what we should do to not make our oc's boring 😴😩 (gacha club) ✨

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 915

  • @istoleurmom
    @istoleurmom Год назад +945

    You're OCs are so detailed! They are loaded with accessories but still look so pretty~ My OCs are very boring because less accessories means easier tweening/animation and less parts required for the base and less time needed to seperate all the accessories... But now I feel like remaking an OC with your tips just for fun :')✨

    • @ionelalexandra
      @ionelalexandra Год назад +12

      Fr, I really love her style 💖✨

    • @saix_unicorn
      @saix_unicorn Год назад +14

      a simple oc still really cool 😊 if it's easier for you to use a simple one, you can keep it that way, you don't need it to be extremly detailed to be good, but if you really want one detailed, go for it! 🙌 but whatever how you will make your oc, they still will look really cool and good ♡
      i just went to see your account and i love your style!!

    • @PartsOfABox
      @PartsOfABox Год назад +3


    • @istoleurmom
      @istoleurmom Год назад +3

      @@saix_unicorn Tyyy 💖 I think I don't wanna be too detailed. At most I'm just trying it out for fun. But aw your comments so sweet, thank you!

    • @istoleurmom
      @istoleurmom Год назад +2

      @@PartsOfABox YESYESYES I love Calcifer so muchhhhhhhhhh

  • @thekirstenempire
    @thekirstenempire Год назад +207

    I’d like to think that it’s only another person’s view if something seems boring, if the creator doesnt like it then that’s their choice, but if it’s just others who think that and the creator is happy w their OC, then they shouldnt have to change their OC to be less ‘boring’, I went through a phase where i looked at other’s OCs and they thought mine was boring, it hurt sm and I even changed my style to other’s liking, I look back and I wish i still had those OC’s, because they were amazing to me ^^

    • @istoleurmom
      @istoleurmom Год назад +20

      I used to wonder what those people who had their OCs added to the assets thought whenever they saw a glow up/OC tutorial video calling their OC 'boring' or 'bad' lol. I've seen a lot of videos calling some assets bad. Honestly, while I might agree with some of those videos, it might not be that nice if the OC creator saw someone publicly call their OC 'bad' for a video.

    • @thekirstenempire
      @thekirstenempire Год назад +12

      @@istoleurmom fr it’s kinda odd to publicly call someone’s oc boring or bad when they didnt even consent to it-

    • @ionelalexandra
      @ionelalexandra Год назад +1

      Yeah exactly

    • @Unik1tty_pl4yZ
      @Unik1tty_pl4yZ Год назад +5

      My OC is so different now because alot of people used to hate on my old OC and keep telling me to change it

    • @chinwokenwafor871
      @chinwokenwafor871 Год назад +1

      Exactly this is so so true!!!!

  • @Khairgoli
    @Khairgoli Год назад +450

    Mika is so underrated and creative❤she deserves a bunny! (A special one🌟)

    • @AnAbomination694
      @AnAbomination694 Год назад +59

      wait- she's underrated? she has 908K subs, but...

    • @IDontHaveANamejustcallmeA
      @IDontHaveANamejustcallmeA Год назад +41

      She’s almost at a million she is not underrated but she does deserve her subs

    • @Khairgoli
      @Khairgoli Год назад +8

      @@IDontHaveANamejustcallmeA how is she not underrated😅

    • @Milly-na
      @Milly-na Год назад +3

      Yay I'm getting one after the result of my exams

    • @akaGamerChlos
      @akaGamerChlos Год назад +19

      ​@@KhairgoliShe's really popular and works hard for her videos :> Well she's kind of overrated but she deserves the attention because she works hard on her videos :D

  • @erichcbeldad2579
    @erichcbeldad2579 Год назад +25

    I love uniquely adjusted ocs because its more intresting and its more appealing to look at

  • @exclusiivelyNJ
    @exclusiivelyNJ Год назад +73

    You're style really makes things pop! Keep up your amazing work. 🐰💛✨🌸

  • @Xynmin
    @Xynmin Год назад +30

    My greatest tip for making ocs is the colour scheme. Some people say it’s not that important, but, me personally, it is. It’s a way to make ocs look better and less messy. And it would look a bit more unique with all the details you will add.

  • @pandacub0000
    @pandacub0000 Год назад +55

    I feel like the best ways to make an OC "not boring", even simple ones, it's all about adjustments and the color palette. You don't necessarily need to adjust anything, but the color palette is definitely the most important feature to me. Try playing around with different colors to see what works best for you. But definitely try not to overuse the exact same color on the outfit (ex. blue). If you want the outfit to be monochrome, for example, use multiple different shades. Monochrome isn't about the same color; it's about the shades of that color. You could use one shade for one part of the outfit and an entirely different shade for another part.

  • @abegailbas686
    @abegailbas686 Год назад +198

    Your ocs are always so detailed and cute.
    Here's a tip! Keep looking at reffs or practice on making better and better ocs. Learning some tricks here and there, cause if you scroll all the way down to Mika's old videos you can see that she definitely didn't start off like this. She took her time to make her ocs look spectacular each time progressing

    • @Cheripøp_Står
      @Cheripøp_Står Год назад +6

      ty for the tip! [Coming from someone who rejoined the community :)]

    • @rodiyahatoke
      @rodiyahatoke Год назад

      the tip is reely good. i dont feel discouraged by my bad ocs anymore!

  • @Char_stafe_arg.75
    @Char_stafe_arg.75 Год назад +173

    your ocs are very detailed, and very beautiful! keep it up Mika giving good tips 💗🐇
    Edit: Help like 155 likes this comment I wrote it 2 months ago☠️Thank you all✨

    @TREES.NUMBER.1FAN Год назад +12

    This is really helpful, thanks mika!

  • @rac00npi3
    @rac00npi3 Год назад +69

    Help why did you remove this earlier 😭😭

    • @NouarNouar-vp8gu
      @NouarNouar-vp8gu Месяц назад +2

      They said they want à not boring or and have fun you dont understand

  • @LXKXIS3ere
    @LXKXIS3ere Год назад +23

    I cant imagine a more creative gacha tuber more than you

    • @ionelalexandra
      @ionelalexandra Год назад

      Yeah she's one of the most creative gachatubers I know.

    • @ARandomGrape.
      @ARandomGrape. Год назад

      @@ionelalexandraAAA WHY YOU HERE AGAINNN

    • @ionelalexandra
      @ionelalexandra Год назад

      @@ARandomGrape. idk 😭😔

    • @Gir_fan
      @Gir_fan Год назад +1

      That is popular

  • @mochiunbra1386
    @mochiunbra1386 Год назад +3

    Your styling sense and fashion is awesome!

  • @anikaprasad2612
    @anikaprasad2612 Год назад +2

    I swear half of these gachatubers, including you, have the power to take the fashion industry by storm.

  • @ItzVul
    @ItzVul Год назад +9

    I love your style it’s so cute!!

  • @Smile-Dot
    @Smile-Dot Год назад +16

    The redesign looks amazing! I'm def gonna try some of these tips😊

  • @istraws
    @istraws Год назад +6

    no oc is boring, it’s the opinion, if u like the oc that means it’s not boring.. every oc deserves to be loved

  • @Lucifer_Stan
    @Lucifer_Stan Год назад +2

    Amazing video! Tysm for these tips, buuuttt... 3:15 "never rash" got me crying 🤣

  • @AlisterIsDead
    @AlisterIsDead Год назад +14

    No ocs are *boring* , their all unique and different with a different style, so theres no *boring* and *not boring* videos

  • @LotsOfLemonsrblx
    @LotsOfLemonsrblx Год назад +6

    Finally a tutorial I understand
    (You're amazing❤)

  • @anastasianachkebia
    @anastasianachkebia Год назад +3

    Mika is so talented she can make every oc PERFECT AND AMAZING

  • @Zesty_VlexzIg29
    @Zesty_VlexzIg29 Год назад +4

    Finally, ✨A FULL VERSION✨ you r beautiful gurl ! 😍 Slay gurl 💅

  • @Peanutzz_12
    @Peanutzz_12 Год назад +4

    I like it ✨✌❤❤
    You are the masterpiece✨ 😊

  • @ClaoreYay
    @ClaoreYay Год назад +2


  • @Hellostary星
    @Hellostary星 Год назад +3

    Thanks of much for giving tips! I really wanted to know how you make such detailed and bootifol ocs ! Love you’re vids

  • @RosslynAbby_TKS_ILoveConnor777
    @RosslynAbby_TKS_ILoveConnor777 Год назад +1

    Mika you are so creative, i'm impressed!!!! 😍🫶🫰🌸💖

  • @Misachi.
    @Misachi. Год назад +4

    Your ocs are so good continue like that Mika but don’t forget to take a break if you need it

  • @KitteyKitty
    @KitteyKitty Год назад +1

    Mika can make everything look amazing like wow!!!!✨✨✨

  • @CosmicSeaofstars7462
    @CosmicSeaofstars7462 Год назад +25

    Remember, your oc doesn’t need to be detailed like Mika just make features that stand out.

  • @Mir_mir09876
    @Mir_mir09876 2 месяца назад +1

    It's so pretty 😭

  • @pkxd.girl123
    @pkxd.girl123 Год назад +5

    Your so good at making OC's 💖

  • @BlackKitty_chan
    @BlackKitty_chan 6 месяцев назад +1

    Mika I love so much your talent and your videos ❤❤😊😊

  • @Kiou15
    @Kiou15 Год назад +7

    You are so good at making ocs!

  • @Yashironene27
    @Yashironene27 Год назад +1

    I can’t believe your almost at 1 mill you deserve it ❤❤❤

  • @Tsukisdeath
    @Tsukisdeath Год назад +3


  • @paul-kuasonia2513
    @paul-kuasonia2513 Год назад +2

    I'm definitely using these tips, u should be at 1M, u deserve it, slay queen.

  • @PickleWonder
    @PickleWonder Год назад +5

    Everyone should find there own unique style :)

  • @H3ath3r.
    @H3ath3r. Год назад +2

    Mika can make anything creative without editing!! Shes so underrated♡♡ Mika you deserve 1m >:)))

  • @ionelalexandra
    @ionelalexandra Год назад +10

    The oc (preset) looks so freaking amazing, I love her. She looks so pretty in your style! Great job 👏✨💗

  • @Questionsdinosaur
    @Questionsdinosaur Год назад +1

    GURLLLLLLL your so underrated!my pup just died❤and I was really upset but when I
    clicked on this vid I started smiling you always make my day better and I've been watching for 2yrs.
    Keep up the amazing characters 😊

  • @herbxcu
    @herbxcu Год назад +3

    You have created a masterpiece, you’re just so talented and creative!💗💗 you fr need a trophy 🏆 SOMEBODY AWARD MIKA ROU❤

  • @akaGamerChlos
    @akaGamerChlos Год назад +2

    Thank you so much Mika! I was waiting for this a really long time ago, i'd definitely be using these tips of yours! I'll try to be creative and not copy ur style :) Thank you again Mika!

  • @Losie_And_LoriaShorts
    @Losie_And_LoriaShorts Год назад +3

    First 🥇🥇🥇🥇❤❤❤❤❤

  • @Yuki_Official_777
    @Yuki_Official_777 Год назад +2

    Tbh, I don't make my oc's VERY DETAILED like Mika rou does, bc I need to tween my oc and my past oc had a gacha hack. (no shoulder shirt thingy)
    So yepp, I've also got some tips if you tween oc's like me and if you don't wanna suffer making a model for a detailed oc :_)
    Learn how to match colors. I'm an artist and it's easy for me to pick colors.
    If you match colors, the colors can really enchant (English is not my first language) your oc
    2. DON'T PICK TOO MUCH ACCESOARIES ( ur choice thoooo)
    IF TWEEN: it may be very frusthrating cutting out every single detail on the oc and then rigging it.
    if ur new to tweening, pick 1 or 2 details and then when you will become more skilled, you can try adding more accesoaries!
    IF NO TWEEN: you can add as many accesoaries as you want, as long as the oc doesn't look too stuffed. (again English is not my first langiage lmaoa)
    have a reference to look at while ur making ur oc. Also make a story of ur oc (what time they live, how old are they, what do they like to wear, what hair color...)
    Also, go on Pinterest for oc ideas! (Cottagecore oc ideas, Cyberpunk oc ideas, Dreamcore oc ideas, Vaporwave oc ideas...)
    I know a quote that you learn with mistakes.
    While I was making my oc's, I was experimenting with a color palette, my oc aesthetic and etc.
    It also goes the same with a RUclips channel!
    Try to find something YOURS and smth you like! :D
    5. ENJOYYY
    take ur time, and make an oc, how you want it to be :)
    (It was all js my opinion and really, Mika rou didn't start like this bc I also started not any different.
    Mika rou didn't have these godly oc making skills.
    And btw u don't really need to listen to me xd

  • @ThirtyDimensionedMissile
    @ThirtyDimensionedMissile Год назад +4

    thanks for the tutorial!

  • @kamapooka
    @kamapooka Год назад +1

    Mika Rowe, thank you very much! You helped me and others who create not very skins! You're an angel!

  • @moon_star2380
    @moon_star2380 Год назад +4

    I like your videos!❤

  • @flowerfieldofdaisies
    @flowerfieldofdaisies Год назад +1

    Mika, you are amazing :0090 I absolutely love your style :)) and you are pretty good at giving tips :)

  • @The_SillyOne1324
    @The_SillyOne1324 Год назад +2

    I wish i can be good as you 😔
    Your ocs are so cute and simple!!

  • @ZiBichu
    @ZiBichu Год назад +2

    Mike I love your tips they’ve helped me so much it’s also made me realise how many different things u can use to make an oc
    For the first time I’m genuinely happy with my oc thank you so much😭✌️

  • @froggingplaz2760
    @froggingplaz2760 Год назад +5

    I feel like there is a difference to how people see Gacha. People use simple oc for the mini movies while others use gacha as a dressing up game. Which is why when you make a super detailed oc means you have to do more for a single movement while making a video. As Mika rou uses gacha for designing characters she doesn’t really make a lot of gacha mini movies/etc. While you see lots of people using gacha life instead of gacha club for the gacha videos because of it being more simple to use and animate.

  • @millieandmason48264
    @millieandmason48264 Год назад +1

    Your styles really make boring un-adjusted oc’s way better!🌟
    I challenge you to make the MOST WORST or WEIRD looking oc in your opinion
    And try to style it and make it look good in your style😏
    My opinion is in the ‘💩’ section has one of the most worst character designs in history💀
    But I bet you can make the worst looking oc there way better!

  • @salamel-kerdidoesgacha
    @salamel-kerdidoesgacha Год назад +3


  • @nisamohamed5383
    @nisamohamed5383 8 месяцев назад

    Girl, you get the reward of the most beautiful OC and the most fastest making an OC😊

  • @zhema6881
    @zhema6881 Год назад +5

    My friend says my OC is too "pink".While on the other side,she doesn't even know how to adjust😂

  • @Aloriah
    @Aloriah 6 месяцев назад

    Thank you so much for this video, Mika! It helped my OCs really well, it made them less basic looking. I dont really use a lot of accessories on my OCs, therefore, this helped quite a bit on the details for my OCs ❤️

  • @rose_coffee
    @rose_coffee Год назад +4

  • @Yuki_qx
    @Yuki_qx Год назад +1

    Mika owns the power of creativity
    You're so creative Mika keep it up🐰

  • @ionelalexandra
    @ionelalexandra Год назад +4

    Thank you for the tutorial Mika! This is really helpful and honestly, I needed some tips. Love your videos 💖💙🐰

  • @lazarofamilyslittlesuburba9636
    @lazarofamilyslittlesuburba9636 Год назад +2

    This is really cute! I can’t make a good oc in gacha(well I can but yours is super good!)
    TYSM MIKA!!! The tips are really helpful and you make so much cute characters for a 17 year old! (Everyone makes good characters btw! Idc if it’s cringe or not! => Ty for reading this!) Oh and also you dropped your crown 👑

  • @nagimi4242
    @nagimi4242 Год назад +7

    0:16 this part make me laugh so hard 😂

  • @xSukiixX
    @xSukiixX Год назад +1

    Friend: what's your job
    Mika: recreate oc's, for make them beautiful

  • @1m_T1red.
    @1m_T1red. Год назад +5

    0:11 **Yes this was my brain when you said your MIKA SELF words🗿**

  • @Shiichan1288
    @Shiichan1288 Год назад +2

    yass queen good job you slay everyday your so creative

  • @Spider_rX4316
    @Spider_rX4316 Год назад +10

    Your oc's are divine and even if they are simple or they don't look beautiful, the truth is that everything you do is very beautiful and from the video I know that they are tips but it would be super if you did a "series" type or something Similar to making gacha oc's in your style because they would be super cute.

  • @zamie_loves_cats
    @zamie_loves_cats Год назад +1

    Never give up Mika! We love u!❤

  • @tara5985
    @tara5985 Год назад +4

    To me the way to not make a oc boring is..
    Add lots of stuff but not to much
    Choose the correct colors
    And adjustments of course
    Then you have the oc that your comfortable with 👌🗿
    But it's just my opinion

  • @mariyuma_17
    @mariyuma_17 Год назад +2

    mika is the best bunny and creative, you are very good at making ocs on gacha club! :D❤

  • @kula__
    @kula__ Год назад +5

    the most hard part is that you have to choose the color of the outfit and hair🥲

  • @miss-socio-btpe
    @miss-socio-btpe Год назад

    I feel so overwhelmed 😢 This is beautiful!

  • @Illegally_marriedtoscara
    @Illegally_marriedtoscara Год назад +2

    Is it illegal to be 18 secs early •-•

  • @unicorndiy9313
    @unicorndiy9313 Год назад +2

    I personally don’t think I’ll need your tips, but I think they will be good for beginners or people who are still finding their style 😅

  • @Swaixy
    @Swaixy Год назад +2

    The way she uploaded video again 😂❤

  • @hitherealliamdead3014
    @hitherealliamdead3014 Год назад +1

    Omg this is the best way to make a gacha club character and you are very understanding

  • @MerryMouse
    @MerryMouse Год назад +1

    thank you for the tips!! I love the way you make ur ocs, they always look so amazing!!

  • @1yami_san1
    @1yami_san1 Год назад +4


  • @uriellavreden1642
    @uriellavreden1642 Год назад +1

    i love the way you adjust your oc´s

  • @CloudiDrawz
    @CloudiDrawz Год назад +3

    Her oc style is so good I trick myself in thinking she edits some of it. 😅

  • @Gir_fan
    @Gir_fan Год назад +1

    I knew this. Very cool. Couldn't describe it better!

  • @Norjusiya.__sumi.____
    @Norjusiya.__sumi.____ Год назад +3

    Mika can u edit my oc pls btw I love ur vids❤❤

  • @NouarNouar-vp8gu
    @NouarNouar-vp8gu Месяц назад +1

    Ah finally i know how to do neck i didn't to slow i just STOPED it so slow😭 btw it was bit easy for me so ty i appreciate it sm❤

  • @6miau
    @6miau Год назад +4

    i adore the way mika makes chars look!! but it kinda irritates me that almost all of her female ocs have the same eye shape, i know its her preference but i just wanna say my opinion lol

  • @Mlpedits123
    @Mlpedits123 Год назад +2

    Wow so beautiful mika!

  • @SeleverOfficial1
    @SeleverOfficial1 Год назад +3


  • @loveyourself-Hannah
    @loveyourself-Hannah 7 месяцев назад +1

    honestly I prefer to not make my characters too adjusted/ have too many accessories because I usually use them in stories and if I give them too many items then they can't have stuff like injuries.

  • @CosmicsX
    @CosmicsX Год назад +3

    Even if you are not good at telling tips,
    You still told us tips on how you make your oc’s and about adjusting them
    and the tips are pretty decent if I say so myself, and the tips are not bad.
    Thanks for giving tips, and I will probably remember how you do it, but I will never ever copy your oc’s because copying is very bad. Thanks for reading💛✨

  • @Eeveexxi
    @Eeveexxi Год назад +2

    Your designs are the best! Help her reach 1m❤❤

  • @Just.Starxx
    @Just.Starxx Год назад +3


  • @C0NN0R_Thes1lly
    @C0NN0R_Thes1lly 5 месяцев назад +1

    OMG YOUR SO TALENTED AND AMAZING YOU JUST EARNED A NEW SUB! >:3 also you dropped something: ❤️👑⭐️

  • @Laurxnfish..
    @Laurxnfish.. Год назад +7

    My style is not adjustments everywhere , if you see my profile and some of my newest videos you can see im going more for a simple design where i just adjust the hair and eyes and i don't do so much magic in my ocs , i tried complicated styles but im not the type of person that is patient and does get pleased by their oc and doesn't change the style at all , so i just changed the design to a simplier design and make almost all of my ocs humans or demons etc that dont have horns or smth like that , maybe i give them an after-life spirit glowup or just make an interesting story and make the story fit the character so it explains why we don't see horns etc , but that doesn't mean i hate complicated styles , i love your style Mika , its unique! ❤‼️
    (Sorry for my grammar im spanish)

    • @Jime-
      @Jime- Год назад

      :0 your ocs are so pretty!!!
      A y creo que tu gramática esta bien pq le pude entender! Yo tmb hablo español :D

    • @Laurxnfish..
      @Laurxnfish.. Год назад +1

      @@Jime- Que bien! Suele haber poca gente que hable en español en este tipo de videos xddd

    • @Laurxnfish..
      @Laurxnfish.. Год назад

      @kiwituna87 Yes! Mika's style is very cute indeed💫

    • @Jime-
      @Jime- Год назад

      @@Laurxnfish.. si, justo eso hiba a decir en mi anterior comentario pero me arrepentí xdd

    • @Laurxnfish..
      @Laurxnfish.. Год назад

      @kiwituna87 Mika rou

  • @Taya_chan2244
    @Taya_chan2244 8 месяцев назад

    Mika you are so creative! You are profesional at making detailed ocs! You have a lot of fantasy!

  • @0LL1E_342
    @0LL1E_342 Год назад +4

    Bro I feel like ur the first gacha youtuber and wise fox is the second😅😅
    Is that true??

  • @G-LIFEForce
    @G-LIFEForce Год назад +1

    It really helps! I like your style when changing back the character design you made.
    Mika rou can i be inspired to use your way to change my oc. But most likely it will look like your style. I'll add credit when it's done. But I will do it only if you allow.

  • @Tails_DaFox
    @Tails_DaFox Год назад +5


  • @3milyplayz_3623
    @3milyplayz_3623 9 месяцев назад +1

    Thanks soo much mika!my oc looks so cool now!❤

  • @Chainik._.
    @Chainik._. Год назад +7

    I write this when this video has 5 likes...

    • @linaliz-233
      @linaliz-233 Год назад +2

      and me win it's has 77 likes😂

    • @Chainik._.
      @Chainik._. Год назад +2


    • @linaliz-233
      @linaliz-233 Год назад

      @@Chainik._. hehe

  • @nagimi4242
    @nagimi4242 Год назад +2

    It's cute and creative !!❤❤

  • @majastono2540
    @majastono2540 Год назад +3

    In my opinion those eyes you use for oc look really ugly because on oc they look very artificial and I don't like anime.

  • @Chibi_Rain
    @Chibi_Rain Год назад +1

    The OC looks so cute!!!! 😍❤️💖❤️
    Can you show some tips for making boy/men OC's plz?
    Also I love your videos!! 💖❤️💖❤️💖❤️

  • @itzdindaofficial2009
    @itzdindaofficial2009 Год назад +1

    your oc is very dtyle,, I really like it ✨.