A fun tip for deny: With Vast Un-time active, Xaku can lift any liftable enemies indefinitely with deny. This include acolytes, liches and sister, turning those fights into a joke.
@PetroklosZDM That's exactly the case. Vast Un-time will freeze Deny's lift duration, so if one have reliable energy source, it's practically permanent.
Shows how versatile xaku is. Every content creator I follow have a different xaku build. And I myself ended up making 6 different builds. And now after seeing this I want to make a couple more!
It’s crazy because this is the first warframe where it was new to me and I had enough knowledge and resources to make a few end game builds. And I made 3 completely different builds myself. And can’t wait to try more
I made my first Xaku build many years ago when I first got to Diemos, back when mastery rank reqs were still a headache. I put ensnare over the triple 3 ability because I figured "I'll figure it out later". Now I realize that build hasn't changed other than adding a couple archon shards (non-tau) to replace flow with range, but I've taken it to level cap so I guess it was good enough after all lol. Xaku Prime is a perfect kick in my, uh, motivation bits, to make me want to try some new builds with all the end game stuff that I now have access to- I could see Xaku becoming my next main if a couple builds turn out good.
10:54 Interestingly enough, Xaku’s 4 (The Vast Untime) or their Passive don’t actually give “Evasion”, but “Dodge” instead. “Evasion” in Warframe is the ability to have enemies’ ranged attack miss you entirely, which is what is granted by The Carnis Set and Sly Vulpaphylas. “Dodge”, however, is the ability to have ranged attacks (not including explosives) harmlessly pass through you, this is what Xaku grants themselves via Passive or their 4th Ability (Baruuk does the same with Elude). As they are different forms of defense, they cannot stack together additively in a way that grants you True Invincibility through not getting hit, but they can still work together to dramatically reduce the probability of getting hit. While Kengineer probably understands this as he described the effects of Carnis Set differently than Xaku’s abilities, I think it’s important to explain the difference to those who didn’t catch that to know, as they may mistakenly assume that Xaku’s “Dodge” and the Carnis Set’s “Evasion” work in the same way.
as a Xaku main, I seriously feel like this is the first video on them that I've watched that actually understands how Xaku works and seeks to make use of Xaku's actual kit. every other video I see tends to chalk them up to being too mishmash on their own, and immediately subsumes some more "meta" ability on instead. Loved this video, thanks :)
Woah woah woah, I'm pausing the video, you did NOT just footnote Deny's greatest utility as "making them float for a medium amount of time" this is slander! "medium" means "forever" because this is Xaku, welcome to the Vast Untime, but that little detail aside, you're overlooking what makes Deny useful: it's a rather exceptionally potent form of crowd control, it works on a bunch of stuff that crowd control normally doesn't, like Sisters of Parvos, Acolytes, Whispers, and I'm sure many others, quite "broken" you could say...
The fact it's CCing enemies that it shouldn't seems like an oversight, and probably not something Kengineer wants to put in a video. Heck, maybe he's trying to throw DE off the scent? ;)
FINALLY someone mentionds that Xata's Whisper can deal way more damage than Roar or Eclipse. I've been using it on my Ivara since helminth released. Much better for someone who sits in stealth and takes the time to actually hit heads.
As a newish player it was difficult to find some videos breaking down how xatas works. I just knew it was insane as a damage multiplier from gathering clips from gameplay.
It also works as a "secondary hit" for Acid shell builds or odd-ball builds that care about the quantity of hits more than actual damage. A while back I found a Nova build that uses Amalgam argonak metal augur + a rakta dark dagger melee influence built + Xata's to armor strip every enemy hit by the dagger, the influence procs from the dagger, AND the explosions of both her 1 and 4. This fully armor strips enemies very reliably while leeching shields through the dagger, spreading rad and electric procs to damage and crowd control, speeding enemies into your kill zone, and still maintaining the 95% damage reduction of her 1. All thanks to the extra hit of damage from Xata's on any of these effects still being tagged as "dagger damage".
One thing you forgot to talk about The Vast Untime: Enemies slowed by the initial cast's explosion are also given a damage vulnerability to Void, meaning that it also buffs the damage of Xata's Whisper, The Lost: Deny and, most importantly, Grasp of Lohk. It's not always necessary to make use of this, but it is very useful in situations where your guns just can't do enough damage. As of Koumei and the Five Fates, this effect now applies to shields, armor and overguard. Have fun peeling your skin and remember: there are never enough guns to steal.
Always appreciate a mix of well-constructed, functional builds, and well-contstructed, goofy builds. I laughed so hard at the Speed Tech Discovery on stream, my face hurt
In regards to your suggestion of bringing silence to deal with violence. Imo, Condemn serves the same purpose, can also take care of all your survivability needs and is a very good crowd control tool. As soon as violence spawns, hit it with condemn. They will just stand still, not activate abilities and get gunned down by your floating guns. Acolytes are hilariously easy on Xaku if u use Condemn.
The Vast Funtime is just such a shenanigans-enabling ability. One yellow tauforged seems to be able to almost nullify the duration loss from the cast animation.
I've had a lot of success using secondary fortifier as a means of getting overguard on xaku - their evasion allows overguard to last a whole lot longer, making it an extrmely helpful (if conditional) defensive layer
That sounds like a ton of fun. Although I really don't want to give up Deadhead for the ridiculous multiplicative scaling on my Sepulcrum... I mean, come on. 30% more headshot damage multiplied by the double hit multiplied by multishot multiplied by Xata nonsense, and it's also laser accurate and recoilless. Still... That could free up exilus for not PSF too.
@Prof_Pangloss Entrati drip demands dedication. And they have an ability that exists literally just to make guns stupidly strong... Especially guns that have obscene amounts of multihit. Such as the Trumna and Sepulcrum. Especially so for the Sep with its 4xMultishot damage instances per trigger pull.
@@FelisImpurrator yeah that's why xata's is my helminth slot. Right now I'm using condemn both for the emergency survival (I don't like using rolling guard) and the lockdown style crowd control. Other frames make better use of xata's anyway IMO. I tend to play frames as their specific archetype rather than as a swiss army knife, so for me xata's on Xaku is incongruous with how I choose to play them
@Prof_Pangloss I don't like AFK style play, so I naturally just use everything. Plus, again, Entrati drip is just too damn good for me NOT to actually shoot things with my giant golden heavy bolter.
Guys I recommend you helminth in harrow’s helminth. You will most likely run max range and 200% str which is absolutely perfect for the wave to get shields back
I’ve always described Xaku’s Void damage as Void2, since it had the same status effect as normal Void but has a bunch of hyper specific exclusions, like needing to trigger a status effect on Sentients to reset their resistances, whereas normal Void seems to only require a hit
I've been enjoying the Tempest Barrage suggestion one youtuber, forgot who it was, recently posted. 1 Tau green shard for 98% armor strip is more then enough with the recent armor cap changes and you get AoE viral priming on top of that for a big boost to Grasp of Lohk and your weapons. You also get to keep Xata's Whisper for all the whacky shenanigans the ability has with certain weapons. Deny being able to lift acolytes, liches and sisters indefinetly is a nice thing to have... but acolytes haven't been a threat in ages with how strong we've become and if I'm doing liches/sisters I'm bringing Gloom Banshee, NOT Xaku, so yeah.
This was a really really solid video. Might just build a second Xaku prime to run these exact setups since i already invested in a specific playstyle with my current one
I know that the slow build feels like a meme... But It's ALSO very useful for soloing high level Interception missions. Just freeze the enemies, capture the towers, and then follow around freezing the enemies while the timer runs out. Solo Steel path interception is no joke...
Swapping out The Lost for Jades subsume or Styanax’s subsume works pretty good for the more mobile missions too, both are permanent strips, strip shields and armor, and can strip enemies like acolytes or liches
My go to build with Xaku is high cast speed and energy efficiency with full trip terrify. You just run around, full strip a whole bubble around you instantly, kill everything with your 2 guns and repeat. Your 4 also ends up very cheap so you never have energy problems.
My main Xaku build now that I have the prime is quite similar to the Ranged build but with different archon shards. But more importantly I subsumbed Wisp's Breech Surge over Xata's Wisper to start causing damage cascades as all the Lohk guns are priming Breech Surged enemies, i add with my Fellarx and Tenet Cycron (constantly swapping to auto reload) and then on death the surges flying out and insta killing others.
@Regufyz I personally just find every cycle ability to be clunky. Much easier for me to simply subsume it off and not bother with it, especially since the Xaku's armor strip is relatively stationary. I'm the player that jumps around a lot anyway, so Jade's armor strip only being in front of you is perfect since those will be the enemies I'm focusing on. But either way, there's no wrong way to play the game.
I will say the thought of just being surrounded by the absolute maximum possible amount of Floating Bullshit is funny and compelling enough to justify this.
@@FelisImpurrator Health Conversion, energy conversion (I don't know if they stack), Jades Eyes, Xakus guns, Yarelis blades (yes I know, you can'thave two subsumes on at once, I was just theorizing how crazy it could get).
Seeing their lost augment never brought up hurt slightly ngl. Helps reach the defense breakpoint and makes the beam more energy cost effective all in 1 mod.
I really wish people would stop saying a frame or weapon is "broken" yes, if you mod it correctly and add arcanes, congratulations you can do more damage to higher level enemies
@TheKengineer yeah but evwry youtuber who finds a build hypes it up way too much I feel like, I enjoy your content but it kind of just gets old hearing a frame is "busted" because big damage lol
As a Xaku main, two notes I want to add One: If your using any beam weapon that jumps to other enemies (eg: Glaxion) DO NOT use Xatas whisper it actively nerfs you, if you have 3 enemies infront of you and head shot one the beam jumps to the body of the other two causing the void status to draw the beam to center mass making it nigh impossible to get headshots. on the contrary though most Incarnons love this. hit the head and now you have minimum need to aim for charging incarnon meter Two: Try using the Huras or Shade with Xaku you can cast abilities without breaking stealth and the Xaku Guns don't count as guns
i love my breach surge and nourish build where i subsume over the 4 and build about 120% duration :D really high active shield gate caster with lots of dps and weapon buffs with lots of abilitys from CC (passive and active) with lots of damage from guns and the beam (actually can kill quite high levels of enemys with it alone) and gives the perma scared of death feel from on release xaku that really make me love warframe again :D
I'd like to point out that grimoire solves all emergy problems, I never build for energy anymore thanks to it. Even my most emergy hungry frames dont have issues anymore thanks to it. 45% efficiency and all I have is wellspring and cata invocation
I know I’m gonna sound “woke” for saying this, but you’re the first RUclipsr I’ve seen consistently refer to Xaku correctly. Others will say “it”, or “they because they are multiple frames” but then switch back to he or she out of habit. For some reason whenever people see they/them pronouns, it’s like a switch flips in their head and they have a hard time working with them. But hey, at least they’re trying
Best crate break frame is limbo with max range and decent efficiency. End of argument. I mean, it's uselss for just about anything else but if you're running syndicates or sabotage and want the medals/coffers, it's super reliable and quick.
I just wish they would slightly rework the void status effect to just apply more damage to whatever part it activated on instead of all bullets just automatically traveling to a single part (that sometimes doesn’t even travel to btw) it proc’d on, too many times I or a team member procs void on anything but the head, making it feel frustrating to charge incarnon sometimes when playing as or with a Xaku. Also can make stacking deadhead or keeping it up sometimes feel clunky and/or unreliable at times.
If anyone wants to ACTUALLY make Xaky work closer to Octavia, subsume Ivara's 1 over Xaky's 1 and go for enough duration that his 4 lasts over a minute. Then take Zenurick, and your only energy drain is cheap invis, from which you don't have to move, since your 3 is stationary anyways. Welcome to Octavia experience :)
A "good" crate breaker/loot hunter build that works on anyone is slotting null star on someone with some good energy economy and modding range + augment + archon vitality for double heat procs for it and just run through the level periodically pressing the null star key. Wipes the enemies at that level of content and wipes the crates, then anything that survives and doesn't get vacuumed is probably something fancy. I dub the movement tech at the end "skelly skidding"
Not so sure about that but isn’t Brief Respite and the Augur Mod Set kinda useless for shield gating if you are not casting skills all the time? (Because of his 4th Abbility which stops all the timers. I personally think running the shield regen delay package (vigilante Vigor, Fast Deflection, Arcane Aegis) to survive feels much more save and synergistic
_"If you're a fan of Octavia, you'll _*_probably_*_ be a fan of Xaku"_ Big emphasis on "probably"; I love Xaku, one of my favorite frames. I hate Octavia, unfun & boring to play
They're functionally identical except for the fact that Octavia has more reliable defense and infinitely scaling damage. What makes Octavia so un fun for you?
I understand where you're coming from with the octavia comparison, but I disagree. Octavia requires a lot more maintenance by virtue of needing to maintain her invis. Furthermore Xaku can move around a lot more and still be quite effective - even on SP their guns can kill most enemies in just a few seconds even without defense strip.
small mistake near the start 0:35, you said Gyromag systems are only available after rank 5 with solaris, but you can actually buy then for 1k standing each at rank 1 with little duck now if only youtube let creators make fixes to their videos without reuploading -_-
I'm still pretty new to this, so there are a few things I don’t fully understand. In the 1st, 2nd, and 4th builds, you’ve polarized Zenurik, the 3rd build uses Naramon, and the 5th one switches to Madurai. But in the 'Acquisition' section of the video, it says you only have one Xaku. What am I missing here?
Depending on your tap/hold settings, you need to use the other one. Eg if tapping the button casts the ability for you, holding it will rotate to the next sub-ability.
I don't like either augment and opted to stick with what's good and workable. Xaku's a poor health tank, and there's usually little reason to keep cycling The Lost (it auto-cycles while augmented). They can be used but in much the same way as a health tank Loki; One starts to wonder why.
I never even remember what the Carnis set actually does, maybe I'll try it... I remember someone telling me that a companion can increase invasion chance to 100% (Sly Vulpathyla? IIRC). Anyone know anything about that?
Yes, I run Sly on my Xaku Carnis build. Outfit your Sly with ZERO survivability and lots of damage so he dies a lot. You want your pet ideally in Larval form as much as possible :)
Correct, some hits will always get through. Having multiple sources of evasion will help for those moments when you may let one of them slip for a few seconds.
I replace his 3 for "orphanim eyes" so now instead of having to stick to a place, i just go berserk because now im just a full mobile caster platform that just stares at enemies until they die
now do a trumna guide. 15 minutes of kengineer almost tearing his hair out because of an infinite well of inconsistent bogus code even john carmack couldn't fix.
@InsomniacDoggo to paraphrase "I'm not doing a guide on the trumna. I'm the numbers guy not the bugs guy" because trumna has some weird issues where (similar to zylok incarnon for example) multi shot doesn't do anything for it for no apparent reason but condition overload does buff its damage even though going by past experiences it really shouldn't. He could definitely explain it better than me, but i sadly don't have the clip at hand from the xaku build stream.
A fun tip for deny: With Vast Un-time active, Xaku can lift any liftable enemies indefinitely with deny.
This include acolytes, liches and sister, turning those fights into a joke.
Yes!! I had to pause the video and snapback like he did NOT just overlook Deny's utility--glad someone had the sense to point it out!
So does that apply to Deny's Lift? Pop your 4, hit'em with Deny, permanent CC?
@PetroklosZDM That's exactly the case. Vast Un-time will freeze Deny's lift duration, so if one have reliable energy source, it's practically permanent.
@@4564568b Huh, I didn't know of this synergy and considered Deny to be kind of a throwaway Ability. Good to know, thanks!
@@PetroklosZDM You're welcome 🤗
10:05 "Kick them right in the b- " I wasnt expecting that
Oh shoot, I totally mistimed putting "behind" on there. My bad 😇
it's genuinely way funnier like this lol
@@TheKengineer Sure you did.... :)
Me either! Instructions unclear! What exactly do I kick them in?
@@prevail517go with the alphabet, kicking anything you come up with. I don't have many suggestions, I rarely get beyond ba...
Shows how versatile xaku is. Every content creator I follow have a different xaku build. And I myself ended up making 6 different builds. And now after seeing this I want to make a couple more!
It’s crazy because this is the first warframe where it was new to me and I had enough knowledge and resources to make a few end game builds. And I made 3 completely different builds myself. And can’t wait to try more
I made my first Xaku build many years ago when I first got to Diemos, back when mastery rank reqs were still a headache. I put ensnare over the triple 3 ability because I figured "I'll figure it out later".
Now I realize that build hasn't changed other than adding a couple archon shards (non-tau) to replace flow with range, but I've taken it to level cap so I guess it was good enough after all lol.
Xaku Prime is a perfect kick in my, uh, motivation bits, to make me want to try some new builds with all the end game stuff that I now have access to- I could see Xaku becoming my next main if a couple builds turn out good.
10:54 Interestingly enough, Xaku’s 4 (The Vast Untime) or their Passive don’t actually give “Evasion”, but “Dodge” instead. “Evasion” in Warframe is the ability to have enemies’ ranged attack miss you entirely, which is what is granted by The Carnis Set and Sly Vulpaphylas. “Dodge”, however, is the ability to have ranged attacks (not including explosives) harmlessly pass through you, this is what Xaku grants themselves via Passive or their 4th Ability (Baruuk does the same with Elude). As they are different forms of defense, they cannot stack together additively in a way that grants you True Invincibility through not getting hit, but they can still work together to dramatically reduce the probability of getting hit. While Kengineer probably understands this as he described the effects of Carnis Set differently than Xaku’s abilities, I think it’s important to explain the difference to those who didn’t catch that to know, as they may mistakenly assume that Xaku’s “Dodge” and the Carnis Set’s “Evasion” work in the same way.
Gyromag Systems are now rank 1 on Vox Solaris. Normally I wouldn't bother mentioning it, but it's a big difference time wise
The only reason i didn't bother building him was because of that mat, ty for the info 😁👍
as a Xaku main, I seriously feel like this is the first video on them that I've watched that actually understands how Xaku works and seeks to make use of Xaku's actual kit. every other video I see tends to chalk them up to being too mishmash on their own, and immediately subsumes some more "meta" ability on instead. Loved this video, thanks :)
I do subsume roar over the 1 because the 1 doesn't affect the 2, but if it did work in it I wouldn't, you know?
Woah woah woah, I'm pausing the video, you did NOT just footnote Deny's greatest utility as "making them float for a medium amount of time" this is slander! "medium" means "forever" because this is Xaku, welcome to the Vast Untime, but that little detail aside, you're overlooking what makes Deny useful: it's a rather exceptionally potent form of crowd control, it works on a bunch of stuff that crowd control normally doesn't, like Sisters of Parvos, Acolytes, Whispers, and I'm sure many others, quite "broken" you could say...
The fact it's CCing enemies that it shouldn't seems like an oversight, and probably not something Kengineer wants to put in a video.
Heck, maybe he's trying to throw DE off the scent? ;)
comment numero 2: your consistency in doing the mobility trick at the end of this video is incredibly impressive
FINALLY someone mentionds that Xata's Whisper can deal way more damage than Roar or Eclipse. I've been using it on my Ivara since helminth released. Much better for someone who sits in stealth and takes the time to actually hit heads.
As a newish player it was difficult to find some videos breaking down how xatas works. I just knew it was insane as a damage multiplier from gathering clips from gameplay.
It is also pretty strong with blast exalted blade
It also works as a "secondary hit" for Acid shell builds or odd-ball builds that care about the quantity of hits more than actual damage. A while back I found a Nova build that uses Amalgam argonak metal augur + a rakta dark dagger melee influence built + Xata's to armor strip every enemy hit by the dagger, the influence procs from the dagger, AND the explosions of both her 1 and 4. This fully armor strips enemies very reliably while leeching shields through the dagger, spreading rad and electric procs to damage and crowd control, speeding enemies into your kill zone, and still maintaining the 95% damage reduction of her 1.
All thanks to the extra hit of damage from Xata's on any of these effects still being tagged as "dagger damage".
Xaku can
And thank the Lotus that Xaku can! :D
Xaku Can
One thing you forgot to talk about The Vast Untime:
Enemies slowed by the initial cast's explosion are also given a damage vulnerability to Void, meaning that it also buffs the damage of Xata's Whisper, The Lost: Deny and, most importantly, Grasp of Lohk.
It's not always necessary to make use of this, but it is very useful in situations where your guns just can't do enough damage.
As of Koumei and the Five Fates, this effect now applies to shields, armor and overguard.
Have fun peeling your skin and remember: there are never enough guns to steal.
He did mention it briefly when first talking about the ability, but didn't dwell on it or make note of it after
thank u token xaku main
Always appreciate a mix of well-constructed, functional builds, and well-contstructed, goofy builds. I laughed so hard at the Speed Tech Discovery on stream, my face hurt
Honestly a great video, loved the uniqueness of all the builds and the very thorough explanations.
Im a simple Tenno - see new Kengineer video, coming in to leave a thumbs up 🤭
I got Xaku P just to set energy color to black and run around with the skin off
That’s exactly why I’m doing, and it looks so good
Thought i was the only one that discovered that 😭😭
@@urfavorite_plugg We all always find a way to share a brain cell 😂
0:56 the way this line reads almost like "if you don't have home made Xaku, store bought is fine." lol
The warframe community and the world would be worse off without you. I appreciate the effort you put into your videos
Okay time to reinstall and lose another 168h of my life just customising the appearance.
I used that movement tech quite a bit during the last Plague Star event. Lots of fun practically outspeeding most Archwings
In regards to your suggestion of bringing silence to deal with violence. Imo, Condemn serves the same purpose, can also take care of all your survivability needs and is a very good crowd control tool. As soon as violence spawns, hit it with condemn. They will just stand still, not activate abilities and get gunned down by your floating guns. Acolytes are hilariously easy on Xaku if u use Condemn.
The Vast Funtime is just such a shenanigans-enabling ability. One yellow tauforged seems to be able to almost nullify the duration loss from the cast animation.
they need to fix the rooted enemies still moving after, other than that they are really fun to use
I've had a lot of success using secondary fortifier as a means of getting overguard on xaku - their evasion allows overguard to last a whole lot longer, making it an extrmely helpful (if conditional) defensive layer
That sounds like a ton of fun. Although I really don't want to give up Deadhead for the ridiculous multiplicative scaling on my Sepulcrum... I mean, come on. 30% more headshot damage multiplied by the double hit multiplied by multishot multiplied by Xata nonsense, and it's also laser accurate and recoilless. Still... That could free up exilus for not PSF too.
@FelisImpurrator that makes sense, I don't usually use Xaku when I want to shoot things myself lol
@Prof_Pangloss Entrati drip demands dedication. And they have an ability that exists literally just to make guns stupidly strong... Especially guns that have obscene amounts of multihit. Such as the Trumna and Sepulcrum. Especially so for the Sep with its 4xMultishot damage instances per trigger pull.
@@FelisImpurrator yeah that's why xata's is my helminth slot. Right now I'm using condemn both for the emergency survival (I don't like using rolling guard) and the lockdown style crowd control.
Other frames make better use of xata's anyway IMO. I tend to play frames as their specific archetype rather than as a swiss army knife, so for me xata's on Xaku is incongruous with how I choose to play them
@Prof_Pangloss I don't like AFK style play, so I naturally just use everything. Plus, again, Entrati drip is just too damn good for me NOT to actually shoot things with my giant golden heavy bolter.
Guys I recommend you helminth in harrow’s helminth. You will most likely run max range and 200% str which is absolutely perfect for the wave to get shields back
If you just want shield, straight to pillage
@@nguyenhuyduc9151I think this one basically just comes down to preference tbh
@@nguyenhuyduc9151 pillage has higher energy cost and doesn’t work in infested missions. It’s worse. Bad advice.
@@merilynnshark6144 no he just giving bad advice
@@turkeykent3719 infested missions are ass anyways and armor stripping is better than stun.
I’ve always described Xaku’s Void damage as Void2, since it had the same status effect as normal Void but has a bunch of hyper specific exclusions, like needing to trigger a status effect on Sentients to reset their resistances, whereas normal Void seems to only require a hit
could have used that knowledge 30 mastery ranks ago....
Omg.. I feel like I'm going insane
Pretty sure that's literally an upgrade for it.
I've been enjoying the Tempest Barrage suggestion one youtuber, forgot who it was, recently posted. 1 Tau green shard for 98% armor strip is more then enough with the recent armor cap changes and you get AoE viral priming on top of that for a big boost to Grasp of Lohk and your weapons. You also get to keep Xata's Whisper for all the whacky shenanigans the ability has with certain weapons.
Deny being able to lift acolytes, liches and sisters indefinetly is a nice thing to have... but acolytes haven't been a threat in ages with how strong we've become and if I'm doing liches/sisters I'm bringing Gloom Banshee, NOT Xaku, so yeah.
This was a really really solid video. Might just build a second Xaku prime to run these exact setups since i already invested in a specific playstyle with my current one
Always love the random obscure Tech. Adds so much flavor sometimes
That last tech is crazy, it's like zoren coptering but in the modern day.
I've been running the Huras Kubrow with the Mecha Empowered set, and some viral mods on the claws to further boost the damage.
that slam 4 trick is very cool, ty
I know that the slow build feels like a meme...
But It's ALSO very useful for soloing high level Interception missions.
Just freeze the enemies, capture the towers, and then follow around freezing the enemies while the timer runs out.
Solo Steel path interception is no joke...
Swapping out The Lost for Jades subsume or Styanax’s subsume works pretty good for the more mobile missions too, both are permanent strips, strip shields and armor, and can strip enemies like acolytes or liches
Does Styanax strip Demolists? Don't remember.
My go to build with Xaku is high cast speed and energy efficiency with full trip terrify. You just run around, full strip a whole bubble around you instantly, kill everything with your 2 guns and repeat. Your 4 also ends up very cheap so you never have energy problems.
Or do what i did min max pillage build 328 strength but 189 at base
@@jamesreah861 the problem is that xaku's other abilities not necessarily want strength so you're losing quite a lot of range/duration for that.
What a time to be alive to see a 400% strength build!
(Besides memes, it looks kind of fun!)
My main Xaku build now that I have the prime is quite similar to the Ranged build but with different archon shards. But more importantly I subsumbed Wisp's Breech Surge over Xata's Wisper to start causing damage cascades as all the Lohk guns are priming Breech Surged enemies, i add with my Fellarx and Tenet Cycron (constantly swapping to auto reload) and then on death the surges flying out and insta killing others.
Honestly, I subsumed Xaku's 3 off for Jade's eyes. Hands off slow and armor strip? Sign me up
My first thought when it came to subsumes was this too
I prefer deny for a more careless gameplay plan since enemies behind me will also be stripped and therefor killed by my guns
@Regufyz I personally just find every cycle ability to be clunky. Much easier for me to simply subsume it off and not bother with it, especially since the Xaku's armor strip is relatively stationary. I'm the player that jumps around a lot anyway, so Jade's armor strip only being in front of you is perfect since those will be the enemies I'm focusing on.
But either way, there's no wrong way to play the game.
I will say the thought of just being surrounded by the absolute maximum possible amount of Floating Bullshit is funny and compelling enough to justify this.
@@FelisImpurrator Health Conversion, energy conversion (I don't know if they stack), Jades Eyes, Xakus guns, Yarelis blades (yes I know, you can'thave two subsumes on at once, I was just theorizing how crazy it could get).
Seeing their lost augment never brought up hurt slightly ngl. Helps reach the defense breakpoint and makes the beam more energy cost effective all in 1 mod.
I really wish people would stop saying a frame or weapon is "broken" yes, if you mod it correctly and add arcanes, congratulations you can do more damage to higher level enemies
Xaku's theme is literally the broken Warframe though.
@TheKengineer yeah but evwry youtuber who finds a build hypes it up way too much I feel like, I enjoy your content but it kind of just gets old hearing a frame is "busted" because big damage lol
Titanias helminth and health conversion are basically all you need to never worry about dieing again
Honey wake up, TheKengineer dropped s new vid
Xaku and Octavia can be even more similar if you superglue Sevagoth Prime's Signa to Xaku's forehead. Perfection!
As a Xaku main, two notes I want to add
One: If your using any beam weapon that jumps to other enemies (eg: Glaxion) DO NOT use Xatas whisper it actively nerfs you, if you have 3 enemies infront of you and head shot one the beam jumps to the body of the other two causing the void status to draw the beam to center mass making it nigh impossible to get headshots. on the contrary though most Incarnons love this. hit the head and now you have minimum need to aim for charging incarnon meter
Two: Try using the Huras or Shade with Xaku you can cast abilities without breaking stealth and the Xaku Guns don't count as guns
As a Octavia fan, I love Xaku
Fun fact: you can actually cast gaze on an acolyte.
Not sure about the practical use of this, but it’s something you can do nevertheless.
i love my breach surge and nourish build where i subsume over the 4 and build about 120% duration :D really high active shield gate caster with lots of dps and weapon buffs with lots of abilitys from CC (passive and active) with lots of damage from guns and the beam (actually can kill quite high levels of enemys with it alone) and gives the perma scared of death feel from on release xaku that really make me love warframe again :D
I'd like to point out that grimoire solves all emergy problems, I never build for energy anymore thanks to it. Even my most emergy hungry frames dont have issues anymore thanks to it. 45% efficiency and all I have is wellspring and cata invocation
I don't remember if this was mentioned but xaku vast untime also applies void vulnerability increasing the damage of whisper, lok, and deny.
9:47 wasn’t expecting a Xaku/Octavia comparison but Octavia is way more busted
I did not know that parkour trick was possible.
Thanks a lot mate you are amazing
From this whole video my biggest take away from this, YOU CAN ZOOM IN WITH THE MINING DRILL. Im LR1 with 3k hours 😅
Me too! 😂
You can mine without zooming in?
I believe he refers to the enanced zomm, achieved by pressing the heavy melee button while you are already zoomed in@@whitenarcissu5082
I always thought people knew this lol u can mine without zooming in?
Amazing video
I know I’m gonna sound “woke” for saying this, but you’re the first RUclipsr I’ve seen consistently refer to Xaku correctly. Others will say “it”, or “they because they are multiple frames” but then switch back to he or she out of habit. For some reason whenever people see they/them pronouns, it’s like a switch flips in their head and they have a hard time working with them. But hey, at least they’re trying
To be fair using they as a singular pronoun is confusing af
If they're actually trying they're not trying very hard. It's pretty easy to use they them pronouns
Pronouns are overrated, Spooky skeleton gaming is the key to all of this.
Our true form.
Bro, it’s a digital character. Who gives a fuck about their pronouns….
It's a fictional character, Who cares?
The only reason I actually want a Xaku loadout - Gazing Lephantis
Does that actually work
Best crate break frame is limbo with max range and decent efficiency. End of argument. I mean, it's uselss for just about anything else but if you're running syndicates or sabotage and want the medals/coffers, it's super reliable and quick.
“Top crate buster” IM DEAD XDDDD
Wonder hows the damage to HP ratio from Lohk for lvl cap enemies... for sure it will surpass the lvl 40 non sp ratios
I just wish they would slightly rework the void status effect to just apply more damage to whatever part it activated on instead of all bullets just automatically traveling to a single part (that sometimes doesn’t even travel to btw) it proc’d on, too many times I or a team member procs void on anything but the head, making it feel frustrating to charge incarnon sometimes when playing as or with a Xaku. Also can make stacking deadhead or keeping it up sometimes feel clunky and/or unreliable at times.
As long as DE doesn't implement Line of Sight for their 4th ability, it's all good
They did no ? In terms of the slow hitting enemies ?
@jpmorgan6146 4th ability still useful to break crates and it ignore LoS
finally, the D2 boys can shatter skate in WF
14:34 hello mr kengineer, could you post the link to the loot farming video? :D
here ruclips.net/video/LiQWHsgTRB8/видео.html 😅
If anyone wants to ACTUALLY make Xaky work closer to Octavia, subsume Ivara's 1 over Xaky's 1 and go for enough duration that his 4 lasts over a minute. Then take Zenurick, and your only energy drain is cheap invis, from which you don't have to move, since your 3 is stationary anyways. Welcome to Octavia experience :)
A "good" crate breaker/loot hunter build that works on anyone is slotting null star on someone with some good energy economy and modding range + augment + archon vitality for double heat procs for it and just run through the level periodically pressing the null star key. Wipes the enemies at that level of content and wipes the crates, then anything that survives and doesn't get vacuumed is probably something fancy.
I dub the movement tech at the end "skelly skidding"
Yay Xaku :3
I just changed the third ability with Tharro's Strike, need an eximus problem? don't worry, just press a button and armor no more!
Try spam xaku 4th when receiving free cast + cast speed buff. You got a humping skeleton.
hahaaaa. Holy smokes, the last 5 or 6 frames have been "broken". Man, now surely must be the best time to come back to Warframe.
It's *literally* the broken Warframe
the voice entity cobbled together with multiple slain war machines, reduced to a lowly crate buster... sad isnt it?
Uh oh, my favorite frame is covered by kengineer, might see nerfs :c
10:05 is why you're the GOAT
Xaku is an amalgam of multiple "lost" yet Xaku prime exists kinda funny
xaku be like "za wurdo tokiyo tomareeeee"
About the gyromag systems
If you have access to vox solaris you can it at rank 1 or rank 2 i forgor
Not so sure about that but isn’t Brief Respite and the Augur Mod Set kinda useless for shield gating if you are not casting skills all the time? (Because of his 4th Abbility which stops all the timers.
I personally think running the shield regen delay package (vigilante Vigor, Fast Deflection, Arcane Aegis) to survive feels much more save and synergistic
_"If you're a fan of Octavia, you'll _*_probably_*_ be a fan of Xaku"_
Big emphasis on "probably"; I love Xaku, one of my favorite frames. I hate Octavia, unfun & boring to play
They're functionally identical except for the fact that Octavia has more reliable defense and infinitely scaling damage. What makes Octavia so un fun for you?
@@ianjohnson3274 Maybe they just prefer the aimbot image over the shoulder instead of mallet just pulsing damage without much animation
lol people have discovered the crate cracker frame 😂
I understand where you're coming from with the octavia comparison, but I disagree. Octavia requires a lot more maintenance by virtue of needing to maintain her invis. Furthermore Xaku can move around a lot more and still be quite effective - even on SP their guns can kill most enemies in just a few seconds even without defense strip.
and and xaku doesnt get hit by crossfire
small mistake near the start 0:35, you said Gyromag systems are only available after rank 5 with solaris, but you can actually buy then for 1k standing each at rank 1 with little duck
now if only youtube let creators make fixes to their videos without reuploading -_-
I'm still pretty new to this, so there are a few things I don’t fully understand. In the 1st, 2nd, and 4th builds, you’ve polarized Zenurik, the 3rd build uses Naramon, and the 5th one switches to Madurai. But in the 'Acquisition' section of the video, it says you only have one Xaku. What am I missing here?
Aura mod makes the aura slot a (anything) it's all polaritys
Why not use the augment mod? It saves a lot of mod space otherwise used for strength for other things like more range/survivability.
I don't like either of the augments
do you have a build for a glaive with this?
u missed one hidden fact is that his 4th can be cancelled after casting and recast again
dude how do i use xaku's 3rd ability i think im only using 1 of those 3 things and idk how to use the other
Depending on your tap/hold settings, you need to use the other one. Eg if tapping the button casts the ability for you, holding it will rotate to the next sub-ability.
@@TheKengineer ah ty man i was sooo confused why i could obly use 1 ability. the dilemma of a new player ig :/
I noticed both augments are not mentionned. Are they not worth at all, even in some niche cases ?
I don't like either augment and opted to stick with what's good and workable.
Xaku's a poor health tank, and there's usually little reason to keep cycling The Lost (it auto-cycles while augmented). They can be used but in much the same way as a health tank Loki; One starts to wonder why.
@@TheKengineer Thanks for the precision !
I can't pull that last bit off, no speed for me :(
Why does your Teshin look different? doesn't he look ghostly after the new war?
Creator mode setting turned on hides the ghostly appearance and select few other story spoilery things.
Glass cannon? *laughs in secondary fortifier epitaph and unholy amounts of cc*
Cant kill you something thats already dead
use shade for easy and infinite survivability while your stolen guns do the killing for u
Or just use a specific frames subsume that acts like xaku’s 4 and you don’t take damage problem solved and for the gun build just use jade subsume
"kick them right in the b-" lmao
I never even remember what the Carnis set actually does, maybe I'll try it...
I remember someone telling me that a companion can increase invasion chance to 100% (Sly Vulpathyla? IIRC). Anyone know anything about that?
iirc they arnt additive so you can never have 100% evasion
Yes, I run Sly on my Xaku Carnis build. Outfit your Sly with ZERO survivability and lots of damage so he dies a lot. You want your pet ideally in Larval form as much as possible :)
Correct, some hits will always get through. Having multiple sources of evasion will help for those moments when you may let one of them slip for a few seconds.
imagine xaku with cyte 9 helminth, invisible auto turret lol
Its wat i did you still need to hit those headshots tho
Your voice is exquisite
Am i the only one use eclise on xaku 1?
I replace his 3 for "orphanim eyes" so now instead of having to stick to a place, i just go berserk because now im just a full mobile caster platform that just stares at enemies until they die
Oh I might do this. thats a cool idea
and also "their* 3".
@@SanguineDoeshut up lol
I like my build better. It has umbra vitality,intensify on it. Takes 5 forma to balance that cost but it's strong.
I’d get xaku to make this build but he’s so hard to farm and I don’t have the plat😭
now do a trumna guide. 15 minutes of kengineer almost tearing his hair out because of an infinite well of inconsistent bogus code even john carmack couldn't fix.
Waut what's wrong with Trumna?
@InsomniacDoggo to paraphrase "I'm not doing a guide on the trumna. I'm the numbers guy not the bugs guy" because trumna has some weird issues where (similar to zylok incarnon for example) multi shot doesn't do anything for it for no apparent reason but condition overload does buff its damage even though going by past experiences it really shouldn't. He could definitely explain it better than me, but i sadly don't have the clip at hand from the xaku build stream.