Hey, a question. Which pension plan does Csis offer to the staff? is it the same as the rest of the government of Canada staff's pension? or is their pension also separate and secret? Thanks
Hey man! If you’re still in the area I have been sitting in the rain the whole situation is documented and figured out but I hage not had a single offer of support or text or anything and the people who are involved are still intercepting my calls and texts and emails and support and everything else. ℹ have been sending out SOS and reporting all day today and night everyday to document the situation but I don’t know if the right people are in my phone so I haven’t been able to get any support yet and last night was a dangerous situation that I needed to get to the bottom of and I would love it if you could send me emergency help to the first Baptist Church on spruce street in Florence Oregon where I have been in the rain all day. Thanks 🙏
Hey, a question. Which pension plan does Csis offer to the staff? is it the same as the rest of the government of Canada staff's pension? or is their pension also separate and secret? Thanks
Hey man! If you’re still in the area I have been sitting in the rain the whole situation is documented and figured out but I hage not had a single offer of support or text or anything and the people who are involved are still intercepting my calls and texts and emails and support and everything else. ℹ have been sending out SOS and reporting all day today and night everyday to document the situation but I don’t know if the right people are in my phone so I haven’t been able to get any support yet and last night was a dangerous situation that I needed to get to the bottom of and I would love it if you could send me emergency help to the first Baptist Church on spruce street in Florence Oregon where I have been in the rain all day. Thanks 🙏