Ephesians 3:1-21 God’s love surpasses knowledge

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
  • Hi Friends,
    Last week we learned that we have been brought near to God through the blood of Christ Jesus. And we are seated in the heavenly realms above all principalities and powers with Christ. We are fellow citizens with God‘s people and are members of God’s household, being joined together to become a holy temple in the Lord. What a privileged life we lead!
    This week we will discuss one of my favorite passages. This passage expresses God’s immense love for us, and His unimaginable power that works within us. Let’s take a look.
    Questions for Ephesians 3
    1. Paul writes to the Ephesians while he is a prisoner. He talks about the grace God had given him to reveal the mystery of Christ. What does Paul mean by “the mystery of Christ”? Vs 1-6
    2. In verse 6, we see the phrase “through the gospel”. This is a churchy word, and I want to make sure we all understand it. What does the gospel of Christ mean?
    3. It was the power of God that gave Paul this gift of grace to preach to the Gentiles about the unsearchable riches of Christ. Before Paul declared this mystery, where had this mystery been hidden? Vs. 7-9
    4. Through the church, the manifold wisdom of God is being made known. To whom is this wisdom being given? Vs. 10-11
    5. Paul had suffered greatly to bring this news to the gentiles. What truth was so important that Paul would gladly choose to suffer for Christ? Vs. 12-13
    6. In the Old Testament, on the day of atonement, the priest could go into the Most Holy Place once a year with a blood sacrifice. Lev 16:1-3, 17:11
    Contrast this with the new way to approach God. Heb 9:6-15 & 4:16
    7. Paul kneels in prayer before the Father (God is the Father of all in heaven and on earth), and asks for us to be strengthened. How are we strengthened in our inner man? Vs. 14-17a & John 6:44&65
    8. Paul asked the Father that we would know His love, that surpasses knowledge, and be filled with it. What do you think it means to know God‘s love and be filled with it? Vs 17-19 & 1 John 4:7-12
    9. We need God’s power to grasp the full measure of His love. In 1 Cor 13:1-7, Paul gives us more structure (height, width, depth) about true, godly love. What additional information do you find from this passage?
    10. All glory goes to God for His power working in and through us. How great is the power of God and what is possible with God's power? Vs 20-21
    11. God’s plans are always bigger than we can understand. Although we try to figure them out, ultimately we need faith to rest in God’s sufficiency. What do you need to trust God with today?
    We live in a great time of history. God’s mystery has been revealed, and his Spirit strengthens our inner being with His love. God can do exceedingly more than we could ask or even imagine, so we must walk in faith, trusting God as he leads us. May we seek to know Christ more through faith, and may God give us a greater understanding of His surpassing love for each of us.

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