What is our natural state? My research on the human brain started in 1993. When, I asked a question to myself. Who am I? Eventually, another question popped up, How did I get this way? I was born 1961, a healthy eight pound and six ounces. But, this would all change at 18 months. At 18 months, something in my brain shifted, changed, I went from an active state to a passive state. My mother would get me out of bed in the morning, dress me, feed me and sit me on the floor. In the summer of '67, she let my oldest brother take me to the public pool. Where I nearly drowned, it was said that someone told the pool manager to stop, the boys not going to make it. "I have to try one more time" Obviously, that last try saved my life. The newspaper did say, he worked on me for a while. Four days later, I'm released from the hospital. And I'm not that same kid anymore, not only was I passive, I also, lacked affection and didn't like to be touched, not even by my mother. Something wonderful as come out of this traumatic experience. I am no longer in a passive state. I'm walking and exploring on my own for the first time in four years. What my parents didn't know was that everything about my mental state has changed, I'm pretty much like a newborn child with affection. Although, I was now living a normal life, My continued to treat me as they had before the near drowning took place. So, imagine, waking up and not having any awareness of yourself? Lets start here. I would remain in this state for the next 25 years, it wasn't until, I got in to my mid forties that I begin to really shift, change to become like those around me. By the age of 49, I was on three prescriptions, 80 plus pounds overweight, insomnia, migraines, and so, were the people I associated with, friends, relatives, family, co-workers, and standing in line at a grocery store or any line and I would hear people talk. Yes, they to behave just like and all the people I knew. 2010, age 51, I recall a question a doctor in India emailed to me. Are you a monk? IT would take me two years to discover what he was seeing, which I could not, "someone looking from outside can see what you can't" and it was so, much m, this monk-like state. 2012, I have figured out how I lived, a way that I had let go of. With just one year of living through four laws, which I changed from principles to laws, thanks to listening to the late Dr. Wayne Dyer. When, I started living as I did in the first 30 years of my life. The migraines were the first to go, then, the insomnia, then, I was able to get off the Viagra. By 2015, I have lost the 80 pounds, off blood pressure medication. My wife of 35 years is asking me, What are you doing, you look like you're getting younger and it bothered her for she wanted it. Yet, she couldn't and wouldn't change her ways to get this. Think about it. You are all in the same boat with her. And here's the reason for it. How many people do you know, and see everyday that is like me? There aren't any, so, it makes perfect sense to be like those around you. Just as you did in college, high school, elementary, and of course at home and with friends. We, humans are stuck on a false belief, so, we listen to people Lisa and Andrew Huberman, there's a long list of people and books telling us how to live and what to do to find whatever you're looking for to become successful or find love. It doesn't matter how we came to be, evolution or God's creation. What we must understand is that we are exactly like every other specie on this planet, when, it comes to how we turn on the magic, perform on a level rarely ever seen. This behavior should happen all on its own, ust as it does with all species on earth. We are no different. The first 12 years of my life was like being raised in a monastery. The first six years was lived in a passive meditative state, the next six years, I lived in an active meditative state. This created a meditative foundation, which would show me the way on how to move through any challenge, any conflict, any problem situation without having any awareness of myself. This is the flow.The space between the present and the future. My parents, never once pointed out anything wrong or right to me. They allowed me to hold on to these four laws that I firmly believe we to hold on to and continue using throughout our lives. When, a child comes into this world. That state of openness is to remain throughout the child's life. What did I notice about my parents, who never taught me anything. They lived fully in the present, they were highly productive people, rarely did I ever find them sitting down, unless, it was to eat. While, my siblings went to school, my classroom was out in the middle of nature. So, what is the purpose of having a brain like what we have? We are suppose to be fearless seekers of all knowledge. To be able to better utilize our brain to it's full potential. We must be able to keep an open mind to everything, everyone in all situations. For the moment, you turn away, fro some bias reason or selfish reason or what ever reason. You close a door and the brain makes adjustments and without thought(mushin), you move about on earth no longer collecting data as you did as a child. Limited data, puts limits on what your brain can do for you in situations that require some kind of instant input to prevent a problem from developing. Think about it, What's the reason for having this kind of brain, if, all we are going to do is barely apply it! -american monk
Viewing the brain as an economic regulator is only ONE way of thinking about it. One that works very well, but only from that one POV, and is just as revealing about how we perceive ourselves (currently economic issues are paramount because capitalism poses so many dangers to the majority of H. Sapiens, due to unprecedentedly, grossly imbalanced distribution of wealth)...i.e., "top-down" operation, authoritarian government, the increasing alliances between governmental institutions and mega-corporations, and the relentless capitalist process of sucking wealth UPWARDS... HOWEVER...from a more "panpsychist" perspective, there are MANY more ways to view, research, and describe a brain's functions, and the economic regulator is only a small part of what is actually going on. Once again, we are obsessing on the mechanics, and CONFLATING MECHANICS WITH *REAL* HOW AND WHY QUESTIONS AND POSSIBLE ANSWERS. IMO Barrett Feldman is extremely clever and offers some great insights, but they are profoundly shallow and limited in their contributions to human EVOLUTION OF CONSCIOUSNESS, which MUST occur if we are to become a truly SUSTAINABLE SPECIES before we make ourselves EXTINCT. And part of this evolution is to view ECONOMICS as only one SMALL part of how we need to experience our universe in order to grow the bleep up before we blow ourselves the bleep up. For instance, it could well be that, while there are no specific LOCATIONS of the "triune brain," the actual energetic "bandwidths" of function could nevertheless BE "triune" in terms of levels of CONSCIOUSNESS (especially SELF consciousness), even while the electro-chemical activity could appear the same throughout large swaths of the brain. Same goes for the very real fact that the more branched-out and varied the behavior (i.e., longer-lived, longer juvenile periods of education, more "play," increased capacity for humor, greater variation of social duties within a species' community), the more cortex and especially NEOcortex a species--at least a mammalian one--seems to possess. This is just one example of where her scholarship ignores large swaths of research, as clever and intriguing as it may be at the moment.
What is our natural state? My research on the human brain started in 1993. When, I asked a question to myself. Who am I? Eventually, another question popped up, How did I get this way?
I was born 1961, a healthy eight pound and six ounces. But, this would all change at 18 months. At 18 months, something in my brain shifted, changed, I went from an active state to a passive state. My mother would get me out of bed in the morning, dress me, feed me and sit me on the floor.
In the summer of '67, she let my oldest brother take me to the public pool. Where I nearly drowned, it was said that someone told the pool manager to stop, the boys not going to make it. "I have to try one more time" Obviously, that last try saved my life. The newspaper did say, he worked on me for a while.
Four days later, I'm released from the hospital. And I'm not that same kid anymore, not only was I passive, I also, lacked affection and didn't like to be touched, not even by my mother. Something wonderful as come out of this traumatic experience. I am no longer in a passive state. I'm walking and exploring on my own for the first time in four years.
What my parents didn't know was that everything about my mental state has changed, I'm pretty much like a newborn child with affection. Although, I was now living a normal life, My continued to treat me as they had before the near drowning took place.
So, imagine, waking up and not having any awareness of yourself? Lets start here. I would remain in this state for the next 25 years, it wasn't until, I got in to my mid forties that I begin to really shift, change to become like those around me. By the age of 49, I was on three prescriptions, 80 plus pounds overweight, insomnia, migraines, and so, were the people I associated with, friends, relatives, family, co-workers, and standing in line at a grocery store or any line and I would hear people talk. Yes, they to behave just like and all the people I knew.
2010, age 51, I recall a question a doctor in India emailed to me. Are you a monk? IT would take me two years to discover what he was seeing, which I could not, "someone looking from outside can see what you can't" and it was so, much m, this monk-like state.
2012, I have figured out how I lived, a way that I had let go of. With just one year of living through four laws, which I changed from principles to laws, thanks to listening to the late Dr. Wayne Dyer. When, I started living as I did in the first 30 years of my life. The migraines were the first to go, then, the insomnia, then, I was able to get off the Viagra.
By 2015, I have lost the 80 pounds, off blood pressure medication. My wife of 35 years is asking me, What are you doing, you look like you're getting younger and it bothered her for she wanted it. Yet, she couldn't and wouldn't change her ways to get this. Think about it. You are all in the same boat with her.
And here's the reason for it. How many people do you know, and see everyday that is like me? There aren't any, so, it makes perfect sense to be like those around you. Just as you did in college, high school, elementary, and of course at home and with friends.
We, humans are stuck on a false belief, so, we listen to people Lisa and Andrew Huberman, there's a long list of people and books telling us how to live and what to do to find whatever you're looking for to become successful or find love.
It doesn't matter how we came to be, evolution or God's creation. What we must understand is that we are exactly like every other specie on this planet, when, it comes to how we turn on the magic, perform on a level rarely ever seen. This behavior should happen all on its own, ust as it does with all species on earth. We are no different.
The first 12 years of my life was like being raised in a monastery. The first six years was lived in a passive meditative state, the next six years, I lived in an active meditative state. This created a meditative foundation, which would show me the way on how to move through any challenge, any conflict, any problem situation without having any awareness of myself. This is the flow.The space between the present and the future.
My parents, never once pointed out anything wrong or right to me. They allowed me to hold on to these four laws that I firmly believe we to hold on to and continue using throughout our lives. When, a child comes into this world. That state of openness is to remain throughout the child's life.
What did I notice about my parents, who never taught me anything. They lived fully in the present, they were highly productive people, rarely did I ever find them sitting down, unless, it was to eat. While, my siblings went to school, my classroom was out in the middle of nature.
So, what is the purpose of having a brain like what we have? We are suppose to be fearless seekers of all knowledge. To be able to better utilize our brain to it's full potential. We must be able to keep an open mind to everything, everyone in all situations. For the moment, you turn away, fro some bias reason or selfish reason or what ever reason. You close a door and the brain makes adjustments and without thought(mushin), you move about on earth no longer collecting data as you did as a child.
Limited data, puts limits on what your brain can do for you in situations that require some kind of instant input to prevent a problem from developing.
Think about it, What's the reason for having this kind of brain, if, all we are going to do is barely apply it! -american monk
Superb discussion
Phenomenal Content 🔥
Thanks. I thought so too! Wish I had
more time with her! So if we live in a solipsistic universe I am just replying to me.
Viewing the brain as an economic regulator is only ONE way of thinking about it. One that works very well, but only from that one POV, and is just as revealing about how we perceive ourselves (currently economic issues are paramount because capitalism poses so many dangers to the majority of H. Sapiens, due to unprecedentedly, grossly imbalanced distribution of wealth)...i.e., "top-down" operation, authoritarian government, the increasing alliances between governmental institutions and mega-corporations, and the relentless capitalist process of sucking wealth UPWARDS... HOWEVER...from a more "panpsychist" perspective, there are MANY more ways to view, research, and describe a brain's functions, and the economic regulator is only a small part of what is actually going on. Once again, we are obsessing on the mechanics, and CONFLATING MECHANICS WITH *REAL* HOW AND WHY QUESTIONS AND POSSIBLE ANSWERS. IMO Barrett Feldman is extremely clever and offers some great insights, but they are profoundly shallow and limited in their contributions to human EVOLUTION OF CONSCIOUSNESS, which MUST occur if we are to become a truly SUSTAINABLE SPECIES before we make ourselves EXTINCT. And part of this evolution is to view ECONOMICS as only one SMALL part of how we need to experience our universe in order to grow the bleep up before we blow ourselves the bleep up.
For instance, it could well be that, while there are no specific LOCATIONS of the "triune brain," the actual energetic "bandwidths" of function could nevertheless BE "triune" in terms of levels of CONSCIOUSNESS (especially SELF consciousness), even while the electro-chemical activity could appear the same throughout large swaths of the brain. Same goes for the very real fact that the more branched-out and varied the behavior (i.e., longer-lived, longer juvenile periods of education, more "play," increased capacity for humor, greater variation of social duties within a species' community), the more cortex and especially NEOcortex a species--at least a mammalian one--seems to possess. This is just one example of where her scholarship ignores large swaths of research, as clever and intriguing as it may be at the moment.