More people joining unions is great. Collective bargaining gives you power in wage and working condition negotiations. But, the greatest strides from unionization in the past was the ability to bring left wing economics into the political mix at the national level. Britain (my country) and America saw that power eroded during the Reagan/Thatcher era when I was a boy. We need to fix that or our lives tomorrow will be as bleak as African cobalt miners are today.
You are so right, sir. Americans in general fail to understand is that it is the working class that creates the wealth of a nation. We have to get over our infantile obsession with capitalist leaches on society like Musk, Besos and Bill Gates. The capitalists may have one or two good ideas. They deserve a reward such as a billion dollars or two; but they don't deserve to squeeze their workforce for a de facto minimum wage to enrich themselves with hundreds of billions of labor's productivity.
@@jgalt308 Labor has shown in numerous examples to be fully capable of directing itself. On the other hand “managers”, “entrepreneurs”, or “capital” are either far too few in number, overstated in their importance, or mere fictions that still require LABOR to be brought into full scope or even reality. One cannot deny the centrality of human labor to this equation.
''The mine owners did not find the gold, they did not mine the gold, they did not mill the gold, but by some weird alchemy - all the gold belonged to them! If the workers are organized, all they have to do is to put their hands in their pockets and they have got the capitalist class whipped.'' ~ Big Bill Haywood, Miner, founding member & leader of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW).
So much for the theory that "finders keepers" has any meaningful application. Finding is just the first step....knowing what to do next is the critical component. @pebblepod30 That's what employers do, they organize the means of production. If you have a problem with "corrupt, criminal government", maybe you should stop electing and re-electing them. Of course, that the government has been corrupt, unconstitutional, and criminal has been true since 1939, when the people traded "essential liberties" for the promise of "temporary safety"...which was a LIE. The LIE should be obvious by now, yet you expect the "government" to make the LIE come true. So, if it's the 99% vs the 1%, why is it that you keep electing and re-electing criminals? BTW if you vote for people who claim they can make the LIE come true, they are still criminals, since the Constitution doesn't grant that authority to the government.
@jgalt308 The Capitalist Class Owner didn't find the Gold either, the Geologist working for them did, and the Engineers know how to dig it up, not the Owner usually born into the position. Govt gives lots of subsidies for Corporations if perceived as public interest (or just a form of corruption instead). There is no good reason why workers or govt could not supply initial capital, then elect a CEO.
@@pebblepod30 Yet you keep electing and re-electing representatives you can't afford to bribe? Thank FDR, fiat, socialism, and an unconstitutional, criminal government.
It's great to know that we will have more positive examples of North American workers organizing themselves in the pursuit of common interests of the working class.
Taxes don't get reused. They use OUR public purpose dollar appropriated for military use. I know this is a harder way to put it, but its more accurate.
“Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. "The cost of one modern heavy bomber is this: a modern brick school in more than 30 cities. It is two electric power plants, each serving a town of 60,000 population. It is two fine, fully equipped hospitals. It is some 50 miles of concrete highway. We pay for a single fighter plane with a half million bushels of wheat. We pay for a single destroyer with new homes that could have housed more than 8,000 people." "This, I repeat, is the best way of life to be found on the road that the world has been taking. This is not a way of life at all, in any true sense. Under the cloud of threatening war, it is humanity hanging from a cross of iron." -President Dwight D. Eisenhower, 'A Chance for Peace'
@@timothyrockwell2638 My issue is not with his stance on bad spending, but of the framing of our economy as paid for by our taxes. We r in a coercion based tax system. All public purpose spending is new spending. All taxes r deleted after accounting as paid. Coercion meaning if u dont pay ur taxes u go to jail. That means u have to make a dollar to pay ur taxes. not for the govt to spend. that is congressional appropriations.
@@tminusmat Is that so? A coercion based tax system you say? You'd might be interested to hear what Benjamin Franklin one of the key architects of America's economy had to say on the matter of taxation and use of property: "The Remissness of our People in Paying Taxes is highly blameable, the Unwillingness to pay them is still more so. I see in some Resolutions of Town-Meetings, a Remonstrance against giving Congress a Power to take as they call it, the People’s Money out of their Pockets tho’ only to pay the Interest and Principal of Debts duly contracted. They seem to mistake the Point. Money justly due from the People is their Creditors’ Money, and no longer the Money of the People, who, if they withold it, should be compell’d to pay by some Law." "All Property indeed, except the Savage’s temporary Cabin, his Bow, his Matchcoat, and other little Acquisitions absolutely necessary for his Subsistence, seems to me to be the Creature of public Convention. Hence the Public has the Right of Regulating Descents & all other Conveyances of Property, and even of limiting the Quantity & the Uses of it. All the Property that is necessary to a Man for the Conservation of the Individual & the Propagation of the Species, is his natural Right which none can justly deprive him of: But all Property superfluous to such purposes is the Property of the Publick, who by their Laws have created it, and who may therefore by other Laws dispose of it, whenever the Welfare of the Publick shall demand such Disposition. He that does not like civil Society on these Terms, let him retire & live among Savages.- He can have no right to the Benefits of Society who will not pay his Club towards the Support of it." -Benjamin Franklin, December 1783
The opacity of political donations in the USA is absolutely at the root of a myriad sins. Secrecy guarantees corruption. And this applies to just about every country in the world.
“Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. "The cost of one modern heavy bomber is this: a modern brick school in more than 30 cities. It is two electric power plants, each serving a town of 60,000 population. It is two fine, fully equipped hospitals. It is some 50 miles of concrete highway. We pay for a single fighter plane with a half million bushels of wheat. We pay for a single destroyer with new homes that could have housed more than 8,000 people." "This, I repeat, is the best way of life to be found on the road that the world has been taking. This is not a way of life at all, in any true sense. Under the cloud of threatening war, it is humanity hanging from a cross of iron." -President Dwight D. Eisenhower, 'A Chance for Peace'
Excuse me Professor Wolf. Israel is not engaging in a war in Gaza. Israel is conducting a genocide in Gaza. I'm deeply disappointed in you. But I still love you and think the world of you.
We can create more, better, and higher paying jobs by making NON war equipment. How do you not know that warmongering creates poverty, destruction and death?
Valid point Professor, American companies benefit from the aid package to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan, the corporations are the ones who construct and supply the weapons to these countries.
Chinese companies are subsidized through nationalized infostructure, nationalized healthcare, and more importantly nationalized education system and worker retraining programs.
Richard, I appreciate where you are coming from. You want the best for everyone. I appreciated Kim Kelly until the snide exclusion of the police unions. Every worker needs an association of some sort. In part, I agree with you about robots and Chinese cars, but there are still sweatshops in China. How can North American companies compete with other countries that have lower or no working standards and lower wages?
😂😂😂FDR was the greatest President ever. Elected 3 times, four if he hadn't died. Labor creates items that everyone uses, not the CEO's. If not for Labor, the work of producing would be over. Mother Jones was a great union Labor Activist, order the magazine named after her. It's weird how many leaders in our USA were women. Black women who brought slaves to the North, & freed them from slavery,what a hero she was. I'm 77, so I'm not thinking of her name right now. Courage to act in the face of fear is what all heroes do. Remember without Labor, there are no bosses or employers. Be UnionProud!!!!🎉❤😂🎉🎉🎉🎉
How about all those blacks who sold their fellow blacks into slavery? How about the black who made chattel slavery a permanent condition in the U.S.? How about the blacks who owned slaves in the U.S.? BTW if it was "black women" ...why are you referring to her as a "she"? ( singular ) Harriet Tubman
Any time a union representative talks they should emphatically state we need a raise in minimum wage. If you continue making it all about the union the rest of us laborers will continue to vote repugnicon. Throw us some crumbs.
Chevrolet made the first electric car in America, in 1997. It was fully electric. Six years later, the company recalled the EV-1, and destroyed them. The Toyota Prius was a hybrid car that was first introduced in 1997. I must admit that I would rather buy a car that is made in the USA, by union workers. I’m glad to see that workers are organizing.
Myself I like BYD the best ,made in China. If it's a problem you can give the right people with that problem a tax break, then go up on the Taxs the very rich pay. With the very rich paying nothing close to what they should be paying !
AI will take care of unions in many industries good luck Unions had their place but now if the workers go on strike they get paid peanuts while the big union boss gets paid her/his six figure salary regardless now is this fair Long live AI
If BYD cars and trucks are such "High quality", it would be a FIRST for a Chinese product. Do you mean the batteries DON'T go up in flames and they actually have Good customer service and repairs too? I find that unlikely, but it would be amazing if it's true.
It is true. I live in Latin America where china runs the car market. Don't waste your money on an American car assembled through block chain and always recalled or faulty. And compare the prices! Who would buy a Chevy when they can get the same car for 11K that is Chinese?
Nobody's asking or answering questions. 1 what interest does the United States have in the Ukraine? Answer: last big Russian pipeline. 2. Why is the United States supporting israel in genocide on Palestine? Answer: israel is in a severe drought Palestine has plenty of water and land it's colonialism all over again the return is to get back natural resources that United States has wasted for 125 year's and counting that has ran down to only 2% left in Maine and Alaska left. I've been watching the actions since 1988
Capitalists are emulated by the working class and held in high esteem by society because the real economic surplus is obscured by the existence of buyers and sellers. Before the Cold War the market demonstrated to people how hard it is to sell billions of goods to make billions more in dollars by positioning buyers and sellers. But after the Cold war, the market has many cartel monopolies and these drive the economy into a ditch. Fewer companies own money the majority use credit capital and cash advances, they were buyers forced to become sellers of their businesses repetitively, and larger capitals buy smaller capitals. This is the end stages of monopoly capitalists; a society of fewer banks in the business of banking, a society with fewer industries in the business of industry, a society with less buyers in the business of buying, and so on, and the reserve capital of banks mandated to have on hand in the event of a crash are actions of withholding money from getting into the hands of other companies for expansion, this becomes too costly for the planet’s material resources and as a cost to the working class, a greater level of material and social deprivation. It’s basically a Decline of Monopoly Capitalism the rationalists are denying to themselves,--- the general crisis of war, overproduction and unemployment, are indicators of the last stages of monopoly capitalism. But not of capitalism itself for that would entail the working class embark on a self-emancipation project to dissolve itself as a working class; only than would capitalism cease to exist.
These two wars are NOT the same. I am not one of those people who think isolationism is a good thing. We live in a world economy. We have international interests. To ignore them is foolish. Please remember that for five minutes the world was aghast at Russia's unilateral and unprovoked invasion of Ukraine. Like it or not, Ukraine is an independent nation. Citing now a irrelevant past as an reason for raw aggression does not excuse such aggressive behavior. I repeat, Russia's prior imperialist domination of Ukraine is no excuse for raw aggression. Russia is compleatly in the wrong here. There is no getting away from it! We should support Ukraine's fight for self-government. Israel is clearly excessively repressive and cruel in its treatment of Palestinians. Like it or not, Israel is an independent country. How it came to be is undoubtedly unfair. Local residents of Palestine at the time of its beginning, who were then then a British protectorate, did not invite for Jewish refugees and Zionists to settle there and make a country of for and by Jews. But that's the current state of affairs. Israel exists and it isn't going away without a fight. The leaders of that Jewish apartheid state have gone down a repressive and horrible path in response to Palestinian resistance to Zionism. At this point, as usual, I must insert the caution that Jewishness and Zionism are separate things. People can be both but many Jews are not Zionists. I am one of those. I am an American Jew not an Israeli Jew. I do not support giving Israel military or financial support because of the extreme repression and vicious policies toward Palestineans in Gaza and the Left Bank. If Israel would make serious attempts to solve the continuing and violent repression of Palestineans, and if Palestineans could be more honest about acknowledging Israel's permanence then i mught feel more accepting of Israel. The only remedy is a secular state with power sharing. I can't see how a two state solution is any solution. The country is small. The Palestinian areas are not contiguous, part being in Gaza and the other part being on the Left Bank. Israel controls everything. It's not a realistic or acceptable solution, but a two state solution is all that is ever discussed. It's time to think about the only viable answer, which is to give up the Zionist demand of an entirely Jewish homeland. The land itself isn't entirely Jewish. Without that change no peace is possible and periodic war is inevitable. Certainly Israel's current policy of extermination and expulsion is not acceptable to anyone. Until Israel changes its current policy we have no business supporting Israel at all.
So supporting "nazi's" is your thing? Or maybe "democracy", where elections were canceled? Or the persecution of religion? Or the most corrupt government in the world?
"Militancy" .... a word which perhaps directs the uncommitted section of audience into negative biased thinking , there might be less confrontational ways other than right-wing rhetoric to describe union actions ....just saying ....
@@0MVR_0 Nope!!!! 1620s, of persons, "to serve as a soldier" (now rare), from Latin militatum, past participle of militare "serve as a soldier," from miles "soldier" (see military (adj.)). The sense developed via "to be in conflict with, be at variance" to "be evidence" for or against, "have weight or force in determining anything" (1640s). Related: Militated; militating; limitation. mil·i·tant /ˈmilətnt/ Origin late Middle English (in the sense ‘engaged in warfare’): from Old French, or from Latin militant- ‘serving as a soldier’, from the verb militare (see militate). The current sense dates from the early 20th century.
@@jgalt308'Mile' meaning 'one thousand' hence 'million'. The word had a context in various descendants of proto-indo-european systems. The martial context was developed later to describe the use of generic large warbands during an age of heroes. Speaking as a linguist that specializes in etymology and philology, particularly for romance and germanic language.
@@0MVR_0 Nope, try again...try "etymology" learn the history of the word. You obviously didn't...and I actually did it for you...and it got deleted twice.
Strippers unionized ? That's extremely wordly minded and offensive to God that such evil abominable endeavors exists. That behavior and this nonchalant attitude towards those abominations are bringing God's wrath down upon the children of disobedience (colossians3:5,6) This conversation went south into a disgraceful topic.
You are hilarious...labor follows can extort...but you can't create...if you could create, you would be an employer. So you can take over a factory or a coffee shop...but you can't produce what was being produced because you don't own the rights to those products... nor can you be Starbucks...and whatever it is that you decide to produce, China can do it cheaper, because you have no idea what to produce, how to produce, etc. So the future of unions is will price yourselves out of a job... Thank FDR, fiat, socialism, and an unconstitutional, criminal government. Marx, Capitalism, and Neoclassical Economics | Steve Keen | Escaped Sapiens #65 Now, why would the algorithm "censor" the above RUclips video?
You show a real ignorance of history my friend. The threat to capitalist oligarchs from worker co-ops and unions was so great a hundred years ago it gave rise to fascism in Italy, then Germany and came very close to taking over in Britain and the US. More money in the pockets of the man in the street boosts the local economy, which creates more business opportunities, which creates more jobs. You have drunk the mainstream media Kool-aid. The attack against us from the right that demonises those left wing structures you mock are just a ruse to steal back the equity accumulated by the working AND middle-class in the post WWII period.
Your criminal government in the US has nothing to do with real left wingers. It was made possible by the founding father of the CIA, Allen Dulles, whose day job was a corporate lawyer and Nazi collaborator.
What a terrific episode. Thank you Dr Wolff for your leadership and dedication to all of us.
More people joining unions is great. Collective bargaining gives you power in wage and working condition negotiations. But, the greatest strides from unionization in the past was the ability to bring left wing economics into the political mix at the national level. Britain (my country) and America saw that power eroded during the Reagan/Thatcher era when I was a boy. We need to fix that or our lives tomorrow will be as bleak as African cobalt miners are today.
We will become a third world country just so a handful of people can add zeros to the end of their bank balance
Labor creates all wealth
All wealth should go to labor
Most rational people think entrepreneurial skill, managerial skill, and capital are far more productive than labor.
You are so right, sir. Americans in general fail to understand is that it is the working class that creates the wealth of a nation. We have to get over our infantile obsession with capitalist leaches on society like Musk, Besos and Bill Gates. The capitalists may have one or two good ideas. They deserve a reward such as a billion dollars or two; but they don't deserve to squeeze their workforce for a de facto minimum wage to enrich themselves with hundreds of billions of labor's productivity.
@@clarestucki5151Without LABOR none of what you said has any value.
@@Grimloxz Without direction labor has no value.
@@jgalt308 Labor has shown in numerous examples to be fully capable of directing itself. On the other hand “managers”, “entrepreneurs”, or “capital” are either far too few in number, overstated in their importance, or mere fictions that still require LABOR to be brought into full scope or even reality. One cannot deny the centrality of human labor to this equation.
I know her. Love her work
''The mine owners did not find the gold, they did not mine the gold, they did not mill the gold, but by some weird alchemy - all the gold belonged to them! If the workers are organized, all they have to do is to put their hands in their pockets and they have got the capitalist class whipped.''
~ Big Bill Haywood, Miner, founding member & leader of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW).
So much for the theory that "finders keepers" has any meaningful application. Finding is
just the first step....knowing what to do next is the critical component.
That's what employers do, they organize the means of production.
If you have a problem with "corrupt, criminal government", maybe you should stop electing and re-electing them.
Of course, that the government has been corrupt, unconstitutional, and criminal has been true since 1939,
when the people traded "essential liberties" for the promise of "temporary safety"...which was a LIE.
The LIE should be obvious by now, yet you expect the "government" to make the LIE come true.
So, if it's the 99% vs the 1%, why is it that you keep electing and re-electing criminals?
BTW if you vote for people who claim they can make the LIE come true, they are still criminals,
since the Constitution doesn't grant that authority to the government.
The Capitalist Class Owner didn't find the Gold either, the Geologist working for them did, and the Engineers know how to dig it up, not the Owner usually born into the position.
Govt gives lots of subsidies for Corporations if perceived as public interest (or just a form of corruption instead).
There is no good reason why workers or govt could not supply initial capital, then elect a CEO.
@@pebblepod30 Right, you want the corrupt government to favor your interests.
Too bad you can't afford to pay for it.
@@pebblepod30 Yet you keep electing and re-electing representatives you can't afford to bribe?
Thank FDR, fiat, socialism, and an unconstitutional, criminal government.
@@pebblepod30 see previous comment
really inspirational edition of Economic Update
Just found this channel.Its one of the best thanks
It's great to know that we will have more positive examples of North American workers organizing themselves in the pursuit of common interests of the working class.
Great show. Good interview, beautiful person too see and listen.greetings from the Netherlands ❤
truth telling....thanks...
Taxes don't get reused. They use OUR public purpose dollar appropriated for military use. I know this is a harder way to put it, but its more accurate.
“Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children.
"The cost of one modern heavy bomber is this: a modern brick school in more than 30 cities. It is two electric power plants, each serving a town of 60,000 population. It is two fine, fully equipped hospitals. It is some 50 miles of concrete highway. We pay for a single fighter plane with a half million bushels of wheat. We pay for a single destroyer with new homes that could have housed more than 8,000 people."
"This, I repeat, is the best way of life to be found on the road that the world has been taking. This is not a way of life at all, in any true sense. Under the cloud of threatening war, it is humanity hanging from a cross of iron."
-President Dwight D. Eisenhower, 'A Chance for Peace'
@@timothyrockwell2638 My issue is not with his stance on bad spending, but of the framing of our economy as paid for by our taxes. We r in a coercion based tax system. All public purpose spending is new spending. All taxes r deleted after accounting as paid. Coercion meaning if u dont pay ur taxes u go to jail. That means u have to make a dollar to pay ur taxes. not for the govt to spend. that is congressional appropriations.
@@tminusmat Is that so? A coercion based tax system you say? You'd might be interested to hear what Benjamin Franklin one of the key architects of America's economy had to say on the matter of taxation and use of property:
"The Remissness of our People in Paying Taxes is highly blameable, the Unwillingness to pay them is still more so. I see in some Resolutions of Town-Meetings, a Remonstrance against giving Congress a Power to take as they call it, the People’s Money out of their Pockets tho’ only to pay the Interest and Principal of Debts duly contracted. They seem to mistake the Point. Money justly due from the People is their Creditors’ Money, and no longer the Money of the People, who, if they withold it, should be compell’d to pay by some Law."
"All Property indeed, except the Savage’s temporary Cabin, his Bow, his Matchcoat, and other little Acquisitions absolutely necessary for his Subsistence, seems to me to be the Creature of public Convention. Hence the Public has the Right of Regulating Descents & all other Conveyances of Property, and even of limiting the Quantity & the Uses of it. All the Property that is necessary to a Man for the Conservation of the Individual & the Propagation of the Species, is his natural Right which none can justly deprive him of: But all Property superfluous to such purposes is the Property of the Publick, who by their Laws have created it, and who may therefore by other Laws dispose of it, whenever the Welfare of the Publick shall demand such Disposition. He that does not like civil Society on these Terms, let him retire & live among Savages.- He can have no right to the Benefits of Society who will not pay his Club towards the Support of it."
-Benjamin Franklin, December 1783
Interedtingr and impressive guest
The opacity of political donations in the USA is absolutely at the root of a myriad sins.
Secrecy guarantees corruption.
And this applies to just about every country in the world.
We live in a synarchy
I see many BYD cars in Thailand.
that was great.
Tks. much.
BYD costs $10,000 + 25% ($2,500)= $12,500 for a BYD that I would like to buy.
That doesn't sound like it would inhibit anyone from buying them.
Me too
@@jgalt308 Yes, we were all sooo interested in what it sounds like to you.
and yet the functional illiterate never fails to comment on it.
I have a gray beard and moustache, all by myself!!!!!
All that money that is not spent on the citizens Needs!😡😡
“Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children.
"The cost of one modern heavy bomber is this: a modern brick school in more than 30 cities. It is two electric power plants, each serving a town of 60,000 population. It is two fine, fully equipped hospitals. It is some 50 miles of concrete highway. We pay for a single fighter plane with a half million bushels of wheat. We pay for a single destroyer with new homes that could have housed more than 8,000 people."
"This, I repeat, is the best way of life to be found on the road that the world has been taking. This is not a way of life at all, in any true sense. Under the cloud of threatening war, it is humanity hanging from a cross of iron."
-President Dwight D. Eisenhower, 'A Chance for Peace'
I just love it when he said the warning nation. I wonder how many people got that?
Right winger here: He’s right about the tariffs. Can’t believe I’m agreeing with this guy, but he’s absolutely correct.
Excuse me Professor Wolf.
Israel is not engaging in a war in Gaza. Israel is conducting a genocide in Gaza.
I'm deeply disappointed in you. But I still love you and think the world of you.
I was told that we only give,not sell our war equipment to countries that need it, so we make new war equipment making more jobs.
It's already paid for by you- if you pay taxes.
We can create more, better, and higher paying jobs by making NON war equipment.
How do you not know that warmongering creates poverty, destruction and death?
Or force the countries, as in Latin America to donate their age old Russian equipment so the US has a ready client to buy more
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10:00 So much for 'free trade' that the US has been trumpeting for the last zillion years...
Valid point Professor, American companies benefit from the aid package to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan, the corporations are the ones who construct and supply the weapons to these countries.
Chinese companies are subsidized through nationalized infostructure, nationalized healthcare, and more importantly nationalized education system and worker retraining programs.
Yes, they are a state capitalist economy
Poor Chinese people have no idea that they're violating the laws of neoliberalism and small government.
Richard, I appreciate where you are coming from. You want the best for everyone. I appreciated Kim Kelly until the snide exclusion of the police unions. Every worker needs an association of some sort. In part, I agree with you about robots and Chinese cars, but there are still sweatshops in China. How can North American companies compete with other countries that have lower or no working standards and lower wages?
😂😂😂FDR was the greatest President ever. Elected 3 times, four if he hadn't died. Labor creates items that everyone uses, not the CEO's. If not for Labor, the work of producing would be over. Mother Jones was a great union Labor Activist, order the magazine named after her. It's weird how many leaders in our USA were women. Black women who brought slaves to the North, & freed them from slavery,what a hero she was. I'm 77, so I'm not thinking of her name right now. Courage to act in the face of fear is what all heroes do. Remember without Labor, there are no bosses or employers. Be UnionProud!!!!🎉❤😂🎉🎉🎉🎉
How about all those blacks who sold their fellow blacks into slavery?
How about the black who made chattel slavery a permanent condition in the U.S.?
How about the blacks who owned slaves in the U.S.?
BTW if it was "black women" ...why are you referring to her as a "she"? ( singular ) Harriet Tubman
Coop are too good to be true
Any time a union representative talks they should emphatically state we need a raise in minimum wage. If you continue making it all about the union the rest of us laborers will continue to vote repugnicon. Throw us some crumbs.
There are little crumbs left on the table
The descendants of the slaves want their reparation. The problem with America is her sins of the past are catching up to her.
Of our time? 🤣😂🤣
Chevrolet made the first electric car in America, in 1997. It was fully electric. Six years later, the company recalled the EV-1, and destroyed them. The Toyota Prius was a hybrid car that was first introduced in 1997.
I must admit that I would rather buy a car that is made in the USA, by union workers.
I’m glad to see that workers are organizing.
Just closed Chevy foctories in Ecuador, Columbia and soon Brazil. China owns the Latin American car market.
Good point, Why doesn't the majority rule?
Tesla avoided undua, aftrr byd in oakistant, tedla reversed
Brilliant episode. Knowledge we all need to know.
Let them eat cake.
Myself I like BYD the best ,made in China. If it's a problem you can give the right people with that problem a tax break, then go up on the Taxs the very rich pay. With the very rich paying nothing close to what they should be paying !
What should they be paying? What DO they pay? "next to nothing" provides no factual information
that can be used to support your description.
AI will take care of unions in many industries good luck
Unions had their place but now if the workers go on strike they get paid peanuts while the big union boss gets paid her/his six figure salary regardless now is this fair
Long live AI
Professor, surely you must know that federal spending isn’t reliant on federal income taxes…
Of course, he doesn't.
So USA needs nationalization of military first
Sadly ekrkmen are not prepared to take over
BYD can sell so cheap because they pay shit 💩 to works
If BYD cars and trucks are such "High quality", it would be a FIRST for a Chinese product. Do you mean the batteries DON'T go up in flames and they actually have Good customer service and repairs too? I find that unlikely, but it would be amazing if it's true.
It is true. I live in Latin America where china runs the car market. Don't waste your money on an American car assembled through block chain and always recalled or faulty. And compare the prices! Who would buy a Chevy when they can get the same car for 11K that is Chinese?
Nobody's asking or answering questions.
1 what interest does the United States have in the Ukraine?
Answer: last big Russian pipeline.
2. Why is the United States supporting israel in genocide on Palestine?
Answer: israel is in a severe drought Palestine has plenty of water and land it's colonialism all over again the return is to get back natural resources that United States has wasted for 125 year's and counting that has ran down to only 2% left in Maine and Alaska left.
I've been watching the actions since 1988
This is incredibly clarifying. thank you.
America is a warmonger. A warmonger that has been losing wars since the Korean war was fought.
Capitalists are emulated by the working class and held in high esteem by society because the real economic surplus is obscured by the existence of buyers and sellers. Before the Cold War the market demonstrated to people how hard it is to sell billions of goods to make billions more in dollars by positioning buyers and sellers. But after the Cold war, the market has many cartel monopolies and these drive the economy into a ditch. Fewer companies own money the majority use credit capital and cash advances, they were buyers forced to become sellers of their businesses repetitively, and larger capitals buy smaller capitals. This is the end stages of monopoly capitalists; a society of fewer banks in the business of banking, a society with fewer industries in the business of industry, a society with less buyers in the business of buying, and so on, and the reserve capital of banks mandated to have on hand in the event of a crash are actions of withholding money from getting into the hands of other companies for expansion, this becomes too costly for the planet’s material resources and as a cost to the working class, a greater level of material and social deprivation. It’s basically a Decline of Monopoly Capitalism the rationalists are denying to themselves,--- the general crisis of war, overproduction and unemployment, are indicators of the last stages of monopoly capitalism. But not of capitalism itself for that would entail the working class embark on a self-emancipation project to dissolve itself as a working class; only than would capitalism cease to exist.
Key word "Companies" not people.😂
Interestinv not lowerlsbour cost
66% + 30% + 5% = 101% out of 100%? 🙄🤷
Trying to pretend that militancy is a good thing
While complaining about U.S.military spending 😅
What a beauty that girls is!
Byd hS set up plant in pskistanr.
I wonder who she would call if someone broke into her place...Maybe ghostbusters or something, right?
I think you should break into her place and ask her.
Hopefully she'll answer with the second amendment
That would be "redistribution" by other means.
These two wars are NOT the same. I am not one of those people who think isolationism is a good thing. We live in a world economy. We have international interests. To ignore them is foolish.
Please remember that for five minutes the world was aghast at Russia's unilateral and unprovoked invasion of Ukraine. Like it or not, Ukraine is an independent nation. Citing now a irrelevant past as an reason for raw aggression does not excuse such aggressive behavior. I repeat, Russia's prior imperialist domination of Ukraine is no excuse for raw aggression. Russia is compleatly in the wrong here. There is no getting away from it! We should support Ukraine's fight for self-government.
Israel is clearly excessively repressive and cruel in its treatment of Palestinians. Like it or not, Israel is an independent country. How it came to be is undoubtedly unfair. Local residents of Palestine at the time of its beginning, who were then then a British protectorate, did not invite for Jewish refugees and Zionists to settle there and make a country of for and by Jews. But that's the current state of affairs. Israel exists and it isn't going away without a fight.
The leaders of that Jewish apartheid state have gone down a repressive and horrible path in response to Palestinian resistance to Zionism. At this point, as usual, I must insert the caution that Jewishness and Zionism are separate things. People can be both but many Jews are not Zionists. I am one of those. I am an American Jew not an Israeli Jew. I do not support giving Israel military or financial support because of the extreme repression and vicious policies toward Palestineans in Gaza and the Left Bank. If Israel would make serious attempts to solve the continuing and violent repression of Palestineans, and if Palestineans could be more honest about acknowledging Israel's permanence then i mught feel more accepting of Israel. The only remedy is a secular state with power sharing. I can't see how a two state solution is any solution. The country is small. The Palestinian areas are not contiguous, part being in Gaza and the other part being on the Left Bank. Israel controls everything. It's not a realistic or acceptable solution, but a two state solution is all that is ever discussed. It's time to think about the only viable answer, which is to give up the Zionist demand of an entirely Jewish homeland. The land itself isn't entirely Jewish. Without that change no peace is possible and periodic war is inevitable. Certainly Israel's current policy of extermination and expulsion is not acceptable to anyone. Until Israel changes its current policy we have no business supporting Israel at all.
Except that Russia's aggression was not "unprovoked". Nor was the aggression
motivated by "previous" imperialist domination.
Boycott Maersk
Mark laven hates marxizim
Her face looks like your philosophy
Since when are socialists against tariffs 😂
The woman is c…y
We need to continue to support Ukraine. Or do you do you support dictators taking over other countries.
Actually, no we don't.
So supporting "nazi's" is your thing? Or maybe "democracy", where elections were canceled?
Or the persecution of religion? Or the most corrupt government in the world?
"Militancy" .... a word which perhaps directs the uncommitted section of audience into negative biased thinking , there might be less confrontational ways other than right-wing rhetoric to describe union actions ....just saying ....
How cucked are you that anything that even hints at reclaiming dignity scares you?
@@0MVR_0 Nope!!!!
1620s, of persons, "to serve as a soldier" (now rare), from Latin militatum, past participle of militare "serve as a soldier," from miles "soldier" (see military (adj.)). The sense developed via "to be in conflict with, be at variance" to "be evidence" for or against, "have weight or force in determining anything" (1640s). Related: Militated; militating; limitation.
late Middle English (in the sense ‘engaged in warfare’): from Old French, or from Latin militant- ‘serving as a soldier’, from the verb militare (see militate). The current sense dates from the early 20th century.
@@0MVR_0 Nope, try again...try "etymology" learn the history of the word.
@@jgalt308'Mile' meaning 'one thousand' hence 'million'. The word had a context in various descendants of proto-indo-european systems.
The martial context was developed later to describe the use of generic large warbands during an age of heroes.
Speaking as a linguist that specializes in etymology and philology, particularly for romance and germanic language.
@@0MVR_0 Nope, try again...try "etymology" learn the history of the word.
You obviously didn't...and I actually did it for you...and it got deleted twice.
Strippers unionized ? That's extremely wordly minded and offensive to God that such evil abominable endeavors exists. That behavior and this nonchalant attitude towards those abominations are bringing God's wrath down upon the children of disobedience (colossians3:5,6) This conversation went south into a disgraceful topic.
The naked body, made by God, is an abomination and is offensive to God?
You don't get invited to any parties. We can tell.
You are hilarious...labor follows can extort...but you can't create...if you could
create, you would be an employer. So you can take over a factory or a coffee shop...but
you can't produce what was being produced because you don't own the rights to those products...
nor can you be Starbucks...and whatever it is that you decide to produce, China can do it cheaper,
because you have no idea what to produce, how to produce, etc.
So the future of unions is will price yourselves out of a job...
Thank FDR, fiat, socialism, and an unconstitutional, criminal government.
Marx, Capitalism, and Neoclassical Economics | Steve Keen | Escaped Sapiens #65
Now, why would the algorithm "censor" the above RUclips video?
You came here to announce your ignorance, and we've heard you.
You show a real ignorance of history my friend. The threat to capitalist oligarchs from worker co-ops and unions was so great a hundred years ago it gave rise to fascism in Italy, then Germany and came very close to taking over in Britain and the US. More money in the pockets of the man in the street boosts the local economy, which creates more business opportunities, which creates more jobs. You have drunk the mainstream media Kool-aid. The attack against us from the right that demonises those left wing structures you mock are just a ruse to steal back the equity accumulated by the working AND middle-class in the post WWII period.
Your criminal government in the US has nothing to do with real left wingers. It was made possible by the founding father of the CIA, Allen Dulles, whose day job was a corporate lawyer and Nazi collaborator.
Allen Dulles also had JFK killed.
@@biffski01 Hence the use of the word "criminal".