keep it unsubsumed, why? because its fun, i always wanted a damage grimoire in warframe and for now i have to stick with noctua if i want a damage grimoire, super non meta i know
its good it bounces off enemies too so free multishot.
I love using noctua
Noctua? Useless? Bro this thing is broken and gives MANY useful buffs thanks to the unlimited Tome Mods it can use, while also being able to recharge fast as hell with its multishot Shard mechanic and works well with Wordwarden.
@@lucasfraczek4320 He said "least useful" which even I, a Noctua main, agree with.
Noctua is how I keep my energy up with a tome mod. It's incredibly useful.
Thank god they unnerfed him for the most part. Casting for overshields gives me carpal tunnel but at least that's the only thing.
Avg Dante main
I also notices that noctua hates punch through, if you have it the beam doesnt split until the punch through its used and even then the 4 beams created doesnt have it
danteh... the conclave, dantehh... you need to train with your fellow tenno, dantehhh....
Haven't watched yet, know it will be an informative video, with amazing info for a nerd like me. Love the videos kengineer, thank you for being amazing Warframe Content creator!
14:20 The quartic scaling - is this the reason sometimes acolytes just pop with 2x Dark + Final Verse? Mostly I deal a few centimeters of damage, but sometimes their entire life bar disappears.
(Note: Instead of 2, they get 4 slash procs with Pageflight active and not 6 so capped quartic scaling. )
I went with Prime Flow and Energy Nexus instead of Message and Equilibrium, and then did violet archon shards for energy on health pickup instead of capacity. With a similar companion and Arcane Energize instead of Steadfast, I feel like it flows just a tiny bit better, or at least is more tolerant of sporadic energy density since you have passive buildup and a much deeper pool to help smooth things out at the cost of a tiny bit less duration (which I feel like the smoother energy economy makes up for easily enough).
Regarding efficiency: it may not FIX the low efficiency, but [Seismic Bond] is a great choice. Giving (basically) free 30% Efficiency. That would put you at 75% efficiency combined with whatever you manage to get via Invocations (low enemy density is still a factor of course, but free is free)
Dante and Citrine together is a match made in heaven
Woah, MrKengineer, you mind sharing that Boltor build used to kill the mech demos in the initial part of the video?
3:10 this kind of stuff is what I like about warframe compared to the first descendant.
It's not only relying on percentage drops.
For a frame as cast heavy as Dante, I cant recommend Duplex Bond enough. I also highly recommend Verglas on your Diriga, as it has pinpoint accuracy even with Diriga's 70m Precept, and can pile on Status effects in short order, which can be further exploited with Shivering contagion for AoE slows.
I always use Duplex Bond with Helstrum and Momentous Bond so I always have an army of sentinels roaming around spreading statuses to everything.
Momentous Bond also adds to Manifold Bond for Diriga's Arc Coil. So it's rare for me to ever see enemies that aren't covered in every status in the game.
After watching this and trying him out I love using Subsumed Fire blast with Archon vitality, and Dark Verse Nuke
Dante (Noctua specifically) is a solid candidate for using Archon mods, each for their separate reasons: Vitality to double heat procs for damage builds (also page flight makes this quite consistent even with the alt fire), Stretch for Energy regen, Continuity for toxin setups allowing for very broad faction coverage at the cost of sacrificing viral...which you can just put somewhere else (this is what I've settled on because Pageflight makes this funny), they target butchered Intensify then Flow just don't.
Edit: I did notice that his passive status chance seemed...non existent but I figured it was just me expecting too much.
Couldn't tell the birbs were messing with Dark Verse given that they also cover enemies in incessant slash Pageflight birds apply guaranteed slash or do they use 100% status like Dark Verse?
Also if you're doing Noctua damage, you can consider Topaz shards to push the primary fire to orange crits and the secondary fire to the chance of red crits.
After I finished stamping and crying about the nerf, I really started liking him again, for different reasons now.
Worth noting that a very slow yet low-effort way of farming Dante is doing Disruption bounties. You'll probably never roll any Dante pieces since most people leave after the first round, but you build up a lot of capillaries over time. Worth doing IMO if you're like me and didn't start doing Cavia syndicate until recently. Bought all parts I needed for Dante just before hitting Rank 5.
Noctua seems best suited as a primer and support, using his abilities for damage. Whether viral or dot effects is better really depends on if you have a panzer vulpaphyla.
Ive completely dumped duration entirely in my stats, so that i can pump the other 3 stats, its crazy pumping out slash damage from across an entire map
Another interaction is using Archon Continuity and modding Noctua for Toxin giving it Corrosive as well.
I did buy Dante's bundle, and then I got an entire Dante set in a single run a few hours later lmao. At least it's an easy Helminth dinner
personally I skip on arcane steadfast and go with molt efficiency it's basically 36% ability duration forever. Steadfast is to unpredictable for my liking and molt efficiency allows for some more flexibility with modding
Tbh I run my Noctua with the energy regen and ability efficiency invocations, as a 1 2 punch to gaining basically infinite energy for ability spam. It still does completely fine damage for steel path, thanks to the massive dps as a pure slash weapon.
If you stack Energy Siphon, Energy Nexus, and Archon Stretch, you can outpace noctua's drain with as low as 105% efficiency before you even factor in tome mods. Why 105%, specifically? That accounts for a blind rage with fleeting expertise. With a Transient Fortitude, Intensify, and Primed Continuity, that gets you to around 300% strength and exactly 67% duration. if you instead want better regen rates, drop the blind rage to bring noctua under 1 energy per shot while still hanging around 200% strength.
I did three Armatus runs, and got ~90 capillaries every run. On the third run I got 3 copies of Dante's main blueprint lol.
Noctura is awesome…endless secondary, long range, powerful secondary, penetrates and hits multiple bad guys with the right mods….
He’s fragile, but amazing
He shouldn't be fragile if you're using light verse frequently.
It can be tempting to spam dark verse frequently, but remember that light verse not only gives you a lot of overguard but you also get brief invincibility from it.
Guys can Dante’s exalted weapon drop kavat genetic codes
@@TheKengineer replying to a comment on a video from 6 months ago is crazy dedication my friend
I pray the rng gods bestow great fortune upon you
Thats the best I got cause I’m already subbed
Put Cascadia Overcharge on your secondary and an Augur mod. Cast light verse. Get more Noctua crits in there.
I believe his 1 is ripe for some Nawk Tuah memes. 😅
Alright time to see how close my build comes to Ken's.
Hornet Strike is multiplicative with strength?! Isn't damage always additive with Strength on Exalteds?
word warden doesn't seem to use multishot, but it does use punch through funnily enough
Don't buy him people, unless you're super new..... farming him was easier than farming most other frames.... and the environment is lovely.
While he did´t replase Lavos as my Main, he easily got into my top 3 and he's choice for a DPS Caster Frame. Even after the nerfs, he´s amazing.
That lavos Aug is crazy
Do you have to use the alt fire from each book, or will using the altfire of noc give you the mod buffs from both books?
Each book separately. Casting alt fire with Grimoire will not activate the Invocations on Noctua, even if they match
Wouldn't it be more effective to dump Auger Secrets for Flow and then use tauforged strength shards instead of energy max shards?
17:44 im confused by your Cast Support build for Noctua, if the entire point is to use Invocations and the rest of the most are there to help charge up the alt fire, then why not just use all 4 Invocations + Multishot + Fire Rate. That's what I do on my build with him and yeah the Noctua damage is terrible, but it really *really* doesnt need to be, because im getting 180% ability stats and 10 energy per second from it.
Tried Dante. He's great. But I don't think I'm going to keep him.
The thing with being a Nidus main is that I'm used to a certain build bc of my play style. It's very simple. Attack with One. Gain stacks, get hit, Regen energy.
Every since I slapped on Styanaxes shield he can survive onslaught after onslaught. Then I found Life Steal mods and slapped them onto my melee and it's just been crazy.
But the problem is that I have to get in close for Styanax shield.
Dantes third ability fixes my little crowd control issue. Larva gets boring after a while. Sometimes it doesn't even work. And it doesn't do damage unless I have the mod equipped.
Dark Verse gives me a whole new way to attack. It strikes enemies I overlook.
So. I have sadly decided to subsume Dante once I figure out his entire setup. But he has been fun. But I'm finding myself spamming his dark and light verses more than his other two abilities.
I can always equip Nidus with the Grimoir. And the maggots can actually get taken out and explode once I use dark verse on them so that's extra damage.
So. Larva shall be replaced by Dark Verse.
But I highly recommend Dark Verse for any frame. I'm planning on slapping it onto my Atlas Prime in place of that Tectonic Fist attack. Should be fun.
Dark Verse on its own doesn't really do enough damage for high level content, unfortunately.
Also it's entirely up to you but I'd suggest getting some Warframe slots. It's useful to have 1 of every Warframe for use in the Circuit or Deep Archimedea.
He was before the nerf
Hi Ken, superb video as always. Just out of curiosity, will you be able to test out what heat inherited damage does to tragedy? It might be a little broken.
My idea is build Dante for Strength and Range. Then Thermal Sunder -> Kuva Nukor/Tenet Cyclone -> Tragedy, if anyone tested it out plz I want to hear how was it like?
Dante its best played along side a citrine since she can extended all status duration with her 3 which means more overall damage for tragedy
dagath or saryn for viral/slash casting combo
Or garuda to double down on blood extracting shenanigans.
Im still struggling with modding weapons. Why the Fire element for Noctua? Its a slash weapon with a bane mod. Slash procs ignore armor. I get that fire strips armor and adds some up front damage, but I dont immediately see the benefit of that. Electric and Archon stretch makes sense to me. What am I missing/not understanding about this heat mod?
Heat procs are also a strong DOT (damage over time)
Could You inform ppl that Entrati Lanthorn drops from summoned Rouge Necramech and it's better to not disrupt alarm on low level mission when Rogue Culverin aka. small necramech makes red alarming mark for summoning them? Most people don't know that's bonus source of Entrati Lanthorns.
Have a nice day!
Honestly I think the worst part of farming for Dante and his weapons is the Necracoils, rather than blueprints or Lanthorns.
Ran into an interesting quirk with Dante. I was running a Sister of Parvos with a toxin tenet arca plasmor. For some reason the SoP weapon would go right through any amount of overguard. I tried this many times with up to an overguard of around 80k and it would one shot me every time. No clue what's going on. I run netracells and SP with this build all the time.
it is one of her abilities, i had the same problem, for some reason using titania helmith ability on self, prevent it to one shoot you.
Noctua is really fun with a Radiation-Toxin build utilizing Archon Continuity, meaning that Noctua and Wordwarden deal Slash, Toxin, Corrosive, and Radiation all at once. Is it meta? No of course not. Is it fun? Yes, it's hilariously stupid.
I desperately NEED an augment mod for Final verse that allows Word Warden to trigger tome mods ;^;
Now what would it be called if you throw in roar (in place of his first to keep page flight) to increase the direct hit of dark verse, then the slash proc of dark verse, then the final damage hit of tragedy, making it scale with strength seven times?
roar isnt strength bro
Um, no? It is a buff, scaling off of *strength* , that increases all damage dealt. Initial hits *and* any status proc DOT the hit deals, allowing for double dipping. For effects like expedite suffering and tragedy, it applies again for triple dipping. Meaning a multiplier, *which scales off of strength* , applies three times.
@@joeybisson2684 but it doesn't make tragedy stronger from the multiplier on tragedy
@@noahedenborg4221 Even if that is true, it still increases the damage of dark verse, thus increasing the slash proc damage, then increases the slash proc directly. If not 7 times scaling with strength, than at least 6.
@@joeybisson2684 yeah but also where the fock did u get 6 times scaling
Ok, you missed something with Dante, from what I have seen he uses your secondary's arcane if you have one equiped. Second build Noctua as a hybrid crit and status then get arcane velocity and see it go brrrrrr.
You're sleeping on Noctua. Its destroys literally everything it hit especially the alt fire.
What companions are best for him? Dmg wise or beasts for more resources with those mods?
Can anyone tell me how long Dark Verse takes to cast...? 1 second..? 2 seconds..? 3 seconds..? The wiki doesn't tell me, and for all i know the kengineer could be using casting speed mods to increases its casting speed...
I want to know :(
Word Warden reminds me of the Grimoires from Nier Replicant
Aquatic scaling. 🦈
I have a question! Since I have yet to play Dante (got him built, but I'm waiting for an affinity booster so I can do a huge round of levelling things that are sitting in my Foundry), if you do mod his tome for electric then slap in the Archon mod, will you get energy back through Word Warden as well?
Yeah, same for adding the tome mod for your secondary (grimoire) alt fire if it's electric.
the copy of noctua also actived tome mods so if you kill enemy using ability it thing noctua kill it (as grimoire do) and it can target enemy hit by weapons what kill by it self as ferrox
i feel like if you had a stand it would be information based
defeating enemys with facts and knowledge
Is it worth running hunter adrenaline since allies overguard can trigger the energy restore effect if you use light verse? I noticed I could cast my light verse and have max energy straight away doing that.
Last time i was this early Dante hadnt been nerfed yet
Although DE gave you a free Dante, he is not hard to grind for
Can do it in one sitting and then wait the three and a half days for crafting
Everyone talking about archon continuity and noctua etc and here i am 130% extra status chance trough the birds and still gettin 1 - 2 proccs toxine from noctua for a full basmu magazine. Doesnt seem woth it or am i missing something
Wait does it really drain part of my energy every time I shoot because I've been using that thing as a primary weapon and my energy bar does not go anywhere I had not noticed it drained energy at all I guess my energy economy is so good 😅. So far I don't seem to have any issues destroying level 300 enemies which has been pretty awesome I was kind of surprised. I use my exalted weapon as a primary and I use the grimoire as a priming secondary because against the level 300 enemies the way I have my grandma is set up it pretty much just crowd controls all the enemies on the screen for me. How to take no damage and still path enemies can't move. They all just sit there CC the whole time and the CC is spreading everywhere because I can't tell if the grimoire and my exalted weapon are shooting multi hits or if it's one projectile and it just bounces between enemies based on multi-hit because if that's the case which it looks like visually unless it's just shooting a bunch of the projectiles really quickly and they're all humming in on the enemies but I'm hitting hordes of enemies with ease with my auto attacks they have to be piercing bouncing or just Auto honing on each individual Target or something. I build up the bus with the grimoire art fire once it's at Max tax before the 22nd timer runs out I cast all my buffs I cast myself into my exalted weapon which I'm hoping all of this is snapshotting the damage increase and just blow everything up dealing millions of damage with the noctua worst case scenario of the damage is miniscule against an enemy I can just switch to one of my actual real primary gun and take them out. Now what I wish it did was allowed you to gain the Tome mod effects from any other tomes you had equipped. Because it feels like because the tone mods also don't give you any stats it doesn't really feel good to use them in place of just something that's more useful like a tax speed multi-shot or damage. So I only use the strength increasing tone mod pl on my grimoire because my exalted weapon is purely for damage
To answer your initial question, it costs 5 energy to summon and 2 energy per shot at base efficiency.
Why are you using augur secrets and 2 tau energy shards instead of primed flow and 2 tau strenght shards?
What are invocations are they like a stance mod but for the grimoire
The grimoire is the name of the thing is the class of weapon a tome if so my question is are invocations a type of stance mod but for tomes
Sounds like you need this video insteadвидео.html
@@TheKengineer ok thanks I watched it and it it helps
the asymmetric on your archon shards equip bugging me more than it should…
Would swapping heat for toxin on Noctua and then using Archon Continuity for bonus corrosive be worth it? Or would I just be throwing away damage for a tiny armour strip?
Wouldn't Archon Intensify be better than Umbral since you can keep it up with your light verse? At least in my testing even if you are at full life the light verse trigger it, wouldn't that make it better than the flat 44%?
Archon Intensify's activating on casts of 2 while at full health was considered a bug and patched last week; it now only activates if you're missing health, which is hard to pull off when he has so much Overguard. Umbral Intensify is going to be the correct option going forward. If your testing is more recent than that, and you still had this result, this is still *considered* a bug by DE, and you should likewise be ready for it to be Actually Fixed at some point in the future.
Ah, everyone talked so much about the last patch that I didn't realized it was patched. Thanks
He said quartic scaling and I almost busted 😩
for now i ill wait for then to fix overguard messing with combat discipline and nourish, it is blocking it from triggering, and i love going around exploding a viral wave, passive priming. For now dagoth is still my favorite with Doom doubling my damage on everyone, so i can use my meme weapon like status empowered twin kohmak in high mission without any issue.
may i ask why diriga specifically and not any other companion?
Diriga has precepts to constantly damage groups of enemies which triggers Synth Deconstruct. You can use any damaging companion to your preference though
How on earth do people get these damage numbers it's insane! I still don't get how to mod my weapons and frames to do this wow
I may be in unusually unlucky group. I did 30 sp 4 conduit rounds and i only got main bp, and 2 chassis bp.