MHW:I - Tempered Coral Pukei Pukei 5'47 (Solo SnS)

  • Опубликовано: 7 фев 2025
  • Just cleaning up optionals

Комментарии • 56

  • @MaestroNox
    @MaestroNox  5 лет назад +34

    Was cleaning up optional quests while progressing and happened upon a clean run so here ya go
    Really not sure why quality is so terrible, sorry about that friends.
    Anything that drops thorn pods with the tenderize is just SnS food

  • @Kanoa99
    @Kanoa99 5 лет назад +13

    love the perfect rush cancel loops

  • @LCDgunmage
    @LCDgunmage 5 лет назад +7

    Beautiful run! You are a joy to watch and an inspiration to all SnS players

  • @BoJangles42
    @BoJangles42 5 лет назад +4

    Awesome run as always.
    I’m loving the new SnS moveset and the clutch claw, especially the Perfect Rush and Flinch Shot.

  • @Kalagni1000
    @Kalagni1000 5 лет назад +4

    So clean. SNS are looking so awesome in iceborne. I only have MHGen coz i dont have PS4. So as SNS player in MHgen, your sns run in iceborne are so damn entertaining.

  • @fuzz134
    @fuzz134 5 лет назад

    Ok, so I'm far from the only one that does this with thorn pods.

  • @Arisdex
    @Arisdex 5 лет назад

    Giochi davvero bene SnS.
    Anch'io ho da poco ricominciato ad usarla e la sto adorando; avevo smesso perché su W base (secondo me me) era una arma mediocre, ma ora su IB è diventata finalmente la SnS che volevo che fosse nella next gen.
    Sempre stata la mia arma preferita specialmente su MhGen/GenU.

  • @widows_tear4533
    @widows_tear4533 5 лет назад +1

    best iceborne sns

  • @collesque5045
    @collesque5045 5 лет назад +2

    2:14 what a sexy flinch

  • @T_K_W
    @T_K_W 5 лет назад +4

    Is the Velk sns better than Shrieking Legiana? I assumed the huge difference in Element offset the purple sharpness?

    • @ubermaster1
      @ubermaster1 5 лет назад

      RoadRunner purple sharpness isn’t worth upkeeping in comparison to how stupid powerful elements are now

    • @athanasios3019
      @athanasios3019 5 лет назад

      Sns needs both raw and element maybe true ele crit can change that ?

  • @collesque5045
    @collesque5045 5 лет назад

    Cool monster, cool run

  • @latinoheat612
    @latinoheat612 5 лет назад

    Damn that was awesome

  • @jumad4971
    @jumad4971 5 лет назад +1

    It kinda blows my mind how much you evade with the base s of the roll.

    • @SakaiYuji1405
      @SakaiYuji1405 5 лет назад +1

      I think capcom increase the base a little bit in iceborne, before iceborne i can barely evade with it but now it feel like it easier to evade with base now

  • @LCDgunmage
    @LCDgunmage 5 лет назад +1

    When firing a flinch shot into their face does the slinger ammo quantity/type make any difference besides damage numbers? Like will bright moss and stones still send them flying like any monster ammo drops?

  • @Dr3amWa7ker
    @Dr3amWa7ker 5 лет назад +2

    Hey there what do u think about Namielle's set bonus on sns? I came up with a set which has the same skills shown on this video but with Namielle's set skill instead of master touch. Was wondering if it's worth on elementals

    • @MaestroNox
      @MaestroNox  5 лет назад +3

      Sharpness is really important for SnS, and the Namielle set bonus only gives 90 more element, which isn't worth the sharpness maintenance.
      Its a cool skill though

    • @MrNamenamenamename
      @MrNamenamenamename 5 лет назад +1

      You're really important for sns

  • @julianfeo1995
    @julianfeo1995 5 лет назад +2

    What's your thoughts on the narga set? Been using it all master rank even in guiding lands, you hardly lose sharpness i love it

    • @MaestroNox
      @MaestroNox  5 лет назад +3

      It was a set I used midway through MR, with the odo waist and the fulgar helm, its pretty good

  • @saber1706
    @saber1706 5 лет назад +3

    What's is the best ice sns velkana or Legiana ?

    • @seide2829
      @seide2829 5 лет назад

      I kinda feel it's velkhana I haven't maxed it out yet but comparing both rn velkhanas has slightly more raw but lacks the elemental. Shrieking legianas has way more elemental rn and it's just superior at least for me I'll have to see the final upgrade tho

    • @seide2829
      @seide2829 5 лет назад

      Ok so I checked velkhanas has 30 or so more raw but it has like 200 ice less than legianas. Legianas has 30 less raw but about 200 more ice

  • @xXLucWuvXx
    @xXLucWuvXx 5 лет назад

    Really awesome video. I finally find someone who really knows how to use Sns. Could you please help a sns brother?(Me)lol. I have a 2 questions.
    Raw high atk swords vs Elemental weapons(Which are better?)
    And are elemental weapons better than ailment weapons?(Like Poison)

  • @echeverry1987
    @echeverry1987 5 лет назад +3

    What SnS did you start the game with? What others you recommend to farm?

    • @MaestroNox
      @MaestroNox  5 лет назад +8

      I started with Pukei Pukei, I recommend making all the elemental ones, Rath, Zinogre, Final Boss, Velkhana, Namielle

    • @seide2829
      @seide2829 5 лет назад +1

      @@MaestroNox what about the SnS from shrieking legiana tho? Imo it has way more elemental damage than velkhanas I'm reaching 640 ice and it's not even upgraded to max yet it's raw damage is also decent

    • @samuelgage5982
      @samuelgage5982 5 лет назад

      @@seide2829 raw is still more important than elemental by enough of a stretch that velkhanas sns becomes superior to legianas

    • @MrKrizix
      @MrKrizix 5 лет назад

      @@MaestroNox Velkhana over Legiana ? It has better elemental dmg on Legiana no ?

    • @DarkNexus530
      @DarkNexus530 5 лет назад

      @@MrKrizix IIRC Elemental Damage has a cap so Raw is still more favorable even with the SnS.

  • @dereknguyen7595
    @dereknguyen7595 4 года назад +1

    This...this is animal abuse

  • @MrKrizix
    @MrKrizix 5 лет назад

    Hey Maestro, i see you dont use crit element here. I'm newbie tryharding SnS and i lack of knowledge... What should i target ? I already have a Legiana and Pukei since i Heard i had to go element and not raw.
    I also noticed i deal less more with shield Bash so going element makes sense ? Ty for your videos i try to learn from this

  • @TheTarv
    @TheTarv 5 лет назад

    Been thinking about builds and how much elemental damage has been buffed. Looks like you are replacing the old pump up attack with pump up element. Is that your overall suggestion?

    • @MaestroNox
      @MaestroNox  5 лет назад +2

      Sorta, I'm still upgrading charms and things (ele attack charms can go up to ele attack 5 now!) So the more complete I get the more extra attack I can fit in.

    • @TheTarv
      @TheTarv 5 лет назад

      @@MaestroNox awesome! I'm really excited as I took my time with the story and just finished it tonight. So here I come grinding! Look forward to your videos moving forward!

  • @Chavantez009
    @Chavantez009 5 лет назад

    so is there not much of a need for attack boost for damage output now? is it better to run high elemental damage weapons with crictical eye and crit boost?

    • @seide2829
      @seide2829 5 лет назад

      Yeah at least for SnS, attack boost only builds up in long fights otherwise it's just a minor boost

  • @eliopegoraro4330
    @eliopegoraro4330 5 лет назад

    Nice! I still can't understand how can you use your pos like a shotgun tho, what buttons do i have i push?

    • @MaestroNox
      @MaestroNox  5 лет назад +2

      When aiming with the slinger with SnS, press R3 to switch to slinger burst mode, and thats shotgun mode

    • @BoJangles42
      @BoJangles42 5 лет назад +1

      Elio Pegoraro while unsheathed, L2 + R3 puts the slinger into Flinch Shot mode. While activated, your slinger fires multiple projectiles of whatever ammo is loaded while still using only 1 “round” of the ammo. The shot projectiles have short range but do much more damage, and some ammo explodes or has a small AOE.
      Slinger resets to normal mode if you sheathe or change back to normal mode with L2+R3

  • @Quansters
    @Quansters 5 лет назад

    How do you back jump after rolling out of 2nd perfect rush without throwing an attack??

    • @LtLegault
      @LtLegault 5 лет назад

      You can cancel out of any part of the perfect rush by just press the roll button any choosing a direction.

    • @lvlxXxlvl
      @lvlxXxlvl 5 лет назад +1

      You can backhop out of a roll by pressing B/circle. Attacks are not the only way to initiate a backhop. You can also do it just by raising shield with RT/(R2? Corresponding button on ps4) followed by back+B/circle. Just a little FYI info in case you haven't picked that up yet.

  • @Nawak01320
    @Nawak01320 5 лет назад

    It is worth to use element SnS without crit elem?

    • @MaestroNox
      @MaestroNox  5 лет назад

      Im not running elemental crit in this video nor the last one. So yes.

    • @MrNamenamenamename
      @MrNamenamenamename 5 лет назад

      What about true crit ele

  • @Youtubian392
    @Youtubian392 5 лет назад

    Armour set?

  • @rhiethreal
    @rhiethreal 5 лет назад +1

    Please, no flash photography.

  • @IPrins1998
    @IPrins1998 5 лет назад

    Maybe I'm just a scrub but Coral Pyukei made me wanna rip my hair out, he was so annoying for some reason, awesome run either way👌🏽

    • @devv197
      @devv197 5 лет назад

      I didn't cart to anyone else when I was starting off other than Coral Pukei Pukei. I wasn't expecting the water stream to split. 😆

  • @AD_D40
    @AD_D40 5 лет назад

    man how do you do that combo??? 😮😮😮

  • @warriors_of_westheimerbyak8048
    @warriors_of_westheimerbyak8048 5 лет назад

    Clutch claw spammz