How Religion Gets Salvation Wrong

  • Опубликовано: 2 фев 2025

Комментарии • 84

  • @nishisingh227
    @nishisingh227 Год назад +6

    Very good exposition

  • @djpodesta
    @djpodesta Год назад +5

    Such a neat little formula to explain this very important understanding.

  • @bgslayer4529
    @bgslayer4529 Год назад +8

    I'm a simple man... When Theology with Seth uploads, I clear my schedule and get ready to learn. Another great video Seth!

  • @phaedragalloway4544
    @phaedragalloway4544 Год назад +5

    Love the way you've shown what so many religions have in common and how Christianity is truly unique.
    Fruit doesn't make the tree alive, it shows that the tree is alive! I also liked your example of repentance using the boat illustration.
    It all goes back to the Garden of Eden. Satan loves to speak in half-truths.
    Every man-made religion will make you think you can get right with God by your own good works.
    For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.
    Ephesians 2:8-10

  • @rexlion4510
    @rexlion4510 Год назад +6

    Good stuff here. I would like to add a few words to expand on your explanation about "need to repent." Yes, it is the flip side of the believe in (turn to Jesus). This is because, the redeemed person is believing in Jesus as the One who has, by His death and resurrection, redeemed the person from his sin-guilt; in order to believe this, the person must of necessity accept the fact that he is a sinner, that he needs forgiveness/redemption from his sins, and that they are something to be sorry of & to turn away from. When one realizes that Jesus gave his mortal life for him to be set free from the punishment for his sins, it puts the sins into the serious perspective as God sees them and the sinner necessarily repents because he admits to himself that his deeds made him worthy of terrible, painful punishment. That is why repentance and faith in Jesus go hand-in-hand.

  • @hopeinHim5160
    @hopeinHim5160 17 дней назад +1

    Beautiful clear word. Thanks ❤️‍🔥🕊️✝️🙏

  • @kamekomiyamora
    @kamekomiyamora Год назад +1

    Only thing I'd note is that Repentance means 'change of mind (from unbelief/rebellion to belief/submission)', not 'turn from your sins'. God himself repented so obviously it can't refer to sins. That's probably the biggest fault Christianity has. I'm a former SDA. Grew up in the church, didn't go much the last decade as I read the bible for myself and was always confused between works and faith, but I knew a relationship with God was at the core of it. Only this year could I say I truly understand the full gospel. When I started going back to church in June this year, to stop forsaking the gathering, they were still on revelation, and I kept hearing about 1844, Jesus is in the heavenly sanctuary, and other unbiblical stuff. Not that I know the truth, especially that Israel is alive and does matter in the last days, the lies and false teachings of Ellen are as clear as day. I didn't hear much about her growing up, but I had to do research. I knew about the false beliefs of Catholics and JW a decade ago, but never took the time to look into my own church's background. I stood up for it because of the Sabbath being a commandment, but that belief didn't even originate from Ellen. The only thing she came up with was the Investigative Judgement which is anti-gospel, and her Great Controversy book is all speculation. Either way, after the last bible study where I tried to wake up the elders to the truth, I decided I'm not going back. We're saved by grace along by faith alone. The people in my church don't even talk about Jesus or the Holy Spirit transforming you to make you desire godly things and holiness because we only focus on keeping the law to save ourselves :)

  • @mil-ns3rc
    @mil-ns3rc 5 месяцев назад +2


  • @fightthegoodfightoffaithmi8676

    John 8:32
    And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
    Amen I love Acts 11:18 one of many favorite verses I have in the Scriptures others include Isaiah 45:7 Hebrews 13:5 Genesis 3:15 and several others in addition to them as well. And repentance of course that helps us get freed from the things that made us lost before God had Grace on us.

  • @rickraybourn7456
    @rickraybourn7456 Год назад

    Catholic's believe-“If any one saith, that man is truly absolved from his sins and justified, because he assuredly believed himself absolved and justified; or, that no one is truly justified but he who believes himself justified; and that, by this faith alone, absolution and justification are effected; let him be anathema.” (Canon 14).

  • @Enockbeckbrown-hf6xx
    @Enockbeckbrown-hf6xx 15 дней назад


  • @gideonopyotuadebo2304
    @gideonopyotuadebo2304 4 месяца назад


    • @rickdavis2235
      @rickdavis2235 Месяц назад

      Speaking to Ananias about Paul; 15 But the Lord said to him, “Go, for he is a chosen instrument of mine to carry my name before the Gentiles and kings and the children of Israel. 16 For I will show him how much he must suffer for the sake of my name.” ACTS 9:15-16
      God chose Paul. Do you believe God made a mistake? Did Paul trick God and teach another gospel? James, John and Peter didn't think so when Paul visited them several time be sure he was teaching the same Gospel that Jesus gave him.
      GALATIANS 1:11-24
      11 For I would have you know, brothers, that the gospel that was preached by me is not man's gospel. 12 For I did not receive it from any man, nor was I taught it, but I received it through a revelation of Jesus Christ. 13 For you have heard of my former life in Judaism, how I persecuted the church of God violently and tried to destroy it. 14 And I was advancing in Judaism beyond many of my own age among my people, so extremely zealous was I for the traditions of my fathers. 15 But when he who had set me apart before I was born, and who called me by his grace, 16 was pleased to reveal his Son to me, in order that I might preach him among the Gentiles, I did not immediately consult with anyone; 17 nor did I go up to Jerusalem to those who were apostles before me, but I went away into Arabia, and returned again to Damascus.
      18 Then after three years I went up to Jerusalem to visit Cephas and remained with him fifteen days. 19 But I saw none of the other apostles except James the Lord's brother. 20 (In what I am writing to you, before God, I do not lie!) 21 Then I went into the regions of Syria and Cilicia. 22 And I was still unknown in person to the churches of Judea that are in Christ. 23 They only were hearing it said, “He who used to persecute us is now preaching the faith he once tried to destroy.” 24 And they glorified God because of me.
      The entire Bible is people saved by faith alone.

  • @fightthegoodfightoffaithmi8676

    Matthew 24:21
    For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.

  • @justfromcatholic
    @justfromcatholic Год назад +3

    Comparing what you believe based on Reformers' teaching and what the Catholic Church teaches with Scripture:
    (1) According to the Reformers justification is by faith alone and is therefore instantaneous. The Catholic Church, on the other hand, teaches that justification is on-going process that includes faith and sanctification. Which one is scriptural?
    The phrase "justified by faith" appears four times in New Testament (Rom. 3:28, 5:1, Gal. 2:16, 3:24). New Testament was written in Greek and the one in Rom. 3:28 is in Greek passive present tense while the rest are in Greek passive aorist tense. Both tenses do not indicate once for all justification. If Scripture teaches faith-alone justification, then the Holy Spirit would inspire Paul to write the phrase "justified by faith" in Greek passive perfect tense.

    (2) According to the Reformers through faith alone justification we are counted as righteous based on alien/external righteousness of Christ imputed on us, while we remain sinner at the same time. According to the Catholic Church through on-going justification we are made righteous through infusion of righteousness of God in us through Christ. We cannot be righteous and sinner at the same time. Which one is scriptural?
    Scripture says we are made righteous through Christ (Rom. 5:19). Eze. 33:12 says (ESV): “the righteous shall not be able to live by his righteousness when he sins.” - or we cannot be righteous and sinner at the same time. Why being made righteous through Christ is essential for our salvation? Death is the wages of sins (Rom. 6:23). It is righteousness that delivers from death (Pro. 10:2, 11:4). Whoever is steadfast in righteousness will live (Pro. 11:19, ESV). Jesus said in Mat. 25:46 that the righteous shall go to eternal life. In Gen. 15:6 what was counted (Hebrew verb חָשַׁב, Strong H2803) to Abraham for righteousness is faith. But what was counted (the same verb חָשַׁב) for righteousness to Phinehas in Psalms 106:31 was not faith but what he did as described in verse 30 (in more detail in Num. 25:7-8). Therefore, according to Scripture having faith is not the only source of our righteousness. Whoever practices righteousness is righteous, as he [Christ] is righteous (1 Jo. 3:7).
    (3) According to the Reformers through faith alone justification we get Christ’ righteousness imputed/counted on us while all our sins (past, present, and future) are imputed/counted on Christ who already paid the penalty of those sins on the cross. Christ’ righteousness, being imputed on us, does not become ours and our sins, being imputed on Christ, do not become His. According to the Catholic Church through justification we get God’s righteousness infused in us through Christ, and our sins (past, present, and future) must be forgiven or washed away through Sacraments instituted by Christ, provided we have chance to take those Sacraments - God can forgive sins without Sacraments because He is not bound by them. Which one is scriptural?
    Eze. 18:20 says (ESV) “The righteousness of the righteous shall be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon himself.” This verse plainly says that neither righteousness nor wickedness can be imputed or counted from one to another. We cannot avoid sinning and what we are supposed to do is stated in Eze. 33:14-16 (ESV) “Again, though I say to the wicked, ‘You shall surely die,’ yet if he turns from his sin and does what is just and right, if the wicked restores the pledge, gives back what he has taken by robbery, and walks in the statutes of life, not doing injustice, he shall surely live; he shall not die. None of the sins that he has committed shall be remembered against him. He has done what is just and right; he shall surely live.” Thus, whenever we sin, in order to get our righteous state back, we need (1) to turn ways from sin (repent) and (2) to do what is just and right.
    (4) According to the Reformers when we die and stands before God for our judgement (Heb. 9:27) He let us enter heaven because He won’t be able to see our sins being hidden under perfect righteousness of Christ. God punished Christ on the cross for our sins because He was not able to see His sinlessness being hidden under our sins. According to the Catholic Church when we die and stands before God for our judgement, He let us enter heaven if we die in righteous state. Christ willingly offered Himself to die on the cross for our sins to atone our sins - God did not punish Him for our sins. Which one is scriptural?
    Scripture says in Pro. 17:15 (ESV): “He who justifies the wicked and he who condemns the righteous are both alike an abomination to the LORD.” Double imputation of the Reformers makes God do abomination! Christ’ atonement is prefigured in the Old Covenant in yearly atonement made by the High Priest. According to Leviticus 16 once a year the High Priest chose one of two goats as sin offering to atone the sins of all Israelites (Lev. 16:8-9). That goat will be sacrificed (Lev. 16:15) and its blood sprinkled upon the mercy seat. The sins of all Israelites were imputed on the second goat, which was not sacrificed but released to the wild (Lev. 16:21-22). Christ is both the High priest and the victim (the first goat) of the New Covenant (Heb. 4:14, 9:11-12). While He died to bear our sins on the cross, our sins are not imputed on Him, just like the sins of all Israelites are not imputed on the first goat in Lev. 16:8-9. Why did He die for our sins? - Scripture says in Heb. 9:22 (ESV): “without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins”.

    • @theologywithseth
      @theologywithseth  Год назад +6

      Hi friend, while I disagree with your position, I appreciate your candor in highlighting the differences between Roman Catholicism and pure Bible-based Christianity. In an era where so many blur the distinctions, comments like these are a helpful reminder that there are still substantial differences among us that make significant impacts on how we think about salvation and the Gospel itself. Rather than argue, I'm simply going to challenge you to set aside Rome's traditions and read the Bible with fresh eyes, as if you've never read it before. In doing so I think you'll find that the teachings outlined on my channel, far from being the modern inventions of "the Reformers", are actually deeply rooted in the very Words of God Himself. Blessings!

    • @justfromcatholic
      @justfromcatholic Год назад +1

      @@theologywithseth Well, that what I did and summarized in those four points. I cite only from Scripture. Why don't read and attempt to response all my objections of the Reformers' teaching based on Scripture?

    • @justfromcatholic
      @justfromcatholic Год назад +1

      @robertstephenson6806 You made a lengthy response which has nothing to do with the topic of the video.

    • @justfromcatholic
      @justfromcatholic Год назад +1

      @robertstephenson6806 Why don't you explain, as a Unitarian, your view on justification and salvation?

    • @justfromcatholic
      @justfromcatholic Год назад +1

      @robertstephenson6806 you only cited from Scripture without any explnation on how you understand it.

  • @fightthegoodfightoffaithmi8676

    Ecclesiastes 3:1
    To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
    Mark 1:15
    And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.
    There's a time for everyone if they only learn Elton John Can You Feel the Love Tonight The Lion King.

  • @justfromcatholic
    @justfromcatholic Год назад +5

    To reply your misunderstanding of merits in Catholicism:
    When you work you merits your salary. Your salary is not a gift from your employer. The reason is equally, you and your employer need each other. Your employer needs your skill (otherwise they won't hire you) and you need your salary to pay your bill. It will be injustice if the employer refuses to pay your salary for you work or if you demand your salary without working.
    You cannot apply the same in our relation with God. Unlike our employer God does NOT need anything from us as He can do everything Himself. Yet we know that God, though His grace may and can use use some of us. He is NOT under any obligation to do that. A good example is God through His grace moves and enables a person to work as missionary. His missionary works "merits" salvation of others. Remember God can bring the good news to anybody on earth without the help of any missionary. Therefore Catholics understand merits in our relation with God as gift or grace from God. God is not under obligation to reward us for our works, made possible only by grace from God, but He does reward us as gifts from Him. Scripture does say God rewards us with eternal life for our works (emphasis in capital added):
    Do not marvel at this, for an hour is coming when all who are in the tombs will hear his voice and come out, THOSE WHO HAVE DONE GOOD TO THE RESURRECTION OF LIFE, and those who have done evil to the resurrection of judgment. (John 5:28-29, ESV)
    He will render to each one according to his works: to THOSE WHO BY PATIENCE IN WELL-DOING SEEK FOR GLORY AND HONOR AND IMMORTALITY, HE WILL GIVE ETERNAL LIFE; (Rom. 2:6-7)

    • @joelmcleay
      @joelmcleay Год назад +3

      "you and your employer need each other"
      So that's then not a relationship that reflects the relationship between God and man.
      Every breath we breathe is a gift from God by His grace. Roman Catholics believe you must essentially become a slave of the Pope to attain salvation, whereas I believe Christ has gifted me through grace, the eternal gift of salvation, and so the works I perform are in response to that gift, not to pay it back, which is impossible, not to justify it, it is simply overwhelming gratitude for His grace.
      I am a willing slave of Christ, not a slave of the Pope in the hope to have a short "purgatory" (false doctrine), following another man who is NOT God, yet claims inerrancy (yet there is more than one Pope in history that even the Roman Catholics denounce, yet during that man's life he was supposedly infallible!).
      Roman Catholicism is to enslave yourself to a flawed system run by men who usurp Jesus Christ's place as the head of the church. He never appointed Simon Peter to be the church's leader, because He is its leader on earth and in heaven. So Rome has no claim to something that does not belong to them - the body of Christ belongs to Christ not the tainted Popes and traditions of man espoused by Rome. Roman Catholicism is just a desperate attempt by Rome to keep up her imperial dream of ruling the world. She has lost - Jesus Christ alone is Victor and Ruler and King.

    • @justfromcatholic
      @justfromcatholic Год назад +1

      @@joelmcleay It is your caricature that Catholics are enslaved to the Pope - we are not. Our salvation does not depend on the Pope. Show me official Catholic teaching that supports what you think of Catholicism.

    • @joelmcleay
      @joelmcleay Год назад

      @@justfromcatholic lol, just lol... so you're not beholden to Papal Bulls, speaking ex cathedra isn't "the word of God", excommunication isn't effectively damnation, and pronouncement of anathema isn't a declaration of outright heresy?
      I suggest you go back to Catholic school or stop trying to make Rome sound more cushy than the historical monster it is.

  • @ojdavis6978
    @ojdavis6978 3 месяца назад

    I know a little bit about the JWs... And when you were talking about them... You missed what do they mean by obey all of God's commandments... What they mean by that is obey all commands coming from their leadership.... Not all commands coming from God through the scriptures... Perfect example what's the non-written command that JW's were not to wear a beard... If anyone was wearing a beard they were considered unspiritual...
    If you notice I said it was a unwritten command... The JW's were obligated to obey even when it was not something explicitly written by wt...
    Now I'm going to make it clear that I do not believe in once saved aways saved... Someone could lose their faith... For an example... Say a man has faith and lived his life according to his faith... But one day he lost his faith and decided to become a serial killer... Do you believe he is still saved?
    What I have noticed is that certain groups go from one extreme to another... Some will say no matter what you do after having faith cant lose it and the other groups with say no matter what you do you will never be saved unless you are perfect....
    Both are wrong...

  • @TienKhaiTH
    @TienKhaiTH Год назад +2

    So from what you say, basically EVERYONE can get to heaven if they appear to professed Christ. This is not salvation. SDA believe that we are righteous BY FAITH, but our lives has to be in the agreement with the faith. The law is the the mirror to help us see what are the things in our life that we must bring to Christ in order to be qualified. This video is saying "just say you believe in Christ, and you'll get the free ticket to heaven. You don't have to get your lives right before God whatsoever. Just believe."

    • @theologywithseth
      @theologywithseth  Год назад +5

      Hi friend, I'm sorry for the confusion but that is actually not my position and there are several points in the video where I make that clear. I believe good works are terribly important, but the difference is, they flow naturally out of us once we already have eternal life. They are not necessary prerequisites to be "qualified" for eternal life, but are the accompanying results. As I mentioned at the end of the video, we're justified by faith alone, but not by a faith that *is* alone. That's how eternal life can be a "free gift" (Romans 6:23) while at the same time manifesting itself in a life of obedience to God.

    • @kamekomiyamora
      @kamekomiyamora Год назад +1

      As a former SDA, 3rd gen, only church I've ever been to but have recently woken up to the lies in our doctrine....we are a false church. They say faith alone, but look into the 28 fundamental beliefs on their website. They will say faith alone, but it leads you into the investigative judgement which ultimately is decided by your works. Our church is all about the law, and it's all based on a false prophet. The bible says if a prophet makes even one false prophecy, we should not listen to them as they are not from God. Just like the Muslims and JW, we don't know if we're saved until the end. A true Christian is reborn once they repent and have real faith in Jesus. That faith allows them to receive the holy spirit which allows them to be obedient and pursue holiness. They do good works because they are saved, not to be saved. Adventist have a hard time understanding faith alone or accepting the free gift because we ultimately believe our works have weight on our salvation. Ellen teaches that Sunday is the mark of the beast, which automatically implies that Sabbath keeping us a must to be saved. Last week, I finally understood why people would say 'we have the 3 angels messages, other churches don't', even though I know it's from's because Ellen had interpretation about 1844, and that if other Sunday churches don't come out of Babylon, they will receive the mark and be damned. We aren't the true or remnant church like they keep proclaiming. We are a cult, and we've been lied to. It's easy to get caught up in it because of the Sabbath commandment, but it ultimately pushes aside grace and the gospel into worksbased salvation. Jesus told the pharisees of his day that they were hypocrites...but also tells us that unless our righteousness passes them, we won't be saved. SDAs are modern day Pharisees, priding themselves on the law and totally leaving Jesus out of the church. He's on the outside knocking, but we don't think we need him cause the ultimate goal is to be good enough without him. And if we aren't, then we won't pass the test and go to hell as well. A Christian shouldn't be living in fear of hell, which many of us do. But a Christian also won't be living in sin because God gave them a new heart and new desires. Sin disgusts them. They'll be good because they want to be a light in the world, they want to be close to their father, they don't want to open doors to demons and so on. They don't do good works to be saved, but because they are saved. Every religion does good works, so the only difference between a saved Christian and an unsaved one is their faith. Our good works are like dirty rags otherwise

    • @rickdavis2235
      @rickdavis2235 Месяц назад

      @TienKhaiTH WROTE: "This video is saying "just say you believe in Christ, and you'll get the free ticket to heaven. You don't have to get your lives right before God whatsoever. Just believe."
      You're close to the truth. Nowhere does Jesus tell us to "say you believe'. Jesus tells us to BELIEVE in Him and have eternal life.
      John 6:47
      Truly, truly, I say to you, he who BELIEVES has eternal life.
      John 6:35
      Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; he who comes to Me will not hunger, and he who BELIEVES in Me will never thirst.
      Acts 16:31
      They said, “BELIEVE in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household.”
      John 20:31
      but these have been written so that you may BELIEVE that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that BELIEVING you may have life in His name.
      John 6:40
      “For this is the will of My Father, that everyone who looks on the Son and BELIEVES in Him should have eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day.”
      John 5:24
      “Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever hears My word and BELIEVES Him who sent Me has eternal life. He does not come into judgment, but has passed from death to life.”
      John 3:36
      Whoever BELIEVES in the Son has eternal life; whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him.
      John 11:26
      “And everyone who lives and BELIEVES in Me shall never die. Do you BELIEVE this?”
      John 11:40
      Jesus *said to her, “Did I not say to you that if you BELIEVE, you will see the glory of God?”

  • @fightthegoodfightoffaithmi8676

    Yeah religion does indeed get salvation wrong to tell the truth about it.

  • @fightthegoodfightoffaithmi8676

    Wrong salvation by faith alone does not give us license to live in the things that Christ died to redeem us from at all anyone who says that is preaching and teaching false doctrine sir you need to repent unless you want to get the same end those foolish lost false prophets got in the days of Jeremiah before Jesus Christ came here to earth who succumbed to the temptation to prophesy lies in God's Name only a child of the devil who is lost and is a tare and does not have faith will live in those sins that Christ came to set mankind free from. No true believer who has been granted repentance unto life and reconciled to God through the New Covenant of Grace will want to go back to that vain life of sin and be brought in that bondage ever again.

  • @MeatBlog
    @MeatBlog Год назад +3

    Protestants wouldn't have the bible if it wasn't for Catholicism, simple as. Firstly, presuming to interpret scripture any way you please is incredibly prideful. Secondly, this concept is the reason why our society is collapsing and looking like the way it does. Jesus merited for us eternal life through his sacrifice but you need to cooperate with grace through faith to merit heaven. How would it make sense that the greatest reward in existence, that the saints who suffered immensely for, be this casual thing that you merit without being obliged to live a faithful life? Protestants don't understand the societal consequences of allowing this heresy to spread. Implicit in the doctrine of Sola Fide is solipsism, why even do anything good if your presumed to go to heaven? What even is 'good' if you have 30,000 denominations with a different answer?
    "You will know them by their fruits"
    Catholicism gave us Notre Dame.
    Protestantism gave us megachurches.
    Your choice western man.

    • @theologywithseth
      @theologywithseth  Год назад +5

      Hi friend! Thanks for commenting, but the main point in your comment is essentially just echoing the fifth objection I answer in my video. Be sure to watch to the end and you'll see how our doctrine, when properly understood, does not lead to "solipsism" but to lifelong joyful obedience.

    • @CalvaryandChristendom
      @CalvaryandChristendom 3 месяца назад

      ​@glennherron9499 As a non-Catholic: Most of this isn't what Catholics say and believe. First, Mary is not the Mother of the Trinity in their teaching, she is how Jesus (the Son) took flesh and became man, thus making her Theotokos (mother of God/BEARER of God). If you deny that Mary gave birth to God in the flesh, you are commiting the heresy of Nestorianism (seperating Jesus' humanity from His Divinity) Historic Protestants (Luther, Cranmer, Calvin, any of the mainline Prots) all agreed with the early Church that Mary is the Ark and the Mother of God. (Irenaeus, Council of Ephesus, etc.)
      Second, You seem to be ignoring Christian tradition, or what Christians have taught since Acts and afterwords. Did Paul establish Churches and successors (Apostolic succession?) 2 Timothy 2:2, Titus 1 5-9, seems like Paul is doing that. I don't agree that all Christians became apostate in 107. The Bible is the only God-breathed Scripture, but nowhere does it say it contains all the Apostles taught. However, we need historical evidence to SHOW what they taught, I don't just accept it blindly because that would be a tradition of men. You can read the writings of the Church Fathers to see what early Christians believed.
      The Catholics never told people to not pray to God. Mary was asked (in Heaven) for her prayers by early Christians, as were other people who went to Heaven/Paradise before us.

    • @rickdavis2235
      @rickdavis2235 Месяц назад

      @MeatBlog WROTE: "Protestants wouldn't have the bible if it wasn't for Catholicism, simple as."
      If I had a dollar for everytime a Catholic said.......... The Catholic church had nothing to do with giving us the Bible. They simply took the bible manuscripts and put it into codex form (book form). They did not choose the books. If Rome gave us the Bible in the 4th century A.D., that means they sat on it for 300 years and did nothing. God gave us the Bible, not Rome. That's a claim that does not hold up to scrutiny. History does not support the claim and scripture denies the claim.
      The Bible is not a Catholic book. Catholics did not write it, nor does their doctrines and church meet the description of the doctrine and church of which it speaks. The New Testament was completed before the end of the first century, A.D. The things in it do not correspond to the Catholic Church which hundreds of years after the death of the apostles slowly evolved into what it now is. The [Roman] Catholic Church is not the original and true church, but a "church" born of many departures and corruptions from the New Testament church.

  • @gregorylatta8159
    @gregorylatta8159 Год назад +2

    Works in no way prove salvation. The lord lord people did many wonderful Works and Jesus told them to depart from me I never knew you. Unbelievers can do good works so cannot be evidence of salvation. Testimony of an individuals .salvation is all we can go by.

    • @rexlion4510
      @rexlion4510 Год назад +2

      Oh, of course you're correct. An atheist could do good works, couldn't he? However, they wouldn't count. The reason they wouldn't count toward his justification is, first, our own righteousness is like filthy rags before God (see Isaiah), and second, no amount of good works done apart from God can counterbalance the guilt of just one least little sin.
      But that's not the point, is it. The point is, the author of this video never claimed works prove salvation. So you've raised a false "straw man" argument that is easy to knock down.
      Works done by someone who professes Christ as Savior are *evidence* of the existence of faith. If the faith is genuine and the works are done at the behest and enablement of the indwelling Holy Spirit, then all is well. If not, then the person is not right with God (but is putting on a good show that might fool others, or even himself, but not God).

    • @gregorylatta8159
      @gregorylatta8159 Год назад

      @@rexlion4510 Evidence is backloading works.

    • @mil-ns3rc
      @mil-ns3rc 5 месяцев назад

      MATT 25 31-41..Faith,Grace LOVE , works They will know we are CHRISTIANS by our LOVE