What an interesting topic on 點翠! I am intrigued by it's history and how detailed of its craftmanship! Looking forward for you have a further discussion on it. Margaret, thanks for sharing your collections with us and the story on how you discovered this treasure box!
Those two pieces are from a Manchu dianzi headdress. And that “hairpin” IS A HAIRPIN!!!! It was used specifically for the Manchu liangbatao headdress!!!
每一集的(珠圆玉润),都让我对珠宝玉器有了新的了解和认识。特别是这集,第一次听到"点翠","活"的金银手饰。感谢 Margaret 将这个中国传统工艺介绍给大家,期待Margaret 给我们带来更多这类艺术和文化的欣赏,谢谢。
謝謝您 Margaret
穿古裝 更加靚 😍🥰🥰
看到這集介紹的點翠鏤金、很驚訝手飾居然可以做得如此精緻。令人想到從前帝王家美麗的畫面。我贊同 Elise H 的觀點,如果主持人的穿著不要如此戲劇,而較以珠寶為主角,會跟本集話題協調一些。或許也能讓觀眾有機會看到珠寶與平時服飾的搭配。若有專輯介紹珠寶與服飾的搭配,會很期待哦!
看了幾集珠圓玉潤學到了很多知識也長了不少見識。謝謝嘉賓Margaret 提供這麼多寶貴的知識節目。不知道以後會繼續下去嗎?希望能夠介紹更多分辨珠寶和如何搭配衣服的單元。另外覺得這集的畫面太過違和。畢竟這是個是知識性的訪談節目而不是戲劇節目。
@贝欣 妳指的”隆重繁艷”是什麼意思呢?
What an interesting topic on 點翠! I am intrigued by it's history and how detailed of its craftmanship! Looking forward for you have a further discussion on it. Margaret, thanks for sharing your collections with us and the story on how you discovered this treasure box!
Those two pieces are from a Manchu dianzi headdress. And that “hairpin” IS A HAIRPIN!!!! It was used specifically for the Manchu liangbatao headdress!!!