Why Tony Campolo is Wrong by Pastor Don Horban - June 24, 2012

  • Опубликовано: 18 сен 2024
  • Why Tony Campolo is Wrong About The Bible, Jesus, Paul, divorce, re-marriage, and homosexuality.

Комментарии • 20

  • @mattmyers6773
    @mattmyers6773 10 лет назад +74

    I do not understand. The speaker says to never use one part of the Bible to cancel another, and that all scripture flows without contradicting itself. Yet, Jesus says: “You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ But I tell you not to resist an evil person. But whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also..." (Matthew 5:38-39) and the Old Testament clearly states that the principles of an "eye for an eye" and "tooth for a tooth" are desired by God.
    The Old Testament tells humans to kill adulterers, disobedient children, children who curse at their parents, women who are not virgins on their wedding day, blasphemers, homosexuals, etc. But, Jesus did not agree... Jesus told humans to forgive others. Jesus said for the one without sin to cast the first stone. How do these obvious contradictions not contradict? I must be missing it.

  • @Brendahdws
    @Brendahdws 10 лет назад +15

    Thank you for this. I was divorced and remarried and have had lots of terrible comments from Christians, and even what you said,I have had people tell me that I am in an adulterous relationship and in sin. My former husband ran off with another woman.

  • @fpmdsc
    @fpmdsc 11 лет назад +24

    Dr. Campolo has had a bigger impact on my faith than anyone else. He was calling the Church to social action 25 years before Francis Chan and David Platt came onto the scene. I owe him a tremendous debt of gratitude for pointing me in the right direction early in my Christian walk. However, Pastor Horban (whom I have never met) is absolutely correct in his assessment of this Campolo video, and he has every right to be angry about the deceptive tactics Dr. Campolo used. Thank you, Pastor Horban!

  • @manovibes
    @manovibes 10 лет назад +12

    may we should have all had a chat with mr tony campolo on what he was trying to say,with out going this far,this is my view about going really so far,( i mean after also reading the comment's) as bro tony for sure is a man of God,and a challenging teacher,i am sure that he would have been the best re correct his teaching on this,and it would have been so wonderful.this is just my view with respect and love to all who has contributed in seeking the truth............

  • @eeezzxzzeee
    @eeezzxzzeee 11 лет назад +45

    Please can somebody explain why effectively the message of forgiveness for divorce and remarriage is applicable here, yet the same grace isn't available for homosexuality (assuming one believes being gay is a sin, I'm still not sure who in the right mind would 'choose' to be gay...)?
    This seems a bit of a double standard. I refuse to believe all Christians are hypocrites, but messages like this make it very hard to keep an open mind about the faith.

  • @pomankwan
    @pomankwan 10 лет назад +9

    l was shocked to watch an accusatory sermon from Pastor Don in responding to Tony’s view in the Bible, Jesus, Paul, Divorce, re-marriage, and homosexuality. l respect both of them totally and l am sure that it will be great if they can meet and dialogue on the above topics in the nearest future. I deeply appreciate Pastor Don's preaching and I find it challenging and stimulating.

  • @BrendaRMiller
    @BrendaRMiller 11 лет назад +14

    Thank you, Pastor Horban, for speaking the Truth in love on this subject. It is becoming increasingly difficult to know how to share our Christian faith without being viewed as a hate-mongering bigot, and it is refreshing to hear the Word spoken so clearly, as well as to learn how to share our love with those dear to us who are walking astray of the Word. Regardless of how others see us, it is vital that we speak the Truth - not cross into emotional denial for fear of hurting or being hurt.

  • @aricunono6272
    @aricunono6272 9 лет назад +11

    First time hearing pastor Don preaching.. God bless you brother.. Very clear and informative word....

  • @raindown85
    @raindown85 11 лет назад +10

    Thank you so much for sharing this. I found this after watching a Tony Campolo video which honestly I related to the sentimental aspect of because I have a very close family member who is homosexual. However, that sentiment has never fully agreed with scripture that is very clear cut to me and it's been a huge source of confusion and frustration for me in the past year or so. Thank you for providing so much clarity in the truth. God bless you for being bold enough to speak God's truth.

  • @Soaptoaster
    @Soaptoaster 11 лет назад +5

    I'm very happy to have discovered this excellent, bold and forthright teacher who calls out others in love to correct them. This is vital in this day and age and the type of convoluted and highly influential teaching of a man like Tony Campolo is only going to increase. The devil doesn't need someone to be an atheist to cause many to stray and be deceived, just a counterfeit gospel that resembles truth, but still remains a lie.We must pray for the Tony Campolos and Rob Bells of the world.

  • @sunnsu
    @sunnsu 12 лет назад +4


  • @mengugreg
    @mengugreg 10 лет назад +16

    Jesus lived among old testament believers. In that setting homosexuality was not an option. Jesus did not address it because there was nothing to correct about it, as it was. He addressed divorce to correct the view and the practice of the day about it.

  • @Warren3925
    @Warren3925 11 лет назад +8

    Excellent biblical response to Tony Campolo's very troubling youtube on homosexuality. We must be careful to not exalt the opinions of men above the authority of the word of the living God. Praise God for truth.

  • @Lukeydookee
    @Lukeydookee 11 лет назад +5

    A very good job bro. Most helpful, and graciously delivered too. May the Lord bless you and all the saints there.

  • @holierthan
    @holierthan 11 лет назад +5

    Very good video, nice preaching.
    Biblical and balanced.
    Thanks for offering this!

  • @remorselesscuckslayer2318
    @remorselesscuckslayer2318 8 лет назад +14

    Tony Campolo once again decieves like he did with Hal Lindsey by misquoting and just lying....1)Jesus was a Rabbi and as a Rabbi understood the Levtical Law(Chpt 18 & 20) and is included in his Sermon on the Mount that condemns homosexuality, beastiality, adultery etc... 2) To say that Jesus did not condemn sodomy(homosexuality) is to have a complete misunderstanding of the Trinity. Jesus was there at Sodom and Gomorrah and was in complete agreement in it's destruction. 3) Like Pastor Horban clearly points out the tactics of the Tony Campolo's of the world who try to pit Paul vs Jesus then misquotes or takes scriptures out of context for the sake of political correctness.

  • @torrefuerte2000
    @torrefuerte2000 9 лет назад +5

    Wondelfully presented and clearly explained.

    @SQUAREHEAD64 11 лет назад +8

    AMEN!!!! A pastor who speaks the truth no matter what the "current trend" may be! The truth has always been and will always be... "the truth" - it has never changed, It will never change, no matter what young people or people of any generation feel or think.
    There is absolutely NO GRAY area on this subject, Obviously Mr Campolo has gone off the rails, 'intentionally'... as he simply knows better than this!

  • @Shassefras
    @Shassefras 11 лет назад +4

    Campolo's points are proven wrong, however 1 Corinthians does state that those who were sexually immoral, idolaters, male prostitutes, homosexual offenders, thieves, greedy, drunkards, slanderers and swindlers in Corinth were washed, sanctified, and justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of God. Who are the wicked? Do not be deceived. Romans 3:23. What Don says about acceptance going both ways helps. Thanks

  • @jjhot254
    @jjhot254 11 лет назад +10

    I can't believe this, this really is the end times, great man like Mr. Campolo falling into apostasy.