Quitting Drinking Is Easier When You Eliminate This Hidden Belief

  • Опубликовано: 22 апр 2024
  • You might not realize it, but if you’re struggling to stop drinking when you want to it’s because you have a lot of subconscious beliefs about alcohol that get in the way.
    One of the most common is the belief that drinking alcohol makes you happy.
    Subconscious beliefs are tricky because they’re hidden, and you aren’t aware you have them until you start looking for them.
    It’s unlikely that anyone said to you, “Hey, did you know that alcohol makes you happy,” and you probably don’t remember ever thinking that it does.
    But the belief that alcohol makes you happy is there somewhere deep in your mind influencing your behavior.
    In this video, we’ll uncover, challenge, and then change this belief so it stops conflicting with your decision to cut back or quit.
    Removing the conflict will make it easier for you to stop drinking.
    You won’t feel cravings or that automatic pilot feeling, and quitting won’t be such a struggle.

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